Esempio n. 1
		public void TestFireAllEvents()
			if (Attacked != null)
				Attacked(this, new AttackedEventArgs(null, null));
			if (BenefitReceiving != null)
				BenefitReceiving(this, new BenefitReceivingEventArgs(null, null));
			if (BenefitsChanged != null)
				BenefitsChanged(this, new BenefitsChangedEventArgs(null));
			CardBuyEventArgs cbea = new CardBuyEventArgs(null, null);
			if (CardBought != null)
				CardBought(this, cbea);
			if (CardBuying != null)
				CardBuying(this, cbea);
			if (CardBuyFinished != null)
				CardBuyFinished(this, cbea);
			CardGainEventArgs cgea = new CardGainEventArgs(null, null, DeckLocation.Discard, DeckPosition.Automatic, false);
			if (CardGained != null)
				CardGained(this, cgea);
			if (CardGainedInto != null)
				CardGainedInto(this, cgea);
			if (CardGainFinished != null)
				CardGainFinished(this, cgea);
			if (CardGaining != null)
				CardGaining(this, cgea);
			if (CardPlayed != null)
				CardPlayed(this, new CardPlayedEventArgs(null, new Cards.Universal.Copper()));
			if (CardPlaying != null)
				CardPlaying(this, new CardPlayingEventArgs(null, new Cards.Universal.Copper(), null));
			if (CardReceived != null)
				CardReceived(this, new CardReceivedEventArgs(null, null, DeckLocation.Discard, DeckPosition.Automatic));
			if (CardsAddedToDeck != null)
				CardsAddedToDeck(this, new CardsAddedToDeckEventArgs(new Cards.Universal.Copper(), DeckPosition.Automatic));
			if (CardsAddedToHand != null)
				CardsAddedToHand(this, new CardsAddedToHandEventArgs(new Cards.Universal.Copper()));
			if (CardsDiscarded != null)
				CardsDiscarded(this, new CardsDiscardEventArgs(DeckLocation.Discard, new Cards.Universal.Copper()));
			if (CardsDiscarding != null)
				CardsDiscarding(this, new CardsDiscardEventArgs(DeckLocation.Discard, new Cards.Universal.Copper()));
			if (CardsDrawn != null)
				CardsDrawn(this, new CardsDrawnEventArgs(null, DeckPosition.Automatic, 0));
			if (CardsLost != null)
				CardsLost(this, new CardsLostEventArgs(null));
			if (CleanedUp != null)
				CleanedUp(this, new CleanedUpEventArgs(null, 0));
			if (CleaningUp != null)
				CardMovementCollection cmc = new CardMovementCollection();
				CleaningUp(this, new CleaningUpEventArgs(null, 0, ref cmc));
			if (PhaseChanged != null)
				PhaseChanged(this, new PhaseChangedEventArgs(null, PhaseEnum.Endgame));
			if (PhaseChanging != null)
				PhaseChanging(this, new PhaseChangingEventArgs(null, PhaseEnum.Endgame));
			if (Shuffling != null)
				Shuffling(this, new ShuffleEventArgs(null));
			if (Shuffled != null)
				Shuffled(this, new ShuffleEventArgs(null));
			if (Trashing != null)
				Trashing(this, new TrashEventArgs(null, null));
			if (Trashed != null)
				Trashed(this, new TrashEventArgs(null, null));
			if (TrashedFinished != null)
				TrashedFinished(this, new TrashEventArgs(null, null));
			if (TurnEnded != null)
				TurnEnded(this, new TurnEndedEventArgs(null));
			if (TurnStarted != null)
				TurnStarted(this, new TurnStartedEventArgs(null));
			if (TurnStarting != null)
				TurnStarting(this, new TurnStartingEventArgs(null));
Esempio n. 2
		public CleaningUpEventArgs(Player player, int drawSize, ref CardMovementCollection cardsMovements)
			this.CurrentPlayer = player;
			this.DrawSize = drawSize;
			this.CardsMovements = cardsMovements;
Esempio n. 3
		private void PerformCleanup()
			// Sets up card movements to indicate where each card should go.
			CardMovementCollection cardsToMove = new CardMovementCollection(this.SetAside, c => c.CanCleanUp, DeckLocation.SetAside, DeckLocation.Discard);
			cardsToMove.AddRange(this.Hand, DeckLocation.Hand, DeckLocation.Discard);
			cardsToMove.AddRange(this.InPlay, DeckLocation.InPlay, DeckLocation.Discard);

			foreach (Card durationCard in this.InPlay.Where(c => !c.CanCleanUp))
				cardsToMove[durationCard].Destination = DeckLocation.SetAside;
			IEnumerable<CardMovement> inPlayCards = cardsToMove.Where(cm => cm.CurrentLocation == DeckLocation.InPlay);

