Esempio n. 1
        public Bataille()
            YACE.YACEParameters parameters = new YACEParameters();

            CardDefinition battailDefinition = new CardDefinition()
                Name = "BatailleCard",

            parameters.ResourceDefinitions = new ResourceDefinition[]
                new ResourceDefinition
                    Name          = "Multiplier",
                    BaseValue     = 1,
                    IsPlayerBound = true,
                    MinValue      = 1,

                new ResourceDefinition
                    Name          = "Score",
                    BaseValue     = 0,
                    IsPlayerBound = true,

            parameters.ZoneDefinitions = new ZoneDefinition[]
                new ZoneDefinition
                    Name          = "MainDeck",
                    IsPlayerBound = false,
                    IsOrdered     = false,
                new ZoneDefinition
                    Name          = "PlayerHand",
                    IsPlayerBound = true,
                    IsOrdered     = false,
                new ZoneDefinition
                    Name = "DiscardPile",

            yace = new YACE.YACE(parameters);
            CardInstance lastCard = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
                CardInstance card = new CardInstance(battailDefinition);
                card.AddTag("Value", i + 1);
                yace.SetCardToZone(card, "MainDeck");
                lastCard = card;

Esempio n. 2
 public void SetUp()
     _cardDefinition = new CardDefinition()
         CardType = CardType.Battlefield,
Esempio n. 3
    /// <summary>
    /// Damage of other card against me.
    /// </summary>
    public double GetDamage(Card card)
        CardDefinition def = card.definition;

        double value = 0;

        switch (definition.type.type)
        case CardTypes.TYPE.RANGED:
            value = def.archerAttackDamage;

        case CardTypes.TYPE.FLYING:
            value = def.flyingAttackDamage;

        case CardTypes.TYPE.MELEE:
            value = def.meleeAttackDamage;


        if (hasShield)
            value *= definition.shieldReduction;

Esempio n. 4
    private List <Card> SpawnEnemyCards(BoardPlayer me, BoardPlayer enemy, CardDefinitionHolder[] cardHoldersToSpawn, GameObject[] spawnPoints, Vector3 offset)
        List <Card> cards = new List <Card>();

        for (int i = 0; i < cardHoldersToSpawn.Length; i++)
            CardDefinition cardDefinition = cardHoldersToSpawn[i].CardDefinition;
            int            index          = cardHoldersToSpawn[i].Position;

            Card card = Summon(cardDefinition);
            card.owner       = me;
            card.enemy       = enemy;
            card.gameManager = GameManager;
            card.slotNumber  = index;

            GameObject cardGO = card.gameObject;

            card.SpawnPointImage = spawnPoints[index].GetComponent <Image>();

            cardGO.transform.SetParent(spawnPoints[index].transform, false);
            cardGO.transform.localPosition = offset;

Esempio n. 5

    public void Load(CardDefinition def)
        this.def = def;
        // Meta
        duration = def.json["duration"].AsInt;
        try {
            shotType = (ShotType)Enum.Parse(typeof(ShotType), def.json["shotType"]);
        catch { }
            cardType = (CardType)Enum.Parse(typeof(CardType), def.json["cardType"]);
        catch { }
        // Projectiles
        shotCount             = def.json["shotCount"].AsInt;
        shotSpeed             = def.json["projectileSpeed"].AsFloat;
        shotCountScalar       = def.json["shotCountScalar"].AsFloat;
        shotCountModifier     = def.json["shotCountModifier"].AsInt;
        shotFrequency         = def.json["shotFrequency"].AsFloat;
        shotFrequencyScalar   = def.json["shotFrequencyScalar"].AsFloat;
        shotFrequencyModifier = def.json["shotFrequencyModifier"].AsFloat;
        shotSpread            = def.json["shotSpread"].AsFloat;
        shotSpreadScalar      = def.json["shotSpreadScalar"].AsFloat;
        shotSpreadModifier    = def.json["shotSpreadModifier"].AsFloat;
        // Player Stats
        recieveDamageScalar   = def.json["recieveDamageScalar"].AsFloat;
        receiveDamageModifier = def.json["receiveDamageModifier"].AsInt;
Esempio n. 6
    public void Load(CardDefinition def)
        definition = def;
        switch (definition.type)
        case CardDefinition.TYPE.POWER:
            tabColor.color    = UIManager.instance.powerPallet.primary;
            handleColor.color = UIManager.instance.powerPallet.primary;
            baseColor         = UIManager.instance.powerPallet.primary;
            hueColor          = UIManager.instance.powerPallet.hue;

        case CardDefinition.TYPE.MOVEMENT:
            tabColor.color    = UIManager.instance.movementPallet.primary;
            handleColor.color = UIManager.instance.movementPallet.primary;
            baseColor         = UIManager.instance.movementPallet.primary;
            hueColor          = UIManager.instance.movementPallet.hue;

        case CardDefinition.TYPE.UTILITY:
            tabColor.color    = UIManager.instance.utilityPallet.primary;
            handleColor.color = UIManager.instance.utilityPallet.primary;
            baseColor         = UIManager.instance.utilityPallet.primary;
            hueColor          = UIManager.instance.utilityPallet.hue;

Esempio n. 7
    internal void RemoveProjectile(CardDefinition def)
        for (int i = projectileEffects.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            if (projectileEffects[i].Value == null)
            if (projectileEffects[i].Value.def != def)

            for (int obj = timeObjectList.Count - 1; obj >= 0; obj--)
                if (timeObjectList[obj] == null)
                if (timeObjectList[obj].effect == projectileEffects[i].Value)

