Esempio n. 1
 public MyChampion(ChampionStatic champion)
     ChampId = champion.Id;
     Name    = champion.Name;
     ImageId = champion.Image.Full;
     Passive = champion.Passive.Description;
     //Spells = spells;
     BaseArmor           = champion.Stats.Armor;
     Mp5PerLevel         = champion.Stats.MpRegenPerLevel;
     BaseMp5             = champion.Stats.MpRegen;
     MpPerLevel          = champion.Stats.MpPerLevel;
     BaseMp              = champion.Stats.Mp;
     BaseMoveSpeed       = champion.Stats.MoveSpeed;
     Hp5PerLevel         = champion.Stats.HpRegenPerLevel;
     BaseHp5             = champion.Stats.HpRegen;
     HpPerLevel          = champion.Stats.HpPerLevel;
     BaseHp              = champion.Stats.Hp;
     CritPerLevel        = champion.Stats.CritPerLevel;
     BaseCrit            = champion.Stats.Crit;
     AttackSpeedPerLevel = champion.Stats.AttackSpeedPerLevel;
     AttackSpeedOffset   = champion.Stats.AttackSpeedOffset;
     AttackRange         = champion.Stats.AttackRange;
     ADPerLevel          = champion.Stats.AttackDamagePerLevel;
     BaseAD              = champion.Stats.AttackDamage;
     ArmorPerLevel       = champion.Stats.ArmorPerLevel;
     BaseMR              = champion.Stats.SpellBlock;
     MRPerLevel          = champion.Stats.SpellBlockPerLevel;
     ResourceType        = champion.Partype;
Esempio n. 2
        public void SetChampionImage()
            string         championName = AppConstants.championsData.keys[game.championId.ToString()];
            ChampionStatic champion     =[championName];

            ChampionImage = AppConstants.SetImageSource(new Uri(AppConstants.ChampionIconUrl() + champion.image.full));
Esempio n. 3
        public async void RetrieveStaticChampionsTest()
            ChampionListStatic champions = await creepScore.RetrieveChampionsData(CreepScore.Region.NA, StaticDataConstants.ChampData.All);

            ChampionStatic karma    = null;
            int            karmaKey = -1;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> champion in champions.keys)
                if (champion.Value == "Karma")
                    karmaKey = int.Parse(champion.Key);

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, ChampionStatic> champion in
                if (champion.Key == "Karma")
                    karma = champion.Value;

            Assert.NotEqual(-1, karmaKey);
            Assert.Equal("Mage", karma.tags[0]);
            Assert.Equal(525, karma.stats.attackRange);
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Fetches tips to play a specific champion from Riot API.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e">The command event which was executed.</param>
        /// <returns>A message in the channel with information regarding the ways to play the champion.</returns>
        public async Task GetChampionTips(CommandEventArgs e)
            var    input        = Utils.ReturnInputParameterStringArray(e);
            string championname = input[0].ToLower();

                ChampionStatic champ  = GetChampion(, championname);
                string         output = String.Format("Tips for playing **{0}**:", champ.Name);
                output += "```" + "\n";

                foreach (string tip in champ.AllyTips)
                    output += tip + "\n";
                output += "```";
                await e.Channel.SendMessage(output);
            catch (RiotSharpException ex)
                Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Get champion tips - {0}", ex.Message));
            catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
                await Utils.InproperCommandUsageMessage(e, "counter", "counter <CHAMPIONNAME>");
            catch (NullReferenceException)
                await e.Channel.SendMessage("Champion not found.");
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Invoked when this page is about to be displayed in a Frame.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e">Event data that describes how this page was reached.
        /// This parameter is typically used to configure the page.</param>
        protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)
            List <string> keys        =;
            int           randomChamp = random.Next(0, keys.Count);

            featuredChamp         =[keys[randomChamp]];
            featuredChampRealName = keys[randomChamp];
            previousHeight        = heroSection.Height;
Esempio n. 6
        internal static ChampionListStatic RunStatCorrections(ChampionListStatic champions, string version)
            //Load xml file with all Champion corrections
            XmlDocument xdcDocument = new XmlDocument();
            string      result      = string.Empty;

            using (Stream stream = typeof(ChampionDataCorrections).Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("LeagueBuildStats.Classes.Champions" + ".ChampionCorrectionList.xml"))
                using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(stream))
                    result = sr.ReadToEnd();

            XmlElement  xelRoot  = xdcDocument.DocumentElement;
            XmlNodeList xnlNodes = xelRoot.SelectNodes("/XML/CorrectionList[@Version]");

            //Loop through each Champion Correction List Node
            foreach (XmlNode xndNode in xnlNodes)
                string xmlVersion = xndNode.Attributes["Version"].Value;
                //If the Version Attribute is Greater or Equal than use this Correction List Node
                if (CheckIfVersionIsGreaterEqual(version, xmlVersion))
                    //Loop through each Ability Correction Node
                    foreach (XmlNode champNode in xndNode)
                        //Execute the updates
                        if (champNode.Name != "#comment")
                            {                             //<Ability champion="Thresh" button="e" buttonNum="2" key="f1" coeff="&quot;(num of souls)&quot;" link=""/>
                                string champion  = champNode.Attributes["champion"].Value;
                                string label     = champNode.Attributes["label"].Value;
                                string button    = champNode.Attributes["button"].Value;
                                string buttonNum = champNode.Attributes["buttonNum"].Value;
                                string key       = champNode.Attributes["key"].Value;
                                string coeff     = champNode.Attributes["coeff"].Value;
                                string link      = champNode.Attributes["link"].Value;

                                if (label == "stats")
                                    ChampionStatic championStatic = (champions.Champions[champion]);
                                    championStatic.Stats.AttackSpeedOffset = Convert.ToDouble(coeff);                                     //TODO: currently this only works with AttackSpeedOffset
                            catch (Exception ex)
 public ChampionsGridViewBinding(Uri image, int imageWidth, int imageHeight, string dataName, ChampionStatic champion)
     this.champion    = champion;
     this.Image       = image;
     this.ImageWidth  = imageWidth;
     this.ImageHeight = imageHeight;
     this.dataName    = dataName;
     this.Name        =;
Esempio n. 8
        public void championControl_MouseClick(ChampionStatic thischampCtrl)
            //Update Labels
            lblInfoName.Text      = thischampCtrl.Name;
            lblInfoDesc.Text      = thischampCtrl.Title;
            lblInfoPrimary.Text   = thischampCtrl.Tags.Count > 0 ? thischampCtrl.Tags[0].ToString() : "";
            lblInfoSecondary.Text = thischampCtrl.Tags.Count > 1 ? "Secondary: " + thischampCtrl.Tags[1].ToString() : "";

