Esempio n. 1
        private Type GetCapability(byte[] fileData)
            Type[] types = null;

                types = Assembly.Load(fileData).GetTypes();
            catch { return(null); }

            foreach (Type tBaseType in types)
                Type tICapability = tBaseType.GetInterface("MSR.LST.ConferenceXP.ICapability");
                if (tICapability != null)
                        Capability.PayloadTypeAttribute attrPT = (Capability.PayloadTypeAttribute)
                                                                 Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(tBaseType, typeof(Capability.PayloadTypeAttribute));

                        if (attrPT == null)

                    catch (Exception e)
                        RtlAwareMessageBox.Show(this, e.StackTrace, e.Message, MessageBoxButtons.OK,
                                                MessageBoxIcon.Error, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, (MessageBoxOptions)0);

Esempio n. 2
        private void ObjectReceived(object capability, ObjectReceivedEventArgs ea)
            if (ea.Data is FileObject)
                FileObject fileObject = ea.Data as FileObject;
                FileInfo   fileInfo   = new FileInfo(fileObject.Name);

                Type tCapability = null;
                ItemReceivedDialog dlgFileReceived = null;

                if (tCapability != null)
                    Capability.NameAttribute attrName = (Capability.NameAttribute)
                                                        Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(tCapability, typeof(Capability.NameAttribute));

                    Capability.PayloadTypeAttribute attrPT = (Capability.PayloadTypeAttribute)
                                                             Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(tCapability, typeof(Capability.PayloadTypeAttribute));

                    dlgFileReceived = new ItemReceivedDialog(Strings.CapabilityReceived,
                    dlgFileReceived.Button1Label = Strings.InstallHotkey;
                    dlgFileReceived.FileIconTip  = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture,
                                                                 Strings.CapabilityNamePayloadType, attrName.Name, attrPT.PayloadType.ToString());
                    dlgFileReceived = new ItemReceivedDialog(Strings.FileReceived, Strings.UserSentYouFile);

                dlgFileReceived.Image = Image.FromStream(
                dlgFileReceived.From         = ea.Participant.Name;
                dlgFileReceived.Avatar       = ea.Participant.Icon;
                dlgFileReceived.AvatarTip    = Strings.AvatarTipText;
                dlgFileReceived.File         = fileInfo.Name;
                dlgFileReceived.FileIcon     = fileObject.Icon;
                dlgFileReceived.FileIconTip += string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Strings.FileSize,
                                                             ((double)fileObject.Data.Length / 1024.0).ToString("#,#.00", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture));
                dlgFileReceived.Time = DateTime.Now.ToString("h:mm:ss tt", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
                if (dlgFileReceived.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK)

                if (tCapability != null)
                    RtlAwareMessageBox.Show(this, Strings.NotYetImplemented, string.Empty, MessageBoxButtons.OK,
                                            MessageBoxIcon.None, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, (MessageBoxOptions)0);
                    SaveFileDialog saveDialog = new SaveFileDialog();
                    saveDialog.FileName = fileInfo.Name;
                    if (Directory.Exists(fileInfo.DirectoryName))
                        saveDialog.InitialDirectory = fileInfo.DirectoryName;
                    saveDialog.Filter           = "All files (*.*)|*.*";
                    saveDialog.CheckPathExists  = true;
                    saveDialog.OverwritePrompt  = true;
                    saveDialog.RestoreDirectory = true;
                    if (saveDialog.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK)

                    FileStream fileStream = File.OpenWrite(saveDialog.FileName);
                    fileStream.Write(fileObject.Data, 0, fileObject.Data.Length);
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Dynamically load assemblies into the API based on what interfaces they implement.  Used to allow
        /// 3rd parties to add custom CapabilitySenders and CapabilityViewers without recompiling the application
        /// or changing its source code.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Because this section of code frequently excepts when a developer is creating a new Capability and does something wrong,
        /// we both write to the event log and display a message box so that the developer can find the error quickly.  In experience,
        /// just writing to the event log causes failures that new developers don't easily find.
        /// </remarks>
        public static void InitializeCapabilityClasses(out CapabilityViewerClassHashtable capabilityViewerClasses,
                                                       out CapabilitySenderClassHashtable capabilitySenderClasses)
            // Initialize outbound parameters
            capabilityViewerClasses = new CapabilityViewerClassHashtable();
            capabilitySenderClasses = new CapabilitySenderClassHashtable();

