Esempio n. 1
        private static ISymbol getISymbolByGeomType(IFeatureLayer featLayer, IColor pColor)
            ProgressWindow window  = new ProgressWindow();
            ISymbol        pSymbol = null;

            switch (featLayer.FeatureClass.ShapeType)
            case esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolygon:
                ISimpleFillSymbol pNextSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbolClass();
                pNextSymbol.Color = pColor;
                pSymbol           = (ISymbol)pNextSymbol;

            case esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline:
                ILineSymbol pNextSymbol1 = new CartographicLineSymbolClass();
                pNextSymbol1.Color = pColor;
                pSymbol            = (ISymbol)pNextSymbol1;

            case esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPoint:
                ISimpleMarkerSymbol pNextSymbol2 = new SimpleMarkerSymbolClass();
                pNextSymbol2.Size         = 4;
                pNextSymbol2.Outline      = true;
                pNextSymbol2.OutlineColor = getcolor(0, 0, 0);
                pNextSymbol2.OutlineSize  = 1;
                pNextSymbol2.Style        = esriSimpleMarkerStyle.esriSMSCircle;
                pNextSymbol2.Color        = pColor;
                pSymbol = (ISymbol)pNextSymbol2;

Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// 改变面轮廓颜色
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vSymbol"></param>
        /// <param name="pColor"></param>
        private void ChangeAreaSymboOutlineColor(ISymbol vSymbol, IColor pColor)
            IMultiLayerFillSymbol   pMultiLayerFillSymbol;
            ISimpleFillSymbol       pSimpleFillSymbol;
            ICartographicLineSymbol pLineSymbol;
            int i;

            if (vSymbol is ISimpleFillSymbol)
                pSimpleFillSymbol         = (ISimpleFillSymbol)vSymbol;
                pLineSymbol               = new CartographicLineSymbolClass();
                pLineSymbol.Color         = pColor;
                pLineSymbol.Width         = pSimpleFillSymbol.Outline.Width;
                pSimpleFillSymbol.Outline = pLineSymbol;
            else if (vSymbol is IMultiLayerFillSymbol)
                pMultiLayerFillSymbol = (IMultiLayerFillSymbol)vSymbol;
                for (i = 0; i <= pMultiLayerFillSymbol.LayerCount - 1; i++)
                    pLineSymbol       = new CartographicLineSymbolClass();
                    pLineSymbol.Color = pColor;
                    pLineSymbol.Width = pMultiLayerFillSymbol.get_Layer(i).Outline.Width;
                    pMultiLayerFillSymbol.get_Layer(i).Outline = pLineSymbol;
Esempio n. 3
        private void button8_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            IMultiLayerLineSymbol multiLayerLineSymbol = new MultiLayerLineSymbolClass();
            ISimpleLineSymbol     simpleLineSymbol     = new SimpleLineSymbolClass();

            simpleLineSymbol.Style = esriSimpleLineStyle.esriSLSDashDotDot;
            simpleLineSymbol.Width = 10;
            IRgbColor rgbColor = getRGB(255, 0, 0);

            simpleLineSymbol.Color = rgbColor;
            ISymbol symbol = simpleLineSymbol as ISymbol;

            symbol.ROP2 = esriRasterOpCode.esriROPNotXOrPen;

            ICartographicLineSymbol cartographicLineSymbol = new CartographicLineSymbolClass();

            cartographicLineSymbol.Cap        = esriLineCapStyle.esriLCSButt;
            cartographicLineSymbol.Join       = esriLineJoinStyle.esriLJSBevel;
            cartographicLineSymbol.Width      = 10;
            cartographicLineSymbol.MiterLimit = 4;
            ILineProperties lineProperties;

            lineProperties        = cartographicLineSymbol as ILineProperties;
            lineProperties.Offset = 0;
            double[] dob = new double[6];
            dob[0] = 0;
            dob[1] = 1;
            dob[2] = 2;
            dob[3] = 3;
            dob[4] = 4;
            dob[5] = 5;
            ITemplate template = new TemplateClass();

            template.Interval = 1;
            for (int i = 0; i < dob.Length; i += 2)
                template.AddPatternElement(dob[i], dob[i + 1]);
            lineProperties.Template = template;

            IPolyline polyline = new PolylineClass();
            IPoint    point    = new PointClass();

            point.PutCoords(1, 1);
            polyline.FromPoint = point;
            point.PutCoords(10, 10);
            polyline.ToPoint             = point;
            rgbColor                     = getRGB(0, 255, 0);
            cartographicLineSymbol.Color = rgbColor;

            IActiveView activeView = this.axMapControl1.ActiveView;

            activeView.ScreenDisplay.StartDrawing(activeView.ScreenDisplay.hDC, (short)esriScreenCache.esriNoScreenCache);
            activeView.ScreenDisplay.SetSymbol(multiLayerLineSymbol as ISymbol);
            activeView.ScreenDisplay.DrawPolyline(polyline as IGeometry);
Esempio n. 4
        public OtherGridPropertyPage()
            SimpleMarkerSymbolClass class2 = new SimpleMarkerSymbolClass
                Style = esriSimpleMarkerStyle.esriSMSCross,
                Size  = 28.0

            this.imarkerSymbol_0 = class2;
            CartographicLineSymbolClass class3 = new CartographicLineSymbolClass
                Cap = esriLineCapStyle.esriLCSSquare
            RgbColorClass class4 = new RgbColorClass
                Red   = 0,
                Blue  = 0,
                Green = 0

            class3.Color       = class4;
            class3.Join        = esriLineJoinStyle.esriLJSMitre;
            class3.Width       = 1.0;
            this.ilineSymbol_0 = class3;
            InstalledFontCollection fonts = new InstalledFontCollection();

            for (int i = 0; i < fonts.Families.Length; i++)
Esempio n. 5
        private void btnApply_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            clsSnippet     pSnippet        = new clsSnippet();
            FormCollection pFormCollection = System.Windows.Forms.Application.OpenForms;
            frmSymbology   pfrmSymbology   = null;

            for (int j = 0; j < pFormCollection.Count; j++)
                if (pFormCollection[j].Name == "frmSymbology")//Brushing to Histogram
                    pfrmSymbology = pFormCollection[j] as frmSymbology;

            ISimpleFillSymbol pBackFillSymbol = null;

            if (pfrmSymbology != null)
                pBackFillSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbolClass();
                IRgbColor pBackRGB = new RgbColorClass();
                pBackRGB = pSnippet.getRGB(picSymColor.BackColor.R, picSymColor.BackColor.G, picSymColor.BackColor.B);
                pBackFillSymbol.Color = (IColor)pBackRGB;
                ICartographicLineSymbol pBackOut = new CartographicLineSymbolClass();
                IRgbColor pBackOutRGB            = new RgbColorClass();
                pBackOutRGB                = pSnippet.getRGB(picOutColor.BackColor.R, picOutColor.BackColor.G, picOutColor.BackColor.B);
                pBackOut.Color             = (IColor)pBackOutRGB;
                pBackOut.Width             = Convert.ToDouble(nudOutWidth.Value);
                pBackFillSymbol.Outline    = pBackOut;
                pfrmSymbology.m_BackSymbol = pBackFillSymbol;
        /// <summary>
        /// Flash a line feature on the map
        /// <param name="pDisplay">The map screen</param>
        /// <param name="pGeometry">The geometry of the feature to be flashed</param>
        /// <param name="direction">The digitized direction of the barrier with respect to the underlying source feature</param>
        /// </summary>
        private void FlashLine(IScreenDisplay pDisplay, IGeometry pGeometry, esriNetworkEdgeDirection direction)
            // The flash will be on a line symbol with an arrow on it
            ICartographicLineSymbol ipArrowLineSymbol = new CartographicLineSymbolClass();

            // the line color will be red
            IRgbColor ipRgbRedColor = new RgbColorClass();

            ipRgbRedColor.Red = 192;

            // the arrow will be black
            IRgbColor ipRgbBlackColor = new RgbColorClass();

            ipRgbBlackColor.RGB = 0;

            // set up the arrow that will be displayed along the line
            IArrowMarkerSymbol ipArrowMarker = new ArrowMarkerSymbolClass();

            ipArrowMarker.Style  = esriArrowMarkerStyle.esriAMSPlain;
            ipArrowMarker.Length = 18;
            ipArrowMarker.Width  = 12;
            ipArrowMarker.Color  = ipRgbBlackColor;

            // set up the line itself
            ipArrowLineSymbol.Width = 4;
            ipArrowLineSymbol.Color = ipRgbRedColor;

            // Set up the Raster Op-Code to help the flash mechanism
            ((ISymbol)ipArrowMarker).ROP2     = esriRasterOpCode.esriROPNotXOrPen;
            ((ISymbol)ipArrowLineSymbol).ROP2 = esriRasterOpCode.esriROPNotXOrPen;

            // decorate the line with the arrow symbol
            ISimpleLineDecorationElement ipSimpleLineDecorationElement = new SimpleLineDecorationElementClass();

            ipSimpleLineDecorationElement.Rotate          = true;
            ipSimpleLineDecorationElement.PositionAsRatio = true;
            ipSimpleLineDecorationElement.MarkerSymbol    = ipArrowMarker;
            ILineDecoration ipLineDecoration = new LineDecorationClass();

            ((ILineProperties)ipArrowLineSymbol).LineDecoration = ipLineDecoration;

            // the arrow is initially set to correspond to the digitized direction of the line
            //  if the barrier direction is against digitized, then we need to flip the arrow direction
            if (direction == esriNetworkEdgeDirection.esriNEDAgainstDigitized)
                ipSimpleLineDecorationElement.FlipAll = true;

            // Flash the line
            //  Two calls are made to Draw.  Since the ROP2 setting is NotXOrPen, the first call
            //  draws the symbol with our new symbology and the second call redraws what was originally
            //  in the place of the symbol
            pDisplay.SetSymbol(ipArrowLineSymbol as ISymbol);
Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取网格线的符号样式
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static ICartographicLineSymbol GetLineSymbol()
            ICartographicLineSymbol pLineSymbol = new CartographicLineSymbolClass();

            pLineSymbol.Cap   = esriLineCapStyle.esriLCSButt;
            pLineSymbol.Width = 1;
            pLineSymbol.Color = AeColor.GetRgbColor(0, 0, 0);  //黑色
Esempio n. 8
        private static ILineSymbol DefineProfileLineSymbol(MilSpaceGraphicsTypeEnum graphicsType, IRgbColor color, int width = 2)
            //Create cartographic line symbol
            ICartographicLineSymbol cartographicLineSymbol = new CartographicLineSymbolClass();

            cartographicLineSymbol.Color = color;
            cartographicLineSymbol.Width = width;

        public void CreateGrid(IActiveView activeView, IPageLayout pageLayout)
            IMapGrid mapGrid = new GraticuleClass();

            mapGrid.Name = "Map Grid";
            IColor color = new RgbColorClass(); color.RGB = 0XBBBBBB;

