/// <summary>
        /// TODO Documentation comment
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="member"></param>
        /// <param name="requestedPublicity"></param>
        /// <param name="requestedRegion"></param>
        /// <param name="error"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool CheckPermission(DiscordMember member, string name, ChannelPublicity requestedPublicity, VoiceRegion requestedRegion, out string error)
            VoiceChannelCreationPermissions highestPrecedencePermissions = null;
            int existingChannels = (CreatedChannels.ContainsKey(member) ? CreatedChannels[member]?.Count : 0) ?? 0;

            int         highestRolePosition = -1;
            DiscordRole highestRole         = null;

            foreach (DiscordRole role in member.Roles)
                if (highestRolePosition < role.Position)
                    highestRole         = role;
                    highestRolePosition = role.Position;

            if (RolewisePermissions.ContainsKey(highestRole))
                highestPrecedencePermissions = RolewisePermissions[highestRole];

            if (MemberwisePermissions.ContainsKey(member))
                highestPrecedencePermissions = MemberwisePermissions[member];

            return((highestPrecedencePermissions ?? EveryonePermission).ValidateChannelCreationAuthority(!((name is null) || name == string.Empty), requestedPublicity, existingChannels, requestedRegion, out error));
Esempio n. 2
        bool ValidateVCParameterInput(DiscordGuild guild, ChannelPublicity publicity, int?maxUsers, int?bitrate, VoiceRegion region, out string error)
            error = string.Empty;

            if (registeredGuildData[guild] is null || registeredGuildData[guild].ParentCategory is null || registeredGuildData[guild].WaitingRoomVC is null || registeredGuildData[guild].CommandListenChannel is null)
                error = $"``Be sure to have an admin set the parent category, waiting room vc and the command channel before using this command``";
                goto Completed;
            if (publicity == ChannelPublicity.Unknown)
                error = "``The publicity option you selected is not supported. Available options are: public|private|supporter|hidden``";
                goto Completed;
            if (maxUsers < 0 || maxUsers > 99)
                error = "``You cannot create a channel with a limit less than 0 or larger than 99 people``";
                goto Completed;
            if (bitrate < 8000 || bitrate > 96000)
                error = "``You cannot create a channel with a bitrate less than 8kbps or larger than 96kbps``";
                goto Completed;
            if (region == VoiceRegion.Unknown)
                error = "``The region option you selected is not supported. Available options are: auto|automatic|brazil|europe|hongkong|india|japan|russia|singapore|southafrica|sydney|uscentral|useast|ussouth|uswest``";
                goto Completed;

            return(error == string.Empty);
Esempio n. 3
 bool ValidateMemberCreationPermissions(DiscordGuild guild, DiscordMember member, string channelName, ChannelPublicity requestedPublicity, VoiceRegion requestedRegion, out string error)
     return(registeredGuildData[guild].CheckPermission(member, channelName, requestedPublicity, requestedRegion, out error));
Esempio n. 4
        //TODO need a better way to store/specify permissions, and preferably one where no permissions is left out (because of my OCD)
        List <DiscordOverwriteBuilder> GeneratePermissionOverwrites(DiscordGuild guild, DiscordMember creator, ChannelPublicity publicity, params DiscordMember[] permittedMembers)
            //TODO implement the ranking method that allows moderators to specify what roles have access to naming capabilities, publicity options, and bitrate options
            List <DiscordOverwriteBuilder> channelPermissionsBuilderList = new List <DiscordOverwriteBuilder>
                new DiscordOverwriteBuilder().For(guild.EveryoneRole).Deny(Permissions.AccessChannels | Permissions.UseVoice),                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         //Prevent everyone from viewing any channel
                new DiscordOverwriteBuilder().For(registeredGuildData[guild].MemberRole).Allow(publicity == ChannelPublicity.Hidden ? Permissions.None : Permissions.AccessChannels).Deny(publicity == ChannelPublicity.Private ? Permissions.UseVoice : Permissions.None).Deny(publicity == ChannelPublicity.Hidden ? Permissions.AccessChannels : Permissions.None), //Allow members to see private channels
                new DiscordOverwriteBuilder().For(registeredGuildData[guild].MutedRole).Allow(publicity == ChannelPublicity.Hidden ? Permissions.None : Permissions.AccessChannels).Deny(Permissions.UseVoice | Permissions.Speak | Permissions.UseVoiceDetection | Permissions.Stream)                                                                                //Dissallow muted members from accessing or viewing

