public async Task <IHttpActionResult> PutCarLocation(int id, CarLocation carLocation) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } if (id != carLocation.Id) { return(BadRequest()); } db.Entry(carLocation).State = EntityState.Modified; try { await db.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!CarLocationExists(id)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(StatusCode(HttpStatusCode.NoContent)); }
/// <summary> /// 增加一条数据 /// </summary> public bool Add(CarLocation model) { StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder(); strSql.Append("insert into CarLocation("); strSql.Append("LSH,CASEID,CCCC,CLID,SJ,JD,WD,SD,FX,ADDTIME)"); strSql.Append(" values ("); strSql.Append(":LSH,:CASEID,:CCCC,:CLID,:SJ,:JD,:WD,:SD,:FX,:ADDTIME)"); OracleParameter[] parameters = { new OracleParameter(":LSH", DBOpHelper.GetString(model.LSH)), new OracleParameter(":CASEID", DBOpHelper.GetString(model.CASEID)), new OracleParameter(":CCCC", DBOpHelper.GetNumber(model.CCCC)), new OracleParameter(":CLID", DBOpHelper.GetString(model.CLID)), new OracleParameter(":SJ", DBOpHelper.GetDateTime(model.SJ)), new OracleParameter(":JD", DBOpHelper.GetString(model.JD)), new OracleParameter(":WD", DBOpHelper.GetString(model.WD)), new OracleParameter(":SD", DBOpHelper.GetNumber(model.SD)), new OracleParameter(":FX", DBOpHelper.GetString(model.FX)), new OracleParameter(":ADDTIME", DBOpHelper.GetDateTime(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"))) }; int rows = DbHelperOra.ExecuteSql(SysParameters.DBConnectString, strSql.ToString(), parameters); if (rows > 0) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public void HandleCarLocation(CarLocation cl) { try { //Save Database // DBCarLocation db = new DBCarLocation(); //20160802 修改人:朱星汉 修改内容:速度字符串过长 cl.SD = Math.Round((Decimal)cl.SD, 2); IDBCarLocation db = DataAccess.DataAccess.GetDBCarLocation(); db.Add(cl); CarLocationManagerDelegateClient client = new CarLocationManagerDelegateClient(); client.addCarLocationCompleted += new EventHandler <addCarLocationCompletedEventArgs>(Service_Completed); CredentialSoapHeader header = new CredentialSoapHeader(); header.Username = SysParameters.AppAPIUsername; header.Password = SysParameters.AppAPIPassword; string strJson = ConvertModelToJson(cl); WebserviceUserState UserState = new WebserviceUserState(); UserState.TIMES = 1; UserState.MESSAGE = strJson; client.addCarLocationAsync(header, strJson, UserState); } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.WriteLog("", ex); } }
private CarLocation getClFromVp(VehiclePointResponse vp) { CarLocation cl = new CarLocation(); try { Decimal i; int j; DateTime dt; cl.CASEID = vp.caseid; if (int.TryParse(, out j)) cl.CCCC = int.Parse(; if (DateTime.TryParse(, out dt)) cl.SJ = DateTime.Parse(; cl.CLID =; cl.FX= vp.fx; cl.JD = vp.jd; cl.LSH = vp.lsh; if (Decimal.TryParse(, out i)) cl.SD = Decimal.Parse(; cl.WD = vp.wd; } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.LogHelper.WriteLog("", ex); } return cl; }
public Player(string name) { = name; carLocation = CarLocation.NotInCar; worldLocation = 0; LocationsPictured = new List<int>(); }
/// <summary> /// 增加一条数据 /// </summary> public bool Add(CarLocation model) { StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder(); strSql.Append("insert into carlocation("); strSql.Append("LSH,CASEID,CCCC,CLID,SJ,JD,WD,SD,FX,ADDTIME)"); strSql.Append(" values ("); strSql.Append("@LSH,@CASEID,@CCCC,@CLID,@SJ,@JD,@WD,@SD,@FX,@ADDTIME)"); MySqlParameter[] parameters = { new MySqlParameter("@LSH", DBOpHelper.GetString(model.LSH)), new MySqlParameter("@CASEID", DBOpHelper.GetString(model.CASEID)), new MySqlParameter("@CCCC", DBOpHelper.GetNumber(model.CCCC)), new MySqlParameter("@CLID", DBOpHelper.GetString(model.CLID)), new MySqlParameter("@SJ", DBOpHelper.GetDateTime(model.SJ)), new MySqlParameter("@JD", DBOpHelper.GetString(model.JD)), new MySqlParameter("@WD", DBOpHelper.GetString(model.WD)), new MySqlParameter("@SD", DBOpHelper.GetNumber(model.SD)), new MySqlParameter("@FX", DBOpHelper.GetString(model.FX)), new MySqlParameter("@ADDTIME", DBOpHelper.GetDateTime(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"))) }; int rows = DbHelperMySQL.ExecuteSql(strSql.ToString(), parameters); if (rows > 0) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }
/// <summary> /// 发送车辆轨迹信息给route server /// </summary> /// <param name="cl"></param> public void SendCarLocation(CarLocation cl) { Hashtable ht = GetCarLocationHashtableByModel(cl); ScsTextMessage message = new ScsTextMessage(JSON.Encode(ht)); SendMessage(message); }
public async Task <Response> Handle(Request request, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var locationService = new GoogleLocationService("AIzaSyCNSEn1UjPshpFTg55dn8IsJimWQbDbdao"); List <CarLocation> carLocations = new List <CarLocation>(); var cars = await _session.Query <Car>() .ToListAsync(); foreach (var car in cars) { var address = car.LocationPickUp; var point = locationService.GetLatLongFromAddress(address); if (point != null) { var lat = point.Latitude; var lon = point.Longitude; var coordinate = new Coordinate(lat, lon); //coordinates.Add(coordinate); var carLocation = new CarLocation(car.Id, coordinate); carLocations.Add(carLocation); } } //TODO // return the car with her coordinates return(new Response { //Coordinates = coordinates CarLocations = carLocations }); }
public Hashtable GetCarLocationHashtableByModel(CarLocation cl) { /* * lsh; String 流水号 Varchar2(19) not null 19 必填,主键,120生成 * caseId String CaseID Varchar2(50) 50 必填,由APP提供 * cccc Integer 出车车次 Number(2) 2 必填 * clid String 车俩ID Varchar2(10) not null 10 必填 * sj Date 坐标数据时间 Date * jd String 经度 Varchar2(30) 30 * wd String 纬度 Varchar2(30) 30 * sd Double 速度 Number(8,3) 8 单位:KM/H * fx String 方向 Varchar2(20) 20 */ Hashtable ht = new Hashtable(); ht.Add("messageName", "CarLocation"); ht.Add("caseId", cl.CASEID); ht.Add("cccc", cl.CCCC); ht.Add("clid", cl.CLID); ht.Add("fx", cl.FX); ht.Add("jd", cl.JD); ht.Add("wd", cl.WD); ht.Add("lsh", cl.LSH); ht.Add("sj", string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}", cl.SJ)); ht.Add("sd", cl.SD); return(ht); }
public async Task <IActionResult> CreateAsync(Car car) { var categories = await _categoriesRepository.GetCategoriesAsync(); var bodyTypes = await _carTypesRepository.GetBodyTypesAsync(); var locations = await _locationsRepository.GetLocationsAsync(); List <string> categorieNames = new List <string>(); List <string> typeNames = new List <string>(); /*get the existing categories name and body types name*/ foreach (var item in categories) { categorieNames.Add(item.Category_Name); } foreach (var item in bodyTypes) { typeNames.Add(item.Name); } ViewBag.Category_Names = categorieNames; ViewBag.TypeNames = typeNames; ViewBag.LocationNames = locations; /*get selections from dropdown form*/ string categSelection = Request.Form["Category_Name"].ToString(); string bodySelection = Request.Form["TypeName"].ToString(); var selectedLocations = Request.Form["AreChecked"].ToList(); var selectedCategory = await _categoriesRepository.GetCategoryByIDAsync(categSelection); var selectedBodyType = await _carTypesRepository.GetBodyTypeByNameAsync(bodySelection); car.Category = selectedCategory; /*Increment the number of cars in this category*/ car.Category.NumberOfCars += 1; car.Type = selectedBodyType; foreach (var sel in selectedLocations) { CarLocation carLocation = new CarLocation(); carLocation.Car = car; var location = await _locationsRepository.GetLocationByIDAsync(Int32.Parse(sel)); carLocation.Location = location; car.CarLocations.Add(carLocation); } _carRepository.InsertCar(car); await _carRepository.SaveAsync(); return(View(car)); }
public async Task <IHttpActionResult> GetCarLocation(int id) { CarLocation carLocation = await db.CarLocations.FindAsync(id); if (carLocation == null) { return(NotFound()); } return(Ok(carLocation)); }
public async Task <IHttpActionResult> PostCarLocation(CarLocation carLocation) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } db.CarLocations.Add(carLocation); await db.SaveChangesAsync(); return(CreatedAtRoute("DefaultApi", new { id = carLocation.Id }, carLocation)); }
