Esempio n. 1
        public string ToInterface(CgType cgType, string[] nsImports = null)
            var splitFileContent = new StringBuilder();

            if (nsImports != null && nsImports.Length > 0)
                splitFileContent.AppendLine(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, nsImports));

            var accessMod = Settings.LangStyle.TransposeCgAccessModToString(CgAccessModifier.Public);

            splitFileContent.AppendLine($"    {accessMod} interface {cgType.Name}");
            splitFileContent.AppendLine("    " + C_OPEN_CURLY);
            foreach (var cg in cgType.Properties.Where(p => p.AccessModifier == CgAccessModifier.Public))
                splitFileContent.AppendLine($"        {Settings.LangStyle.ToDecl(cg)}");
            foreach (var cg in cgType.Methods.Where(p => p.AccessModifier == CgAccessModifier.Public && !p.IsCtor))
                splitFileContent.AppendLine($"        {Settings.LangStyle.ToDecl(cg)};");
            splitFileContent.AppendLine("    " + C_CLOSE_CURLY);

Esempio n. 2
        public string ToClass(CgType cgType, CgAccessModifier cgClsAccess = CgAccessModifier.Public, CgClassModifier typeModifier = CgClassModifier.AsIs, string[] nsImports = null)
            var splitFileContent = new StringBuilder();

            if (nsImports != null && nsImports.Length > 0)
                splitFileContent.AppendLine(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, nsImports));

            var otherModifer = typeModifier == CgClassModifier.AsIs
                ? string.Empty
                : string.Format(" {0}", Settings.LangStyle.TransposeCgClassModToString(typeModifier));

            splitFileContent.AppendLine("    [Serializable]");
            splitFileContent.AppendLine(string.Format("    {0}{1} class {2}",
                                                      Settings.LangStyle.TransposeCgAccessModToString(cgClsAccess), otherModifer, cgType.Name));
            splitFileContent.AppendLine("    " + C_OPEN_CURLY);
            foreach (var cg in cgType.Fields)
                splitFileContent.AppendLine(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, cg.GetMyCgLines()));
            foreach (var cg in cgType.Properties)
                splitFileContent.AppendLine(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, cg.GetMyCgLines()));
            foreach (var cg in cgType.Methods)
                splitFileContent.AppendLine(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, cg.GetMyCgLines()));
            splitFileContent.AppendLine("    " + C_CLOSE_CURLY);

Esempio n. 3
        public string ToNamespaceDecl(CgType cgType)
            var hasNs            = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cgType.Namespace);
            var splitFileContent = new StringBuilder();

            if (hasNs)
                splitFileContent.AppendFormat("namespace {0}{1}", cgType.Namespace, Environment.NewLine);

Esempio n. 4
 private static extern CgAnnotation cgCreateTechniqueAnnotation(CgTechnique technique, [In]string name, CgType type);
Esempio n. 5
 private static extern CgType cgGetParentType(CgType type, int index);
Esempio n. 6
        public string ToClass(CgType cgType, CgAccessModifier cgClsAccess, CgClassModifier typeModifier, string[] nsImports)
            var hasNs = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cgType.Namespace);
            var splitFileContent = new StringBuilder();
            if (nsImports != null && nsImports.Length > 0)
                splitFileContent.AppendLine(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, nsImports));

            if (hasNs)
                splitFileContent.AppendFormat("namespace {0}{1}", cgType.Namespace, Environment.NewLine);

            var otherModifer = typeModifier == CgClassModifier.AsIs
                ? string.Empty
                : string.Format(" {0}", Settings.LangStyle.TransposeCgClassModToString(typeModifier));
            splitFileContent.AppendLine("    [Serializable]");
            splitFileContent.AppendLine(string.Format("    {0}{1} class {2}",
                Settings.LangStyle.TransposeCgAccessModToString(cgClsAccess), otherModifer, cgType.Name));
            splitFileContent.AppendLine("    " + C_OPEN_CURLY);
            foreach (var cg in cgType.Fields)
                splitFileContent.AppendLine(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, cg.GetMyCgLines()));
            foreach (var cg in cgType.Properties)
                splitFileContent.AppendLine(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, cg.GetMyCgLines()));
            foreach (var cg in cgType.Methods)
                splitFileContent.AppendLine(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, cg.GetMyCgLines()));
            splitFileContent.AppendLine("    " + C_CLOSE_CURLY);

            if (hasNs)

