public void NaoCadastraComNomeVazio() { Cargo cargo = new Cargo(12, "", 'I'); CargoRepositorio cargoRep = new CargoRepositorio(); bool cadastrar = cargoRep.AdicionarCargo(cargo); Assert.AreEqual(true, cadastrar); }
private FuncionarioBuilder() { _usuario = UsuarioBuilder.DadoUmUsuario().Build(); _departamento = DepartamentoBuilder.DadoUmDepartamento().Build(); _cargo = CargoBuilder.DadoUmCargo().Build(); _programa = ProgramaBuilder.DadoUmPrograma().Build(); }
public Boolean cadastrarCargo(Cargo objCargo) { objCargo.Codigo = obtemNovoId(); try { if (!temDuplicidade(objCargo, "Cadastrar")) { db = ServidorSingleton.obterServidor().OpenClient(); db.Store(objCargo); db.Commit(); return true; } else { return false; } } catch(Exception e) { throw new Exception("Erro cadastrando o cargo :" + e.Message); } finally { db.Close(); db.Dispose(); } }
public void NaoAlteraCargoPraAtivoComEleicaoAberta() { Cargo cargo = new Cargo(42, "Sindico", 'A'); CargoRepositorio cargoRep = new CargoRepositorio(); bool altera = cargoRep.AtivarCargo(1); Assert.AreEqual(false, altera); }
void OnTriggerEnter(Collider otherObject) { Debug.Log(string.Format("Ore collided with {0} at {1}",, Time.time)); if ( == "Player") { Cargo ore = new Cargo(Cargo.CargoType.Ore); //different OreTypes are worth different amounts switch (ActiveOreType) { case OreType.Green: ore.Quantity = 1; break; case OreType.Blue: ore.Quantity = 2; break; case OreType.Red: ore.Quantity = 3; break; case OreType.Yellow: ore.Quantity = 5; break; } otherObject.SendMessage("PickupCargo", ore); Destroy(gameObject); } }
public void toCargoRoutingDTO() { var origin = L.HONGKONG; var destination = L.LONGBEACH; var cargo = new Cargo(new TrackingId("XYZ"), new RouteSpecification(origin, destination, DateTime.Now)); var itinerary = new Itinerary( Leg.DeriveLeg(SampleVoyages.pacific1, L.HONGKONG, L.TOKYO), Leg.DeriveLeg(SampleVoyages.pacific1, L.TOKYO, L.LONGBEACH) ); cargo.AssignToRoute(itinerary); var dto = DTOAssembler.toDTO(cargo); Assert.AreEqual(2, dto.getLegs().Count()); LegDTO legDTO = dto.getLegs().ElementAt(0); Assert.AreEqual("PAC1", legDTO.getVoyageNumber()); Assert.AreEqual("CNHKG", legDTO.getFrom()); Assert.AreEqual("JNTKO", legDTO.getTo()); legDTO = dto.getLegs().ElementAt(1); Assert.AreEqual("PAC1", legDTO.getVoyageNumber()); Assert.AreEqual("JNTKO", legDTO.getFrom()); Assert.AreEqual("USLBG", legDTO.getTo()); }
public Funcionario(Usuario usuario, string nome, string telefone, Departamento departamento, Cargo cargo, List<Programa> programa) : base(usuario, nome, telefone, programa) { Departamento = departamento; Cargo = cargo; Validar(); }
public void CargoTest() { Cargo cargo = new Cargo("Cargo", 'A'); Assert.AreEqual("Cargo", cargo.Nome); Assert.AreEqual(0, cargo.IdCargo); Assert.AreEqual('A', cargo.Situacao); }
public void AlterarCargoParaAtivo() { Cargo cargo = new Cargo(8, "Rei da Galaxia", 'A'); CargoRepositorio cargoRep = new CargoRepositorio(); bool altera = cargoRep.AtivarCargo(6); Assert.AreEqual(true, altera); }
public void CargoTest() { Cargo cargo = new Cargo(23, "Cargo"); Assert.AreEqual("Cargo", cargo.Nome); Assert.AreEqual(23, cargo.IdCargo); Assert.AreEqual('\0', cargo.Situacao); }
public void CadastrarCargo() { Cargo cargo = new Cargo(6, "Deputado", 'A'); CargoRepositorio cargoRep = new CargoRepositorio(); bool cadastro = cargoRep.AdicionarCargo(cargo); Assert.AreEqual(true, cadastro); }
public void AlterarCargoParaInativo() { Cargo cargo = new Cargo(7, "Rei do Mundo", 'A'); CargoRepositorio cargoRep = new CargoRepositorio(); bool altera = cargoRep.InativarCargo(6); Assert.AreEqual(true, altera); }
public void updateCargo() { TrackingId trackingId = trackingIdFactory.nextTrackingId(); RouteSpecification routeSpecification = new RouteSpecification(L.HONGKONG, L.GOTHENBURG, DateTime.Parse("2009-10-15")); Cargo cargo = new Cargo(trackingId, routeSpecification);; HandlingEvent handlingEvent = handlingEventFactory.createHandlingEvent(DateTime.Parse("2009-10-01 14:30"), cargo.TrackingId, V.HONGKONG_TO_NEW_YORK.VoyageNumber, L.HONGKONG.UnLocode, HandlingActivityType.LOAD, new OperatorCode("ABCDE"));; Assert.That(handlingEvent.Activity, Is.Not.EqualTo(cargo.MostRecentHandlingActivity)); cargoUpdater.updateCargo(handlingEvent.SequenceNumber); Assert.That(handlingEvent.Activity, Is.EqualTo(cargo.MostRecentHandlingActivity)); Assert.True(handlingEvent.Activity != cargo.MostRecentHandlingActivity); systemEvents.AssertWasCalled(se => se.notifyOfCargoUpdate(cargo)); }
public void Store(Cargo cargo) { cargoCollection.Save(cargo); // Delete-orphan does not seem to work correctly when the parent is a component //Session.CreateSQLQuery("delete from Leg where cargo_id = null").ExecuteUpdate(); }
internal static CargoRoutingDTO toDTO(Cargo cargo) { var itinerary = cargo.Itinerary; var legDTOList = new List<LegDTO>(); if(itinerary != null) { var legs = itinerary.Legs; legDTOList = new List<LegDTO>(legs.Count()); foreach(Leg leg in legs) { var legDTO = new LegDTO( leg.Voyage.VoyageNumber.Value, leg.LoadLocation.UnLocode.Value, leg.UnloadLocation.UnLocode.Value, leg.LoadTime, leg.UnloadTime); legDTOList.Add(legDTO); } } return new CargoRoutingDTO( cargo.TrackingId.Value, cargo.RouteSpecification.Origin.UnLocode.Value, cargo.RouteSpecification.Destination.UnLocode.Value, cargo.RouteSpecification.ArrivalDeadline, cargo.RoutingStatus == RoutingStatus.MISROUTED, legDTOList ); }
public void NaoCadastraComNomeNulo() { Cargo cargo = new Cargo(22, null, 'A'); CargoRepositorio cargoRep = new CargoRepositorio(); bool cadastrar = cargoRep.AdicionarCargo(cargo); Assert.AreEqual(true, cadastrar); }
