/** Purpose : Initialization of the global variable
        private void Initialize()
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                    cellObject[i, j] = new CellDetails(FindName("Button" + i + j) as Button, i, j);

            goAnimation          = new DispatcherTimer(DispatcherPriority.Send);
            goAnimation.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(30);
            goAnimation.Tick    += GoAnimation_Tick;

            selectionAnimation          = new DispatcherTimer(DispatcherPriority.Send);
            selectionAnimation.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(30);
            selectionAnimation.Tick    += SelectionAnimation_Tick;
        /** Purpose : Selects the next possible letters and pushes them into the stack
         *  First take the previous letter and assume that the letter is not found
         *  Now, search all possible locations and add each of these which can be in the stacktree to the stack
         *  If we have found atleast one match return that a letter has been found otherwise return false
         *  Note :
         *      * It is important to prevent the ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception
         *      * Prevent locked items from being pushed
        private bool IsNextLetterAvilable(char nextLetter)
            CellDetails previousLetter = cellBuffer.Peek();
            bool        letterFound    = false;

            for (int i = previousLetter.rowIndex - 1; i <= previousLetter.rowIndex + 1; i++)
                for (int j = previousLetter.columnIndex - 1; j <= previousLetter.columnIndex + 1; j++)
                    if (i < 4 && j < 4 && i > -1 && j > -1)
                        if (cellObject[i, j].isLocked == false && nextLetter == cellObject[i, j].letter)
                            cellBuffer.Push(cellObject[i, j]);
                            letterFound = true;

        /** Purpose : Finds and optionally stores the sequence of characters
         * Clear the buffer
         * Push the first Box into the stack and set it as used
         * Starting from the next element till
         *      * We find the word - marked by i reaching the end
         *      * We don't find the word - marked by the stack becoming empty
         * Check whether the next element is in the sequence
         *      * Goto the next character of the word
         *      * Use the element at the top
         * Otherwise
         *      * The letter used for finding the next letter will not be correct - so check other possibilities
         *      * Pop out the top of the stack and set it as not used
         *      * Now, pop out all the elements until the previously popped element and un-use it
         *      * Decrement the letter index so as to search the previous element only when they are not equal
         * Check whether the no of blocks in the stack is greater than 0
         *      * If so then the word we are searching for is found
         *      * If this function is called by the user generated selection then
         *          * For the animation purpose we must store the original order of the sequence
         *          * So, every element that is in the stack and which is locked is a part of the sequence
         *          * Moreover when popped out they will be in the reverse order
         *          * So, store it in another stack - reverse(reverse) = forward
         *          * Unlock all the Boxes so that a new word can be found
         *          * Save this local stack to the original stack as we can access it anywhere - global variable
         *      * Otherwise
         *          * This was called by the computer for only listing purpose
         *          * So there is no need to save the order
         *          * Hence simply empty the stack and unlock all the items
         *      * return true
         * otherwise
         *      * The word we are searching for is not found
         *      * return false
        private bool IsWordPresent(string currentWord, int rowIndex, int columnIndex, bool userDriven)

            cellBuffer.Push(cellObject[rowIndex, columnIndex]);
            cellBuffer.Peek().isLocked = true;

            for (int i = 1; i < currentWord.Length && cellBuffer.Count > 0;)
                if (IsNextLetterAvilable(currentWord[i]))
                    cellBuffer.Peek().isLocked = true;
                    CellDetails cellBufferTop = cellBuffer.Pop();
                    cellBufferTop.isLocked = false;

                    while (cellBuffer.Count > 0 && cellBufferTop.letter != cellBuffer.Peek().letter)
                        cellBufferTop          = cellBuffer.Pop();
                        cellBufferTop.isLocked = false;

                    if (cellBuffer.Count > 0)
                        cellBuffer.Peek().isLocked = true;

            if (cellBuffer.Count > 0)
                if (userDriven)
                    Stack <CellDetails> userSelectedBuffer = new Stack <CellDetails>();
                    while (cellBuffer.Count > 0)
                        if (cellBuffer.Peek().isLocked == true)
                            userSelectedBuffer.Peek().isLocked = false;
                            userSelectedBuffer.Peek().button.Height = userSelectedBuffer.Peek().button.Width = 0;

                    cellBuffer = userSelectedBuffer;
                    while (cellBuffer.Count > 0)
                        cellBuffer.Pop().isLocked = false;