/// <summary> /// The coroutine method used to fetch the champion database. /// </summary> /// <param name="region"></param> /// <param name="champData"></param> /// <returns></returns> private IEnumerator InitializeChampionDatabase(Region.RegionEnum region, ChampData champData) { string url = ""; if (Application.isWebPlayer) { url = "UrfQuest.php?apiCall=" + RiotAPIConstants.CHAMPIONv1_2(region, champData); } else { url = RiotAPIConstants.CHAMPIONv1_2(region, champData); } Fetch fetch; if (RiotAPIConstants.READ_FROM_FILES == true) { fetch = new Fetch(InitializationSuccess, null, ChampionDB.fromJSON); } else { fetch = new Fetch(InitializationSuccess, InitializationFailure, url, ChampionDB.fromJSON); } return(fetch.WaitForUrlData()); }
/// <summary> /// Returns a champions details JSON string. /// </summary> /// <param name="id"> The champion ID. </param> /// <param name="region"> The region we are looking to grab from. </param> /// <returns>cahmpion details json string</returns> public static String CHAMPION_STATIC_DATA(int id = 17, ChampData champData = ChampData.minimal, Region.RegionEnum region = Region.RegionEnum.na) { // EXAMPLE: https;//global.api.pvp.net/api/lol/static-data/na/v1.2/champion/30?api_key=1069372c-3d2d-4734-964c-53434511b8f8 if (champData == ChampData.minimal) { return(API_Prefix(region) + "static-data/" + region.ToString() + "/" + "v1.2/champion/" + id.ToString() + "&api_key=" + API_KEY_SUFFIX); } else { return(API_Prefix(region) + "static-data/" + region.ToString() + "/" + "v1.2/champion/" + id.ToString() + "?champData=" + champData.ToString() + "&api_key=" + API_KEY_SUFFIX); } }
/// <summary> /// Returns a Champions data Json string. The results depend upon what type of data you are requesting about the champion (See: ChampData) /// </summary> /// <param name="region"> the region you are looking to retrieve from </param> /// <param name="champData">the information about the champion you wish to retrieve. (See: ChampData)</param> /// <returns>Champion data Json string</returns> public static String CHAMPIONv1_2(Region.RegionEnum region, ChampData champData) { // https;//global.api.pvp.net/api/lol/static-data/na/v1.2/champion?champData=stats&api_key=API_KEY_SUFFIX return(Global_API_Prefix + "static-data/" + region.ToString() + "/" + "v1.2/champion?champData=" + champData.ToString() + "&api_key=" + API_KEY_SUFFIX); }
public static string GetChampData(ChampData champData) { if (champData == ChampData.All) { return "all"; } else if (champData == ChampData.AllyTips) { return "allytips"; } else if (champData == ChampData.AltImages) { return "altimages"; } else if (champData == ChampData.Blurb) { return "blurb"; } else if (champData == ChampData.EnemyTips) { return "enemytips"; } else if (champData == ChampData.Image) { return "image"; } else if (champData == ChampData.Info) { return "info"; } else if (champData == ChampData.Lore) { return "lore"; } else if (champData == ChampData.Partype) { return "partype"; } else if (champData == ChampData.Passive) { return "passive"; } else if (champData == ChampData.Recommended) { return "recommended"; } else if (champData == ChampData.Skins) { return "skins"; } else if (champData == ChampData.Spells) { return "spells"; } else if (champData == ChampData.Stats) { return "stats"; } else if (champData == ChampData.Tags) { return "tags"; } else { // None case return ""; } }