public override void OnInspectorGUI()
            CanvasParticleSystem system = (CanvasParticleSystem)target;

            system.material = (Material)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Material", system.material, typeof(Material), false);
            Texture inputTexture = (Texture)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Texture", system.texture, typeof(Texture), false);

            if (ReferenceEquals(inputTexture, system.texture) == false)
                system.texture = inputTexture;

            GUIStyle style ="HelpBox");
            style.richText = true;

            EditorGUILayout.TextArea("Unity Jobs is are not enabled: Install the <b>Jobs</b> and <b>Burst</b> packages in the Package Manager, " +
                                     "\nthen apply the compilation symbol to the Player Settings.", style);

            if (GUILayout.Button("Add \"CANVAS_PFX_JOBS\" symbol to Player Settings"))
                Debug.Log("AddDefineSymbols CANVAS_PFX_JOBS");
                DefineSymbolsUtils.AddDefineSymbols(new[] { "CANVAS_PFX_JOBS" });


            system.useJobs = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Convert to mesh using Jobs", system.useJobs);

        public void Execute()
            for (int i = 0; i < activeCount; i++)
                ParticleSystem.Particle particle = particles[i];

                float   timeAlive          = particle.startLifetime - particle.remainingLifetime;
                float   normalizedLifetime = Mathf.Clamp01(timeAlive / particle.startLifetime);
                float   size    = startSize * sizeCurve.Evaluate(normalizedLifetime);
                Color32 color32 = colorGradient.Evaluate(normalizedLifetime);

                CanvasParticleSystem.GetPositions(particle, isWorldSpace, * size, transformMatrix,
                                                  out Vector3 p0, out Vector3 p1, out Vector3 p2, out Vector3 p3);
                CanvasParticleSystem.CalculateUvs(out Vector2 c0, out Vector2 c1, out Vector2 c2, out Vector2 c3);

                int vertexIndex = i * 4;
                int v0          = vertexIndex;
                int v1          = vertexIndex + 1;
                int v2          = vertexIndex + 2;
                int v3          = vertexIndex + 3;

                vertices[v0] = p0; vertices[v1] = p1; vertices[v2] = p2; vertices[v3] = p3;
                colors[v0]   = color32; colors[v1] = color32; colors[v2] = color32; colors[v3] = color32;
                coords[v0]   = c0; coords[v1] = c1; coords[v2] = c2; coords[v3] = c3;

                int triangleIndex = i * 6;

                triangles[triangleIndex]     = v0;
                triangles[triangleIndex + 1] = v1;
                triangles[triangleIndex + 2] = v2;

                triangles[triangleIndex + 3] = v2;
                triangles[triangleIndex + 4] = v3;
                triangles[triangleIndex + 5] = v0;