Esempio n. 1
        public override void OnCenterOfThrustQuery(CenterOfThrustQuery qry)

            if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsEditor)
                qry.pos = EditorMarker_CoM.findCenterOfMass(EditorLogic.RootPart);
Esempio n. 2
 public override void OnCenterOfThrustQuery(CenterOfThrustQuery CoTquery)
     if (tailRotor)
         // do nothing
Esempio n. 3
        public virtual void OnCenterOfThrustQuery(CenterOfThrustQuery CoTquery)
            Vector3 newPos =;
            Vector3 newDir =;

            for (int i = 0; i < thrustTransforms.Length; i++)
                newPos += thrustTransforms[i].position - part.transform.position;
                newDir += thrustTransforms[i].forward;
            CoTquery.pos    = part.transform.position + (newPos / thrustTransforms.Length);
            CoTquery.dir    = newDir.normalized;
            CoTquery.thrust = maxThrust * (maxThrottle / 100f);
Esempio n. 4
        private static void thrustOffSetPerModule(object sender, VOIDForEachPartModuleArgs args)
            PartModule module = args.Data;

            float moduleThrust = 0;

            switch (module.moduleName)
            case "ModuleEngines":
            case "ModuleEnginesFX":


            if (!module.isEnabled)

            CenterOfThrustQuery cotQuery = new CenterOfThrustQuery();

            if (module is ModuleEngines)
                ModuleEngines engineModule = module as ModuleEngines;

                moduleThrust = engineModule.finalThrust;

            else             // engine is ModuleEnginesFX
                ModuleEnginesFX engineFXModule = module as ModuleEnginesFX;

                moduleThrust = engineFXModule.finalThrust;


            if (moduleThrust != 0d)
                cotQuery.thrust = moduleThrust;

            thrustPos += cotQuery.pos * cotQuery.thrust;
            thrustDir += cotQuery.dir * cotQuery.thrust;
            thrust    += cotQuery.thrust;
        /// <summary>
        /// Get The center of thrust of this part and its direction
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="qry">The query for the center of thrust</param>
        public void OnCenterOfThrustQuery(CenterOfThrustQuery qry)
            Vector3 position  =;
            Vector3 direction =;

            //sum up all directions and positions
            for (int i = 0; i < thrustTransforms.Length; i++)
                position  += thrustTransforms[i].position - part.transform.position;
                direction += thrustTransforms[i].forward;

            qry.pos    = part.transform.position + (position / thrustTransforms.Length);
            qry.dir    = direction.normalized;
            qry.thrust = maxThrust * (thrustLimiter / 100.0f);
Esempio n. 6
 public virtual void OnCenterOfThrustQuery(CenterOfThrustQuery CoTquery)
     Vector3 newPos =;
     Vector3 newDir =;
     for (int i = 0; i < thrustTransforms.Length; i++)
         newPos += thrustTransforms[i].position - part.transform.position;
         newDir += thrustTransforms[i].forward;
     CoTquery.pos = part.transform.position + (newPos / thrustTransforms.Length);
     CoTquery.dir = newDir.normalized;
     CoTquery.thrust = maxThrust * (maxThrottle / 100f);
 public extern void OnCenterOfThrustQuery(CenterOfThrustQuery qry);
Esempio n. 8
 public override void OnCenterOfThrustQuery(CenterOfThrustQuery CoTquery)
     if (tailRotor)
         // do nothing
 public extern void OnCenterOfThrustQuery(CenterOfThrustQuery qry);
 public void UpdateThrustInfo()
     thrustInfo = new CenterOfThrustQuery();
Esempio n. 11
        public void Update(Vessel vessel)
            time   = Planetarium.GetUniversalTime();
            deltaT = TimeWarp.fixedDeltaTime;

            //Only update
            if (time - _updateTime < 0.25)
            _updateTime = time;