Esempio n. 8
    // Use this for initialization
    public List <Card> SpawnPlayerCards(BoardPlayer me, BoardPlayer enemy, CardDefinitionHolder[] cardHolders)
        List <Card> cards = new List <Card>();

        for (int i = 0; i < cardHolders.Length; i++)
            CardDefinition cardDefinition = cardHolders[i].CardDefinition;

            Card card = Summon(cardDefinition);
            card.owner       = me;
            card.enemy       = enemy;
            card.gameManager = GameManager;
            card.slotNumber  = i;

            card.SpawnPointImage = playerSpawnPoints[i].GetComponent <Image>();

            GameObject cardGO = card.gameObject;

            cardGO.transform.SetParent(playerSpawnPoints[i].transform, false);
            cardGO.transform.localPosition = playerOffset;

Esempio n. 9
    public void ReadDeck(string deckXMLText)
        xmlr = new PT_XMLReader();
        string s = "xml[0] decorator [0]";

        s += "type=" + xmlr.xml["xml"][0]["decorator"][0].att("type");
        s += "x=" + xmlr.xml["xml"][0]["decorator"][0].att("x");
        s += "y=" + xmlr.xml["xml"][0]["decorator"][0].att("y");
        s += "scale=" + xmlr.xml["xml"][0]["decorator"][0].att("scale");
        //print (s);

        decorators = new List <Decorator>();
        PT_XMLHashList xDecos = xmlr.xml["xml"][0]["decorator"];
        Decorator      deco;

        for (int i = 0; i < xDecos.Count; i++)
            deco       = new Decorator();
            deco.type  = xDecos[i].att("type");
            deco.flip  = (xDecos[i].att("flip") == "1");
            deco.scale = float.Parse(xDecos[i].att("scale"));
            deco.loc.x = float.Parse(xDecos[i].att("x"));
            deco.loc.y = float.Parse(xDecos[i].att("y"));
            deco.loc.z = float.Parse(xDecos[i].att("z"));
        cardDefs = new List <CardDefinition> ();
        PT_XMLHashList xCardDefs = xmlr.xml["xml"][0]["card"];

        for (int i = 0; i < xCardDefs.Count; i++)
            CardDefinition cDef = new CardDefinition();
            cDef.rank = int.Parse(xCardDefs[i].att("rank"));
            PT_XMLHashList xPips = xCardDefs[i]["pip"];
            if (xPips != null)
                for (int j = 0; j < xPips.Count; j++)
                    deco       = new Decorator();
                    deco.type  = "pip";
                    deco.flip  = (xPips[j].att("flip") == "1");
                    deco.loc.x = float.Parse(xPips[j].att("x"));
                    deco.loc.y = float.Parse(xPips[j].att("y"));
                    deco.loc.z = float.Parse(xPips[j].att("z"));
                    if (xPips[j].HasAtt("scale"))
                        deco.scale = float.Parse(xPips[j].att("scale"));
            if (xCardDefs[i].HasAtt("face"))
                cDef.face = xCardDefs[i].att("face");
Esempio n. 10
    /*** Server Side Actions ***/

    private bool ServerSidePlayCard(CardDefinition cardDefinition, bool playedByHost)
        if (!isServer)
            Debug.LogError("Server side play card ran on not the server.");

        if (cardDefinition is ResourceCardDefinition)
            Debug.Log("Player playing a resource card.");

            if (hasPlayedAResourceThisTurn)
                Debug.Log("Player has already played a resource card this turn.");

            maxResourcesPerTurn       += ((ResourceCardDefinition)cardDefinition).ResourcesGiven;
            currentResources          += ((ResourceCardDefinition)cardDefinition).ResourcesGiven;
            hasPlayedAResourceThisTurn = true;
        else if (cardDefinition is SpellCardDefinition)
            SpellCardDefinition spellCard = (SpellCardDefinition)cardDefinition;
            if (spellCard.ManaCost > currentResources)
                Debug.Log("Player doesn't have enough resources (current = " + currentResources.ToString() + ") to cast that spell with cost: " + spellCard.ManaCost.ToString());

            currentResources -= spellCard.ManaCost;

            if (cardDefinition is CreatureCardDefinition)
                Debug.Log("Player playing a creature card.");
                NetworkedGameManager.SingletonGameManager.PlayCreature((CreatureCardDefinition)cardDefinition, playedByHost);
                Debug.Log("Player playing a spell card.");
                NetworkedGameManager.SingletonGameManager.PlaySpell((SpellCardDefinition)cardDefinition, playedByHost);

        if (isLocalPlayer)

        RpcPlayerSuccessfullyPlaysCard(cardDefinition.CardID, playedByHost);

Esempio n. 11
    private void CmdPlayerPlaysCard(int cardID, bool playedByHost)
        CardDefinition card = CardDefinition.GetCardDefinitionWithID(cardID);

        if (ServerSidePlayCard(card, playedByHost))
            RpcPlayerSuccessfullyPlaysCard(cardID, playedByHost);
Esempio n. 12
    public void Load(CardDefinition def)
        definition = def;
        Navigation nav = selectable.navigation;

        nav.selectOnUp        = UICenter.instance.selectable;
        selectable.navigation = nav;
Esempio n. 13
    public static IEnumerator MoveBy(CardDefinition definition, Card card, Player player)
        var count = GetIntParam(definition, card, "count", 0);

        if (count == 0)
            yield break;

        var allPlayers = GetIntParam(definition, card, "allPlayers", 0);

        if (allPlayers != 0)
            yield return(new WaitForCamera());

            var game     = GameController.instance;
            var routines = new UnityCoroutine[game.playersCount];

            for (int i = 0; i < game.playersCount; ++i)
                var currentPlayer = game.players[i];
                routines[i] = new UnityCoroutine(currentPlayer.MoveBy(count));
                while (routines[i].state != UnityCoroutine.CoroutineState.Finished)
                    yield return(null);
                    //buggy all moving but just the first one get card effect from moving

            foreach (var routine in routines)
                yield return(new WaitForRoutine(routine));

            var playerIdx = GetIntParam(definition, card, "playerIdx", player.playerNumber);
            if (playerIdx < 0 || playerIdx >= GameController.instance.playersCount)
                yield break;

            var targetPlayer = GameController.instance.players[playerIdx];
            yield return(new WaitForCamera());

            yield return(targetPlayer.MoveBy(count));