            ICartographicLineSymbol cartographicLineSymbol = new CartographicLineSymbolClass();

            cartographicLineSymbol.Cap   = esriLineCapStyle.esriLCSButt;
            cartographicLineSymbol.Color = color; cartographicLineSymbol.Width = 2;
            mapGrid.LineSymbol           = (ILineSymbol)cartographicLineSymbol;
            mapGrid.Border     = null;
            mapGrid.TickLength = 15;

            cartographicLineSymbol       = new CartographicLineSymbolClass();
            cartographicLineSymbol.Cap   = esriLineCapStyle.esriLCSButt;
            cartographicLineSymbol.Color = color; cartographicLineSymbol.Width = 1;
            mapGrid.TickLineSymbol       = (ILineSymbol)cartographicLineSymbol;
            mapGrid.TickMarkSymbol       = null; mapGrid.SubTickCount = 5; mapGrid.SubTickLength = 10;

            cartographicLineSymbol       = new CartographicLineSymbolClass();
            cartographicLineSymbol.Cap   = esriLineCapStyle.esriLCSButt;
            cartographicLineSymbol.Color = color; cartographicLineSymbol.Width = 0.2;
            mapGrid.SubTickLineSymbol    = (ILineSymbol)cartographicLineSymbol;

            IGridLabel gridLabel = mapGrid.LabelFormat;

            gridLabel.LabelOffset = 15;
            mapGrid.SetTickVisibility(true, true, true, true);
            mapGrid.SetSubTickVisibility(true, true, true, true);
            mapGrid.SetLabelVisibility(true, true, true, true);
            mapGrid.Visible = true;
            IMeasuredGrid measuredGrid = mapGrid as IMeasuredGrid;

            measuredGrid.FixedOrigin   = true;
            measuredGrid.XIntervalSize = 10;
            measuredGrid.XOrigin       = 5;  //Shift grid 5
            measuredGrid.YIntervalSize = 10; //Parallel interval.
            measuredGrid.YOrigin       = 5;  //Shift grid 5

            IMap map = activeView.FocusMap;
            IGraphicsContainer graphicsContainer = pageLayout as IGraphicsContainer;
            IFrameElement      frameElement      = graphicsContainer.FindFrame(map);
            IMapFrame          mapFrame          = frameElement as IMapFrame;
            IMapGrids          mapGrids          = null;

            mapGrids = mapFrame as IMapGrids;

            activeView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewBackground, null, null);
Esempio n. 10
        private ILineSymbol CreateNewSymbol(int type)
            ILineSymbol simpleLineSymbolClass = null;

            switch (type)
            case 0:
                simpleLineSymbolClass = new SimpleLineSymbolClass();

            case 1:
                simpleLineSymbolClass = new CartographicLineSymbolClass();

            case 2:
                simpleLineSymbolClass = new MarkerLineSymbolClass();

            case 3:
                simpleLineSymbolClass = new HashLineSymbolClass();

            case 4:
                simpleLineSymbolClass = new PictureLineSymbolClass();

            case 5:
                simpleLineSymbolClass = new SimpleLine3DSymbolClass();

            case 6:
                simpleLineSymbolClass = new TextureLineSymbolClass();
Esempio n. 11
 public static ILineSymbol CreateLineDirectionSymbol()
     ILineSymbol symbol = new CartographicLineSymbolClass();
     symbol.Color = ColorHelper.CreateColor(0, 0, 200);
     LineDecorationClass class2 = new LineDecorationClass();
     SimpleLineDecorationElementClass lineDecorationElement = new SimpleLineDecorationElementClass();
     lineDecorationElement.PositionAsRatio = true;
     IMarkerSymbol symbol2 = (lineDecorationElement.MarkerSymbol as IClone).Clone() as IMarkerSymbol;
     symbol2.Size = 9.0;
     symbol2.Color = ColorHelper.CreateColor(0, 200, 0);
     lineDecorationElement.MarkerSymbol = symbol2;
     (symbol as ILineProperties).LineDecoration = class2;
     return symbol;
Esempio n. 12
        public static void DrawLine(IPoint fromPoint, IPoint toPoint)
            IPolyline pPolyline = new PolylineClass()
                FromPoint = fromPoint,
                ToPoint   = toPoint
            IRgbColor pColor = Func.CreateRgbColor(0, 0, 0);
            ICartographicLineSymbol pCartoLineSymbol = new CartographicLineSymbolClass()
                Cap   = esriLineCapStyle.esriLCSRound,
                Color = pColor,
                Width = 1
            ILineProperties pLineProp = pCartoLineSymbol as ILineProperties;

            pLineProp.DecorationOnTop = true;
            ILineDecoration pLineDecoration = new LineDecorationClass();
            ISimpleLineDecorationElement pSimpleLineDecoElem = new SimpleLineDecorationElementClass()
                MarkerSymbol = new ArrowMarkerSymbolClass()
                    Size  = 16,
                    Color = pColor

            pLineDecoration.AddElement(pSimpleLineDecoElem as ILineDecorationElement);
            pLineProp.LineDecoration = pLineDecoration;
            ILineSymbol pLineSymbol = pCartoLineSymbol as ILineSymbol;
            IElement    pElement    = new LineElementClass()
                Symbol   = pLineSymbol,
                Geometry = pPolyline
            IGraphicsContainer pGC = m_pMapC2.Map as IGraphicsContainer;

            pGC.AddElement(pElement, 0);
            IEnvelope pEnvelope = pPolyline.Envelope;

            pEnvelope.Expand(5, 5, true);
            m_pMapC2.Extent = pEnvelope;
Esempio n. 13
        public static ILineSymbol CreateLineDirectionSymbol()
            ILineSymbol symbol = new CartographicLineSymbolClass();

            symbol.Color = ColorHelper.CreateColor(0, 0, 200);
            LineDecorationClass class2 = new LineDecorationClass();
            SimpleLineDecorationElementClass lineDecorationElement = new SimpleLineDecorationElementClass();

            lineDecorationElement.PositionAsRatio = true;
            IMarkerSymbol symbol2 = (lineDecorationElement.MarkerSymbol as IClone).Clone() as IMarkerSymbol;

            symbol2.Size  = 9.0;
            symbol2.Color = ColorHelper.CreateColor(0, 200, 0);
            lineDecorationElement.MarkerSymbol = symbol2;
            (symbol as ILineProperties).LineDecoration = class2;
Esempio n. 14
        private static ILineSymbol DefineProfileLineSymbol(MilSpaceGraphicsTypeEnum graphicsType)
            //TODO: Get symbol from ESRITools
            IRgbColor rgbColor = grapchucsTypeColors[graphicsType]();

            //Define an arrow marker
            IArrowMarkerSymbol arrowMarkerSymbol = new ArrowMarkerSymbolClass();

            arrowMarkerSymbol.Color  = rgbColor;
            arrowMarkerSymbol.Size   = 6;
            arrowMarkerSymbol.Length = 8;
            arrowMarkerSymbol.Width  = 6;
            //Add an offset to make sure the square end of the line is hidden
            arrowMarkerSymbol.XOffset = 0.8;

            //Create cartographic line symbol
            ICartographicLineSymbol cartographicLineSymbol = new CartographicLineSymbolClass();

            cartographicLineSymbol.Color = rgbColor;
            cartographicLineSymbol.Width = 1;

            //Define simple line decoration
            ISimpleLineDecorationElement simpleLineDecorationElement = new SimpleLineDecorationElementClass();

            //Place the arrow at the end of the line (the "To" point in the geometry below)
            simpleLineDecorationElement.MarkerSymbol = arrowMarkerSymbol;

            //Define line decoration
            ILineDecoration lineDecoration = new LineDecorationClass();


            //Set line properties
            ILineProperties lineProperties = (ILineProperties)cartographicLineSymbol;

            lineProperties.LineDecoration = lineDecoration;

Esempio n. 15
        private ILineSymbol _GetZingerSymbol()
            // Create a color
            Color     color       = Color.Green;
            IRgbColor symbolColor = new RgbColorClass();

            symbolColor.Red   = color.R;
            symbolColor.Green = color.G;
            symbolColor.Blue  = color.B;

            // Create an arrow marker
            IArrowMarkerSymbol arrowMarker = new ArrowMarkerSymbolClass();

            arrowMarker.Color  = symbolColor;
            arrowMarker.Length = 6.125;
            arrowMarker.Width  = 7.0;

            // Create an decoration element from arrow marker to be positioned on the line
            ISimpleLineDecorationElement decorationElement = new SimpleLineDecorationElementClass();

            decorationElement.MarkerSymbol = arrowMarker;
            decorationElement.PositionAsRatio = true;

            // Create a line decoration to be added to the line
            ILineDecoration lineDecoration = new LineDecorationClass();


            // Create the line symbol with decoration
            ICartographicLineSymbol lineSymbol = new CartographicLineSymbolClass();

            lineSymbol.Color = symbolColor;
            ILineProperties lineProperties = (ILineProperties)lineSymbol;

            lineProperties.LineDecoration = lineDecoration;

Esempio n. 16
        public override void OnDblClick()
                IScreenDisplay pScreenDisplay;

                pScreenDisplay = m_HookHelper.ActiveView.ScreenDisplay;

                ILineSymbol ipLineSymbol = new CartographicLineSymbolClass();
                ipLineSymbol.Width = 5;

                if (slovePath() == false)



                //	Utility.drawPolyline(m_HookHelper.ActiveView,ipPolyResult);

                //	pScreenDisplay.StartDrawing(0,(short)esriScreenCache.esriNoScreenCache);

                //	pScreenDisplay.DrawPolyline(ipPolyResult);

                //	pScreenDisplay.FinishDrawing();
            catch (Exception e) {
        public DotRender(AxMapControl pMapControl, IFeatureLayer pFtLayer, double pValue,string pFieldName)
            //IActiveView pActiveView;

            //this.pGeoLayer = pFtLayer as IGeoFeatureLayer;

            //pActiveView = pMapControl.ActiveView;

            //pDotDensityRenderer = new DotDensityRendererClass();

            //pRendFields = pDotDensityRenderer as IRendererFields;

            //pRendFields.AddField(pFieldName, pFieldName); //ͬһ������Ľӿڵ��л����ܷ���ġ�

            //this.pDotDensityFill = new DotDensityFillSymbolClass();

