Esempio n. 1
        static void Func(string _archive, string _graphics, string _TransparentColour)
            var InvalidChars = Path.GetInvalidPathChars();

            foreach (char invalid in InvalidChars)
                _archive  = _archive.Replace(invalid.ToString(), "");
                _graphics = _graphics.Replace(invalid.ToString(), "");

            //We will be using these in the loop
            ChaArchive       _OutCha = new ChaArchive();
            List <ChaSprite> Sprites = new List <ChaSprite>(); //This will get converted into an array to then be put into the ChaArchive type variable.
            Bitmap           _image;
            short            _count = 0;

            //We want to get all the files in the graphics directory then sort them so they'll be in the proper order
            List <string> files = Directory.GetFiles(_graphics).ToList();
            //files.Sort(new ShinyTools.Helpers.Comparers.IndexComparer());
            Func <string, object> convert = str =>
                try { return(int.Parse(str)); }
                catch { return(str); }

            Console.WriteLine("Grabbing sprites...");
            files = files.OrderBy(
                str => Regex.Split(str.Replace(" ", ""), "([0-9]+)").Select(convert),
                new ShinyTools.Helpers.Comparers.EnumerableComparer <object>()).ToList();

            //create an indicator that the file was made with EP
            _OutCha.HeadSignature = BitConverter.ToInt16(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("hy"), 0);
            foreach (var item in files)
                if (SupportedImageTypes.Contains(Path.GetExtension(item).ToLower()))
                    _image = new Bitmap(item);
                    byte[] sx = new byte[0x4], sy = new byte[0x4], cx = new byte[0x4], cy = new byte[0x4];
                    //If this is the first image we're working with, we initialise header junk.
                    if (_count == 1)
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_archive) && CheckArchive(_archive))
                            /* Get the archive header */
                            #region Grab archive header
                            //byte[] sw,sh,soffx,soffy,coffx,coffy,sc,magic,transparent;
                            byte[] sw          = new byte[0x2], sh = new byte[0x2], soffx = new byte[0x2], soffy = new byte[0x2], coffx = new byte[0x2], coffy = new byte[0x2], sc = new byte[0x2], magic = new byte[0x2], render = new byte[0x2];
                            byte[] transparent = new byte[0x4];
                            //Copy from the header to these intermediary variables.
                            Array.Copy(ArchiveHeader, 0x4, sw, 0, 0x2);
                            Array.Copy(ArchiveHeader, 0x6, sh, 0, 0x2);
                            Array.Copy(ArchiveHeader, 0x8, soffx, 0, 0x2);
                            Array.Copy(ArchiveHeader, 0xA, soffy, 0, 0x2);
                            Array.Copy(ArchiveHeader, 0xC, coffx, 0, 0x2);
                            Array.Copy(ArchiveHeader, 0xE, coffy, 0, 0x2);
                            Array.Copy(ArchiveHeader, 0x10, sc, 0, 0x2);
                            Array.Copy(ArchiveHeader, 0x12, magic, 0, 0x2);
                            Array.Copy(ArchiveHeader, 0x20, render, 0, 0x2);
                            Array.Copy(ArchiveHeader, 0x24, transparent, 0, 0x4);

                            if (!BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
                                sw          = ShinyTools.Helpers.Parsers.SwapEndianness(sw, 0x2);
                                sh          = ShinyTools.Helpers.Parsers.SwapEndianness(sh, 0x2);
                                soffx       = ShinyTools.Helpers.Parsers.SwapEndianness(soffx, 0x2);
                                soffy       = ShinyTools.Helpers.Parsers.SwapEndianness(soffy, 0x2);
                                coffx       = ShinyTools.Helpers.Parsers.SwapEndianness(coffx, 0x2);
                                coffy       = ShinyTools.Helpers.Parsers.SwapEndianness(coffy, 0x2);
                                sc          = ShinyTools.Helpers.Parsers.SwapEndianness(sc, 0x2);
                                magic       = ShinyTools.Helpers.Parsers.SwapEndianness(magic, 0x2);
                                render      = ShinyTools.Helpers.Parsers.SwapEndianness(magic, 0x2);
                                transparent = ShinyTools.Helpers.Parsers.SwapEndianness(magic, 0x4);

