Esempio n. 1
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()

            if (cameraIndex >= cameraTargets.Length)
                cameraIndex = 0;

        cameraSettings = cameraTargets[cameraIndex].GetComponent<CameraSettings>();

        if (cameraTargets[cameraIndex]){
            if(cameraSettings.smoothing == 0f){
            transform.position = cameraTargets[cameraIndex].position;
            transform.rotation = cameraTargets[cameraIndex].rotation;
                transform.position = Vector3.Lerp (transform.position, cameraTargets[cameraIndex].position, Time.deltaTime * cameraSettings.smoothing);
                transform.rotation = cameraTargets[cameraIndex].rotation;
        cameraRotX -= Input.GetAxis ("Mouse Y");
        cameraRotX = Mathf.Clamp(cameraRotX, -cameraSettings.cameraPitchMax, cameraSettings.cameraPitchMax);

        Camera.main.transform.Rotate (cameraRotX,0.0F , 0.0F);
Esempio n. 2
	void Update()
		// Pressing the camera button ("C" on the keyboard or "X" on a controller) lets you cycle between cameras
		if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.C) || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.JoystickButton9))
			if (cameraIndex >= cameraTargets.Length)
				cameraIndex = 0;
			// Sets the camera settings to be of the current selected camera
			cameraSettings = cameraTargets[cameraIndex].GetComponent<CameraSettings>();

		// If we don't have camera smooting, the camera will just instantly take the position of the current camera target
		if (cameraSettings.smoothing == 0f)
			transform.position = cameraTargets[cameraIndex].position;
			transform.rotation = cameraTargets[cameraIndex].rotation;
		// Otherwise we use a lerp-function to slowly smoothen the camera into its position. Higher smoothing = faster lock.
			transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(transform.position, cameraTargets[cameraIndex].position, Time.deltaTime * cameraSettings.smoothing);
			transform.rotation = cameraTargets[cameraIndex].rotation;

			// Store the value of the player wanting to look up and down with the camera
			cameraRotX -= Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y");

			// Makes sure the value is not higher or lower than the value set in the camera settings
			cameraRotX = Mathf.Clamp(cameraRotX, -cameraSettings.cameraPitchMax, cameraSettings.cameraPitchMax);

			// Rotate the camera up and down
			Camera.main.transform.Rotate(cameraRotX, 0f, 0f);
Esempio n. 3
 public CameraManager(GameScreen parent, CameraType cameraType, CameraSettings settings)
     : base(parent)
     Settings = settings;
     Engine.Services.RegisterService(typeof(CameraManager), this);
     Viewport = Engine.GraphicsDevice.Viewport;
     Input = (Input)Engine.Services.GetService(typeof(Input));
Esempio n. 4
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (Input.GetKeyDown (KeyCode.Tab)) {


            if (cameraIndex >= cameraTargets.Length)
                cameraIndex = 0;

            cameraSettings = cameraTargets[cameraIndex].GetComponent<CameraSettings> ();

        if (cameraTargets[cameraIndex]) {

            if (cameraSettings.newCameraType) {


            else {

                if (cameraSettings.smoothing == 0f) {

                    transform.position = cameraTargets[cameraIndex].position;

                } else {

                    transform.position = Vector3.Lerp (transform.position, cameraTargets[cameraIndex].position, Time.deltaTime * cameraSettings.smoothing);

                if (cameraSettings.rotatable) {

                    transform.rotation = cameraTargets[cameraIndex].rotation;

                } else {

                    if (transform.rotation != cameraTargets[cameraIndex].rotation) {

                        transform.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp (transform.rotation, cameraTargets[cameraIndex].rotation, Time.deltaTime * cameraSettings.smoothing);

                if (cameraSettings.rotatable) {

                    cameraRotX -= Input.GetAxis ("Mouse Y") * turnSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
                    cameraRotX = Mathf.Clamp(cameraRotX, -cameraSettings.cameraPitchMax, cameraSettings.cameraPitchMax);

                    //Camera.main.transform.forward = transform.forward;
                    Camera.main.transform.Rotate (cameraRotX, 0f, 0f);
Esempio n. 5
    public void getCameraPerspective()
        // if user right clicks, zoom in
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Mouse1)) //

            overtheshoulder = true;
            Debug.Log("Camera switched");
            if (cameraIndex >= cameraPerspective.Length)
                cameraIndex = 0;
                overtheshoulder = false;


        camerasettings = cameraPerspective[cameraIndex].GetComponent<CameraSettings>();
Esempio n. 6
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Tab))
             Debug.Log("Camera switched");
            if (cameraIndex >= cameraPerspective.Length)
                cameraIndex = 0;
            camerasettings = cameraPerspective[cameraIndex].GetComponent<CameraSettings>();

        if (cameraPerspective[cameraIndex])
            //disable smoothing if smoothing is zero
            if (camerasettings.smoothing == 0f)
                //snap to position
                transform.position = cameraPerspective[cameraIndex].position;
                transform.rotation = cameraPerspective[cameraIndex].rotation;
            {  //the higher the smoothing is the faster the camera will be in position
                transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(transform.position, cameraPerspective[cameraIndex].position, Time.deltaTime * camerasettings.smoothing);
                transform.rotation = cameraPerspective[cameraIndex].rotation;

            //this stores rotation independently, tracks rotation frame to frame
            cameraRotationX -= Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y");

            //clamp, set cameraPitch min -45 max 45 degs
            cameraRotationX = Mathf.Clamp(cameraRotationX, -camerasettings.cameraPitchMax, camerasettings.cameraPitchMax);

            //Apply rotation to Camera
            Camera.main.transform.Rotate(cameraRotationX, 0f, 0f);

Esempio n. 7
 public void SetCameraSettings(CameraSettings cameraSettings)
     _currentCameraSettings = cameraSettings;
Esempio n. 8
 public static void SetSettings(CameraSettings settings)
     _cameraSettings = settings;
     _dslrCamera = null;
Esempio n. 9
            public override void OnMouseMove(Vector2 mouse)

                if (modify_Activated && !Viewport.MouseRelativeMode)

                    Vector2 viewportSize  = Owner.ViewportControl.Viewport.SizeInPixels.ToVector2();
                    Vector2 mousePosition = mouse + cursorTransitionOnScreenBorderOffset / viewportSize;

                    Vector2 screenPosition = mousePosition - startMouseOffset;
                    Ray     ray            = CameraSettings.GetRayByScreenCoordinates(screenPosition);

                    Vector3 position = modifyPosition;
                    double  size     = GetSize();

                    if (size == 0)

                    Vector3 xOffset, yOffset, zOffset;
                    GetAxisOffsets(out xOffset, out yOffset, out zOffset);

                    double offset = 0;

                    if (!double.IsNaN(ray.Direction.X))
                        Vector2 pixelOffset      = (mousePosition - startMousePosition) * viewportSize;
                        double  mouseOffsetAngle = Math.Atan2(-pixelOffset.Y, pixelOffset.X);

                        if (selectedAxes.TrueCount == 3)
                            offset  = mousePosition.Y - startMousePosition.Y;
                            offset *= -1;
                            offset *= viewportSize.Y;
                            Vector2 screenModifyPosition;
                            if (CameraSettings.ProjectToScreenCoordinates(modifyPosition, out screenModifyPosition))
                                screenModifyPosition *= viewportSize;

                                offset = 0;

                                if (selectedAxes.x)
                                    Vector2 screenXPosition;
                                    CameraSettings.ProjectToScreenCoordinates(position + xOffset, out screenXPosition);
                                    if (screenXPosition.X != 0 && screenXPosition.Y != 0)
                                        screenXPosition *= viewportSize;
                                        Vector2 diff      = screenXPosition - screenModifyPosition;
                                        double  diffAngle = Math.Atan2(-diff.Y, diff.X);
                                        double  angle     = mouseOffsetAngle - diffAngle;
                                        angle = MathEx.RadianNormalize360(angle);
                                        double off = Math.Cos(angle) * pixelOffset.Length();
                                        offset += off;

                                if (selectedAxes.y)
                                    Vector2 screenYPosition;
                                    CameraSettings.ProjectToScreenCoordinates(position + yOffset, out screenYPosition);
                                    if (screenYPosition.X != 0 && screenYPosition.Y != 0)
                                        screenYPosition *= viewportSize;
                                        Vector2 diff      = screenYPosition - screenModifyPosition;
                                        double  diffAngle = Math.Atan2(-diff.Y, diff.X);
                                        double  angle     = mouseOffsetAngle - diffAngle;
                                        angle = MathEx.RadianNormalize360(angle);
                                        double off = Math.Cos(angle) * pixelOffset.Length();
                                        offset += off;