            //pDotDensityFill.DotSize = 8;

            //pDotDensityFill.Color = GetRGBColor(10, 20, 0);

            //pDotDensityFill.BackgroundColor = GetRGBColor(100, 108, 190);

            //pSymbolArry = pDotDensityFill as ISymbolArray;//�ѵ����ܶȡ�

            //ISimpleMarkerSymbol pSimpleMark;

            //pSimpleMark = new SimpleMarkerSymbolClass();

            //pSimpleMark.Style = esriSimpleMarkerStyle.esriSMSDiamond;

            //pSimpleMark.Size = 8;

            //pSimpleMark.Color = GetRGBColor(128, 128, 255);

            //pSymbolArry.AddSymbol(pSimpleMark as ISymbol);

            //pDotDensityRenderer.DotDensitySymbol = pDotDensityFill;

            //pDotDensityRenderer.DotValue = pValue;

            //pGeoLayer.Renderer = (IFeatureRenderer)pDotDensityRenderer;


            //��ȡ��ǰͼ�� �����������ó�IGeoFeatureLayer��ʵ��
            IMap pMap = pMapControl.Map;
            // ILayer pFtLayer = pMap.get_Layer(0) as IFeatureLayer;
            IFeatureLayer pFeatureLayer = pFtLayer as IFeatureLayer;
            IGeoFeatureLayer pGeoFeatureLayer = pFtLayer as IGeoFeatureLayer;

            IFeatureClass pFeatureClass = pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass;
            IFeatureCursor pFeatureCursor = pFeatureClass.Search(null, false);
            IFeature pFeature = pFeatureCursor.NextFeature();


            IDotDensityRenderer DotDensityRenderer = new DotDensityRendererClass();

            IRendererFields flds = (IRendererFields)DotDensityRenderer;
            flds.AddField(pFieldName, pFieldName);
            //flds.AddField("Shape", "Shape");

            IDotDensityFillSymbol ddSym = new DotDensityFillSymbolClass();
            IRgbColor BackColor = new RgbColorClass();
            BackColor.Red = 234;
            BackColor.Blue = 128;
            BackColor.Green = 220;
            IRgbColor SymbolColor = new RgbColorClass();
            SymbolColor.Red = 234;
            SymbolColor.Blue = 128;
            SymbolColor.Green = 220;
            //ddSym.BackgroundColor = BackColor;
            ddSym.DotSize = 8;
            ddSym.FixedPlacement = true;
            //ddSym.Color = SymbolColor;
            ILineSymbol pLineSymbol = new CartographicLineSymbolClass();
            ddSym.Outline = pLineSymbol;

            ISymbolArray symArray = (ISymbolArray)ddSym;
            ISimpleMarkerSymbol pMarkerSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbolClass();
            pMarkerSymbol.Style = esriSimpleMarkerStyle.esriSMSCircle;
            pMarkerSymbol.Size = 0.2;
            pMarkerSymbol.Color = SymbolColor; ;

            symArray.AddSymbol(pMarkerSymbol as ISymbol);

            //DotDensityRenderer.DotDensitySymbol =symArray;
            DotDensityRenderer.DotDensitySymbol = ddSym;
            DotDensityRenderer.DotValue = pValue;
            DotDensityRenderer.ColorScheme = "Custom";
            DotDensityRenderer.MaintainSize = true;
            pGeoFeatureLayer.Renderer = (IFeatureRenderer)DotDensityRenderer;
            IActiveView pActiveView = pMap as IActiveView;
Esempio n. 18
 public static void drawPolyline(IActiveView pActiveView, IPolyline pGeom)
         IGraphicsContainer iGC = pActiveView as IGraphicsContainer;
         ILineSymbol ipLineSymbol = new CartographicLineSymbolClass();
         ipLineSymbol.Width = 5;
         IRgbColor pRgbColor = new RgbColorClass();
         pRgbColor.Red = 255;
         pRgbColor.Green = 0;
         pRgbColor.Blue = 0;
         ipLineSymbol.Color = pRgbColor as IColor;
         IElement pEle;
         ILineElement pLE;
         if (pGeom != null)
             pEle = new LineElementClass() as IElement;
             pLE = pEle as ILineElement;
             pLE.Symbol = ipLineSymbol;
             pEle.Geometry = pGeom;
             iGC.AddElement(pEle, 0);
         pActiveView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGraphics, Type.Missing, pActiveView.Extent);
     catch (Exception e)
Esempio n. 19
        public static void UpStreamFindParcels(AxMapControl ppAxMapControl, IEnumNetEID pEnumResultEdges, IGeometricNetwork pGeoNetwork)

                IFeatureLayer pFeatLayerSewerLines = FindFeatLayer("Sewer Lines", ppAxMapControl);
                IFeatureLayer pFeatLayerParcels = FindFeatLayer("Parcels", ppAxMapControl);

                IGeometryCollection pGeomBag = new GeometryBagClass();
                object missing = Type.Missing;
                int lEID;
                int iUserClassID;
                int iUserID;
                int iUserSubID;
                INetElements pNetElements = pGeoNetwork.Network as INetElements;
                IFeature pFeature;

                for (int j = 0; j <= pEnumResultEdges.Count - 1; j++)
                    lEID = pEnumResultEdges.Next();
                    pNetElements.QueryIDs(lEID, esriElementType.esriETEdge, out iUserClassID, out iUserID, out iUserSubID);
                    pFeature = pFeatLayerSewerLines.FeatureClass.GetFeature(iUserID);
                    pGeomBag.AddGeometry(pFeature.Shape, ref missing, ref missing);
                    // MessageBox.Show(iUserClassID.ToString()+","+iUserID.ToString()+","+iUserSubID.ToString());
                ISpatialFilter pSpatialFilter = new SpatialFilterClass();
                pSpatialFilter.Geometry = pGeomBag as IGeometry;
                pSpatialFilter.GeometryField = "Shape";
                pSpatialFilter.SpatialRel = esriSpatialRelEnum.esriSpatialRelIntersects;
                pSpatialFilter.SearchOrder = esriSearchOrder.esriSearchOrderSpatial;

                IFeatureCursor pFeatCursor = pFeatLayerParcels.FeatureClass.Search(pSpatialFilter, false);
                ICompositeGraphicsLayer pComGraphicLayer = new CompositeGraphicsLayerClass();
                ILayer pLayer = pComGraphicLayer as ILayer;
                pLayer.Name = "��Ӱ��ĵؿ�";
                IGraphicsContainer pGraphicContainer = pComGraphicLayer as IGraphicsContainer;
                ISimpleFillSymbol pSymFill = new SimpleFillSymbolClass();
                IFillSymbol pFillSymbol = pSymFill as IFillSymbol;
                IRgbColor pRgbColor = new RgbColorClass();
                pRgbColor.Red = 0;
                pRgbColor.Green = 200;
                pRgbColor.Blue = 100;
                pFillSymbol.Color = pRgbColor as IColor;
                ICartographicLineSymbol pCartoLine = new CartographicLineSymbolClass();
                IRgbColor pRgbColor2 = new RgbColorClass();
                pRgbColor2.Red = 100;
                pRgbColor2.Green = 200;
                pRgbColor2.Blue = 100;
                pCartoLine.Width = 2;
                pCartoLine.Color = pRgbColor2 as IColor;
                pFillSymbol.Outline = pCartoLine;
                IArray pFeatArray = new ArrayClass();
                pFeature = pFeatCursor.NextFeature();
                while (pFeature != null)
                    IElement pPolyElement = new PolygonElementClass();
                    IFillShapeElement pFillShapeElement = pPolyElement as IFillShapeElement;
                    pPolyElement.Geometry = pFeature.Shape;
                    pFillShapeElement.Symbol = pFillSymbol;
                    pGraphicContainer.AddElement(pPolyElement, 0);
                    pFeature = pFeatCursor.NextFeature();
                ppAxMapControl.AddLayer(pGraphicContainer as ILayer);
                ppAxMapControl.ActiveView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGraphics, null, null);
                //frmUpstreamCreateOwnerList frmUpstreamCreateOwnerList1 = new frmUpstreamCreateOwnerList(ppAxMapControl,pFeatLayerParcels, pFeatArray);
            catch (Exception eX)

Esempio n. 20
        public override void OnDblClick()

                IScreenDisplay pScreenDisplay;


                ILineSymbol ipLineSymbol=new CartographicLineSymbolClass();
                ipLineSymbol.Width = 5;

                if(slovePath()==false) return;



                //	Utility.drawPolyline(m_HookHelper.ActiveView,ipPolyResult);

                //	pScreenDisplay.StartDrawing(0,(short)esriScreenCache.esriNoScreenCache);

                //	pScreenDisplay.DrawPolyline(ipPolyResult);

                //	pScreenDisplay.FinishDrawing();
            catch(Exception e){
Esempio n. 21
        private static ILineSymbol DefineProfileDecorationLineSymbol(MilSpaceGraphicsTypeEnum graphicsType, IRgbColor color,
                                                                     int width = 2, LineType lineType = LineType.Arrow)
            //TODO: Get symbol from ESRITools

            //Create cartographic line symbol
            ICartographicLineSymbol cartographicLineSymbol = new CartographicLineSymbolClass();

            cartographicLineSymbol.Color = color;
            cartographicLineSymbol.Width = width;

            //Define line decoration
            ILineDecoration lineDecoration = new LineDecorationClass();

            if (lineType == LineType.Arrow || lineType == LineType.DefaultLine)
                //Define simple line decoration
                ISimpleLineDecorationElement simpleLineDecorationElement = new SimpleLineDecorationElementClass();

                //Place the arrow at the end of the line(the "To" point in the geometry below)

                //Define an arrow marker
                IArrowMarkerSymbol arrowMarkerSymbol = new ArrowMarkerSymbolClass();
                arrowMarkerSymbol.Color  = color;
                arrowMarkerSymbol.Size   = 5;
                arrowMarkerSymbol.Length = 8;
                arrowMarkerSymbol.Width  = 5 + width;

                //Add an offset to make sure the square end of the line is hidden
                arrowMarkerSymbol.XOffset = 0.8;
                simpleLineDecorationElement.MarkerSymbol = arrowMarkerSymbol;


            if (lineType == LineType.Point || lineType == LineType.DefaultLine)
                //Define simple line decoration
                ISimpleLineDecorationElement simpleLineDecorationElement = new SimpleLineDecorationElementClass();


                SimpleMarkerSymbol circleMarkerSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol()
                    Color = color,
                    Size  = 5,
                    Style = esriSimpleMarkerStyle.esriSMSCircle,

