public Neuron(DateTime start, List <Task> tasks)
            state      = CellGrowthState.NoGrowth;
            body       = new CellBody(start);
            dendrites  = new List <Dendrite>();
            axons      = new List <Axon>();
            this.start = start;
            main_tasks = tasks;

            //look at the previous 2 seconds
            int      days         = 0;
            int      hours        = 0;
            int      minutes      = 0;
            int      seconds      = 2;
            int      milliseconds = 0;
            TimeSpan window       = new TimeSpan(days, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds);

            secondary = new SecondaryMessenger(start, 2, window); //if there are 2 action potentials within the window


            //add event to listen for
            body.ActionPotentialEvent += ReceiveActionPotentialEvent;
        //test for action potential event
        public void ReceiveActionPotentialEvent(object sender, ActionPotentialEventArgs e)
            Console.WriteLine("received action potential event");

            //add to secondary messenger for checking
            if (secondary.GrowthStateAchieved(DateTime.Now))
                state = CellGrowthState.Growth;
                this.SignalCellGrowthEvent(); //add new dendrite(s)