                                if (selectedAxes.z)
                                    Vector2 screenZPosition;
                                    CameraSettings.ProjectToScreenCoordinates(position + zOffset, out screenZPosition);
                                    if (screenZPosition.X != 0 && screenZPosition.Y != 0)
                                        screenZPosition *= viewportSize;
                                        Vector2 diff      = screenZPosition - screenModifyPosition;
                                        double  diffAngle = Math.Atan2(-diff.Y, diff.X);
                                        double  angle     = mouseOffsetAngle - diffAngle;
                                        angle = MathEx.RadianNormalize360(angle);
                                        double off = Math.Cos(angle) * pixelOffset.Length();
                                        offset += off;

                        const double scaleCoefficient = .01f;
                        offset *= scaleCoefficient;

                        double coef;
                        if (offset > 0)
                            double snap = Owner.GetSnapScale();
                            if (snap != 0)
                                offset += snap / 2;
                                offset /= snap;
                                offset  = (int)offset;
                                offset *= snap;

                            coef = offset + 1.0f;
                            double snap = Owner.GetSnapScale();
                            if (snap != 0)
                                offset -= snap / 2;
                                offset /= snap;
                                offset  = (int)offset;
                                offset *= snap;

                            coef = 1.0f / (1.0f - offset);

                        Vector3 scaleOffset = new Vector3(selectedAxes.x ? coef : 1, selectedAxes.y ? coef : 1, selectedAxes.z ? coef : 1);

                        //update objects
                        if (initialObjectsTransform != null && Owner.Objects.Count == initialObjectsTransform.Length)
                            Owner.OnScaleModeUpdateObjects(initialObjectsTransform, modifyPosition, scaleOffset);

                        helpText = string.Format("[{0} {1} {2}]", scaleOffset.X.ToString("F2"), scaleOffset.Y.ToString("F2"),
Esempio n. 10
 public void setCameraSettings(CameraSettings settings)
        protected void InitializeAndStartBarcodeScanning()
            // Create data capture context using your license key.
            this.dataCaptureContext = DataCaptureContext.ForLicenseKey(SCANDIT_LICENSE_KEY);

            // Use the default camera and set it as the frame source of the context.
            // The camera is off by default and must be turned on to start streaming frames to the data
            // capture context for recognition.
            // See resumeFrameSource and pauseFrameSource below.
   = Camera.GetDefaultCamera();
            if ( != null)
                // Use the settings recommended by barcode capture.

            // Use the recommended camera settings for the BarcodeTracking mode as default settings.
            // The preferred resolution is automatically chosen, which currently defaults to HD on all devices.
            CameraSettings cameraSettings = BarcodeTracking.RecommendedCameraSettings;

            // Setting the preferred resolution to full HD helps to get a better decode range.
            cameraSettings.PreferredResolution = VideoResolution.FullHd;
            BarcodeTrackingSettings barcodeTrackingSettings = BarcodeTrackingSettings.Create();

            // The settings instance initially has all types of barcodes (symbologies) disabled.
            // For the purpose of this sample we enable a very generous set of symbologies.
            // In your own app ensure that you only enable the symbologies that your app requires as
            // every additional enabled symbology has an impact on processing times.
            HashSet <Symbology> symbologies = new HashSet <Symbology>()


            // Create new barcode tracking mode with the settings from above.
            this.barcodeTracking = BarcodeTracking.Create(this.dataCaptureContext, barcodeTrackingSettings);

            // Register self as a listener to get informed whenever a new barcode got recognized.

            // To visualize the on-going barcode tracking process on screen, setup a data capture view
            // that renders the camera preview. The view must be connected to the data capture context.
            var dataCaptureView = DataCaptureView.Create(this.dataCaptureContext, this.View.Bounds);

            dataCaptureView.AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleHeight |

            var overlay = BarcodeTrackingBasicOverlay.Create(this.barcodeTracking, dataCaptureView);

            overlay.Listener = this;

            this.defaultBrush = overlay.Brush;
            var rejectedColor = new UIColor(red: 255 / 255, green: 57 / 255, blue: 57 / 255, alpha: 1);

            this.rejectedBrush = new Brush(fillColor: rejectedColor.ColorWithAlpha((nfloat)0.3), strokeColor: rejectedColor, strokeWidth: 1);

Esempio n. 12
	public void UpdateMainBuffers() {
		for(int i = 0; i < cameraSettings.Length; i++) {
			CameraSettings cameraSetting = cameraSettings[i];

			if (cameraSetting.renderMode == CameraSettings.RenderMode.Disabled) {
			LightingMainBuffer2D buffer = LightingMainBuffer2D.Get(cameraSetting);

			if (buffer != null) {
				buffer.cameraSettings.renderMode = cameraSetting.renderMode;

				buffer.cameraSettings.renderLayerId = cameraSetting.renderLayerId;

				if (buffer.cameraSettings.customMaterial != cameraSetting.customMaterial) {
					buffer.cameraSettings.customMaterial = cameraSetting.customMaterial;


				if (buffer.cameraSettings.renderShader != cameraSetting.renderShader) {
					buffer.cameraSettings.renderShader = cameraSetting.renderShader;


				foreach(Material material in cameraSetting.GetMaterials().materials) {
					if (material == null) {

					Camera camera = cameraSetting.GetCamera();
					if (cameraSetting.cameraType == CameraSettings.CameraType.SceneView) {
						CameraMaterials.SetMaterial(2, material, camera, buffer.renderTexture);
					} else {
						CameraMaterials.SetMaterial(1, material, camera, buffer.renderTexture);

		for(int i = 0; i < LightingMainBuffer2D.List.Count; i++) {
			LightingMainBuffer2D buffer = LightingMainBuffer2D.List[i];

			if (buffer != null) {

		if (LightingMainBuffer2D.List.Count > 0) {
			foreach(LightingMainBuffer2D buffer in LightingMainBuffer2D.List) {
				if (Lighting2D.disable) {
					buffer.updateNeeded = false;	

				CameraSettings cameraSettings = buffer.cameraSettings;
				bool render = cameraSettings.renderMode != CameraSettings.RenderMode.Disabled;

				if (render && cameraSettings.GetCamera() != null) {
					buffer.updateNeeded = true;
				} else {
					buffer.updateNeeded = false;
Esempio n. 13
 void Awake()
     Instance = this;
 void Init(CameraSettings settings)
     this.settings = settings;
Esempio n. 15
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the current settings.
 /// </summary>
 public void GetSettings(out CameraSettings outSettings)
     outSettings = new CameraSettings(Height, Zoom, m_LastDistance, ZoomedHeight(), m_Camera.fieldOfView);
Esempio n. 16
    public Level2() : base()
        width          = 35;
        height         = 55;
        cameraSettings = new CameraSettings(new Vector3(4f, 20f, -15f), new Vector3(60f, 0f, 0f), 2.5f, 2.5f);

        player = new Player(1, 1);
        walls  = new Wall[] {
            // new Wall(x1, z1, x2, z2)
            // 1:start from x > 2:start from z ^
            // 3: >  4:^
            new Wall(0, 0, 37, 0),   // Bottom Wall
            new Wall(0, 0, 0, 57),   // Left Wall
            new Wall(36, 0, 37, 57), // Right Wall
            new Wall(0, 56, 37, 57), // Top Wall

            new Wall(0, 4, 20, 4), // Internal Wall: start
            // new Wall(22, 0, 22, 8), // *** Bouncy Wall

            new Wall(6, 12, 27, 13), //wall: L
            // new Wall(6, 12, 6, 20),// *** Bouncy Wall
            // new Wall(0, 24, 17, 25),//*** Bouncy Wall: second that protrudes from left wall
            // new Wall(23, 24, 32, 25),// *** Bouncy Wall: wall opposite
            new Wall(17, 20, 18, 30), //wall: T
            new Wall(17, 20, 29, 21), // wall: upside down L
            new Wall(29, 7, 30, 21),  // wall: upside down L
            new Wall(17, 30, 27, 31), //wall: protrude right from corridor

            //final stretch
            new Wall(13, 34, 32, 35),
            new Wall(13, 30, 14, 34),
            new Wall(13, 30, 14, 34),
            new Wall(4, 30, 13, 31),
            new Wall(3, 30, 4, 52),
            // new Wall(3, 52, 33, 53),// *** Bouncy Wall