            //Champion Image
            string file = string.Format(@"{0}\Data\Champions\Images\{1}\{2}", PublicStaticVariables.thisAppDataDir, getChampionsFromServer.version, thischampCtrl.Image.Sprite);
            string dir  = string.Format(@"{0}\Data\Champions\Images", PublicStaticVariables.thisAppDataDir);

            if (!Directory.Exists(dir))
            Image tempImage = Image.FromFile(file);

            picboxInfoChamp.Image = CommonMethods.cropImage(tempImage, new Rectangle(thischampCtrl.Image.X, thischampCtrl.Image.Y, thischampCtrl.Image.Width, thischampCtrl.Image.Height));

            //Passive Image
            file      = string.Format(@"{0}\Data\Champions\Images\{1}\{2}", PublicStaticVariables.thisAppDataDir, getChampionsFromServer.version, thischampCtrl.Passive.Image.Sprite);
            tempImage = Image.FromFile(file);
            picBoxInfoPassive.Image = CommonMethods.cropImage(tempImage, new Rectangle(thischampCtrl.Passive.Image.X, thischampCtrl.Passive.Image.Y, thischampCtrl.Passive.Image.Width, thischampCtrl.Passive.Image.Height));
            GenerateTooltip(thischampCtrl.Passive, tipInfoPassive);

            //Ability0 Image
            file                  = string.Format(@"{0}\Data\Champions\Images\{1}\{2}", PublicStaticVariables.thisAppDataDir, getChampionsFromServer.version, thischampCtrl.Spells[0].Image.Sprite);
            tempImage             = Image.FromFile(file);
            picBoxInfoAbil0.Image = CommonMethods.cropImage(tempImage, new Rectangle(thischampCtrl.Spells[0].Image.X, thischampCtrl.Spells[0].Image.Y, thischampCtrl.Spells[0].Image.Width, thischampCtrl.Spells[0].Image.Height));
            GenerateTooltip(thischampCtrl.Spells[0], tipInfoSpell0);

            //Ability1 Image
            file                  = string.Format(@"{0}\Data\Champions\Images\{1}\{2}", PublicStaticVariables.thisAppDataDir, getChampionsFromServer.version, thischampCtrl.Spells[1].Image.Sprite);
            tempImage             = Image.FromFile(file);
            picBoxInfoAbil1.Image = CommonMethods.cropImage(tempImage, new Rectangle(thischampCtrl.Spells[1].Image.X, thischampCtrl.Spells[1].Image.Y, thischampCtrl.Spells[1].Image.Width, thischampCtrl.Spells[1].Image.Height));
            GenerateTooltip(thischampCtrl.Spells[1], tipInfoSpell1);

            //Ability2 Image
            file                  = string.Format(@"{0}\Data\Champions\Images\{1}\{2}", PublicStaticVariables.thisAppDataDir, getChampionsFromServer.version, thischampCtrl.Spells[2].Image.Sprite);
            tempImage             = Image.FromFile(file);
            picBoxInfoAbil2.Image = CommonMethods.cropImage(tempImage, new Rectangle(thischampCtrl.Spells[2].Image.X, thischampCtrl.Spells[2].Image.Y, thischampCtrl.Spells[2].Image.Width, thischampCtrl.Spells[2].Image.Height));
            GenerateTooltip(thischampCtrl.Spells[2], tipInfoSpell2);

            //Ability3 Image
            file                  = string.Format(@"{0}\Data\Champions\Images\{1}\{2}", PublicStaticVariables.thisAppDataDir, getChampionsFromServer.version, thischampCtrl.Spells[3].Image.Sprite);
            tempImage             = Image.FromFile(file);
            picBoxInfoAbil3.Image = CommonMethods.cropImage(tempImage, new Rectangle(thischampCtrl.Spells[3].Image.X, thischampCtrl.Spells[3].Image.Y, thischampCtrl.Spells[3].Image.Width, thischampCtrl.Spells[3].Image.Height));
            GenerateTooltip(thischampCtrl.Spells[3], tipInfoSpell3);

            //Update Stat Bars
            ResizeStatBars(thischampCtrl.Info.Attack, thischampCtrl.Info.Defense, thischampCtrl.Info.Magic, thischampCtrl.Info.Difficulty);
 public ChampionPage(ChampionStatic champion)
     ChampionViewModel.Champion = champion;
     HideScriptErrors(WebBrowser, true);
     BrowserBackCommand    = new RelayCommand(x => WebBrowser.GoBack(), x => WebBrowser.CanGoBack);
     BrowserForwardCommand = new RelayCommand(x => WebBrowser.GoForward(), x => WebBrowser.CanGoForward);
     WebBrowser.Navigated += WebBrowser_Navigated;
     if (Variables.FirstRun)
        public async Task <IHttpActionResult> Get(int SummonerId)
            List <MatchModel> listmodel = new List <MatchModel>();
            MatchDetail       detail    = null;
            MatchModel        model     = null;
            ChampionStatic    champ     = null;

                MatchList match = await WebApiApplication.api.GetMatchListAsync(, SummonerId, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 20);

                foreach (MatchReference item in match.Matches)
                    //Find Match Details based on Summoner Id
                    detail = await WebApiApplication.api.GetMatchAsync(, item.MatchID);

                    if (detail == null || detail.Participants == null)

                    model = detail.ParticipantIdentities.Where(x => x.Player.SummonerId == SummonerId)
                            .Join(detail.Participants, b => b.ParticipantId, a => a.ParticipantId, (b, a) => new MatchModel {
                        IsWinner = a.Stats.Winner ? "VITÓRIA" : "DERROTA", KdaPlayer = $" {a.Stats.Kills}/{a.Stats.Deaths}/{a.Stats.Assists}"

                    //Find Champion Details
                    champ = await WebApiApplication.staticapi.GetChampionAsync(, (int)item.ChampionID);

                    model.Champion = new ChampionModel {
                        ChampionId = champ.Id, ChampionName = champ.Name, ChampionIcon = ReturnUrlIcon(champ.Name)


                    //Clean objects to new Insert at List
                    detail = null;
                    model  = null;
                    champ  = null;

            catch (Exception ex)
Esempio n. 11
        public async void RetrieveStaticChampionsNoneTest()
            ChampionListStatic champions = await creepScore.RetrieveChampionsData(CreepScore.Region.NA, StaticDataConstants.ChampData.None);

