private void TriggerVictory(ConcurrentDictionary <Characters, int> expextra = null) { int exp = 0; uint ap = 0; ConcurrentDictionary <byte, byte> items = new ConcurrentDictionary <byte, byte>(); ConcurrentDictionary <Cards.ID, byte> cards = new ConcurrentDictionary <Cards.ID, byte>(); foreach (Enemy e in Enemy.Party) { exp += e.EXP; ap += e.AP; Saves.Item drop = e.Drop(Memory.State.PartyHasAbility(Kernel_bin.Abilities.RareItem)); Cards.ID carddrop = e.CardDrop(); if (drop.QTY > 0 && drop.ID > 0) { if (!items.TryAdd(drop.ID, drop.QTY)) { items[drop.ID] += drop.QTY; } } if (carddrop != Cards.ID.Fail && carddrop != Cards.ID.Immune) { if (!cards.TryAdd(carddrop, 1)) { cards[carddrop]++; } } } SetMode(Mode.Victory); Victory_Menu?.Refresh(exp, ap, expextra, items, cards); }
private static void DrawFace() { if (pointer >= 0) { Viewport vp =; Cards.ID id = CardValue[pointer]; uint pos = (uint)id; //int i = cards.GetEntry(id).File; uint col = (uint)(Memory.Cards.GetEntry(id).X / Memory.Cards.GetEntry(id).Width) + 1; uint row = (uint)(Memory.Cards.GetEntry(id).Y / Memory.Cards.GetEntry(id).Width) + 1; float scale = vp.Height / Memory.Cards.GetEntry(id).Height; Rectangle dst = new Rectangle(new Point(0), (Memory.Cards.GetEntry(id).Size *scale).ToPoint()); dst.Offset(vp.Width / 2 - dst.Center.X, 0); Memory.SpriteBatchStartAlpha(); Memory.spriteBatch.GraphicsDevice.Clear(Color.Black); Memory.Cards.Draw(id, dst); Memory.font.RenderBasicText( $"{CardValue[pointer].ToString().Replace('_', ' ')}\n" + $"pos: {pos}\n" + $"col: {col}\n" + $"row: {row}\n" + $"x: {Memory.Cards.GetEntry(id).X}\n" + $"y: {Memory.Cards.GetEntry(id).Y}\n" + $"width: {Memory.Cards.GetEntry(id).Width}\n" + $"height: {Memory.Cards.GetEntry(id).Height}", (int)(vp.Width * 0.10f), (int)(vp.Height * 0.05f), lineSpacing: 1); Memory.SpriteBatchEnd(); } }
public bool EarnItem(Cards.ID card, byte qty, byte location = 0) { TTCardInfo i = new TTCardInfo { Unlocked = true, Qty = qty, Location = location }; if (!, i)) {[card].Unlocked = i.Unlocked;[card].Qty += i.Qty;[card].Location = i.Location; return(true); } return(false); }
private static void DrawFace() { if (pointer >= 0) { Viewport vp =; Cards.ID id = CardValue[pointer]; uint pos = (uint)((uint)id % Memory.Cards.EntriesPerTexture); if (id >= Cards.ID.Card_Back) { pos = Memory.Cards.Count - 1; } //int i = cards.GetEntry(id).File; Entry entry = Memory.Cards.GetEntry(pos); uint col = (uint)(entry.X / entry.Width) + 1; uint row = (uint)(entry.Y / entry.Width) + 1; Rectangle dst = new Rectangle(new Point(0), entry.Size.ToPoint()); dst.Height = (int)Math.Round(dst.Width * (1 + Cards.AspectRatio)); float scale = vp.Height / dst.Height; dst = dst.Scale(new Vector2(scale)); dst.Offset(vp.Width / 2 - dst.Center.X, vp.Height / 2 - dst.Center.Y); Memory.SpriteBatchStartAlpha(); Memory.spriteBatch.GraphicsDevice.Clear(Color.Black); Memory.Cards.Draw(id, dst); Memory.font.RenderBasicText( $"{CardValue[pointer].ToString().Replace('_', ' ')}\n" + $"pos: {(uint)id}\n" + $"col: {col}\n" + $"row: {row}\n" + $"x: {entry.X}\n" + $"y: {entry.Y}\n" + $"width: {entry.Width}\n" + $"height: {entry.Height}", (int)(vp.Width * 0.10f), (int)(vp.Height * 0.05f), lineSpacing: 1); Memory.SpriteBatchEnd(); } }
public HOWMANYCARD(Cards.ID cardID) => _cardID = cardID;
public HowManyCard(Cards.ID cardID) => _cardID = cardID;
