public void Execute() { try { //We get the patient's care team var getCareTeamRequest = new GetCareTeamRequest() { ContactId = _contactId, ContractNumber = _request.ContractNumber, UserId = _request.UserId, Version = _request.Version }; var careTeamData = _contactEndpointUtil.GetCareTeam(getCareTeamRequest); if (careTeamData!=null) { _careTeam = Mapper.Map<CareTeam>(careTeamData); // We send a request to the data domain to delete care team by care tam Id var request = new DeleteCareTeamRequest() { ContactId = _careTeam.ContactId, Id = _careTeam.Id, ContractNumber = _request.ContractNumber, UserId = _request.UserId, Version = _request.Version }; _contactEndpointUtil.DeleteCareTeam(request); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("AD: CareTeamCommand Execute::" + ex.Message, ex.InnerException); } }
/// <summary> /// Deserialize JSON into a FHIR CareTeam /// </summary> public static void DeserializeJson(this CareTeam current, ref Utf8JsonReader reader, JsonSerializerOptions options) { string propertyName; while (reader.Read()) { if (reader.TokenType == JsonTokenType.EndObject) { return; } if (reader.TokenType == JsonTokenType.PropertyName) { propertyName = reader.GetString(); if (Hl7.Fhir.Serialization.FhirSerializerOptions.Debug) { Console.WriteLine($"CareTeam >>> CareTeam.{propertyName}, depth: {reader.CurrentDepth}, pos: {reader.BytesConsumed}"); } reader.Read(); current.DeserializeJsonProperty(ref reader, options, propertyName); } } throw new JsonException($"CareTeam: invalid state! depth: {reader.CurrentDepth}, pos: {reader.BytesConsumed}"); }
public CohortRuleResponse Run(CareTeam careTeam, CohortRuleCheckData data) { var response = new CohortRuleResponse(); if (careTeam == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("careTeam"); } try { var activeCorePCM = _cohortRuleUtil.GetCareTeamActiveCorePCM(careTeam); if (activeCorePCM != null) { //We need to add Active Core PCM from the CohortPatientView for the referenced individual if (!data.UsersContactIds.IsNullOrEmpty()) { _contactEndpointUtil.AddPCMToCohortPatientView(data.PatientId, activeCorePCM.ContactId, data.Version, data.ContractNumber, data.UserId, data.UsersContactIds.Contains(activeCorePCM.ContactId)); } } response.IsSuccessful = true; } catch (Exception ex) { response.IsSuccessful = false; response.ErrorCode = "UnAssignedPCMRule.Cohort.Error"; response.Message = ex.Message; _logger.Log(ex); } return(response); }
public CohortRuleResponse Run(CareTeam careTeam, CohortRuleCheckData data) { var response = new CohortRuleResponse(); try { if (careTeam == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("careTeam"); } //Check if any of the members have active core PCM role. if (!_cohortRuleUtil.CheckIfCareTeamHasActiveCorePCM(careTeam)) { //Add to UnAssigned PCM. var isSuccessful = _contactEndpointUtil.RemovePCMCohortPatientView(data.PatientId, data.Version, data.ContractNumber, data.UserId); response.IsSuccessful = isSuccessful; } } catch (Exception ex) { response.IsSuccessful = false; response.ErrorCode = "UnAssignedPCMRule.Cohort.Error"; response.Message = ex.Message; _logger.Log(ex); } return(response); }
private void ApplyCohortRules(CohortRuleCheckData cohortRuleCheckData) { CareTeam careTeam = null; var careTeamData = EndpointUtil.GetCareTeam(new GetCareTeamRequest { ContactId = cohortRuleCheckData.ContactId, ContractNumber = cohortRuleCheckData.ContractNumber, UserId = cohortRuleCheckData.UserId }); if (careTeamData == null) { return; } careTeam = Mapper.Map <CareTeam>(careTeamData); var userList = GetAllUsersIds(cohortRuleCheckData.ContractNumber, cohortRuleCheckData.UserId, cohortRuleCheckData.Version); cohortRuleCheckData.UsersContactIds = userList; var rules = CareMemberCohortRuleFactory.GenerateEngageCareMemberCohortRules(); foreach (var rule in rules) { rule.Run(careTeam, cohortRuleCheckData); } }
public async Task <IHttpActionResult> GetCareTeam(Guid id) { CareTeam careTeam = await db.CareTeam.FindAsync(id); if (careTeam == null) { return(NotFound()); } var roles = await db.Roles.ToDictionaryAsync(r => r.Id); return(Ok(ToDto.CareTeamToDto(careTeam, roles))); }
public async Task <IHttpActionResult> DeleteCareTeam(Guid id) { CareTeam careTeam = await db.CareTeam.FindAsync(id); if (careTeam == null) { return(NotFound()); } db.CareTeam.Remove(careTeam); await db.SaveChangesAsync(); return(Ok(careTeam)); }