Esempio n. 14
    private void OnGUI()
        text = EditorGUILayout.TextArea(text);
        if (GUILayout.Button("Validate"))
            json = JSON.Parse(text)["data"];
        bool valid = (json != null && json.IsArray);

        if (GUILayout.Button("Clear"))
        if (GUILayout.Button("Process"))
            Texture2D tex   = new Texture2D(256, 256);
            Color[]   color = tex.GetPixels();
            for (int y = 0; y < tex.width; y++)
                if (y > 42 && y < tex.width - 42)
                for (int x = 0; x < tex.height; x++)
                    color[x + (y * tex.width)] =;
            byte[] data = tex.EncodeToPNG();

            for (int i = 0; i < json.Count; i++)
                CardDefinition card = CreateInstance <CardDefinition>();

                AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(card, "Assets/CardDefinitions/" + card.assetName + ".asset");

                if (!File.Exists(Application.dataPath + "/CardDefinitions/Resources/" + card.assetName + ".png"))
                    File.Create(Application.dataPath + "/CardDefinitions/Resources/" + card.assetName + ".png").Close();
                    File.WriteAllBytes(Application.dataPath + "/CardDefinitions/Resources/" + card.assetName + ".png", data);
        for (int i = 0; i < cardList.Count; i++)
Esempio n. 15
    internal static CardDefinition Create(Card card)
        CardDefinition def = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <CardDefinition>();


        // TODO if upgraded, should be done directly by changing card definition
        // This might be redundant

Esempio n. 16
        public void DisplayAllTest()
            var sb = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (var c in CardDefinition.GetAll())
Esempio n. 17
        public Character Build(CardDefinition card, int numberOfDice)
            if (card.CardType != Domain.CardType.Character)
                throw new Exception("Card is not a character.");
            var character = new Character(card.Name, card.Faction, card.Affiliation, card.Health.Value, card.DieDefinition, card.IsUnique, card.Points.Value, card.ElitePoints);

            Enumerable.Range(1, numberOfDice).ToList().ForEach(i => { character.AddDie(); });
        public Support Build(CardDefinition card)
            if (card.CardType != Domain.CardType.Support)
                throw new Exception("Card is not a support.");
            var support = new Support(card.Name, card.Faction, card.Affiliation, card.Cost.Value, card.SubType, card.DieDefinition);

            //TODO - add behaviors
        public EventCard Build(CardDefinition card)
            if (card.CardType != Domain.CardType.Event)
                throw new Exception("Card is not an event.");
            var @event = new EventCard(card.Name, card.Faction, card.Affiliation, card.Cost.Value);

            //TODO - add behaviors
Esempio n. 20
    public static IEnumerator ShowBoard(CardDefinition definition, Card card, Player player)
        var time = GetIntParam(definition, card, "time", 5);

        yield return(new WaitForCamera());

        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(time));

        public Battlefield Build(CardDefinition card)
            if (card.CardType != Domain.CardType.Battlefield)
                throw new Exception("Card is not a Battlefield.");
            var battlefield = new Battlefield(card.Name);

            //TODO - add behaviors
Esempio n. 22
    private static string GetStringParam(CardDefinition definition, Card card, string key, string defaultValue = "")
        var data = card.ReadData(key) as string;

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(data))

        return(definition.GetParameter(key, defaultValue));
Esempio n. 23
        public Upgrade Build(CardDefinition card)
            if (card.CardType != Domain.CardType.Upgrade)
                throw new Exception("Card is not an Upgrade.");
            var upgrade = new Upgrade(card.Name, card.Faction, card.Affiliation, card.Cost.Value, card.SubType, card.DieDefinition);

            //TODO - add behaviors
Esempio n. 24
 public void SetUp()
     _cardDefinition = new CardDefinition()
         CardType    = CardType.Event,
         Faction     = Faction.Command,
         Cost        = 4,
         SubType     = SubType.Vehicle,
         Affiliation = Affiliation.Villian,
         HasDie      = true,
Esempio n. 25
    public static IEnumerator ModifyTurns(CardDefinition definition, Card card, Player player)
        var playerIdx = GetIntParam(definition, card, "playerIdx", player.playerNumber);
        var count     = GetIntParam(definition, card, "turns", 1);

        if (playerIdx >= 0 && playerIdx < GameController.instance.playersCount)
            GameController.instance.players[playerIdx].numberOfTurns += count;

Esempio n. 26
    private Card SpawnCard(CardDefinition definition)
        var rotation   = transform.rotation * Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 180);
        var position   = transform.position + Vector3.up * 2;
        var newCardObj = Instantiate(cardPrefab, position, rotation);
        var newCard    = newCardObj.GetComponent <Card>() ?? newCardObj.AddComponent <Card>();

        newCard.deck = this;