protected override void Init() { if (CommandFunc == null) { CommandFunc = new Dictionary <int, Func <bool> > { //{0,Command00 }, { 1, Command01_ATTACK }, { 2, Command02_MAGIC }, //{3,Command03_GF }, { 4, Command04_ITEM }, { 5, Command05_RENZOKUKEN }, { 6, Command06_DRAW }, { 7, Command07_DEVOUR }, //{8,Command08_UNNAMED }, //{9,Command09_CAST }, //{10,Command10_STOCK }, { 11, Command11_DUEL }, { 12, Command12_MUG }, //{13,Command13_NOMSG }, { 14, Command14_SHOT }, { 15, Command15_BLUE_MAGIC }, //{16,Command16_SLOT }, { 17, Command17_FIRE_CROSS_NO_MERCY }, { 18, Command18_SORCERY_ICE_STRIKE }, { 19, Command19_COMBINE }, { 20, Command20_DESPERADO }, { 21, Command21_BLOOD_PAIN }, { 22, Command22_MASSIVE_ANCHOR }, //{23,Command23_DEFEND }, { 24, Command24_MADRUSH }, { 25, Command25_TREATMENT }, { 26, Command26_RECOVERY }, { 27, Command27_REVIVE }, { 28, Command28_DARKSIDE }, { 29, Command29_CARD }, { 30, Command30_DOOM }, { 31, Command31_KAMIKAZI }, { 32, Command32_ABSORB }, { 33, Command33_LVL_DOWN }, { 34, Command34_LVL_UP }, { 35, Command35_SINGLE }, { 36, Command36_DOUBLE }, { 37, Command37_TRIPLE }, { 38, Command38_MINIMOG }, } } ; base.Init(); //bool Command00() => throw new NotImplementedException(); bool Command01_ATTACK() { Neededvaribles(out Damageable[] d, out Characters fromvc); Damageable.EndTurn(); return(true); } bool Command02_MAGIC() { Neededvaribles(out Damageable[] d, out Characters fromvc); Debug.WriteLine($"{Memory.Strings.GetName(fromvc)} casts {Magic.Name}({Magic.ID}) spell on { DebugMessageSuffix(d) }"); Damageable.EndTurn(); return(true); } //bool Command03_GF() => throw new NotImplementedException(); bool Command04_ITEM() { Neededvaribles(out Damageable[] d, out Characters fromvc); Debug.WriteLine($"{Memory.Strings.GetName(fromvc)} uses {Item.Name}({Item.ID}) item on { DebugMessageSuffix(d) }"); Damageable.EndTurn(); return(true); } bool Command05_RENZOKUKEN() { Neededvaribles(out Damageable[] d, out Characters fromvc); if (d.First().GetType() == typeof(Enemy)) { //Renzokuken byte w = Memory.State[fromvc].WeaponID; int hits = 0; if (Memory.State[fromvc].CurrentCrisisLevel > 0) { hits = Memory.State[fromvc].CurrentCrisisLevel < Renzokuken_hits.Length ? Renzokuken_hits[Memory.State[fromvc].CurrentCrisisLevel] : Renzokuken_hits.Last(); } //else return false; else { hits = Renzokuken_hits.First(); } int finisherchance = (Memory.State[fromvc].CurrentCrisisLevel + 1) * 60; bool willfinish = Memory.Random.Next(byte.MaxValue + 1) <= finisherchance; int choosefinish = Memory.Random.Next(3 + 1); Kernel_bin.Weapons_Data wd = Kernel_bin.WeaponsData[w]; Kernel_bin.Renzokeken_Finisher r = wd.Renzokuken; if (r == 0) { willfinish = false; } //per wiki the chance of which finisher is 25% each and the highest value finisher get the remaining of 100 percent. //so rough divide is 100% when you only only have that //when you unlock 2 one is 75% chance //when you onlock 3 last one is 50% //when you unlock all 4 it's 25% each. //finishers each have their own target BattleMenus.GetCurrentBattleMenu().Renzokeken.Reset(hits); BattleMenus.GetCurrentBattleMenu().Renzokeken.Show(); if (willfinish) { List <Kernel_bin.Renzokeken_Finisher> flags = Enum.GetValues(typeof(Kernel_bin.Renzokeken_Finisher)) .Cast <Kernel_bin.Renzokeken_Finisher>() .Where(f => (f & r) != 0) .ToList(); Kernel_bin.Renzokeken_Finisher finisher = choosefinish >= flags.Count ? flags.Last() : flags[choosefinish]; Debug.WriteLine($"{Memory.Strings.GetName(fromvc)} hits {hits} times with {Command.Name}({Command.ID}) then uses {Kernel_bin.RenzokukenFinishersData[finisher].Name}."); } else { Debug.WriteLine($"{Memory.Strings.GetName(fromvc)} hits {hits} times with {Command.Name}({Command.ID}) then fails to use a finisher."); } } return(true); } bool