Esempio n. 1
            InitializeContext(GridCell cell, CellVisualStyle style)
                base.InitializeContext(cell, style);
                string hodnota = Convert.ToString(cell.Value);

                if (hodnota == "Rozpracované")
                    style.TextColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black;
                    //style.Font = new Font(style.Font, FontStyle.Bold);
                    style.Background.Color1 = System.Drawing.Color.YellowGreen;
                else if (hodnota == "Po výstupnej kontrole")
                    style.TextColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black;
                    //style.Font = new Font(style.Font, FontStyle.Bold);
                    style.Background.Color1 = System.Drawing.Color.LightSkyBlue;
                else if (hodnota == "Ukončené")
                    style.TextColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black;
                    //style.Font = new Font(style.Font, FontStyle.Bold);
                    style.Background.Color1 = System.Drawing.Color.WhiteSmoke;
                else if (hodnota == "CHYBA")
                    style.TextColor         = System.Drawing.Color.Black;
                    style.Font              = new Font(style.Font, FontStyle.Bold);
                    style.Background.Color1 = System.Drawing.Color.IndianRed;
Esempio n. 2
            /// <summary>
            /// Handles the setting of the slider text to
            /// match the current cell value
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="cell"></param>
            /// <param name="style"></param>
            public override void InitializeContext(
                GridCell cell, CellVisualStyle style)
                base.InitializeContext(cell, style);

                Text = (((float)Value / Maximum) * 100).ToString();
Esempio n. 3
        /// Called to inform the editor it needs
        /// to initialize the its context environment.
        ///<param name="cell">Associated Cell</param>
        ///<param name="style">Effective cell style</param>
        public virtual void InitializeContext(GridCell cell, CellVisualStyle style)
            _Cell = cell;

            Value   = GetValue(_Cell.Value);
            Enabled = (_Cell.IsReadOnly == false);

            _ValueChanged = false;
Esempio n. 4
            public override Size GetProposedSize(
                Graphics g, GridCell cell, CellVisualStyle style, Size constraintSize)
                Size size = base.GetProposedSize(g, cell, style, constraintSize);

                size.Width += 40;

            InitializeContext(GridCell cell, CellVisualStyle style)
                base.InitializeContext(cell, style);

                bool running = Text.Equals("Stop") == false;

                ColorTable = (running == true)
                    ? eButtonColor.OrangeWithBackground
                    : eButtonColor.BlueOrb;
Esempio n. 6
        /// Called to inform the editor it needs
        /// to initialize the its context environment.
        ///<param name="cell">Associated Cell</param>
        ///<param name="style">Effective cell style</param>
        public virtual void InitializeContext(GridCell cell, CellVisualStyle style)
            _Cell = cell;


            Enabled = (_Cell.ReadOnly == false);

            Font      = style.Font;
            ForeColor = style.TextColor;

            _ValueChanged = false;
Esempio n. 7
            /// <summary>
            /// Renders the given item
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="g"></param>
            /// <param name="bounds"></param>
            /// <param name="text"></param>
            private void RenderItem(Graphics g, Rectangle bounds, string text)
                CellVisualStyle style = EditorCell.GetEffectiveStyle();

                using (StringFormat sf = new StringFormat())
                    g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;

                    sf.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;

                    using (Brush br = new SolidBrush(style.TextColor))
                        g.DrawString(text, style.Font, br, bounds, sf);
Esempio n. 8
        private Size GetMarkupTextSize(Graphics g, 
            BodyElement textMarkup, CellVisualStyle style, int width)
            MarkupDrawContext d =
                new MarkupDrawContext(g, style.Font, style.TextColor, false);

            textMarkup.Measure(new Size(width, 0), d);

            return (textMarkup.Bounds.Size);
Esempio n. 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles invocation of GetCellStyle events
        /// </summary>
        internal void DoGetCellStyleEvent(
            GridCell gridCell, StyleType eStyle, ref CellVisualStyle style)
            if (GetCellStyle != null)
                GridGetCellStyleEventArgs ev = new
                    GridGetCellStyleEventArgs(gridCell.GridPanel, gridCell, eStyle, style);

