static void Main(string[] args) { InitializeWorkbook(); Sheet sheet1 = hssfworkbook.CreateSheet("first sheet"); hssfworkbook.CreateSheet("second sheet"); hssfworkbook.CreateSheet("third sheet"); Font boldFont = hssfworkbook.CreateFont(); boldFont.FontHeightInPoints = 22; boldFont.Boldweight = (short)FontBoldWeight.BOLD; CellStyle boldStyle = hssfworkbook.CreateCellStyle(); boldStyle.SetFont(boldFont); Row row = sheet1.CreateRow(1); Cell cell = row.CreateCell(0); cell.SetCellValue("This quick brown fox"); cell.CellStyle = (boldStyle); // Set the columns to repeat from column 0 to 2 on the first sheet hssfworkbook.SetRepeatingRowsAndColumns(0, 0, 2, -1, -1); // Set the rows to repeat from row 0 to 2 on the second sheet. hssfworkbook.SetRepeatingRowsAndColumns(1, -1, -1, 0, 2); // Set the the repeating rows and columns on the third sheet. hssfworkbook.SetRepeatingRowsAndColumns(2, 4, 5, 1, 2); WriteToFile(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { InitializeWorkbook(); ////cell style for hyperlinks ////by default hyperlinks are blue and underlined CellStyle hlink_style = hssfworkbook.CreateCellStyle(); Font hlink_font = hssfworkbook.CreateFont(); hlink_font.Underline = (byte)FontUnderlineType.SINGLE; hlink_font.Color = HSSFColor.BLUE.index; hlink_style.SetFont(hlink_font); Cell cell; Sheet sheet = hssfworkbook.CreateSheet("Hyperlinks"); //URL cell = sheet.CreateRow(0).CreateCell(0); cell.SetCellValue("URL Link"); HSSFHyperlink link = new HSSFHyperlink(HyperlinkType.URL); link.Address = (""); cell.Hyperlink = (link); cell.CellStyle = (hlink_style); //link to a file in the current directory cell = sheet.CreateRow(1).CreateCell(0); cell.SetCellValue("File Link"); link = new HSSFHyperlink(HyperlinkType.FILE); link.Address = ("link1.xls"); cell.Hyperlink = (link); cell.CellStyle = (hlink_style); //e-mail link cell = sheet.CreateRow(2).CreateCell(0); cell.SetCellValue("Email Link"); link = new HSSFHyperlink(HyperlinkType.EMAIL); //note, if subject contains white spaces, make sure they are url-encoded link.Address = ("mailto:[email protected]?subject=Hyperlinks"); cell.Hyperlink = (link); cell.CellStyle = (hlink_style); //link to a place in this workbook //Create a target sheet and cell Sheet sheet2 = hssfworkbook.CreateSheet("Target Sheet"); sheet2.CreateRow(0).CreateCell(0).SetCellValue("Target Cell"); cell = sheet.CreateRow(3).CreateCell(0); cell.SetCellValue("Worksheet Link"); link = new HSSFHyperlink(HyperlinkType.DOCUMENT); link.Address = ("'Target Sheet'!A1"); cell.Hyperlink = (link); cell.CellStyle = (hlink_style); WriteToFile(); }
private void SetBold(Cell cell, CellStyle style) { if (cell.IsBold) { Font font = sheet.Workbook.CreateFont(); font.Boldweight = (short)FontBoldWeight.BOLD; style.SetFont(font); } }
private void font_color(HSSFWorkbook hssfworkbook, Cell cell, short color) { CellStyle cellStyleFontColor = hssfworkbook.CreateCellStyle(); NPOI.SS.UserModel.Font font1 = hssfworkbook.CreateFont(); font1.Color = color; cellStyleFontColor.SetFont(font1); cell.CellStyle = cellStyleFontColor; }
/// <summary> /// 把DataTable 转为Excel 内容 /// </summary> /// <param name="dt"></param> /// <param name="startRow"></param> /// <param name="endRow"></param> /// <param name="book"></param> /// <param name="sheetName"></param> private void DataWrite2Sheet(DataTable dt, int startRow, int endRow, HSSFWorkbook book, string sheetName) { //头部样式 CellStyle headstyle = book.CreateCellStyle(); headstyle.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.CENTER; headstyle.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.CENTER; Font headfont = book.CreateFont(); headfont.Boldweight = 700; headstyle.SetFont(headfont); headstyle.FillPattern = FillPatternType.SOLID_FOREGROUND; headstyle.FillForegroundColor = HSSFColor.GREY_25_PERCENT.index; headstyle.BorderBottom = CellBorderType.THIN; headstyle.BorderLeft = CellBorderType.THIN; headstyle.BorderRight = CellBorderType.THIN; headstyle.BorderTop = CellBorderType.THIN; NPOI.SS.UserModel.Sheet sheet = book.CreateSheet(sheetName); NPOI.SS.UserModel.Row header = sheet.CreateRow(0); header.Height = 20 * 20; //表格内容样 CellStyle dataStyle = book.CreateCellStyle(); dataStyle.BorderBottom = CellBorderType.THIN; dataStyle.FillPattern = FillPatternType.SOLID_FOREGROUND; dataStyle.BorderLeft = CellBorderType.THIN; dataStyle.BorderRight = CellBorderType.THIN; dataStyle.BorderTop = CellBorderType.THIN; for (int i = 0; i < dt.Columns.Count; i++) { NPOI.SS.UserModel.Cell cell = header.CreateCell(i); cell.CellStyle = headstyle; string val = dt.Columns[i].Caption ?? dt.Columns[i].ColumnName; cell.SetCellValue(val); } int rowIndex = 1; for (int i = startRow; i <= endRow; i++) { DataRow dtRow = dt.Rows[i]; NPOI.SS.UserModel.Row excelRow = sheet.CreateRow(rowIndex++); for (int j = 0; j < dtRow.ItemArray.Length; j++) { excelRow.CreateCell(j).CellStyle = dataStyle; excelRow.CreateCell(j).SetCellValue(dtRow[j].ToString()); } } }
private CellStyle GetSumStyle(HSSFWorkbook hssfworkbook) { CellStyle tstyle = hssfworkbook.CreateCellStyle(); tstyle.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.RIGHT; var font = hssfworkbook.CreateFont(); font.Boldweight = short.MaxValue; tstyle.SetFont(font); return(tstyle); }
private CellStyle GetRowTitle(HSSFWorkbook hssfworkbook) { CellStyle style = hssfworkbook.CreateCellStyle(); var font = hssfworkbook.CreateFont(); font.Boldweight = short.MaxValue; font.FontName = "微软雅黑"; style.SetFont(font); style.FillPattern = FillPatternType.LEAST_DOTS; //前景图案 style.FillForegroundColor = 29; //前景色 style.FillBackgroundColor = 29; //背景色 return(style); }
/// <summary> /// 左对齐全边框 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private CellStyle cellLeftAllBorder() { CellStyle styleLeft = hssfworkbook.CreateCellStyle(); styleLeft.Alignment = NPOI.SS.UserModel.HorizontalAlignment.LEFT; styleLeft.BorderLeft = CellBorderType.THIN; styleLeft.BorderBottom = CellBorderType.THIN; styleLeft.BorderRight = CellBorderType.THIN; styleLeft.BorderTop = CellBorderType.THIN; styleLeft.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.CENTER; styleLeft.SetFont(cellFont()); return(styleLeft); }
/// <summary> /// Setea el estilo usado para los títulos de cada hoja /// </summary> /// <param name="hw"></param> /// <returns></returns> private CellStyle EstiloTitulo(HSSFWorkbook hw) { CellStyle style = hw.CreateCellStyle(); style.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.CENTER; style.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.LEFT; Font font = hw.CreateFont(); SetFuenteTitulos(font); style.SetFont(font); style.FillBackgroundColor = HSSFColor.WHITE.index; return(style); }
/// <summary> /// 创建四边框中对齐样式 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private CellStyle SetCellAllCenterBorder() { //创建其它单元格的样式 CellStyle styleCell = hssfworkbook.CreateCellStyle(); styleCell.Alignment = NPOI.SS.UserModel.HorizontalAlignment.CENTER_SELECTION; styleCell.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.CENTER; styleCell.BorderLeft = CellBorderType.THIN; styleCell.BorderRight = CellBorderType.THIN; styleCell.BorderTop = CellBorderType.THIN; styleCell.BorderBottom = CellBorderType.THIN; styleCell.SetFont(cellFont()); return(styleCell); }