            return splitFileContent.ToString();
Esempio n. 7
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>cgCreateProgramAnnotation adds a new annotation to a program.</para>
 /// <para>ERROR: CG_INVALID_PROGRAM_HANDLE_ERROR is generated if program is not a valid program handle. CG_DUPLICATE_NAME_ERROR is generated if name is already used by an annotation for this program. CG_INVALID_ENUMERANT_ERROR is generated if type is not CG_INT, CG_FLOAT, CG_BOOL, or CG_STRING.</para>
 /// <para>VERSION: cgCreateProgramAnnotation was introduced in Cg 1.5.</para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="program">The program to which the new annotation will be added.</param>
 /// <param name="name">The name of the new annotation.</param>
 /// <param name="type">The type of the new annotation.</param>
 /// <returns>Returns the new CGannotation handle on success. Returns NULL if an error occurs.</returns>
 public static CgAnnotation CreateProgramAnnotation(CgProgram program, [In]string name, CgType type)
     return cgCreateProgramAnnotation(program, name, type);
Esempio n. 8
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>cgCreateTechniqueAnnotation adds a new annotation to the technique.</para>
 /// <para>ERROR: CG_INVALID_TECHNIQUE_HANDLE_ERROR is generated if tech is not a valid technique. CG_DUPLICATE_NAME_ERROR is generated if name is already used by an annotation for this technique. CG_INVALID_ENUMERANT_ERROR is generated if type is not CG_INT, CG_FLOAT, CG_BOOL, or CG_STRING.</para>
 /// <para>VERSION: cgCreateTechniqueAnnotation was introduced in Cg 1.5.</para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="tech">The technique to which the new annotation will be added.</param>
 /// <param name="name">The name of the new annotation.</param>
 /// <param name="type">The type of the new annotation.</param>
 /// <returns>Returns the new CGannotation handle on success. Returns NULL if an error occurs.</returns>
 public static CgAnnotation CreateTechniqueAnnotation(CgTechnique tech, [In]string name, CgType type)
     return cgCreateTechniqueAnnotation(tech, name, type);
Esempio n. 9
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>cgCreateParameterAnnotation adds a new annotation to the specified param.</para>
 /// <para>ERROR: CG_INVALID_PARAM_HANDLE_ERROR is generated if param is not a valid param. CG_DUPLICATE_NAME_ERROR is generated if name is already used by an annotation for this param. CG_INVALID_ENUMERANT_ERROR is generated if type is not CG_INT, CG_FLOAT, CG_BOOL, or CG_STRING.</para>
 /// <para>VERSION: cgCreateParameterAnnotation was introduced in Cg 1.5.</para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="parm">The param to which the new annotation will be added.</param>
 /// <param name="name">The name of the new annotation.</param>
 /// <param name="type">The type of the new annotation.</param>
 /// <returns>Returns the new CGannotation handle on success. Returns NULL if an error occurs.</returns>
 public static CgAnnotation CreateParameterAnnotation(CgParameter param, [In]string name, CgType type)
     return cgCreateParameterAnnotation(param, name, type);
Esempio n. 10
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>cgCreateParameterMultiDimArray creates context level shared  multi-dimensional param arrays.</para>
 /// <para>These parameters are primarily used by connecting them to one or more  program param arrays with cgConnectParameter.</para>
 /// <para>ERROR: CG_INVALID_CONTEXT_HANDLE_ERROR is generated if context is not a valid context. CG_INVALID_VALUE_TYPE_ERROR is generated if type is invalid.</para>
 /// <para>VERSION: cgCreateParameterMultiDimArray was introduced in Cg 1.2.</para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="context">The context to which the new param will be added.</param>
 /// <param name="type">The type of the new param.</param>
 /// <param name="dim">The dimension of the multi-dimensional array.</param>
 /// <param name="lengths">An array of length values, one for each dimension of the array to be created.</param>
 /// <returns>Returns the handle to the new param array.</returns>
 public static CgParameter CreateParameterMultiDimArray(CgContext context, CgType type, int dim, [In]int[] lengths)
     return cgCreateParameterMultiDimArray(context, type, dim, lengths);
Esempio n. 11
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>cgCreateEffectAnnotation adds a new annotation to the effect.</para>
 /// <para>ERROR: CG_INVALID_EFFECT_HANDLE_ERROR is generated if effect is not a valid effect. CG_DUPLICATE_NAME_ERROR is generated if name is already used by an annotation for this effect. CG_INVALID_ENUMERANT_ERROR is generated if type is not CG_INT, CG_FLOAT, CG_BOOL, or CG_STRING.</para>
 /// <para>VERSION: cgCreateEffectAnnotation was introduced in Cg 1.5.</para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="effect">The effect to which the new annotation will be added.</param>
 /// <param name="name">The name of the new annotation.</param>
 /// <param name="type">The type of the new annotation.</param>
 /// <returns>Returns the new CGannotation handle on success. Returns NULL if an error occurs.</returns>
 public static CgAnnotation CreateEffectAnnotation(CgEffect effect, [In]string name, CgType type)
     return cgCreateEffectAnnotation(effect, name, type);
Esempio n. 12
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>cgCreateEffectParameter adds a new param to the specified effect.</para>
 /// <para>ERROR: CG_INVALID_EFFECT_HANDLE_ERROR is generated if effect is not a valid effect. CG_INVALID_VALUE_TYPE_ERROR is generated if type is invalid.</para>
