public override void UpdateAllDuties() { var wanderRect = CellRect.CenteredOn(Info.setupCentre, 8); int numActiveGuards = Mathf.RoundToInt(Info.pawnsWithRole[CarnivalRole.Guard].Count / 2f); IntVec3 pos; foreach (var pawn in this.lord.ownedPawns) { CarnivalRole pawnRole = pawn.GetCarnivalRole(); if (pawnRole.Is(CarnivalRole.Guard)) { if (numActiveGuards > 0 && == RestCategory.Rested) { DutyUtility.GuardCircuit(pawn); numActiveGuards--; } else { // rest on the off shift if not assigned a position DutyUtility.ForceRest(pawn); } } else if (pawnRole.IsAny(CarnivalRole.Vendor, CarnivalRole.Carrier)) { if (Info.rememberedPositions.TryGetValue(pawn, out pos)) { DutyUtility.HitchToSpot(pawn, pos); } else { DutyUtility.HitchToSpot(pawn, pawn.Position); } } else if (pawnRole.Is(CarnivalRole.Entertainer)) { if (Info.rememberedPositions.TryGetValue(pawn, out pos)) { DutyUtility.HitchToSpot(pawn, pos); } } else if (pawnRole.Is(CarnivalRole.Worker)) { DutyUtility.MeanderAndHelp(pawn, Info.AverageLodgeTentPos, 10f); } else { DutyUtility.MeanderAndHelp(pawn, wanderRect.RandomCell, Info.baseRadius); } } }
// OVERRIDE METHODS // public override void UpdateAllDuties() { int curHour = GenLocalDate.HourInteger(Map); int numActiveGuards = Mathf.RoundToInt(Info.pawnsWithRole[CarnivalRole.Guard].Count / 2f); foreach (var pawn in lord.ownedPawns) { CarnivalRole role = pawn.GetCarnivalRole(); if (role.Is(CarnivalRole.Guard)) { if (numActiveGuards > 0 && == RestCategory.Rested) { DutyUtility.GuardCircuit(pawn); numActiveGuards--; } else { // rest on the off shift if not assigned a position DutyUtility.ForceRest(pawn); } } else if (role.IsAny(CarnivalRole.Entertainer, CarnivalRole.Vendor) && curHour >= 22) { DutyUtility.ForceRest(pawn); } else if (role.Is(CarnivalRole.Worker)) { DutyUtility.MeanderAndHelp(pawn, Info.setupCentre, Info.baseRadius); } else if (!role.Is(CarnivalRole.Carrier)) { DutyUtility.Meander(pawn, Info.setupCentre, Info.baseRadius); } } }