Esempio n. 27
        public void TimeLoadTest()
            var maxLoadTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1);

            using (new TimeTracker(t => {
                Console.WriteLine("CardDefinition.Load() took {0} to complete.", t);
                Assert.IsTrue(t < maxLoadTime);
Esempio n. 28
    public CardDefinition GetCardDefinition()
        CardDefinition card = null;

        if (m_Cards.Count > 0)
            int cardIndex = Random.Range(0, m_Cards.Count);
            card = m_Cards[cardIndex];
 public void SetUp()
     _cardDefinition = new CardDefinition()
         CardType      = CardType.Upgrade,
         Faction       = Faction.Command,
         Cost          = 2,
         SubType       = SubType.Equipment,
         Affiliation   = Affiliation.Villian,
         HasDie        = true,
         DieDefinition = TestUtils.GetValidDieDefinition()
Esempio n. 30
    internal static void CardTriggered(CardDefinition definition)
        int slot = UIManager.skillManager.PlaceTab(definition, GameManager.instance.percentThroughTurn);

        if (slot == -1)
        CardEffect effect = new CardEffect();

        UIManager.CETurnManager.AddEffect(UISkillBar.SlotToGT(slot), effect);
Esempio n. 31
    // ReadDeck parses the XML file passed to it into CardDefinitions
    public void ReadDeck(string deckXMLText)
        xmlr = new PT_XMLReader(); // Create a new PT_XMLReader
        xmlr.Parse(deckXMLText);   // Use that PT_XMLReader to parse DeckXML

        // This prints a test line to show you how xmlr can be used.
        // For more information read about XML in the Useful Concepts Appendix
        string s = "xml[0] decorator[0] ";
        s += "type=" + xmlr.xml["xml"][0]["decorator"][0].att("type");
        s += " x=" + xmlr.xml["xml"][0]["decorator"][0].att("x");
        s += " y=" + xmlr.xml["xml"][0]["decorator"][0].att("y");
        s += " scale=" + xmlr.xml["xml"][0]["decorator"][0].att("scale");
        //print(s); // Comment out this line, since we're done with the test

        // Read decorators for all Cards
        decorators = new List<Decorator>(); // Init the List of Decorators
        // Grab a PT_XMLHashList of all <decorator>s in the XML file
        PT_XMLHashList xDecos = xmlr.xml["xml"][0]["decorator"];
        Decorator deco;
        for (int i = 0; i < xDecos.Count; i++)
            // For each <decorator> in the XML
            deco = new Decorator(); // Make a new Decorator
            // Copy the attributes of the <decorator> to the Decorator
            deco.type = xDecos[i].att("type");
            // Set the bool flip based on whether the text of the attribute is
            //   "1" or something else. This is an atypical but perfectly fine
            //   use of the == comparison operator. It will return a true or
            //   false, which will be assigned to deco.flip.
            deco.flip = (xDecos[i].att("flip") == "1");
            // floats need to be parsed from the attribute strings
            deco.scale = float.Parse(xDecos[i].att("scale"));
            // Vector3 loc initializes to [0,0,0], so we just need to modify it
            deco.loc.x = float.Parse(xDecos[i].att("x"));
            deco.loc.y = float.Parse(xDecos[i].att("y"));
            deco.loc.z = float.Parse(xDecos[i].att("z"));
            // Add the temporary deco to the List decorators

        // Read pip locations for each card number
        cardDefs = new List<CardDefinition>(); // Init the List of Cards
        // Grab a PT_XMLHashList of all the <card>s in the XML file
        PT_XMLHashList xCardDefs = xmlr.xml["xml"][0]["card"];
        for (int i = 0; i < xCardDefs.Count; i++)
            // For each of the <card>s
            // Create a new CardDefinition
            CardDefinition cDef = new CardDefinition();
            // Parse the attribute values and add them to cDef
            cDef.rank = int.Parse(xCardDefs[i].att("rank"));
            // Grab a PT_XMLHashList of all the <pip>s on this <card>
            PT_XMLHashList xPips = xCardDefs[i]["pip"];
            if (xPips != null)
                for (int j = 0; j < xPips.Count; j++)
                    // Iterate through all the <pip>s
                    deco = new Decorator();
                    // <pip>s on the <card> are handled via the Decorator Class
                    deco.type = "pip";
                    deco.flip = (xPips[j].att("flip") == "1");
                    deco.loc.x = float.Parse(xPips[j].att("x"));
                    deco.loc.y = float.Parse(xPips[j].att("y"));
                    deco.loc.z = float.Parse(xPips[j].att("z"));
                    if (xPips[j].HasAtt("scale"))
                        deco.scale = float.Parse(xPips[j].att("scale"));
            // Face cards (Jack, Queen, & King) have a face attribute
            // cDef.face is the base name of the face card Sprite
            // e.g., FaceCard_11 is the base name for the Jack face Sprites
            // the Jack of Clubs is FaceCard_11C, hearts is FaceCard_11H, etc.
            if (xCardDefs[i].HasAtt("face"))
                cDef.face = xCardDefs[i].att("face");

Esempio n. 32
    public void ReadDeck(string deckXMLText)
        xmlr = new PT_XMLReader();

        string s = "xml[0] decorator[0] ";
        s += "type="+xmlr.xml["xml"][0]["decorator"][0].att ("type");
        s += " x="+xmlr.xml["xml"][0]["decorator"][0].att ("x");
        s += " y="+xmlr.xml["xml"][0]["decorator"][0].att ("y");
        s += " scale="+xmlr.xml["xml"][0]["decorator"][0].att ("scale");

        decorators = new List<Decorator>();
        PT_XMLHashList xDecos = xmlr.xml["xml"][0]["decorator"];
        Decorator deco;

        for (int i=0; i<xDecos.Count; i++) {
            deco = new Decorator();
            deco.type = xDecos[i].att("type");
            deco.flip = (xDecos[i].att ("flip") == "1");
            deco.scale = float.Parse (xDecos[i].att ("scale"));
            deco.loc.x = float.Parse (xDecos[i].att ("x"));
            deco.loc.y = float.Parse (xDecos[i].att ("y"));
            deco.loc.z = float.Parse (xDecos[i].att ("z"));
            decorators.Add (deco);