public void DeletarCargo() { Cargo cargo = new Cargo(100, "Presidente", 'I'); CargoRepositorio cargoRep = new CargoRepositorio(); bool delete = cargoRep.DeletarCargo(5); Assert.AreEqual(true, delete); }
public virtual JsonResult Crear(Cargo entidad) { var jsonResponse = new JsonResponse { Success = false }; if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { entidad.UsuarioCreacion = UsuarioActual.IdUsuario.ToString(); entidad.UsuarioModificacion = UsuarioActual.IdUsuario.ToString(); CargoBL.Instancia.Add(entidad); jsonResponse.Success = true; jsonResponse.Message = "Se Proceso con éxito"; } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(string.Format("Mensaje: {0} Trace: {1}", ex.Message, ex.StackTrace)); jsonResponse.Message = "Ocurrio un error, por favor intente de nuevo o más tarde."; } } else { jsonResponse.Message = "Por favor ingrese todos los campos requeridos"; } return Json(jsonResponse, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); }
public void setUp() { reportSubmission = MockRepository.GenerateMock<ReportSubmission>(); CargoRepository cargoRepository = new CargoRepositoryInMem(); HandlingEventRepository handlingEventRepository = new HandlingEventRepositoryInMem(); HandlingEventFactory handlingEventFactory = new HandlingEventFactory(cargoRepository, new VoyageRepositoryInMem(), new LocationRepositoryInMem()); TrackingId trackingId = new TrackingId("ABC"); RouteSpecification routeSpecification = new RouteSpecification(L.HONGKONG, L.ROTTERDAM, DateTime.Parse("2009-10-10")); Cargo cargo = new Cargo(trackingId, routeSpecification);; HandlingEvent handlingEvent = handlingEventFactory.createHandlingEvent( DateTime.Parse("2009-10-02"), trackingId, null, L.HONGKONG.UnLocode, HandlingActivityType.RECEIVE, new OperatorCode("ABCDE") );; cargo.Handled(handlingEvent.Activity); reportPusher = new ReportPusher(reportSubmission, cargoRepository, handlingEventRepository); eventSequenceNumber = handlingEvent.SequenceNumber; }
public Funcionario(string _nome, double _salario, DateTime _dataAdmisao, Cargo _cargoFuncionario) { Nome = _nome; Salario = _salario; DataAdmissao = _dataAdmisao; CargoFuncionario = _cargoFuncionario; }
public void testCalculatePossibleRoutes() { TrackingId trackingId = new TrackingId("ABC"); RouteSpecification routeSpecification = new RouteSpecification(L.HONGKONG, L.HELSINKI, DateTime.Parse("2009-04-01")); Cargo cargo = new Cargo(trackingId, routeSpecification); var candidates = externalRoutingService.fetchRoutesForSpecification(routeSpecification); Assert.NotNull(candidates); foreach(Itinerary itinerary in candidates) { var legs = itinerary.Legs; Assert.NotNull(legs); Assert.True(legs.Any()); // Cargo origin and start of first leg should match Assert.AreEqual(cargo.RouteSpecification.Origin, legs.ElementAt(0).LoadLocation); // Cargo final destination and last leg stop should match Location lastLegStop = legs.Last().UnloadLocation; Assert.AreEqual(cargo.RouteSpecification.Destination, lastLegStop); for(int i = 0; i < legs.Count() - 1; i++) { // Assert that all legs are connected Assert.AreEqual(legs.ElementAt(i).UnloadLocation, legs.ElementAt(i + 1).LoadLocation); } } }
public void TestCalculatePossibleRoutes() { var trackingId = new TrackingId("ABC"); var routeSpecification = new RouteSpecification(SampleLocations.HONGKONG, SampleLocations.HELSINKI, DateTime.Now); var cargo = new Cargo(trackingId, routeSpecification); voyageRepositoryMock.Setup(v => v.Find(It.IsAny<VoyageNumber>())).Returns(SampleVoyages.CM002); IList<Itinerary> candidates = externalRoutingService.FetchRoutesForSpecification(routeSpecification); Assert.IsNotNull(candidates); foreach (Itinerary itinerary in candidates) { IList<Leg> legs = itinerary.Legs; Assert.IsNotNull(legs); Assert.IsFalse(legs.IsEmpty()); // Cargo origin and start of first leg should match Assert.AreEqual(cargo.Origin, legs[0].LoadLocation); // Cargo final destination and last leg stop should match Location lastLegStop = legs[legs.Count - 1].UnloadLocation; Assert.AreEqual(cargo.RouteSpecification.Destination, lastLegStop); for (int i = 0; i < legs.Count - 1; i++) { // Assert that all legs are connected Assert.AreEqual(legs[i].UnloadLocation, legs[i + 1].LoadLocation); } } voyageRepositoryMock.Verify(); }
public bool AdicionarCargo(Cargo cargo) { bool podeCadastrar = PodeCadastrar(cargo); bool verificarNome = VerificarNomeNuloOuVazio(cargo); if (podeCadastrar && !Eleicao.Iniciou) { if (verificarNome) { string connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["URNA"].ConnectionString; using (TransactionScope transacao = new TransactionScope()) using (IDbConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) { IDbCommand comando = connection.CreateCommand(); comando.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Cargo (Nome, Situacao) values(@paramNome, @paramSituacao)"; comando.AddParameter("@paramNome", cargo.Nome); comando.AddParameter("@paramSituacao", cargo.Situacao); connection.Open(); comando.ExecuteNonQuery(); transacao.Complete(); connection.Close(); } } return true; } else { return false; } }
protected void btnSalvar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var Cargo = new Cargo(); try { if (txtId.Text != "") { Cargo.IDCargo = int.Parse(txtId.Text); Cargo.Get(); } Cargo.Descricao = txtNome.Text; Cargo.ColunaEstrutura = ddlColunaEstrutura.SelectedValue; Cargo.IDCargoPai = int.Parse(ddlCargoPai.SelectedValue); Cargo.Ordem = int.Parse(txtOrdem.Text); Cargo.Save(); GetCargo((int)Cargo.IDCargo); Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "script", "<script>alert('Registro salvo.')</script>"); } catch (Exception err) { Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "script", "<script>alert('" + FormatError.FormatMessageForJAlert(err.Message) + "')</script>"); } }