            ChampionStatic karma = null;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, ChampionStatic> champion in
                if (champion.Key == "Karma")
                    karma = champion.Value;

            Assert.Equal("the Enlightened One", karma.title);
            }                                      // name of spell2

            // constructor takes in champion object, 2 spell objects, and a string for the static api verson
            public SummonerGroup(ChampionStatic champion, SummonerSpellStatic spell1, SummonerSpellStatic spell2, string staticVersion)
                // set the champion name by taking the champion object's name and making it lower case
                // and taking out any non letter characters (LINQ usage)
                this.champName = new string(champion.Name.ToLower().Where(c => Char.IsLetter(c)).ToArray());

                // name of the champion image file name from champion object
                string champImgName = champion.Image.Full;

                // the teleoprt (tp) spell has a variable cooldown based on live champion level
                // that can't be accessed in real time, so I took an average based on average game time and average level at half game time
                float avgTpCd = 324;

                // spell name from spell1 object, made lower for comparability
                this.spell1Name = spell1.Name.ToLower();
                // spell1 image name from spell1 object
                string spell1ImgName = spell1.Image.Full;

                // if spell is teleport, make it the approximate teleport cooldown, otherwise just use spell object cooldwon value
                float spell1Cd = spell1.Cooldowns[0];

                if (spell1Cd == 0)
                    spell1Cd = avgTpCd;
                this.spell1Cd = spell1Cd;

                // spell2 name and image names from spell2 object
                this.spell2Name = spell2.Name.ToLower();
                string spell2ImgName = spell2.Image.Full;

                // if spell is teleport, make it the approximate teleport cooldown, otherwise just use spell object cooldwon value
                float spell2Cd = spell2.Cooldowns[0];

                if (spell2Cd == 0)
                    spell2Cd = avgTpCd;
                this.spell2Cd = spell2Cd;

                // get the ImageSource objects for the champion and spell icons using a
                // static api url link using our variables that gets converted into a bitmapimage
                this.champIcon = new BitmapImage(new Uri($@"{staticVersion}/img/champion/{champImgName}"));
                this.spell1    = new BitmapImage(new Uri($@"{staticVersion}/img/spell/{spell1ImgName}"));
                this.spell2    = new BitmapImage(new Uri($@"{staticVersion}/img/spell/{spell2ImgName}"));
Esempio n. 13
        public ScrollView LoadLore(ChampionStatic champion)
            var loreView = new ScrollView();

            if (!DependencyService.Get <ISaveAndLoad>().FileExists("haveyou"))
                var adView = new AdMobView {
                    WidthRequest = 320, HeightRequest = 50
                loreView = new ScrollView
                    Content = new StackLayout
                        Children =
                            new HtmlLabel {
                                Text = champion.Lore
                loreView = new ScrollView
                    Content = new StackLayout
                        Children =
                            new HtmlLabel {
                                Text = champion.Lore
Esempio n. 14
        public ScrollView LoadTips(ChampionStatic champion)
            var tipsView = new ScrollView();

            var stack = new StackLayout();

            if (!DependencyService.Get <ISaveAndLoad>().FileExists("haveyou"))
                var adView = new AdMobView {
                    WidthRequest = 320, HeightRequest = 50

            stack.Children.Add(new HtmlLabel {
                Text = "<u>Ally Tips</u>", FontSize = 20

            for (int i = 0; i < champion.AllyTips.Count; i++)
                stack.Children.Add(new HtmlLabel {
                    Text = champion.AllyTips[i] + "\n\n"

            stack.Children.Add(new HtmlLabel {
                Text = "<u>Enemy Tips</u>", FontSize = 20
            for (int i = 0; i < champion.EnemyTips.Count; i++)
                stack.Children.Add(new HtmlLabel {
                    Text = champion.EnemyTips[i] + "\n\n"

            tipsView.Content = stack;
Esempio n. 15
        public void UpdateStatsTab()
            //todo: implement level and map selection
            int level = Convert.ToInt16((string)btnChampLevel.Tag);

                //Get stats from items
                StatsStatic statsStatic = new StatsStatic();
                statsStatic = GetItemsStats(statsStatic);
                statsStatic = GetRunesStats(statsStatic);
                statsStatic = GetMasteryStats(statsStatic);

                ChampionStatic      champ1  = new ChampionStatic();
                ChampionStatsStatic sStatic = new ChampionStatsStatic();
                if (form1.mainTopBar.champion1.Value != null)
                    champ1 = form1.mainTopBar.champion1.Value;
                    champ1.Stats = sStatic;

                //Offence Variables//////////////////////////////////////////////////
                double dAttackDamage          = champ1.Stats.AttackDamage + ((level - 1) * champ1.Stats.AttackDamagePerLevel) + statsStatic.FlatPhysicalDamageMod;
                double dAttackSpeedBase       = 0.625 / (1 + champ1.Stats.AttackSpeedOffset);
                double dAttackPerLevelBonuses = (level - 1) * champ1.Stats.AttackSpeedPerLevel / 100;
                double dAttackBonuses         = 1 + statsStatic.PercentAttackSpeedMod + dAttackPerLevelBonuses;

                double dAttackSpeed = dAttackSpeedBase * dAttackBonuses;
                if (dAttackSpeed >= 2.5)
                    dAttackSpeed = 2.5;
                double dArmorPen1  = statsStatic.RFlatArmorPenetrationMod + (level - 1) * statsStatic.RFlatArmorPenetrationModPerLevel;
                double dArmorPen2  = statsStatic.RPercentArmorPenetrationMod + (level - 1) * statsStatic.RPercentArmorPenetrationModPerLevel;
                double dCritChance = champ1.Stats.Crit + (level - 1) * champ1.Stats.CritPerLevel + statsStatic.FlatCritChanceMod + (level - 1) * statsStatic.RFlatCritChanceModPerLevel;
                if (dCritChance >= 1)
                    dCritChance = 1;
                double dCritDamage   = 2 + statsStatic.FlatCritDamageMod + (level - 1) * statsStatic.RFlatCritDamageModPerLevel;
                double dDamageIfCrit = dAttackDamage * (dCritDamage);

                double dAbilityPower = (statsStatic.FlatMagicDamageMod + (level - 1) * statsStatic.RFlatMagicDamageModPerLevel);
                double dMagicPen1    = statsStatic.RFlatMagicPenetrationMod + (level - 1) * statsStatic.RFlatMagicPenetrationModPerLevel;
                double dMagicPen2    = statsStatic.RPercentMagicPenetrationMod + (level - 1) * statsStatic.RPercentMagicPenetrationModPerLevel;

                double dDamageBonus1 = statsStatic.FlatMagicDamageOnHit + statsStatic.FlatMagicDamageFromPercentAbility * dAbilityPower;
                double dDamageBonus2 = statsStatic.PercentIncreasedDamageMod;
                if (champ1.Stats.AttackRange < 300)
                    dDamageBonus2 += statsStatic.PercentIncreasedDamageModMelee;
                    dDamageBonus2 += statsStatic.PercentIncreasedDamageModRanged;

                double dAverageAttackDamageWithCrit = (dAttackDamage * ((100 - dCritChance * 100) / 100)) + ((dDamageIfCrit) * (dCritChance));
                double dDPS = (dAverageAttackDamageWithCrit + dDamageBonus1) * dAttackSpeed;