        cardDefs = new List<CardDefinition>();
        PT_XMLHashList xCardDefs = xmlr.xml["xml"][0]["card"];

        for (int i=0; i<xCardDefs.Count; i++){

            CardDefinition cDef = new CardDefinition();
            cDef.rank = int.Parse(xCardDefs[i].att ("rank"));
            PT_XMLHashList xPips = xCardDefs[i]["pip"];
            if (xPips != null) {
                for (int j=0; j<xPips.Count; j++) {
                    deco = new Decorator();
                    deco.type = "pip";
                    deco.flip = (xPips[j].att ("flip") == "1");
                    deco.loc.x = float.Parse(xPips[j].att ("x"));
                    deco.loc.y = float.Parse(xPips[j].att ("y"));
                    deco.loc.z = float.Parse(xPips[j].att ("z"));
                    if (xPips[j].HasAtt("scale")){
                        deco.scale = float.Parse(xPips[j].att ("scale"));
            if (xCardDefs[i].HasAtt("face")) {
                cDef.face = xCardDefs[i].att ("face");
Esempio n. 33
    //ReadDeck parses the XML file passed to it into CardDefinitions
    public void ReadDeck(string deckXMLText)
        xmlr = new PT_XMLReader(); //Create a new PT_XMLReader
        xmlr.Parse(deckXMLText); //use that PT_XMLREeader to parse DeckXML

        //This prints a test line to show you how xmlr can be used

        string s = "xml[0] decorator[0] ";
        s += "type="+xmlr.xml["xml"][0]["decorator"][0].att ("type");
        s += " x="+xmlr.xml["xml"][0]["decorator"][0].att ("x");
        s += " y="+xmlr.xml["xml"][0]["decorator"][0].att ("y");
        s += " scale="+xmlr.xml["xml"][0]["decorator"][0].att ("scale");
        //print (s);

        //Read decorators for all Cards
        decorators = new List<Decorator>();
        //Grab a PT_XMLHasList of all <decorators> in the XML file
        PT_XMLHashList xDecos = xmlr.xml["xml"][0]["decorator"];
        Decorator deco;

        for (int i=0; i<xDecos.Count; i++) {
            deco = new Decorator(); //Make a new decorator
            //Copy the attributes of the <decorator> to the Decorator
            deco.type = xDecos[i].att("type");
            //Set the bool flip based on whether the text of the attribute is "1" or
            //something else. This is an atypical but perfectly fine use of the == comparison
            //operator. It will return a true or false, which will be assigned to deco.flip
            deco.flip = (xDecos[i].att ("flip") == "1");
            //floats need to be parsed from the attributes strings
            deco.scale = float.Parse (xDecos[i].att ("scale"));
            //Vector3 loc initalizes to [0,0,0], so we just need to modify it
            deco.loc.x = float.Parse (xDecos[i].att ("x"));
            deco.loc.y = float.Parse (xDecos[i].att ("y"));
            deco.loc.z = float.Parse (xDecos[i].att ("z"));
            //add the temp deco to the List decorators
            decorators.Add (deco);

        //Read pip locations for each card number
        cardDefs = new List<CardDefinition>(); //init the list of cards
        //grab a PT_XMLHashList of all the <cards>s in the XML file
        PT_XMLHashList xCardDefs = xmlr.xml["xml"][0]["card"];

        for (int i=0; i<xCardDefs.Count; i++){
            //For each of the <card>s
            //Create a new CArdDefinition
            CardDefinition cDef = new CardDefinition();
            //Parse the attribute values and add them to cDef
            cDef.rank = int.Parse(xCardDefs[i].att ("rank"));
            //Grab a PT_XMLHashList of all the <pip>s on this <card>
            PT_XMLHashList xPips = xCardDefs[i]["pip"];
            if (xPips != null) {
                for (int j=0; j<xPips.Count; j++) {
                    //Iterate through all the <pip>s
                    deco = new Decorator();
                    //<pip>s on the card> are handled via the DEcorator Class
                    deco.type = "pip";
                    deco.flip = (xPips[j].att ("flip") == "1");
                    deco.loc.x = float.Parse(xPips[j].att ("x"));
                    deco.loc.y = float.Parse(xPips[j].att ("y"));
                    deco.loc.z = float.Parse(xPips[j].att ("z"));
                    if (xPips[j].HasAtt("scale")){
                        deco.scale = float.Parse(xPips[j].att ("scale"));
            //FAce cards have a face attribute
            //cDef.face is the base name of the face card Sprite
            //e.g. FAceCard_11 is the base name for the Jack face Sprites
            //the Jack of Clubs is FaceCard_11C, hearts is FaceCard_11H, etc.
            if (xCardDefs[i].HasAtt("face")) {
                cDef.face = xCardDefs[i].att ("face");
Esempio n. 34
File: Deck.cs Progetto: 9/Prospector
    // ReadDeck parses the XML file passed to it into Card Definitions
    public void ReadDeck(string deckXMLText)
        xmlr = new PT_XMLReader ();
        xmlr.Parse (deckXMLText);

        // print a test line
        string s = "xml[0] decorator [0] ";
        s += "type=" + xmlr.xml ["xml"] [0] ["decorator"] [0].att ("type");
        s += " x=" + xmlr.xml ["xml"] [0] ["decorator"] [0].att ("x");
        s += " y=" + xmlr.xml ["xml"] [0] ["decorator"] [0].att ("y");
        s += " scale=" + xmlr.xml ["xml"] [0] ["decorator"] [0].att ("scale");
        print (s);

