private void createCaseButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (_dumbcheck < 2 || noOfJurorsTextBox.Text == "" || caseNameTextbox.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show(this, "Please Fill in the Case Name and Number of Jurors", "Not All Informatin Given", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } else { List <Info> i = new List <Info>(); foreach (CheckBox cb in checkboxes) { if (cb.Checked) { i.Add(new Info(cb.Text)); } } Case theCase = new Case(caseNameTextbox.Text, Convert.ToInt32(noOfJurorsTextBox.Text)); CaseForm theCaseForm = new CaseForm(theCase, i); theCaseForm.Location = Location; theCaseForm.Size = Size; theCaseForm.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.WindowsDefaultLocation; this.Hide(); theCaseForm.Show(); } }
private void loadCaseButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { OpenFileDialog openFileDialog = new OpenFileDialog(); openFileDialog.InitialDirectory = System.Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments) + "\\JurySelectionHelper"; if (openFileDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { Case theCase = new Case(openFileDialog.FileName); CaseForm theCaseForm = new CaseForm(theCase, null); theCaseForm.Location = Location; theCaseForm.Size = Size; theCaseForm.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.WindowsDefaultLocation; this.Hide(); theCaseForm.Show(); } }
private XElement RebuildCaseRecords() { XElement newData = new XElement("Data"); XElement oldData = CaseForm.Element("Data"); Dictionary <string, XElement> recordDictionary = new Dictionary <string, XElement>(); foreach (XElement record in oldData.Elements("Record")) { string guid = record.Attribute("Id").Value; if (recordDictionary.ContainsKey(guid)) { foreach (XElement field in record.Elements()) { recordDictionary[guid].Add(new XElement(field.Name, field.Value)); } } else { XElement newElement = new XElement("Record"); newElement.Add(new XAttribute("Id", guid), new XAttribute("FKEY", record.Attribute("FKEY").Value), new XAttribute("FirstSaveUserId", record.Attribute("FirstSaveUserId").Value), new XAttribute("LastSaveUserId", record.Attribute("LastSaveUserId").Value), new XAttribute("FirstSaveTime", record.Attribute("FirstSaveTime").Value), new XAttribute("LastSaveTime", record.Attribute("LastSaveTime").Value), new XAttribute("RecStatus", record.Attribute("RecStatus").Value)); foreach (XElement field in record.Elements()) { newElement.Add(new XElement(field.Name, field.Value)); } recordDictionary.Add(guid, newElement); } } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, XElement> kvp in recordDictionary) { newData.Add(kvp.Value); } return(newData); }
/// <summary> /// 获取单个表单(定义/实例) /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam> /// <param name="isCase"></param> /// <param name="masterID"></param> /// <param name="formID"></param> /// <returns></returns> public T GetForm <T>(int isCase, Guid masterID, Guid formID) { IForm former = null; object form = null; if (isCase == 1) { former = new CaseForm(); form = former.GetForm(formID); } else if (isCase == 0) { former = new RepoForm(); form = former.GetForm(formID); } return((T)form); }
public void LoadSyncFile(XElement doc) { SyncFile = doc; SourceDatabase = String.Empty; if (doc.Attribute("SourceDbType") != null) { SourceDatabase = doc.Attribute("SourceDbType").Value; } if (doc.Attribute("CreatedDate") != null) { DateGenerated = doc.Attribute("CreatedDate").Value; } if (doc.Attribute("CreatedUtc") != null) { DateGeneratedUtc = doc.Attribute("CreatedUtc").Value; } if (doc.Attribute("Version") != null) { EpiVersion = doc.Attribute("Version").Value; } if (doc.Attribute("VhfVersion") != null) { VhfVersion = doc.Attribute("VhfVersion").Value; } if (doc.Attribute("Id") != null) { FileID = doc.Attribute("Id").Value; } if (doc.Attribute("Region") != null) { Region = doc.Attribute("Region").Value; } if (doc.Attribute("StartDate") != null) { StartDate = doc.Attribute("StartDate").Value; } if (doc.Attribute("EndDate") != null) { EndDate = doc.Attribute("EndDate").Value; } foreach (XElement element in doc.Elements("Form")) { if (element.Attribute("Name").Value.Equals("CaseInformationForm", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { CaseForm = element; // because sync files created from MDB-based projects have <record>s broken up by page it's necessary to rebuild them here if (SyncFile.Attribute("SourceDbType") != null && SyncFile.Attribute("SourceDbType").Value.Equals("Access")) { CaseData = RebuildCaseRecords(); } else { CaseData = CaseForm.Element("Data"); } } else if (element.Attribute("Name").Value.Equals("ContactEntryForm", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { ContactForm = element; ContactData = ContactForm.Element("Data"); } else if (element.Attribute("Name").Value.Equals("LaboratoryResultsForm", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { LabForm = element; LabData = LabForm.Element("Data"); } } LinksData = doc.Element("Links"); FollowUpsData = doc.Element("ContactFollowUps"); AnalysisViewModel = new AnalysisViewModel(SyncFile); }