                //Add an offset to make sure the square end of the line is hidden
                circleMarkerSymbol.XOffset = 0.8;
                simpleLineDecorationElement.MarkerSymbol = circleMarkerSymbol;


            //Set line properties
            ILineProperties lineProperties = (ILineProperties)cartographicLineSymbol;

            lineProperties.LineDecoration = lineDecoration;

        private ISymbol GetFeatureSymbol(IFeature Feature)
            ICartographicLineSymbol hashsym = null;
            IRgbColor pcolor = null;
            ILineSymbol lsym = null;
               // ISimpleEdgeFeature seFeat = null;
            ILineProperties lineProperties = null;
            IArrowMarkerSymbol aMSymbol = null;
            ILineDecoration lineDecoration = null;
            ISimpleLineDecorationElement simpleLineDecorationElement = null;
            IMarkerSymbol smSym = null;
            bool isMultiLyrSym = false;
            int multiLyrSymIndex = -1;
                if (Feature.HasOID)
                    int status = 0;
                    if (string.Compare(Feature.Class.AliasName.Substring(Feature.Class.AliasName.LastIndexOf('.') + 1), "PrimaryConductor", true) == 0)
                        if (ExtensionInfo.netUtil.primaryStatuses.ContainsKey(Feature.OID))
                            status = ExtensionInfo.netUtil.primaryStatuses[Feature.OID];
                    else if (ExtensionInfo.netUtil.secondaryStatuses.ContainsKey(Feature.OID))
                        status = ExtensionInfo.netUtil.secondaryStatuses[Feature.OID];

                       //int fldIndexGUID = Feature.Fields.FindField("FuturaGUID");
                       //if (fldIndexGUID != -1)
                       //    IFeatureClass featCls = Feature.Class as IFeatureClass;
                       //    IFeature feat = featCls.GetFeature(Feature.OID);

                       //    string guid = feat.get_Value(fldIndexGUID).ToString();
                       //    if (guid != null)
                       //        status = (int)NetworkExtension.FuturaNetworkExt.netUtil._sectionList[guid].status;

                   // int status = NetworkExtension.FuturaNetworkExt.netUtil._sectionList.Values.FirstOrDefault(obj => (obj.objectId == Feature.OID && string.Compare(Feature.Class.AliasName.Substring(Feature.Class.AliasName.LastIndexOf('.')+1), obj.className, true) == 0)).status;

                   // string guid = Feature.get_Value(Feature.Fields.FindField("FuturaGUID")).ToString();
                   // int status = NetworkExtension.FuturaNetworkExt.netUtil._sectionList[guid].status;
                    pcolor = new RgbColor();
                    //FeatureRenderer.PrepareFilter(Feature.Class as IFeatureClass, new QueryFilterClass());
                    //below line used to get default linesymbol of a featureclass
                    lsym = FeatureRenderer.get_SymbolByFeature(Feature) as ILineSymbol;

                    if (lsym is ICartographicLineSymbol)
                        hashsym = lsym as ICartographicLineSymbol;
                    else if (lsym is IMultiLayerLineSymbol)
                        IMultiLayerLineSymbol multiLyrLineSymbol = lsym as IMultiLayerLineSymbol;
                        for (int i = 0; i < multiLyrLineSymbol.LayerCount; i++)
                            if (multiLyrLineSymbol.get_Layer(i) != null && multiLyrLineSymbol.get_Layer(i) is ICartographicLineSymbol)
                                hashsym = multiLyrLineSymbol.get_Layer(i) as ICartographicLineSymbol;
                                isMultiLyrSym = true;
                                multiLyrSymIndex = i;

                    if (hashsym == null)
                        hashsym = new CartographicLineSymbolClass();
                        hashsym.Color = lsym.Color;
                        hashsym.Width = lsym.Width;
                    if (FeatureSelection.SelectionSet.Count > 0 && IsSelected(Feature.OID))
                        //if (MobileSettings.settings.UserSettings.TraceSettings.LineColor.R == 0 && MobileSettings.settings.UserSettings.TraceSettings.LineColor.G == 255 && MobileSettings.settings.UserSettings.TraceSettings.LineColor.B == 255)
                        //    pcolor.Red = 0;
                        //    pcolor.Green = 255;
                        //    pcolor.Blue = 0;
                            pcolor.Red = 0;
                            pcolor.Green = 255;
                            pcolor.Blue = 255;
                       // }
                        //lsym.Color = pcolor;
                        //lsym.Width = lsym.Width + 1;
                        hashsym.Color = pcolor;
                        hashsym.Width = hashsym.Width + 1;
                        //pcolor.Red = MobileSettings.settings.UserSettings.TraceSettings.LineColor.R;
                        //pcolor.Green = MobileSettings.settings.UserSettings.TraceSettings.LineColor.G;
                        //pcolor.Blue = MobileSettings.settings.UserSettings.TraceSettings.LineColor.B;
                        //lsym.Color = pcolor;

                    if (Feature.Shape.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryLine || Feature.Shape.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline)
                       // SectionObject sObj = null;
                       // Orientation dir = Orientation.Uninitialized;
                       // seFeat = Feature as ISimpleEdgeFeature;
                      //   int fldIndexGUID = Feature.Fields.FindField(((IClassEx)Feature.Class).GlobalIDFieldName);
                       // if(fldIndexGUID != -1)
                      //  {
                            //IFeatureClass featCls = Feature.Class as IFeatureClass;
                            //IFeature feat = featCls.GetFeature(Feature.OID);

                            //object guid = feat.get_Value(fldIndexGUID);
                            // if (guid != null)
                            //    sObj = secElements.ContainsKey(guid.ToString()) ? secElements[guid.ToString()] : null;

                            //if(sObj != null)
                            //    IPolyline pl = Feature.ShapeCopy as IPolyline;
                            //    NodeObject fNode = nodeElements.ContainsKey(sObj.Parent) ? nodeElements[sObj.Parent] : null;
                            //    NodeObject tNode = nodeElements.ContainsKey(sObj.Child) ? nodeElements[sObj.Child] : null;
                            //    if(fNode != null && tNode != null)
                            //    {
                            //        if (Math.Abs(fNode.X - pl.FromPoint.X) < 0.001 && Math.Abs(fNode.Y - pl.FromPoint.Y) < 0.001)
                            //            dir = Orientation.WithFlow;
                            //        else
                            //            dir = Orientation.AgainstFlow;

                            //    }
                       // }

                        //bool isPrimary = string.Compare(Feature.Class.AliasName, "PrimaryConductor", true) == 0;
                        //    if (isPrimary && PrimaryFlowDirections != null)
                        //        dir = PrimaryFlowDirections[Feature.OID];
                        //    // dir = secElements.Values.FirstOrDefault(obj => (obj.OID == Feature.OID && string.Compare(Feature.Class.AliasName, obj.LayerName, true) == 0));
                        //    else if (SecFlowDirections != null)
                        //        dir = SecFlowDirections[Feature.OID];
                        //    dir = Orientation.Uninitialized;
                        //if (sObj != null)
                       // {
                           // dir = sObj.FlowDirection;
                                //IPolyline pl = Feature.ShapeCopy as IPolyline;
                                //NodeObject fNode = nodeElements.ContainsKey(sObj.Parent) ? nodeElements[sObj.Parent] : null;
                                //NodeObject tNode = nodeElements.ContainsKey(sObj.Child) ? nodeElements[sObj.Child] : null;
                                //if (fNode != null && tNode != null)
                                //    bool isUninitialized = false;
                                //    if (string.Compare(fNode.LayerName, FuturaNetJunctions.Futura_NetJunctions_TableName, true) == 0 && secElements.Values.FirstOrDefault(obj => (obj.Child == fNode.GUID)) == null)
                                //        dir = Orientation.Indeterminate;
                                //    else
                                //    {
                                //        if (Math.Abs(fNode.X - pl.FromPoint.X) < 0.001 && Math.Abs(fNode.Y - pl.FromPoint.Y) < 0.001)
                                //            dir = Orientation.WithFlow;
                                //        else
                                //            dir = Orientation.AgainstFlow;
                                //    }

                       // }

                        lineProperties = hashsym as ILineProperties;
                        simpleLineDecorationElement = new SimpleLineDecorationElement();
                        if (FuturaNetwork.StatusExtensions.IsLoop(status))
                            simpleLineDecorationElement.MarkerSymbol = DefaultUninitializedSymbol();
                        else if (FuturaNetwork.StatusExtensions.IsEnergized(status))
                            //if (smSym == null)
                            //    smSym = Global.DefaultFlowSymbol();

                            if (FuturaNetwork.StatusExtensions.BreakDown(status).Contains(FuturaNetwork.Constants.WithFlow))
                                simpleLineDecorationElement.MarkerSymbol = DefaultFlowSymbol(false);
                                simpleLineDecorationElement.MarkerSymbol = DefaultFlowSymbol(true);

                            simpleLineDecorationElement.MarkerSymbol = DefaultUninitializedSymbol();

                        simpleLineDecorationElement.PositionAsRatio = true;
                        lineDecoration = new LineDecoration();
                        lineProperties.LineDecoration = lineDecoration;