            CoM = vessel.findWorldCenterOfMass();
            up  = (CoM - vessel.mainBody.position).normalized;

            north                 = Vector3d.Exclude(up, (vessel.mainBody.position + vessel.mainBody.transform.up * (float)vessel.mainBody.Radius) - CoM).normalized;
            east                  = vessel.mainBody.getRFrmVel(CoM).normalized;
            forward               = vessel.GetTransform().up;
            rotationSurface       = Quaternion.LookRotation(north, up);
            rotationVesselSurface = Quaternion.Inverse(Quaternion.Euler(90, 0, 0) * Quaternion.Inverse(vessel.GetTransform().rotation) * rotationSurface);

            velocityVesselOrbit       = vessel.orbit.GetVel();
            velocityVesselOrbitUnit   = velocityVesselOrbit.normalized;
            velocityVesselSurface     = velocityVesselOrbit - vessel.mainBody.getRFrmVel(CoM);
            velocityVesselSurfaceUnit = velocityVesselSurface.normalized;
            velocityMainBodySurface   = rotationSurface * velocityVesselSurface;

            angularVelocity = Quaternion.Inverse(vessel.GetTransform().rotation) * vessel.rigidbody.angularVelocity;

            upNormalToVelSurface = Vector3d.Exclude(velocityVesselSurfaceUnit, up).normalized;
            upNormalToVelOrbit   = Vector3d.Exclude(velocityVesselOrbit, up).normalized;
            leftSurface          = -Vector3d.Cross(upNormalToVelSurface, velocityVesselSurfaceUnit);
            leftOrbit            = -Vector3d.Cross(upNormalToVelOrbit, velocityVesselOrbitUnit);;

            gravityForce = FlightGlobals.getGeeForceAtPosition(CoM);
            localg       = gravityForce.magnitude;

            speedOrbital.value    = velocityVesselOrbit.magnitude;
            speedSurface.value    = velocityVesselSurface.magnitude;
            speedVertical.value   = Vector3d.Dot(velocityVesselSurface, up);
            speedHorizontal.value = (velocityVesselSurface - (speedVertical * up)).magnitude;

            vesselHeading.value = rotationVesselSurface.eulerAngles.y;
            vesselPitch.value   = (rotationVesselSurface.eulerAngles.x > 180) ? (360.0 - rotationVesselSurface.eulerAngles.x) : -rotationVesselSurface.eulerAngles.x;
            vesselRoll.value    = (rotationVesselSurface.eulerAngles.z > 180) ? (rotationVesselSurface.eulerAngles.z - 360.0) : rotationVesselSurface.eulerAngles.z;

            altitudeASL.value = vessel.mainBody.GetAltitude(CoM);
            RaycastHit sfc;

            if (Physics.Raycast(CoM, -up, out sfc, (float)altitudeASL + 10000.0F, 1 << 15))
                altitudeTrue.value = sfc.distance;
            else if (vessel.mainBody.pqsController != null)
                // from here:
                altitudeTrue.value = vessel.mainBody.GetAltitude(CoM) - (vessel.mainBody.pqsController.GetSurfaceHeight(QuaternionD.AngleAxis(vessel.mainBody.GetLongitude(CoM), Vector3d.down) * QuaternionD.AngleAxis(vessel.mainBody.GetLatitude(CoM), Vector3d.forward) * Vector3d.right) - vessel.mainBody.pqsController.radius);
                altitudeTrue.value = vessel.mainBody.GetAltitude(CoM);

            double surfaceAltitudeASL = altitudeASL - altitudeTrue;

            altitudeBottom = altitudeTrue;
            foreach (Part p in
                if (p.collider != null)
                    Vector3d bottomPoint   = p.collider.ClosestPointOnBounds(vessel.mainBody.position);
                    double   partBottomAlt = vessel.mainBody.GetAltitude(bottomPoint) - surfaceAltitudeASL;
                    altitudeBottom = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(altitudeBottom, partBottomAlt));

            atmosphericDensity = FlightGlobals.getAtmDensity(FlightGlobals.getStaticPressure(altitudeASL, vessel.mainBody));