/// <summary> /// 获取Cell统一样式 /// </summary> /// <param name="cell"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static CellStyle GetCommonCellStyle(this Cell cell) { CellStyle style = cell.Sheet.Workbook.CreateCellStyle(); style.Alignment = NPOI.SS.UserModel.HorizontalAlignment.CENTER; style.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.CENTER; style.BorderBottom = CellBorderType.THIN; Font font = cell.Sheet.Workbook.CreateFont(); font.FontHeightInPoints = 10; font.Boldweight = (short)FontBoldWeight.BOLD; style.SetFont(font); return(style); }
private CellStyle GetTitleStyle(HSSFWorkbook hssfworkbook) { CellStyle style = hssfworkbook.CreateCellStyle(); style.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.CENTER; var font = hssfworkbook.CreateFont(); font.FontHeight = 20 * 20; font.FontName = "微软雅黑"; font.Color = HSSFColor.BLACK.index; style.SetFont(font); style.FillForegroundColor = NPOI.HSSF.Util.HSSFColor.PINK.index; //前景色 style.FillPattern = FillPatternType.LEAST_DOTS; //前景图案 style.FillBackgroundColor = NPOI.HSSF.Util.HSSFColor.WHITE.index; //背景色 return(style); }
/// <summary> /// 右对齐数字格式 /// </summary> /// <param name="cell"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static CellStyle GetRightDataCellStyle(NPOI.SS.UserModel.Cell cell) { if (rightDataCellStyle == null) { CellStyle style = cell.Sheet.Workbook.CreateCellStyle(); style.BorderBottom = CellBorderType.THIN; style.BorderLeft = CellBorderType.THIN; style.BorderRight = CellBorderType.THIN; style.BorderTop = CellBorderType.THIN; style.Alignment = NPOI.SS.UserModel.HorizontalAlignment.RIGHT; NPOI.SS.UserModel.Font font = cell.Sheet.Workbook.CreateFont(); font.FontHeightInPoints = 9; style.SetFont(font); style.DataFormat = cell.Sheet.Workbook.CreateDataFormat().GetFormat("_ * #,##0.00_ ;_ * -#,##0.00_ ;_ * \" - \"??_ ;_ @_ "); rightDataCellStyle = style; } return(rightDataCellStyle); }
private void AddTitle(HSSFSheet sheet, int col, string content) { HSSFRow row = col == 0 ? sheet.CreateRow(0) as HSSFRow : sheet.GetRow(0) as HSSFRow; HSSFCell cell = row.CreateCell(col) as HSSFCell; cell.SetCellValue(new HSSFRichTextString(content)); CellStyle style = sheet.Workbook.CreateCellStyle(); Font font = sheet.Workbook.CreateFont(); font.Color = HSSFColor.LIGHT_BLUE.index; font.Boldweight = (short)700; style.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.CENTER; style.FillBackgroundColor = HSSFColor.GREY_25_PERCENT.index; style.FillForegroundColor = HSSFColor.GREY_25_PERCENT.index; style.FillPattern = FillPatternType.SOLID_FOREGROUND; style.SetFont(font); cell.CellStyle = style; sheet.SetColumnWidth(col, mDynameter * 70); }
/// <summary> /// 设置excel中单元格的样式 /// djin--2012-5-25 /// </summary> /// <param name="hssfworkbook"></param> /// <param name="options"></param> /// <returns></returns> public CellStyle setCellstyle(HSSFWorkbook hssfworkbook, string[] options) { CellStyle style3 = hssfworkbook.CreateCellStyle(); foreach (string s in options) { if (s == "Border") { style3.BorderBottom = CellBorderType.THIN; style3.BorderLeft = CellBorderType.THIN; style3.BorderRight = CellBorderType.THIN; style3.BorderTop = CellBorderType.THIN; } if (s == "BorderNone") { style3.BorderBottom = CellBorderType.NONE; style3.BorderLeft = CellBorderType.NONE; style3.BorderRight = CellBorderType.NONE; style3.BorderTop = CellBorderType.NONE; } if (s == "Left") { style3.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.CENTER; style3.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.LEFT; } if (s == "Right") { style3.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.CENTER; style3.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.RIGHT; } if (s == "DateTime") { DataFormat format = hssfworkbook.CreateDataFormat(); style3.DataFormat = format.GetFormat("yyyy-mm-dd"); } } Font font3 = hssfworkbook.CreateFont(); font3.FontHeightInPoints = 9; style3.SetFont(font3); return(style3); }
/// <summary> /// 居中对齐加粗格式 /// </summary> /// <param name="cell"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static CellStyle GetCenterBoldCellStyle(NPOI.SS.UserModel.Cell cell) { if (centerBoldCellStyle == null) { CellStyle style = cell.Sheet.Workbook.CreateCellStyle(); style.BorderBottom = CellBorderType.THIN; style.BorderLeft = CellBorderType.THIN; style.BorderRight = CellBorderType.THIN; style.BorderTop = CellBorderType.THIN; style.Alignment = NPOI.SS.UserModel.HorizontalAlignment.CENTER; style.VerticalAlignment = NPOI.SS.UserModel.VerticalAlignment.CENTER; NPOI.SS.UserModel.Font font = cell.Sheet.Workbook.CreateFont(); font.FontHeightInPoints = 10; font.Boldweight = (short)FontBoldWeight.BOLD; style.SetFont(font); centerBoldCellStyle = style; } return(centerBoldCellStyle); }
public void ExportarListaNegra(DataTable blackList, string caminhoSalvar) { doc = new HSSFWorkbook(); try { Sheet planilha = doc.CreateSheet(); CellStyle estilo = doc.CreateCellStyle(); estilo.Alignment = NPOI.SS.UserModel.HorizontalAlignment.CENTER; estilo.FillBackgroundColor = NPOI.HSSF.Util.HSSFColor.ROYAL_BLUE.index; estilo.FillForegroundColor = NPOI.HSSF.Util.HSSFColor.ROYAL_BLUE.index; estilo.FillPattern = NPOI.SS.UserModel.FillPatternType.SOLID_FOREGROUND; NPOI.SS.UserModel.Font fonte = doc.CreateFont(); fonte.Boldweight = (short)NPOI.SS.UserModel.FontBoldWeight.BOLD; fonte.FontName = "Arial"; fonte.FontHeightInPoints = 16; fonte.Color = NPOI.HSSF.Util.HSSFColor.WHITE.index; estilo.SetFont(fonte); Row linha = planilha.CreateRow(0); linha.HeightInPoints = 22; Cell celula = linha.CreateCell(0); celula.CellStyle = estilo; celula.SetCellValue(blackList.Rows[0][0].ToString()); planilha.AddMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(0, 0, 0, 8)); //pula 1 linha int linhaInicial = 2; //ignora a coluna com o nome do evento int colunaInicial = 1; GerarPlanilhaNPOI(blackList, caminhoSalvar, planilha, linhaInicial, colunaInicial); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
/// <summary> /// Setea el formato de los encabezados de las columnas /// </summary> /// <param name="hw">Workbook</param> /// <returns></returns> private CellStyle EstiloEncabezadosFilas(HSSFWorkbook hw) { CellStyle style = hw.CreateCellStyle(); style.BorderBottom = CellBorderType.THIN; style.BottomBorderColor = HSSFColor.BLACK.index; style.BorderLeft = CellBorderType.THIN; style.LeftBorderColor = HSSFColor.BLACK.index; style.BorderRight = CellBorderType.THIN; style.RightBorderColor = HSSFColor.BLACK.index; style.BorderTop = CellBorderType.THIN; style.TopBorderColor = HSSFColor.BLACK.index; style.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.CENTER; style.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.LEFT; Font font = hw.CreateFont(); SetFuenteEncabezadoColumnas(font); style.SetFont(font); style.FillBackgroundColor = HSSFColor.GREY_25_PERCENT.index; return(style); }