public Member GetCareTeamActiveCorePCM(CareTeam team) { Member res = null; if (team.Members.IsNullOrEmpty()) { return(res); } res = team.Members.FirstOrDefault(c => c.StatusId == (int)CareTeamMemberStatus.Active && c.Core == true && c.RoleId == Constants.PCMRoleId); return(res); }
public bool CheckIfCareTeamHasActiveCorePCM(CareTeam team) { var hasPCM = false; if (team.Members.IsNullOrEmpty()) { return(false); } hasPCM = team.Members.Any(c => c.StatusId == (int)CareTeamMemberStatus.Active && c.Core == true && c.RoleId == Constants.PCMRoleId); return(hasPCM); }
public CareTeam GetCareTeam(GetCareTeamRequest request) { CareTeam careTeam = null; if (request == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("request"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.ContactId)) { throw new ArgumentNullException("request.ContactId"); } try { CareTeamData careTeamData = EndpointUtil.GetCareTeam(request); if (careTeamData != null) { careTeam = Mapper.Map <CareTeam>(careTeamData); #region Populate Contact object for each care team member. if (careTeam.Members != null && careTeam.Members.Count > 0) { List <string> contactIds = careTeam.Members.Select(a => a.ContactId).ToList(); List <ContactData> contactsData = EndpointUtil.GetContactsByContactIds(contactIds, request.Version, request.ContractNumber, request.UserId); if (contactsData != null) { foreach (var member in careTeam.Members) { ContactData data = contactsData.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == member.ContactId); if (data == null) { throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Contact card for a care team member with contact id = {0} was not found", member.ContactId)); } else { member.Contact = Mapper.Map <Contact>(data); } } } } #endregion } return(careTeam); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public async Task <IHttpActionResult> UpdateTeam(UpdateTeamBindingModel model) { CareTeam careTeam = await db.CareTeam.FindAsync(model.TeamId); if (careTeam == null) { return(NotFound()); } careTeam.Providers.Clear(); foreach (var providerId in model.ProviderIds) { var provider = await userManager.FindByIdAsync(providerId); if (provider == null) { return(NotFound()); } if (!careTeam.Providers.Contains(provider)) { careTeam.Providers.Add(provider); } } careTeam.Supporters.Clear(); foreach (var supporterId in model.SupporterIds) { var supporter = await userManager.FindByIdAsync(supporterId); if (supporter == null) { return(NotFound()); } if (!careTeam.Supporters.Contains(supporter)) { careTeam.Supporters.Add(supporter); } } careTeam.Name = model.TeamName; await db.SaveChangesAsync(); return(Ok()); }
public static CareTeamDto CareTeamToDto(CareTeam careTeam, Dictionary <string, IdentityRole> roles = null) { var careTeamDto = new CareTeamDto(); careTeamDto.InjectFrom(careTeam); careTeamDto.Patient = UserToDto(careTeam.Patient); careTeamDto.Providers = new List <UserDto>(); careTeamDto.Supporters = new List <UserDto>(); foreach (var provider in careTeam.Providers) { careTeamDto.Providers.Add(UserToDto(provider)); } foreach (var supporter in careTeam.Supporters) { careTeamDto.Supporters.Add(UserToDto(supporter)); } return(careTeamDto); }
public bool HasMultipleActiveCorePCP(CareTeam careTeam) { bool res = false; if (careTeam == null) { return(false); } var activeCorePCMs = careTeam.Members.Where( c => c.RoleId == Constants.PCPRoleId && c.Core == true && c.StatusId == (int)CareTeamMemberStatus.Active).ToList(); if (!activeCorePCMs.IsNullOrEmpty() && activeCorePCMs.Count() > 1) { res = true; } return(res); }
public bool ActiveCorePcmIsUser(CareTeam team, List <string> usersContactIds) { bool res = false; if (team.Members.IsNullOrEmpty() || usersContactIds == null) { return(res); } var activeCorePcm = team.Members.FirstOrDefault(c => c.StatusId == (int)CareTeamMemberStatus.Active && c.Core == true && c.RoleId == Constants.PCMRoleId); if (activeCorePcm == null) { return(res); } res = usersContactIds.Contains(activeCorePcm.ContactId); return(res); }
public CohortRuleResponse Run(CareTeam careTeam, CohortRuleCheckData data) { var response = new CohortRuleResponse(); try { if (careTeam == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("careTeam"); } //For each member in the careteam that is a user, add an ATO cohort for the referenced individual var contactIdsToAdd = new List <string>(); foreach (var member in careTeam.Members) { if (member.StatusId == (int)CareTeamMemberStatus.Active) { if (data.UsersContactIds.Contains(member.ContactId)) { contactIdsToAdd.Add(member.ContactId); } } } _contactEndpointUtil.AssignContactsToCohortPatientView(data.PatientId, contactIdsToAdd.Distinct().ToList(), data.Version, data.ContractNumber, data.UserId); response.IsSuccessful = true; } catch (Exception ex) { response.IsSuccessful = false; response.ErrorCode = "AssignedToMeRule.Cohort.Error"; response.Message = ex.Message; _logger.Log(ex); } return(response); }
