public ActionResult Car_Info(string firstName, string lastName, string emailAddress, DateTime dateofbirth, int caryear, string carmake, string carmodel, int speedingtickets, string dui, string coverage, int?total)

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(firstName) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(lastName) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(emailAddress) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(carmake) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(carmodel))
                using (Car_InsuranceEntities db = new Car_InsuranceEntities())
                    var signup = new Car_Insurance();
                    signup.FirstName       = firstName;
                    signup.Lastname        = lastName;
                    signup.EmailAddress    = emailAddress;
                    signup.DateOfBirth     = dateofbirth;
                    signup.CarYear         = caryear;
                    signup.SpeedingTickets = speedingtickets;
                    signup.Dui             = dui;
                    signup.Coverage        = coverage;
                    signup.Total           = total;

                    total = 50;
                    var today = DateTime.Today;
                    var age   = today.Year - dateofbirth.Year;
                    if (dateofbirth > today.AddYears(-25))
                        total = total + 25;
                    else if (dateofbirth > today.AddYears(-18))
                        total = total + 100;
                    else if (dateofbirth > today.AddYears(-100))
                        total = total + 25;

                    if (caryear < 2000)
                        total = total + 25;
                    else if (caryear > 2015)
                        total = total + 25;

                    if (carmake == "Porsche")
                        total = total + 25;

                    if (carmake == "Porsche" && carmodel == "911 Carrera")
                        total = total + 25;
                    //    foreach (var ticket in speedingtickets)

                    if (speedingtickets > 0)
                        total = total + (speedingtickets * 10);

                    if (dui == "Yes" || dui == "yes" || dui == "yeah")
                        total = total + (total * 25 / 100);
                        total = total + 0;

                    if (coverage == "Yes" || coverage == "yes" || coverage == "yeah")
                        total = total + (total * 50 / 100);
                        total = total + 0;

                    signup.Total = total;


                    @ViewBag.Total = total;

Esempio n. 2
        public ActionResult Customer(string firstName, string lastName, string emailAddress,
                                     string dateOfBirth, int carYear, string carMake, string carModel,
                                     string dui, int numberOfTickets, string fullOrLiability, int?quote)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(firstName) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(lastName) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(emailAddress) ||
                string.IsNullOrEmpty(dateOfBirth) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(carYear)) ||
                string.IsNullOrEmpty(carMake) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(carModel) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(dui) ||
                string.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(numberOfTickets)) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(fullOrLiability))
                using (Car_InsuranceEntities db = new Car_InsuranceEntities())
                    var customer = new Customer();
                    customer.FirstName       = firstName;
                    customer.LastName        = lastName;
                    customer.EmailAddress    = emailAddress;
                    customer.DateOfBirth     = dateOfBirth;
                    customer.CarYear         = carYear;
                    customer.CarMake         = carMake;
                    customer.CarModel        = carModel;
                    customer.DUI             = dui;
                    customer.NumberOfTickets = numberOfTickets;
                    customer.FullOrLiability = fullOrLiability;
                    customer.Quote           = quote;

                    var today = DateTime.Today;
                    int total = 0;

                    quote = 50;

                    var dob = Convert.ToDateTime(customer.DateOfBirth);     // getting age and price additional cost for quote

                    if (dob.Year > today.Year - 25)
                        total = total + 25;
                    else if (dob.Year > today.Year - 18)
                        total = total + 100;
                    else if (dob.Year < today.Year - 100)
                        total = total + 25;

                    if (customer.CarYear < 2000)         //getting year of car and additional cost for quote
                        total = total + 25;
                    else if (customer.CarYear > 2015)
                        total = total + 25;

                    if (customer.CarMake == "Porsche")         //getting make of car and additional cost for quote
                        total = total + 25;

                    if (customer.CarModel == "911 Carrera")         //getting model and additional cost for quote
                        total = total + 25;

                    if (customer.NumberOfTickets > 0)  //getting number of speeding tickets and additional cost for quote
                        total = total + (numberOfTickets * 10);

                    if (customer.DUI == "yes")         //getting  DUI and additinal cost for quote
                        total = Convert.ToInt32(total * .25 + total);

                    if (customer.FullOrLiability == "Full")         // getting full coverage additional cost for quote
                        total = Convert.ToInt32(total * .50 + total);

                    customer.Quote = quote + total;


                    @ViewBag.Total = customer.Quote + total;