                Color HighlightColor = Color.Aqua;

                //Defence Variables//////////////////////////////////////////////////
                double dHealth          = champ1.Stats.Hp + (level - 1) * champ1.Stats.HpPerLevel + statsStatic.FlatHPPoolMod + (level - 1) * statsStatic.RFlatHPModPerLevel;
                double dHealthRegenBase = (champ1.Stats.HpRegen + (level - 1) * champ1.Stats.HpRegenPerLevel);
                double dHealthRegen1    = dHealthRegenBase + dHealthRegenBase * (statsStatic.PercentHPRegenMod) + (statsStatic.FlatHPRegenMod) + (level - 1) * (statsStatic.RFlatHPRegenModPerLevel);
                double dHealthRegen2    = dHealthRegen1 == 0.0 ? 0 : (dHealthRegen1 / dHealthRegenBase);
                double dArmor           = champ1.Stats.Armor + (level - 1) * champ1.Stats.ArmorPerLevel + statsStatic.FlatArmorMod + (level - 1) * statsStatic.RFlatArmorModPerLevel;
                double dMagicResist     = statsStatic.FlatSpellBlockMod + (level - 1) * statsStatic.RFlatSpellBlockModPerLevel;
                double dTenacity        = statsStatic.PercentTenacityMod;         //(1 - (1 - 0.35)*(1 - 0.25)*(1 - 0.15)) * 100; //todo there is no tenacity stat

                double dDamabeReduction = 0.0 + statsStatic.FlatBlockMod;         //todo there is no damamge reduction stat
                double dSlowResist      = statsStatic.PercentSlowReistance;

                double dEffPhysicalHealth = dHealth * (100 + dArmor) / (100 * (1 - (dDamabeReduction / 100)));
                double dEffMagicalHealth  = dHealth * (100 + dMagicResist) / (100 * (1 - (dDamabeReduction / 100)));
                double dEffHealth         = (dEffPhysicalHealth + dEffMagicalHealth) / 2;

                //Utility Variables//////////////////////////////////////////////////
                double dCooldownReduction = statsStatic.RPercentCooldownMod + (level - 1) * statsStatic.RPercentCooldownModPerLevel;
                if (dCooldownReduction >= 0.40)
                    dCooldownReduction = 0.40;
                double dMovementBase = champ1.Stats.MoveSpeed;

                double dMovementSpeed = (dMovementBase + statsStatic.FlatMovementSpeedMod + (level - 1) * statsStatic.RFlatMovementSpeedModPerLevel) * (1 + statsStatic.PercentMovementSpeedMod);
                //(Base Movement Speed + Flat Movement Bonuses) × (1 + Additional Percentage Movement Bonuses) × (1 + First Multiplicative Percentage Movement Bonus) × ....
                //× (1 + Last Multiplicative Percentage Movement Bonus) × (1 - Slow Ratio × Slow Resist Ratio)

                double dLifeSteal = statsStatic.PercentLifeStealMod;
                double dSpellVamp = statsStatic.PercentSpellVampMod;

                double dAttackRange    = champ1.Stats.AttackRange;
                double dGoldPer10      = 16.0 + statsStatic.RFlatGoldPer10Mod;
                double dExperienceGain = (1 + statsStatic.PercentEXPBonus);
                double dRevivalSpeed   = (1 + statsStatic.RPercentTimeDeadMod);

                double dManaenergy = champ1.Stats.Mp + (level - 1) * champ1.Stats.MpPerLevel + statsStatic.FlatMPPoolMod;

                double dBaseManaRegen    = (champ1.Stats.MpRegen + (level - 1) * champ1.Stats.MpRegenPerLevel);
                double dManaEnergyRegen1 = 0.0;
                double dManaEnergyRegen2 = 0;

                if (champ1.Partype == ParTypeStatic.Mana)
                    lblTextManaEnergy.Text      = "Mana:";
                    lblTextManaEnergyRegen.Text = "Mana Regen per 5:";
                    dManaenergy      += statsStatic.FlatEnergyPoolMod;
                    dManaEnergyRegen1 = dBaseManaRegen + dBaseManaRegen * (statsStatic.PercentMPRegenMod) + (statsStatic.FlatMPRegenMod) + (level - 1) * (statsStatic.RFlatMPRegenModPerLevel);
                    dManaEnergyRegen2 = dManaEnergyRegen1 == 0.0 ? 0 : ((dManaEnergyRegen1 / dBaseManaRegen));
                else if (champ1.Partype == ParTypeStatic.Energy)
                    lblTextManaEnergy.Text      = "Energy:";
                    lblTextManaEnergyRegen.Text = "Energy Regen per 5:";
                    dManaenergy      += statsStatic.FlatEnergyPoolMod;
                    dManaEnergyRegen1 = dBaseManaRegen + (statsStatic.FlatEnergyRegenMod) + (level - 1) * (statsStatic.RFlatEnergyRegenModPerLevel);
                    dManaEnergyRegen2 = dManaEnergyRegen1 == 0.0 ? 0 : ((dManaEnergyRegen1 / dBaseManaRegen));
                    lblTextManaEnergy.Text      = "Mana:";
                    lblTextManaEnergyRegen.Text = "Mana Regen per 5:";
                    dManaenergy       = 0.0;
                    dManaEnergyRegen1 = 0.0;
                    dManaEnergyRegen2 = 0.0;
                dAttackDamage += statsStatic.PercentManaAsBonusAttack * dManaenergy;
                dAbilityPower += statsStatic.PercentManaAsBonusAbility * dManaenergy;