public AddCareTeamMemberResponse AddCareTeamMember(AddCareTeamMemberRequest request) { var response = new AddCareTeamMemberResponse(); if (request == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("request"); } ValidateCareTeamMemberFields(request.CareTeamMember); var careTeamData = EndpointUtil.GetCareTeam(new GetCareTeamRequest { ContactId = request.ContactId, ContractNumber = request.ContractNumber, UserId = request.UserId, Version = request.Version }); if (careTeamData == null) { throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("No care team exists for contact {0}", request.ContactId)); } var members = careTeamData.Members; if (!members.IsNullOrEmpty()) { var mappedMembers = members.Select(Mapper.Map <Member>).ToList(); mappedMembers.Add(request.CareTeamMember); var careTeam = new CareTeam { Members = mappedMembers, ContactId = request.ContactId, Id = careTeamData.Id }; if (CohortRuleUtil.HasMultipleActiveCorePCM(careTeam)) { throw new ApplicationException("The Care team cannot have multiple Active, Core PCMs"); } if (CohortRuleUtil.HasMultipleActiveCorePCP(careTeam)) { throw new ApplicationException("The Care team cannot have multiple Active, Core PCPs"); } } var contact = GetContactByContactId(new GetContactByContactIdRequest { ContractNumber = request.ContractNumber, ContactId = request.ContactId, UserId = request.UserId, Version = request.Version }); if (contact == null) { throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Contact with id: {0} does not exist", request.ContactId)); } var cohortRuleCheckData = new CohortRuleCheckData() { ContactId = request.ContactId, ContractNumber = request.ContractNumber, UserId = request.UserId, PatientId = contact.PatientId }; try { var domainResponse = EndpointUtil.AddCareTeamMember(request); if (domainResponse != null) { response.Id = domainResponse.Id; CohortRules.EnqueueCohorRuleCheck(cohortRuleCheckData); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("AD:UpdateCareTeamMember()::" + ex.Message, ex.InnerException); } return(response); }
/// <summary> /// Serialize a FHIR CareTeam into JSON /// </summary> public static void SerializeJson(this CareTeam current, Utf8JsonWriter writer, JsonSerializerOptions options, bool includeStartObject = true) { if (includeStartObject) { writer.WriteStartObject(); } writer.WriteString("resourceType", "CareTeam"); // Complex: CareTeam, Export: CareTeam, Base: DomainResource (DomainResource) ((Hl7.Fhir.Model.DomainResource)current).SerializeJson(writer, options, false); if ((current.Identifier != null) && (current.Identifier.Count != 0)) { writer.WritePropertyName("identifier"); writer.WriteStartArray(); foreach (Identifier val in current.Identifier) { val.SerializeJson(writer, options, true); } writer.WriteEndArray(); } if (current.StatusElement != null) { if (current.StatusElement.Value != null) { writer.WriteString("status", Hl7.Fhir.Utility.EnumUtility.GetLiteral(current.StatusElement.Value)); } if (current.StatusElement.HasExtensions() || (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(current.StatusElement.ElementId))) { JsonStreamUtilities.SerializeExtensionList(writer, options, "_status", false, current.StatusElement.Extension, current.StatusElement.ElementId); } } if ((current.Category != null) && (current.Category.Count != 0)) { writer.WritePropertyName("category"); writer.WriteStartArray(); foreach (CodeableConcept val in current.Category) { val.SerializeJson(writer, options, true); } writer.WriteEndArray(); } if (current.NameElement != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(current.NameElement.Value)) { writer.WriteString("name", current.NameElement.Value); } if (current.NameElement.HasExtensions() || (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(current.NameElement.ElementId))) { JsonStreamUtilities.SerializeExtensionList(writer, options, "_name", false, current.NameElement.Extension, current.NameElement.ElementId); } } if (current.Subject != null) { writer.WritePropertyName("subject"); current.Subject.SerializeJson(writer, options); } if (current.Encounter != null) { writer.WritePropertyName("encounter"); current.Encounter.SerializeJson(writer, options); } if (current.Period != null) { writer.WritePropertyName("period"); current.Period.SerializeJson(writer, options); } if ((current.Participant != null) && (current.Participant.Count != 0)) { writer.WritePropertyName("participant"); writer.WriteStartArray(); foreach (CareTeam.ParticipantComponent val in current.Participant) { val.SerializeJson(writer, options, true); } writer.WriteEndArray(); } if ((current.ReasonCode != null) && (current.ReasonCode.Count != 0)) { writer.WritePropertyName("reasonCode"); writer.WriteStartArray(); foreach (CodeableConcept val in current.ReasonCode) { val.SerializeJson(writer, options, true); } writer.WriteEndArray(); } if ((current.ReasonReference != null) && (current.ReasonReference.Count != 0)) { writer.WritePropertyName("reasonReference"); writer.WriteStartArray(); foreach (ResourceReference val in current.ReasonReference) { val.SerializeJson(writer, options, true); } writer.WriteEndArray(); } if ((current.ManagingOrganization != null) && (current.ManagingOrganization.Count != 0)) { writer.WritePropertyName("managingOrganization"); writer.WriteStartArray(); foreach (ResourceReference val in current.ManagingOrganization) { val.SerializeJson(writer, options, true); } writer.WriteEndArray(); } if ((current.Telecom != null) && (current.Telecom.Count != 0)) { writer.WritePropertyName("telecom"); writer.WriteStartArray(); foreach (ContactPoint val in current.Telecom) { val.SerializeJson(writer, options, true); } writer.WriteEndArray(); } if ((current.Note != null) && (current.Note.Count != 0)) { writer.WritePropertyName("note"); writer.WriteStartArray(); foreach (Annotation val in current.Note) { val.SerializeJson(writer, options, true); } writer.WriteEndArray(); } if (includeStartObject) { writer.WriteEndObject(); } }
/// <summary> /// Deserialize JSON into a FHIR CareTeam /// </summary> public static void DeserializeJsonProperty(this CareTeam current, ref Utf8JsonReader reader, JsonSerializerOptions options, string propertyName) { switch (propertyName) { case "identifier": if ((reader.TokenType != JsonTokenType.StartArray) || (!reader.Read())) { throw new JsonException($"CareTeam error reading 'identifier' expected StartArray, found {reader.TokenType}! depth: {reader.CurrentDepth}, pos: {reader.BytesConsumed}"); } current.Identifier = new List <Identifier>(); while (reader.TokenType != JsonTokenType.EndArray) { Hl7.Fhir.Model.Identifier v_Identifier = new Hl7.Fhir.Model.Identifier(); v_Identifier.DeserializeJson(ref reader, options); current.Identifier.Add(v_Identifier); if (!reader.Read()) { throw new JsonException($"CareTeam error reading 'identifier' array, read failed! depth: {reader.CurrentDepth}, pos: {reader.BytesConsumed}"); } if (reader.TokenType == JsonTokenType.EndObject) { reader.Read(); } } if (current.Identifier.Count == 0) { current.Identifier = null; } break; case "status": if (reader.TokenType == JsonTokenType.Null) { current.StatusElement = new Code <Hl7.Fhir.Model.CareTeam.CareTeamStatus>(); reader.Skip(); } else { current.StatusElement = new Code <Hl7.Fhir.Model.CareTeam.CareTeamStatus>(Hl7.Fhir.Utility.EnumUtility.ParseLiteral <Hl7.Fhir.Model.CareTeam.CareTeamStatus>(reader.GetString())); } break; case "_status": if (current.StatusElement == null) { current.StatusElement = new Code <Hl7.Fhir.Model.CareTeam.CareTeamStatus>(); } ((Hl7.Fhir.Model.Element)current.StatusElement).DeserializeJson(ref reader, options); break; case "category": if ((reader.TokenType != JsonTokenType.StartArray) || (!reader.Read())) { throw new JsonException($"CareTeam error reading 'category' expected StartArray, found {reader.TokenType}! depth: {reader.CurrentDepth}, pos: {reader.BytesConsumed}"); } current.Category = new List <CodeableConcept>(); while (reader.TokenType != JsonTokenType.EndArray) { Hl7.Fhir.Model.CodeableConcept v_Category = new Hl7.Fhir.Model.CodeableConcept(); v_Category.DeserializeJson(ref reader, options); current.Category.Add(v_Category); if (!reader.Read()) { throw new JsonException($"CareTeam error reading 'category' array, read failed! depth: {reader.CurrentDepth}, pos: {reader.BytesConsumed}"); } if (reader.TokenType == JsonTokenType.EndObject) { reader.Read(); } } if (current.Category.Count == 0) { current.Category = null; } break; case "name": if (reader.TokenType == JsonTokenType.Null) { current.NameElement = new FhirString(); reader.Skip(); } else { current.NameElement = new FhirString(reader.GetString()); } break; case "_name": if (current.NameElement == null) { current.NameElement = new FhirString(); } ((Hl7.Fhir.Model.Element)current.NameElement).DeserializeJson(ref reader, options); break; case "subject": current.Subject = new Hl7.Fhir.Model.ResourceReference(); ((Hl7.Fhir.Model.ResourceReference)current.Subject).DeserializeJson(ref reader, options); break; case "encounter": current.Encounter = new Hl7.Fhir.Model.ResourceReference(); ((Hl7.Fhir.Model.ResourceReference)current.Encounter).DeserializeJson(ref reader, options); break; case "period": current.Period = new Hl7.Fhir.Model.Period(); ((Hl7.Fhir.Model.Period)current.Period).DeserializeJson(ref reader, options); break; case "participant": if ((reader.TokenType != JsonTokenType.StartArray) || (!reader.Read())) { throw new JsonException($"CareTeam error reading 'participant' expected StartArray, found {reader.TokenType}! depth: {reader.CurrentDepth}, pos: {reader.BytesConsumed}"); } current.Participant = new List <CareTeam.ParticipantComponent>(); while (reader.TokenType != JsonTokenType.EndArray) { Hl7.Fhir.Model.CareTeam.ParticipantComponent v_Participant = new Hl7.Fhir.Model.CareTeam.ParticipantComponent(); v_Participant.DeserializeJson(ref reader, options); current.Participant.Add(v_Participant); if (!reader.Read()) { throw new JsonException($"CareTeam error reading 'participant' array, read failed! depth: {reader.CurrentDepth}, pos: {reader.BytesConsumed}"); } if (reader.TokenType == JsonTokenType.EndObject) { reader.Read(); } } if (current.Participant.Count == 0) { current.Participant = null; } break; case "reasonCode": if ((reader.TokenType != JsonTokenType.StartArray) || (!reader.Read())) { throw new JsonException($"CareTeam error reading 'reasonCode' expected StartArray, found {reader.TokenType}! depth: {reader.CurrentDepth}, pos: {reader.BytesConsumed}"); } current.ReasonCode = new List <CodeableConcept>(); while (reader.TokenType != JsonTokenType.EndArray) { Hl7.Fhir.Model.CodeableConcept v_ReasonCode = new Hl7.Fhir.Model.CodeableConcept(); v_ReasonCode.DeserializeJson(ref reader, options); current.ReasonCode.Add(v_ReasonCode); if (!reader.Read()) { throw new JsonException($"CareTeam error reading 'reasonCode' array, read failed! depth: {reader.CurrentDepth}, pos: {reader.BytesConsumed}"); } if (reader.TokenType == JsonTokenType.EndObject) { reader.Read(); } } if (current.ReasonCode.Count == 0) { current.ReasonCode = null; } break; case "reasonReference": if ((reader.TokenType != JsonTokenType.StartArray) || (!reader.Read())) { throw new JsonException($"CareTeam error reading 'reasonReference' expected StartArray, found {reader.TokenType}! depth: {reader.CurrentDepth}, pos: {reader.BytesConsumed}"); } current.ReasonReference = new List <ResourceReference>(); while (reader.TokenType != JsonTokenType.EndArray) { Hl7.Fhir.Model.ResourceReference v_ReasonReference = new Hl7.Fhir.Model.ResourceReference(); v_ReasonReference.DeserializeJson(ref reader, options); current.ReasonReference.Add(v_ReasonReference); if (!reader.Read()) { throw new JsonException($"CareTeam error reading 'reasonReference' array, read failed! depth: {reader.CurrentDepth}, pos: {reader.BytesConsumed}"); } if (reader.TokenType == JsonTokenType.EndObject) { reader.Read(); } } if (current.ReasonReference.Count == 0) { current.ReasonReference = null; } break; case "managingOrganization": if ((reader.TokenType != JsonTokenType.StartArray) || (!reader.Read())) { throw new JsonException($"CareTeam error reading 'managingOrganization' expected StartArray, found {reader.TokenType}! depth: {reader.CurrentDepth}, pos: {reader.BytesConsumed}"); } current.ManagingOrganization = new List <ResourceReference>(); while (reader.TokenType != JsonTokenType.EndArray) { Hl7.Fhir.Model.ResourceReference v_ManagingOrganization = new Hl7.Fhir.Model.ResourceReference(); v_ManagingOrganization.DeserializeJson(ref reader, options); current.ManagingOrganization.Add(v_ManagingOrganization); if (!reader.Read()) { throw new JsonException($"CareTeam error reading 'managingOrganization' array, read failed! depth: {reader.CurrentDepth}, pos: {reader.BytesConsumed}"); } if (reader.TokenType == JsonTokenType.EndObject) { reader.Read(); } } if (current.ManagingOrganization.Count == 0) { current.ManagingOrganization = null; } break; case "telecom": if ((reader.TokenType != JsonTokenType.StartArray) || (!reader.Read())) { throw new JsonException($"CareTeam error reading 'telecom' expected StartArray, found {reader.TokenType}! depth: {reader.CurrentDepth}, pos: {reader.BytesConsumed}"); } current.Telecom = new List <ContactPoint>(); while (reader.TokenType != JsonTokenType.EndArray) { Hl7.Fhir.Model.ContactPoint v_Telecom = new Hl7.Fhir.Model.ContactPoint(); v_Telecom.DeserializeJson(ref reader, options); current.Telecom.Add(v_Telecom); if (!reader.Read()) { throw new JsonException($"CareTeam error reading 'telecom' array, read failed! depth: {reader.CurrentDepth}, pos: {reader.BytesConsumed}"); } if (reader.TokenType == JsonTokenType.EndObject) { reader.Read(); } } if (current.Telecom.Count == 0) { current.Telecom = null; } break; case "note": if ((reader.TokenType != JsonTokenType.StartArray) || (!reader.Read())) { throw new JsonException($"CareTeam error reading 'note' expected StartArray, found {reader.TokenType}! depth: {reader.CurrentDepth}, pos: {reader.BytesConsumed}"); } current.Note = new List <Annotation>(); while (reader.TokenType != JsonTokenType.EndArray) { Hl7.Fhir.Model.Annotation v_Note = new Hl7.Fhir.Model.Annotation(); v_Note.DeserializeJson(ref reader, options); current.Note.Add(v_Note); if (!reader.Read()) { throw new JsonException($"CareTeam error reading 'note' array, read failed! depth: {reader.CurrentDepth}, pos: {reader.BytesConsumed}"); } if (reader.TokenType == JsonTokenType.EndObject) { reader.Read(); } } if (current.Note.Count == 0) { current.Note = null; } break; // Complex: CareTeam, Export: CareTeam, Base: DomainResource default: ((Hl7.Fhir.Model.DomainResource)current).DeserializeJsonProperty(ref reader, options, propertyName); break; } }
public static Bundle getBundle(string basePath) { Bundle bdl = new Bundle(); bdl.Type = Bundle.BundleType.Document; // A document must have an identifier with a system and a value () type = 'document' implies (identifier.system.exists() and identifier.value.exists()) bdl.Identifier = new Identifier() { System = "urn:ietf:rfc:3986", Value = FhirUtil.createUUID() }; //Composition for Discharge Summary Composition c = new Composition(); //B.2 患者基本情報 // TODO 退院時サマリー V1.41 B.2 患者基本情報のproviderOrganizationの意図を確認 B.8 受診、入院時情報に入院した //医療機関の記述が書かれているならば、ここの医療機関はどういう位置づけのもの? とりあえず、managingOrganizationにいれておくが。 Patient patient = null; if (true) { //Patientリソースを自前で生成する場合 patient = PatientUtil.create(); } else { //Patientリソースをサーバから取ってくる場合 #pragma warning disable 0162 patient = PatientUtil.get(); } Practitioner practitioner = PractitionerUtil.create(); Organization organization = OrganizationUtil.create(); patient.ManagingOrganization = new ResourceReference() { Reference = organization.Id }; //Compositionの作成 c.Id = FhirUtil.createUUID(); //まだFHIRサーバにあげられていないから,一時的なUUIDを生成してリソースIDとしてセットする c.Status = CompositionStatus.Preliminary; //最終版は CompositionStatus.Final c.Type = new CodeableConcept() { Text = "Discharge Summary", //[疑問]Codable Concept内のTextと、Coding内のDisplayとの違いは。Lead Term的な表示? Coding = new List <Coding>() { new Coding() { Display = "Discharge Summary", System = "", Code = "18842-5", } } }; c.Date = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:sszzzz"); c.Author = new List <ResourceReference>() { new ResourceReference() { Reference = practitioner.Id } }; c.Subject = new ResourceReference() { Reference = patient.Id }; c.Title = "退院時サマリー"; //タイトルはこれでいいのかな。 //B.3 承認者 var attester = new Composition.AttesterComponent(); var code = new Code <Composition.CompositionAttestationMode>(); code.Value = Composition.CompositionAttestationMode.Legal; attester.ModeElement.Add(code); attester.Party = new ResourceReference() { Reference = practitioner.Id }; attester.Time = "20140620"; c.Attester.Add(attester); //B.4 退院時サマリー記載者 var author = new Practitioner(); author.Id = FhirUtil.createUUID(); var authorName = new HumanName().WithGiven("太郎").AndFamily("本日"); authorName.Use = HumanName.NameUse.Official; authorName.AddExtension("", new FhirString("IDE")); author.Name.Add(authorName); c.Author.Add(new ResourceReference() { Reference = author.Id }); //B.5 原本管理者 c.Custodian = new ResourceReference() { Reference = organization.Id }; //B.6 関係者 保険者 何故退院サマリーに保険者の情報を入れているのかな? //TODO 未実装 //sections //B.7 主治医 var section_careteam = new Composition.SectionComponent(); section_careteam.Title = "careteam"; var careteam = new CareTeam(); careteam.Id = FhirUtil.createUUID(); var attendingPhysician = new Practitioner(); attendingPhysician.Id = FhirUtil.createUUID(); var attendingPhysicianName = new HumanName().WithGiven("二郎").AndFamily("日本"); attendingPhysicianName.Use = HumanName.NameUse.Official; attendingPhysicianName.AddExtension("", new FhirString("IDE")); attendingPhysician.Name.Add(attendingPhysicianName); //医師の診療科はPracitionerRole/speciality + PracticeSettingCodeValueSetで表現する. //TODO: 膠原病内科は、Specilityのprefered ValueSetの中にはなかった。