            //TODO this might be redundant...need to test if the muted role overwrite will disallow the muted role from joining even if this allows them...though i think i know the behavior that the role system will produce
            //TODO may need to accomodate other blacklist roles
            foreach (var member in permittedMembers)
                if (member.Roles.Contains(registeredGuildData[guild].MutedRole))
                    continue;                                                                              //TODO we want to inform the creator this member was not whitelisted in the vc because they have the muted role
                channelPermissionsBuilderList.Add(new DiscordOverwriteBuilder().For(member).Allow(Permissions.AccessChannels | Permissions.UseVoice | Permissions.Speak | Permissions.UseVoiceDetection | Permissions.Stream));

Esempio n. 5
 public async Task UpdateVC(CommandContext ctx, ChannelPublicity publicity = ChannelPublicity.Public, int?maxUsers = 0, int?bitrate = 64000, VoiceRegion region = VoiceRegion.Automatic)
     await RespondAsync(ctx.Message, "NYI");
Esempio n. 6
        public async Task CreateVC(CommandContext ctx, ChannelPublicity publicity = ChannelPublicity.Public, int?maxUsers = 0, int?bitrate = 64000, VoiceRegion region = VoiceRegion.Automatic, params DiscordMember[] permittedMembers)
            List <KeyValuePair <string, string> > embedResponseFields = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >(10);
            MessageType messageType = MessageType.Success;
            string      warning     = string.Empty;

            if (ValidateServerRegistered(ctx) && ValidateCommandChannel(ctx))
                if (!ValidateVCParameterInput(ctx.Guild, publicity, maxUsers, bitrate, region, out string error))                 //ensure the provided parameters arent s***e
                    messageType = MessageType.Error;
                    goto Completed;

                if (!ValidateMemberCreationPermissions(ctx.Guild, ctx.Member, null, publicity, region, out error))                 //TODO implement channel name
                    messageType = MessageType.Error;
                    goto Completed;

                if (ctx.Member.VoiceState is null || ctx.Member.VoiceState.Channel is null || !ctx.Member.VoiceState.Channel.Equals(registeredGuildData[ctx.Guild].WaitingRoomVC))                 //ensure the member is in the waiting room
                    error       = $"``You cannot create a voice channel if you arent in the waiting room: {registeredGuildData[ctx.Guild].WaitingRoomVC.Name}``";
                    messageType = MessageType.Error;
                    goto Completed;

                List <DiscordOverwriteBuilder> channelPermissionsBuilderList = GeneratePermissionOverwrites(ctx.Guild, ctx.Member, publicity, permittedMembers);
                DiscordChannel createdChannel = await CreateChannelAndMoveMemberAsync(ctx.Guild, ctx.Member, maxUsers, bitrate, region, channelPermissionsBuilderList);

                embedResponseFields.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("Channel Publicity", publicity.ToString()));
                embedResponseFields.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("Max Users", maxUsers.ToString()));
                embedResponseFields.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("Bitrate", bitrate.ToString()));
                embedResponseFields.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("Region", region.ToString()));
                embedResponseFields.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("Permitted Members", $"{permittedMembers?.Length ?? 0} members permitted"));

                if (permittedMembers is null || permittedMembers.Length == 0)
                    warning     = $"You have created a private voice channel but have not specified anyone permitted to join. Be sure to whitelist members you want to have access to it";
                    messageType = MessageType.Warning;
                    goto Completed;

                if (permittedMembers.Length > 0)
                    await AttemptInformPermittedMembersDirectly(ctx.Member, createdChannel, permittedMembers);

                    goto Completed;

                if (error != string.Empty)
                    embedResponseFields.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("Error", error));
                if (warning != string.Empty)
                    embedResponseFields.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("Warning", warning));

                await ctx.Message.RespondAsync(CreateEmbedMessage(ctx, messageType, "Member Create Voice Channel", embedResponseFields));