            orbitApA.value      = vessel.orbit.ApA;
            orbitPeA.value      = vessel.orbit.PeA;
            orbitPeriod.value   = vessel.orbit.period;
            orbitTimeToAp.value = vessel.orbit.timeToAp;
            if (vessel.orbit.eccentricity < 1)
                orbitTimeToPe.value = vessel.orbit.timeToPe;
                orbitTimeToPe.value = -vessel.orbit.meanAnomaly / (2 * Math.PI / vessel.orbit.period);  //orbit.timeToPe is bugged for ecc > 1 and timewarp > 2x
            orbitLAN.value = vessel.orbit.LAN;
            orbitArgumentOfPeriapsis.value = vessel.orbit.argumentOfPeriapsis;
            orbitInclination.value         = vessel.orbit.inclination;
            orbitEccentricity.value        = vessel.orbit.eccentricity;
            orbitSemiMajorAxis.value       = vessel.orbit.semiMajorAxis;
            latitude.value  = vessel.mainBody.GetLatitude(CoM);
            longitude.value = ARUtils.clampDegrees(vessel.mainBody.GetLongitude(CoM));

            if (vessel.mainBody != Planetarium.fetch.Sun)
                Vector3d delta = vessel.mainBody.getPositionAtUT(Planetarium.GetUniversalTime() + 1) - vessel.mainBody.getPositionAtUT(Planetarium.GetUniversalTime() - 1);
                Vector3d plUp  = Vector3d.Cross(vessel.mainBody.getPositionAtUT(Planetarium.GetUniversalTime()) - vessel.mainBody.referenceBody.getPositionAtUT(Planetarium.GetUniversalTime()), vessel.mainBody.getPositionAtUT(Planetarium.GetUniversalTime() + vessel.mainBody.orbit.period / 4) - vessel.mainBody.referenceBody.getPositionAtUT(Planetarium.GetUniversalTime() + vessel.mainBody.orbit.period / 4)).normalized;
                angleToPrograde = ARUtils.clampDegrees360((((vessel.orbit.inclination > 90) || (vessel.orbit.inclination < -90)) ? 1 : -1) * ((Vector3)up).AngleInPlane(plUp, delta));
                angleToPrograde = 0;

            radius = (CoM - vessel.mainBody.position).magnitude;

            cost = mass = thrustAvailable = thrustMinimum = massDrag = torqueRAvailable = torquePYAvailable = torqueThrustPYAvailable = 0;
            MoI  = vessel.findLocalMOI(CoM);
            foreach (Part p in
                cost += p.partInfo.cost;

                if (p.physicalSignificance != Part.PhysicalSignificance.NONE)
                    double partMass = p.totalMass();
                    mass     += partMass;
                    massDrag += partMass * p.maximum_drag;