                GetCellStyle(this, ev);

                style = ev.Style;
        /// GetProposedSize
        ///<param name="g"></param>
        ///<param name="cell"></param>
        ///<param name="style"></param>
        ///<param name="constraintSize"></param>
        public virtual Size GetProposedSize(Graphics g,
            GridCell cell, CellVisualStyle style, Size constraintSize)
            Size size = GetPreferredSize(constraintSize);

            return (size);
        /// GetProposedSize
        ///<param name="g"></param>
        ///<param name="cell"></param>
        ///<param name="style"></param>
        ///<param name="constraintSize"></param>
        public virtual Size GetProposedSize(Graphics g,
            GridCell cell, CellVisualStyle style, Size constraintSize)
            Size size = GetPreferredSize(constraintSize);

            if (size.Width < size.Height)
                size.Width = size.Height + 5;

            return (size);
        /// GetProposedSize
        ///<param name="g"></param>
        ///<param name="cell"></param>
        ///<param name="style"></param>
        ///<param name="constraintSize"></param>
        public virtual Size GetProposedSize(Graphics g,
            GridCell cell, CellVisualStyle style, Size constraintSize)
            eTextFormat tf = eTextFormat.NoClipping |
                eTextFormat.WordEllipsis | eTextFormat.NoPrefix;

            if (style.AllowWrap == Tbool.True)
                tf |= eTextFormat.WordBreak;

            string s = EditorFormattedValue;

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(s) == true)
                s = " ";

            Size size = (constraintSize.IsEmpty == true)
                            ? TextHelper.MeasureText(g, s, style.Font)
                            : TextHelper.MeasureText(g, s, style.Font, constraintSize, tf);

            if (ItemHeight > size.Height)
                size.Height = ItemHeight + DefaultMargin.Vertical;

            return (size);
        /// GetProposedSize
        ///<param name="g"></param>
        ///<param name="cell"></param>
        ///<param name="style"></param>
        ///<param name="constraintSize"></param>
        public virtual Size GetProposedSize(Graphics g,
            GridCell cell, CellVisualStyle style, Size constraintSize)
            Size size = GetPreferredSize(constraintSize);

            if (constraintSize.Width > 0)

                size = ButtonItem.TextDrawRect.Size;
                size.Height += 8;

            return (size);
Esempio n. 14
        /// GetProposedSize
        ///<param name="g"></param>
        ///<param name="cell"></param>
        ///<param name="style"></param>
        ///<param name="constraintSize"></param>
        public virtual Size GetProposedSize(Graphics g,
            GridCell cell, CellVisualStyle style, Size constraintSize)
            Size size = constraintSize;
            size.Height = size.Width;

            if (size.Width == 0)
                size.Width = cell.Size.Width - 2;

            size.Height = 50;

            return (size);
        /// InitializeContext
        ///<param name="cell"></param>
        ///<param name="style"></param>
        public virtual void InitializeContext(GridCell cell, CellVisualStyle style)
            _Cell = cell;

            if (style != null)
                // Control colors are tied to Windows System Colors
                // therefore there is not easy to pass along color settings

                Enabled = (_Cell.ReadOnly == false);
                Font = style.Font;

            Value = GetValue(cell.Value);