                    ISymbol featSymbol = null;

                    if (isMultiLyrSym && multiLyrSymIndex != -1)
                        IMultiLayerLineSymbol multiLyrLineSymbol = lsym as IMultiLayerLineSymbol;
                        if (multiLyrLineSymbol.get_Layer(multiLyrSymIndex) != null && multiLyrLineSymbol.get_Layer(multiLyrSymIndex) is ICartographicLineSymbol)
                            ILineSymbol lineSymbol = multiLyrLineSymbol.get_Layer(multiLyrSymIndex);
                            multiLyrLineSymbol.AddLayer(hashsym as ILineSymbol);
                        featSymbol = multiLyrLineSymbol as ISymbol;
                        featSymbol = hashsym as ISymbol;

                    return featSymbol;
                    return null;
            catch (Exception ex)
                return null;
                hashsym = null;
                pcolor = null;
                lsym = null;
                //seFeat = null;
                lineProperties = null;
                aMSymbol = null;
                lineDecoration = null;
                simpleLineDecorationElement = null;
                smSym = null;
Esempio n. 23
        private void btnChangeY_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            maploaded = true;
            System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
            if ((cboBotYear.Text != "") && (cboTopYear.Text != ""))
                label3.Text = cboTopYear.Text;
                label4.Text = cboBotYear.Text;
                if (!(topPublicMosaicLayer == null))
                    //Delete old top layer, ??check still the same top to save time?
                if (!(botPublicMosaicLayer == null))
                    //Delete old bot layer, ??check still the same bot to save time?
                //This version, we will use mosaicdataset========================
                IMosaicWorkspaceExtensionHelper MosaicWsHelper = new MosaicWorkspaceExtensionHelperClass();
                IWorkspaceFactory2 workspaceFactory = new FileGDBWorkspaceFactoryClass();
                string mosaicdatabase = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MosaicDatabase"];
                IWorkspace ws = workspaceFactory.OpenFromFile(mosaicdatabase, 0);
                IMosaicWorkspaceExtension mosaicWsExtension = MosaicWsHelper.FindExtension(ws);

                strBaseYr = "AmherstOrthoMosaic" + cboBotYear.Text;
                IMosaicDataset pMosaicDatasetBot = mosaicWsExtension.OpenMosaicDataset(strBaseYr);
                botPublicMosaicLayer = new MosaicLayerClass();
                if (!(botPublicMosaicLayer == null))
                    IFeatureLayer footprint = (IFeatureLayer)botPublicMosaicLayer.FootprintLayer;
                    ((ILayer)footprint).Visible = false;
                    ILayer botLayer = (ILayer)botPublicMosaicLayer;
                    botLayer.MinimumScale = 6000;
                strTopYr = "AmherstOrthoMosaic" + cboTopYear.Text;
                IMosaicDataset pMosaicDatasetTop = mosaicWsExtension.OpenMosaicDataset(strTopYr);
                topPublicMosaicLayer = new MosaicLayerClass();
                if (!(topPublicMosaicLayer == null))
                    IFeatureLayer footprint = (IFeatureLayer)topPublicMosaicLayer.FootprintLayer;
                    ((ILayer)footprint).Visible = false;
                    ILayer topLayer = (ILayer)topPublicMosaicLayer;
                    topLayer.MinimumScale = 6000;
                    ILayerEffectProperties lepSwip = m_CommandsEnvironment as ILayerEffectProperties;
                    lepSwip.SwipeLayer = topLayer;
                    //===possible problem toplayer is not public variable any more

                IFeatureLayer featurelayerParcel = new FeatureLayerClass();
                featurelayerParcel.FeatureClass = featureClassParcels;
                featurelayerParcel.Name = "parcels";
                featurelayerParcel.MinimumScale = 6000;
                featurelayerParcel.Visible = false;
                IRgbColor pLColor = new RgbColorClass();
                pLColor.Red = 255;
                pLColor.Green = 255;
                pLColor.Blue = 255;

                ISimpleFillSymbol pSFS = new SimpleFillSymbolClass();
                ICartographicLineSymbol pCLineS = new CartographicLineSymbolClass();
                pCLineS.Color = pLColor;
                ILineProperties lineProperties = pCLineS as ILineProperties;
                lineProperties.Offset = 0;
                System.Double[] hpe = new System.Double[4];
                hpe[0] = 7;
                hpe[1] = 2;
                hpe[2] = 1;
                hpe[3] = 2;

                ITemplate template = new TemplateClass();
                template.Interval = 3;
                for (int i = 0; i < hpe.Length; i = i + 2)
                    template.AddPatternElement(hpe[i], hpe[i + 1]);
                lineProperties.Template = template;
                pCLineS.Width = 1;
                pCLineS.Cap = esriLineCapStyle.esriLCSButt;
                pCLineS.Join = esriLineJoinStyle.esriLJSBevel;
                pCLineS.Color = pLColor;
                pSFS.Outline = pCLineS;
                pSFS.Style = esriSimpleFillStyle.esriSFSHollow;

                IGeoFeatureLayer pGFL = (IGeoFeatureLayer)featurelayerParcel;
                ISimpleRenderer pRend = pGFL.Renderer as ISimpleRenderer;
                pRend.Symbol = pSFS as ISymbol;

                if ((Helper.FindMyFeatureLayer(m_MapControl.ActiveView.FocusMap, "parcels") == null))
                    if (!(featurelayerParcel == null))
                    //is this temp necessary???????
                    IFeatureLayer parcellayertemp = Helper.FindMyFeatureLayer(m_MapControl.ActiveView.FocusMap, "parcels");
                    m_MapControl.ActiveView.FocusMap.MoveLayer(parcellayertemp, 0);
                    m_MapControltop.ActiveView.FocusMap.MoveLayer(parcellayertemp, 0);
                    m_MapControlbase.ActiveView.FocusMap.MoveLayer(parcellayertemp, 0);
                //MessageBox.Show("Top aerophoto is taken on: " + cboTopYear.Text + ".\r\nBottom areophoto is taken on: " + cboBotYear.Text + ".");
                MessageBox.Show("Please select two years to compare");

            System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
Esempio n. 24
        private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Form1 path1 = (Form1)this.Owner;

            if (mPointCollectionNet == null)
                mPointCollectionNet = new MultipointClass();
            object before = Type.Missing;
            object after  = Type.Missing;

            mPointCollectionNet.AddPoint(path1.pNewPointBegin, ref before, ref after);
            mPointCollectionNet.AddPoint(path1.pNewPointVia1, ref before, ref after);
            mPointCollectionNet.AddPoint(path1.pNewPointVia2, ref before, ref after);
            mPointCollectionNet.AddPoint(path1.pNewPointVia3, ref before, ref after);
            mPointCollectionNet.AddPoint(path1.pNewPointEnd, ref before, ref after);
            pPolyLineResult = PathToPolyLine();

            //mPointCollectionNet.AddPoint(path1.pNewPointVia1, ref before, ref after);
            //mPointCollectionNet.AddPoint(path1.pNewPointVia2, ref before, ref after);
            //mPointCollectionNet.AddPoint(path1.pNewPointVia3, ref before, ref after);

            //pPolyLineResult1 = PathToPolyLine();
            //pPolyLineResult2 = PathToPolyLine();
            //pPolyLineResult3 = PathToPolyLine();
            //pPolyLineResult4 = PathToPolyLine();

            path1._pPolyLine = this.pPolyLineResult;

                IActiveView    pActiveView    = this.axMapControl1.ActiveView;
                IScreenDisplay pScreenDisplay = pActiveView.ScreenDisplay;
                ILineSymbol pLineSymbol = new CartographicLineSymbolClass();
                IRgbColor   pColor      = new RgbColorClass();
                pColor.Red   = 255;
                pColor.Green = 0;
                pColor.Blue  = 0;
                pLineSymbol.Width = 4;
                pLineSymbol.Color = pColor as IColor;
                pScreenDisplay.StartDrawing(0, 0);

                ITextElement te1 = createTextElement(path1.pNewPointBegin.X, path1.pNewPointBegin.Y, path1.pQueryFilterBegin.WhereClause);
                ITextElement te2 = createTextElement(path1.pNewPointVia1.X, path1.pNewPointVia1.Y, path1.pQueryFilterVia1.WhereClause);
                ITextElement te3 = createTextElement(path1.pNewPointVia2.X, path1.pNewPointVia2.Y, path1.pQueryFilterVia2.WhereClause);
                ITextElement te4 = createTextElement(path1.pNewPointVia3.X, path1.pNewPointVia3.Y, path1.pQueryFilterVia3.WhereClause);
                ITextElement te5 = createTextElement(path1.pNewPointEnd.X, path1.pNewPointEnd.Y, path1.pQueryFilterEnd.WhereClause);
                this.axMapControl1.ActiveView.GraphicsContainer.AddElement(te1 as IElement, 1);
                this.axMapControl1.ActiveView.GraphicsContainer.AddElement(te2 as IElement, 1);
                this.axMapControl1.ActiveView.GraphicsContainer.AddElement(te3 as IElement, 1);
                this.axMapControl1.ActiveView.GraphicsContainer.AddElement(te4 as IElement, 1);
                this.axMapControl1.ActiveView.GraphicsContainer.AddElement(te5 as IElement, 1);
                this.axMapControl1.Refresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGraphics, null, null);

            catch (System.Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("路径分析出现错误:" + "\r\n" + ex.Message);
            mPointCollectionNet = null;
Esempio n. 25
        public static void DrawArrow(IActiveView pActiveView, CPoint frcpt, CPoint tocpt,
                                     double dblArrowLength = 6, double dblArrowWidth = 6,
                                     int intRed            = 0, int intGreen = 0, int intBlue = 0)
            var iColor = CHelpFunc.GenerateIRgbColor(intRed, intGreen, intBlue) as IColor;

            //Define an arrow marker
            IArrowMarkerSymbol arrowMarkerSymbol = new ArrowMarkerSymbolClass();

            arrowMarkerSymbol.Color = iColor;
            //arrowMarkerSymbol.Size = 6;  //it seems size has no effect
            arrowMarkerSymbol.Length = dblArrowLength;
            arrowMarkerSymbol.Width  = dblArrowWidth;
            //Add an offset to make sure the square end of the line is hidden
            //arrowMarkerSymbol.XOffset = 0.8;

            //Create cartographic line symbol
            ICartographicLineSymbol cartographicLineSymbol = new CartographicLineSymbolClass();

            cartographicLineSymbol.Color = iColor;
            cartographicLineSymbol.Width = 1;

            //Define simple line decoration
            ISimpleLineDecorationElement simpleLineDecorationElement = new SimpleLineDecorationElementClass();

            //Place the arrow at the end of the line (the "To" point in the geometry below)
            simpleLineDecorationElement.MarkerSymbol = arrowMarkerSymbol;

            //Define line decoration
            ILineDecoration lineDecoration = new LineDecorationClass();


            //Set line properties
            ILineProperties lineProperties = (ILineProperties)cartographicLineSymbol;

            lineProperties.LineDecoration = lineDecoration;

            //Define line element
            ILineElement lineElement = new LineElementClass();

            lineElement.Symbol = (ILineSymbol)cartographicLineSymbol;

            var cpl = new CPolyline(-1, frcpt, tocpt);

            //Cast to Element and set geometry
            var element = (IElement)lineElement;

            element.Geometry = cpl.JudgeAndSetPolyline();

            //Set the name
            //IElementProperties3 elementProperties3.Name = elementName;

            //Add element to graphics container
            pActiveView.GraphicsContainer.AddElement(element, 0);

            pActiveView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGraphics, null, null);

            #region a useful example
            ////Set the element name
            //string elementName = "ArrowTest";

            ////Get the graphics container from the page layout (set elsewhere)
            //IActiveView activeView = (IActiveView)pageLayout;
            //IGraphicsContainer graphicsContainer = (IGraphicsContainer)pageLayout;