 /// <para>VERSION: cgCreateEffectParameter was introduced in Cg 1.5.</para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="effect">The effect to which the new param will be added.</param>
 /// <param name="name">The name of the new param.</param>
 /// <param name="type">The type of the new param.</param>
 /// <returns>Returns the handle to the new param.</returns>
 public static CgParameter CreateEffectParameter(CgEffect effect, [In]string name, CgType type)
     return cgCreateEffectParameter(effect, name, type);
Esempio n. 13
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>cgCreateArrayState adds a new array-typed state definition to  context.</para>
 /// <para>Before a CgFX file is added to a context, all state assignments in the file must have previously been defined via a call to cgCreateState or cgCreateArrayState.</para>
 /// <para>ERROR: CG_INVALID_CONTEXT_HANDLE_ERROR is generated if context is not a valid context. CG_INVALID_PARAMETER_ERROR is generated if name is NULL or not a valid identifier, if type is not a simple scalar, vector, or matrix-type, or if nelements is not a positive number.</para>
 /// <para>VERSION: cgCreateArrayState was introduced in Cg 1.4.</para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="context">The context in which to define the state.</param>
 /// <param name="name">The name of the new state.</param>
 /// <param name="type">The type of the new state.</param>
 /// <param name="nelements">The number of elements in the array.</param>
 /// <returns>Returns a handle to the newly created CGstate. Returns NULL if there is an error.</returns>
 public static CgState CreateArrayState(CgContext context, [In]string name, CgType type, int nelements)
     return cgCreateArrayState(context, name, type, nelements);
Esempio n. 14
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>cgGetParentType returns a parent type of type.</para>
 /// <para>ERROR: CG_OUT_OF_ARRAY_BOUNDS_ERROR is generated if index is outside the proper range.</para>
 /// <para>VERSION: cgGetParentType was introduced in Cg 1.2.</para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="type">The child type.</param>
 /// <param name="index">The index of the parent type.  index must be greater than or equal to 0 and less than the value returned by cgGetNumParentTypes.</param>
 /// <returns>Returns the number of parent types. Returns NULL if there are no parents. Returns CG_UNKNOWN_TYPE if type is a built-in type or an error is thrown.</returns>
 public static CgType GetParentType(CgType type, int index)
     return cgGetParentType(type, index);
Esempio n. 15
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>cgGetNumParentTypes returns the number of parents from which type inherits.</para>
 /// <para>VERSION: cgGetNumParentTypes was introduced in Cg 1.2.</para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="type">The child type.</param>
 /// <returns>Returns the number of parent types. Returns 0 if there are no parents.</returns>
 public static int GetNumParentTypes(CgType type)
     return cgGetNumParentTypes(type);
Esempio n. 16
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>cgGetMatrixSize writes the number of rows and columns contained by the specified matrix type into nrows and ncols locations respectively.</para>
 /// <para>If type is not a matrix enumerant type, 0 is written as both the rows and columns size.</para>
 /// <para>VERSION: cgGetMatrixSize was introduced in Cg 1.5.</para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="type">The type enumerant.</param>
 /// <param name="nrows">A pointer to the location where the number of rows that type has will be written.</param>
 /// <param name="ncols">A pointer to the location where the number of columns that type has will be written.</param>
 public static void GetMatrixSize(CgType type, out int nrows, out int ncols)
     cgGetMatrixSize(type, out nrows, out ncols);
Esempio n. 17
 private static extern CgState cgCreateArrayState(CgContext context, [In] string name, CgType type, int nelems);
Esempio n. 18
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>cgCreateEffectParameterMultiDimArray adds a new multidimensional array param to the specified effect.</para>
 /// <para>ERROR: CG_INVALID_EFFECT_HANDLE_ERROR is generated if effect is not a valid effect. CG_INVALID_VALUE_TYPE_ERROR is generated if type is invalid.</para>
 /// <para>VERSION: cgCreateEffectParameterMultiDimArray was introduced in Cg 1.5.</para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="effect">The effect to which the new param will be added.</param>
 /// <param name="name">The name of the new param.</param>
 /// <param name="type">The type of the new param.</param>
 /// <param name="dim">The dimension of the array.</param>
 /// <param name="lengths">The sizes for each dimension of the array.</param>
 /// <returns>Returns the handle of the new param on success. Returns NULL if an error occurs.</returns>
 public static CgParameter CreateEffectParameterMultiDimArray(CgEffect effect, [In]string name, CgType type, int dim, [In]int[] lengths)
     return cgCreateEffectParameterMultiDimArray(effect, name, type, dim, lengths);
Esempio n. 19
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>cgGetTypeBase returns the base (scalar) type associated with a type enumerant.</para>
 /// <para>For example, cgGetTypeBase(CG_FLOAT3x4) returns CG_FLOAT.</para>
 /// <para>The base type for a non-numeric type such as CG_STRING, CG_STRUCT, CG_SAMPLER2D, or user-defined types is simply the type itself.</para>