                            //Now we set the values to the reconstructed archive
                            _OutCha.SpriteWidth             = BitConverter.ToInt16(sw, 0);
                            _OutCha.SpriteHeight            = BitConverter.ToInt16(sh, 0);
                            _OutCha.SpriteXOffset           = BitConverter.ToInt16(soffx, 0);
                            _OutCha.SpriteYOffset           = BitConverter.ToInt16(soffy, 0);
                            _OutCha.ColliderWidth           = BitConverter.ToInt16(coffx, 0);
                            _OutCha.ColliderHeight          = BitConverter.ToInt16(coffy, 0);
                            _OutCha.SpriteCount             = BitConverter.ToInt16(sc, 0); //Tentatively set the header to the original's sprite count (they shouldn't differ in practice for now)
                            _OutCha.HeadUn12t13             = BitConverter.ToInt16(magic, 0);
                            _OutCha.HeadUn20t21             = BitConverter.ToInt16(render, 0);
                            _OutCha.SpriteTransparentColour = BitConverter.ToInt32(transparent, 0);
                            #region Grab sprite header
                            Array.Copy(SpriteHeader, 0, sx, 0, 0x4);
                            Array.Copy(SpriteHeader, 0x4, sy, 0, 0x4);
                            Array.Copy(SpriteHeader, 0x8, cx, 0, 0x4);
                            Array.Copy(SpriteHeader, 0xC, cy, 0, 0x4);
                            if (!BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
                                sx = ShinyTools.Helpers.Parsers.SwapEndianness(sx, 0x4);
                                sy = ShinyTools.Helpers.Parsers.SwapEndianness(sy, 0x4);
                                cx = ShinyTools.Helpers.Parsers.SwapEndianness(cx, 0x4);
                                cy = ShinyTools.Helpers.Parsers.SwapEndianness(cy, 0x4);
                            //set cha header to this image's size
                            _OutCha.SpriteWidth    = (short)_image.Width;
                            _OutCha.SpriteHeight   = (short)_image.Height;
                            _OutCha.SpriteXOffset  = (short)0;
                            _OutCha.SpriteYOffset  = (short)0;
                            _OutCha.ColliderWidth  = (short)_image.Width;
                            _OutCha.ColliderHeight = (short)_image.Height;
                            _OutCha.SpriteCount    = (short)0;
                            _OutCha.HeadUn12t13    = (short)0;
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_TransparentColour))
                                _OutCha.SpriteTransparentColour = ChaSprite.GetSpriteTransparentColour(_TransparentColour);
                                var p = _image.GetPixel(0, 0);
                                _OutCha.SpriteTransparentColour = (p.R << 16) + (p.G << 8) + (p.B << 0);
                            //set sprite header info to fallback
                            sx = BitConverter.GetBytes(_OutCha.SpriteXOffset);
                            sy = BitConverter.GetBytes(_OutCha.SpriteYOffset);
                            cx = BitConverter.GetBytes(_OutCha.SpriteXOffset);
                            cy = BitConverter.GetBytes(_OutCha.SpriteYOffset);
                    //Now we convert the image into sprite data.
                    var _sprite = new ChaSprite();
                    _sprite.SpriteVisXOffset = BitConverter.ToInt32(sx, 0);
                    _sprite.SpriteVisYOffset = BitConverter.ToInt32(sy, 0);
                    _sprite.ColliderXOffset  = BitConverter.ToInt32(cx, 0);
                    _sprite.ColliderYOffset  = BitConverter.ToInt32(cy, 0);
                    _sprite.SpriteData = ChaSprite.ConvertImageToSpriteData(_image, _TransparentColour);
            _OutCha.Sprites     = Sprites.ToArray();
            _OutCha.SpriteCount = _count;

            //output to file in directory of graphics folder rather than the directory of the graphics themselves
            //(e.g. C:/Users/Zee Tee/Desktop/My Custom Graphics rather C:/Users/Zee Tee/Desktop/My Custom Graphics/player)
            string _dir, _name;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_archive) || _archive == "")
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_graphics) || _graphics == "")
                    _dir  = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
                    _name = "My Custom Sprites";
                    _dir  = _graphics;
                    _name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(_dir);
                _dir  = Path.GetDirectoryName(_archive);
                _name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(_archive);
            //combine header and all sprites into a new byte array
            byte[] ChaResult = _OutCha.Serialize();
            //gzip this byte array
            byte[] output = CompressArchive(ChaResult);

            SaveVerification(output, _dir, _name, ".cha", true);