Command06_DRAW() { Neededvaribles(out Damageable[] d, out Characters fromvc); //draw //spawn a 1 page 4 row pool of the magic/gfs that the selected enemy has. if (d.First().GetType() == typeof(Enemy)) { var e = (Enemy)d.First(); DrawMagic(e.DrawList); Draw_Pool.Refresh(e.DrawList); Draw_Pool.Show(); } return(true); } bool Command07_DEVOUR() { Neededvaribles(out Damageable[] d, out Characters fromvc); //TODO add devour commands Debug.WriteLine($"{Memory.Strings.GetName(fromvc)} used {Command.Name}({Command.ID}) on { DebugMessageSuffix(d) }"); Damageable.EndTurn(); return(true); } //bool Command08_UNNAMED() => throw new NotImplementedException(); //bool Command09_CAST() => throw new NotImplementedException(); //bool Command10_STOCK() => throw new NotImplementedException(); bool Command11_DUEL() { Neededvaribles(out Damageable[] d, out Characters fromvc); Debug.WriteLine($"{Memory.Strings.GetName(fromvc)} used {Command.Name}({Command.ID}) on { DebugMessageSuffix(d) }"); Damageable.EndTurn(); return(true); } bool Command12_MUG() { Neededvaribles(out Damageable[] d, out Characters fromvc); if (d.First().GetType() == typeof(Enemy)) { var e = (Enemy)d.First(); //unsure if party member being ejected or if they need to be in the party for rare item to work Saves.Item i = e.Mug(Memory.State[fromvc].SPD, Memory.State.PartyHasAbility(Kernel_bin.Abilities.RareItem)); Debug.WriteLine($"{Memory.Strings.GetName(fromvc)} stole {i.DATA?.Name}({i.ID}) x {i.QTY} from { DebugMessageSuffix(d) }"); } Damageable.EndTurn(); return(true); } //bool Command13_NOMSG() => throw new NotImplementedException(); bool Command14_SHOT() { Neededvaribles(out Damageable[] d, out Characters fromvc); Debug.WriteLine($"{Memory.Strings.GetName(fromvc)} used {Command.Name}({Command.ID}) on { DebugMessageSuffix(d) }"); Damageable.EndTurn(); return(true); } bool Command15_BLUE_MAGIC() { Neededvaribles(out Damageable[] d, out Characters fromvc); Debug.WriteLine($"{Memory.Strings.GetName(fromvc)} casts {BlueMagic.Name}({BlueMagic.ID}) spell on { DebugMessageSuffix(d) }"); Damageable.EndTurn(); return(false); } //bool Command16_SLOT() => throw new NotImplementedException(); bool Command17_FIRE_CROSS_NO_MERCY() { Neededvaribles(out Damageable[] d, out Characters fromvc); Debug.WriteLine($"{Memory.Strings.GetName(fromvc)} used {Command.Name}({Command.ID}) on { DebugMessageSuffix(d) }"); Damageable.EndTurn(); return(true); } bool Command18_SORCERY_ICE_STRIKE() { Neededvaribles(out Damageable[] d, out Characters fromvc); Debug.WriteLine($"{Memory.Strings.GetName(fromvc)} used {Command.Name}({Command.ID}) on { DebugMessageSuffix(d) }"); Damageable.EndTurn(); return(true); } bool Command19_COMBINE() { //perform angelo attack unless angel wing is unlocked and chosen in menu. Neededvaribles(out Damageable[] d, out Characters fromvc); Debug.WriteLine($"{Memory.Strings.GetName(fromvc)} used {Command.Name}({Command.ID}) on { DebugMessageSuffix(d) }"); Damageable.EndTurn(); return(true); } bool Command20_DESPERADO() { Neededvaribles(out Damageable[] d, out Characters fromvc); Debug.WriteLine($"{Memory.Strings.GetName(fromvc)} used {Command.Name}({Command.ID}) on { DebugMessageSuffix(d) }"); Damageable.EndTurn(); return(true); } bool Command21_BLOOD_PAIN() { Neededvaribles(out Damageable[] d, out Characters fromvc); Debug.WriteLine($"{Memory.Strings.GetName(fromvc)} used {Command.Name}({Command.ID}) on { DebugMessageSuffix(d) }"); Damageable.EndTurn(); return(true); } bool Command22_MASSIVE_ANCHOR() { Neededvaribles(out Damageable[] d, out Characters