            //fast/hard corridor
            // new Wall(26, 3, 27, 12), // *** Bouncy Wall
            // new Wall(26, 3, 32, 4), // *** Bouncy Wall
            // new Wall(32, 3, 33, 52),// *** Bouncy Wall

        wallsBouncy = new WallBouncy[] {
            new WallBouncy(22, 0, 22, 8),
            new WallBouncy(6, 12, 6, 20),
            new WallBouncy(0, 24, 17, 25),
            new WallBouncy(23, 24, 32, 25),

            new WallBouncy(3, 52, 33, 53),
            new WallBouncy(26, 3, 27, 12),
            new WallBouncy(26, 3, 32, 4),
            new WallBouncy(32, 3, 33, 52),

        goals = new Goal[] {
            new Goal(33, 53)

        obstacles = new Obstacle[] {
            //place 2 holes near beginning
            //place 2  holes at end for either side depending on which side you take
            new Hole(17, 1),
            new Hole(17, 6),
            new Hole(10, 4),
            new Hole(0, 12),
            new Hole(5, 20),
            new Hole(12, 15),
            new Hole(25, 17),
            new Hole(26, 3),

            new Hole(22, 26),
            new Hole(24, 26),
            new Hole(26, 26),
            new Hole(28, 26),

            //final stretch
            new Hole(12, 26),
            new Hole(3, 24),
            new Hole(31, 53),

            //fast/hard corridor
            new Hole(22, 6),
            new Hole(23, 3),
            new Hole(22, 1),

            //final stretch of fast/hard
            new Hole(32, 0),
            new Hole(33, 4),
            new Hole(33, 6),
            new Hole(33, 8),
            new Hole(33, 10),

            new Hole(32, 14),
            new Hole(32, 16),

            new Hole(33, 20),
            new Hole(33, 22),
            new Hole(33, 24),
            new Hole(33, 26),

            new Hole(32, 30),
            new Hole(32, 32),

            new Hole(33, 36),
            new Hole(33, 38),
            new Hole(33, 40),
            new Hole(33, 42),
            new Hole(33, 44),

            new Hole(32, 48),
            new Hole(33, 51),
        introDialogue = new Dialogue[] {
            new Dialogue(9, Dialogue.Speaker.Rubik, "Welcome To Level 2 Torture!!"),
            new Dialogue(5, Dialogue.Speaker.Rubik, "You may have survived thus far, but we’re just getting started!"),
            new Dialogue(5, Dialogue.Speaker.Rubik, "MORE WALLS, MORE DANGER!!!!"),
        outroDialogue = new Dialogue[] {
            new Dialogue(5, Dialogue.Speaker.Rubik, "AGH!!! You won't be able to get aROUND us next time!"),
        failDialogue = new Dialogue[] {
            new Dialogue(70, Dialogue.Speaker.Rubik, "Humpty Dumpty bumped into my walls & Humpty Dumpty had a great fall"),
            new Dialogue(70, Dialogue.Speaker.Rubik, "All the king's horses and all the king's men, couldn't put Humpty together again"),
            new Dialogue(70, Dialogue.Speaker.Rubik, "You my good broken Spherical General are now like Humpty Dumpty! HAHAHAHA"),
            new Dialogue(70, Dialogue.Speaker.King, "Well done Rubik! Just like how I like my eggs."),

Esempio n. 17
    public void Render(ScriptableRenderContext IN_context, 
        Camera IN_camera, CameraBufferSettings cameraBufferSettings, bool useDynameicBatching, 
        bool useGPUInstancing, bool useLightPerObject,
        ShadowSettings shadowSetting, PostFXSettings postFXSettings, int colorLUTResolution)
        this.context = IN_context; = IN_camera;

        //setup custom camera settings
        //for per camera blend, PostFX settings
        var crpCamera = camera.GetComponent<CustomRenderPipelineCamera>();
        CameraSettings cameraSettings = crpCamera ? crpCamera.Settings : defaultCameraSettings;

        //use depthtexture so shader can access the current buffer depth    
        if (camera.cameraType == CameraType.Reflection)
            useDepthTexture = cameraBufferSettings.copyDepthReflection;
            useColorTexture = cameraBufferSettings.copyColorReflection;
            useDepthTexture = cameraBufferSettings.copyDepth && cameraSettings.copyDepth;
            useColorTexture = cameraBufferSettings.copyColor && cameraSettings.copyColor;

        if (cameraSettings.overridePostFX)
            //override PostFX option for each cam
            postFXSettings = cameraSettings.postFXSettings;

        //set render scale, scale should atleast move a bit to take effect
        float renderScale = cameraSettings.GetRenderScale(cameraBufferSettings.renderScale);
        useScaledRendering = renderScale < 0.99f || renderScale > 1.01f;

        //change buffer name to the camera name

        //add UI (WorldGeometry) to the scene camera, so we can see UI in editor view
        if (!Cull(shadowSetting.maxDistance))

        this.useHDR = cameraBufferSettings.allowHDR && camera.allowHDR;

        //calculate and store buffersize
        if (useScaledRendering)
            renderScale = Mathf.Clamp(renderScale, renderScaleMin, renderScaleMax);
            bufferSize.x = (int)(camera.pixelWidth * renderScale);
            bufferSize.y = (int)(camera.pixelHeight * renderScale);
            bufferSize.x = camera.pixelWidth;
            bufferSize.y = camera.pixelHeight;

        buffer.BeginSample(SampleName);//Include lights and shadow rendering in main cam profile

        //pass the buffer size to GPU so the when sample color and depthe texture, 
        //we can refer to correct buffer size
        buffer.SetGlobalVector(bufferSizeId, new Vector4(
            (float)1/bufferSize.x, (float)1 /bufferSize.y, bufferSize.x, bufferSize.y

        //get transfer DirLight data to GPU
        //Setup shadow RT and shadow rendering
        lighting.Setup(context, cullingResults, shadowSetting, useLightPerObject,
            cameraSettings.maskLights ? cameraSettings.RenderingLayerMask : -1);

        //FXAA is enable per camera
        cameraBufferSettings.fxaa.enabled = cameraSettings.allowFXAA;
        //setup postFX
        postFXStack.Setup(context, camera, 
            bufferSize, postFXSettings, cameraSettings.keepAlpha, useHDR, 
            colorLUTResolution, cameraSettings.finalBlendMode,


        //Setup rendertarget for normal oject rendering
        DrawVisibleGeometry(useDynameicBatching, useGPUInstancing, useLightPerObject, cameraSettings.RenderingLayerMask);

        //this makes the Legacy shader draw upon the tranparent object
        //makes it wired, but they are not supported who cares~


        if (postFXStack.IsActive)
        else if (useIntermediateBuffer)
            // we need to copy the image from intermediate to final 
            //otherwise nothing goes to camera target, Since PFX is not active 
            //Draw(colorAttachmentId, BuiltinRenderTextureType.CameraTarget);



        //all action will be buffered and render action only begin after submit!
Esempio n. 18
        private IEnumerator Start()
            if (IsStudio())

            yield return(new WaitUntil(() =>
                switch (KoikatuAPI.GetCurrentGameMode())
                case GameMode.Maker:
                    return KKAPI.Maker.MakerAPI.InsideAndLoaded;

                case GameMode.Studio:
                    return KKAPI.Studio.StudioAPI.StudioLoaded;

                case GameMode.MainGame:
                    return null != GameObject.Find("MapScene") && SceneManager.GetActiveScene().isLoaded&& null != Camera.main;      //KKAPI doesn't provide an api for in game check

                    return false;

            Settings               = new GlobalSettings();
            CameraSettings         = new CameraSettings();
            LightingSettings       = new LightingSettings();
            PostProcessingSettings = new PostProcessingSettings(CameraSettings.MainCamera);

            _skyboxManager           = Instance.GetOrAddComponent <SkyboxManager>();
            _skyboxManager.Parent    = this;
            _skyboxManager.AssetPath = ConfigCubeMapPath.Value;
            _skyboxManager.Logger    = Logger;

            _postProcessingManager        = Instance.GetOrAddComponent <PostProcessingManager>();
            _postProcessingManager.Parent = this;
            _postProcessingManager.LensDirtTexturesPath = ConfigLensDirtPath.Value;

            LocalizationManager.Parent          = this;
            LocalizationManager.CurrentLanguage = ConfigLanguage.Value;

            _lightManager = new LightManager(this);

            _focusPuller = Instance.GetOrAddComponent <FocusPuller>();
            _presetManager = new PresetManager(ConfigPresetPath.Value, this);

            _inspector = new Inspector.Inspector(this);

            // It takes some time to fully loaded in studio to save/load stuffs.
            yield return(new WaitUntil(() =>
                return IsStudio() ? KKAPI.Studio.StudioAPI.InsideStudio && _skyboxManager != null : true;

            _isLoaded = true;
Esempio n. 19
 public void SetCamera(CameraType cameraType, CameraSettings settings)
     Settings = settings;
Esempio n. 20
        private void BuildDatabaseBackgroundWorker_DoWork(object sender, System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs e)
            CameraSettings settings = (CameraSettings)e.Argument;

