Esempio n. 1
    private void AddMoon(float mass, float radius, float distance)
        // Instantiate a moon and set appropriate variables
        CellestialPhysics obj = Instantiate(moonPrefab, planet.transform.position + new Vector3(distance / KilometersPerSquare, 0, 0), Quaternion.identity);

        obj.mass   = mass;
        obj.radius = radius;

        // Apply starting speed perpendicular to gravitational force to achieve stable orbit
        Vector2 distanceVector = obj.transform.position - planet.transform.position;
        float   speed          = (float)Math.Sqrt(66.742f * planet.mass / distance);

        Vector2 directionVector = new Vector2(distanceVector.y, -distanceVector.x);

        obj.SetSpeed(directionVector.normalized * speed);

        // Add moon object to moons list

        Pair <CellestialPhysics> temp;

        // Add all new moon-moon combinations
        for (int i = cellObjs.Count - 2; i >= 0; i--)
            temp = new Pair <CellestialPhysics>(obj, cellObjs[i]);
        // Plus one planet-moon combination
        temp = new Pair <CellestialPhysics>(planet, obj);

        // Log what's been done
        Debug.Log(String.Format("Added new moon (mass: {0} Yg, radius: {1} km, distance: {2} km)", mass, radius, distance));
Esempio n. 2
    Projection FindProjection(ProjType type, CellestialPhysics obj, Vector3 axis)
        // Finds min (ProjType.BEGIN) or max (ProjType.END) projection of
        // an object on the provided axis
        // -- mark the axis you're interested in with a 1 for that vector
        //    component, leave all others on 0, i.e (0,1,0) checks the Y axis
        Projection proj = new Projection();

        proj.body = obj;

        SpriteRenderer sr = obj.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>();
        float          num;

        switch (type)
        case ProjType.BEGIN:
            num = Vector3.Dot(axis, sr.bounds.min);

            proj.value = num;
            proj.type  = ProjType.BEGIN;

        case ProjType.END:
            num        = Vector3.Dot(axis, sr.bounds.max);
            proj.value = num;
            proj.type  = ProjType.END;

Esempio n. 3
    void Awake()
        // Initialization
        objectCombos = new List <Pair <CellestialPhysics> >();
        cellObjs     = new List <CellestialPhysics>();

        // Instantiate the earth in the middle of the scene
        planet        = (CellestialPhysics)Instantiate(planetPrefab, new Vector3(0, 0, 0), Quaternion.identity);
        planet.mass   = 5972.6f;
        planet.radius = 6371;
Esempio n. 4
    Vector2 CalculateGravitationalForce(CellestialPhysics o1, CellestialPhysics o2)
        // Calculates the gravitational force between two cellestial objects
        // return: Vector2 force - the grav. force vector pointing from o1 to o2
        float   mass1          = o1.mass;
        float   mass2          = o2.mass;
        Vector2 distanceVector = o2.transform.position - o1.transform.position;
        float   distance       = distanceVector.magnitude * KilometersPerSquare;

        float gravScalar = 66.742f * (mass1 * mass2) / (distance * distance); // Gravitational force formula (result is in YN)

        Vector2 force = distanceVector.normalized * gravScalar;

Esempio n. 5
 public Projection()
     value = 0;
     body  = null;
     type  = ProjType.BEGIN;
Esempio n. 6
 public Projection(float val, CellestialPhysics obj, ProjType t)
     value = val;
     body  = obj;
     type  = t;