            _ValueChanged = false;
Esempio n. 16
        private void InitCellStyles(DefaultVisualStyles visualStyle, ColorFactory factory)
            CellVisualStyle style = new CellVisualStyle();
            MetroPartColors metroColors = _MetroPartColors;

            style.Alignment = Alignment.MiddleLeft;
            style.Background = new Background(factory.GetColor(metroColors.CanvasColor));
            style.BorderColor = new BorderColor(factory.GetColor(metroColors.CanvasColorLighterShade));
            style.BorderPattern.All = LinePattern.Solid;
            style.BorderThickness.All = 0;
            style.Font = SystemFonts.DefaultFont;
            style.ImageAlignment = Alignment.MiddleLeft;
            style.ImagePadding.All = 2;
            style.Margin.All = 0;
            style.ImageOverlay = ImageOverlay.None;
            style.Padding.All = 0;
            style.TextColor = metroColors.TextColor;

            visualStyle.CellStyles[StyleType.Default] = style;

            style = new CellVisualStyle();
            style.TextColor = metroColors.CanvasColorDarkShade;
            visualStyle.CellStyles[StyleType.ReadOnly] = style;

            style = new CellVisualStyle();
            style.Background = GetDefaultSelectedBackground(factory);
            style.TextColor = factory.GetColor(metroColors.BaseTextColor);

            visualStyle.CellStyles[StyleType.Selected] = style;
            visualStyle.CellStyles[StyleType.ReadOnlySelected] = style.Copy();

            style = new CellVisualStyle();
            style.Background = GetSelectedMouseOverBackground(factory);
            style.TextColor = factory.GetColor(metroColors.BaseColorLightText);

            visualStyle.CellStyles[StyleType.SelectedMouseOver] = style;
            visualStyle.CellStyles[StyleType.ReadOnlySelectedMouseOver] = style.Copy();

            style = new CellVisualStyle();
            style.Background = new Background(factory.GetColor(metroColors.CanvasColor));

            visualStyle.CellStyles[StyleType.Empty] = style;
Esempio n. 17
        /// InitializeContext
        ///<param name="cell"></param>
        ///<param name="style"></param>
        public virtual void InitializeContext(GridCell cell, CellVisualStyle style)
            _Cell = cell;

            if (style != null)
                Enabled = (_Cell.ReadOnly == false);
                Font = style.Font;
                ForeColor = style.TextColor;

            SetPointerValue(_PointerName, GetValue(_Cell.Value), false);

            _ValueChanged = false;
        /// InitializeContext
        ///<param name="cell"></param>
        ///<param name="style"></param>
        public virtual void InitializeContext(GridCell cell, CellVisualStyle style)
            _Cell = cell;

            Value = GetValue(_Cell.Value);

            _ValueChanged = false;
Esempio n. 19
        private void RenderTextMarkup(Graphics g,
            BodyElement textMarkup, CellVisualStyle style, Rectangle r)
            MarkupDrawContext d =
                new MarkupDrawContext(g, style.Font, style.TextColor, false);

            textMarkup.Arrange(new Rectangle(r.Location, r.Size), d);

            Size size = textMarkup.Bounds.Size;

            switch (style.Alignment)
                case Alignment.MiddleLeft:
                case Alignment.MiddleCenter:
                case Alignment.MiddleRight:
                    if (r.Height > size.Height)
                        r.Y += (r.Height - size.Height) / 2;

                    if (r.Height > size.Height)
                        r.Y = r.Bottom - size.Height;

            textMarkup.Bounds = new Rectangle(r.Location, size);

            Region oldClip = g.Clip;

                g.SetClip(r, CombineMode.Intersect);

                g.Clip = oldClip;
Esempio n. 20
        private void RenderText(Graphics g, GridPanel panel,
            GridColumn column, CellVisualStyle style, Rectangle bounds)
            string s = column.GetHeaderText();

            if (s != null)
                if (_MouseDownButtons == MouseButtons.Left)
                    if (panel.ColumnHeaderClickBehavior == ColumnHeaderClickBehavior.SortAndReorder)
                        if (_Reordering == false && column == _MouseDownHitColumn &&
                            _MouseDownHitArea == HeaderArea.InContent)
                            bounds.Y += 2;
                            bounds.Height -= 2;


                if (column.HeaderTextMarkup != null)
                    RenderTextMarkup(g, column.HeaderTextMarkup, style, bounds);
                    eTextFormat tf = style.GetTextFormatFlags();