            LoggingClient logger = new LoggingClient(App.Configuration);

            logger.Log(settings.Username, "Invoked");

            if (Directory.Exists(settings.TargertDrive))
                // Load POIs from PocketGPSWorld
                this.buildDatabaseBackgroundWorker.ReportProgress(1, "Loading Cameras from");

                byte[] camerasZip = null;

                    camerasZip = SpeedCameras.Load(settings.Username, settings.Password);
                catch (WebException webException)
                    logger.Log(settings.Username, $"Exception (Load) - {webException.Message}");

                    // Offer the user to build from manual download
                    if (MessageBox.Show(webException.Message + "\r\r" + Properties.Resources.ManualDownloadPrompt, Properties.Resources.ErrorTitle, MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Error, MessageBoxResult.Yes) == MessageBoxResult.Yes)
                        MessageBox.Show(Properties.Resources.ManualDownloadGuidance, Properties.Resources.ManualDownloadGuidanceTitle, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information);
                        Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog fileDialog = new Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog
                            DefaultExt = ".zip",
                            Filter     = "Zip Files|*.zip"

                        bool?dialogResult = fileDialog.ShowDialog();
                        if (dialogResult == true)
                            string filename = fileDialog.FileName;
                            camerasZip = File.ReadAllBytes(filename);

                if (camerasZip == null)

                SpeedCameras.UploadCameras(settings.Username, camerasZip);

                Collection <PointOfInterestCategory> cameras = null;

                    cameras = SpeedCameras.Filter(
                catch (FileFormatException fileFormatException)
                    logger.Log(settings.Username, $"Exception (Unpack) - {fileFormatException.Message}");
                    MessageBox.Show(fileFormatException.Message, Properties.Resources.ErrorTitle, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error, MessageBoxResult.OK);

                // Check we got some Cameras from the PocketGPSWorld
                if (cameras != null && cameras.Count > 0)
                    // Load existing POIs from card
                    this.buildDatabaseBackgroundWorker.ReportProgress(2, "Load existing POIs from Card");
                    Collection <PointOfInterestCategory> existingCategories = PointOfInterestDatabase.LoadPois(settings.TargertDrive);

                    // We need to do a merge
                    Collection <PointOfInterestCategory> mergedPois = PointOfInterestDatabase.MergePointsOfInterest(existingCategories, cameras);

                    // Build the SD card
                    this.buildDatabaseBackgroundWorker.ReportProgress(3, "Building Database");
                    int loadedWaypoints = PointOfInterestDatabase.SavePois(mergedPois, settings.TargertDrive, this.buildDatabaseBackgroundWorker);

                    e.Result = loadedWaypoints;
                    logger.Log(settings.Username, "Complete");
                e.Result = -1;
Esempio n. 21
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     camerasettings = cameraPerspective[cameraIndex].GetComponent<CameraSettings>();
Esempio n. 22
 public static void SetSettings(CameraSettings settings)
     _cameraSettings = settings;
Esempio n. 23
        public async Task <MethodResult <Dictionary <PokemonId, PokemonSettings> > > GetItemTemplates()
            if (PokeSettings != null && PokeSettings.Count != 0)
                return(new MethodResult <Dictionary <PokemonId, PokemonSettings> >
                    Data = PokeSettings,
                    Message = "Settings already grabbed",
                    Success = true

            if (!_client.LoggedIn)
                MethodResult result = await AcLogin();

                if (!result.Success)
                    return(new MethodResult <Dictionary <PokemonId, PokemonSettings> >
                        Message = result.Message

            if (_client.ClientSession.Templates.ItemTemplates == null)
                return new MethodResult <Dictionary <PokemonId, PokemonSettings> >
                           Message = "Failed to get setting templates"

            var pokemonSettings      = new Dictionary <PokemonId, PokemonSettings>();
            var moveSettings         = new Dictionary <PokemonMove, MoveSettings>();
            var badgeSettings        = new Dictionary <BadgeType, BadgeSettings>();
            var itemSettings         = new Dictionary <ItemId, ItemSettings>();
            var battleSettings       = new GymBattleSettings();
            var upgradeSettings      = new PokemonUpgradeSettings();
            var moveSequenceSettings = new MoveSequenceSettings();
            var encounterSettings    = new EncounterSettings();
            var iapItemDisplay       = new IapItemDisplay();
            var iapSettings          = new IapSettings();
            var equippedBadge        = new EquippedBadgeSettings();
            var questSettings        = new QuestSettings();
            var avatarCustomization  = new AvatarCustomizationSettings();
            var formSettings         = new FormSettings();
            var genderSettings       = new GenderSettings();
            var gymBadgeSettings     = new GymBadgeGmtSettings();
            var weatherAffinities    = new WeatherAffinity();
            var weatherBonusSettings = new WeatherBonus();
            var pokemonScaleSettings = new PokemonScaleSetting();
            var typeEffective        = new TypeEffectiveSettings();
            var camera   = new CameraSettings();
            var gymLevel = new GymLevelSettings();

            foreach (var template in _client.ClientSession.Templates.ItemTemplates)
                if (template.PlayerLevel != null)
                    LevelSettings = template.PlayerLevel;


                if (template.PokemonSettings != null)
                    if (pokemonSettings.ContainsKey(template.PokemonSettings.PokemonId))
                    pokemonSettings.Add(template.PokemonSettings.PokemonId, template.PokemonSettings);
                else if (template.MoveSettings != null)
                    if (moveSettings.ContainsKey(template.MoveSettings.MovementId))
                    moveSettings.Add(template.MoveSettings.MovementId, template.MoveSettings);
                else if (template.BadgeSettings != null)
                    if (badgeSettings.ContainsKey(template.BadgeSettings.BadgeType))
                    badgeSettings.Add(template.BadgeSettings.BadgeType, template.BadgeSettings);
                else if (template.ItemSettings != null)
                    if (itemSettings.ContainsKey(template.ItemSettings.ItemId))
                    itemSettings.Add(template.ItemSettings.ItemId, template.ItemSettings);
                else if (template.EncounterSettings != null)
                    encounterSettings = template.EncounterSettings;
                else if (template.MoveSequenceSettings != null)
                    moveSequenceSettings = template.MoveSequenceSettings;
                else if (template.BattleSettings != null)
                    battleSettings = template.BattleSettings;
                else if (template.IapItemDisplay != null)
                    iapItemDisplay = template.IapItemDisplay;
                else if (template.IapSettings != null)
                    iapSettings = template.IapSettings;
                else if (template.EquippedBadges != null)
                    equippedBadge = template.EquippedBadges;
                else if (template.QuestSettings != null)
                    questSettings = template.QuestSettings;
                else if (template.AvatarCustomization != null)
                    avatarCustomization = template.AvatarCustomization;
                else if (template.FormSettings != null)
                    formSettings = template.FormSettings;
                else if (template.GenderSettings != null)
                    genderSettings = template.GenderSettings;
                else if (template.GymBadgeSettings != null)
                    gymBadgeSettings = template.GymBadgeSettings;
                else if (template.WeatherAffinities != null)
                    weatherAffinities = template.WeatherAffinities;
                else if (template.WeatherBonusSettings != null)
                    weatherBonusSettings = template.WeatherBonusSettings;
                else if (template.PokemonScaleSettings != null)
                    pokemonScaleSettings = template.PokemonScaleSettings;
                else if (template.TypeEffective != null)
                    typeEffective = template.TypeEffective;
                else if (template.Camera != null)
                    camera = template.Camera;
                else if (template.GymLevel != null)
                    gymLevel = template.GymLevel;
                else if (template.PokemonUpgrades != null)
                    upgradeSettings = template.PokemonUpgrades;

            PokeSettings                   = pokemonSettings;
            MoveSettings                   = moveSettings;
            BadgeSettings                  = badgeSettings;
            ItemSettings                   = itemSettings;
            BadgeSettings                  = badgeSettings;
            UpgradeSettings                = upgradeSettings;
            GetMoveSequenceSettings        = moveSequenceSettings;
            GetEncounterSettings           = encounterSettings;
            GetIapItemDisplay              = iapItemDisplay;
            GetIapSettings                 = iapSettings;
            GetEquippedBadgeSettings       = equippedBadge;
            GetQuestSettings               = questSettings;
            GetAvatarCustomizationSettings = avatarCustomization;
            GetFormSettings                = formSettings;
            GetGenderSettings              = genderSettings;
            GetGymBadgeGmtSettings         = gymBadgeSettings;
            GetWeatherAffinity             = weatherAffinities;
            GetWeatherBonus                = weatherBonusSettings;
            GetPokemonScaleSetting         = pokemonScaleSettings;
            GetTypeEffectiveSettings       = typeEffective;
            GetCameraSettings              = camera;
            GetGymLevelSettings            = gymLevel;

