public static double SH(int database, float altitude, float temperature)
        //Mean mass of molecule Mm = M * Na (Molar mass * Avogadro constant) = M * UGC/kb (Molar mass * UniversalGasConstant / Boltzmann constant)
        //ScaleHeight SH = R*T/g = Kb*T/(Mm*g) ( = UGC * T / (M * g)
        //ScaleHeight = UniversalGasConstant * Temperature / (AtmosphereMolarMass * gravity(altitude))
        //NOTE: PD.SH_correction is applied to have the resulting pressure curve match on average with the pressure curve in KSP
            PlanetData PD = WeatherDatabase.PlanetaryData[database];

            return(CellUpdater.UGC * PD.SH_correction / PD.atmoData.M / (float)CellUpdater.G(PD.index, altitude) * temperature);
Esempio n. 2
        private static List <KWSCellMap <WeatherCell> > InitCalcs(PlanetData PD)
            List <KWSCellMap <WeatherCell> > tempMap = new List <KWSCellMap <WeatherCell> >();

            for (int i = 0; i < PD.layers; i++)
                tempMap.Add(new KWSCellMap <WeatherCell>(PD.gridLevel));
            float basePressure = (float)FlightGlobals.getStaticPressure(0, PD.body) * 1000;

            for (int AltLayer = 0; AltLayer < PD.layers; AltLayer++)
                foreach (Cell cell in Cell.AtLevel(PD.gridLevel))
                    WeatherCell wCell = new WeatherCell();

                    wCell.temperature = GetInitTemperature(PD, AltLayer, cell);
                    wCell.TempChange  = 0;

                    if (AltLayer == 0)
                        wCell.CCN = 1;

                        wCell.pressure         = basePressure;
                        wCell.relativeHumidity = PD.biomeDatas[WeatherFunctions.GetBiome(PD.index, cell)].FLC * 0.85f;  //* wCell.temperature / 288.15f
                        wCell.CCN = 0;

                        wCell.pressure = (float)(tempMap[AltLayer - 1][cell].pressure
                                                 * Math.Exp(-WeatherFunctions.GetDeltaLayerAltitude(PD.index, cell) / (CellUpdater.UGC * PD.SH_correction / PD.atmoData.M / CellUpdater.G(PD.index, AltLayer * WeatherFunctions.GetDeltaLayerAltitude(PD.index, cell)) * tempMap[AltLayer - 1][cell].temperature)));
                        wCell.relativeHumidity = (PD.biomeDatas[WeatherFunctions.GetBiome(PD.index, cell)].FLC * wCell.temperature / 288.15f) * 0.4f;

                    wCell.windVector        = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f);
                    wCell.flowPChange       = 0;
                    tempMap[AltLayer][cell] = wCell;

Esempio n. 3
        private static List <KWSCellMap <WeatherCell> > InitStratoCalcs(PlanetData PD)
            List <KWSCellMap <WeatherCell> > tempMap = new List <KWSCellMap <WeatherCell> >();

            for (int i = 0; i < PD.stratoLayers; i++)
                tempMap.Add(new KWSCellMap <WeatherCell>(PD.gridLevel));
            for (int layer = 0; layer < PD.stratoLayers; layer++)
                foreach (Cell cell in Cell.AtLevel(PD.gridLevel))
                    WeatherCell wCell = new WeatherCell();

                    wCell.CCN         = 0;
                    wCell.temperature = GetInitTemperature(PD, layer + layers, cell);
                    wCell.TempChange  = 0;
                    if (layer == 0)
                        wCell.pressure = (float)(PD.LiveMap[layers - 1][cell].pressure
                                                 * Math.Exp(-WeatherFunctions.GetDeltaLayerAltitude(PD.index, cell) / (CellUpdater.UGC * PD.SH_correction / PD.atmoData.M / CellUpdater.G(PD.index, (layers + layer) * WeatherFunctions.GetDeltaLayerAltitude(PD.index, cell)) * PD.LiveMap[layers - 1][cell].temperature)));
                        wCell.pressure = (float)(tempMap[layer - 1][cell].pressure
                                                 * Math.Exp(-WeatherFunctions.GetDeltaLayerAltitude(PD.index, cell) / (CellUpdater.UGC * PD.SH_correction / PD.atmoData.M / CellUpdater.G(PD.index, (layers + layer) * WeatherFunctions.GetDeltaLayerAltitude(PD.index, cell)) * tempMap[layer - 1][cell].temperature)));

                    wCell.relativeHumidity = 0;

                    wCell.windVector     = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f);
                    tempMap[layer][cell] = wCell;