/// <summary> /// 获取穿梭车的位置 /// </summary> /// <param name="car"></param> /// <returns></returns> public CarLocation getCarLocation(Equipment car) { CarLocation location = new CarLocation(); location.row = car.EquipmentProps.Find(t => t.EquipmentTypeTemplateCode == "row").Value; location.line = car.EquipmentProps.Find(t => t.EquipmentTypeTemplateCode == "line").Value; location.layer = car.EquipmentProps.Find(t => t.EquipmentTypeTemplateCode == "layer").Value; //location.location = car.EquipmentProps.Find(t => t.EquipmentTypeTemplateCode == "location").Value; location.carNo = car.EquipmentProps.Find(t => t.EquipmentTypeTemplateCode == "carNo").Value; location.controlMode = car.EquipmentProps.Find(t => t.EquipmentTypeTemplateCode == "controlMode").Value; return(location); }
//处理车辆节点消息 private void DealVehiclePointResponse(object obj) { try { VehiclePointResponse vp = (VehiclePointResponse)obj; CarLocation cl = getClFromVp(vp); CoreService.GetInstance().OtherMsgServer.SendCarLocation(cl); } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.LogHelper.WriteLog("", ex); } }
public async Task <IHttpActionResult> DeleteCarLocation(int id) { CarLocation carLocation = await db.CarLocations.FindAsync(id); if (carLocation == null) { return(NotFound()); } db.CarLocations.Remove(carLocation); await db.SaveChangesAsync(); return(Ok(carLocation)); }
public static String GetCarLocationName(CarLocation location) { switch (location){ case CarLocation.DriversSeat: return "Driver's Seat"; case CarLocation.FrontSeat: return "Front Seat"; case CarLocation.BackLeft: return "Back Left Seat"; case CarLocation.BackRight: return "Back Right Seat"; case CarLocation.NotInCar: return "Outside Car"; default: return "ERROR"; } }
private string ConvertModelToJson(CarLocation cl) { string strJson = ""; Hashtable ht = new Hashtable(); ht.Add("caseId", cl.CASEID); ht.Add("cccc", cl.CCCC); ht.Add("clid", cl.CLID); ht.Add("fx", cl.FX); ht.Add("jd", cl.JD); ht.Add("wd", cl.WD); ht.Add("lsh", cl.LSH); ht.Add("sj", string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}", cl.SJ)); ht.Add("sd", cl.SD); strJson = JSON.Encode(ht); return(strJson); }
/// <summary> /// 车辆轨迹消息 /// </summary> /// <param name="strMsg"></param> private void Handle40Message(string strMsg) { try { CarLocation cl = GetCarLocationByMessage(strMsg); VehicleTaskInfo info; if (CoreService.GetInstance().bs.GetVehicleTaskInfoByCLID(out info, cl.CLID)) { cl.CASEID = info.CaseId; cl.CCCC = info.CCCC; cl.LSH = info.LSH; CoreService.GetInstance().CarLocationServer.SendCarLocation(cl); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.WriteLog("", ex); } }
private CarLocation GetCarLocationByMessage(string strMsg) { //(40ID:101%SJ:2016-04-13 11:39:44%JD:118.77554321289063%WD:31.985252380371094%SD:0.0%FX:0.0%KS:%GZ:%TXZT:0%BJ:0%) CarLocation cl = new CarLocation(); cl.CLID = GetValueByKey(strMsg, "ID"); cl.FX = GetValueByKey(strMsg, "FX"); cl.JD = GetValueByKey(strMsg, "JD"); cl.WD = GetValueByKey(strMsg, "WD"); if (GetValueByKey(strMsg, "SD") != "") { cl.SD = decimal.Parse(GetValueByKey(strMsg, "SD")); } if (GetValueByKey(strMsg, "SJ") != "") { cl.SJ = DateTime.Parse(GetValueByKey(strMsg, "SJ")); } return(cl); }
private CarLocation GetCarLocationModelByHashtable(Hashtable htMessage) { CarLocation cl = new CarLocation(); if (htMessage["caseId"] != null) { cl.CASEID = htMessage["caseId"].ToString(); } if (htMessage["cccc"] != null && htMessage["cccc"].ToString() != "") { cl.CCCC = int.Parse(htMessage["cccc"].ToString()); } if (htMessage["clid"] != null) { cl.CLID = htMessage["clid"].ToString(); } if (htMessage["fx"] != null) { cl.FX = htMessage["fx"].ToString(); } if (htMessage["jd"] != null) { cl.JD = htMessage["jd"].ToString(); } if (htMessage["lsh"] != null) { cl.LSH = htMessage["lsh"].ToString(); } if (htMessage["sd"] != null && htMessage["sd"].ToString() != "") { cl.SD = decimal.Parse(htMessage["sd"].ToString()); } if (htMessage["sj"] != null && htMessage["sj"].ToString() != "") { cl.SJ = DateTime.Parse(htMessage["sj"].ToString()); } if (htMessage["wd"] != null) { cl.WD = htMessage["wd"].ToString(); } return(cl); }
public void SendCarLocation(CarLocation cl) { acl.HandleCarLocation(cl); }
private void HandleCarLocation(Hashtable htMessage) { CarLocation cl = GetCarLocationModelByHashtable(htMessage); Appserver.SendCarLocation(cl); }