Esempio n. 1
        public static IntVec3 PreCalculateBannerCell()
            if (!Info.Active)
                Log.Error("[Carnivale] Tried to perform a cell calculation while current carnival is inactive.");

            var map         =;
            var setupCentre = Info.setupCentre;
            var baseRadius  = Info.baseRadius;

            var minDistToCentre = baseRadius / 2;
            var maxDistToCentre = baseRadius + 3f;

            var minDistSqrdToCentre = (int)(minDistToCentre * minDistToCentre * 2);
            var maxDistSqrdToCentre = (int)(maxDistToCentre * maxDistToCentre * 2);

            IntVec3 colonistPos;

            if (!(colonistPos = CellsUtil.ApproxClosestColonistBuilding(map, setupCentre, ThingDefOf.Door)).IsValid)
                colonistPos = CellsUtil.AverageColonistPosition(map);
                colonistPos = colonistPos.AverageWith(CellsUtil.AverageColonistPosition(map));

            // Initial pass
            var closestCell = CellRect.CenteredOn(setupCentre, (int)maxDistToCentre).EdgeCells.ClosestCellTo(colonistPos, map);

            if (Prefs.DevMode)
                Log.Message("[Carnivale] bannerCell initial pass: "******"Road"))
                        adjustedCell += IntVec3.East * 2;
                    else if ((adjustedCell + IntVec3.West * 2).GetTerrain(map).HasTag("Road"))
                        adjustedCell += IntVec3.West * 2;
                        adjustedCell += IntVec3.North;

                    closestCell = adjustedCell;

                    if (Prefs.DevMode)
                        Log.Message("\t[Carnivale] bannerCell road pass: "******". distSqrdToCentre=" + dist + ", minDistSqrdToCentre=" + minDistSqrdToCentre + ", maxDistSqrdToCentre=" + maxDistSqrdToCentre);

                    if (Prefs.DevMode)
                        Log.Warning("\t[Carnivale] bannerCell road pass failure: " + rcell + ". distSqrdToCentre=" + dist + ", minDistSqrdToCentre=" + minDistSqrdToCentre + ", maxDistSqrdToCentre=" + maxDistSqrdToCentre);

            // line of sight pass

            if (!GenSight.LineOfSight(setupCentre, closestCell, map))
                Func <IntVec3, float> weightLoSSetupCentre = c => 2f / (setupCentre.CountObstructingCellsTo(c, map) + 1f);
                Func <IntVec3, float> weightLoSColony      = c => 1f / (c.CountObstructingCellsTo(colonistPos, map) + 1f);
                Func <IntVec3, float> weightBest           = c => (weightLoSSetupCentre(c) == 2f ? 2f : 0f) + (weightLoSColony(c) == 1f ? 1f : 0f);

                var candidateCells = CellTriangle
                                     .FromTarget(setupCentre, closestCell, 45f, maxDistToCentre)
                                     .Where(c => c.InBounds(map) && c.DistanceToSquared(setupCentre) >= minDistSqrdToCentre);

                    closestCell = candidateCells.MaxBy(weightBest);

                    if (Prefs.DevMode)
                        Log.Message("\t[Carnivale] bannerCell optimal LoS pass: "******"\t[Carnivale] bannerCell sub-optimal LoS pass: "******"\t[Carnivale] bannerCell failed LoS passes. Is candidateCells empty? Leaving it at: " + closestCell);

            // Mountain proximity pass

            var     attempts = 0;
            IntVec3 nearestMineable;

            while (attempts < 10 &&
                   closestCell.DistanceSquaredToNearestMineable(map, 12, out nearestMineable) <= 36)
                closestCell = CellRect.CenteredOn(closestCell, 5).FurthestCellFrom(nearestMineable);

                if (Prefs.DevMode)
                    Log.Message("\t[Carnivale] bannerCell mountain proximity pass #" + attempts + ": " + closestCell);

            if (attempts == 10 && Prefs.DevMode)
                Log.Warning("\t[Carnivale] bannerCell mountain proximity passes took too many tries. Leaving it at: " + closestCell);

            // End passes

            if (Prefs.DevMode)
                Log.Message("[Carnivale] bannerCell pre-buildability pass: " + closestCell);

Esempio n. 2
        private static bool TryCarnivalSetupPosition_Triangular(IntVec3 initPos, IntVec3 colPos, int distSqrToColony, Map map, out IntVec3 result)
            var minDistSqrToColony = MinDistToColony * MinDistToColony * 2;

            var halfAngle = Mathf.Lerp(30f, 10f, distSqrToColony / map.Size.LengthHorizontalSquared);

            IntVec3 roadPos;

            if (!map.AnyRoads() ||
                .TranslateToward(colPos, c => !c.InNoBuildEdgeArea(map))
                .TryFindNearestRoadCell(map, 15f, out roadPos, c => !c.InNoBuildEdgeArea(map)))
                roadPos = initPos;

            var mapRect = CellRect.WholeMap(map).ContractedBy(MinDistToMapEdge);

            var candidateTri = CellTriangle
                               .FromTarget(colPos, roadPos, halfAngle, map.Size.x / 2)

            if (Prefs.DevMode)
                Log.Message("\t[Carnivale] triangular setupSpot: MinDistToMapEdge=" + MinDistToMapEdge + ", minDistSqrToColony=" + minDistSqrToColony + ", halfAngle=" + halfAngle + ", roadPos=" + roadPos);


            Func <IntVec3, bool>  reachable       = c => map.reachability.CanReachColony(c);
            Func <IntVec3, bool>  validDist       = c => c.DistanceToSquared(colPos) >= minDistSqrToColony;
            Func <IntVec3, bool>  validRoad       = c => !map.AnyRoads() || c.DistanceSquaredToNearestRoad(map, Info.baseRadius * 1.5f) < int.MaxValue;
            Func <IntVec3, float> weightBuildable = c => 1f / (c.CountBadTerrainInRadius(map, 14) + 1f);
            Func <IntVec3, float> weightDist      = c => Rand.Range(0, 20) + distSqrToColony / (c.DistanceToSquared(colPos) + 1f);

            var maxWeight = 0f;

            foreach (var cell in candidateTri.InRandomOrder().Where(c => validDist(c) && reachable(c) && validRoad(c)))
                if (Prefs.DevMode)

                var weight = weightBuildable(cell) + weightDist(cell);
                var thresh = Rand.Range(19, 24);

                if (weight > maxWeight)
                    maxWeight = weight;

                if (weight >= thresh)
                    result = cell;

                    if (Prefs.DevMode)
                        Log.Message("\t[Carnivale] triangular setupSpot: successfully found cell. result=" + result + ", weight=" + weight);

            if (Prefs.DevMode)
                Log.Warning("\t[Carnivale] triangular setupSpot: unable to find cell in candidates. maxWeight=" + maxWeight);

            result = IntVec3.Invalid;