                MoI += p.Rigidbody.inertiaTensor;
                if ((p.State == PartStates.ACTIVE) || ((Staging.CurrentStage > Staging.lastStage) && (p.inverseStage == Staging.lastStage)))
                    if (p is LiquidEngine && ARUtils.engineHasFuel(p))
                        double usableFraction = Vector3d.Dot((p.transform.rotation * ((LiquidEngine)p).thrustVector).normalized, forward);
                        thrustAvailable += ((LiquidEngine)p).maxThrust * usableFraction;
                        thrustMinimum   += ((LiquidEngine)p).minThrust * usableFraction;
                        if (((LiquidEngine)p).thrustVectoringCapable)
                            torqueThrustPYAvailable += Math.Sin(Math.Abs(((LiquidEngine)p).gimbalRange) * Math.PI / 180) * ((LiquidEngine)p).maxThrust * (p.Rigidbody.worldCenterOfMass - CoM).magnitude;
                    else if (p is LiquidFuelEngine && ARUtils.engineHasFuel(p))
                        double usableFraction = Vector3d.Dot((p.transform.rotation * ((LiquidFuelEngine)p).thrustVector).normalized, forward);
                        thrustAvailable += ((LiquidFuelEngine)p).maxThrust * usableFraction;
                        thrustMinimum   += ((LiquidFuelEngine)p).minThrust * usableFraction;
                        if (((LiquidFuelEngine)p).thrustVectoringCapable)
                            torqueThrustPYAvailable += Math.Sin(Math.Abs(((LiquidFuelEngine)p).gimbalRange) * Math.PI / 180) * ((LiquidFuelEngine)p).maxThrust * (p.Rigidbody.worldCenterOfMass - CoM).magnitude;
                    else if (p is SolidRocket && !p.ActivatesEvenIfDisconnected)
                        double usableFraction = Vector3d.Dot((p.transform.rotation * ((SolidRocket)p).thrustVector).normalized, forward);
                        thrustAvailable += ((SolidRocket)p).thrust * usableFraction;
                        thrustMinimum   += ((SolidRocket)p).thrust * usableFraction;
                    else if (p is AtmosphericEngine && ARUtils.engineHasFuel(p))
                        double usableFraction = Vector3d.Dot((p.transform.rotation * ((AtmosphericEngine)p).thrustVector).normalized, forward);
                        thrustAvailable += ((AtmosphericEngine)p).maximumEnginePower * ((AtmosphericEngine)p).totalEfficiency * usableFraction;
                        if (((AtmosphericEngine)p).thrustVectoringCapable)
                            torqueThrustPYAvailable += Math.Sin(Math.Abs(((AtmosphericEngine)p).gimbalRange) * Math.PI / 180) * ((AtmosphericEngine)p).maximumEnginePower * ((AtmosphericEngine)p).totalEfficiency * (p.Rigidbody.worldCenterOfMass - CoM).magnitude;
                    else if (p.Modules.Contains("ModuleEngines"))
                        foreach (PartModule pm in p.Modules)
                            if ((pm is ModuleEngines) && (pm.isEnabled) && ARUtils.engineHasFuel(p) && ((ModuleEngines)p.Modules["ModuleEngines"]).getIgnitionState)
                                ModuleEngines e = (ModuleEngines)pm;
                                double        usableFraction = 1; // Vector3d.Dot((p.transform.rotation * e.thrustTransform.forward).normalized, forward); // TODO: Fix usableFraction
                                thrustAvailable += e.maxThrust * usableFraction;

                                if (e.throttleLocked)
                                    thrustMinimum += e.maxThrust * usableFraction;
                                    thrustMinimum += e.minThrust * usableFraction;

                                if (p.Modules.OfType <ModuleGimbal>().Count() > 0)
                                    torqueThrustPYAvailable += Math.Sin(Math.Abs(p.Modules.OfType <ModuleGimbal>().First().gimbalRange) * Math.PI / 180) * e.maxThrust * (p.Rigidbody.worldCenterOfMass - CoM).magnitude; // TODO: close enough?
                        foreach (PartModule pm in p.Modules)
                            CenterOfThrustQuery ctq = new CenterOfThrustQuery();
                            pm.BroadcastMessage("OnCenterOfThrustQuery", ctq, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);
                            if (ctq.thrust > 0)
                                double usableFraction = 1; // Vector3d.Dot((p.transform.rotation * e.thrustTransform.forward).normalized, forward); // TODO: Fix usableFraction
                                thrustAvailable += ctq.thrust * usableFraction;

                if (vessel.ActionGroups[KSPActionGroup.RCS])
                    if (p is RCSModule)
                        double maxT = 0;
                        for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                            if (((RCSModule)p).thrustVectors[i] !=
                                maxT = Math.Max(maxT, ((RCSModule)p).thrusterPowers[i]);
                        torqueRAvailable  += maxT;
                        torquePYAvailable += maxT * (p.Rigidbody.worldCenterOfMass - CoM).magnitude;

                    if (p.Modules.Contains("ModuleRCS"))
                        foreach (ModuleRCS pm in p.Modules.OfType <ModuleRCS>())
                            double maxT = pm.thrustForces.Max();