public void ValidarTest() { CargoRepositorio repositorio = new CargoRepositorio(); Cargo cargo = new Cargo("Cargo", 'A'); Assert.IsFalse(repositorio.Validar(cargo)); cargo.IdCargo = 1; Assert.IsTrue(repositorio.Validar(cargo)); }
public void Add(Cargo.Cargo cargo) { if (_capacity < cargo.Size()) { throw new CargoExceedesVesselCapacityException("Cargo size exceeds vessel's available capacity."); } _cargos.Add(cargo); }
public override void InitializeTile() { MeshRenderer = GetComponent<MeshRenderer>(); IsWater = false; TileResources = new Cargo(); MeshRenderer.sharedMaterial = CloudMaterial; }
public HandlingEvent mostRecentHandling(Cargo cargo) { return sessionFactory.GetCurrentSession(). CreateQuery("from HandlingEvent where Cargo = :cargo order by completionTime desc"). SetParameter("cargo", cargo). SetMaxResults(1). UniqueResult<HandlingEvent>(); }
public void BuscaPorCargo() { Exercicios exer = new Exercicios(); Cargo gerente = new Cargo("Gerente", 550.5); var funcionarios = exer.BuscarPorCargo(gerente); Assert.AreEqual(funcionarios.Any(it => it.Nome=="Margarete Ricardo"),true); Assert.AreEqual(funcionarios.Count,1); }
private CargoDetails assembleFrom(Cargo cargo) { CargoDetails cargoDetails = new CargoDetails(); cargoDetails.setTrackingId(cargo.TrackingId.Value); cargoDetails.setFinalDestination(cargo.RouteSpecification.Destination.Name); cargoDetails.setCurrentLocation(cargo.LastKnownLocation.Name); cargoDetails.setCurrentStatus(cargo.TransportStatus.ToString()); return cargoDetails; }
public static CargoTravelInfo FromCargo(Cargo cargo) => new CargoTravelInfo(cargo);
public void Handle(ChangeDestinationCommand message) { Cargo cargo = _cargoRepository.Find(message.CargoId); cargo.SpecifyNewRoute(new UnLocode(message.NewDestination)); }
public Funcionario(Cargo cargo, double salarioBase) { this.cargo = cargo; SalarioBase = salarioBase; }
static void Main(string[] args) { var list = new List <Car>(); var n = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { Cargo cargo = new Cargo(); Engine engine = new Engine(); Tire tire1 = new Tire(); Tire tire2 = new Tire(); Tire tire3 = new Tire(); Tire tire4 = new Tire(); Car car = new Car(); var command = Console.ReadLine(); var charArr = " ".ToCharArray(); var parts = command.Split(charArr, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToArray(); var model = parts[0]; car.Model = model; var engineSpeed = int.Parse(parts[1]); engine.Speed = engineSpeed; var enginePower = int.Parse(parts[2]); engine.Power = enginePower; car.Engine = engine; var cargoWeight = int.Parse(parts[3]); cargo.Weight = cargoWeight; var cargoType = parts[4]; cargo.Type = cargoType; car.Cargo = cargo; car.Tires = new List <Tire>(); var tire1Pressure = double.Parse(parts[5]); tire1.Pressure = tire1Pressure; var tire1Age = int.Parse(parts[6]); tire1.Age = tire1Age; car.Tires.Add(tire1); var tire2Pressure = double.Parse(parts[7]); tire2.Pressure = tire2Pressure; var tire2Age = int.Parse(parts[8]); tire2.Age = tire2Age; car.Tires.Add(tire2); var tire3Pressure = double.Parse(parts[9]); tire3.Pressure = tire3Pressure; var tire3Age = int.Parse(parts[10]); tire3.Age = tire1Age; car.Tires.Add(tire3); var tire4Pressure = double.Parse(parts[11]); tire4.Pressure = tire4Pressure; var tire4Age = int.Parse(parts[12]); tire4.Age = tire4Age; car.Tires.Add(tire4); list.Add(car); } var cargoTypeCheck = Console.ReadLine(); if (cargoTypeCheck == "flamable") { foreach (var flamableCargoType in list.Where(x => x.Cargo.Type.Equals("flamable"))) { if (flamableCargoType.Engine.Power > 250) { Console.WriteLine(flamableCargoType.Model); } } } else { foreach (var fragileCargoType in list.Where(x => x.Cargo.Type.Equals("fragile"))) { foreach (var item1 in fragileCargoType.Tires.Where(x => x.Pressure < 1).ToList()) { Console.WriteLine(fragileCargoType.Model); break; } } } }
private Vehicle FindVehicleForRoute(List <Vehicle> listVehicles, double routeSize, Cargo routeCargo) { for (int i = 0; i < listVehicles.Count; i++) { if (listVehicles[i].GetCurrentTravel().DoesSupportRoute(routeSize, routeCargo)) { return(listVehicles[i]); } } return(null); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var carList = new List <Car>(); int n = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { var splitInput = Console.ReadLine() .Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); string model = splitInput[0]; int engineSpeed = int.Parse(splitInput[1]); int enginePower = int.Parse(splitInput[2]); int cargoWeight = int.Parse(splitInput[3]); string cargoType = splitInput[4]; double tireOnePressure = double.Parse(splitInput[5]); int tireOneAge = int.Parse(splitInput[6]); double tireTwoPressure = double.Parse(splitInput[7]); int tireTwoAge = int.Parse(splitInput[8]); double tireTreePressure = double.Parse(splitInput[9]); int tireTreeAge = int.Parse(splitInput[10]); double tireFourPressure = double.Parse(splitInput[11]); int tireFourAge = int.Parse(splitInput[12]); var engine = new Engine(engineSpeed, enginePower); var cargo = new Cargo(cargoWeight, cargoType); var tires = new Tires[4]; tires[0] = new Tires(tireOnePressure, tireOneAge); tires[1] = new Tires(tireTwoPressure, tireTwoAge); tires[2] = new Tires(tireTreePressure, tireTreeAge); tires[3] = new Tires(tireFourPressure, tireFourAge); var car = new Car(model, engine, cargo, tires); carList.Add(car); } var orderedlistWithCards = new List <Car>(); string command = Console.ReadLine(); if (command == "fragile") { orderedlistWithCards = carList .Where(c => c.Cargo.Type == "fragile" && c.Tires.Any(t => t.Pressure < 1)) .ToList(); } if (command == "flamable") { orderedlistWithCards = carList .Where(c => c.Cargo.Type == "flamable" && c.Engine.Power > 250) .ToList(); } foreach (var car in orderedlistWithCards) { Console.WriteLine(car.Model); } }