/// <summary> /// Setea el estilo usado para una celda normal /// </summary> /// <param name="hw">Workbook</param> /// <returns></returns> private CellStyle EstiloCeldaPorcentaje(HSSFWorkbook hw) { CellStyle style = hw.CreateCellStyle(); style.BorderBottom = CellBorderType.THIN; style.BottomBorderColor = HSSFColor.BLACK.index; style.BorderLeft = CellBorderType.THIN; style.LeftBorderColor = HSSFColor.BLACK.index; style.BorderRight = CellBorderType.THIN; style.RightBorderColor = HSSFColor.BLACK.index; style.BorderTop = CellBorderType.THIN; style.TopBorderColor = HSSFColor.BLACK.index; style.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.CENTER; style.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.GENERAL; style.DataFormat = HSSFDataFormat.GetBuiltinFormat("0.00%"); Font font = hw.CreateFont(); SetFuenteCeldasNormal(font); style.SetFont(font); style.FillBackgroundColor = HSSFColor.WHITE.index; return(style); }
static void Main(string[] args) { InitializeWorkbook(); Sheet sheet = hssfworkbook.CreateSheet("new sheet"); Row row = sheet.CreateRow(0); row.HeightInPoints = 30; Cell cell = row.CreateCell(0); //set the title of the sheet cell.SetCellValue("Sales Report"); CellStyle style = hssfworkbook.CreateCellStyle(); style.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.CENTER; //create a font style Font font = hssfworkbook.CreateFont(); font.FontHeight = 20 * 20; style.SetFont(font); cell.CellStyle = style; //merged cells on single row //ATTENTION: don't use Region class, which is obsolete sheet.AddMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(0, 0, 0, 5)); //merged cells on mutiple rows CellRangeAddress region = new CellRangeAddress(2, 4, 2, 4); sheet.AddMergedRegion(region); //set enclosed border for the merged region ((HSSFSheet)sheet).SetEnclosedBorderOfRegion(region, CellBorderType.DOTTED, NPOI.HSSF.Util.HSSFColor.RED.index); WriteToFile(); }
/// <summary> /// Setea el estilo usado para una celda de estilo número sin decimales /// </summary> /// <param name="hw">Workbook</param> /// <returns></returns> private CellStyle EstiloCeldaNumeroEnteroNegrita(HSSFWorkbook hw) { CellStyle style = hw.CreateCellStyle(); style.BorderBottom = CellBorderType.THIN; style.BottomBorderColor = HSSFColor.BLACK.index; style.BorderLeft = CellBorderType.THIN; style.LeftBorderColor = HSSFColor.BLACK.index; style.BorderRight = CellBorderType.THIN; style.RightBorderColor = HSSFColor.BLACK.index; style.BorderTop = CellBorderType.THIN; style.TopBorderColor = HSSFColor.BLACK.index; style.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.CENTER; style.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.GENERAL; style.DataFormat = HSSFDataFormat.GetBuiltinFormat("000"); Font font = hw.CreateFont(); SetFuenteEncabezadoColumnas(font); font.FontHeightInPoints = 10; style.SetFont(font); style.FillBackgroundColor = HSSFColor.WHITE.index; return(style); }
private void GerarHeadersNPOI(DataTable tabela, Sheet planilha, ref int linhaInicial, int colunaInicial) { try { Row linha; Cell celula; NPOI.SS.UserModel.Font fonteCabecalho = doc.CreateFont(); fonteCabecalho.FontName = "Arial"; fonteCabecalho.Color = NPOI.HSSF.Util.HSSFColor.WHITE.index; fonteCabecalho.FontHeightInPoints = 10; fonteCabecalho.Boldweight = (short)NPOI.SS.UserModel.FontBoldWeight.BOLD; CellStyle estiloCabecalho = doc.CreateCellStyle(); estiloCabecalho.FillBackgroundColor = NPOI.HSSF.Util.HSSFColor.ROYAL_BLUE.index; estiloCabecalho.FillForegroundColor = NPOI.HSSF.Util.HSSFColor.ROYAL_BLUE.index; estiloCabecalho.FillPattern = NPOI.SS.UserModel.FillPatternType.SOLID_FOREGROUND; estiloCabecalho.SetFont(fonteCabecalho); estiloCabecalho.Alignment = NPOI.SS.UserModel.HorizontalAlignment.CENTER; linha = planilha.CreateRow(linhaInicial); for (int colunaDt = colunaInicial, colunaPlan = 0; colunaDt < tabela.Columns.Count; colunaDt++, colunaPlan++) { DataColumn cabecalho = tabela.Columns[colunaDt]; celula = linha.CreateCell(colunaPlan, CellType.STRING); celula.CellStyle = estiloCabecalho; celula.SetCellValue(cabecalho.ColumnName); } linhaInicial++; } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
/* * 设置单元格样式 * * Param pageIndex 页码 * Param rowIndexRelative 相对行号 * Param cellIndex 列号 * Param fontName 字体名称 * Param fontSize 字体大小 * * Return 生成文件的URL */ protected void SetRowCellStyle(int pageIndex, int rowIndexRelative, int cellIndex, String fontName, short fontSize) { int rowIndexAbsolute = this.GetRowIndexAbsolute(pageIndex, rowIndexRelative); Row row = this.GetRow(rowIndexAbsolute); Cell cell = row.GetCell((short)cellIndex); if (cell == null) { cell = row.CreateCell((short)cellIndex); } CellStyle style = workbook.CreateCellStyle(); if (cell.CellStyle != null) { style.CloneStyleFrom(cell.CellStyle); } Font font = workbook.CreateFont(); font.FontName = fontName; font.FontHeightInPoints = fontSize; style.SetFont(font); cell.CellStyle = workbook.CreateCellStyle(); cell.CellStyle.CloneStyleFrom(style); }
private CellStyle GetDataStyle() { if (dataStyle == null) { //数据样式 dataStyle = workbook.CreateCellStyle(); dataStyle.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.LEFT;//左对齐 //数据单元格的边框 dataStyle.BorderTop = CellBorderType.THIN; dataStyle.TopBorderColor = HSSFColor.BLACK.index; dataStyle.BorderRight = CellBorderType.THIN; dataStyle.RightBorderColor = HSSFColor.BLACK.index; dataStyle.BorderBottom = CellBorderType.THIN; dataStyle.BottomBorderColor = HSSFColor.BLACK.index; dataStyle.BorderLeft = CellBorderType.THIN; dataStyle.LeftBorderColor = HSSFColor.BLACK.index; //数据的字体 var datafont = workbook.CreateFont(); datafont.FontHeightInPoints = 11;//字号 dataStyle.SetFont(datafont); } return(dataStyle); }
/// <summary> /// DataTable导出到Excel的MemoryStream /// </summary> /// <param name="dtSource">源DataTable</param> /// <param name="strHeaderText">表头文本</param> /// <Author>柳永法 2010-5-8 22:21:41</Author> public static MemoryStream Export(DataTable dtSource, string strHeaderText) { HSSFWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(); Sheet sheet = workbook.CreateSheet(); #region 右击文件 属性信息 { DocumentSummaryInformation dsi = PropertySetFactory.CreateDocumentSummaryInformation(); dsi.Company = ""; workbook.DocumentSummaryInformation = dsi; SummaryInformation si = PropertySetFactory.CreateSummaryInformation(); si.Author = "柳永法"; //填加xls文件作者信息 si.ApplicationName = "NPOI测试程序"; //填加xls文件创建程序信息 si.LastAuthor = "柳永法2"; //填加xls文件最后保存者信息 si.Comments = "说明信息"; //填加xls文件作者信息 si.Title = "NPOI测试"; //填加xls文件标题信息 si.Subject = "NPOI测试Demo"; //填加文件主题信息 si.CreateDateTime = DateTime.Now; workbook.SummaryInformation = si; } #endregion CellStyle dateStyle = workbook.CreateCellStyle(); DataFormat format = workbook.CreateDataFormat(); dateStyle.DataFormat = format.GetFormat("yyyy-mm-dd"); //取得列宽 int[] arrColWidth = new int[dtSource.Columns.Count]; foreach (DataColumn item in dtSource.Columns) { arrColWidth[item.Ordinal] = Encoding.GetEncoding(936).GetBytes(item.ColumnName.ToString()).Length; } for (int i = 0; i < dtSource.Rows.Count; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < dtSource.Columns.Count; j++) { int intTemp = Encoding.GetEncoding(936).GetBytes(dtSource.Rows[i][j].ToString()).Length; if (intTemp > arrColWidth[j]) { arrColWidth[j] = intTemp; } } } int rowIndex = 0; foreach (DataRow row in dtSource.Rows) { #region 新建表,填充表头,填充列头,样式 if (rowIndex == 65535 || rowIndex == 0) { if (rowIndex != 0) { sheet = workbook.CreateSheet(); } #region 表头及样式 { Row headerRow = sheet.CreateRow(0); headerRow.HeightInPoints = 25; headerRow.CreateCell(0).SetCellValue(strHeaderText); CellStyle headStyle = workbook.CreateCellStyle(); headStyle.