                //Offence Text Boxes//
                lblCtrlAttackDamage.Text = Math.Round(dAttackDamage, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero).ToString();
                //if (dAttackDamage != champ1.Stats.AttackDamage + ((level - 1) * champ1.Stats.AttackDamagePerLevel)) { lblCtrlAttackDamage.ForeColor = HighlightColor; } else { lblCtrlAttackDamage.ForeColor = Color.White; }
                lblCtrlAttackSpeed.Text  = Math.Round(dAttackSpeed, 3, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero).ToString();
                lblCtrlArmorPen1.Text    = Math.Round(dArmorPen1, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero).ToString();
                lblCtrlArmorPen2.Text    = Math.Round(dArmorPen2 * 100, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero).ToString() + "%";
                lblCtrlCritChance.Text   = Math.Round(dCritChance * 100, 1, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero).ToString() + "%";
                lblCtrlCritDmg.Text      = Math.Round(dCritDamage * 100, 1, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero).ToString() + "%";
                lblCtrlDamageIfCrit.Text = Math.Round(dDamageIfCrit, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero).ToString();

                lblCtrlAbilityPower.Text = Math.Round(dAbilityPower, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero).ToString();
                lblCtrlMagicPen1.Text    = Math.Round(dMagicPen1, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero).ToString();
                lblCtrlMagicPen2.Text    = Math.Round(dMagicPen2 * 100, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero).ToString() + "%";

                lblCtrlDmgBonus1.Text = Math.Round(dDamageBonus1, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero).ToString();
                lblCtrlDmgBonus2.Text = Math.Round(dDamageBonus2 * 100, 1, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero).ToString() + "%";

                lblCtrlAveAttackDPS.Text = Math.Round(dDPS, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero).ToString();

                //Defence Text Boxes//
                lblCtrlHealth.Text       = Math.Round(dHealth, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero).ToString();
                lblCtrlHealthRegen1.Text = Math.Round(dHealthRegen1, 1, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero).ToString() + "";
                lblCtrlHealthRegen2.Text = Math.Round(dHealthRegen2 * 100, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero).ToString() + "%";
                lblCtrlArmor.Text        = Math.Round(dArmor, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero).ToString();
                lblCtrlMagicResist.Text  = Math.Round(dMagicResist, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero).ToString();
                lblCtrlTenacity.Text     = Math.Round(dTenacity * 100, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero).ToString() + "%";
                lblCtrlDmgReduction.Text = Math.Round(dDamabeReduction, 1, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero).ToString() + "%";
                lblCtrlSlowResist.Text   = Math.Round(dSlowResist * 100, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero).ToString() + "%";

                lblCtrlEffPhysHealth.Text = Math.Round(dEffPhysicalHealth, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero).ToString();
                lblCtrlEffMagHealth.Text  = Math.Round(dEffMagicalHealth, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero).ToString();
                lblCtrlEffHealth.Text     = Math.Round(dEffHealth, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero).ToString();

                //Utility Text Boxes//
                lblCtrlCooldownReduction.Text = Math.Round(dCooldownReduction * 100, 1, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero).ToString() + "%";
                lblCtrlMovement.Text          = Math.Round(dMovementSpeed, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero).ToString();
                lblCtrlLifeSteal.Text         = Math.Round(dLifeSteal * 100, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero).ToString() + "%";
                lblCtrlSpellVamp.Text         = Math.Round(dSpellVamp * 100, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero).ToString() + "%";

                lblCtrlAutoAttackRange.Text = Math.Round(dAttackRange, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero).ToString();
                lblCtrlGoldPer10.Text       = Math.Round(dGoldPer10, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero).ToString();
                lblCtrlExperienceGain.Text  = Math.Round(dExperienceGain * 100, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero).ToString() + "%";
                lblCtrlRevivalSpeed.Text    = Math.Round(dRevivalSpeed * 100, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero).ToString() + "%";

                lblCtrlManaEnergy.Text       = Math.Round(dManaenergy, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero).ToString();
                lblCtrlManaEnergyRegen1.Text = Math.Round(dManaEnergyRegen1, 1, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero).ToString();
                lblCtrlManaEnergyRegen2.Text = Math.Round(dManaEnergyRegen2 * 100, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero).ToString() + "%";
            catch (Exception ex)
Esempio n. 16
        public ListView LoadAbilities(ChampionStatic champion)
            var abilityListView = new ListView
                HasUnevenRows = true

            if (!DependencyService.Get <ISaveAndLoad>().FileExists("haveyou"))
                var adView = new AdMobView {
                    WidthRequest = 320, HeightRequest = 50
                abilityListView.Header = adView;

            var abilityTemplate = new DataTemplate(typeof(AbilityCell));

            var abilityList = new List <abilityView>();