            #region Default RTDocs viewer from app.config

            // Before starting to iterate through .dll's, check to see if a default
            // RTDocument CapabilityViewer is identified in app.config. If one is
            // found in app.config, and there is not already a default stored in
            // the registry, then set this one as the default.
            RegistryKey rtdocskey = Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft Research\\ConferenceXP\\Client\\" +
                                                                      System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().CodeBase + "\\CapabilityViewers");

            string appconfigEntry;
            if ((appconfigEntry = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[AppConfig.CXP_RTDocumentViewerDefault]) != null)
                // We only use the app.config setting if there is not already an entry marked as default
                // in the registry
                string[] names     = rtdocskey.GetValueNames();
                bool     defExists = false;
                foreach (string key in names)
                    object val = rtdocskey.GetValue(key);
                    if (val.ToString() == "default")
                        defExists = true;

                if (!defExists)
                    rtdocskey.SetValue(appconfigEntry, "default");

            #endregion Default RTDocs viewer from app.config

            // Get the directory of the executing .exe
            DirectoryInfo diExe = new FileInfo(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location).Directory;

            // Find all the DLLs in that directory, looping through them all
            FileInfo[] fis = diExe.GetFiles("*.dll");
            foreach (FileInfo fiDll in fis)
                    // Load each DLL into memory, getting a list of all root types (including classes and interfaces)
                    Type[] types = Assembly.LoadFrom(fiDll.FullName).GetTypes();

                    foreach (Type type in types)
                        // You can't instantiate an abstract class
                        if (type.IsAbstract)

                        // If the class defines "IsRunable" (inherited through Capability), run it and check
                        // that this class can be run on the current machine.  If not, skip the class.
                        if (type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(MSR.LST.ConferenceXP.Capability)))
                            PropertyInfo runableProp = type.GetProperty("IsRunable", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public);
                            if (runableProp != null) // if the dll was compiled off of old code, it won't have "IsRunable"
                                MethodInfo getRunableMethod = runableProp.GetGetMethod();
                                object     returnObj        = getRunableMethod.Invoke(null, null);
                                if (!(returnObj is bool) || (((bool)returnObj) == false))
                                    continue; // Skip this type becuase its own method says it isn't runable.

                        // Check required capability attributes
                        Type iCV = type.GetInterface("MSR.LST.ConferenceXP.ICapabilityViewer");
                        Type iCS = type.GetInterface("MSR.LST.ConferenceXP.ICapabilitySender");

                        Capability.PayloadTypeAttribute pt             = null;
                        Capability.NameAttribute        capabilityName = null;

                        if (iCV != null || iCS != null)
                            pt = (Capability.PayloadTypeAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(type,

                            capabilityName = (Capability.NameAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(type,

                            // Without a payload type and a name, it is invalidly constructed
                            if (null == pt || null == capabilityName)

                        // Does it have an ICapabilityViewer interface?
                        if (iCV != null)
                            AddCapabilityViewerClass(fiDll.Name, type, capabilityName.Name,
                                                     capabilityViewerClasses, pt, rtdocskey);

                        // Does it have an ICapabilitySender interface?
                        if (iCS != null)
                            AddCapabilitySenderClass(fiDll.Name, type, capabilityName.Name,
                    } // end foreach tBaseType
                // Some DLLs in the directory may not be .NET Assemblies (like msvcrt70.dll), and they will throw a BadImageFormatException here if not.
                catch (BadImageFormatException) {}
                // Perhaps a bad or old .Net Dll is here, ignore it.  This was firing for Shockwave Flash COM interop assemblies
                catch (TypeInitializationException) {}
                // Trying to reload an already loaded Dll, occurs for Conference.Dll, so just continue on...
                catch (ReflectionTypeLoadException) {}