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.CENTER; Font font = workbook.CreateFont(); font.FontHeightInPoints = 20; font.Boldweight = 700; headStyle.SetFont(font); headerRow.GetCell(0).CellStyle = headStyle; sheet.AddMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(0, 0, 0, dtSource.Columns.Count - 1)); } #endregion #region 列头及样式 { Row headerRow = sheet.CreateRow(1); CellStyle headStyle = workbook.CreateCellStyle(); headStyle.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.CENTER; Font font = workbook.CreateFont(); font.FontHeightInPoints = 10; font.Boldweight = 700; headStyle.SetFont(font); foreach (DataColumn column in dtSource.Columns) { headerRow.CreateCell(column.Ordinal).SetCellValue(column.ColumnName); headerRow.GetCell(column.Ordinal).CellStyle = headStyle; //设置列宽 sheet.SetColumnWidth(column.Ordinal, (arrColWidth[column.Ordinal] + 1) * 256); } } #endregion rowIndex = 2; } #endregion #region 填充内容 Row dataRow = sheet.CreateRow(rowIndex); foreach (DataColumn column in dtSource.Columns) { Cell newCell = dataRow.CreateCell(column.Ordinal); string drValue = row[column].ToString(); switch (column.DataType.ToString()) { case "System.String": //字符串类型 newCell.SetCellValue(drValue); break; case "System.DateTime": //日期类型 DateTime dateV; DateTime.TryParse(drValue, out dateV); newCell.SetCellValue(dateV); newCell.CellStyle = dateStyle; //格式化显示 break; case "System.Boolean": //布尔型 bool boolV = false; bool.TryParse(drValue, out boolV); newCell.SetCellValue(boolV); break; case "System.Int16": //整型 case "System.Int32": case "System.Int64": case "System.Byte": int intV = 0; int.TryParse(drValue, out intV); newCell.SetCellValue(intV); break; case "System.Decimal": //浮点型 case "System.Double": double doubV = 0; double.TryParse(drValue, out doubV); newCell.SetCellValue(doubV); break; case "System.DBNull": //空值处理 newCell.SetCellValue(""); break; default: newCell.SetCellValue(""); break; } } #endregion rowIndex++; } using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) { workbook.Write(ms); ms.Flush(); ms.Position = 0; workbook.Dispose(); return(ms); } }
private CellStyle GetDataStyle() { if (dataStyle == null) { //数据样式 dataStyle = workbook.CreateCellStyle(); dataStyle.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.LEFT;//左对齐 //数据单元格的边框 dataStyle.BorderTop = CellBorderType.THIN; dataStyle.TopBorderColor = HSSFColor.BLACK.index; dataStyle.BorderRight = CellBorderType.THIN; dataStyle.RightBorderColor = HSSFColor.BLACK.index; dataStyle.BorderBottom = CellBorderType.THIN; dataStyle.BottomBorderColor = HSSFColor.BLACK.index; dataStyle.BorderLeft = CellBorderType.THIN; dataStyle.LeftBorderColor = HSSFColor.BLACK.index; //数据的字体 var datafont = workbook.CreateFont(); datafont.FontHeightInPoints = 11;//字号 dataStyle.SetFont(datafont); } return dataStyle; }
/** * 填充报表 * * Param list [0]huDetailList */ public override bool FillValues(String templateFileName, IList<object> list) { try { this.init(templateFileName, ROW_COUNT); if (list == null || list.Count == 0) return false; IList<Hu> huList = (IList<Hu>)list[0]; string userName = ""; if (list.Count == 2) { userName = (string)list[1]; } int count = 0; foreach (Hu hu in huList) { if (hu.Item.Type.Equals("M") || hu.Item.Type.Equals("P")) { count++; } } if (count == 0) return false; this.barCodeFontName = this.GetBarcodeFontName(0, 0); int pageCount = (int)Math.Ceiling(count / (PAGE_DETAIL_ROW_COUNT * 1.0)); /* for (int rowNum = 0; rowNum < 25; rowNum += 12) { this.SetRowCellBarCode(1, rowNum, 0); this.SetRowCellBarCode(1, rowNum, 7); this.SetRowCellBarCode(1, rowNum, 14); } */ this.CopyPage(pageCount, COLUMN_COUNT, 1); this.sheet.DisplayGridlines = false; this.sheet.IsPrintGridlines = false; /* CellStyle cellStyleT = workbook.CreateCellStyle(); Font fontT = workbook.CreateFont(); fontT.FontHeightInPoints = (short)9; fontT.FontName = "宋体"; fontT.Boldweight = (short)NPOI.SS.UserModel.FontBoldWeight.BOLD; cellStyleT.SetFont(fontT); */ int pageIndex = 1; int num = 1; string companyCode = entityPreferenceMgr.LoadEntityPreference(BusinessConstants.ENTITY_PREFERENCE_CODE_COMPANY_CODE).Value; if (companyCode == null) companyCode = string.Empty; //成品 cellStyle1 = workbook.CreateCellStyle(); Font font = workbook.CreateFont(); font.FontName = "宋体"; font.FontHeightInPoints = 24; font.Boldweight = (short)NPOI.SS.UserModel.FontBoldWeight.BOLD; cellStyle1.SetFont(font); cellStyle1.Alignment = NPOI.SS.UserModel.HorizontalAlignment.CENTER; cellStyle1.VerticalAlignment = NPOI.SS.UserModel.VerticalAlignment.TOP; cellStyle1.Rotation = (short)-90; //原材料画方框 cellStyle2 = workbook.CreateCellStyle(); cellStyle2.BorderBottom = NPOI.SS.UserModel.CellBorderType.NONE; cellStyle2.BorderLeft = NPOI.SS.UserModel.CellBorderType.THIN; cellStyle2.BorderRight = NPOI.SS.UserModel.CellBorderType.THIN; cellStyle2.BorderTop = NPOI.SS.UserModel.CellBorderType.THIN; //原材料画方框 cellStyle3 = workbook.CreateCellStyle(); cellStyle3.BorderLeft = NPOI.SS.UserModel.CellBorderType.THIN; cellStyle3.BorderRight = NPOI.SS.UserModel.CellBorderType.THIN; cellStyle3.BorderBottom = NPOI.SS.UserModel.CellBorderType.THIN; cellStyle3.BorderTop = NPOI.SS.UserModel.CellBorderType.NONE; foreach (Hu hu in huList) { //3行每行3个 if (hu.Item.Type.Equals("M") || hu.Item.Type.Equals("P")) { this.writeContent(companyCode, userName, pageIndex, num, hu); if (num == count || num % PAGE_DETAIL_ROW_COUNT == 0) { pageIndex++; } num++; } /* if ( num == huList.Count + 1) { for (int i = 1; i <= (PAGE_DETAIL_ROW_COUNT - (num % PAGE_DETAIL_ROW_COUNT)); i++) { //YFKSS //this.SetRowCell(pageIndex - 1, 1, 4, string.Empty, i); //PART NO. this.CopyCell(pageIndex - 1, this.getRowIndex(2, num - 1 + i), 0, ""); this.SetRowCell(pageIndex - 1, 2, 0, string.Empty, num - 1 + i); //LOT/SERIAL NO. this.CopyCell(pageIndex - 1, this.getRowIndex(4, num - 1 + i), 0, ""); this.SetRowCell(pageIndex - 1, 4, 0, string.Empty, num - 1 + i); //PRINTED DATE: this.CopyCell(pageIndex - 1, this.getRowIndex(10, num - 1 + i), 0, ""); this.SetRowCell(pageIndex - 1, 10, 0, string.Empty, num - 1 + i); //PRINTER USER: this.CopyCell(pageIndex - 1, this.getRowIndex(10, num - 1 + i), 2, ""); this.SetRowCell(pageIndex - 1, 10, 2, string.Empty, num - 1 + i); } } */ } foreach (Hu hu in huList) { if (hu.Item.Type.Equals("P") || hu.Item.Type.Equals("M")) //原材料 { huMgr.UpdateHu(hu); } } } catch (Exception e) { return false; } return true; }