			ParallelQuery<CardMovement> pqCardsToMove = cardsToMove.AsParallel().Where(cm =>
				cm.CurrentLocation == DeckLocation.InPlay &&
				cm.Destination == DeckLocation.SetAside &&
				cm.Card.ModifiedBy != null &&
				cardsToMove.Contains(cm.Card.ModifiedBy.PhysicalCard) &&
				cardsToMove[cm.Card.ModifiedBy.PhysicalCard].Destination == DeckLocation.Discard);

			pqCardsToMove.ForAll(cm => cardsToMove[cm.Card.ModifiedBy.PhysicalCard].Destination = DeckLocation.SetAside);

			int drawSize = 5;
			if (CleaningUp != null)
				Boolean cancelled = false;
				// Possibly changing events that can happen in the game
				CleaningUpEventArgs cuea = null;

					cuea = new CleaningUpEventArgs(this, 5, ref cardsToMove);
					cuea.Cancelled |= cancelled;
					CleaningUp(this, cuea);

					OptionCollection options = new OptionCollection();
					IEnumerable<Type> cardTypes = cuea.Actions.Keys;
					foreach (Type key in cardTypes)
						options.Add(new Option(cuea.Actions[key].Text, false));
					if (options.Count > 0)
						Choice choice = new Choice("Performing Clean-up", options, this, cuea);
						ChoiceResult result = this.MakeChoice(choice);

						if (result.Options.Count > 0)
							cuea.Actions.First(kvp => kvp.Value.Text == result.Options[0]).Value.Method(this, ref cuea);

					cancelled |= cuea.Cancelled;
				} while (CleaningUp != null);

				if (cuea != null)
					cancelled |= cuea.Cancelled;

				if (cancelled)

				if (cuea.NextPlayer != null)
					_CurrentTurn.NextPlayer = cuea.NextPlayer;
				_CurrentTurn.NextGrantedBy = cuea.NextGrantedBy;
				drawSize = cuea.DrawSize;

			// Discard any Revealed cards (should be none?)

			CardsDiscardAction cdaHand = null;
			if (cardsToMove.Count(c => c.CurrentLocation == DeckLocation.Hand) > 0)
				cdaHand = new CardsDiscardAction(this, null, "Discard hand", player_DiscardHand, true) { Data = cardsToMove };

			// Discard non-Duration (or Duration-modifying) cards in In Play & Set Aside at the same time
			this.Discard(DeckLocation.InPlayAndSetAside, cardsToMove.Where(cm =>
				(cm.CurrentLocation == DeckLocation.InPlay || cm.CurrentLocation == DeckLocation.SetAside) &&
				cm.Destination == DeckLocation.Discard).Select<CardMovement, Card>(cm => cm.Card), cdaHand);

			// Discard Hand
				this.RetrieveCardsFrom(DeckLocation.Hand, c =>
					cardsToMove[c].CurrentLocation == DeckLocation.Hand && cardsToMove[c].Destination == DeckLocation.Discard));

			// Move Duration (and Duration-modifying) cards from In Play into Set Aside
			this.MoveInPlayToSetAside(c => cardsToMove.Contains(c) && cardsToMove[c].CurrentLocation == DeckLocation.InPlay && cardsToMove[c].Destination == DeckLocation.SetAside);

			// Move any cards that have had their Destination changed to their appropriate locations
			IEnumerable<Card> replaceCards = cardsToMove.Where(cm => cm.Destination == DeckLocation.Deck).Select(cm => cm.Card);
			if (replaceCards.Count() > 0)
				Choice replaceChoice = new Choice("Choose order of cards to put back on your deck", null, replaceCards, this, true, replaceCards.Count(), replaceCards.Count());
				ChoiceResult replaceResult = this.MakeChoice(replaceChoice);
				this.RetrieveCardsFrom(DeckLocation.InPlay, c => cardsToMove[c].CurrentLocation == DeckLocation.InPlay && replaceResult.Cards.Contains(c));
				this.RetrieveCardsFrom(DeckLocation.SetAside, c => cardsToMove[c].CurrentLocation == DeckLocation.SetAside && replaceResult.Cards.Contains(c));
				this.AddCardsToDeck(replaceResult.Cards, DeckPosition.Top);

			if (this.InPlay.Count > 0)
				throw new Exception("Something happened -- there are cards left in the player's In Play area!");

			if (CurrentTurn != null)

			_Actions = _Buys = 0;
			_Currency.Coin.Value = 0;
			_Currency.Potion.Value = 0;
			_ActionsPlayed = 0;

			// Check to see that there are no duplicate cards anywhere
			CardCollection allCards = new CardCollection();
			allCards.AddRange(this.DrawPile.LookThrough(c => true));
			allCards.AddRange(this.DiscardPile.LookThrough(c => true));
			foreach (CardMat mat in this.PlayerMats.Values)

			ParallelQuery<Card> duplicateCards = allCards.AsParallel().Where(c => allCards.Count(ct => ct == c) > 1);

			//IEnumerable<Card> duplicateCards = allCards.FindAll(c => allCards.Count(ct => ct == c) > 1);
			if (duplicateCards.Count() > 0)
				// Ruh Roh
				throw new Exception("Duplicate cards found!  Something went wrong!");

			if (CleanedUp != null)
				CleanedUp(this, new CleanedUpEventArgs(this, drawSize));
			if (TurnEnded != null)
				TurnEnded(this, new TurnEndedEventArgs(this));
Esempio n. 4
 public CleaningUpEventArgs(Player player, int drawSize, ref CardMovementCollection cardsMovements)
     this.CurrentPlayer  = player;
     this.DrawSize       = drawSize;
     this.CardsMovements = cardsMovements;