 /// <para>VERSION: cgGetTypeBase was introduced in Cg 1.5.</para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="type">The type enumerant.</param>
 /// <returns>Returns the scalar base type of the enumerant type.</returns>
 public static CgType GetTypeBase(CgType type)
     return cgGetTypeBase(type);
Esempio n. 20
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>cgCreateParameter creates context level shared parameters.</para>
 /// <para>These parameters are primarily used by connecting them to one or more  program parameters with cgConnectParameter.</para>
 /// <para>ERROR: CG_INVALID_VALUE_TYPE_ERROR is generated if type is invalid. CG_INVALID_CONTEXT_HANDLE_ERROR is generated if context is not a valid context.</para>
 /// <para>VERSION: cgCreateParameter was introduced in Cg 1.2.</para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="context">The context to which the new param will be added.</param>
 /// <param name="type">The type of the new param.</param>
 /// <returns>Returns the handle to the new param.</returns>
 public static CgParameter CreateParameter(CgContext context, CgType type)
     return cgCreateParameter(context, type);
Esempio n. 21
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>cgGetTypeClass returns the param class associated with a type enumerant.</para>
 /// <para>For example, cgGetTypeClass(CG_FLOAT3x4) returns CG_PARAMETERCLASS_MATRIX while cgGetTypeClass(CG_HALF) returns CG_PARAMETERCLASS_SCALAR and cgGetTypeClass(CG_BOOL3) returns CG_PARAMETERCLASS_VECTOR.</para>
 /// <para>VERSION: cgGetTypeClass was introduced in Cg 1.5.</para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="type">The type enumerant.</param>
 public static CgParameterClass GetTypeClass(CgType type)
     return cgGetTypeClass(type);
Esempio n. 22
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>cgCreateParameterArray creates context level shared param arrays.</para>
 /// <para>These parameters are primarily used by connecting them to one or more  program param arrays with cgConnectParameter.</para>
 /// <para>ERROR: CG_INVALID_VALUE_TYPE_ERROR is generated if type is invalid. CG_INVALID_CONTEXT_HANDLE_ERROR is generated if context is not a valid context.</para>
 /// <para>VERSION: cgCreateParameterArray was introduced in Cg 1.2.</para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="context">The context to which the new param will be added.</param>
 /// <param name="type">The type of the new param.</param>
 /// <param name="length">The length of the array being created.</param>
 /// <returns>Returns the handle to the new param array.</returns>
 public static CgParameter CreateParameterArray(CgContext context, CgType type, int length)
     return cgCreateParameterArray(context, type, length);
Esempio n. 23
 private static extern void cgGetMatrixSize(CgType type, out int nrows, out int ncols);
Esempio n. 24
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>cgCreatePassAnnotation adds a new annotation to a pass.</para>
 /// <para>ERROR: CG_INVALID_PASS_HANDLE_ERROR is generated if pass is not a valid pass. CG_DUPLICATE_NAME_ERROR is generated if name is already used by an annotation for this pass. CG_INVALID_ENUMERANT_ERROR is generated if type is not CG_INT, CG_FLOAT, CG_BOOL, or CG_STRING.</para>
 /// <para>VERSION: cgCreatePassAnnotation was introduced in Cg 1.5.</para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pass">The pass to which the new annotation will be added.</param>
 /// <param name="name">The name of the new annotation.</param>
 /// <param name="type">The type of the new annotation.</param>
 /// <returns>Returns the new CGannotation handle on success. Returns NULL if an error occurs.</returns>
 public static CgAnnotation CreatePassAnnotation(CgPass pass, [In]string name, CgType type)
     return cgCreatePassAnnotation(pass, name, type);
Esempio n. 25
 public string ToDecl(CgType cgType, string variableName, CgAccessModifier accessMod)
     return(string.Format("{2} {0} {1} = new {0}();", cgType.FullName, variableName,
Esempio n. 26
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>cgCreateState adds a new state definition to the context.</para>
 /// <para>When a CgFX file is added to the context, all state assignments in the file must have already been defined via a call to cgCreateState or cgCreateArrayState.</para>
 /// <para>ERROR: CG_INVALID_CONTEXT_HANDLE_ERROR is generated if context is not a valid context. CG_INVALID_PARAMETER_ERROR is generated if name is NULL or not a valid identifier, or if type is not a simple scalar, vector, or matrix-type. Array-typed state should be created with cgCreateArrayState.</para>
 /// <para>VERSION: cgCreateState was introduced in Cg 1.4.</para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="context">The context in which to define the new state.</param>
 /// <param name="name">The name of the new state.</param>
 /// <param name="type">The type of the new state.</param>
 /// <returns>Returns a handle to the newly created CGstate. Returns NULL if there is an error.</returns>
 public static CgState CreateState(CgContext context, [In]string name, CgType type)
     return cgCreateState(context, name, type);
Esempio n. 27
        public void TestContainsThisMember()
            var args1 = new List <CgArg>
                new CgArg {
                    ArgName = "NameOne", ArgType = "TypeOne"
                new CgArg {
                    ArgName = "NameTwo", ArgType = "TypeTwo"
                new CgArg {
                    ArgName = "NameThree", ArgType = "TypeThree"