private void Init() { #region Set Styles //date style this.dateStyle = this.Workbook.CreateCellStyle(); dateStyle.DataFormat = HSSFDataFormat.GetBuiltinFormat("d/m/yy h:mm"); //hyperlink style this.hyperlinkStyle = this.Workbook.CreateCellStyle(); var font = this.Workbook.CreateFont(); font.Underline = (byte)FontUnderlineType.SINGLE; font.Color = HSSFColor.BLUE.index; hyperlinkStyle.SetFont(font); #endregion }
public void SetFont(JsValue value) { CellStyle.SetFont(value.Is <FontInstance>() ? value.As <FontInstance>().Font : null); }
public override bool FillValues(String templateFileName, IList <object> list) { try { this.init(templateFileName, ROW_COUNT); if (list == null || list.Count < 0) { return(false); } OrderHead orderHead = (OrderHead)(list[0]); string userName = ""; if (list.Count == 2) { userName = (string)list[1]; } /* * this.sheet.DefaultRowHeightInPoints = 14.25F; * //this.sheet.DefaultColumnWidth = 7; * //this.sheet.SetColumnWidth(1, 100 * 256); * sheet.DefaultColumnWidth = 7; * //sheet.DefaultRowHeight = 30 * 20; * * //sheet.PrintSetup.PaperSize = * sheet.SetColumnWidth(0, 60 * 32); * sheet.SetColumnWidth(1, 60 * 32); * sheet.SetColumnWidth(2, 60 * 32); * sheet.SetColumnWidth(3, 60 * 32); * sheet.SetColumnWidth(4, 58 * 32); */ this.sheet.DisplayGridlines = false; this.sheet.IsPrintGridlines = false; //this.sheet.DisplayGuts = false; //加页删页 //this.CopyPage(pageCount, COLUMN_COUNT, 1); this.barCodeFontName = this.GetBarcodeFontName(0, 0); CellStyle cellStyleT = workbook.CreateCellStyle(); Font fontT = workbook.CreateFont(); fontT.FontHeightInPoints = (short)9; fontT.FontName = "宋体"; fontT.Boldweight = (short)NPOI.SS.UserModel.FontBoldWeight.BOLD; cellStyleT.SetFont(fontT); int pageIndex = 1; string barCode = Utility.BarcodeHelper.GetBarcodeStr(orderHead.OrderNo, this.barCodeFontName); this.SetRowCell(pageIndex, 0, 0, barCode); this.SetRowCell(pageIndex, 1, 0, orderHead.OrderNo); //生产线编号 Flow flow = this.flowMgr.LoadFlow(orderHead.Flow); this.SetRowCell(pageIndex, 3, 0, flow.Code); //班次编号 this.SetRowCell(pageIndex, 3, 2, orderHead.Shift == null ? string.Empty : orderHead.Shift.Code); //生产线名称 this.SetRowCell(pageIndex, 4, 0, flow.Description); //产品描述 if (orderHead.OrderDetails != null && orderHead.OrderDetails.Count > 0) { this.SetRowCell(pageIndex, 6, 0, orderHead.OrderDetails[0].Item.Description); } //开始时间 this.SetRowCell(pageIndex, 8, 0, orderHead.WindowTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm")); //Printed Date: this.SetRowCell(pageIndex, 9, 3, DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yy")); this.sheet.SetRowBreak(this.GetRowIndexAbsolute(pageIndex, ROW_COUNT - 1)); if (orderHead.IsPrinted == null || orderHead.IsPrinted == false) { orderHead.IsPrinted = true; orderHeadMgr.UpdateOrderHead(orderHead); } } catch (Exception e) { return(false); } return(true); }
public static Dictionary <TextStyle, CellStyle> CreateDefaultStyels(HSSFWorkbook hssfworkbook) { var styles = new Dictionary <TextStyle, CellStyle>(); { Font font = hssfworkbook.CreateFont(); CellStyle style = hssfworkbook.CreateCellStyle(); font.Color = HSSFColor.BLACK.index; font.FontHeightInPoints = 16; font.Boldweight = 3000; font.FontName = "Arial"; style.SetFont(font); //style.FillForegroundColor = HSSFColor.GREY_25_PERCENT.index; //style.FillPattern = FillPatternType.SOLID_FOREGROUND; styles.Add(TextStyle.Header1, style); } { Font font = hssfworkbook.CreateFont(); CellStyle style = hssfworkbook.CreateCellStyle(); font.Color = HSSFColor.BLACK.index; font.FontHeightInPoints = 18; font.Boldweight = 2500; font.FontName = "Arial"; style.SetFont(font); style.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.CENTER; styles.Add(TextStyle.BigHeader, style); } { Font font = hssfworkbook.CreateFont(); CellStyle style = hssfworkbook.CreateCellStyle(); font.Color = HSSFColor.BLACK.index; font.FontHeightInPoints = 14; font.Boldweight = 2000; font.FontName = "Arial"; style.SetFont(font); //style.FillForegroundColor = HSSFColor.GREY_25_PERCENT.index; //style.FillPattern = FillPatternType.SOLID_FOREGROUND; styles.Add(TextStyle.Header2, style); } { Font font = hssfworkbook.CreateFont(); CellStyle style = hssfworkbook.CreateCellStyle(); font.Color = HSSFColor.BLACK.index; font.FontHeightInPoints = 14; font.Boldweight = 2000; font.FontName = "Arial"; style.SetFont(font); style.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.CENTER; styles.Add(TextStyle.Header2Simple, style); } { Font font = hssfworkbook.CreateFont(); CellStyle style = hssfworkbook.CreateCellStyle(); font.Color = HSSFColor.BLACK.index; font.FontHeightInPoints = 12; font.Boldweight = 1000; font.FontName = "Arial"; style.SetFont(font); //style.FillForegroundColor = HSSFColor.WHITE.index; //style.FillPattern = FillPatternType.FINE_DOTS; //style.FillBackgroundColor = HSSFColor.GREY_25_PERCENT.index; styles.Add(TextStyle.Header3, style); } { Font font = hssfworkbook.CreateFont(); CellStyle style = hssfworkbook.CreateCellStyle(); font.Color = HSSFColor.BLACK.index; font.FontHeightInPoints = 12; font.Boldweight = 1000; font.FontName = "Arial"; style.SetFont(font); style.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.CENTER; styles.Add(TextStyle.Header3Simple, style); } { Font font = hssfworkbook.CreateFont(); CellStyle style = hssfworkbook.CreateCellStyle(); font.Color = HSSFColor.BLACK.index; font.FontHeightInPoints = 12; font.Boldweight = 1000; font.FontName = "Arial"; style.SetFont(font); style.FillForegroundColor = HSSFColor.WHITE.index; style.FillPattern = FillPatternType.FINE_DOTS; style.FillBackgroundColor = HSSFColor.GREY_25_PERCENT.index; style.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.CENTER; styles.Add(TextStyle.Header3Center, style); } { Font font = hssfworkbook.CreateFont(); CellStyle style = hssfworkbook.CreateCellStyle(); font.Color = HSSFColor.BLACK.index; font.FontHeightInPoints = 12; font.Boldweight = 1000; font.FontName = "Arial"; style.SetFont(font); //style.FillForegroundColor = HSSFColor.WHITE.index; //style.FillPattern = HSSFCellStyle.LESS_DOTS; //style.FillBackgroundColor = HSSFColor.GREY_25_PERCENT.index; style.WrapText = true; styles.Add(TextStyle.Header3Wrap, style); } { Font font = hssfworkbook.CreateFont(); CellStyle style = hssfworkbook.CreateCellStyle(); font.Color = HSSFColor.BLACK.index; font.FontHeightInPoints = 10; font.FontName = "Arial"; style.SetFont(font); style.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.LEFT; styles.Add(TextStyle.NormalText, style); } { Font font = hssfworkbook.CreateFont(); CellStyle style = hssfworkbook.CreateCellStyle(); font.Color = HSSFColor.BLACK.index; font.FontHeightInPoints = 10; font.FontName = "Arial"; font.IsItalic = true; style.SetFont(font); style.