public void AlterarCargo(Cargo oCargo) { _RepositorieCargo.AlterarCargo(oCargo); }
public void CadastrarCargo(Cargo oCargo) { _RepositorieCargo.CadastrarCargo(oCargo); }
public Cargo Adicionar(Cargo entity) { return(_repository.Adicionar(entity)); }
public void testCargoFromHongkongToStockholm() { //Test setup: A cargo should be shipped from Hongkong to Stockholm, //and it should arrive in no more than two weeks. Location origin = SampleLocations.HONGKONG; Location destination = SampleLocations.STOCKHOLM; DateTime arrivalDeadline = DateUtil.ToDate("2009-03-18"); // Use case 1: booking //A new cargo is booked, and the unique tracking id is assigned to the cargo. TrackingId trackingId = bookingService.BookNewCargo( origin.UnLocode, destination.UnLocode, arrivalDeadline); // The tracking id can be used to lookup the cargo in the repository. //Important: The cargo, and thus the domain model, is responsible for determining //the status of the cargo, whether it is on the right track or not and so on. //This is core domain logic. //Tracking the cargo basically amounts to presenting information extracted from //the cargo aggregate in a suitable way. Cargo cargo = cargoRepository.Find(trackingId); Assert.IsNotNull(cargo); Assert.AreEqual(TransportStatus.NOT_RECEIVED, cargo.Delivery.TransportStatus); Assert.AreEqual(RoutingStatus.NOT_ROUTED, cargo.Delivery.RoutingStatus); Assert.IsFalse(cargo.Delivery.IsMisdirected); Assert.AreEqual(cargo.Delivery.EstimatedTimeOfArrival, Delivery.ETA_UNKOWN); Assert.IsNull(cargo.Delivery.NextExpectedActivity); // Use case 2: routing //A number of possible routes for this cargo is requested and may be //presented to the customer in some way for him/her to choose from. //Selection could be affected by things like price and time of delivery, //but this test simply uses an arbitrary selection to mimic that process. //The cargo is then assigned to the selected route, described by an itinerary. IList <Itinerary> itineraries = bookingService.RequestPossibleRoutesForCargo(trackingId); Itinerary itinerary = SelectPreferedItinerary(itineraries); cargo.AssignToRoute(itinerary); Assert.AreEqual(TransportStatus.NOT_RECEIVED, cargo.Delivery.TransportStatus); Assert.AreEqual(RoutingStatus.ROUTED, cargo.Delivery.RoutingStatus); Assert.AreNotEqual(Delivery.ETA_UNKOWN, cargo.Delivery.EstimatedTimeOfArrival); Assert.AreEqual(new HandlingActivity(HandlingType.RECEIVE, SampleLocations.HONGKONG), cargo.Delivery.NextExpectedActivity); // Use case 3: handling //A handling event registration attempt will be formed from parsing //the data coming in as a handling report either via //the web service interface or as an uploaded CSV file. //The handling event factory tries to create a HandlingEvent from the attempt, //and if the factory decides that this is a plausible handling event, it is stored. //If the attempt is invalid, for example if no cargo exists for the specfied tracking id, //the attempt is rejected. //Handling begins: cargo is received in Hongkong. handlingEventService.RegisterHandlingEvent( DateUtil.ToDate("2009-03-01"), trackingId, null, SampleLocations.HONGKONG.UnLocode, HandlingType.RECEIVE); Assert.AreEqual(TransportStatus.IN_PORT, cargo.Delivery.TransportStatus); Assert.AreEqual(SampleLocations.HONGKONG, cargo.Delivery.LastKnownLocation); // Next event: Load onto voyage CM003 in Hongkong handlingEventService.RegisterHandlingEvent( DateUtil.ToDate("2009-03-03"), trackingId, SampleVoyages.v100.VoyageNumber, SampleLocations.HONGKONG.UnLocode, HandlingType.LOAD); // Check current state - should be ok Assert.AreEqual(SampleVoyages.v100, cargo.Delivery.CurrentVoyage); Assert.AreEqual(SampleLocations.HONGKONG, cargo.Delivery.LastKnownLocation); Assert.AreEqual(TransportStatus.ONBOARD_CARRIER, cargo.Delivery.TransportStatus); Assert.IsFalse(cargo.Delivery.IsMisdirected); Assert.AreEqual( new HandlingActivity(HandlingType.UNLOAD, SampleLocations.NEWYORK, SampleVoyages.v100), cargo.Delivery.NextExpectedActivity); //Here's an attempt to register a handling event that's not valid //because there is no voyage with the specified voyage number, //and there's no location with the specified UN Locode either. //This attempt will be rejected and will not affect the cargo delivery in any way. VoyageNumber noSuchVoyageNumber = new VoyageNumber("XX000"); UnLocode noSuchUnLocode = new UnLocode("ZZZZZ"); try { handlingEventService.RegisterHandlingEvent( DateUtil.ToDate("2009-03-05"), trackingId, noSuchVoyageNumber, noSuchUnLocode, HandlingType.LOAD); Assert.Fail("Should not be able to register a handling event with invalid location and voyage"); } catch (CannotCreateHandlingEventException) { } // Cargo is now (incorrectly) unloaded in Tokyo handlingEventService.RegisterHandlingEvent( DateUtil.ToDate("2009-03-05"), trackingId, SampleVoyages.v100.VoyageNumber, SampleLocations.TOKYO.UnLocode, HandlingType.UNLOAD); // Check current state - cargo is misdirected! Assert.AreEqual(Voyage.NONE, cargo.Delivery.CurrentVoyage); Assert.AreEqual(SampleLocations.TOKYO, cargo.Delivery.LastKnownLocation); Assert.AreEqual(TransportStatus.IN_PORT, cargo.Delivery.TransportStatus); Assert.IsTrue(cargo.Delivery.IsMisdirected); Assert.IsNull(cargo.Delivery.NextExpectedActivity); // -- Cargo