            var args2 = new List <CgArg>
                new CgArg {
                    ArgName = "NameThree", ArgType = "TypeThree"
                new CgArg {
                    ArgName = "NameTwo", ArgType = "TypeTwo"
                new CgArg {
                    ArgName = "NameOne", ArgType = "TypeOne"

            var cgOne = new CgMember()
                Args      = args1,
                HasGetter = true,
                HasSetter = true,
                TypeName  = "MyCgMember",
                Name      = "MyCgType"

            var cgTwo = new CgMember()
                Args      = args2,
                HasGetter = true,
                HasSetter = true,
                TypeName  = "MyCgMember",
                Name      = "MyCgType"

            var testSubject = new CgType();


            testSubject = new CgType();

            testSubject = new CgType();

            testSubject = new CgType();
Esempio n. 28
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>cgGetTypeSizes returns the number of rows and columns for enumerant type in the locations specified by nrows and ncols respectively.</para>
 /// <para>VERSION: cgGetTypeSizes was introduced in Cg 1.5.</para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="type">The type enumerant.</param>
 /// <param name="nrows">The location where the number of rows will be written.</param>
 /// <param name="ncols">The location where the number of columns will be written.</param>
 /// <returns>Returns CG_TRUE if the type enumerant is for a matrix. Returns CG_FALSE otherwise.</returns>
 public static CgBool GetTypeSizes(CgType type, out int nrows, out int ncols)
     return cgGetTypeSizes(type, out nrows, out ncols);
Esempio n. 29
 private static extern int cgGetNumParentTypes(CgType type);
Esempio n. 30
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>cgGetTypeString returns the type name associated with a type enumerant.</para>
 /// <para>VERSION: cgGetTypeString was introduced in Cg 1.1.</para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="type">The type enumerant.</param>
 /// <returns>Returns the type string of the enumerant type.</returns>
 public static string GetTypeString(CgType type)
     return Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(cgGetTypeString(type));
Esempio n. 31
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>cgCreateEffectParameterArray adds a new array param to the specificed effect.</para>
 /// <para>ERROR: CG_INVALID_EFFECT_HANDLE_ERROR is generated if effect is not a valid effect. CG_INVALID_VALUE_TYPE_ERROR is generated if type is invalid.</para>
 /// <para>VERSION: cgCreateEffectParameterArray was introduced in Cg 1.5.</para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="effect">The effect to which the new param will be added.</param>
 /// <param name="name">The name of the new param.</param>
 /// <param name="type">The type of the new param.</param>
 /// <param name="length">The size of the array.</param>
 /// <returns>Returns the handle to the new array param on success. Returns NULL if an error occurs.</returns>
 public static CgParameter CreateEffectParameterArray(CgEffect effect, [In]string name, CgType type, int length)
     return cgCreateEffectParameterArray(effect, name, type, length);
Esempio n. 32
        public void TestCgMemberCompare()
            var testSubject = new CgMemberCompare();