        //Read decorators for all cards
        // these are the small numbers/suits in the corners
        decorators = new List<Decorator>();
        // grab all decorators from the XML file
        PT_XMLHashList xDecos = xmlr.xml["xml"][0]["decorator"];
        Decorator deco;
        for (int i=0; i<xDecos.Count; i++) {
            // for each decorator in the XML, copy attributes and set up location and flip if needed
            deco = new Decorator();
            deco.type = xDecos[i].att ("type");
            deco.flip = (xDecos[i].att ("flip") == "1");   // too cute by half - if it's 1, set to 1, else set to 0
            deco.scale = float.Parse (xDecos[i].att("scale"));
            deco.loc.x = float.Parse (xDecos[i].att("x"));
            deco.loc.y = float.Parse (xDecos[i].att("y"));
            deco.loc.z = float.Parse (xDecos[i].att("z"));
            decorators.Add (deco);

        // read pip locations for each card rank
        // read the card definitions, parse attribute values for pips
        cardDefs = new List<CardDefinition>();
        PT_XMLHashList xCardDefs = xmlr.xml["xml"][0]["card"];

        for (int i=0; i<xCardDefs.Count; i++) {
            // for each carddef in the XML, copy attributes and set up in cDef
            CardDefinition cDef = new CardDefinition();
            cDef.rank = int.Parse(xCardDefs[i].att("rank"));

            PT_XMLHashList xPips = xCardDefs[i]["pip"];
            if (xPips != null) {
                for (int j = 0; j < xPips.Count; j++) {
                    deco = new Decorator();
                    deco.type = "pip";
                    deco.flip = (xPips[j].att ("flip") == "1");   // too cute by half - if it's 1, set to 1, else set to 0

                    deco.loc.x = float.Parse (xPips[j].att("x"));
                    deco.loc.y = float.Parse (xPips[j].att("y"));
                    deco.loc.z = float.Parse (xPips[j].att("z"));
                    if(xPips[j].HasAtt("scale") ) {
                        deco.scale = float.Parse (xPips[j].att("scale"));
                    cDef.pips.Add (deco);
                } // for j
            }// if xPips

            // if it's a face card, map the proper sprite
            // foramt is ##A, where ## in 11, 12, 13 and A is letter indicating suit
            if (xCardDefs[i].HasAtt("face")){
                cDef.face = xCardDefs[i].att ("face");
            cardDefs.Add (cDef);
        } // for i < xCardDefs.Count
Esempio n. 35
	//ReadDeck parses the XML file passed to it into CardDefinitions
	public void ReadDeck(string deckXMLText)
		xmlr = new PT_XMLReader();  //Create a new PT_XMLReader
		xmlr.Parse(deckXMLText);  //Use that PT_XMLReader to parse DeckXML
		//This prints a test line to show you how xmlr can be used.
		//For more info read about XML in the Useful Concepts section of book
		string s = "xmlr.xml[0] decorator[0]";
		s += "type="+xmlr.xml["xml"][0]["decorator"][0].att("type");
		s += " x="+xmlr.xml["xml"][0]["decorator"][0].att("x");
		s += " y="+xmlr.xml["xml"][0]["decorator"][0].att("y");
		s += " scale="+xmlr.xml["xml"][0]["decorator"][0].att("scale");
		//print(s);  //Done with this test now
		//Read decorators for all Cards
		decorators = new List<Decorator>();  //Init the list of Decorator
		//Grab a PT_XMLHashList of all <decorator>s in the XML file
		PT_XMLHashList xDecos = xmlr.xml["xml"][0]["decorator"];
		Decorator deco;
		for (int i=0; i<xDecos.Count; i++)
			//For each decorator in the xml
			deco = new Decorator();  //Make new Decorator
			//Copy the attributes of the <decorator> to the Decorator
			deco.type = xDecos[i].att("type");
			//Set the bool flip based on bwether the text of the attribute is 
			//"1" or something else.  This is an atypical but perfectly fine
			//use of the == comparison operator.  It will return a true or 
			//false, which will be assigned to deco.flip.
			deco.flip = (xDecos[i].att ("flip") == "1");
			//floats need to be parsed from the attribute strings
			deco.scale = float.Parse(xDecos[i].att ("scale"));
			//Vector3 loc initializes to [0,0,0], so we just need to modify it
			deco.loc.x = float.Parse(xDecos[i].att ("x"));
			deco.loc.y = float.Parse(xDecos[i].att ("y"));
			deco.loc.z = float.Parse(xDecos[i].att ("z"));
			//Add the temporary deco to the list decorators
			decorators.Add (deco);
		//Read pip locations for each card number
		cardDefs = new List<CardDefinition>();  //Init the list of cards
		//Grab a PT_XMLHashList of all the <card>s in the xml file
		PT_XMLHashList xCardDefs = xmlr.xml["xml"][0]["card"];
		for (int i=0; i<xCardDefs.Count; i++)
			//for each of the <card>s
			//create new CardDefinition
			CardDefinition cDef = new CardDefinition();
			//parse the attribute values and add them to cDef
			cDef.rank = int.Parse(xCardDefs[i].att ("rank"));
			//Grab a PT_XMLHashList of all the <pip>s on this <card>
			PT_XMLHashList xPips = xCardDefs[i]["pip"];
			if (xPips != null)
				for (int j=0; j<xPips.Count; j++)
					//Iterate through all of the <pip>s
					deco = new Decorator();
					//<pip>s on the <card> are handled via the decorator class
					deco.type = "pip";
					deco.flip = (xPips[j].att ("flip") == "1");
					deco.loc.x = float.Parse(xPips[j].att ("x"));
					deco.loc.y = float.Parse(xPips[j].att ("y"));
					deco.loc.z = float.Parse(xPips[j].att ("z"));
					if (xPips[j].HasAtt("scale"))
						deco.scale = float.Parse(xPips[j].att ("scale"));
			//Face cards (Jack, King, Queen) have a face attribute
			//cDef.face is the name of the face card Sprite
			//e.g., Jack of clubs is FaceCard_11c, hearts is FaceCard_11H, etc.
			if (xCardDefs[i].HasAtt("face"))
				cDef.face = xCardDefs[i].att ("face");
        private CardDefinition completeCardWithLevelDependentValue(HtmlNode cardNode, CardDefinition cardToComplete)
            HtmlDocument cardHtml = new HtmlDocument();
            HtmlDocument cardDetailHtml = new HtmlDocument();
            String Regexp;
            Match match;
            String matchResult;

