public void SetButton(int newIndex, Category category, CategoryPanel categoryPanel) { this.category = category; this.categoryPanel = categoryPanel; index = newIndex; buttonName.text = category.CategoryName; icon.sprite = category.Icon; }
private void initializeCategories() { foreach (Category c in this.categories.Values) { CategoryPanel category = new CategoryPanel(c); pMenu.Controls.Add(category); } }
public LibraryPage(MainWindow window, string search = null) { this.window = window; InitializeComponent(); LoadLibrary(); CategoryPanel.Focus(); if (search != null) { Thread.Sleep(10); CategoryPanel.SelectedItem = search; } }
private bool ClosePage() { CategoryPanel cp = _pages[(int)_currentPageID]; if (!cp.Commit(_options)) { return(false); } this.Controls.Remove(cp); PanelItemAt(_currentPageID).Selected = false; _categoryItems.Invalidate(true); return(true); }
private void ShowPage(PageID p) { if (_pages[(int)p] == null) { _pages[(int)p] = CreatePage(p); } _currentPageID = p; CategoryPanel cp = _pages[(int)p]; cp.InitUI(_options); this.Controls.Add(cp); PanelItemAt(p).Selected = true; _categoryItems.Invalidate(true); }
void Awake() { _popupManager = FindObjectOfType <PopupManager>(); if (_popupManager == null) { return; } _gameManager = FindObjectOfType <GameManager>(); _categoryPanel = GetComponentInChildren <CategoryPanel>(); foreach (var item in categoryScrollerCanvases) { item.Init(this); } _canvas = GetComponent <Canvas>(); HideCanvas(); }
private CategoryPanel CreatePage(PageID p) { CategoryPanel panel = null; switch (p) { case PageID.Display: panel = new DisplayOptionPanel(); break; case PageID.Terminal: panel = new TerminalOptionPanel(); break; case PageID.Peripheral: panel = new PeripheralOptionPanel(); break; case PageID.Command: panel = new CommandOptionPanel(); break; case PageID.SSH: panel = new SSHOptionPanel(); break; case PageID.Connection: panel = new ConnectionOptionPanel(); break; case PageID.Generic: panel = new GenericOptionPanel(); break; } Debug.Assert(panel != null); panel.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle; panel.Location = new Point(_categoryItems.Right + 4, _categoryItems.Top); panel.Size = new Size(this.Width - _categoryItems.Width - 16, _categoryItems.Height); return(panel); }
/// <summary> /// Gets <c>CategoryPanel</c> instance for the input settings group. /// </summary> /// <param name="group"><c>SettingsCategoryInfo</c> instance representing settings group</param> /// <param name="groupNo">Number representing index of the processing settings group</param> private CategoryPanel GetCategoryPanel(SettingsCategoryInfo group, int groupNo) { string title; if (IsSearchTextValid) { var categories = SettingsCategoryInfoProvider.GetCategoriesOnPath(group.CategoryIDPath); var categoryNames = categories.Select(c => { var displayName = HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(ResHelper.LocalizeString(c.CategoryDisplayName)); if (c.CategoryIsGroup) { return(displayName); } var url = string.Format("~/CMSModules/Settings/Pages/Categories.aspx?selectedCategoryId={0}&selectedSiteId={1}", c.CategoryID, SiteID); url = ResolveUrl(url); var name = string.Format("<a href=\"\" onclick=\"selectCategory('{0}');\">{1}</a>", url, displayName); return(name); }); title = categoryNames.Join(" > "); } else { title = HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(ResHelper.LocalizeString(group.CategoryDisplayName)); } var panel = new CategoryPanel { ID = string.Format(@"CategoryPanel{0}", groupNo), DisplayRightPanel = false, AllowCollapsing = false, Text = title, RenderAs = HtmlTextWriterTag.Div }; return(panel); }
/// <summary> /// Gets <c>CategoryPanel</c> instance for the input settings group. /// </summary> /// <param name="group"><c>SettingsCategoryInfo</c> instance representing settings group</param> /// <param name="groupNo">Number representing index of the processing settings group</param> private CategoryPanel GetCategoryPanel(SettingsCategoryInfo group, int groupNo) { string title; if (IsSearchTextValid) { var categories = SettingsCategoryInfoProvider.GetCategoriesOnPath(group.CategoryIDPath); var categoryNames = categories.Cast<SettingsCategoryInfo>().Select(c => { var displayName = HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(ResHelper.LocalizeString(c.CategoryDisplayName)); if (c.CategoryIsGroup) { return displayName; } var url = string.Format("~/CMSModules/Settings/Pages/Categories.aspx?selectedCategoryId={0}&selectedSiteId={1}", c.CategoryID, SiteID); url = ResolveUrl(url); var name = string.Format("<a href=\"\" onclick=\"selectCategory('{0}');\">{1}</a>", url, displayName); return name; }); title = categoryNames.Join(" > "); } else { title = HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(ResHelper.LocalizeString(group.CategoryDisplayName)); } var panel = new CategoryPanel { ID = string.Format(@"CategoryPanel{0}", groupNo), DisplayRightPanel = false, AllowCollapsing = false, Text = title, RenderAs = HtmlTextWriterTag.Div }; return panel; }
/// <summary> /// Gets <c>CategoryPanel</c> instance for the input settings group. /// </summary> /// <param name="group"><c>SettingsCategoryInfo</c> instance representing settings group</param> /// <param name="groupNo">Number representing index of the proccesing settings group</param> /// <returns><c>CategoryPanel</c> object.</returns> private CategoryPanel GetCategoryPanel(SettingsCategoryInfo group, int groupNo) { CategoryPanel p = new CategoryPanel(); p.ID = string.Format(@"CategoryPanel{0}", groupNo); p.DisplayActions = false; p.AllowCollapsing = false; if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mSearchText)) && (mSearchText.Length >= mSearchLimit)) { p.Text = HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(ResHelper.LocalizeString(GetCategoryNames(group.CategoryIDPath))); } else { p.Text = HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(ResHelper.LocalizeString(group.CategoryDisplayName)); } return p; }
/// <summary> /// Adds input text as <c>LiteralControl</c> to the controls colection of the input <c>CategoryPanel</c>. /// </summary> /// <param name="p"><c>CategoryPanel</c> instance</param> /// <param name="text">Text representing <c>LiteralControl</c></param> private void AddLiteral(CategoryPanel p, string text) { p.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(text)); }
/// <summary> /// Adds input control into the controls collection of the input category panel. /// </summary> /// <param name="p"><c>CategoryPanel</c> whose control collection should be modified</param> /// <param name="ctl">Control that should be added to the <c>CategoryPanel</c> controls collection</param> /// <param name="literalBefore">If not <c>null</c> new <c>LiteralControl</c> will be added before the control</param> /// <param name="literalAfter">If not <c>null</c> new <c>LiteralControl</c> will be added after the control</param> private void AddControl(CategoryPanel p, Control ctl, string literalBefore, string literalAfter) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(literalBefore)) { p.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(literalBefore)); } if (ctl != null) { p.Controls.Add(ctl); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(literalAfter)) { p.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(literalAfter)); } }