            return(new MethodResult <Dictionary <PokemonId, PokemonSettings> >
                Data = pokemonSettings,
                Message = "Success",
                Success = true
Esempio n. 24
 internal static void Draw(CameraSettings cameraSettings, GlobalSettings renderingSettings, bool showAdvanced)
         Label("Camera", "", true);
         cameraSettings.ClearFlag = Selection("Clear Flags", cameraSettings.ClearFlag, flag => cameraSettings.ClearFlag = flag);
         if (showAdvanced)
             //changing studio camera's culling mask breaks studio, possibly due to cinemachine
             GUI.enabled = false;
             SelectionMask("Culling Mask", cameraSettings.CullingMask, mask => cameraSettings.CullingMask = mask);
             GUI.enabled = true;
         Slider("Near Clipping Plane", cameraSettings.NearClipPlane, 0.01f, 15000f, "N2", ncp => { cameraSettings.NearClipPlane = ncp; });
         Slider("Far Clipping Plane", cameraSettings.FarClipPlane, 0.01f, 15000f, "N2", ncp => { cameraSettings.FarClipPlane = ncp; });
         Selection("Rendering Path", cameraSettings.RenderingPath, path => cameraSettings.RenderingPath = path);
         Slider("Field of View", cameraSettings.Fov, FOVMin, FOVMax, "N0", fov => { cameraSettings.Fov = fov; });
         Toggle("Occlusion Culling", cameraSettings.OcculsionCulling, false, culling => cameraSettings.OcculsionCulling = culling);
         Toggle("Allow HDR", cameraSettings.HDR, false, hdr => cameraSettings.HDR = hdr);
         Toggle("Allow MSAA (Forward Only)", cameraSettings.MSAA, false, msaa => cameraSettings.MSAA = msaa);
         Toggle("Allow Dynamic Resolution", cameraSettings.DynamicResolution, false, dynamic => cameraSettings.DynamicResolution = dynamic);
         Label("Rendering", "", true);
         Label("Colour Space", QualitySettings.activeColorSpace.ToString());
         Label("Quality Level", QualitySettings.names[QualitySettings.GetQualityLevel()]);
         Text("Pixel Light Count", renderingSettings.PixelLightCount, count => renderingSettings.PixelLightCount = count);
         Selection("Anisotropic Textures", renderingSettings.AnisotropicFiltering, filtering => renderingSettings.AnisotropicFiltering = filtering);
         Slider("MSAA Multiplier", renderingSettings.AntiAliasing, 0, 8, aa => renderingSettings.AntiAliasing = aa);
         Toggle("Realtime Reflection Probes", renderingSettings.RealtimeReflectionProbes, false, realtime => renderingSettings.RealtimeReflectionProbes = realtime);
         Label("Shadows", "", true);
         Selection("Shadowmask Mode", renderingSettings.ShadowmaskModeSetting, mode => renderingSettings.ShadowmaskModeSetting             = mode);
         Selection("Shadows", renderingSettings.ShadowQualitySetting, setting => renderingSettings.ShadowQualitySetting                    = setting);
         Selection("Shadow Resolution", renderingSettings.ShadowResolutionSetting, resolution => renderingSettings.ShadowResolutionSetting = resolution);
         Selection("Shadow Projection", renderingSettings.ShadowProjectionSetting, projection => renderingSettings.ShadowProjectionSetting = projection);
         Text("Shadow Distance", renderingSettings.ShadowDistance, "N2", distance => renderingSettings.ShadowDistance = distance);
         Text("Shadow Near Plane Offset", renderingSettings.ShadowNearPlaneOffset, "N2", offset => renderingSettings.ShadowNearPlaneOffset = offset);
         if (showAdvanced)
             Toggle("Use PCSS (Experimental)", renderingSettings.UsePCSS, false, pcss => renderingSettings.UsePCSS = pcss);
             if (renderingSettings.UsePCSS)
                 Slider("Blocker Sample Count", PCSSLight.Blocker_SampleCount, 1, 64, count => PCSSLight.Blocker_SampleCount = count);
                 Slider("PCF Sample Count", PCSSLight.PCF_SampleCount, 1, 64, count => PCSSLight.PCF_SampleCount             = count);
                 Slider("Softness", PCSSLight.Softness, 0f, 7.5f, "N2", softness => PCSSLight.Softness = softness);
                 Slider("Softness Falloff", PCSSLight.SoftnessFalloff, 0f, 5f, "N2", softnessFalloff => PCSSLight.SoftnessFalloff             = softnessFalloff);
                 Slider("Blocker Gradient Bias", PCSSLight.Blocker_GradientBias, 0f, 1f, "N2", bias => PCSSLight.Blocker_GradientBias         = bias);
                 Slider("PCF Gradient Bias", PCSSLight.PCF_GradientBias, 0f, 1f, "N2", bias => PCSSLight.PCF_GradientBias                     = bias);
                 Slider("Max Static Gradient Bias", PCSSLight.MaxStaticGradientBias, 0f, 0.15f, "N2", bias => PCSSLight.MaxStaticGradientBias = bias);
                 Slider("Cascade Blend Distance", PCSSLight.CascadeBlendDistance, 0f, 1f, "N2", distance => PCSSLight.CascadeBlendDistance    = distance);
         Selection("Language", LocalizationManager.CurrentLanguage, language => LocalizationManager.CurrentLanguage = language);
         Slider("Font Size", renderingSettings.FontSize, 12, 17, size => renderingSettings.FontSize = size);
         Slider("Window Width", Inspector.Width, 400, Screen.width / 2, size => Inspector.Width     = size);
         Slider("Window Height", Inspector.Height, 400, Screen.height, size => Inspector.Height     = size);
         Toggle("Show Advanced Settings", renderingSettings.ShowAdvancedSettings, false, advanced => renderingSettings.ShowAdvancedSettings = advanced);
 void Start()
     this.cameraSettings    = FindObjectOfType <CameraSettings>();
     this.trackableSettings = FindObjectOfType <TrackableSettings>();
Esempio n. 26
    // Important Notes:
    // The map is a grid of size width x height
    //     every cell of the grid spawns a Ground Segment prefab unless otherwise specified
    // There are 2 grid locations that an object spawns on
    //     Walls have a grid that is [width + 2]x[height + 2]
    //         This allows the walls to seamlessly surround the map as well as take up exactly one tile when placed
    //     Every other object will spawn on the corners of tiles
    //         ie: The ball, goals, etc... will spawn on the vertex of 4 tiles
    //             While walls will spawn completely covering tiles
    // Objects that take up multiple tiles such as black holes and goals/holes are placed based on their top left corner
    //     So the black hole if spawned at 16, 16 will delete ground between [8,16]x and [8,16]z 64 total ground segments
    public BossLevel2() : base()
        width  = 30;
        height = 30;

        cameraSettings = new CameraSettings(new Vector3(0f, 15f, -10f), new Vector3(60f, 0f, 0f), 2.5f, 2.5f);

        king   = new KingCube(15, 15, 0);
        player = new Player(1, 1);
        walls  = new Wall[] {
            // new Wall(x1, z1, x2, z2)
            new Wall(0, 0, 32, 0),   // Bottom Wall
            new Wall(0, 0, 0, 32),   // Left Wall
            new Wall(31, 0, 32, 32), // Right Wall
            new Wall(0, 31, 32, 32), // Top Wall
        goals = new Goal[] {
            new Goal(14, 14)
        obstacles = new Obstacle[] {
            new Hole(0, 4),
            new Hole(2, 4),
            new Hole(4, 4),
            new Hole(6, 4),
            new Hole(8, 4),
            new Hole(10, 4),
            new Hole(12, 4),
            new Hole(14, 4),
            new Hole(16, 4),
            new Hole(18, 4),
            new Hole(20, 4),
            new Hole(22, 4),
            new Hole(24, 4),
            new Hole(24, 6),
            new Hole(24, 8),
            new Hole(24, 10),
            new Hole(24, 12),
            new Hole(24, 14),
            new Hole(24, 16),
            new Hole(24, 18),
            new Hole(24, 20),
            new Hole(24, 22),
            new Hole(24, 24),
        introDialogue = new Dialogue[] {
        outroDialogue = new Dialogue[] {
            new Dialogue(5, Dialogue.Speaker.King, "There Is No Way! How Could YOU Beat US!"),
            new Dialogue(7, Dialogue.Speaker.King, "RUBI K. WE NEED TO TALK!"),
            new Dialogue(3, Dialogue.Speaker.Rubik, "Y-Yes?"),
            new Dialogue(7, Dialogue.Speaker.King, "THE GAME HASNT EVEN BEEN COMPLETED YET THEY ALREADY ESCAPED!!!"),
            new Dialogue(1, Dialogue.Speaker.Rubik, ". . ."),
        failDialogue = new Dialogue[] {
            new Dialogue(5, Dialogue.Speaker.King, "Try as much as you like. You will never win!"),
            new Dialogue(5, Dialogue.Speaker.Rubik, "Yes! You Will Never Outsmart Me!!"),
            new Dialogue(5, Dialogue.Speaker.King, "*Aghem*"),
            new Dialogue(5, Dialogue.Speaker.Rubik, "U-Us! You Will Never Outsmart US!")