                    TextDrawing.DrawString(g, s, style.Font, style.TextColor, bounds, tf);
Esempio n. 21
        internal void ApplyCellStyle(CellVisualStyle style, StyleType cs)

            if (_EffectiveCellStyles == null)
                _EffectiveCellStyles = new CellVisualStyles();

            if (_EffectiveCellStyles.IsValid(cs) == false)
                GridPanel panel = GridPanel;

                int rowIndex = panel.UseAlternateRowStyle ? GridIndex : -1;

                if (rowIndex >= 0 && Parent is GridGroup)
                    rowIndex -= ((GridGroup)Parent).GridIndex + 1;

                CellVisualStyle cstyle = new CellVisualStyle();

                if ((rowIndex % 2) > 0)


                _EffectiveCellStyles[cs] = cstyle;

        private void InitCellStyles(DefaultVisualStyles visualStyle, ColorFactory factory)
            CellVisualStyle style = new CellVisualStyle();

            style.Alignment = Alignment.MiddleLeft;
            style.Background = new Background(factory.GetColor(Color.White));
            //style.BorderColor = new BorderColor(factory.GetColor(0xDADCDD));
            //style.BorderPattern.All = LinePattern.Solid;
            //style.BorderThickness.All = 0;
            style.Font = SystemFonts.DefaultFont;
            style.ImageAlignment = Alignment.MiddleLeft;
            style.ImagePadding.All = 2;
            style.Margin.All = 0;
            style.ImageOverlay = ImageOverlay.None;
            style.Padding.All = 0;
            style.TextColor = Color.Black;

            visualStyle.CellStyles[StyleType.Default] = style;
            //visualStyle.CellStyles[StyleType.ReadOnly] = style.Copy();

            //visualStyle.CellStyles[StyleType.MouseOver] = style.Copy();
            //visualStyle.CellStyles[StyleType.ReadOnlyMouseOver] = style.Copy();

            style = new CellVisualStyle();
            style.Background = GetDefaultSelectedBackground(factory);

            visualStyle.CellStyles[StyleType.Selected] = style;
            //visualStyle.CellStyles[StyleType.ReadOnlySelected] = style.Copy();

            style = new CellVisualStyle();
            style.Background = GetSelectedMouseOverBackground(factory);

            visualStyle.CellStyles[StyleType.SelectedMouseOver] = style;
            //visualStyle.CellStyles[StyleType.ReadOnlySelectedMouseOver] = style.Copy();

            style = new CellVisualStyle();
            style.Background = new Background(factory.GetColor(0xF4F4F4));

            visualStyle.CellStyles[StyleType.Empty] = style;
Esempio n. 23
 /// Called to retrieve the editors proposed size for the given
 /// cell, using the provided effective style and size constraint.
 ///<param name="g">Graphics object</param>
 ///<param name="cell">Associated Cell</param>
 ///<param name="style">Effective style</param>
 ///<param name="constraintSize">Constraining size</param>
 ///<returns>Proposed Size</returns>
 public virtual Size GetProposedSize(Graphics g,
                                     GridCell cell, CellVisualStyle style, Size constraintSize)
        /// GetProposedSize
        ///<param name="g"></param>
        ///<param name="cell"></param>
        ///<param name="style"></param>
        ///<param name="constraintSize"></param>
        public virtual Size GetProposedSize(Graphics g,
            GridCell cell, CellVisualStyle style, Size constraintSize)
            AutoSize = true;
            Size size = GetPreferredSize(constraintSize);
            AutoSize = false;

            if (constraintSize.Width > 0)
                size.Width = constraintSize.Width;

            return (size);
Esempio n. 25
 InitializeContext(GridCell cell, CellVisualStyle style)
     base.InitializeContext(cell, style);
     Text = "otvoriť";
Esempio n. 26
        /// InitializeContext
        ///<param name="cell"></param>
        ///<param name="style"></param>
        public virtual void InitializeContext(GridCell cell, CellVisualStyle style)
            _Cell = cell;

            if (style != null)
                Font = style.Font;
                WordWrap = (style.AllowWrap == Tbool.True);
                Enabled = (_Cell.IsReadOnly == false);