            ////Find all existing elements with specified name
            ////Build a list of elements and then loop over the list to delete them
            //List<IElement> elementsToDelete = new List<IElement>();
            //IElementProperties3 elementProperties3 = null;
            //IElement element = null;
            //while ((element = graphicsContainer.Next()) != null)
            //    elementProperties3 = (IElementProperties3)element;
            //    if (elementProperties3.Name == elementName)
            //    {
            //        elementsToDelete.Add(element);
            //    }

            //foreach (IElement elementToDelete in elementsToDelete)
            //    graphicsContainer.DeleteElement(elementToDelete);

            ////Define color
            //IRgbColor rgbColor = new RgbColorClass();
            //rgbColor.RGB = Color.Black.ToArgb();

            ////Define an arrow marker
            //IArrowMarkerSymbol arrowMarkerSymbol = new ArrowMarkerSymbolClass();
            //arrowMarkerSymbol.Color = rgbColor;
            //arrowMarkerSymbol.Size = 6;
            //arrowMarkerSymbol.Length = 8;
            //arrowMarkerSymbol.Width = 6;
            ////Add an offset to make sure the square end of the line is hidden
            //arrowMarkerSymbol.XOffset = 0.8;

            ////Create cartographic line symbol
            //ICartographicLineSymbol cartographicLineSymbol = new CartographicLineSymbolClass();
            //cartographicLineSymbol.Color = rgbColor;
            //cartographicLineSymbol.Width = 1;

            ////Define simple line decoration
            //ISimpleLineDecorationElement simpleLineDecorationElement = new SimpleLineDecorationElementClass();
            ////Place the arrow at the end of the line (the "To" point in the geometry below)
            //simpleLineDecorationElement.MarkerSymbol = arrowMarkerSymbol;

            ////Define line decoration
            //ILineDecoration lineDecoration = new LineDecorationClass();

            ////Set line properties
            //ILineProperties lineProperties = (ILineProperties)cartographicLineSymbol;
            //lineProperties.LineDecoration = lineDecoration;

            ////Define line element
            //ILineElement lineElement = new LineElementClass();
            //lineElement.Symbol = (ILineSymbol)cartographicLineSymbol;

            ////Create the line geometry
            //IPoint fromPoint = new PointClass();
            //fromPoint.X = 4.0;
            //fromPoint.Y = 0.8;

            //IPoint toPoint = new PointClass();
            //toPoint.X = 5.0;
            //toPoint.Y = 0.8;

            //IPolyline polyline = new PolylineClass();
            //polyline.FromPoint = fromPoint;
            //polyline.ToPoint = toPoint;

            ////Cast to Element and set geometry
            //element = (IElement)lineElement;
            //element.Geometry = polyline;

            ////Set the name
            //elementProperties3.Name = elementName;

            ////Add element to graphics container
            //graphicsContainer.AddElement(element, 0);

            ////Clear the graphics selection (graphics are selected when added)
            //IGraphicsContainerSelect graphicsContainerSelect = (IGraphicsContainerSelect)graphicsContainer;

Esempio n. 26
        public DotRender(AxMapControl pMapControl, IFeatureLayer pFtLayer, double pValue, string pFieldName)
            //IActiveView pActiveView;

            //this.pGeoLayer = pFtLayer as IGeoFeatureLayer;

            //pActiveView = pMapControl.ActiveView;

            //pDotDensityRenderer = new DotDensityRendererClass();

            //pRendFields = pDotDensityRenderer as IRendererFields;

            //pRendFields.AddField(pFieldName, pFieldName); //同一个对象的接口的切换,很方便的。

            //this.pDotDensityFill = new DotDensityFillSymbolClass();

            //pDotDensityFill.DotSize = 8;

            //pDotDensityFill.Color = GetRGBColor(10, 20, 0);

            //pDotDensityFill.BackgroundColor = GetRGBColor(100, 108, 190);

            //pSymbolArry = pDotDensityFill as ISymbolArray;//难道是密度。

            //ISimpleMarkerSymbol pSimpleMark;

            //pSimpleMark = new SimpleMarkerSymbolClass();

            //pSimpleMark.Style = esriSimpleMarkerStyle.esriSMSDiamond;

            //pSimpleMark.Size = 8;

            //pSimpleMark.Color = GetRGBColor(128, 128, 255);

            //pSymbolArry.AddSymbol(pSimpleMark as ISymbol);

            //pDotDensityRenderer.DotDensitySymbol = pDotDensityFill;

            //pDotDensityRenderer.DotValue = pValue;

            //pGeoLayer.Renderer = (IFeatureRenderer)pDotDensityRenderer;


            //获取当前图层 ,并把它设置成IGeoFeatureLayer的实例
            IMap pMap = pMapControl.Map;
            // ILayer pFtLayer = pMap.get_Layer(0) as IFeatureLayer;
            IFeatureLayer    pFeatureLayer    = pFtLayer as IFeatureLayer;
            IGeoFeatureLayer pGeoFeatureLayer = pFtLayer as IGeoFeatureLayer;

            IFeatureClass  pFeatureClass  = pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass;
            IFeatureCursor pFeatureCursor = pFeatureClass.Search(null, false);
            IFeature       pFeature       = pFeatureCursor.NextFeature();


            IDotDensityRenderer DotDensityRenderer = new DotDensityRendererClass();

            IRendererFields flds = (IRendererFields)DotDensityRenderer;

            flds.AddField(pFieldName, pFieldName);
            //flds.AddField("Shape", "Shape");

            IDotDensityFillSymbol ddSym     = new DotDensityFillSymbolClass();
            IRgbColor             BackColor = new RgbColorClass();

            BackColor.Red   = 234;
            BackColor.Blue  = 128;
            BackColor.Green = 220;
            IRgbColor SymbolColor = new RgbColorClass();

            SymbolColor.Red   = 234;
            SymbolColor.Blue  = 128;
            SymbolColor.Green = 220;
            //ddSym.BackgroundColor = BackColor;
            ddSym.DotSize        = 8;
            ddSym.FixedPlacement = true;
            //ddSym.Color = SymbolColor;
            ILineSymbol pLineSymbol = new CartographicLineSymbolClass();

            ddSym.Outline = pLineSymbol;

            ISymbolArray symArray = (ISymbolArray)ddSym;
            ISimpleMarkerSymbol pMarkerSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbolClass();

            pMarkerSymbol.Style = esriSimpleMarkerStyle.esriSMSCircle;
            pMarkerSymbol.Size  = 0.2;
            pMarkerSymbol.Color = SymbolColor;;

            symArray.AddSymbol(pMarkerSymbol as ISymbol);

            //DotDensityRenderer.DotDensitySymbol =symArray;
            DotDensityRenderer.DotDensitySymbol = ddSym;
            DotDensityRenderer.DotValue = pValue;
            DotDensityRenderer.ColorScheme = "Custom";
            DotDensityRenderer.MaintainSize = true;
            pGeoFeatureLayer.Renderer = (IFeatureRenderer)DotDensityRenderer;
            IActiveView pActiveView = pMap as IActiveView;

Esempio n. 27
        // *********************
        //      Author: Erika Kamptner
        //      Created Date: 3/10/2017
        //      Description: This method takes several parameters from the BuildMap method to connect to geodatabase, load layer,
        //      place in appropriate group layer, style, and label. Only Address points, Cadastral, Building, and Centerline layers
        //      have specified labels and symbology.
        // **************************

        public static void LoadCSCLFeatureClass(bool isCSCL, string strFCName, IGroupLayer pGroupLayer, string strGeodatabase)
            //Point to map document
            IMxDocument pMxDoc;

            pMxDoc = (IMxDocument)ArcMap.Application.Document;

            IMap pMap;

            pMap = pMxDoc.FocusMap;

            //Set up shapefile Workspace connection
            IWorkspaceFactory pWorkspaceFactory;

            pWorkspaceFactory = new ShapefileWorkspaceFactoryClass();

            //If connecting to SDE, set up SDE workspace connection
            //IWorkspaceFactory pWorkspaceFactory;
            //pWorkspaceFactory = new SdeWorkspaceFactoryClass();

            IWorkspace pWorkspace;

            pWorkspace = pWorkspaceFactory.OpenFromFile(strGeodatabase, 0);

            IFeatureWorkspace pFeatureWorkspace;

            pFeatureWorkspace = (IFeatureWorkspace)pWorkspace;

            IFeatureClass pFeatureClass;

            pFeatureClass = pFeatureWorkspace.OpenFeatureClass(strFCName);

            IFeatureLayer pFeatureLayer;

            pFeatureLayer = new FeatureLayer();

            pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass = pFeatureClass;
            pFeatureLayer.Name         = pFeatureClass.AliasName;

            //Add layer to group if CSCL map type. Otherwise, just add layer.
            if (isCSCL)

            //Symbolize Address points based if the address has subaddresses
            if (pFeatureLayer.Name == "AddressPoint")
                ILayer pLayer;
                pLayer = (ILayer)pFeatureLayer;

                IGeoFeatureLayer pGeoFeatureLayer;
                pGeoFeatureLayer = (IGeoFeatureLayer)pLayer;

                pGeoFeatureLayer.DisplayAnnotation = true;

                //Create unique symbology based on subaddress flag using unique value renderer
                ISimpleMarkerSymbol pAddressSymbolDefault;
                pAddressSymbolDefault = new SimpleMarkerSymbolClass();

                pAddressSymbolDefault.Color = SetColor(230, 0, 0);
                pAddressSymbolDefault.Style = esriSimpleMarkerStyle.esriSMSCircle;
                pAddressSymbolDefault.Size  = 4;

                IUniqueValueRenderer pUniqueValueRenderer;
                pUniqueValueRenderer = new UniqueValueRendererClass();

                pUniqueValueRenderer.FieldCount = 1;
                pUniqueValueRenderer.set_Field(0, "SUBADDRESS");
                pUniqueValueRenderer.UseDefaultSymbol = false;

                //Create unique symbology for different values
                ISimpleMarkerSymbol pAddressSymbolYES;
                pAddressSymbolYES = new SimpleMarkerSymbolClass();

                pAddressSymbolYES.Color        = SetColor(230, 0, 0);
                pAddressSymbolYES.Style        = esriSimpleMarkerStyle.esriSMSCircle;
                pAddressSymbolYES.Size         = 8;
                pAddressSymbolYES.OutlineSize  = 2;
                pAddressSymbolYES.OutlineColor = SetColor(255, 255, 0);
                pAddressSymbolYES.Outline      = true;