needs to be rerouted -- // TODO cleaner reroute from "earliest location from where the new route originates" // Specify a new route, this time from Tokyo (where it was incorrectly unloaded) to Stockholm RouteSpecification fromTokyo = new RouteSpecification(SampleLocations.TOKYO, SampleLocations.STOCKHOLM, arrivalDeadline); cargo.SpecifyNewRoute(fromTokyo); // The old itinerary does not satisfy the new specification Assert.AreEqual(RoutingStatus.MISROUTED, cargo.Delivery.RoutingStatus); Assert.IsNull(cargo.Delivery.NextExpectedActivity); // Repeat procedure of selecting one out of a number of possible routes satisfying the route spec IList <Itinerary> newItineraries = bookingService.RequestPossibleRoutesForCargo(cargo.TrackingId); Itinerary newItinerary = SelectPreferedItinerary(newItineraries); cargo.AssignToRoute(newItinerary); // New itinerary should satisfy new route Assert.AreEqual(RoutingStatus.ROUTED, cargo.Delivery.RoutingStatus); // TODO we can't handle the face that after a reroute, the cargo isn't misdirected anymore //Assert.IsFalse(cargo.isMisdirected()); //Assert.AreEqual(new HandlingActivity(LOAD, TOKYO), cargo.nextExpectedActivity()); // -- Cargo has been rerouted, shipping continues -- // Load in Tokyo handlingEventService.RegisterHandlingEvent( DateUtil.ToDate("2009-03-08"), trackingId, SampleVoyages.v300.VoyageNumber, SampleLocations.TOKYO.UnLocode, HandlingType.LOAD); // Check current state - should be ok Assert.AreEqual(SampleVoyages.v300, cargo.Delivery.CurrentVoyage); Assert.AreEqual(SampleLocations.TOKYO, cargo.Delivery.LastKnownLocation); Assert.AreEqual(TransportStatus.ONBOARD_CARRIER, cargo.Delivery.TransportStatus); Assert.IsFalse(cargo.Delivery.IsMisdirected); Assert.AreEqual( new HandlingActivity(HandlingType.UNLOAD, SampleLocations.HAMBURG, SampleVoyages.v300), cargo.Delivery.NextExpectedActivity); // Unload in Hamburg handlingEventService.RegisterHandlingEvent( DateUtil.ToDate("2009-03-12"), trackingId, SampleVoyages.v300.VoyageNumber, SampleLocations.HAMBURG.UnLocode, HandlingType.UNLOAD); // Check current state - should be ok Assert.AreEqual(Voyage.NONE, cargo.Delivery.CurrentVoyage); Assert.AreEqual(SampleLocations.HAMBURG, cargo.Delivery.LastKnownLocation); Assert.AreEqual(TransportStatus.IN_PORT, cargo.Delivery.TransportStatus); Assert.IsFalse(cargo.Delivery.IsMisdirected); Assert.AreEqual( new HandlingActivity(HandlingType.LOAD, SampleLocations.HAMBURG, SampleVoyages.v400), cargo.Delivery.NextExpectedActivity); // Load in Hamburg handlingEventService.RegisterHandlingEvent( DateUtil.ToDate("2009-03-14"), trackingId, SampleVoyages.v400.VoyageNumber, SampleLocations.HAMBURG.UnLocode, HandlingType.LOAD); // Check current state - should be ok Assert.AreEqual(SampleVoyages.v400, cargo.Delivery.CurrentVoyage); Assert.AreEqual(SampleLocations.HAMBURG, cargo.Delivery.LastKnownLocation); Assert.AreEqual(TransportStatus.ONBOARD_CARRIER, cargo.Delivery.TransportStatus); Assert.IsFalse(cargo.Delivery.IsMisdirected); Assert.AreEqual( new HandlingActivity(HandlingType.UNLOAD, SampleLocations.STOCKHOLM, SampleVoyages.v400), cargo.Delivery.NextExpectedActivity); // Unload in Stockholm handlingEventService.RegisterHandlingEvent( DateUtil.ToDate("2009-03-15"), trackingId, SampleVoyages.v400.VoyageNumber, SampleLocations.STOCKHOLM.UnLocode, HandlingType.UNLOAD); // Check current state - should be ok Assert.AreEqual(Voyage.NONE, cargo.Delivery.CurrentVoyage); Assert.AreEqual(SampleLocations.STOCKHOLM, cargo.Delivery.LastKnownLocation); Assert.AreEqual(TransportStatus.IN_PORT, cargo.Delivery.TransportStatus); Assert.IsFalse(cargo.Delivery.IsMisdirected); Assert.AreEqual(new HandlingActivity(HandlingType.CLAIM, SampleLocations.STOCKHOLM), cargo.Delivery.NextExpectedActivity); // Finally, cargo is claimed in Stockholm. This ends the cargo lifecycle from our perspective. handlingEventService.RegisterHandlingEvent( DateUtil.ToDate("2009-03-16"), trackingId, null, SampleLocations.STOCKHOLM.UnLocode, HandlingType.CLAIM); // Check current state - should be ok Assert.AreEqual(Voyage.NONE, cargo.Delivery.CurrentVoyage); Assert.AreEqual(SampleLocations.STOCKHOLM, cargo.Delivery.LastKnownLocation); Assert.AreEqual(TransportStatus.CLAIMED, cargo.Delivery.TransportStatus); Assert.IsFalse(cargo.Delivery.IsMisdirected); Assert.IsNull(cargo.Delivery.NextExpectedActivity); }
public void CargoHasArrived(Cargo cargo) { System.Console.WriteLine("EVENT: cargo has arrived: " + cargo.TrackingId.IdString); }
public void Atualizar(Cargo entity) { _repository.Atualizar(entity); }
public void Remover(Cargo entity) { _repository.Remover(entity); }
private bool _handleMissionAcceptedEvent(MissionAcceptedEvent @event) { bool update = false; Haulage haulage = new Haulage(); // Protect against duplicates & empty strings haulage = GetHaulageWithMissionId(@event.missionid ?? 0); if (haulage == null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty( { Cargo cargo = new Cargo(); string type ='_').ElementAt(1)?.ToLowerInvariant(); if (type != null && CHAINED.TryGetValue(type, out string value)) { type = value; } else if (type == "ds" || type == "rs" || type == "welcome") { type ='_').ElementAt(2)?.ToLowerInvariant(); } switch (type) { case "altruism": case "collect": case "collectwing": case "delivery": case "deliverywing": case "mining": case "piracy": case "rescue": case "salvage": case "smuggle": { bool naval ="rank"); string originSystem = EDDI.Instance?.CurrentStarSystem?.systemname; haulage = new Haulage(@event.missionid ?? 0,, originSystem, @event.amount ?? 0, @event.expiry) { startmarketid = (type.Contains("delivery") && !naval) ? EDDI.Instance?.CurrentStation?.marketId ?? 0 : 0, endmarketid = (type.Contains("collect")) ? EDDI.Instance?.CurrentStation?.marketId ?? 0 : 0, }; if (type.Contains("delivery") || type == "smuggle") { haulage.sourcesystem = EDDI.Instance?.CurrentStarSystem?.systemname; haulage.sourcebody = EDDI.Instance?.CurrentStation?.name; } else if (type == "rescue" || type == "salvage") { haulage.sourcesystem = @event.destinationsystem; } cargo = GetCargoWithEDName(@event.commodityDefinition?.edname); if (cargo == null) { cargo = new Cargo(@event.commodityDefinition?.edname, 0); AddCargo(cargo); } cargo.haulageData.Add(haulage); cargo.CalculateNeed(); update = true; } break; } } return(update); }