            String creaturetype;
            String cardType;
            String cardtext;
            int lvlattack = 0;
            int lvlhealth = 0;
            int cardLevel = 0;

            cardHtml.LoadHtml((cardNode.InnerHtml.Replace("<br />", "").Replace("<br>", "").Replace("\t", "")));

            Regexp = "(Level ([1234]))";
            match = Regex.Match(cardDetailHtml.DocumentNode.InnerHtml, Regexp);
            if (match.Success)
                matchResult = match.Groups[2].Value;
                cardLevel = int.Parse(matchResult);
            creaturetype = "";
            cardtext = "";
            Regexp = "((Creature)[ +]-[ +]([a-zA-Z. ,]+))";
            match = Regex.Match(cardDetailHtml.DocumentNode.InnerHtml, Regexp);
            if (match.Success)
                matchResult = match.Groups[3].Value;
                creaturetype = matchResult.Trim();
                cardType = "Creature";
                Regexp = "((" + creaturetype + ")([a-zA-Z1-9:.\\-\\+,' ]+))";
                String html = @cardDetailHtml.DocumentNode.InnerHtml;
                String result = Regex.Replace(html.Replace("\r\n", "").Replace("\"", ""), @"<[^>]*>", String.Empty);
                match = Regex.Match(result, Regexp);
                if (match.Success)
                    matchResult = match.Groups[3].Value;
                    cardtext = matchResult.Trim();
                cardType = "Spell";
                Regexp = "((Spell)([a-zA-Z1-9:.\\-\\+,' ]+))";
                String html = @cardDetailHtml.DocumentNode.InnerHtml;
                String result = Regex.Replace(html.Replace("\r\n", "").Replace("\"", ""), @"<[^>]*>", String.Empty);
                match = Regex.Match(result, Regexp);
                if (match.Success)
                    matchResult = match.Groups[3].Value;
                    cardtext = matchResult.Trim();

            if (cardHtml.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//div[@class='mobiletrigger']")[0].InnerText.Contains("Creature"))
                lvlattack = int.Parse(cardHtml.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//span[@class='ico attack']")[0].InnerText);
                lvlhealth = int.Parse(cardHtml.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//span[@class='ico health']")[0].InnerText);
            switch (cardLevel)
                case 1:
                    if (cardType == "Creature")
                        cardToComplete.Level1Attack = lvlattack;
                        cardToComplete.Level1Health = lvlhealth;
                    cardToComplete.Level1Description = cardtext;
                case 2:
                    if (cardType == "Creature")
                        cardToComplete.Level2Attack = lvlattack;
                        cardToComplete.Level2Health = lvlhealth;
                    cardToComplete.Level2Description = cardtext;
                case 3:
                    if (cardType == "Creature")
                        cardToComplete.Level3Attack = lvlattack;
                        cardToComplete.Level3Health = lvlhealth;
                    cardToComplete.Level3Description = cardtext;
                case 4:
                    if (cardType == "Creature")
                        cardToComplete.Level4Attack = lvlattack;
                        cardToComplete.Level4Health = lvlhealth;
                    cardToComplete.Level4Description = cardtext;
            return cardToComplete;
Esempio n. 37
        public static void LoadDefinitionFromFile()
            m_ListOfCards = new List<CardDefinition>();
            String CardName;
            String ClassName;
            CardDefinition CurrCard;
            StreamReader reader;
            Assembly ass = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
            string path = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(ass.Location);
            String pathDownloaded = Path.Combine(path, "CardDatabase");
            if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(pathDownloaded, "DownloadedCardDatabase.csv")))
            reader = new StreamReader(File.OpenRead(Path.Combine(pathDownloaded, "DownloadedCardDatabase.csv")));
            reader = new StreamReader(File.OpenRead(Path.Combine(path, "CardDatabase.csv")));

            while (!reader.EndOfStream)
            var line = reader.ReadLine();
            var values = line.Split(';');
            CardName = values[0];
            ClassName = CardName.Replace(" ", "_").Replace("'", "_").Replace(",", "_").Replace(".", "_");
            CurrCard = new CardDefinition();
              var type = Type.GetType("Solforge_Helper.Cards." + ClassName);
                if (type != null)
                    CurrCard = (CardDefinition)Activator.CreateInstance(type);
            catch (Exception e)
                MessageBoxResult result = MessageBox.Show(e.ToString() + " " + line);