            Assert.AreEqual(0, testSubject.Compare(null, null));

            var less = new CgMember
                Args =
                    new List <CgArg>()
                    new CgArg {
                        ArgName = "ddl", ArgType = "System.Web.UI.WebControls.DropDownList"
                    new CgArg {
                        ArgName = "lookupMstrDescription", ArgType = "string"
                Name     = "less",
                TypeName = "void"

            var middle = new CgMember
                Args =
                    new List <CgArg>()
                    new CgArg {
                        ArgName = "ddl", ArgType = "System.Web.UI.WebControls.DropDownList"
                    new CgArg {
                        ArgName = "lookupMstrDescription", ArgType = "string"
                    new CgArg {
                        ArgName = "Id", ArgType = "bool"
                Name     = "middle",
                TypeName = "void"

            var most = new CgMember
                Args =
                    new List <CgArg>()
                    new CgArg {
                        ArgName = "ddl", ArgType = "System.Web.UI.WebControls.DropDownList"
                    new CgArg {
                        ArgName = "lookupMstrDescription", ArgType = "string"
                    new CgArg {
                        ArgName = "defaultValue", ArgType = "string"
                Name     = "most",
                TypeName = "void"

            var deadLast = new CgMember
                Name     = "deadLast",
                TypeName = "void"

            var myCgType = new CgType();

            myCgType.Methods.AddRange(new List <CgMember>()
                deadLast, middle, less, most

            foreach (var obj in myCgType.SortedMethods)
                var cg = obj as CgMember;
                Console.WriteLine(string.Format("----{0}", cg.Name));
                foreach (var arg in cg.Args)
Esempio n. 33
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>cgIsInterfaceType returns CG_TRUE if type is  an interface (not just a struct), CG_FALSE otherwise.</para>
 /// <para>VERSION: cgIsInterfaceType was introduced in Cg 1.2.</para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="type">The type being evaluated.</param>
 /// <returns>Returns CG_TRUE if type is an interface (not just a struct). Returns CG_FALSE otherwise.</returns>
 public static CgBool IsInterfaceType(CgType type)
     return cgIsInterfaceType(type);
Esempio n. 34
        public void TestCgMemberCompareMany()
            var myCgType = new CgType();

            myCgType.Methods.Add(new CgMember
                Args =
                    new List <CgArg>()
                    new CgArg {
                        ArgName = "sender", ArgType = "System.Object"
                    new CgArg {
                        ArgName = "e", ArgType = "System.EventArgs"
                Name     = "Page_Load",
                TypeName = "void"

            myCgType.Methods.Add(new CgMember
                Args =
                    new List <CgArg>()
                    new CgArg {
                        ArgName = "Sender", ArgType = "System.Object"
                    new CgArg {
                        ArgName = "e", ArgType = "System.EventArgs"
                Name     = "Page_PreRender",
                TypeName = "void"

            myCgType.Methods.Add(new CgMember
                Args =
                    new List <CgArg>()
                    new CgArg {
                        ArgName = "sender", ArgType = "System.Object"
                    new CgArg {
                        ArgName = "e", ArgType = "System.EventArgs"
                Name     = "ddlEquipmentName_SelectedIndexChanged",
                TypeName = "void"

            myCgType.Methods.Add(new CgMember
                Args =
                    new List <CgArg>()
                    new CgArg {
                        ArgName = "sender", ArgType = "System.Object"
                    new CgArg {
                        ArgName = "e", ArgType = "System.EventArgs"
                Name     = "ddlEquipmentLocation_SelectedIndexChanged",
                TypeName = "void"

            myCgType.Methods.Add(new CgMember
                Args =
                    new List <CgArg>()
                    new CgArg {
                        ArgName = "sender", ArgType = "System.Object"
                    new CgArg {
                        ArgName = "e", ArgType = "System.EventArgs"
                Name     = "ddlLocationname_SelectedIndexChanged",
                TypeName = "void"

            myCgType.Methods.Add(new CgMember
                Args =
                    new List <CgArg>()
                    new CgArg {
                        ArgName = "sender", ArgType = "System.Object"
                    new CgArg {
                        ArgName = "e", ArgType = "System.EventArgs"
                Name     = "ddlTransferTo_SelectedIndexChanged",
                TypeName = "void"

            myCgType.Methods.Add(new CgMember
                Args =
                    new List <CgArg>()
                    new CgArg {
                        ArgName = "sender", ArgType = "System.Object"
                    new CgArg {
                        ArgName = "e", ArgType = "System.EventArgs"
                Name     = "ddlClinicId_SelectedIndexChanged",
                TypeName = "void"

            myCgType.Methods.Add(new CgMember
                Args =
                    new List <CgArg>()
                    new CgArg {
                        ArgName = "sender", ArgType = "System.Object"
                    new CgArg {
                        ArgName = "e", ArgType = "System.EventArgs"
                Name     = "ddlVendorName_SelectedIndexChanged",
                TypeName = "void"