                            if ((pm.isEnabled) && (!pm.isJustForShow))
                                torqueRAvailable  += maxT;
                                torquePYAvailable += maxT * (p.Rigidbody.worldCenterOfMass - CoM).magnitude;
                if (p is CommandPod)
                    torqueRAvailable  += Math.Abs(((CommandPod)p).rotPower);
                    torquePYAvailable += Math.Abs(((CommandPod)p).rotPower);

            angularMomentum = new Vector3d(angularVelocity.x * MoI.x, angularVelocity.y * MoI.y, angularVelocity.z * MoI.z);

            maxThrustAccel = thrustAvailable / mass;
            minThrustAccel = thrustMinimum / mass;

            double throttle = vessel.ctrlState.mainThrottle;

            thrust = ((1.0 - throttle) * thrustMinimum + throttle * thrustAvailable);

            //Update the acceleration (1 is one 1Hz update, 0.1 is 10Hz)
            if (time - _lastUpdate > 0.5)
                double mag = vessel.srf_velocity.magnitude;

                //Don't update on first pass
                if (_lastUpdate > 0)
                    double new_accel = (mag - _lastVel) / (time - _lastUpdate);
                    surface_accel_delta = new_accel - surface_accel;
                    surface_accel       = new_accel;
                    if (surface_accel < 0 && _lastAltitude > altitudeTrue.value)
                        stop_distance = -(mag * mag) / (2.0 * surface_accel);
                        stop_distance = 0;

                    //How long will we burn to stop
                    stop_time = 2.0 * stop_distance / mag;

                //Calc how much fuel we are using
                fuelAmount      = 0;
                fuelConsumption = 0;
                fuelTotalAmount = 0;
                foreach (Part p in vessel.GetActiveParts())
                    foreach (ModuleEngines engine in p.Modules.OfType <ModuleEngines>())
                        if (!engine.isEnabled || !engine.EngineIgnited || engine.engineShutdown)

                        double thr                  = engine.finalThrust;
                        double Isp                  = engine.realIsp;
                        double massFlowRate         = thr / (Isp * 9.81);
                        double sumRatioTimesDensity = 0;
                        foreach (ModuleEngines.Propellant propellant in engine.propellants)
                            sumRatioTimesDensity += propellant.ratio * PartResourceLibrary.Instance.GetDefinition(;
                        foreach (ModuleEngines.Propellant propellant in engine.propellants)
                            if ( != "ElectricCharge")
                                fuelConsumption += propellant.ratio * massFlowRate / sumRatioTimesDensity;
                                fuelAmount      += propellant.currentAmount;

                    //Total amount
                    fuelTotalAmount = 0;
                    foreach (PartResource r in p.Resources)
                        if (r.resourceName != "ElectricCharge")
                            fuelTotalAmount += r.maxAmount;

                //Update my info
                _lastAltitude = altitudeTrue.value;
                _lastUpdate   = time;
                _lastVel      = mag;
 public override void InitState()
     if(engine == null || part == null || vessel == null) return;
     //update thrust info
     thrustInfo = new CenterOfThrustQuery();
     realIsp = GetIsp((float)(part.staticPressureAtm), (float)(part.atmDensity/1.225), (float)part.machNumber);
     flowMod = GetFlowMod((float)(part.atmDensity/1.225), (float)part.machNumber);
     thrustMod = realIsp*flowMod/zeroIsp;
     //update Role
     if(engine.throttleLocked && info.Role != TCARole.MANUAL)
     //			Utils.Log("Engine.InitState: {}\n" +
     //			          "wThrustDir {}\n" +
     //			          "wThrustPos {}\n" +
     //			          "zeroIsp {}, realIsp {}, flowMod {}, thrustMod {}\n" +
     //			          "P {}, Rho {}, Mach {}, multIsp {}, multFlow {}\n" +
     //			          "###############################################################",
     //			          name, wThrustDir, wThrustPos,
     //			          zeroIsp, realIsp, flowMod, thrustMod,
     //			          part.staticPressureAtm, part.atmDensity, part.machNumber,
     //			          engine.multIsp, engine.multFlow);//debug