public virtual void ChangeValue(ChangedEventArgs e, bool undo) { switch (e.SubHint) { case 1000: { return; } case 0x3e9: { this.myBounds = e.GetRect(undo); this.InvalidateViews(); return; } case 0x3eb: { this.Visible = (bool)e.GetValue(undo); return; } case 0x3ec: { this.Selectable = (bool)e.GetValue(undo); return; } case 0x3ed: { this.Movable = (bool)e.GetValue(undo); return; } case 0x3ee: { this.Copyable = (bool)e.GetValue(undo); return; } case 0x3ef: { this.Resizable = (bool)e.GetValue(undo); return; } case 0x3f0: { this.Reshapable = (bool)e.GetValue(undo); return; } case 0x3f1: { this.Deletable = (bool)e.GetValue(undo); return; } case 1010: { this.Editable = (bool)e.GetValue(undo); return; } case 0x3f3: { this.AutoRescales = (bool)e.GetValue(undo); return; } case 0x3f4: { this.ResizesRealtime = (bool)e.GetValue(undo); return; } case 0x3f5: { this.Shadowed = (bool)e.GetValue(undo); return; } case 0x3f6: { DiagramShape obj1 = e.NewValue as DiagramShape; if (!undo) { this.AddObserver(obj1); return; } this.RemoveObserver(obj1); return; } case 0x3f7: { DiagramShape obj2 = e.OldValue as DiagramShape; if (!undo) { this.RemoveObserver(obj2); return; } this.AddObserver(obj2); return; } case 0x3f8: { this.DragsNode = (bool)e.GetValue(undo); return; } case 0x3f9: { this.Printable = (bool)e.GetValue(undo); return; } } throw new ArgumentException("Unknown GoChangedEventArgs subhint--override DiagramShape.ChangeValue to handle the case: " + e.SubHint.ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo)); }