                ForeColor = style.TextColor;
                BackColor = Color.Transparent;

            EnableMarkup = !EnableMarkup;
            EnableMarkup = !EnableMarkup;

            Text = GetValue(_Cell.Value);

            _ValueChanged = false;
        /// GetProposedSize
        ///<param name="g"></param>
        ///<param name="cell"></param>
        ///<param name="style"></param>
        ///<param name="constraintSize"></param>
        public virtual Size GetProposedSize(Graphics g,
            GridCell cell, CellVisualStyle style, Size constraintSize)
            _SuspendUpdate = true;

            Rectangle r = Bounds;

            AutoSize = true;
            Size size = GetPreferredSize(constraintSize);
            AutoSize = false;

            Bounds = r;

            _SuspendUpdate = false;

            return (size);
Esempio n. 28
        /// GetProposedSize
        ///<param name="g"></param>
        ///<param name="cell"></param>
        ///<param name="style"></param>
        ///<param name="constraintSize"></param>
        public virtual Size GetProposedSize(Graphics g,
            GridCell cell, CellVisualStyle style, Size constraintSize)
            Size maxSize = MaximumSize;
            MaximumSize = constraintSize;


            Size size = GetPreferredSize(constraintSize);

            MaximumSize = maxSize;

            if (constraintSize.Width > 0 && EnableMarkup == true)
                size.Width = constraintSize.Width;

            return (size);
Esempio n. 29
        internal void ApplyCellStyle(CellVisualStyle style, StyleType cs)

            if (_EffectiveCellStyles == null)
                _EffectiveCellStyles = new CellVisualStyles();

            if (_EffectiveCellStyles.IsValid(cs) == false)
                GridPanel panel = GridPanel;

                int colIndex = panel.UseAlternateColumnStyle 
                    ? panel.Columns.GetDisplayIndex(this) : -1;

                CellVisualStyle cstyle = new CellVisualStyle();

                if ((colIndex % 2) > 0)


                _EffectiveCellStyles[cs] = cstyle;

        private void SetTextAlign(CellVisualStyle style)
            switch (style.Alignment)
                case Alignment.TopLeft:
                case Alignment.MiddleLeft:
                case Alignment.BottomLeft:
                    TextAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Left;

                case Alignment.TopCenter:
                case Alignment.MiddleCenter:
                case Alignment.BottomCenter:
                    TextAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Center;

                case Alignment.TopRight:
                case Alignment.MiddleRight:
                case Alignment.BottomRight:
                    TextAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Right;
        /// InitializeContext
        ///<param name="cell"></param>
        ///<param name="style"></param>
        public virtual void InitializeContext(GridCell cell, CellVisualStyle style)
            _Cell = cell;

            if (style != null)
                Enabled = (_Cell.IsReadOnly == false);

                Font = style.Font;
                ForeColor = style.TextColor;

            CheckState = GetValue(_Cell.Value);

            _ValueChanged = false;
 public override void InitializeContext(GridCell cell, CellVisualStyle style)
     base.InitializeContext(cell, style);
        public override void InitializeContext(GridCell cell, CellVisualStyle style)
            base.InitializeContext(cell, style);

            if (style != null)
                Symbol = "\uf040";
                Colors.RadialMenuButtonBorder = Color.Green;
Esempio n. 34
        private Size MeasureHeaderText(Graphics g,
            GridColumn column, CellVisualStyle style, Size constraintSize)
            Size size = Size.Empty;

            string s = column.GetHeaderText();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(s) == false)
                if (column.HeaderTextMarkup != null)
                    size = GetMarkupTextSize(g,
                        column.HeaderTextMarkup, style, constraintSize.Width);

                    column.HeaderTextSize = size;
                    eTextFormat tf = style.GetTextFormatFlags();