日本の診療科に関するValueSetを作る必要がある。 var attendingPractitionerRole = new PractitionerRole(); attendingPractitionerRole.Id = FhirUtil.createUUID(); attendingPractitionerRole.Practitioner = new ResourceReference() { Reference = attendingPhysician.Id }; attendingPractitionerRole.Code.Add(new CodeableConcept("", "394733009", "Attending physician")); attendingPractitionerRole.Specialty.Add(new CodeableConcept("", "405279007", "Medical specialty--OTHER--NOT LISTED")); var participant = new CareTeam.ParticipantComponent(); participant.Member = new ResourceReference() { Reference = attendingPractitionerRole.Id }; careteam.Participant.Add(participant); section_careteam.Entry.Add(new ResourceReference() { Reference = careteam.Id }); c.Section.Add(section_careteam); //B.8 受診、入院情報 //B.12 本文 (Entry部) 退院時サマリーV1.41の例では入院時診断を本文に書くような形に //なっているが、FHIRではadmissionDetailセクション中のEncounterで記載するのが自然だろう。 var section_admissionDetail = new Composition.SectionComponent(); section_admissionDetail.Title = "admissionDetail"; var encounter = new Encounter(); encounter.Id = FhirUtil.createUUID(); encounter.Period = new Period() { Start = "20140328", End = "20140404" }; var hospitalization = new Encounter.HospitalizationComponent(); hospitalization.DischargeDisposition = new CodeableConcept("\t", "01", "Discharged to home care or self care (routine discharge)"); encounter.Hospitalization = hospitalization; var locationComponent = new Encounter.LocationComponent(); var location = new Location() { Id = FhirUtil.createUUID(), Name = "○○クリニック", Type = new CodeableConcept("", "COAG", "Coagulation clinic") }; locationComponent.Location = new ResourceReference() { Reference = location.Id }; section_admissionDetail.Entry.Add(new ResourceReference() { Reference = encounter.Id }); var diagnosisAtAdmission = new Condition() { Code = new CodeableConcept("", "N801", "右卵巣嚢腫") }; diagnosisAtAdmission.Id = FhirUtil.createUUID(); var diagnosisComponentAtAdmission = new Encounter.DiagnosisComponent() { Condition = new ResourceReference() { Reference = diagnosisAtAdmission.Id }, Role = new CodeableConcept("", "AD", "Admission diagnosis") }; var encounterAtAdmission = new Encounter(); encounterAtAdmission.Id = FhirUtil.createUUID(); encounterAtAdmission.Diagnosis.Add(diagnosisComponentAtAdmission); section_admissionDetail.Entry.Add(new ResourceReference() { Reference = encounterAtAdmission.Id }); c.Section.Add(section_admissionDetail); //B.9情報提供者 var section_informant = new Composition.SectionComponent(); section_informant.Title = "informant"; var informant = new RelatedPerson(); informant.Id = FhirUtil.createUUID(); var informantName = new HumanName().WithGiven("藤三郎").AndFamily("東京"); informantName.Use = HumanName.NameUse.Official; informantName.AddExtension("", new FhirString("IDE")); informant.Name.Add(informantName); informant.Patient = new ResourceReference() { Reference = patient.Id }; informant.Relationship = new CodeableConcept("", "FTH", "father"); informant.Address.Add(new Address() { Line = new string[] { "新宿区神楽坂一丁目50番地" }, State = "東京都", PostalCode = "01803", Country = "日本" }); informant.Telecom.Add(new ContactPoint() { System = ContactPoint.ContactPointSystem.Phone, Use = ContactPoint.ContactPointUse.Work, Value = "tel:(03)3555-1212" }); section_informant.Entry.Add(new ResourceReference() { Reference = informant.Id }); c.Section.Add(section_informant); // B.10 本文 // B.10.1 本文記述 var section_clinicalSummary = new Composition.SectionComponent(); section_clinicalSummary.Title = "来院理由"; section_clinicalSummary.Code = new CodeableConcept("", "29299-5", "Reason for visit Narrative"); var dischargeSummaryNarrative = new Narrative(); dischargeSummaryNarrative.Status = Narrative.NarrativeStatus.Additional; dischargeSummaryNarrative.Div = @" <div xmlns="""">\n\n <p>平成19年喘息と診断を受けた。平成20年7月喘息の急性増悪にて当院呼吸器内科入院。