Esempio n. 1
        public float[] getTimeAndSectorsForBestOpponentLapInWindow(int lapsToCheck, CarData.CarClassEnum carClassToCheck)
            float[] bestLapWithSectors = new float[] { -1, -1, -1, -1 };
            foreach (KeyValuePair <Object, OpponentData> entry in OpponentData)
                if (entry.Value.CarClass.carClassEnum == carClassToCheck)
                    float[] thisOpponentsBest = entry.Value.getTimeAndSectorsForBestLapInWindow(lapsToCheck);
                    if (bestLapWithSectors[0] == -1 || (thisOpponentsBest[0] > 0 && thisOpponentsBest[0] < bestLapWithSectors[0]))
                        bestLapWithSectors = thisOpponentsBest;

            // special case for practice and qual - if we're looking for all the laps in the session, we might want to use the data sent by the game
            // because the play may have joined mid-session. In these cases there might be an historical lap (before the player joined) that's actually faster.
            if (lapsToCheck == -1 && SessionData.SessionFastestLapTimeFromGamePlayerClass > 0 &&
                (SessionData.PlayerLapTimeSessionBest == -1 || SessionData.PlayerLapTimeSessionBest > SessionData.SessionFastestLapTimeFromGamePlayerClass))
                // the player isn't the fastest in his class. This means that the game-sent best lap data will be an opponent lap
                if (bestLapWithSectors[0] == -1 || bestLapWithSectors[0] > SessionData.SessionFastestLapTimeFromGamePlayerClass)
                    // there's an historical lap which is quicker than all the data we currently hold. Due to limitations in the shared memory blocks,
                    // we never have sector times for this historical lap, so we have to remove them and disable sector deltas until a better lap is recorded
                    bestLapWithSectors[0] = SessionData.SessionFastestLapTimeFromGamePlayerClass;
                    bestLapWithSectors[1] = -1;
                    bestLapWithSectors[2] = -1;
                    bestLapWithSectors[3] = -1;
Esempio n. 2
        private static string GetCarClassMappingHint(CarData.CarClassEnum cce)
            if (cce == CarData.CarClassEnum.UNKNOWN_RACE)
            else if (cce == CarData.CarClassEnum.USER_CREATED)
                return("(user defined)");

Esempio n. 3
 public static void startRecordingPaceNotes(GameEnum gameEnum, String trackName, CarData.CarClassEnum carClass)
     if (!isPlayingPaceNotes && !isRecordingPaceNotes)
         Console.WriteLine("Recording a pace notes session for circuit " + trackName + " with car class " + carClass.ToString());
         DriverTrainingService.gameEnum  = gameEnum;
         DriverTrainingService.trackName = trackName;
         DriverTrainingService.carClass  = carClass;
         if (carClass == CarData.CarClassEnum.UNKNOWN_RACE || carClass == CarData.CarClassEnum.USER_CREATED)
             Console.WriteLine("Recording pace notes for any car class");
             DriverTrainingService.folderPathForPaceNotes = getAnyCarFolderPath(gameEnum, trackName);
             Console.WriteLine("Recording pace notes for car class " + carClass.ToString());
             DriverTrainingService.folderPathForPaceNotes = getCarSpecificFolderPath(gameEnum, trackName, carClass);
         Boolean createFolder      = true;
         Boolean createNewMetaData = true;
         if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(folderPathForPaceNotes))
             createFolder = false;
             String fileName = System.IO.Path.Combine(folderPathForPaceNotes, "metadata.json");
             if (File.Exists(fileName))
                     DriverTrainingService.recordingMetaData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <MetaData>(File.ReadAllText(fileName));
                     Console.WriteLine("Pace notes for this game / track / car combination already exists. This will be extended");
                     createNewMetaData = false;
                 catch (Exception e)
                     Console.WriteLine("Unable to load existing metadata - renaming to 'broken_" + fileName + "', " + e.Message);
                     File.Move(fileName, "broken_" + fileName);
         if (createFolder)
         if (createNewMetaData)
             DriverTrainingService.recordingMetaData = new MetaData(gameEnum.ToString(), carClass.ToString(), trackName);
         isRecordingPaceNotes = true;
Esempio n. 4
        public static Boolean loadPaceNotes(GameEnum gameEnum, String trackName, CarData.CarClassEnum carClass)
            if (!isRecordingPaceNotes && !isPlayingPaceNotes)
                Console.WriteLine("Playing pace notes for circuit " + trackName + " with car class " + carClass.ToString());

                isRecordingPaceNotes = false;
                isRecordingSound     = false;
                if (carClass != CarData.CarClassEnum.USER_CREATED && carClass != CarData.CarClassEnum.UNKNOWN_RACE)
                    DriverTrainingService.folderPathForPaceNotes = getCarSpecificFolderPath(gameEnum, trackName, carClass);
                    if (!Directory.Exists(DriverTrainingService.folderPathForPaceNotes))
                        Console.WriteLine("No pace notes folder exists for car class " + carClass + ", game " + gameEnum + ", track " + trackName +
                                          ". Checking for pace notes folder applicable to any car");
                        DriverTrainingService.folderPathForPaceNotes = getAnyCarFolderPath(gameEnum, trackName);
                        if (!Directory.Exists(DriverTrainingService.folderPathForPaceNotes))
                            Console.WriteLine("Unable to find any pace notes set for game " + gameEnum + ", track " + trackName);
                    DriverTrainingService.folderPathForPaceNotes = getAnyCarFolderPath(gameEnum, trackName);
                    if (!Directory.Exists(DriverTrainingService.folderPathForPaceNotes))
                        Console.WriteLine("Unable to find any pace notes set for game " + gameEnum + ", track " + trackName);

                String fileName = System.IO.Path.Combine(folderPathForPaceNotes, "metadata.json");
                if (File.Exists(fileName))
                        DriverTrainingService.recordingMetaData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <MetaData>(File.ReadAllText(fileName));
                        if (DriverTrainingService.recordingMetaData.description != null && !DriverTrainingService.recordingMetaData.description.Equals(""))
                            Console.WriteLine("Playing pace notes with description " + DriverTrainingService.recordingMetaData.description);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        Console.WriteLine("Unable to parse pace notes metadata file: " + e.Message);
                    foreach (MetaDataEntry entry in DriverTrainingService.recordingMetaData.entries)
                        for (int i = 0; i < entry.recordingNames.Count; i++)
                                SoundCache.loadSingleSound(entry.recordingNames[i], System.IO.Path.Combine(DriverTrainingService.folderPathForPaceNotes, entry.fileNames[i]));
                            catch (Exception e)
                                Console.WriteLine("Unable to load a sound from pace notes set " + DriverTrainingService.folderPathForPaceNotes + " : " + e.Message);
                    isPlayingPaceNotes = true;
                    Console.WriteLine("No metadata.json file exists in the pace notes folder " + DriverTrainingService.folderPathForPaceNotes);
                if (isRecordingPaceNotes)
                    Console.WriteLine("A recording is already in progress, complete this first");
                    Console.WriteLine("Already playing a session");
Esempio n. 5
 private static String getCarSpecificFolderPath(GameEnum gameEnum, String trackName, CarData.CarClassEnum carClass)
                                       Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments), "CrewChiefV4", "pace_notes",
                                   makeValidForPathName(gameEnum.ToString()), makeValidForPathName(carClass.ToString()), makeValidForPathName(trackName)));