                    size = (constraintSize.IsEmpty == true)
                               ? TextHelper.MeasureText(g, s, style.Font)
                               : TextHelper.MeasureText(g, s, style.Font, constraintSize, tf);

            return (size);
Esempio n. 35
        private void SetTextAlign(CellVisualStyle style)
            switch (style.Alignment)
                case Alignment.TopLeft:
                    TextLineAlignment = StringAlignment.Near;
                    TextAlignment = StringAlignment.Near;

                case Alignment.TopCenter:
                    TextLineAlignment = StringAlignment.Near;
                    TextAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;

                case Alignment.TopRight:
                    TextLineAlignment = StringAlignment.Near;
                    TextAlignment = StringAlignment.Far;

                case Alignment.MiddleLeft:
                    TextLineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;
                    TextAlignment = StringAlignment.Near;

                case Alignment.MiddleCenter:
                    TextLineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;
                    TextAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;

                case Alignment.MiddleRight:
                    TextLineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;
                    TextAlignment = StringAlignment.Far;

                case Alignment.BottomLeft:
                    TextLineAlignment = StringAlignment.Far;
                    TextAlignment = StringAlignment.Near;

                case Alignment.BottomCenter:
                    TextLineAlignment = StringAlignment.Far;
                    TextAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;

                case Alignment.BottomRight:
                    TextLineAlignment = StringAlignment.Far;
                    TextAlignment = StringAlignment.Far;
        /// InitializeContext
        ///<param name="cell"></param>
        ///<param name="style"></param>
        public virtual void InitializeContext(GridCell cell, CellVisualStyle style)
            _Cell = cell;

            if (style != null)
                Enabled = (_Cell.IsReadOnly == false);

            DataPoints = GetValue(_Cell.Value);

            _ValueChanged = false;
        /// InitializeContext
        ///<param name="cell"></param>
        ///<param name="style"></param>
        public virtual void InitializeContext(GridCell cell, CellVisualStyle style)
            _Cell = cell;

            if (style != null)
                Enabled = (_Cell.ReadOnly == false);
                WordWrap = (style.AllowWrap == Tbool.True);
                ForeColor = style.TextColor;
                Font = style.Font;
                Multiline = WordWrap;


            Text = GetValue(_Cell.Value);

            _ValueChanged = false;
Esempio n. 38
 /// GridGetCellStyleEventArgs
 ///<param name="gridPanel"></param>
 ///<param name="gridCell"></param>
 ///<param name="styleType"></param>
 ///<param name="style"></param>
 public GridGetCellStyleEventArgs(
     GridPanel gridPanel, GridCell gridCell, StyleType styleType, CellVisualStyle style)
     : base(gridPanel, gridCell)
     _StyleType = styleType;
     _Style = style;
        /// GetProposedSize
        ///<param name="g"></param>
        ///<param name="cell"></param>
        ///<param name="style"></param>
        ///<param name="constraintSize"></param>
        public virtual Size GetProposedSize(Graphics g,
            GridCell cell, CellVisualStyle style, Size constraintSize)
            eTextFormat tf = eTextFormat.NoPadding |
                eTextFormat.WordEllipsis | eTextFormat.NoPrefix;

            if (style.AllowWrap == Tbool.True)
                tf |= eTextFormat.WordBreak;

            string s = String.IsNullOrEmpty(Text) ? " " : Text;

            Size size = (constraintSize.IsEmpty == true)
                ? TextHelper.MeasureText(g, s, style.Font, new Size(10000, 0), tf)
                : TextHelper.MeasureText(g, s, style.Font, constraintSize, tf);

            return (size);
Esempio n. 40
        /// GetProposedSize
        ///<param name="g"></param>
        ///<param name="cell"></param>
        ///<param name="style"></param>
        ///<param name="constraintSize"></param>
        public virtual Size GetProposedSize(Graphics g,
            GridCell cell, CellVisualStyle style, Size constraintSize)
            Image image = EffectiveImage;

            Size size = (image != null)
                ? image.Size : new Size(20, 20);

            return (size);