                ISimpleMarkerSymbol pAddressSymbolNO;
                pAddressSymbolNO = new SimpleMarkerSymbolClass();

                pAddressSymbolNO.Color = SetColor(230, 0, 0);
                pAddressSymbolNO.Style = esriSimpleMarkerStyle.esriSMSCircle;
                pAddressSymbolNO.Size  = 4;

                pUniqueValueRenderer.AddValue("YES", "SUBADDRESS", pAddressSymbolYES as ISymbol);
                pUniqueValueRenderer.set_Label("YES", "YES");
                pUniqueValueRenderer.set_Symbol("YES", pAddressSymbolYES as ISymbol);

                pUniqueValueRenderer.AddValue("NO", "SUBADDRESS", pAddressSymbolNO as ISymbol);
                pUniqueValueRenderer.set_Label("NO", "NO");
                pUniqueValueRenderer.set_Symbol("NO", pAddressSymbolNO as ISymbol);

                //Create Label
                LabelFeatures(pGeoFeatureLayer, "\"ADDRESSID: \" + [ADDRESS_ID]");

                pGeoFeatureLayer.Renderer = (IFeatureRenderer)pUniqueValueRenderer;

            else if (pFeatureLayer.Name == "Building")
                ILayer pLayer;
                pLayer = (ILayer)pFeatureLayer;

                IGeoFeatureLayer pGeoFeatureLayer;
                pGeoFeatureLayer = (IGeoFeatureLayer)pLayer;

                pGeoFeatureLayer.DisplayField      = "BIN";
                pGeoFeatureLayer.DisplayAnnotation = true;

                //Create ouline element
                ISimpleLineSymbol pOutline;
                pOutline       = new SimpleLineSymbolClass();
                pOutline.Color = SetColor(0, 0, 255);
                pOutline.Width = 2;

                //Create polygon with outline element
                ISimpleFillSymbol pBuildingSymbol;
                pBuildingSymbol         = new SimpleFillSymbolClass();
                pBuildingSymbol.Style   = esriSimpleFillStyle.esriSFSHollow;
                pBuildingSymbol.Outline = pOutline;

                //Create Label
                LabelFeatures(pGeoFeatureLayer, "\"BIN : \" + [BIN]");

                //Render features
                ISimpleRenderer pSimpleRenderer;
                pSimpleRenderer        = new SimpleRenderer();
                pSimpleRenderer.Symbol = (ISymbol)pBuildingSymbol;

                pGeoFeatureLayer.Renderer = (IFeatureRenderer)pSimpleRenderer;

            else if (pFeatureLayer.Name == "StreetCenterline")
                ILayer pLayer;
                pLayer = (ILayer)pFeatureLayer;

                IGeoFeatureLayer pGeoFeatureLayer;
                pGeoFeatureLayer = (IGeoFeatureLayer)pLayer;

                pGeoFeatureLayer.DisplayField      = "ST_NAME";
                pGeoFeatureLayer.DisplayAnnotation = true;

                //Create arrow element to place at end of line segment
                IArrowMarkerSymbol arrowMarkerSymbol = new ArrowMarkerSymbolClass();
                arrowMarkerSymbol.Color   = SetColor(0, 0, 0);
                arrowMarkerSymbol.Size    = 6;
                arrowMarkerSymbol.Length  = 8;
                arrowMarkerSymbol.Width   = 6;
                arrowMarkerSymbol.XOffset = 0.8;

                //Create cartographic line symbol
                ICartographicLineSymbol pCartographicLineSymbol;
                pCartographicLineSymbol       = new CartographicLineSymbolClass();
                pCartographicLineSymbol.Color = SetColor(0, 0, 0);
                pCartographicLineSymbol.Width = 2;

                //Place arrow at end of line
                ISimpleLineDecorationElement pCenterlineDecoration;
                pCenterlineDecoration = new SimpleLineDecorationElementClass();
                pCenterlineDecoration.MarkerSymbol = arrowMarkerSymbol;
                pCenterlineDecoration.Rotate       = true;

                //set line decoration
                ILineDecoration pLineDecoration;
                pLineDecoration = new LineDecorationClass();

                //Set line properties
                ILineProperties lineProperties = (ILineProperties)pCartographicLineSymbol;
                lineProperties.LineDecoration = pLineDecoration;
                lineProperties.Flip           = false;

                //Create Label
                LabelFeatures(pGeoFeatureLayer, "[L_LOW_HN] + \" - \" + [L_HIGH_HN]+ \"   \" +[ST_NAME] + vbCrLf + [PHYSICALID]");

                //Render features
                ISimpleRenderer pSimpleRenderer;
                pSimpleRenderer        = new SimpleRenderer();
                pSimpleRenderer.Symbol = (ISymbol)pCartographicLineSymbol;

                pGeoFeatureLayer.Renderer = (IFeatureRenderer)pSimpleRenderer;
            else if (pFeatureLayer.Name == "Cadastral")
                ILayer pLayer;
                pLayer = (ILayer)pFeatureLayer;

                IGeoFeatureLayer pGeoFeatureLayer;
                pGeoFeatureLayer = (IGeoFeatureLayer)pLayer;

                pGeoFeatureLayer.DisplayField      = "BBL";
                pGeoFeatureLayer.DisplayAnnotation = true;

                //Create ouline element
                ISimpleLineSymbol pOutline;
                pOutline       = new SimpleLineSymbolClass();
                pOutline.Color = SetColor(76, 230, 0);
                pOutline.Width = 2;

                //Create polygon with outline element
                ISimpleFillSymbol pTaxLotSymbol;
                pTaxLotSymbol         = new SimpleFillSymbolClass();
                pTaxLotSymbol.Style   = esriSimpleFillStyle.esriSFSHollow;
                pTaxLotSymbol.Outline = pOutline;

                //Create label
                LabelFeatures(pGeoFeatureLayer, "\"BBL: \" + [BBL]");

                //Render features
                ISimpleRenderer pSimpleRenderer;
                pSimpleRenderer        = new SimpleRenderer();
                pSimpleRenderer.Symbol = (ISymbol)pTaxLotSymbol;

                pGeoFeatureLayer.Renderer = (IFeatureRenderer)pSimpleRenderer;
                pFeatureLayer.Visible = false;
		/// <summary>
		/// Flash a line feature on the map
		/// <param name="pDisplay">The map screen</param>
		/// <param name="pGeometry">The geometry of the feature to be flashed</param>
		/// <param name="direction">The digitized direction of the barrier with respect to the underlying source feature</param>
		/// </summary>
		private void FlashLine(IScreenDisplay pDisplay, IGeometry pGeometry, esriNetworkEdgeDirection direction)
			// The flash will be on a line symbol with an arrow on it
			ICartographicLineSymbol ipArrowLineSymbol = new CartographicLineSymbolClass();

			// the line color will be red
			IRgbColor ipRgbRedColor = new RgbColorClass();
			ipRgbRedColor.Red = 192;

			// the arrow will be black
			IRgbColor ipRgbBlackColor = new RgbColorClass();
			ipRgbBlackColor.RGB = 0;

			// set up the arrow that will be displayed along the line
			IArrowMarkerSymbol ipArrowMarker = new ArrowMarkerSymbolClass();
			ipArrowMarker.Style = esriArrowMarkerStyle.esriAMSPlain;
			ipArrowMarker.Length = 18;
			ipArrowMarker.Width = 12;
			ipArrowMarker.Color = ipRgbBlackColor;

			// set up the line itself
			ipArrowLineSymbol.Width = 4;
			ipArrowLineSymbol.Color = ipRgbRedColor;

			// Set up the Raster Op-Code to help the flash mechanism
			((ISymbol)ipArrowMarker).ROP2 = esriRasterOpCode.esriROPNotXOrPen;
			((ISymbol)ipArrowLineSymbol).ROP2 = esriRasterOpCode.esriROPNotXOrPen;

			// decorate the line with the arrow symbol
			ISimpleLineDecorationElement ipSimpleLineDecorationElement = new SimpleLineDecorationElementClass();
			ipSimpleLineDecorationElement.Rotate = true;
			ipSimpleLineDecorationElement.PositionAsRatio = true;
			ipSimpleLineDecorationElement.MarkerSymbol = ipArrowMarker;
			ILineDecoration ipLineDecoration = new LineDecorationClass();
			((ILineProperties)ipArrowLineSymbol).LineDecoration = ipLineDecoration;

			// the arrow is initially set to correspond to the digitized direction of the line
			//  if the barrier direction is against digitized, then we need to flip the arrow direction
			if (direction == esriNetworkEdgeDirection.esriNEDAgainstDigitized)
				ipSimpleLineDecorationElement.FlipAll = true;

			// Flash the line
			//  Two calls are made to Draw.  Since the ROP2 setting is NotXOrPen, the first call
			//  draws the symbol with our new symbology and the second call redraws what was originally 
			//  in the place of the symbol
			pDisplay.SetSymbol(ipArrowLineSymbol as ISymbol);
Esempio n. 29
        private void axMapControl1_OnDoubleClick(object sender, IMapControlEvents2_OnDoubleClickEvent e)
            switch (mTool)
            case "Network":
                    IPolyline pPolyLineResult = PathToPolyLine();
                    IActiveView    pActiveView    = this.axMapControl1.ActiveView;
                    IScreenDisplay pScreenDisplay = pActiveView.ScreenDisplay;
                    ILineSymbol pLineSymbol = new CartographicLineSymbolClass();
                    IRgbColor   pColor      = new RgbColorClass();
                    pColor.Red   = 255;
                    pColor.Green = 0;
                    pColor.Blue  = 0;
                    pLineSymbol.Width = 4;
                    pLineSymbol.Color = pColor as IColor;
                    pScreenDisplay.StartDrawing(0, 0);
                catch (System.Exception ex)
                    MessageBox.Show("路径分析出现错误:" + "\r\n" + ex.Message);
                mPointCollection = null;

            case "Edit":
                if (e.button != 1)

                if (mEdit != null && mEdit.IsEditing())
                    switch (cboTasks.SelectedIndex)
                    case 0:
                        mEdit.CreateDoubleClick(e.mapX, e.mapY);

                    case 1:

Esempio n. 30
        private void MapTemplateGeneralPage_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            this.cboStyle.SelectedIndex = 0;
            CartographicLineSymbolClass class2 = new CartographicLineSymbolClass
                Cap = esriLineCapStyle.esriLCSSquare
            RgbColorClass class3 = new RgbColorClass
                Red   = 0,
                Blue  = 0,
                Green = 0

            class2.Color       = class3;
            class2.Join        = esriLineJoinStyle.esriLJSMitre;
            class2.Width       = 1.0;
            this.ilineSymbol_0 = class2;
            SimpleFillSymbolClass class4 = new SimpleFillSymbolClass();
            RgbColorClass         class5 = new RgbColorClass
                Red   = 0,
                Blue  = 0,
                Green = 0

            class4.Color = class5;
            class4.Style = esriSimpleFillStyle.esriSFSSolid;
            SimpleLineSymbolClass class6 = new SimpleLineSymbolClass
                Width = 0.0
            RgbColorClass class7 = new RgbColorClass
                Red   = 0,
                Blue  = 0,
                Green = 0

            class6.Color            = class7;
            class4.Outline          = class6;
            this.ifillSymbol_0      = class4;
            this.styleButton1.Style = this.ilineSymbol_0;
            if (this.MapTemplate != null)
                this.txtName.Text = this.MapTemplate.Name;
                if (this.MapTemplate.MapFramingType == MapFramingType.StandardFraming)
                    this.groupBoxPage.Enabled = true;
                    this.panelScale.Enabled   = true;
                    this.groupBoxPage.Enabled = true;
                    this.panelScale.Enabled   = true;
                    //this.groupBoxPage.Enabled = false;
                    //this.panelScale.Enabled = false;
                if (this.MapTemplate.MapFrameType == MapFrameType.MFTRect)
                    this.rdoRect.Checked = true;
                    this.rdoTrapezoid.Checked = true;
                this.txtLeftSpace.Text      = this.MapTemplate.LeftInOutSpace.ToString();
                this.txtRightSpace.Text     = this.MapTemplate.RightInOutSpace.ToString();
                this.txtTopSpace.Text       = this.MapTemplate.TopInOutSpace.ToString();
                this.txtBottomSpace.Text    = this.MapTemplate.BottomInOutSpace.ToString();
                this.txtOutBorderWidth.Text = this.MapTemplate.OutBorderWidth.ToString();
                this.styleButton1.Style     = this.MapTemplate.BorderSymbol;
                this.cboStyle.SelectedIndex = (int)this.MapTemplate.TemplateSizeStyle;
                this.txtWidth.Text          = this.MapTemplate.Width.ToString();
                this.txtHeight.Text         = this.MapTemplate.Height.ToString();
                this.txtScale.Text          = this.MapTemplate.Scale.ToString();
                this.txtXInterval.Text      = this.MapTemplate.XInterval.ToString();
                this.txtYInterval.Text      = this.MapTemplate.YInterval.ToString();
                if (this.MapTemplate.BorderSymbol is ILineSymbol)
                    this.rdoLine.Checked = true;
                    this.ilineSymbol_0   = this.MapTemplate.BorderSymbol as ILineSymbol;
                else if (this.MapTemplate.BorderSymbol is IFillSymbol)
                    this.ifillSymbol_0   = this.MapTemplate.BorderSymbol as IFillSymbol;
                    this.rdoFill.Checked = true;
                    this.rdoNoOutLine.Checked = true;
                    this.styleButton1.Enabled = false;
                this.styleButton1.Style     = this.MapTemplate.BorderSymbol;
                this.cboStyle.SelectedIndex = (int)this.MapTemplate.TemplateSizeStyle;
                this.chkMapGrid.Checked     = this.MapTemplate.MapGrid != null;
                this.checkBox1.Checked      = this.MapTemplate.FixedWidthAndBottomSpace;
            this.bool_0 = true;
Esempio n. 31
        public void RefreshLayer()
            if (pGraphicsLayer != null)
                IGraphicsContainer pGC = pGraphicsLayer as IGraphicsContainer;
                int nCount             = m_IMUFeatureList.Count;

                for (int i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
                    IPolyline ppl = new PolylineClass();
                    ppl.FromPoint = m_IMUFeatureList[i].Shape as IPoint;
                    ppl.ToPoint   = m_CenterlinePointFeatureList[i].Shape as IPoint;

                    IRgbColor pColor = new RgbColorClass();

                    ICartographicLineSymbol pCartoLineSymbol = new CartographicLineSymbolClass();
                    pCartoLineSymbol.Cap = esriLineCapStyle.esriLCSRound;

                    ILineProperties pLineProp = pCartoLineSymbol as ILineProperties;
                    pLineProp.DecorationOnTop = true;

                    ILineDecoration pLineDecoration = new LineDecorationClass();
                    ISimpleLineDecorationElement pSimpleLineDecoElem = new SimpleLineDecorationElementClass();
                    IArrowMarkerSymbol pArrowMarkerSym = new ArrowMarkerSymbolClass();
                    pArrowMarkerSym.Size             = 8;
                    pArrowMarkerSym.Color            = pColor;
                    pSimpleLineDecoElem.MarkerSymbol = pArrowMarkerSym as IMarkerSymbol;
                    pLineDecoration.AddElement(pSimpleLineDecoElem as ILineDecorationElement);
                    pLineProp.LineDecoration = pLineDecoration;

                    ILineSymbol pLineSymbol = pCartoLineSymbol as ILineSymbol;

                    pLineSymbol.Color = pColor;
                    pLineSymbol.Width = 1;

                    ILineElement pLineElem = new LineElementClass();
                    pLineElem.Symbol = pLineSymbol;
                    IElement pElem = pLineElem as IElement;
                    pElem.Geometry = ppl;

                    pGC.AddElement(pElem, 0);

                    // IGraphicsContainerSelect pGCS = pGC as IGraphicsContainerSelect;
                    // pGCS.SelectAllElements();
                    //bool bbb =   pGCS.ElementSelected(pElement);

                    // IGraphicsContainerSelect pGCS = pGC as IGraphicsContainerSelect;
                    // pGCS.SelectAllElements();
                    //bool bbb =   pGCS.ElementSelected(pElement);

                    //pElement = new MarkerElementClass();
                    //pElement.Geometry = m_OriginPoints.get_Point(i);
                    //ISimpleMarkerSymbol sms = new SimpleMarkerSymbolClass();
                    //sms.Style = esriSimpleMarkerStyle.esriSMSSquare;
                    //sms.Size = 9;
                    //IMarkerElement im = pElement as IMarkerElement;
                    //im.Symbol = sms ;
                    //    IGraphicsContainer pGraphicsContainer = m_pMapCtr.Map.BasicGraphicsLayer as IGraphicsContainer;
                    //  pGraphicsContainer.AddElement(pElement, 0);

                    //IMarkerElement pMarkerEle = new MarkerElementClass();
                    //IPictureMarkerSymbol pPictureMarkerSymbol = new PictureMarkerSymbol();
                    ////pPictureMarkerSymbol.Color = sitecolor as IColor;
                    //pPictureMarkerSymbol.Size = 10;
                    //    GetParentPathofExe() + @"Resource\Globe.bmp");
                    //IElement pEle = pMarkerEle as IElement;
                    //pEle.Geometry = ppl.FromPoint;
                    //pMarkerEle.Symbol = pPictureMarkerSymbol;
                    //IGraphicsContainer pGraphicsContainer = m_pMapCtr.Map.BasicGraphicsLayer as IGraphicsContainer;
                    ////site.pEle = pEle;
                    //pGraphicsContainer.AddElement(pEle, 0);

                IMapControl2 pMapCtr = (((IToolbarControl)m_hookHelper.Hook).Buddy) as IMapControl2;
                if (pMapCtr != null)
                    if (m_IMUFeatureList.Count == 0)
                        pMapCtr.ActiveView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewAll, null, null);
                        pMapCtr.ActiveView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGraphics, null, null);
Esempio n. 32
        public static void UpStreamFindParcels(MainFrm pMainFrm, IEnumNetEID pEnumResultEdges, IGeometricNetwork pGeoNetwork)
                AxMapControl axMap = pMainFrm.getMapControl();
                IFeatureLayer pFeatLayerSewerLines = FindFeatLayer("Sewer Lines", pMainFrm);
                IFeatureLayer pFeatLayerParcels = FindFeatLayer("Parcels", pMainFrm);
                IGeometryCollection pGeomBag = new GeometryBagClass();
                object missing = Type.Missing;
                int lEID;
                int iUserClassID;
                int iUserID;
                int iUserSubID;
                INetElements pNetElements = pGeoNetwork.Network as INetElements;
                IFeature pFeature;

                for (int j = 0; j <= pEnumResultEdges.Count - 1; j++)
                    lEID = pEnumResultEdges.Next();
                    pNetElements.QueryIDs(lEID, esriElementType.esriETEdge, out iUserClassID, out iUserID, out iUserSubID);
                    pFeature = pFeatLayerSewerLines.FeatureClass.GetFeature(iUserID);
                    pGeomBag.AddGeometry(pFeature.Shape, ref missing, ref missing);
                    // MessageBox.Show(iUserClassID.ToString()+","+iUserID.ToString()+","+iUserSubID.ToString());
                ISpatialFilter pSpatialFilter = new SpatialFilterClass();
                pSpatialFilter.Geometry = pGeomBag as IGeometry ;
                pSpatialFilter.GeometryField = "Shape";
                pSpatialFilter.SpatialRel = esriSpatialRelEnum.esriSpatialRelIntersects;
                pSpatialFilter.SearchOrder = esriSearchOrder.esriSearchOrderSpatial;
                 IFeatureCursor pFeatCursor=pFeatLayerParcels.FeatureClass.Search(pSpatialFilter, false);
                ICompositeGraphicsLayer pComGraphicLayer = new CompositeGraphicsLayerClass();
                ILayer pLayer = pComGraphicLayer as ILayer ;
                pLayer.Name = "受影响的地块";
                IGraphicsContainer pGraphicContainer = pComGraphicLayer as IGraphicsContainer;
                ISimpleFillSymbol pSymFill=new SimpleFillSymbolClass();
                IFillSymbol pFillSymbol=pSymFill as IFillSymbol;
                IRgbColor pRgbColor=new RgbColorClass();
                pFillSymbol.Color=pRgbColor as IColor;
                ICartographicLineSymbol pCartoLine=new CartographicLineSymbolClass();
                IRgbColor pRgbColor2=new RgbColorClass();
                pCartoLine.Color =pRgbColor2 as IColor;
                IArray pFeatArray = new ArrayClass();
                while (pFeature != null)
                    IElement pPolyElement = new PolygonElementClass();
                    IFillShapeElement pFillShapeElement = pPolyElement as IFillShapeElement;
                    pPolyElement.Geometry = pFeature.Shape;
                    pFillShapeElement.Symbol = pFillSymbol;
                    pGraphicContainer.AddElement(pPolyElement, 0);
                    pFeature = pFeatCursor.NextFeature();
                axMap.AddLayer(pGraphicContainer as ILayer);
                frmUpstreamCreateOwnerList frmUpstreamCreateOwnerList1 = new frmUpstreamCreateOwnerList(pMainFrm,pFeatLayerParcels, pFeatArray);
            catch (Exception eX)