public Car Create(string model, Engine engine, Cargo cargo, Tire[] tires) { Car car = new Car(model, engine, cargo, tires); return(car); }
public void ExcluirCargo(Cargo oCargo) { _RepositorieCargo.ExcluirCargo(oCargo); }
public DatosEmpleado(string _nombre, string _apellido, DateTime _fechanac, string _estadocivil, string _genero, DateTime _fechaingreso, Cargo _cargo) { this.nombre = _nombre; this.apellido = _apellido; this.fechanac = _fechanac; this.estadocivil = _estadocivil; this.genero = _genero; this.fechaingreso = _fechaingreso; this.cargo = _cargo; }
static void Main(string[] args) { int n = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); List <Car> dbCars = new List <Car>(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { try { string[] input = Console.ReadLine().Split(' '); string model = input[0]; int engineSpeed = int.Parse(input[1]); int enginePower = int.Parse(input[2]); int cargoWeight = int.Parse(input[3]); string cargoType = input[4]; double tire1p = double.Parse(input[5]); double tire1a = double.Parse(input[6]); double tire2p = double.Parse(input[7]); double tire2a = double.Parse(input[8]); double tire3p = double.Parse(input[9]); double tire3a = double.Parse(input[10]); double tire4p = double.Parse(input[11]); double tire4a = double.Parse(input[12]); Engine currentEngine = new Engine(engineSpeed, enginePower); Cargo currentCargo = new Cargo(cargoWeight, cargoType); Tire currentTires = new Tire(tire1p, tire1a, tire2p, tire2a, tire3p, tire3a, tire4p, tire4a); Car currentCar = new Car(model, currentEngine, currentCargo, currentTires); dbCars.Add(currentCar); } catch (ArgumentException ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } string command = Console.ReadLine(); if (command == "fragile") { foreach (var entry in dbCars) { bool tirePressureUnder1 = entry.Tires.PressureUnder1Percent(); if (entry.Cargo.Type == "fragile" && tirePressureUnder1 == true) { Console.WriteLine(entry.Model.ToString()); } } } else if (command == "flammable") { foreach (var entry in dbCars) { if (entry.Engine.EnginePower > 250) { Console.WriteLine(entry.Model.ToString()); } } } }
public List <Route> CreateRoutes(Position startPosition, List <Vehicle> listFleetVehicles, List <Package> listPackages) { CreateVehicleTravels(listFleetVehicles); List <Economy> listEconomies = CreateListEconomies(startPosition, listPackages); List <Route> listRoutes = InitializeRoutes(startPosition, listPackages, listFleetVehicles); // Itera a lista de economias for (int i = 0; i < listEconomies.Count; i++) { var economy = listEconomies[i]; // Verifica se o package A existe dentro da lista de rotas em uma das extremidades Route routeA = FindPackageOnRouteEdges(listRoutes, economy.packageAId); if (routeA == null) { continue; } // Verifica se o packagee B existe dentro da lista de rotas em uma das extremidades Route routeB = FindPackageOnRouteEdges(listRoutes, economy.packageBId); if (routeB == null) { continue; } // Verifica se o package A e o packagee B já estão na mesma rota // e se ambos estão nas extremidades, caso sim, vai para a próxima iteração if (routeA.Id == routeB.Id) { continue; } //Ambos os packagees encontrados, pega o totalDistance e o totalDemmand double newRouteSize = routeA.Size + routeB.Size - economy.value; Cargo newRouteCargo = routeA.Cargo + routeB.Cargo; //Procura menor veiculo que comporta a rota combinada, caso nenhum seja encontrado, pula para a próxima economia Vehicle vehicle = FindVehicleForRoute(listFleetVehicles, newRouteSize, newRouteCargo); // Todos os veiculos sobrecarregados para o dia de hoje, avança para próximo dia // - Salvar a economia da rota (soma da economia dos clientes) // - Quando sobrecarregar veiculos por distancia percorrida: // Pega as rotas sem veiculo alocado e passa para o segundo dia; // Executa CreateRoutes para a lista de clientes do segundo dia; if (vehicle != null) { // Remove todos os veiculos alocados para as duas rotas routeA.RemoveAssignedVehicle(); routeB.RemoveAssignedVehicle(); // Verifica a posição em que os pacotes estão na rota RouteEdge packageAEdge = CheckPackagePosition(routeA, economy.packageAId); RouteEdge packageBEdge = CheckPackagePosition(routeB, economy.packageBId); // Se package A está na esquerda e packagee B também, inverte B e adiciona em A if (packageAEdge == RouteEdge.LEFT && packageBEdge == RouteEdge.LEFT) { MergeRoutes(listRoutes, routeA, routeB, vehicle, true); } // Se package A está na esquerda e packagee B a direita, adiciona em A else if (packageAEdge == RouteEdge.LEFT && packageBEdge == RouteEdge.RIGHT) { MergeRoutes(listRoutes, routeA, routeB, vehicle, false); } // Se package A está na direita e packagee B a esquerda, adiciona em B else if (packageAEdge == RouteEdge.RIGHT && packageBEdge == RouteEdge.LEFT) { MergeRoutes(listRoutes, routeB, routeA, vehicle, false); } // Se package A está na direita e packagee B também, inverte A e adiciona em B else if (packageAEdge == RouteEdge.RIGHT && packageBEdge == RouteEdge.RIGHT) { MergeRoutes(listRoutes, routeB, routeA, vehicle, true); } } } return(listRoutes); }