            if (champion.Id != 420)
                var stringId = champion.Id.ToString();
                if (champion.Id == 2 || champion.Id == 3 || champion.Id == 4 || champion.Id == 8)
                    abilityList.Add(new abilityView {
                        Name = champion.Passive.Name, Description = champion.Passive.Description, Image = string.Format("{0}/img/passive/{1}", App.appVersion, champion.Passive.Image.Full), Video = string.Format("{0}_01.mp4", champion.Id)
                    abilityList.Add(new abilityView {
                        Name = champion.Spells[0].Name, Description = champion.Spells[0].Description, Image = string.Format("{0}/img/spell/{1}", App.appVersion, champion.Spells[0].Image.Full), Video = string.Format("{0}_0{1}.mp4", champion.Id, 1)
                    abilityList.Add(new abilityView {
                        Name = champion.Spells[1].Name, Description = champion.Spells[1].Description, Image = string.Format("{0}/img/spell/{1}", App.appVersion, champion.Spells[1].Image.Full), Video = string.Format("{0}_0{1}.mp4", champion.Id, 2)
                    abilityList.Add(new abilityView {
                        Name = champion.Spells[2].Name, Description = champion.Spells[2].Description, Image = string.Format("{0}/img/spell/{1}", App.appVersion, champion.Spells[2].Image.Full), Video = string.Format("{0}_0{1}.mp4", champion.Id, 3)
                    abilityList.Add(new abilityView {
                        Name = champion.Spells[3].Name, Description = champion.Spells[3].Description, Image = string.Format("{0}/img/spell/{1}", App.appVersion, champion.Spells[3].Image.Full), Video = string.Format("{0}_0{1}.mp4", champion.Id, 4)
                else if (champion.Id == 240 || champion.Id == 164)
                    abilityList.Add(new abilityView {
                        Name = champion.Passive.Name, Description = champion.Passive.Description, Image = string.Format("{0}/img/passive/{1}", App.appVersion, champion.Passive.Image.Full), Video = "No Video"
                    abilityList.Add(new abilityView {
                        Name = champion.Spells[0].Name, Description = champion.Spells[0].Description, Image = string.Format("{0}/img/spell/{1}", App.appVersion, champion.Spells[0].Image.Full), Video = "No Video"
                    abilityList.Add(new abilityView {
                        Name = champion.Spells[1].Name, Description = champion.Spells[1].Description, Image = string.Format("{0}/img/spell/{1}", App.appVersion, champion.Spells[1].Image.Full), Video = "No Video"
                    abilityList.Add(new abilityView {
                        Name = champion.Spells[2].Name, Description = champion.Spells[2].Description, Image = string.Format("{0}/img/spell/{1}", App.appVersion, champion.Spells[2].Image.Full), Video = "No Video"
                    abilityList.Add(new abilityView {
                        Name = champion.Spells[3].Name, Description = champion.Spells[3].Description, Image = string.Format("{0}/img/spell/{1}", App.appVersion, champion.Spells[3].Image.Full), Video = "No Video"
                else if (champion.Id == 12 || champion.Id == 36 || champion.Id == 9 || champion.Id == 120 || champion.Id == 126 ||
                         champion.Id == 85 || champion.Id == 82 || champion.Id == 25 || champion.Id == 78 || champion.Id == 33 ||
                         champion.Id == 102 || champion.Id == 27 || champion.Id == 134 || champion.Id == 91 || champion.Id == 77 ||
                         champion.Id == 45 || champion.Id == 106 || champion.Id == 62)
                    abilityList.Add(new abilityView {
                        Name = champion.Passive.Name, Description = champion.Passive.Description, Image = champion.Passive.Image.Full, Video = "No Video"

                    for (int i = 0; i < champion.Spells.Count; i++)
                        switch (stringId.Length)
                        case 1:
                            abilityList.Add(new abilityView {
                                Name = champion.Spells[i].Name, Description = champion.Spells[i].Description, Image = string.Format("{0}/img/spell/{1}", App.appVersion, champion.Spells[i].Image.Full), Video = string.Format("{0}_0{1}.mp4", champion.Id, i + 2)

                        case 2:
                            abilityList.Add(new abilityView {
                                Name = champion.Spells[i].Name, Description = champion.Spells[i].Description, Image = string.Format("{0}/img/spell/{1}", App.appVersion, champion.Spells[i].Image.Full), Video = string.Format("{0}_0{1}.mp4", champion.Id, i + 2)

                        case 3:
                            abilityList.Add(new abilityView {
                                Name = champion.Spells[i].Name, Description = champion.Spells[i].Description, Image = string.Format("{0}/img/spell/{1}", App.appVersion, champion.Spells[i].Image.Full), Video = string.Format("{0}_0{1}.mp4", champion.Id, i + 2)

                        case 4:
                            abilityList.Add(new abilityView {
                                Name = champion.Spells[i].Name, Description = champion.Spells[i].Description, Image = string.Format("{0}/img/spell/{1}", App.appVersion, champion.Spells[i].Image.Full), Video = string.Format("{0}_0{1}.mp4", champion.Id, i + 2)
                    switch (stringId.Length)
                    case 1:
                        abilityList.Add(new abilityView {
                            Name = champion.Passive.Name, Description = champion.Passive.Description, Image = string.Format("{0}/img/passive/{1}", App.appVersion, champion.Passive.Image.Full), Video = string.Format("{0}_01.mp4", champion.Id)

                    case 2:
                        abilityList.Add(new abilityView {
                            Name = champion.Passive.Name, Description = champion.Passive.Description, Image = string.Format("{0}/img/passive/{1}", App.appVersion, champion.Passive.Image.Full), Video = string.Format("{0}_01.mp4", champion.Id)

                    case 3:
                        abilityList.Add(new abilityView {
                            Name = champion.Passive.Name, Description = champion.Passive.Description, Image = string.Format("{0}/img/passive/{1}", App.appVersion, champion.Passive.Image.Full), Video = string.Format("{0}_01.mp4", champion.Id)

                    case 4:
                        abilityList.Add(new abilityView {
                            Name = champion.Passive.Name, Description = champion.Passive.Description, Image = string.Format("{0}/img/passive/{1}", App.appVersion, champion.Passive.Image.Full), Video = string.Format("{0}_01.mp4", champion.Id)

                    for (int i = 0; i < champion.Spells.Count; i++)
                        switch (stringId.Length)
                        case 1:
                            abilityList.Add(new abilityView {
                                Name = champion.Spells[i].Name, Description = champion.Spells[i].Description, Image = string.Format("{0}/img/spell/{1}", App.appVersion, champion.Spells[i].Image.Full), Video = string.Format("{0}_0{1}.mp4", champion.Id, i + 2)

                        case 2:
                            abilityList.Add(new abilityView {
                                Name = champion.Spells[i].Name, Description = champion.Spells[i].Description, Image = string.Format("{0}/img/spell/{1}", App.appVersion, champion.Spells[i].Image.Full), Video = string.Format("{0}_0{1}.mp4", champion.Id, i + 2)

                        case 3:
                            abilityList.Add(new abilityView {
                                Name = champion.Spells[i].Name, Description = champion.Spells[i].Description, Image = string.Format("{0}/img/spell/{1}", App.appVersion, champion.Spells[i].Image.Full), Video = string.Format("{0}_0{1}.mp4", champion.Id, i + 2)