            if (values[3] == "Creature")
                    if (values[4] == "Forgeborn")
                        CurrCard.Initialize(values[0], values[1], values[2], values[3], values[4], Convert.ToInt32(DefaultValue(values[5],"0")), Convert.ToInt32(DefaultValue(values[6],"0")), Convert.ToInt32(DefaultValue(values[8],"0")), Convert.ToInt32(DefaultValue(values[9],"0")), Convert.ToInt32(DefaultValue(values[11],"0")), Convert.ToInt32(DefaultValue(values[12],"0")), Convert.ToInt32(DefaultValue(values[14],"0")), Convert.ToInt32(DefaultValue(values[15],"0")));
                        CurrCard.Level1Description = values[7];
                        CurrCard.Level2Description = values[10];
                        CurrCard.Level3Description = values[13];
                        CurrCard.Level4Description = values[16];
                        CurrCard.Initialize(values[0], values[1], values[2], values[3], values[4], Convert.ToInt32(DefaultValue(values[5], "0")), Convert.ToInt32(DefaultValue(values[6],"0")), Convert.ToInt32(DefaultValue(values[8],"0")), Convert.ToInt32(DefaultValue(values[9],"0")), Convert.ToInt32(DefaultValue(values[11],"0")), Convert.ToInt32(DefaultValue(values[12],"0")));
                        CurrCard.Level1Description = values[7];
                        CurrCard.Level2Description = values[10];
                        CurrCard.Level3Description = values[13];
                catch (Exception e)
                    MessageBoxResult result = MessageBox.Show(e.ToString() + " " + line);
                    CurrCard.Initialize(values[0], values[1], values[2], values[3]);
                    CurrCard.Level1Description = values[7];
                    CurrCard.Level2Description = values[10];
                    CurrCard.Level3Description = values[13];
                catch (Exception e)
                    MessageBoxResult result = MessageBox.Show(e.ToString() + " " + line);
        private CardDefinition ExtractCardFromHtml(HtmlNode cardNode)
            HtmlDocument cardHtml = new HtmlDocument();
            HtmlDocument cardDetailHtml = new HtmlDocument();
            String Regexp;
            Match match;
            String matchResult;
            CardDefinition currCard;
            currCard = new CardDefinition();
            String alternate;
            String cardName;
            String rarity;
            String faction;
            String creaturetype;
            String cardType;
            String cardtext;
            int lvlattack = 0;
            int lvlhealth = 0;
            int cardLevel = 0;

            cardHtml.LoadHtml((cardNode.InnerHtml.Replace("<br />", "").Replace("<br>", "").Replace("\t", "")));
            alternate = "";
            cardtext = "";
            rarity = "";
            if (cardHtml.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//span[@class='alternate_art']") != null)
                alternate = cardHtml.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//span[@class='alternate_art']")[0].InnerText;

            cardName = cardHtml.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//h6")[0].InnerText;
            if (alternate == "(Alternate Art)")
                return null;
            Regexp = "(Level ([1234]))";
            match = Regex.Match(cardDetailHtml.DocumentNode.InnerHtml, Regexp);
            if (match.Success)
                matchResult = match.Groups[2].Value;
                cardLevel = int.Parse(matchResult);
            Regexp = "((Common)|(Legendary)|(Rare)|(Heroic))";
            match = Regex.Match(cardDetailHtml.DocumentNode.InnerHtml, Regexp);
            if (match.Success)
                matchResult = match.Groups[1].Value;
                rarity = matchResult;
            faction = "";
            Regexp = "((Tempys)|(Alloyin)|(Nekrium)|(Uterra))";
            match = Regex.Match(cardDetailHtml.DocumentNode.InnerHtml, Regexp);
            if (match.Success)
                matchResult = match.Groups[1].Value;
                faction = matchResult;
            creaturetype = "";
            Regexp = "((Creature)[ +]-[ +]([a-zA-Z. ,]+))";
            match = Regex.Match(cardDetailHtml.DocumentNode.InnerHtml, Regexp);
            if (match.Success)
                matchResult = match.Groups[3].Value;
                creaturetype = matchResult.Trim();
                cardType = "Creature";
                Regexp = "(("+creaturetype+")([a-zA-Z1-9:.\\-\\+,' ]+))";
                String html = @cardDetailHtml.DocumentNode.InnerHtml;
                String result = Regex.Replace(html.Replace("\r\n", "").Replace("\"", ""), @"<[^>]*>", String.Empty);
                match = Regex.Match(result, Regexp);
                if (match.Success)
                    matchResult = match.Groups[3].Value;
                    cardtext = matchResult.Trim();
                cardType = "Spell";
                Regexp = "((Spell)([a-zA-Z1-9:.\\-\\+,' ]+))";
                String html = @cardDetailHtml.DocumentNode.InnerHtml;
                String result = Regex.Replace(html.Replace("\r\n", "").Replace("\"", ""), @"<[^>]*>", String.Empty);
                match = Regex.Match(result, Regexp);
                if (match.Success)
                    matchResult = match.Groups[3].Value;
                    cardtext = matchResult.Trim();

            if (cardHtml.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//div[@class='mobiletrigger']")[0].InnerText.Contains("Creature"))
                lvlattack = int.Parse(cardHtml.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//span[@class='ico attack']")[0].InnerText);
                lvlhealth = int.Parse(cardHtml.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//span[@class='ico health']")[0].InnerText);

            currCard.CardType = cardType;
            currCard.Name = cardName.Trim();
            currCard.Faction = faction;
            currCard.CreatureType = creaturetype;
            currCard.Rarity = rarity;
            switch (cardLevel)
                case 1:
                    if (cardType == "Creature")
                        currCard.Level1Attack = lvlattack;
                        currCard.Level1Health = lvlhealth;
                   currCard.Level1Description = cardtext;
                case 2:
                    if (cardType == "Creature")
                        currCard.Level2Attack = lvlattack;
                        currCard.Level2Health = lvlhealth;
                    currCard.Level2Description = cardtext;
                case 3:
                    if (cardType == "Creature")
                        currCard.Level3Attack = lvlattack;
                        currCard.Level3Health = lvlhealth;
                    currCard.Level3Description = cardtext;
                case 4:
                     if (cardType == "Creature")
                        currCard.Level4Attack = lvlattack;
                        currCard.Level4Health = lvlhealth;
                    currCard.Level4Description = cardtext;
            return currCard;