退院後HL7医院にてFollowされていた</p> <p>平成21年10月20日頃より右足首にじんじん感が出現。左足首、両手指にも認めるようになった。同時に37℃台の熱発出現しWBC28000、Eosi58%と上昇していた</p> <p>このとき尿路感染症が疑われセフメタゾン投与されるも改善せず。WBC31500、Eosi64%と上昇、しびれ感の増悪認めた。またHb 7.3 Ht 20.0と貧血を認めた</p> <p>膠原病、特にChuge-stress-syndoromeが疑われ平成21年11月8日当院膠原病内科入院となった</p> </div> "; section_clinicalSummary.Text = dischargeSummaryNarrative; c.Section.Add(section_clinicalSummary); //B.10.3 観察・検査等 //section-observations var section_observations = new Composition.SectionComponent(); section_observations.Title = "observations"; var obs = new List <Observation>() { FhirUtil.createLOINCObservation(patient, "8302-2", "身長", new Quantity() { Value = (decimal)2.004, Unit = "m" }), FhirUtil.createLOINCObservation(patient, "8302-2", "身長", new Quantity() { Value = (decimal)2.004, Unit = "m" }), //Component Resultsの例 血圧- 拡張期血圧、収縮期血圧のコンポーネントを含む。 new Observation() { Id = FhirUtil.createUUID(), Subject = new ResourceReference() { Reference = patient.Id }, Status = ObservationStatus.Final, Code = new CodeableConcept() { Text = "血圧", Coding = new List <Coding>() { new Coding() { System = "", Code = "18684-1", Display = "血圧" } } }, Component = new List <Observation.ComponentComponent>() { new Observation.ComponentComponent() { Code = new CodeableConcept() { Text = "収縮期血圧血圧", Coding = new List <Coding>() { new Coding() { System = "", Code = "8480-6", Display = "収縮期血圧" } } }, Value = new Quantity() { Value = (decimal)120, Unit = "mm[Hg]" } }, new Observation.ComponentComponent() { Code = new CodeableConcept() { Text = "拡張期血圧", Coding = new List <Coding>() { new Coding() { System = "", Code = "8462-4", Display = "拡張期血圧" } } }, Value = new Quantity() { Value = (decimal)100, Unit = "mm[Hg]" } }, } } }; foreach (var res in obs) { section_observations.Entry.Add(new ResourceReference() { Reference = res.Id }); } c.Section.Add(section_observations); //B.10.4 キー画像 //section-medicalImages var mediaPath = basePath + "/../../resource/Hydrocephalus_(cropped).jpg"; var media = new Media(); media.Id = FhirUtil.createUUID(); media.Type = Media.DigitalMediaType.Photo; media.Content = FhirUtil.CreateAttachmentFromFile(mediaPath); /* R3ではImagingStudyに入れられるのはDICOM画像だけみたい。 R4ではreasonReferenceでMediaも参照できる。 * とりあえずDSTU3ではMediaリソースをmedicalImagesセクションにセットする。 * var imagingStudy = new ImagingStudy(); * imagingStudy.Id = FhirUtil.getUUID(); //まだFHIRサーバにあげられていないから,一時的なUUIDを生成してリソースIDとしてセットする * */ var section_medicalImages = new Composition.SectionComponent(); section_medicalImages.Title = "medicalImages"; //TODO: sectionのcodeは? section_medicalImages.Entry.Add(new ResourceReference() { Reference = media.Id }); c.Section.Add(section_medicalImages); //Bundleの構築 //Bundleの構成要素 //Bunbdleの一番最初はCompostion Resourceであること。 List <Resource> bdl_entries = new List <Resource> { c, patient, organization, practitioner, author, careteam, encounter, encounterAtAdmission, diagnosisAtAdmission, location, informant, media, attendingPhysician, attendingPractitionerRole }; bdl_entries.AddRange(obs); foreach (Resource res in bdl_entries) { var entry = new Bundle.EntryComponent(); //entry.FullUrl = res.ResourceBase.ToString()+res.ResourceType.ToString() + res.Id; entry.FullUrl = res.Id; entry.Resource = res; bdl.Entry.Add(entry); } return(bdl); }
public async Task <IHttpActionResult> PostCareTeam(CareTeamBindingModel model) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } var patient = await userManager.FindByIdAsync(model.PatientId); if (patient == null) { return(NotFound()); } List <ApplicationUser> providers = new List <ApplicationUser>(); foreach (string ProviderId in model.ProviderIds) { var provider = await userManager.FindByIdAsync(ProviderId); if (provider == null) { return(NotFound()); } providers.Add(provider); } List <ApplicationUser> supporters = new List <ApplicationUser>(); foreach (string SupporterId in model.SupporterIds) { var supporter = await userManager.FindByIdAsync(SupporterId); if (supporter == null) { return(NotFound()); } supporters.Add(supporter); } var careTeam = new CareTeam() { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Name = model.Name, Active = false, Providers = providers, Supporters = supporters, Patient = patient }; db.CareTeam.Add(careTeam); try { await db.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateException) { if (CareTeamExists(careTeam.Id)) { return(Conflict()); } else { throw; } } return(Created("CareTeams/" + careTeam.Id, ToDto.CareTeamToDto(careTeam))); }