public bool CalculoSeAplicaAoCargo(Cargo cargo) { return(Cargos.Contains(cargo)); }
public RenderCargo(Actor self) { cargo = self.Trait <Cargo>(); facing = self.TraitOrDefault <IFacing>(); }
private Cargo GetModel(int id) { Cargo result = DataBase.Cargos.Get(p => p.IdCargo == id).SingleOrDefault(); return(result); }
public Funcionario(string Nome, double Salario, Cargo Cargo) { this.Nome = Nome; this.Salario = Salario; this.Cargo = Cargo; }
public DeliveryViaTrainForm(Cargo cargo, TransportInformation transport, double totalPrice) { _cargo = cargo; _transport = transport; _totalPrice = totalPrice; }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Создаём порт Новороссийск"); var novorossiysk = new Model.Port("Новороссийск", 1000); Console.WriteLine("Создаём порт Усть-Луга"); var ustluga = new Model.Port("Усть-Луга", 2000); Console.WriteLine("Создаём дизельное топливо"); var diesel = new Fuel(50); Console.WriteLine("Создаём грузы"); var cargo1 = new Cargo(100000); var cargo2 = new Cargo(120000); var cargo3 = new Cargo(350000); var cargo4 = new Cargo(160000); var cargo5 = new Cargo(140000); var cargo6 = new Cargo(170000); var cargo7 = new Cargo(150000); var cargo8 = new Cargo(150000); Console.WriteLine("Создаём корабль Труженник"); var worker = new Ship("Труженник", novorossiysk); Console.WriteLine("Заправляем Труженника"); worker.Fill(diesel); Console.WriteLine("Загружаем Труженника"); worker.Load(cargo1); worker.Load(cargo2); worker.Load(cargo3); worker.Load(cargo4); Console.WriteLine("Создаём маршрут для Труженника"); var routeForWorker = new Route(ustluga); worker.SetRoute(routeForWorker); Console.WriteLine("Отправляем Труженника по маршруту"); try { worker.Send(); Console.WriteLine("Проверяем какие корабли находятся в порту Усть-Луга"); foreach (var s in ustluga.InPort) { Console.WriteLine(s.Title); } Console.WriteLine("Выводим стоимости маршрутов корабля Труженник"); foreach (var r in worker.Routes) { Console.WriteLine($"{r.Departure.Title}-{r.Arrival.Title} стоимость {r.Costs}"); Console.WriteLine($"Стоимость грузов {r.Sums}"); } } catch (InvalidOperationException ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } Console.WriteLine("Создаём корабль Большой"); var big = new Ship("Большой", ustluga); /*Console.WriteLine("Заправляем Большого"); * big.Fill(diesel);*/ Console.WriteLine("Загружаем Большого"); big.Load(cargo5); big.Load(cargo6); big.Load(cargo7); big.Load(cargo8); Console.WriteLine("Создаём маршрут для Большого"); var routeForBig = new Route(novorossiysk); big.SetRoute(routeForBig); Console.WriteLine("Отправляем Большого по маршруту"); try { big.Send(); Console.WriteLine("Проверяем какие корабли находятся в порту Новороссийск"); foreach (var s in novorossiysk.InPort) { Console.WriteLine(s.Title); } Console.WriteLine("Выводим стоимости маршрутов корабля Большой"); foreach (var r in big.Routes) { Console.WriteLine($"{r.Departure.Title}-{r.Arrival.Title} стоимость {r.Costs}"); Console.WriteLine($"Стоимость грузов {r.Sums}"); } } catch (InvalidOperationException ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } XmlSerializer formatter = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Fuel)); using (FileStream fs = new FileStream("fuel.xml", FileMode.OpenOrCreate)) { formatter.Serialize(fs, diesel); Console.WriteLine("Объект сериализован"); } using (FileStream fs = new FileStream("fuel.xml", FileMode.OpenOrCreate)) { Fuel newDiesel = (Fuel)formatter.Deserialize(fs); Console.WriteLine("Объект десериализован"); Console.WriteLine("Цена: {0}", newDiesel.Cost); } BinaryFormatter bformatter = new BinaryFormatter(); using (FileStream fs = new FileStream("ship.dat", FileMode.OpenOrCreate)) { bformatter.Serialize(fs, worker); Console.WriteLine("Объект сериализован"); } using (FileStream fs = new FileStream("ship.dat", FileMode.OpenOrCreate)) { Ship newWorker = (Ship)bformatter.Deserialize(fs); Console.WriteLine("Объект десериализован"); Console.WriteLine("Название корабля: {0}, порт: {1}", newWorker.Title, newWorker.Port.Title); } }
private void _handleCargoEvent(CargoEvent @event) { if (@event.vessel == Constants.VEHICLE_SHIP) { cargoCarried = @event.cargocarried; if (@event.inventory != null) { List <CargoInfo> infoList = @event.inventory.ToList(); // Remove strays from the manifest foreach (Cargo inventoryCargo in inventory.ToList()) { string name = inventoryCargo.edname; CargoInfo info = @event.inventory.FirstOrDefault(i =>, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); if (info == null) { if (inventoryCargo.haulageData?.Any() ?? false) { // Keep cargo entry in manifest with zeroed amounts, if missions are pending = 0; inventoryCargo.haulage = 0; inventoryCargo.owned = 0; inventoryCargo.stolen = 0; inventoryCargo.CalculateNeed(); } else { // Strip out the stray from the manifest _RemoveCargoWithEDName(inventoryCargo.edname); } } } // Update existing cargo in the manifest while (infoList.Count() > 0) { string name = infoList.ToList().First().name; List <CargoInfo> cargoInfo = infoList.Where(i =>, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).ToList(); Cargo cargo = inventory.FirstOrDefault(c => c.edname.Equals(name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); if (cargo != null) { int total = cargoInfo.Sum(i => i.count); int stolen = cargoInfo.Where(i => i.missionid == null).Sum(i => i.stolen); int missionCount = cargoInfo.Where(i => i.missionid != null).Count(); if (total != || stolen != cargo.stolen || missionCount != cargo.haulageData.Count()) { UpdateCargoFromInfo(cargo, cargoInfo); if (@event.update) { return; } } } else { // Add cargo entries for those missing cargo = new Cargo(name, 0); UpdateCargoFromInfo(cargo, cargoInfo); AddCargo(cargo); } infoList.RemoveAll(i => == name); } } } }
