Esempio n. 1
        public WorkshopPipelineStack(Constructs.Construct scope = null, string id = null, IStackProps props = null) : base(scope, id, props)
            var repo = new Repository(this, "WorkshopRepo", new RepositoryProps {
                RepositoryName = "WorkshopRepo"

            var sourceArtifact        = new Artifact_();
            var cloudAssemblyArtifact = new Artifact_();

            var pipeline = new CdkPipeline(this, "Pipeline", new CdkPipelineProps {
                PipelineName          = "WorkshopPipeline",
                CloudAssemblyArtifact = cloudAssemblyArtifact,
                SourceAction          = new CodeCommitSourceAction(new CodeCommitSourceActionProps {
                    ActionName = "CodeCommit",
                    Output     = sourceArtifact,
                    Repository = repo
                SynthAction = SimpleSynthAction.StandardNpmSynth(new StandardNpmSynthOptions {
                    SourceArtifact        = sourceArtifact,
                    CloudAssemblyArtifact = cloudAssemblyArtifact,

                    InstallCommand = "npm install -g aws-cdk"
                                     + " && wget -q -O packages-microsoft-prod.deb"
                                     + " && dpkg -i packages-microsoft-prod.deb"
                                     + " && apt-get update"
                                     + " && apt-get install -y dotnet-sdk-3.1",
                    BuildCommand = "dotnet build src"

            var deploy      = new WorkshopPipelineStage(this, "Deploy");
            var deployStage = pipeline.AddApplicationStage(deploy);
Esempio n. 2
        internal PipelineStack(Construct scope, string id, IStackProps props = null) : base(scope, id, props)
            Artifact_   sourceArtifact        = new Artifact_();
            Artifact_   cloudAssemblyArtifact = new Artifact_();
            CdkPipeline pipeline = new CdkPipeline(this, "LambdaApiSolutionPipeline", new CdkPipelineProps()
                CloudAssemblyArtifact = cloudAssemblyArtifact,
                PipelineName          = "LambdaApiSolutionPipeline",
                SourceAction          = new GitHubSourceAction(new GitHubSourceActionProps()
                    ActionName = "GitHubSource",
                    Output     = sourceArtifact,
                    OauthToken = SecretValue.SecretsManager(Constants.GitHubTokenSecretsManagerId),
                    Owner      = Constants.Owner,
                    Repo       = Constants.RepositoryName,
                    Branch     = Constants.Branch,
                    Trigger    = GitHubTrigger.POLL
                SynthAction = new SimpleSynthAction(new SimpleSynthActionProps()
                    Environment = new BuildEnvironment
                        // required for .NET 5
                        BuildImage = LinuxBuildImage.STANDARD_5_0
                    SourceArtifact        = sourceArtifact,
                    CloudAssemblyArtifact = cloudAssemblyArtifact,
                    Subdirectory          = "LambdaApiSolution",
                    InstallCommands       = new[] { "npm install -g aws-cdk" },
                    BuildCommands         = new[] { "dotnet build src/LambdaApiSolution.sln" },
                    SynthCommand          = "cdk synth"
            CdkStage developmentStage = pipeline.AddApplicationStage(new SolutionStage(this, "Development"));
            CdkStage testStage        = pipeline.AddApplicationStage(new SolutionStage(this, "Test"));

            testStage.AddManualApprovalAction(new AddManualApprovalOptions()
                ActionName = "PromoteToProduction"
            CdkStage productionStage = pipeline.AddApplicationStage(new SolutionStage(this, "Production"));
Esempio n. 3
        public WorkshopPipelineStack(Construct parent, string id, IStackProps props = null) : base(parent, id, props)
            // Creates a CodeCommit repository called 'WorkshopRepo'
            var repo = new Repository(this, "WorkshopRepo", new RepositoryProps
                RepositoryName = "WorkshopRepo"

            // Defines the artifact representing the sourcecode
            var sourceArtifact = new Artifact_();
            // Defines the artifact representing the cloud assembly
            // (cloudformation template + all other assets)
            var cloudAssemblyArtifact = new Artifact_();

            // The basic pipeline declaration. This sets the initial structure
            // of our pipeline
            var pipeline = new CdkPipeline(this, "Pipeline", new CdkPipelineProps
                PipelineName          = "WorkshopPipeline",
                CloudAssemblyArtifact = cloudAssemblyArtifact,

                // Generates the source artifact from the repo we created in the last step
                SourceAction = new CodeCommitSourceAction(new CodeCommitSourceActionProps
                    ActionName = "CodeCommit",   // Any Git-based source control
                    Output     = sourceArtifact, // Indicates where the artifact is stored
                    Repository = repo            // Designates the repo to draw code from

                // Builds our source code outlined above into a could assembly artifact
                SynthAction = SimpleSynthAction.StandardNpmSynth(new StandardNpmSynthOptions
                    SourceArtifact        = sourceArtifact,        // Where to get source code to build
                    CloudAssemblyArtifact = cloudAssemblyArtifact, // Where to place built source

                    InstallCommands = new []
                        "npm install -g aws-cdk",
                        "sudo apt-get install -y dotnet-sdk-3.1"
                    BuildCommands = new [] { "dotnet build" } // Language-specific build cmd

            var deploy      = new WorkshopPipelineStage(this, "Deploy");
            var deployStage = pipeline.AddApplicationStage(deploy);

            deployStage.AddActions(new ShellScriptAction(new ShellScriptActionProps
                ActionName = "TestViewerEndpoint",
                UseOutputs = new Dictionary <string, StackOutput> {
                    { "ENDPOINT_URL", pipeline.StackOutput(deploy.HCViewerUrl) }
                Commands = new string[] { "curl -Ssf $ENDPOINT_URL" }
            deployStage.AddActions(new ShellScriptAction(new ShellScriptActionProps
                ActionName = "TestAPIGatewayEndpoint",
                UseOutputs = new Dictionary <string, StackOutput> {
                    { "ENDPOINT_URL", pipeline.StackOutput(deploy.HCEndpoint) }
                Commands = new string[] {
                    "curl -Ssf $ENDPOINT_URL/",
                    "curl -Ssf $ENDPOINT_URL/hello",
                    "curl -Ssf $ENDPOINT_URL/test"