                        case 4:
                            abilityList.Add(new abilityView {
                                Name = champion.Spells[i].Name, Description = champion.Spells[i].Description, Image = string.Format("{0}/img/spell/{1}", App.appVersion, champion.Spells[i].Image.Full), Video = string.Format("{0}_0{1}.mp4", champion.Id, i + 2)
                abilityList.Add(new abilityView {
                    Name = champion.Passive.Name, Description = champion.Passive.Description, Image = champion.Passive.Image.Full, Video = ""
                abilityList.Add(new abilityView {
                    Name = champion.Spells[0].Name, Description = champion.Spells[0].Description, Image = string.Format("{0}/img/spell/{1}", App.appVersion, champion.Spells[0].Image.Full), Video = ""
                abilityList.Add(new abilityView {
                    Name = champion.Spells[1].Name, Description = champion.Spells[1].Description, Image = string.Format("{0}/img/spell/{1}", App.appVersion, champion.Spells[1].Image.Full), Video = ""
                abilityList.Add(new abilityView {
                    Name = champion.Spells[2].Name, Description = champion.Spells[2].Description, Image = string.Format("{0}/img/spell/{1}", App.appVersion, champion.Spells[2].Image.Full), Video = ""
                abilityList.Add(new abilityView {
                    Name = champion.Spells[3].Name, Description = champion.Spells[3].Description, Image = string.Format("{0}/img/spell/{1}", App.appVersion, champion.Spells[3].Image.Full), Video = ""
            abilityListView.ItemTemplate = abilityTemplate;
            abilityListView.ItemsSource  = abilityList;

            abilityListView.ItemTapped += (sender, e) =>
                abilityListView.IsEnabled = false;
                var myListView = (ListView)sender;
                var myItem     = (abilityView)myListView.SelectedItem;
                if (myItem.Video == "No Video")
                    UserDialogs.Instance.AlertAsync("Sadly, the ability " + myItem.Name + " doesn't have a video associated with it.", "Unable To Load", "Okay");
                    abilityListView.IsEnabled = true;

                var webview = new WebView
                    VerticalOptions   = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                    HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                    Source            = new UrlWebViewSource
                        Url = myItem.Video

                var contentPage = new ContentPage
                    Content = webview,
                    Title   = myItem.Name
                abilityListView.IsEnabled = true;
Esempio n. 17
 public ChampionStaticWrapper(ChampionStatic champion, Language language, ChampionData championData)
     ChampionStatic = champion;
     Language = language;
     ChampionData = championData;
Esempio n. 18
 public ChampionStaticWrapper(ChampionStatic champion, Language language, ChampionData championData)
     ChampionStatic = champion;
     Language       = language;
     ChampionData   = championData;
Esempio n. 19
        /// <summary>
        /// Fetches a specific champion's info from Riot API.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e">The command event which was executed.</param>
        /// <returns>A message in the channel with information regarding the requested champion.</returns>
        public async Task GetChampionStats(CommandEventArgs e)
            var    input        = Utils.ReturnInputParameterStringArray(e);
            string championname = input[0].ToLower();

                ChampionStatic champ  = GetChampion(, championname);
                string         output = String.Format("Riot's ratings for **{0}**, *{1}*", champ.Name, champ.Title) + "\n \n";

                //Riot Ratings
                output += "*Tags:* ";
                foreach (var tag in champ.Tags)
                    output += tag + " ";
                output += "\n \n";

                output += "*Attack*".PadRight(15);
                for (int i = 0; i < champ.Info.Attack; i++)
                    output += ":crossed_swords: ";
                output += "\n";

                output += "*Defence*".PadRight(15);
                for (int i = 0; i < champ.Info.Defense; i++)
                    output += ":shield: ";
                output += "\n";

                output += "*Magic*".PadRight(15);
                for (int i = 0; i < champ.Info.Defense; i++)
                    output += ":sparkles: ";
                output += "\n";

                output += "*Difficulty*".PadRight(15);
                for (int i = 0; i < champ.Info.Difficulty; i++)
                    output += ":star: ";
                output += "\n";

                output += "\n **Base Stats**";
                output += "```" + "\n";
                output += String.Format("Health: {0} (+{1} Health/5s)",
                          + String.Format(" - Growth/Level: {0}  (+{1} Health/5s)",
                                          champ.Stats.HpRegenPerLevel.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) + "\n";

                output += String.Format("{0}: {1} (+{2} {0}/5s)",
                          + String.Format(" - Growth/Level: {0}  (+{1} {2}/5s)",
                                          champ.Partype) + "\n";
                output += "\n";

                output += String.Format("Armor: {0}", champ.Stats.Armor).PadRight(40)
                          + String.Format(" - Growth/Level: {0}", champ.Stats.ArmorPerLevel.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) + "\n";
                output += String.Format("Magic Resist: {0}", champ.Stats.SpellBlock).PadRight(40)
                          + String.Format(" - Growth/Level: {0}", champ.Stats.SpellBlockPerLevel.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) + "\n";
                output += "\n";

                output += String.Format("Attack Damage: {0}", champ.Stats.AttackDamage).PadRight(40)
                          + String.Format(" - Growth/Level: {0}", champ.Stats.AttackDamagePerLevel) + "\n";
                output += String.Format("Attack Speed: {0}", champ.Stats.AttackSpeedOffset).PadRight(40)
                          + String.Format(" - Growth/Level: {0}", champ.Stats.AttackSpeedPerLevel) + "\n";
                output += "\n";
                output += String.Format("Attack Range: {0}", champ.Stats.AttackRange) + "\n";
                output += String.Format("Movement Speed: {0}", champ.Stats.MoveSpeed) + "\n";
                output += "```";

                output += String.Format("**Passive**: *{0}* - {1}", champ.Passive.Name, champ.Passive.SanitizedDescription);
                await e.Channel.SendMessage(output);
            catch (RiotSharpException ex)
                Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Get champion stats - {0}", ex.Message));
            catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
                await Utils.InproperCommandUsageMessage(e, "champion", "champion <REGION> <CHAMPIONNAME>");
            catch (NullReferenceException)
                await e.Channel.SendMessage("Champion not found.");
 public ChampionListElement(ChampionStatic champion)
     Champion     = champion;
     ChampionName = champion.Name;
Esempio n. 21
 public ChampionViewModel(ChampionStatic champion)
     Champion = champion;
Esempio n. 22
        public async void RetrieveStaticChampionTest()
            ChampionStatic karma = await creepScore.RetrieveChampionData(CreepScore.Region.NA, 43, StaticDataConstants.ChampData.None);

            Assert.Equal("the Enlightened One", karma.title);
Esempio n. 23
        public ChampionStatic GetChampion(string name)
            ChampionStatic Champion = _api.StaticData.Champions.GetByKeyAsync(name, "10.20.1").Result;

Esempio n. 24
 public ChampionStaticWrapper(ChampionStatic champion, Language language, string version)
     ChampionStatic = champion;
     Language       = language;
     Version        = version;
Esempio n. 25
        public ChampionPage(ChampionStatic champion)
            NavigationPage.SetHasNavigationBar(this, true);

            memeTest = new FilterControl {
                Items = new List <string> {
                    "Lore", "Tips", "Abilities"
            memeTest.SelectedIndex = 0;