            myCgType.Methods.Add(new CgMember
                Args =
                    new List <CgArg>()
                    new CgArg {
                        ArgName = "sender", ArgType = "System.Object"
                    new CgArg {
                        ArgName = "e", ArgType = "System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewPageEventArgs"
                Name     = "grdvAgencySearch_PageIndexChanging",
                TypeName = "void"

            myCgType.Methods.Add(new CgMember
                Args =
                    new List <CgArg>()
                    new CgArg {
                        ArgName = "sender", ArgType = "System.Object"
                    new CgArg {
                        ArgName = "e", ArgType = "System.EventArgs"
                Name     = "grdvAgencySearch_PreRender",
                TypeName = "void"

            myCgType.Methods.Add(new CgMember
                Args =
                    new List <CgArg>()
                    new CgArg {
                        ArgName = "sender", ArgType = "System.Object"
                    new CgArg {
                        ArgName = "e", ArgType = "System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewCommandEventArgs"
                Name     = "grdvAgencySearch_RowCommand",
                TypeName = "void"

            myCgType.Methods.Add(new CgMember
                Args =
                    new List <CgArg>()
                    new CgArg {
                        ArgName = "sender", ArgType = "System.Object"
                    new CgArg {
                        ArgName = "e", ArgType = "System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewSortEventArgs"
                Name     = "grdvAgencySearch_Sorting",
                TypeName = "void"

            myCgType.Methods.Add(new CgMember
                Args =
                    new List <CgArg>()
                    new CgArg {
                        ArgName = "sender", ArgType = "System.Object"
                    new CgArg {
                        ArgName = "e", ArgType = "System.EventArgs"
                Name     = "btnAgencySearch_Click",
                TypeName = "void"

            myCgType.Methods.Add(new CgMember
                Args =
                    new List <CgArg>()
                    new CgArg {
                        ArgName = "sender", ArgType = "System.Object"
                    new CgArg {
                        ArgName = "e", ArgType = "System.EventArgs"
                Name     = "btnAgencyReset_Click",
                TypeName = "void"

            myCgType.Methods.Add(new CgMember
                Args =
                    new List <CgArg>()
                    new CgArg {
                        ArgName = "sender", ArgType = "System.Object"
                    new CgArg {
                        ArgName = "e", ArgType = "System.EventArgs"
                Name     = "btnAgencyClose_Click",
                TypeName = "void"

            myCgType.Methods.Add(new CgMember
                Args =
                    new List <CgArg>()
                    new CgArg {
                        ArgName = "sender", ArgType = "System.Object"
                    new CgArg {
                        ArgName = "e", ArgType = "System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewPageEventArgs"
                Name     = "grdvSubConSearch_PageIndexChanging",
                TypeName = "void"

            myCgType.Methods.Add(new CgMember
                Args =
                    new List <CgArg>()
                    new CgArg {
                        ArgName = "sender", ArgType = "System.Object"
                    new CgArg {
                        ArgName = "e", ArgType = "System.EventArgs"
                Name     = "grdvSubConSearch_PreRender",
                TypeName = "void"

            myCgType.Methods.Add(new CgMember
                Args =
                    new List <CgArg>()
                    new CgArg {
                        ArgName = "sender", ArgType = "System.Object"
                    new CgArg {
                        ArgName = "e", ArgType = "System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewCommandEventArgs"
                Name     = "grdvSubConSearch_RowCommand",
                TypeName = "void"

            myCgType.Methods.Add(new CgMember
                Args =
                    new List <CgArg>()
                    new CgArg {
                        ArgName = "sender", ArgType = "System.Object"
                    new CgArg {
                        ArgName = "e", ArgType = "System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewSortEventArgs"
                Name     = "grdvSubConSearch_Sorting",
                TypeName = "void"

            myCgType.Methods.Add(new CgMember
                Args =
                    new List <CgArg>()
                    new CgArg {
                        ArgName = "sender", ArgType = "System.Object"
                    new CgArg {
                        ArgName = "e", ArgType = "System.EventArgs"
                Name     = "btnSubSearch_Click",
                TypeName = "void"

            myCgType.Methods.Add(new CgMember
                Args =
                    new List <CgArg>()
                    new CgArg {
                        ArgName = "sender", ArgType = "System.Object"
                    new CgArg {
                        ArgName = "e", ArgType = "System.EventArgs"
                Name     = "btnSubReset_Click",
                TypeName = "void"

            myCgType.Methods.Add(new CgMember
                Args =
                    new List <CgArg>()
                    new CgArg {
                        ArgName = "sender", ArgType = "System.Object"
                    new CgArg {
                        ArgName = "e", ArgType = "System.EventArgs"
                Name     = "btnSubClose_Click",
                TypeName = "void"