private void _handleCargoDepotEvent(CargoDepotEvent @event) { MissionMonitor missionMonitor = (MissionMonitor)EDDI.Instance.ObtainMonitor("Mission monitor"); Mission mission = missionMonitor?.GetMissionWithMissionId(@event.missionid ?? 0); Cargo cargo = new Cargo(); Haulage haulage = new Haulage(); int amountRemaining = @event.totaltodeliver - @event.delivered; switch (@event.updatetype) { case "Collect": { cargo = GetCargoWithMissionId(@event.missionid ?? 0); if (cargo != null) { // Cargo instantiated by either 'Mission accepted' event or previous 'WingUpdate' update haulage = cargo.haulageData.FirstOrDefault(ha => ha.missionid == @event.missionid); haulage.remaining = amountRemaining; // Update commodity definition if instantiated other than 'Mission accepted' cargo.commodityDef = @event.commodityDefinition; haulage.originsystem = EDDI.Instance?.CurrentStarSystem?.systemname; } else { // First exposure to new cargo. cargo = new Cargo(@event.commodityDefinition.edname, 0); // Total will be updated by following 'Cargo' event AddCargo(cargo); string originSystem = EDDI.Instance?.CurrentStarSystem?.systemname; string name = mission?.name ?? "MISSION_DeliveryWing"; haulage = new Haulage(@event.missionid ?? 0, name, originSystem, amountRemaining, null, true); cargo.haulageData.Add(haulage); } haulage.collected = @event.collected; haulage.delivered = @event.delivered; haulage.startmarketid = @event.startmarketid; haulage.endmarketid = @event.endmarketid; } break; case "Deliver": { cargo = GetCargoWithMissionId(@event.missionid ?? 0); if (cargo != null) { // Cargo instantiated by either 'Mission accepted' event, previous 'WingUpdate' or 'Collect' updates haulage = cargo.haulageData.FirstOrDefault(ha => ha.missionid == @event.missionid); if (haulage != null) { haulage.remaining = amountRemaining; //Update commodity definition haulage.amount = @event.totaltodeliver; cargo.commodityDef = @event.commodityDefinition; haulage.originsystem = (@event.startmarketid == 0) ? EDDI.Instance?.CurrentStarSystem?.systemname : null; } else { string originSystem = (@event.startmarketid == 0) ? EDDI.Instance?.CurrentStarSystem?.systemname : null; string name = mission?.name ?? (@event.startmarketid == 0 ? "MISSION_CollectWing" : "MISSION_DeliveryWing"); haulage = new Haulage(@event.missionid ?? 0, name, originSystem, amountRemaining, null); cargo.haulageData.Add(haulage); } cargo.CalculateNeed(); } else { // Check if cargo instantiated by previous 'Market buy' event cargo = GetCargoWithEDName(@event.commodityDefinition.edname); if (cargo == null) { cargo = new Cargo(@event.commodityDefinition.edname, 0); // Total will be updated by following 'Cargo' event AddCargo(cargo); } string originSystem = (@event.startmarketid == 0) ? EDDI.Instance?.CurrentStarSystem?.systemname : null; string name = mission?.name ?? (@event.startmarketid == 0 ? "MISSION_CollectWing" : "MISSION_DeliveryWing"); haulage = new Haulage(@event.missionid ?? 0, name, originSystem, amountRemaining, null, true); cargo.haulageData.Add(haulage); cargo.CalculateNeed(); } haulage.collected = @event.collected; haulage.delivered = @event.delivered; haulage.endmarketid = (haulage.endmarketid == 0) ? @event.endmarketid : haulage.endmarketid; // Check for mission completion if (amountRemaining == 0) { if (haulage.shared) { cargo.haulageData.Remove(haulage); RemoveCargo(cargo); } else { haulage.status = "Complete"; } } } break; case "WingUpdate": { cargo = GetCargoWithMissionId(@event.missionid ?? 0); if (cargo != null) { // Cargo instantiated by either 'Mission accepted' event, previous 'WingUpdate' or 'Collect' updates haulage = cargo.haulageData.FirstOrDefault(ha => ha.missionid == @event.missionid); haulage.remaining = amountRemaining; } else { // First exposure to new cargo, use 'Unknown' as placeholder cargo = new Cargo("Unknown", 0); AddCargo(cargo); string name = mission?.name ?? (@event.startmarketid == 0 ? "MISSION_CollectWing" : "MISSION_DeliveryWing"); haulage = new Haulage(@event.missionid ?? 0, name, null, amountRemaining, null, true); cargo.haulageData.Add(haulage); } cargo.CalculateNeed(); int amount = Math.Max(@event.collected - haulage.collected, @event.delivered - haulage.delivered); if (amount > 0) { string updatetype = @event.collected > haulage.collected ? "Collect" : "Deliver"; EDDI.Instance.enqueueEvent(new CargoWingUpdateEvent(DateTime.UtcNow, haulage.missionid, updatetype, cargo.commodityDef, amount, @event.collected, @event.delivered, @event.totaltodeliver)); haulage.collected = @event.collected; haulage.delivered = @event.delivered; haulage.startmarketid = @event.startmarketid; haulage.endmarketid = @event.endmarketid; } // Check for mission completion if (amountRemaining == 0) { if (haulage.shared) { cargo.haulageData.Remove(haulage); RemoveCargo(cargo); } else { haulage.status = "Complete"; } } } break; } }
/// <summary> /// Initialise a job object /// </summary> public Job() { DeliveryTime = new Time(); RemainingDeliveryTime = new Frequency(); CargoValues = new Cargo(); }
private CargoTravelInfo(Cargo cargo) { CargoId = cargo.Id; Origin = cargo.Origin?.Name; Destination = cargo.Destination?.Name; }
public void CargoWasMisdirected(Cargo cargo) { System.Console.WriteLine("EVENT: cargo was misdirected"); }