Esempio n. 27
    // Use this for initialization
    void Awake()
        camerasettings = cameraPerspective[cameraIndex].GetComponent<CameraSettings>();
        char1 = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player");
        char2 = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("character2");
        thirdPersonTransform = cameraPerspective[cameraIndex].transform;

        myTransform = transform;
        activeChar = char1;
Esempio n. 28
 public RegisterEvent(FieldDefinition fieldDefinition, CameraSettings cameraSettings) : base()
     this.fieldDefinition = fieldDefinition;
     this.cameraSettings  = cameraSettings;
    override public void OnInspectorGUI()
        LightingManager2D script = target as LightingManager2D;

        LightingSettings.Profile newProfile = (LightingSettings.Profile)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Profile", script.setProfile, typeof(LightingSettings.Profile), true);
        if (newProfile != script.setProfile)
            script.setProfile = newProfile;


            // LightingMainBuffer2D.Clear();
            // Light2D.ForceUpdateAll();


        int count = script.cameraSettings.Length;

        count = EditorGUILayout.IntSlider("Camera Count", count, 0, 10);
        if (count != script.cameraSettings.Length)
            System.Array.Resize(ref script.cameraSettings, count);


        for (int id = 0; id < script.cameraSettings.Length; id++)
            CameraSettings cameraSetting = script.cameraSettings[id];

            cameraFoldout[id] = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(cameraFoldout[id], "Camera " + (id + 1) + " (" + cameraSetting.GetTypeName() + ")");

            if (cameraFoldout[id] == false)


            cameraSetting.cameraType = (CameraSettings.CameraType)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Camera Type", cameraSetting.cameraType);

            if (cameraSetting.cameraType == CameraSettings.CameraType.Custom)
                cameraSetting.customCamera = (Camera)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(cameraSetting.customCamera, typeof(Camera), true);

            cameraSetting.bufferID = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Buffer Preset", (int)cameraSetting.bufferID, Lighting2D.Profile.bufferPresets.GetBufferLayers());

            cameraSetting.renderMode = (CameraSettings.RenderMode)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Render Mode", cameraSetting.renderMode);

            if (cameraSetting.renderMode == CameraSettings.RenderMode.Draw)
                cameraSetting.renderShader = (CameraSettings.RenderShader)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Render Shader", cameraSetting.renderShader);

                if (cameraSetting.renderShader == CameraSettings.RenderShader.Custom)
                    cameraSetting.customMaterial = (Material)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(cameraSetting.customMaterial, typeof(Material), true);

                cameraSetting.renderLayerType = (CameraSettings.RenderLayerType)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Render Layer Type", cameraSetting.renderLayerType);

                if (cameraSetting.renderLayerType == CameraSettings.RenderLayerType.Custom)
                    cameraSetting.renderLayerId = EditorGUILayout.LayerField("Render Layer", cameraSetting.renderLayerId);

            cameraMaterialsFoldout[id] = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(cameraMaterialsFoldout[id], "Materials");

            if (cameraMaterialsFoldout[id])

                CameraMaterials materials = cameraSetting.GetMaterials();

                int matCount = materials.materials.Length;
                matCount = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Count", matCount);
                if (matCount != materials.materials.Length)
                    System.Array.Resize(ref materials.materials, matCount);

                for (int i = 0; i < materials.materials.Length; i++)
                    materials.materials[i] = (Material)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(materials.materials[i], typeof(Material), true);


   = id;

            script.cameraSettings[id] = cameraSetting;



         * cameraSetting.renderMode = (CameraSettings.RenderMode)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Render Mode", cameraSetting.renderMode);
         * if (cameraSetting.renderMode == CameraSettings.RenderMode.Draw) {
         *      cameraSetting.renderShader = (CameraSettings.RenderShader)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Render Shader", cameraSetting.renderShader);
         *      if (cameraSetting.renderShader == CameraSettings.RenderShader.Custom) {
         *      cameraSetting.customMaterial = (Material)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(cameraSetting.customMaterial, typeof(Material), true);
         *      }
         * }*/


        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("version " + Lighting2D.VERSION_STRING);

        string buttonName = "";

        if (script.version < Lighting2D.VERSION)
            buttonName         += "Re-Initialize (Outdated)";
            GUI.backgroundColor =;


            buttonName += "Re-Initialize";

        if (GUILayout.Button(buttonName))

        if (GUI.changed)


            if (EditorApplication.isPlaying == false)
Esempio n. 30
 public StaticCamera(CameraManager manager, CameraSettings settings)
     : base(manager, settings)
Esempio n. 31
            public override void OnRenderUI()

                if (!Owner.IsAllowScale())

                var     renderer     = Viewport.CanvasRenderer;
                Vector2 viewportSize = Viewport.SizeInPixels.ToVector2();

                Axes axes = new Axes(false, false, false);

                if (!Viewport.MouseRelativeMode)
                    if (!modify_Activated)
                        axes = GetAxesByMousePosition();
                        axes = selectedAxes;

                //update cursor
                if (scaleCursor != null && axes.TrueCount != 0)
                    ViewportControl.OneFrameChangeCursor = scaleCursor;

                Vector3 xOffset, yOffset, zOffset;

                GetAxisOffsets(out xOffset, out yOffset, out zOffset);

                Vector3    position = Owner.GetPosition();
                Quaternion rotation = GetRotation();
                double     size     = GetSize();

                if (size != 0)
                    //draw axis names
                        double offsetY = (ArrowPixelSize / 20.0f) / viewportSize.Y;

                        Vector2 screenPosition;

                        if (CameraSettings.ProjectToScreenCoordinates(position + xOffset, out screenPosition))
                            Vector2    pos   = new Vector2(screenPosition.X, screenPosition.Y - offsetY);
                            ColorValue color = axes.x ? new ColorValue(1, 1, 0) : new ColorValue(1, 0, 0);
                            AddTextWithShadow(renderer, "x", pos, EHorizontalAlignment.Center, EVerticalAlignment.Bottom, color, 1);

                        if (CameraSettings.ProjectToScreenCoordinates(position + yOffset, out screenPosition))
                            Vector2    pos   = new Vector2(screenPosition.X, screenPosition.Y - offsetY);
                            ColorValue color = axes.y ? new ColorValue(1, 1, 0) : new ColorValue(0, 1, 0);
                            AddTextWithShadow(renderer, "y", pos, EHorizontalAlignment.Center, EVerticalAlignment.Bottom, color, 1);

                        if (CameraSettings.ProjectToScreenCoordinates(position + zOffset, out screenPosition))
                            Vector2    pos   = new Vector2(screenPosition.X, screenPosition.Y - offsetY);
                            ColorValue color = axes.z ? new ColorValue(1, 1, 0) : new ColorValue(0, 0, 1);
                            AddTextWithShadow(renderer, "z", pos, EHorizontalAlignment.Center, EVerticalAlignment.Bottom, color, 1);

                    //draw help text
                    if (modify_Activated && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(helpText))
                        Vector2 screenPosition;
                        if (CameraSettings.ProjectToScreenCoordinates(Owner.GetPosition(), out screenPosition))
                            double  offsetY = (ArrowPixelSize / viewportSize.Y) * 1.2f;
                            Vector2 pos     = new Vector2(screenPosition.X, screenPosition.Y - offsetY);
                            AddTextWithShadow(renderer, helpText, pos, EHorizontalAlignment.Center, EVerticalAlignment.Bottom, new ColorValue(1, 1, 0), 2);
Esempio n. 32
	void Start ()
		cameraSettings = cameraTargets[cameraIndex].GetComponent<CameraSettings>();
    public async UniTask <byte[]> CaptureFulllevel(bool isTransparent, RectInt?rect = null)
        if (isTransparent)
        //Camera[] cams = Camera.allCameras.OrderBy(c => c.depth).ToArray();
        int width            = LevelEditorData.MaxWidth;
        int height           = LevelEditorData.MaxHeight;
        int cellSize         = LevelEditorData.Level.CellSize;
        int screenshotWidth  = Mathf.CeilToInt(width / (float)cellSize);
        int screenshotHeight = Mathf.CeilToInt(height / (float)cellSize);
        var cellSizeInUnits  = cellSize / (float)LevelEditorData.Level.PixelsPerUnit;
        Dictionary <Camera, CameraSettings> camSettings = new Dictionary <Camera, CameraSettings>();
        EditorCam ec = Controller.obj?.levelController?.editor?.cam;

        ec.enabled = false;
        List <Camera> cameras = new List <Camera>();