            myCgType.Methods.Add(new CgMember
                Args =
                    new List <CgArg>()
                    new CgArg {
                        ArgName = "sender", ArgType = "System.Object"
                    new CgArg {
                        ArgName = "e", ArgType = "System.EventArgs"
                Name     = "btnAdd_Click",
                TypeName = "void"

            myCgType.Methods.Add(new CgMember
                Args =
                    new List <CgArg>()
                    new CgArg {
                        ArgName = "sender", ArgType = "System.Object"
                    new CgArg {
                        ArgName = "e", ArgType = "System.EventArgs"
                Name     = "btnReset_Click",
                TypeName = "void"

            myCgType.Methods.Add(new CgMember
                Args =
                    new List <CgArg>()
                    new CgArg {
                        ArgName = "strClinicDetails", ArgType = "string"
                    new CgArg {
                        ArgName = "intSize", ArgType = "int"
                Name     = "FormatTheTextIntoGridCell",
                TypeName = "string"

            myCgType.Methods.Add(new CgMember
                Args =
                    new List <CgArg>()
                Name     = "LoadDropdownValues",
                TypeName = "void"

            myCgType.Methods.Add(new CgMember
                Args =
                    new List <CgArg>()
                Name     = "getFilter",
                TypeName = "string"

            myCgType.Methods.Add(new CgMember
                Args =
                    new List <CgArg>()
                    new CgArg {
                        ArgName = "sortExpr", ArgType = "string"
                Name     = "MyAgencySortBind",
                TypeName = "void"

            myCgType.Methods.Add(new CgMember
                Args =
                    new List <CgArg>()
                    new CgArg {
                        ArgName = "sortExpr", ArgType = "string"
                Name     = "MySubConSortBind",
                TypeName = "void"

            myCgType.Methods.Add(new CgMember
                Args =
                    new List <CgArg>()
                Name     = "PopulateAgencyList",
                TypeName = "void"

            myCgType.Methods.Add(new CgMember
                Args =
                    new List <CgArg>()
                Name     = "PopulateSubConList",
                TypeName = "void"

            myCgType.Methods.Add(new CgMember
                Args =
                    new List <CgArg>()
                Name     = "SetControlToolTip",
                TypeName = "void"

            myCgType.Methods.Add(new CgMember
                Args =
                    new List <CgArg>()
                    new CgArg {
                        ArgName = "sender", ArgType = "System.Object"
                    new CgArg {
                        ArgName = "e", ArgType = "System.EventArgs"
                Name     = "rdoBilling_CheckedChanged",
                TypeName = "void"

            myCgType.Methods.Add(new CgMember
                Args =
                    new List <CgArg>()
                    new CgArg {
                        ArgName = "sender", ArgType = "System.Object"
                    new CgArg {
                        ArgName = "e", ArgType = "System.EventArgs"
                Name     = "rdoShipping_CheckedChanged",
                TypeName = "void"

            myCgType.Methods.Add(new CgMember
                Args =
                    new List <CgArg>()
                    new CgArg {
                        ArgName = "strSerialNumber", ArgType = "string"
                Name     = "IsValidSerialNumbers",
                TypeName = "int"

            myCgType.Methods.Add(new CgMember
                Args =
                    new List <CgArg>()
                    new CgArg {
                        ArgName = "sender", ArgType = "System.Object"
                    new CgArg {
                        ArgName = "e", ArgType = "System.EventArgs"
                Name     = "txtSerialNo_TextChanged",
                TypeName = "void"

            var testResult = myCgType.SortedMethods;

            Assert.AreEqual(testResult.Count, myCgType.Methods.Count);

            foreach (var d in testResult)
Esempio n. 35
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>cgIsParentType returns CG_TRUE if parent is  a parent type of child.</para>
 /// <para>Otherwise CG_FALSE is returned.</para>
 /// <para>VERSION: cgIsParentType was introduced in Cg 1.2.</para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="parent">The parent type.</param>
 /// <param name="child">The child type.</param>
 /// <returns>Returns CG_TRUE if parent is a parent type of child. Returns CG_FALSE otherwise.</returns>
 public static CgBool IsParentType(CgType parent, CgType child)
     return cgIsParentType(parent, child);
Esempio n. 36
 public string ToDecl(CgType cgType, string variableName, CgAccessModifier accessMod)
     return string.Format("{2} {0} {1} = new {0}();", cgType.FullName, variableName,
Esempio n. 37
 private static extern CgState cgCreateState(CgContext context, [In] string name, CgType type);