Esempio n. 4
        private static void AddCapabilityViewerClass(string fileName, Type type, string capName,
                                                     CapabilityViewerClassHashtable capabilityViewerClasses,
                                                     Capability.PayloadTypeAttribute pt, RegistryKey rtdocskey)
                // Handle RTDocs as a special case.
                // We checked for a default setting in app.config earlier.
                // If we haven't loaded an RTDocs viewer yet, check the registry
                // to see if the current one is the default viewer.  If it is
                // load it.  If it isn't in the registry, add it as non-default.
                // If there are no entries in the registry, the first viewer wins.
                // It is possible to get into a state where the default viewer
                // in the registry is uninstalled from the machine, in which case
                // we are in trouble, because they will all be non-default.
                if (pt.PayloadType.ToString() == "RTDocument")
                    // No RTDocs capability viewer has been loaded
                    if (!capabilityViewerClasses.ContainsKey(pt.PayloadType))
                        // See if this one is listed as the default in the registry
                        if (rtdocskey.ValueCount > 0)
                            object cpentry = rtdocskey.GetValue(capName);
                            if (cpentry != null) // There is a registry entry for this capability
                                if (cpentry.ToString() == "default")
                                    capabilityViewerClasses.Add(pt.PayloadType, type);
                            else // No registry entry for this capability
                                // add to registry, but don't load
                                rtdocskey.SetValue(capName, "non-default");
                        else // No entries in registry. First one wins.
                            rtdocskey.SetValue(capName, "default");
                            capabilityViewerClasses.Add(pt.PayloadType, type);
                    else // An RTDocs capability viewer has already been loaded
                        // Mark the current one as non-default in the registry
                        rtdocskey.SetValue(capName, "non-default");
                    if (!capabilityViewerClasses.ContainsKey(pt.PayloadType))
                        capabilityViewerClasses.Add(pt.PayloadType, type);
                        string msg = string.Format(
                            "Multiple capability viewers exist for payload type - {0}. \r\n" +
                            "ConferenceXP selected {1} and will ignore {2}",
                            pt.PayloadType, capabilityViewerClasses[pt.PayloadType].Name,

                        MessageBox.Show(msg, "Duplicate Capability Viewers Detected",
                                        MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
            catch (Exception e)
                string msg = "Accessing file " + fileName + "\n" + e.ToString();

                eventLog.WriteEntry(msg, EventLogEntryType.Error, 99);

                MessageBox.Show(msg, "Error Initializing Capability Viewer",
                                MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
Esempio n. 5
        private void ObjectReceived(object capability, ObjectReceivedEventArgs ea)
            if (ea.Data is FileObject)
                FileObject fileObject = ea.Data as FileObject;
                FileInfo   fileInfo   = new FileInfo(fileObject.Name);

                Type tCapability = null;
//              if (fileInfo.Extension.ToLower() == ".dll")
//                  tCapability = GetCapability(fileObject.Data);

                ItemReceivedDialog dlgFileReceived = null;

                if (tCapability != null)
                    Capability.NameAttribute attrName = (Capability.NameAttribute)
                                                        Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(tCapability, typeof(Capability.NameAttribute));

                    Capability.PayloadTypeAttribute attrPT = (Capability.PayloadTypeAttribute)
                                                             Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(tCapability, typeof(Capability.PayloadTypeAttribute));

                    dlgFileReceived = new ItemReceivedDialog("Capability received", "A user has just sent you a capability");
                    dlgFileReceived.Button1Label = "&Install";
                    dlgFileReceived.FileIconTip  = "Capability name: " + attrName.Name + Environment.NewLine +
                                                   "Payload type: " + attrPT.PayloadType.ToString() + Environment.NewLine;
                    dlgFileReceived = new ItemReceivedDialog("File received", "A user has just sent you a file");

                dlgFileReceived.Image = Image.FromStream(
                dlgFileReceived.From      = ea.Participant.Name;
                dlgFileReceived.Avatar    = ea.Participant.Icon;
                dlgFileReceived.AvatarTip = "IP: " + ea.Participant.RtpParticipant.IPAddress.ToString() + Environment.NewLine +
                                            "Id: " + ea.Participant.Identifier + Environment.NewLine +
                                            "Email: " + ea.Participant.Email + Environment.NewLine +
                                            "Phone: " + ea.Participant.Phone;
                dlgFileReceived.File         = fileInfo.Name;
                dlgFileReceived.FileIcon     = fileObject.Icon;
                dlgFileReceived.FileIconTip += "File size: " + ((double)fileObject.Data.Length / 1024.0).ToString("#,#.00") + " KB";
                dlgFileReceived.Time         = DateTime.Now.ToString("h:mm:ss tt");
                if (dlgFileReceived.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK)

                if (tCapability != null)
                    MessageBox.Show("Not yet implemented");
                    SaveFileDialog saveDialog = new SaveFileDialog();
                    saveDialog.FileName = fileInfo.Name;
                    if (Directory.Exists(fileInfo.DirectoryName))
                        saveDialog.InitialDirectory = fileInfo.DirectoryName;
                    saveDialog.Filter           = "All files (*.*)|*.*";
                    saveDialog.CheckPathExists  = true;
                    saveDialog.OverwritePrompt  = true;
                    saveDialog.RestoreDirectory = true;
                    if (saveDialog.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK)

                    FileStream fileStream = File.OpenWrite(saveDialog.FileName);
                    fileStream.Write(fileObject.Data, 0, fileObject.Data.Length);