            Title = champion.Name;

            skins = new ObservableCollection <Skins>();

            for (int i = 0; i < champion.Skins.Count; i++)
                skins.Add(new Skins {
                    ImageUrl = string.Format(skinString, champion.Key, champion.Skins[i].Num), Name = champion.Skins[i].Name
                if (skins[i].Name == "default")
                    skins[i].Name = "Default";

            var images = new List <Image>();

            for (int i = 0; i < skins.Count; i++)
                images.Add(new Image {
                    Source = skins[i].ImageUrl

            SliderView slider = new SliderView(images[0], 200, 400)
                BackgroundColor      = Color.Gray,
                TransitionLength     = 200,
                StyleId              = "SliderView",
                MinimumSwipeDistance = 50

            for (int i = 1; i < images.Count; i++)

            var filterViewChange = new ContentView
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                VerticalOptions   = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,

            filterViewChange.Content       = LoadLore(champion);
            memeTest.SelectedIndexChanged += (sender, e) =>
                switch (memeTest.SelectedIndex)
                case 0:
                    filterViewChange.Content = LoadLore(champion);

                case 1:
                    filterViewChange.Content = LoadTips(champion);

                case 2:
                    filterViewChange.Content = LoadAbilities(champion);

            var stackLayout = new StackLayout();

            filterViewChange.HeightRequest = 440;


            Content = stackLayout;
Esempio n. 26
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets information from ranked games on a certain champion for a summoner.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e">The command event which was executed.</param>
        /// <returns>A message in the channel with stats regarding the requested summoner in the region on the specified champion.</returns>
        public async Task GetRankedChampStats(CommandEventArgs e)
            Summoner summoner = null;

                var    input        = Utils.ReturnInputParameterStringArray(e);
                string regionString = input[0];
                string championName = input[1];
                string summonerName = "";

                if (input.Length == 3)
                    summonerName = input[2];
                    summonerName = input[2];
                    for (int i = 3; i < input.Length; i++)
                        summonerName = String.Format("{0} {1}", summonerName, input[i]);

                Region         region = GetRegion(regionString);
                ChampionStatic champ  = GetChampion(region, championName);

                if (champ == null)
                    throw new ChampionNotFoundException("Champion not found.");

                summoner = GetSummoner(regionString, summonerName);

                string output = String.Format("Ranked statistics for **{0}** on **{1}** \n ```", summoner.Name, champ.Name);

                List <RiotSharp.StatsEndpoint.ChampionStats> champStats = await api.GetStatsRankedAsync(region, summoner.Id);

                foreach (RiotSharp.StatsEndpoint.ChampionStats stat in champStats)
                    if (stat.ChampionId == champ.Id)
                        decimal avgKills   = (decimal)stat.Stats.TotalChampionKills / stat.Stats.TotalSessionsPlayed;
                        decimal avgDeaths  = (decimal)stat.Stats.TotalDeathsPerSession / stat.Stats.TotalSessionsPlayed;
                        decimal avgAssists = (decimal)stat.Stats.TotalAssists / stat.Stats.TotalSessionsPlayed;
                        decimal avgWinrate = (decimal)stat.Stats.TotalSessionsWon / stat.Stats.TotalSessionsPlayed * 100;

                        int avgDmgDealt    = stat.Stats.TotalDamageDealt / stat.Stats.TotalSessionsPlayed;
                        int avgDmgTaken    = stat.Stats.TotalDamageTaken / stat.Stats.TotalSessionsPlayed;
                        int avgPhysDmg     = stat.Stats.TotalPhysicalDamageDealt / stat.Stats.TotalSessionsPlayed;
                        int avgMagicDmg    = stat.Stats.TotalMagicDamageDealt / stat.Stats.TotalSessionsPlayed;
                        int avgMinionKills = stat.Stats.TotalMinionKills / stat.Stats.TotalSessionsPlayed;
                        int avgGoldGained  = stat.Stats.TotalGoldEarned / stat.Stats.TotalSessionsPlayed;

                        output += "Kills - Deaths - Assists" + "\n"
                                  + String.Format("{0} -  {1} -  {2} \n", decimal.Round(avgKills, 2).ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).PadRight(5),
                                                  decimal.Round(avgDeaths, 2).ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).PadRight(5),
                                                  decimal.Round(avgAssists, 2).ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))
                                  + String.Format("Creep Score: {0} - Gold: {1} \n", avgMinionKills, avgGoldGained)
                                  + "\n" + "Multikills" + "\n"
                                  + String.Format("{0} Double Kills. \n", stat.Stats.TotalDoubleKills)
                                  + String.Format("{0} Triple Kills. \n", stat.Stats.TotalTripleKills)
                                  + String.Format("{0} Quadra Kills. \n", stat.Stats.TotalQuadraKills)
                                  + String.Format("{0} Penta Kills. \n", stat.Stats.TotalPentaKills)
                                  + "\n"
                                  + String.Format("{0} Games Played - {1} Wins - {2} Losses ({3}% Winrate.) \n", stat.Stats.TotalSessionsPlayed, stat.Stats.TotalSessionsWon, stat.Stats.TotalSessionsLost, decimal.Round(avgWinrate, 2).ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))
                                  + "\n" + "Average Damage" + "\n"
                                  + String.Format("Dealt Per Game: {0} - Taken Per Game: {1} \n", avgDmgDealt, avgDmgTaken)
                                  + String.Format("Physical Damage: {0} - Magic Damage: {1} \n", avgPhysDmg, avgMagicDmg)
                                  + "\n" + ""
                                  + String.Format("Total Turrets kills: {0} - Minion Slaughtered: {1} - Total Gold Earned: {2}", stat.Stats.TotalTurretsKilled, stat.Stats.TotalMinionKills, stat.Stats.TotalGoldEarned);
                output += "```";

                await e.Channel.SendMessage(output);
            catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
                await Utils.InproperCommandUsageMessage(e, "rankedstats", "rankedstats <REGION> <CHAMPION> <SUMMONER>");
            catch (RiotSharpException ex)
                Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Get ranked champ stats - {0}", ex.Message));
                await e.Channel.SendMessage(String.Format("{0} hasn't played any ranked this season.", summoner.Name));
            catch (Exception ex) when(ex is SummonerNotFoundException || ex is RegionNotFoundException || ex is ChampionNotFoundException)
                Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Get ranked champ stats - {0}", ex.Message));
                await e.Channel.SendMessage(ex.Message);
Esempio n. 27
 public static string RetornarIconeCampeao(string versao, ChampionStatic campeao)