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.LEFT; styles.Add(TextStyle.NormalTextItalic, style); } { Font font = hssfworkbook.CreateFont(); CellStyle style = hssfworkbook.CreateCellStyle(); font.Color = HSSFColor.BLACK.index; font.FontHeightInPoints = 10; font.FontName = "Arial"; style.SetFont(font); style.FillForegroundColor = HSSFColor.WHITE.index; style.FillPattern = FillPatternType.FINE_DOTS; style.FillBackgroundColor = HSSFColor.GREY_25_PERCENT.index; style.BorderTop = CellBorderType.THIN; style.BorderBottom = CellBorderType.THIN; style.BorderLeft = CellBorderType.THIN; style.BorderRight = CellBorderType.THIN; style.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.CENTER; style.BottomBorderColor = HSSFColor.GREY_50_PERCENT.index; style.TopBorderColor = HSSFColor.GREY_50_PERCENT.index; style.LeftBorderColor = HSSFColor.GREY_50_PERCENT.index; style.RightBorderColor = HSSFColor.GREY_50_PERCENT.index; style.WrapText = true; styles.Add(TextStyle.TableRowDark, style); } { Font font = hssfworkbook.CreateFont(); CellStyle style = hssfworkbook.CreateCellStyle(); font.Color = HSSFColor.BLACK.index; font.FontHeightInPoints = 10; font.FontName = "Arial"; style.SetFont(font); style.FillForegroundColor = HSSFColor.WHITE.index; style.FillPattern = FillPatternType.FINE_DOTS; style.FillBackgroundColor = HSSFColor.GREY_25_PERCENT.index; style.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.CENTER; style.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.TOP; styles.Add(TextStyle.TableRowDarkCenter, style); } { Font font = hssfworkbook.CreateFont(); CellStyle style = hssfworkbook.CreateCellStyle(); font.Color = HSSFColor.BLACK.index; font.FontHeightInPoints = 10; font.FontName = "Arial"; style.SetFont(font); style.FillForegroundColor = HSSFColor.WHITE.index; style.FillPattern = FillPatternType.FINE_DOTS; style.FillBackgroundColor = HSSFColor.GREY_25_PERCENT.index; style.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.RIGHT; style.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.TOP; DataFormat format = hssfworkbook.CreateDataFormat(); style.DataFormat = format.GetFormat("# ### ### ##0.00"); styles.Add(TextStyle.TableRowDarkMoney, style); } { Font font = hssfworkbook.CreateFont(); CellStyle style = hssfworkbook.CreateCellStyle(); font.Color = HSSFColor.BLACK.index; font.FontHeightInPoints = 10; font.FontName = "Arial"; style.SetFont(font); style.FillForegroundColor = HSSFColor.WHITE.index; style.FillPattern = FillPatternType.FINE_DOTS; style.FillBackgroundColor = HSSFColor.GREY_25_PERCENT.index; style.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.LEFT; style.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.TOP; style.WrapText = true; styles.Add(TextStyle.NormalDarkLeftTopWrap, style); } { Font font = hssfworkbook.CreateFont(); CellStyle style = hssfworkbook.CreateCellStyle(); font.Color = HSSFColor.BLACK.index; font.FontHeightInPoints = 10; font.FontName = "Arial"; style.SetFont(font); style.FillForegroundColor = HSSFColor.WHITE.index; style.FillPattern = FillPatternType.SOLID_FOREGROUND; style.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.CENTER; style.BorderTop = CellBorderType.THIN; style.BorderBottom = CellBorderType.THIN; style.BorderLeft = CellBorderType.THIN; style.BorderRight = CellBorderType.THIN; style.BottomBorderColor = HSSFColor.GREY_50_PERCENT.index; style.TopBorderColor = HSSFColor.GREY_50_PERCENT.index; style.LeftBorderColor = HSSFColor.GREY_50_PERCENT.index; style.RightBorderColor = HSSFColor.GREY_50_PERCENT.index; style.WrapText = true; styles.Add(TextStyle.TableRowNormal, style); } { Font font = hssfworkbook.CreateFont(); CellStyle style = hssfworkbook.CreateCellStyle(); font.Color = HSSFColor.BLACK.index; font.FontHeightInPoints = 10; font.FontName = "Arial"; style.SetFont(font); style.WrapText = true; styles.Add(TextStyle.WrapText, style); } { Font font = hssfworkbook.CreateFont(); CellStyle style = hssfworkbook.CreateCellStyle(); font.Color = HSSFColor.BLACK.index; font.FontHeightInPoints = 10; font.Boldweight = 3000; font.FontName = "Arial"; style.SetFont(font); styles.Add(TextStyle.BoldText, style); } { Font font = hssfworkbook.CreateFont(); CellStyle style = hssfworkbook.CreateCellStyle(); font.Color = HSSFColor.BLACK.index; font.FontHeightInPoints = 10; font.Boldweight = 3000; font.FontName = "Arial"; style.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.CENTER; style.SetFont(font); styles.Add(TextStyle.BoldTextAlignCenter, style); } { Font font = hssfworkbook.CreateFont(); CellStyle style = hssfworkbook.CreateCellStyle(); font.Color = HSSFColor.BLACK.index; font.FontHeightInPoints = 10; font.FontName = "Arial"; style.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.CENTER; style.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.TOP; style.SetFont(font); styles.Add(TextStyle.NormalAlignCenter, style); } { Font font = hssfworkbook.CreateFont(); CellStyle style = hssfworkbook.CreateCellStyle(); font.Color = HSSFColor.BLACK.index; font.FontHeightInPoints = 10; font.FontName = "Arial"; style.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.LEFT; style.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.TOP; style.SetFont(font); styles.Add(TextStyle.NormalLeftTop, style); } { Font font = hssfworkbook.CreateFont(); CellStyle style = hssfworkbook.CreateCellStyle(); font.Color = HSSFColor.BLACK.index; font.FontHeightInPoints = 10; font.FontName = "Arial"; style.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.LEFT; style.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.TOP; style.SetFont(font); style.WrapText = true; styles.Add(TextStyle.NormalLeftTopWrap, style); } { Font font = hssfworkbook.CreateFont(); CellStyle style = hssfworkbook.CreateCellStyle(); font.Color = HSSFColor.BLACK.index; font.FontHeightInPoints = 10; font.FontName = "Arial"; style.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.RIGHT; style.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.TOP; style.SetFont(font); styles.Add(TextStyle.NormalRightTop, style); } { Font font = hssfworkbook.CreateFont(); CellStyle style = hssfworkbook.CreateCellStyle(); font.Color = HSSFColor.BLACK.index; font.FontHeightInPoints = 10; font.FontName = "Arial"; font.Boldweight = 3000; style.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.RIGHT; style.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.TOP; style.SetFont(font); styles.Add(TextStyle.BoldRightTop, style); } { Font font = hssfworkbook.CreateFont(); CellStyle style = hssfworkbook.CreateCellStyle(); font.FontHeightInPoints = 10; font.FontName = "Arial"; //font.Underline font.Color = HSSFColor.BLUE.index; style.SetFont(font); styles.Add(TextStyle.Hyperlink, style); } { Font font = hssfworkbook.CreateFont(); CellStyle style = hssfworkbook.CreateCellStyle(); font.Color = HSSFColor.BLACK.index; font.FontHeightInPoints = 10; font.Boldweight = 3000; font.FontName = "Arial"; style.