fromvc); Debug.WriteLine($"{Memory.Strings.GetName(fromvc)} used {Command.Name}({Command.ID}) on { DebugMessageSuffix(d) }"); Damageable.EndTurn(); return(true); } //bool Command23_DEFEND() => throw new NotImplementedException(); bool Command24_MADRUSH() { Neededvaribles(out Damageable[] d, out Characters fromvc); Debug.WriteLine($"{Memory.Strings.GetName(fromvc)} used {Command.Name}({Command.ID}) on { DebugMessageSuffix(d) }"); Damageable.EndTurn(); return(true); } bool Command25_TREATMENT() { Neededvaribles(out Damageable[] d, out Characters fromvc); Debug.WriteLine($"{Memory.Strings.GetName(fromvc)} used {Command.Name}({Command.ID}) on { DebugMessageSuffix(d) }"); Damageable.EndTurn(); return(true); } bool Command26_RECOVERY() { Neededvaribles(out Damageable[] d, out Characters fromvc); Debug.WriteLine($"{Memory.Strings.GetName(fromvc)} used {Command.Name}({Command.ID}) on { DebugMessageSuffix(d) }"); Damageable.EndTurn(); return(true); } bool Command27_REVIVE() { Neededvaribles(out Damageable[] d, out Characters fromvc); Debug.WriteLine($"{Memory.Strings.GetName(fromvc)} used {Command.Name}({Command.ID}) on { DebugMessageSuffix(d) }"); Damageable.EndTurn(); return(true); } bool Command28_DARKSIDE() { Neededvaribles(out Damageable[] d, out Characters fromvc); Damageable.EndTurn(); return(true); } bool Command29_CARD() { Neededvaribles(out Damageable[] d, out Characters fromvc); if (d.First().GetType() == typeof(Enemy)) { var e = (Enemy)d.First(); Cards.ID c = e.Card(); if (c == Cards.ID.Fail) { Debug.WriteLine($"{Memory.Strings.GetName(fromvc)} Failed to use {Command.Name}({Command.ID}) on { DebugMessageSuffix(d) }"); } else if (c == Cards.ID.Immune) { Debug.WriteLine($"{Memory.Strings.GetName(fromvc)} Failed to use {Command.Name}({Command.ID}) on { DebugMessageSuffix(d) } because they are immune!"); } else { Debug.WriteLine($"{Memory.Strings.GetName(fromvc)} used {Command.Name}({Command.ID}) on { DebugMessageSuffix(d) } and got a {c} card"); } Damageable.EndTurn(); } return(true); } bool Command30_DOOM() { Neededvaribles(out Damageable[] d, out Characters fromvc); Damageable.EndTurn(); return(true); } bool Command31_KAMIKAZI() { Neededvaribles(out Damageable[] d, out Characters fromvc); Debug.WriteLine($"{Memory.Strings.GetName(fromvc)} used {Command.Name}({Command.ID}) on { DebugMessageSuffix(d) }"); Damageable.EndTurn(); return(true); } bool Command32_ABSORB() { Neededvaribles(out Damageable[] d, out Characters fromvc); Debug.WriteLine($"{Memory.Strings.GetName(fromvc)} used {Command.Name}({Command.ID}) on { DebugMessageSuffix(d) }"); Damageable.EndTurn(); return(true); } bool Command33_LVL_DOWN() { Neededvaribles(out Damageable[] d, out Characters fromvc); Debug.WriteLine($"{Memory.Strings.GetName(fromvc)} used {Command.Name}({Command.ID}) on { DebugMessageSuffix(d) }"); Damageable.EndTurn(); return(true); } bool Command34_LVL_UP() { Neededvaribles(out Damageable[] d, out Characters fromvc); Debug.WriteLine($"{Memory.Strings.GetName(fromvc)} used {Command.Name}({Command.ID}) on { DebugMessageSuffix(d) }"); Damageable.EndTurn(); return(true); } bool Command35_SINGLE() => Command02_MAGIC(); bool Command36_DOUBLE() { // CHOOSE 2X TARGETS throw new NotImplementedException(); } bool Command37_TRIPLE() { // CHOOSE 3X TARGETS throw new NotImplementedException(); } bool Command38_MINIMOG() { Neededvaribles(out Damageable[] d, out Characters fromvc); Debug.WriteLine($"{Memory.Strings.GetName(fromvc)} used {Command.Name}({Command.ID}) on { DebugMessageSuffix(d) }"); Damageable.EndTurn(); return(true); } }