        // Add main camera
            Camera cam = Camera.main;
            camSettings[cam] = CameraSettings.Current(cam);

            cam.transform.position = new Vector3((LevelEditorData.MaxWidth) * cellSizeInUnits / 2f, -(LevelEditorData.MaxHeight) * cellSizeInUnits / 2f, cam.transform.position.z);
            cam.orthographicSize   = (LevelEditorData.MaxHeight * cellSizeInUnits / 2f);
            cam.rect = new Rect(0, 0, 1, 1);
        if (LevelEditorData.Level?.IsometricData != null)
            // Add isometric camera
            Camera cam = ec.camera3D;

            camSettings[cam] = CameraSettings.Current(cam);

            // Update 3D camera
            float      scl   = 1f;
            Quaternion rot3D = LevelEditorData.Level.IsometricData.ViewAngle;
            cam.transform.rotation = rot3D;
            Vector3 v = rot3D * Vector3.back;
            float   w = LevelEditorData.Level.IsometricData.TilesWidth * cellSizeInUnits;
            float   h = (LevelEditorData.Level.IsometricData.TilesHeight) * cellSizeInUnits;
            float   colYDisplacement = LevelEditorData.Level.IsometricData.CalculateYDisplacement();
            float   colXDisplacement = LevelEditorData.Level.IsometricData.CalculateXDisplacement();

            var pos = new Vector3((LevelEditorData.MaxWidth) * cellSizeInUnits / 2f, -(LevelEditorData.MaxHeight) * cellSizeInUnits / 2f, -10f);

            cam.transform.position = v * 300 + rot3D * ((pos -
                                                         new Vector3((w - colXDisplacement) / 2f, -(h - colYDisplacement) / 2f, 0f)) / scl); // Move back 300 units
            cam.orthographicSize = Camera.main.orthographicSize / scl;
            cam.rect             = new Rect(0, 0, 1, 1);
            cam.orthographic     = true;

            await UniTask.WaitForEndOfFrame();

            // Update all object positions & rotations according to this new camera pos
            var objects = Controller.obj.levelController.Objects;
            foreach (var obj in objects)
        await UniTask.WaitForEndOfFrame();

        byte[] screenshotBytes = null;
        var    lScreenshot     = zzTransparencyCapture.CaptureScreenshot(width * cellSize, height * cellSize, isTransparent, camera: cameras.ToArray());

        foreach (var cam in cameras)
        ec.enabled = true;
            if (rect != null)
                lScreenshot = lScreenshot.Crop(rect.Value, true);

            screenshotBytes = lScreenshot.EncodeToPNG();
        } finally {
        if (isTransparent)
        Debug.Log("Screenshot saved.");
Esempio n. 34
 public SetupDialogForm(CameraSettings settings)
     Settings = settings;
Esempio n. 35
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor. Creates a new instance of CameraSettings to contain all settings values.
 /// </summary>
 public ZEDCameraSettings()
     settings_ = new CameraSettings();
Esempio n. 36

            Axis GetAxisByMousePosition(out Vector2 screenLinePointInPixels, out Radian screenLineAngle)
                screenLinePointInPixels = Vector2.Zero;
                screenLineAngle         = 0;

                Vector2 viewportSize = Owner.ViewportControl.Viewport.SizeInPixels.ToVector2();

                Trace.Assert(Owner.Objects.Count != 0);

                Vector3 position = Owner.GetPosition();
                double  radius   = GetSize();

                if (radius == 0)

                const double step = MathEx.PI / 64;

                double innerRadius    = radius * .75f;
                double cameraDistance = GetCameraDistance(position);

                Vector3 oldPos = Vector3.Zero;

                Quaternion startRotation = GetStartObjectsRotation();

                for (double angle = 0; angle <= MathEx.PI * 2 + step * .5f; angle += step)
                    Vector3 pos = position + startRotation * (new Vector3(0, Math.Sin(angle), Math.Cos(angle)) * innerRadius);
                    if (angle != 0 && GetCameraDistance(pos) <= cameraDistance &&
                        IsMouseNearLine(oldPos, pos, out screenLinePointInPixels, out screenLineAngle, out _))
                    oldPos = pos;

                for (double angle = 0; angle <= MathEx.PI * 2 + step * .5f; angle += step)
                    Vector3 pos = position + startRotation * (new Vector3(Math.Sin(angle), 0, Math.Cos(angle)) * innerRadius);
                    if (angle != 0 && GetCameraDistance(pos) <= cameraDistance &&
                        IsMouseNearLine(oldPos, pos, out screenLinePointInPixels, out screenLineAngle, out _))
                    oldPos = pos;

                for (double angle = 0; angle <= MathEx.PI * 2 + step * .5f; angle += step)
                    Vector3 pos = position + startRotation * (new Vector3(Math.Sin(angle),
                                                                          Math.Cos(angle), 0) * innerRadius);
                    if (angle != 0 && (GetCameraDistance(pos) <= cameraDistance || Owner.SceneMode2D) &&
                        IsMouseNearLine(oldPos, pos, out screenLinePointInPixels, out screenLineAngle, out _))
                    oldPos = pos;

                Vector2 mouseInPixels = Owner.viewportControl.Viewport.MousePosition * viewportSize;

                Vector2 screenPosition;

                if (CameraSettings.ProjectToScreenCoordinates(position, out screenPosition))
                    Vector2 screenPositionInPixels = screenPosition * viewportSize;
                    double  mouseDistanceInPixels  = (mouseInPixels - screenPositionInPixels).Length();

                    if (Math.Abs(mouseDistanceInPixels - ArrowPixelSize) < SelectNearPixels && !Owner.SceneMode2D)
                        Vector2 diffPixels = mouseInPixels - screenPositionInPixels;
                        Vector2 direction  = diffPixels.GetNormalize();

                        screenLinePointInPixels = (screenPositionInPixels + direction * ArrowPixelSize);
                        screenLineAngle         = Math.Atan2(diffPixels.Y, diffPixels.X) + MathEx.PI / 2;


                    //Inner circle
                    if (mouseDistanceInPixels < (ArrowPixelSize) * .75f + SelectNearPixels)

Esempio n. 37
 protected virtual void Start()
     mCamSettings       = FindObjectOfType <CameraSettings>();
     mTrackableSettings = FindObjectOfType <TrackableSettings>();
     mMenuAnim          = FindObjectOfType <MenuAnimator>();
Esempio n. 38
    public void Render(
        ScriptableRenderContext context, Camera camera,
        CameraBufferSettings bufferSettings,
        bool useDynamicBatching, bool useGPUInstancing, bool useLightsPerObject,
        ShadowSettings shadowSettings, PostFXSettings postFXSettings,
        int colorLUTResolution
        this.context = context;  = camera;

        var            crpCamera      = camera.GetComponent <CustomRenderPipelineCamera>();
        CameraSettings cameraSettings =
            crpCamera ? crpCamera.Settings : defaultCameraSettings;

        if (camera.cameraType == CameraType.Reflection)
            useColorTexture = bufferSettings.copyColorReflection;
            useDepthTexture = bufferSettings.copyDepthReflection;
            useColorTexture = bufferSettings.copyColor && cameraSettings.copyColor;
            useDepthTexture = bufferSettings.copyDepth && cameraSettings.copyDepth;

        if (cameraSettings.overridePostFX)
            postFXSettings = cameraSettings.postFXSettings;

        float renderScale = cameraSettings.GetRenderScale(bufferSettings.renderScale);

        useScaledRendering = renderScale <0.99f || renderScale> 1.01f;
        if (!Cull(shadowSettings.maxDistance))

        useHDR = bufferSettings.allowHDR && camera.allowHDR;
        if (useScaledRendering)
            renderScale  = Mathf.Clamp(renderScale, renderScaleMin, renderScaleMax);
            bufferSize.x = (int)(camera.pixelWidth * renderScale);
            bufferSize.y = (int)(camera.pixelHeight * renderScale);
            bufferSize.x = camera.pixelWidth;
            bufferSize.y = camera.pixelHeight;

        buffer.SetGlobalVector(bufferSizeId, new Vector4(
                                   1f / bufferSize.x, 1f / bufferSize.y,
                                   bufferSize.x, bufferSize.y
            context, cullingResults, shadowSettings, useLightsPerObject,
            cameraSettings.maskLights ? cameraSettings.renderingLayerMask : -1

        bufferSettings.fxaa.enabled &= cameraSettings.allowFXAA;
            context, camera, bufferSize, postFXSettings, cameraSettings.keepAlpha, useHDR,
            colorLUTResolution, cameraSettings.finalBlendMode,
            bufferSettings.bicubicRescaling, bufferSettings.fxaa
            useDynamicBatching, useGPUInstancing, useLightsPerObject,
        if (postFXStack.IsActive)
        else if (useIntermediateBuffer)
Esempio n. 39
            public override void OnRender()

                if (!Owner.IsAllowRotate())