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.CENTER; style.SetFont(font); styles.Add(TextStyle.TableHeader, style); } { Font font = hssfworkbook.CreateFont(); CellStyle style = hssfworkbook.CreateCellStyle(); font.Color = HSSFColor.BLACK.index; font.FontHeightInPoints = 10; font.FontName = "Arial"; style.SetFont(font); style.DataFormat = HSSFDataFormat.GetBuiltinFormat("m/d/yy"); styles.Add(TextStyle.SysDateTime, style); } { Font font = hssfworkbook.CreateFont(); CellStyle style = hssfworkbook.CreateCellStyle(); font.Color = HSSFColor.BLACK.index; font.FontHeightInPoints = 10; font.FontName = "Arial"; style.SetFont(font); style.DataFormat = HSSFDataFormat.GetBuiltinFormat("0"); styles.Add(TextStyle.SysNumber, style); } { Font font = hssfworkbook.CreateFont(); CellStyle style = hssfworkbook.CreateCellStyle(); font.Color = HSSFColor.BLACK.index; font.FontHeightInPoints = 10; font.FontName = "Arial"; style.SetFont(font); style.DataFormat = HSSFDataFormat.GetBuiltinFormat("0.00%"); styles.Add(TextStyle.NormalPercent, style); } { Font font = hssfworkbook.CreateFont(); CellStyle style = hssfworkbook.CreateCellStyle(); font.Color = HSSFColor.BLACK.index; font.FontHeightInPoints = 10; font.FontName = "Arial"; style.SetFont(font); DataFormat format = hssfworkbook.CreateDataFormat(); style.DataFormat = format.GetFormat("# ### ### ##0.00"); styles.Add(TextStyle.SysMoney, style); } { Font font = hssfworkbook.CreateFont(); CellStyle style = hssfworkbook.CreateCellStyle(); font.Color = HSSFColor.BLACK.index; font.FontHeightInPoints = 10; font.FontName = "Arial"; font.Boldweight = 3000; style.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.RIGHT; style.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.TOP; style.SetFont(font); style.BorderTop = CellBorderType.THIN; style.BorderBottom = CellBorderType.THIN; style.BorderLeft = CellBorderType.THIN; style.BorderRight = CellBorderType.THIN; style.BottomBorderColor = HSSFColor.GREY_50_PERCENT.index; style.TopBorderColor = HSSFColor.GREY_50_PERCENT.index; style.LeftBorderColor = HSSFColor.GREY_50_PERCENT.index; style.RightBorderColor = HSSFColor.GREY_50_PERCENT.index; styles.Add(TextStyle.TableTotal, style); } { Font font = hssfworkbook.CreateFont(); CellStyle style = hssfworkbook.CreateCellStyle(); font.Color = HSSFColor.BLACK.index; font.FontHeightInPoints = 10; font.FontName = "Arial"; font.Boldweight = 3000; style.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.RIGHT; style.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.TOP; style.SetFont(font); style.DataFormat = HSSFDataFormat.GetBuiltinFormat("0.00%"); style.BorderTop = CellBorderType.THIN; style.BorderBottom = CellBorderType.THIN; style.BorderLeft = CellBorderType.THIN; style.BorderRight = CellBorderType.THIN; style.BottomBorderColor = HSSFColor.GREY_50_PERCENT.index; style.TopBorderColor = HSSFColor.GREY_50_PERCENT.index; style.LeftBorderColor = HSSFColor.GREY_50_PERCENT.index; style.RightBorderColor = HSSFColor.GREY_50_PERCENT.index; styles.Add(TextStyle.TableTotalPercent, style); } { Font font = hssfworkbook.CreateFont(); CellStyle style = hssfworkbook.CreateCellStyle(); font.Color = HSSFColor.BLACK.index; font.FontHeightInPoints = 10; font.Boldweight = 3000; font.FontName = "Arial"; style.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.CENTER; style.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.CENTER; style.BorderTop = CellBorderType.THIN; style.BorderBottom = CellBorderType.THIN; style.BorderLeft = CellBorderType.THIN; style.BorderRight = CellBorderType.THIN; style.BottomBorderColor = HSSFColor.GREY_50_PERCENT.index; style.TopBorderColor = HSSFColor.GREY_50_PERCENT.index; style.LeftBorderColor = HSSFColor.GREY_50_PERCENT.index; style.RightBorderColor = HSSFColor.GREY_50_PERCENT.index; style.FillForegroundColor = HSSFColor.WHITE.index; style.FillPattern = FillPatternType.FINE_DOTS; style.FillBackgroundColor = HSSFColor.GREY_25_PERCENT.index; style.WrapText = true; style.SetFont(font); styles.Add(TextStyle.TableHeaderGreyCenterdBorder, style); } { Font font = hssfworkbook.CreateFont(); CellStyle style = hssfworkbook.CreateCellStyle(); font.Color = HSSFColor.BLACK.index; font.FontHeightInPoints = 8; font.FontName = "Arial"; style.SetFont(font); styles.Add(TextStyle.SmallText, style); } { Font font = hssfworkbook.CreateFont(); CellStyle style = hssfworkbook.CreateCellStyle(); font.Color = HSSFColor.BLACK.index; font.FontHeightInPoints = 8; font.FontName = "Arial"; style.SetFont(font); style.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.LEFT; style.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.TOP; style.WrapText = true; styles.Add(TextStyle.SmallTextWrap, style); } return(styles); }
private void SetBold(Cell cell, CellStyle style) { if (cell.IsBold) { Font font = _sheet.Workbook.CreateFont(); font.Boldweight = (short)FontBoldWeight.BOLD; style.SetFont(font); } }
/** * 填充报表 * * Param list [0]huDetailList */ public override bool FillValues(String templateFileName, IList <object> list) { try { this.init(templateFileName, ROW_COUNT); if (list == null || list.Count == 0) { return(false); } IList <Hu> huList = (IList <Hu>)list[0]; string userName = ""; if (list.Count == 2) { userName = (string)list[1]; } int count = 0; foreach (Hu hu in huList) { if (hu.Item.Type.Equals("M") || hu.Item.Type.Equals("P")) { count++; } } if (count == 0) { return(false); } this.barCodeFontName = this.GetBarcodeFontName(0, 0); int pageCount = (int)Math.Ceiling(count / (PAGE_DETAIL_ROW_COUNT * 1.0)); /* * for (int rowNum = 0; rowNum < 25; rowNum += 12) * { * this.SetRowCellBarCode(1, rowNum, 0); * this.SetRowCellBarCode(1, rowNum, 7); * this.SetRowCellBarCode(1, rowNum, 14); * } */ this.CopyPage(pageCount, COLUMN_COUNT, 1); this.sheet.DisplayGridlines = false; this.sheet.IsPrintGridlines = false; /* * CellStyle cellStyleT = workbook.CreateCellStyle(); * Font fontT = workbook.CreateFont(); * fontT.FontHeightInPoints = (short)9; * fontT.FontName = "宋体"; * fontT.Boldweight = (short)NPOI.SS.UserModel.FontBoldWeight.BOLD; * cellStyleT.SetFont(fontT); */ int pageIndex = 1; int num = 1; string companyCode = entityPreferenceMgr.LoadEntityPreference(BusinessConstants.ENTITY_PREFERENCE_CODE_COMPANY_CODE).Value; if (companyCode == null) { companyCode = string.Empty; } //成品 cellStyle1 = workbook.CreateCellStyle(); Font font = workbook.CreateFont(); font.FontName = "宋体"; font.FontHeightInPoints = 24; font.Boldweight = (short)NPOI.SS.UserModel.FontBoldWeight.BOLD; cellStyle1.SetFont(font); cellStyle1.Alignment = NPOI.SS.UserModel.HorizontalAlignment.CENTER; cellStyle1.VerticalAlignment = NPOI.SS.UserModel.VerticalAlignment.TOP; cellStyle1.Rotation = (short)-90; //原材料画方框 cellStyle2 = workbook.CreateCellStyle(); cellStyle2.BorderBottom = NPOI.SS.UserModel.CellBorderType.NONE; cellStyle2.BorderLeft = NPOI.SS.UserModel.CellBorderType.THIN; cellStyle2.BorderRight = NPOI.SS.UserModel.CellBorderType.THIN; cellStyle2.BorderTop = NPOI.SS.UserModel.CellBorderType.THIN; //原材料画方框 cellStyle3 = workbook.CreateCellStyle(); cellStyle3.BorderLeft = NPOI.SS.UserModel.CellBorderType.THIN; cellStyle3.BorderRight = NPOI.SS.UserModel.CellBorderType.THIN; cellStyle3.BorderBottom = NPOI.SS.UserModel.CellBorderType.THIN; cellStyle3.BorderTop = NPOI.SS.UserModel.CellBorderType.NONE; foreach (Hu hu in huList) { //3行每行3个 if (hu.Item.Type.Equals("M") || hu.Item.Type.Equals("P")) { this.writeContent(companyCode, userName, pageIndex, num, hu); if (num == count || num % PAGE_DETAIL_ROW_COUNT == 0) { pageIndex++; } num++; } /* * if ( num == huList.Count + 1) * { * for (int i = 1; i <= (PAGE_DETAIL_ROW_COUNT - (num % PAGE_DETAIL_ROW_COUNT)); i++) * { * //YFKSS * //this.SetRowCell(pageIndex - 1, 1, 4, string.Empty, i); * //PART NO. * this.CopyCell(pageIndex - 1, this.getRowIndex(2, num - 1 + i), 0, ""); * this.SetRowCell(pageIndex - 1, 2, 0, string.Empty, num - 1 + i); * //LOT/SERIAL NO. * this.CopyCell(pageIndex - 1, this.getRowIndex(4, num - 1 + i), 0, ""); * this.SetRowCell(pageIndex - 1, 4, 0, string.Empty, num - 1 + i); * //PRINTED DATE: * this.CopyCell(pageIndex - 1, this.getRowIndex(10, num - 1 + i), 0, ""); * this.SetRowCell(pageIndex - 1, 10, 0, string.Empty, num - 1 + i); * //PRINTER USER: * this.CopyCell(pageIndex - 1, this.getRowIndex(10, num - 1 + i), 2, ""); * this.SetRowCell(pageIndex - 1, 10, 2, string.Empty, num - 1 + i); * } * * } */ } foreach (Hu hu in huList) { if (hu.Item.Type.Equals("P") || hu.Item.Type.Equals("M")) //原材料 { huMgr.UpdateHu(hu); } } } catch (Exception e) { return(false); } return(true); }
public override bool FillValues(String templateFileName, IList <object> list) { try { this.init(templateFileName, ROW_COUNT); if (list == null || list.Count == 0) { return(false); } IList <Hu> huList = (IList <Hu>)list[0]; string userName = ""; if (list.Count == 2) { userName = (string)list[1]; } this.sheet.DisplayGridlines = false; this.sheet.IsPrintGridlines = false; //this.sheet.DisplayGuts = false; int count = 0; foreach (Hu hu in huList) { if (hu.Item.Type.Equals("M") || //成品 hu.Item.Type.Equals("P")) //原材料 { count++; } } if (count == 0) { return(false); } this.barCodeFontName = this.GetBarcodeFontName(0, 0); //加页删页 this.CopyPage(count, COLUMN_COUNT, 1); int pageIndex = 1; string companyCode = entityPreferenceMgr.LoadEntityPreference(BusinessConstants.ENTITY_PREFERENCE_CODE_COMPANY_CODE).Value; if (companyCode == null) { companyCode = string.Empty; } foreach (Hu hu in huList) { if (hu.Item.Type.Equals("M")) //成品 { if (hu.PrintCount > 1) { this.SetRowCell(pageIndex, 1, 3, "(R)"); } hu.PrintCount += 1; //YFKSS int rowIndexAbsolute = this.GetRowIndexAbsolute(pageIndex, 1); this.SetMergedRegion(pageIndex, 1, 4, 9, 4); this.SetRowCell(pageIndex, 1, 4, companyCode); Cell cell = this.GetCell(rowIndexAbsolute, 4); CellStyle cellStyle = workbook.CreateCellStyle(); Font font = workbook.CreateFont(); font.FontName = "宋体"; font.FontHeightInPoints = 24; font.Boldweight = (short)NPOI.SS.UserModel.FontBoldWeight.BOLD; cellStyle.SetFont(font); cellStyle.Alignment = NPOI.SS.UserModel.HorizontalAlignment.CENTER; cellStyle.VerticalAlignment = NPOI.SS.UserModel.VerticalAlignment.TOP; cellStyle.Rotation = (short)-90; cell.CellStyle = workbook.CreateCellStyle(); cell.CellStyle.CloneStyleFrom(cellStyle); //hu id内容 string barCode = Utility.BarcodeHelper.GetBarcodeStr(hu.HuId, this.barCodeFontName); this.SetRowCell(pageIndex, 0, 0, barCode); //hu id内容 this.SetRowCell(pageIndex, 1, 0, hu.HuId); //PART NO.内容 this.SetRowCell(pageIndex, 3, 0, hu.Item.Code); //SHIFT this.SetRowCell(pageIndex, 4, 2, "SHIFT"); //QUANTITY. this.SetRowCell(pageIndex, 4, 3, "QUANTITY."); //批号LotNo this.SetRowCell(pageIndex, 5, 0, hu.LotNo); //SHIFT内容 this.SetRowCell(pageIndex, 5, 2, Utility.BarcodeHelper.GetShiftCode(hu.HuId)); //QUANTITY内容 this.SetRowCell(pageIndex, 5, 3, hu.Qty.ToString("0.########")); //CUSTPART this.SetRowCell(pageIndex, 6, 0, "CUSTPART"); //WO DATE this.SetRowCell(pageIndex, 6, 3, "WO DATE"); //CUSTPART内容 IList <ItemReference> itemReferenceList = itemReferenceMgr.GetItemReference(hu.Item.Code); if (itemReferenceList != null && itemReferenceList.Count > 0) { this.SetRowCell(pageIndex, 7, 0, itemReferenceList[0].ReferenceCode); } //WO DATE内容 this.SetRowCell(pageIndex, 7, 3, hu.ManufactureDate.ToString("MM/dd/yy")); //DESCRIPTION. this.SetRowCell(pageIndex, 8, 0, "DESCRIPTION."); //DESCRIPTION内容 this.SetRowCell(pageIndex, 9, 0, hu.Item.Description); //PRINTED DATE:内容 this.SetRowCell(pageIndex, 10, 1, DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yy")); //print name 内容 this.SetRowCell(pageIndex, 10, 3, userName); this.sheet.SetRowBreak(this.GetRowIndexAbsolute(pageIndex, ROW_COUNT - 1)); pageIndex++; } else if (hu.Item.Type.Equals("P")) //原材料 { if (hu.PrintCount > 1) { this.SetRowCell(pageIndex, 1, 3, "(R)"); } hu.PrintCount += 1; //hu id内容 string barCode = Utility.BarcodeHelper.GetBarcodeStr(hu.HuId, this.barCodeFontName); this.SetRowCell(pageIndex, 0, 0, barCode); //hu id内容 this.SetRowCell(pageIndex, 1, 0, hu.HuId); //画方框 int rowIndexAbsolute = this.GetRowIndexAbsolute(pageIndex, 2); Cell cell1 = this.GetCell(rowIndexAbsolute, 4); CellStyle cellStyle1 = workbook.CreateCellStyle(); cellStyle1.BorderBottom = NPOI.SS.UserModel.CellBorderType.NONE; cellStyle1.BorderLeft = NPOI.SS.UserModel.CellBorderType.THIN; cellStyle1.BorderRight = NPOI.SS.UserModel.CellBorderType.THIN; cellStyle1.BorderTop = NPOI.SS.UserModel.CellBorderType.THIN; cell1.CellStyle = workbook.CreateCellStyle(); cell1.CellStyle.CloneStyleFrom(cellStyle1); //PART NO.内容 this.SetRowCell(pageIndex, 3, 0, hu.Item.Code); //画方框 rowIndexAbsolute = this.GetRowIndexAbsolute(pageIndex, 3); CellStyle cellStyle2 = workbook.CreateCellStyle(); Cell cell2 = this.GetCell(rowIndexAbsolute, 4); cellStyle2.BorderLeft = NPOI.SS.UserModel.CellBorderType.THIN; cellStyle2.BorderRight = NPOI.SS.UserModel.CellBorderType.THIN; cellStyle2.BorderBottom = NPOI.SS.UserModel.CellBorderType.THIN; cellStyle2.BorderTop = NPOI.SS.UserModel.CellBorderType.NONE; cell2.CellStyle = workbook.CreateCellStyle(); cell2.CellStyle.CloneStyleFrom(cellStyle2); //QUANTITY. this.SetRowCell(pageIndex, 4, 2, "QUANTITY."); //批号LotNo this.SetRowCell(pageIndex, 5, 0, hu.LotNo); //QUANTITY. this.SetRowCell(pageIndex, 5, 2, hu.Qty.ToString("0.########")); //DESCRIPTION. this.SetRowCell(pageIndex, 6, 0, "DESCRIPTION."); //DESCRIPTION内容 this.SetRowCell(pageIndex, 7, 0, hu.Item.Description); //SUPPLIER. this.SetRowCell(pageIndex, 8, 0, "SUPPLIER."); //SUPPLIER内容 this.SetRowCell(pageIndex, 9, 0, hu.ManufactureParty == null ? string.Empty : hu.ManufactureParty.Name); //PRINTED DATE:内容 this.SetRowCell(pageIndex, 10, 1, DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yy")); //print name 内容 this.SetRowCell(pageIndex, 10, 3, userName); this.sheet.SetRowBreak(this.GetRowIndexAbsolute(pageIndex, ROW_COUNT - 1)); pageIndex++; } } foreach (Hu hu in huList) { if (hu.Item.Type.Equals("M") || hu.Item.Type.Equals("P")) //成品 //原材料 { huMgr.UpdateHu(hu); } } } catch (Exception e) { return(false); } return(true); }