                ColorValue yellow      = new ColorValue(1, 1, 0);
                ColorValue red         = new ColorValue(1, 0, 0);
                ColorValue green       = new ColorValue(0, 1, 0);
                ColorValue blue        = new ColorValue(0, 0, 1);
                ColorValue gray        = new ColorValue(.66f, .66f, .66f);
                ColorValue darkGray    = new ColorValue(.33f, .33f, .33f);
                ColorValue shadowColor = new ColorValue(0, 0, 0, ProjectSettings.Get.TransformToolShadowIntensity);

                Axis axis = Axis.None;

                if (!Viewport.MouseRelativeMode)
                    if (!modify_Activated)
                        Vector2 dummy1;
                        Radian  dummy2;
                        axis = GetAxisByMousePosition(out dummy1, out dummy2);
                        axis = selectedAxis;

                Vector3 position;

                if (!modify_Activated)
                    position = Owner.GetPosition();
                    position = modifyPosition;
                double lineThickness = GetLineWorldThickness(position);
                double radius        = GetSize();

                if (radius == 0)

                //DebugGeometry.SetSpecialDepthSettings( false, true );

                const double step = MathEx.PI / 64;

                double     innerRadius    = radius * .75f;
                double     cameraDistance = GetCameraDistance(position);
                Vector3    cameraRight    = Vector3.Cross(CameraSettings.Direction, CameraSettings.Up);
                Vector3    oldPos         = Vector3.Zero;
                Quaternion startRotation  = GetStartObjectsRotation();

                for (int nDrawStep = 0; nDrawStep < 5; nDrawStep++)
                    bool drawShadows = nDrawStep <= 3;
                    if (drawShadows && ProjectSettings.Get.TransformToolShadowIntensity == 0)

                    var drawShadowsFactor = 0.0;
                    if (drawShadows)
                        drawShadowsFactor = ((double)nDrawStep + 1.0) / 4.0;

                    if (drawShadows)
                        DebugGeometry.SetColor(shadowColor * new ColorValue(1, 1, 1, 0.25), false);                            //, true );
                    //Fill inner circle
                    if (axis == Axis.InnerCircle && !drawShadows)
                        if (!drawShadows)
                            DebugGeometry.SetColor(new ColorValue(1, 1, 0, .4f), false);                                //, true );
                        //DebugGeometry.Color = new ColorValue( .2f, .2f, .2f, .33f );

                        List <Vector3> vertices = new List <Vector3>();

                        for (double angle = 0; angle <= MathEx.PI * 2 + step * .5f; angle += step)
                            Vector3 pos = position;
                            pos += cameraRight * Math.Cos(angle) * innerRadius;
                            pos += CameraSettings.Up * Math.Sin(angle) * innerRadius;

                            if (angle != 0)
                                int verticesCount = vertices.Count;

                            oldPos = pos;

                        DebugGeometry.AddTriangles(vertices, Matrix4.Identity, false, false);

                    //render axes of objects
                    if (!drawShadows && Owner.Objects.Count <= 30)
                        foreach (TransformToolObject gizmoObject in Owner.Objects)
                            var    size      = radius / 3;
                            double alpha     = 1;                        // 0.333;
                            double thickness = GetLineWorldThickness(gizmoObject.Position);

                            Matrix4 transform = new Matrix4(gizmoObject.Rotation.ToMatrix3() * Matrix3.FromScale(new Vector3(size, size, size)), gizmoObject.Position);

                            var headHeight = size / 4;
                            DebugGeometry.SetColor(new ColorValue(1, 0, 0, alpha), false);                                //, true );
                            DebugGeometry.AddArrow(transform * Vector3.Zero, transform * Vector3.XAxis, headHeight, 0, true, thickness);
                            DebugGeometry.SetColor(new ColorValue(0, 1, 0, alpha), false);                                //, true );
                            DebugGeometry.AddArrow(transform * Vector3.Zero, transform * Vector3.YAxis, headHeight, 0, true, thickness);
                            DebugGeometry.SetColor(new ColorValue(0, 0, 1, alpha), false);                                //, true );
                            DebugGeometry.AddArrow(transform * Vector3.Zero, transform * Vector3.ZAxis, headHeight, 0, true, thickness);

                    //Inner circle
                        List <Vector3> points = new List <Vector3>(64);
                        for (double angle = 0; angle <= MathEx.PI * 2 + step * .5f; angle += step)
                            Vector3 pos = position;
                            pos += cameraRight * Math.Cos(angle) * innerRadius;
                            pos += CameraSettings.Up * Math.Sin(angle) * innerRadius;
                        if (!drawShadows)
                            DebugGeometry.SetColor(darkGray, false);                              //, true );
                        AddPolygonalChain(points.ToArray(), lineThickness, drawShadowsFactor);
                    //if( !drawShadows )
                    //   DebugGeometry.Color = darkGray;
                    //for( double angle = 0; angle <= MathEx.PI * 2 + step * .5f; angle += step )
                    //   Vec3 pos = position;
                    //   pos += cameraRight * Math.Cos( angle ) * innerRadius;
                    //   pos += camera.Up * Math.Sin( angle ) * innerRadius;
                    //   if( angle != 0 )
                    //      AddLine( oldPos, pos, lineThickness, drawShadows );
                    //   oldPos = pos;

                    if (!Owner.SceneMode2D)
                        List <Vector3> points = new List <Vector3>(64);
                        for (double angle = 0; angle <= MathEx.PI * 2 + step * .5f; angle += step)
                            Vector3 pos = position;
                            pos += cameraRight * Math.Cos(angle) * radius;
                            pos += CameraSettings.Up * Math.Sin(angle) * radius;
                        if (!drawShadows)
                            DebugGeometry.SetColor((axis == Axis.Radius) ? yellow : gray, false);                                //, true );
                        AddPolygonalChain(points.ToArray(), lineThickness, drawShadowsFactor);
                    //if( !drawShadows )
                    //   DebugGeometry.Color = ( axis == Axis.Radius ) ? yellow : gray;
                    //for( double angle = 0; angle <= MathEx.PI * 2 + step * .5f; angle += step )
                    //   Vec3 pos = position;
                    //   pos += cameraRight * Math.Cos( angle ) * radius;
                    //   pos += camera.Up * Math.Sin( angle ) * radius;
                    //   if( angle != 0 )
                    //      AddLine( oldPos, pos, lineThickness, drawShadows );
                    //   oldPos = pos;

                        List <Vector3> points    = new List <Vector3>(64);
                        List <bool>    skipLines = new List <bool>(64);
                        for (double angle = 0; angle <= MathEx.PI * 2 + step * .5f; angle += step)
                            Vector3 pos = position + startRotation * (new Vector3(0, Math.Sin(angle),
                                                                                  Math.Cos(angle)) * innerRadius);
                            bool skip = GetCameraDistance(pos) > cameraDistance;
                            //if( angle != 0 && GetCameraDistance( pos ) <= cameraDistance )
                            //   points.Add( pos );
                        if (!drawShadows)
                            DebugGeometry.SetColor((axis == Axis.X) ? yellow : red, false);                                //, true );
                        List <Vector3> newPoints = new List <Vector3>(64);
                        for (int n = 0; n < points.Count; n++)
                            if (!skipLines[n])
                                if (newPoints.Count != 0)
                                    AddPolygonalChain(newPoints.ToArray(), lineThickness, drawShadowsFactor);
                        if (newPoints.Count != 0)
                            AddPolygonalChain(newPoints.ToArray(), lineThickness, drawShadowsFactor);
                    //for( double angle = 0; angle <= MathEx.PI * 2 + step * .5f; angle += step )
                    //   Vec3 pos = position + startRotation * ( new Vec3( 0, Math.Sin( angle ),
                    //      Math.Cos( angle ) ) * innerRadius );
                    //   if( angle != 0 && GetCameraDistance( pos ) <= cameraDistance )
                    //      AddLine( oldPos, pos, lineThickness, drawShadows );
                    //   oldPos = pos;

                        List <Vector3> points    = new List <Vector3>(64);
                        List <bool>    skipLines = new List <bool>(64);
                        for (double angle = 0; angle <= MathEx.PI * 2 + step * .5f; angle += step)
                            Vector3 pos = position + startRotation * (new Vector3(Math.Sin(angle), 0,
                                                                                  Math.Cos(angle)) * innerRadius);
                            bool skip = GetCameraDistance(pos) > cameraDistance;
                            //if( angle != 0 && GetCameraDistance( pos ) <= cameraDistance )
                            //   points.Add( pos );
                        if (!drawShadows)
                            DebugGeometry.SetColor((axis == Axis.Y) ? yellow : green, false);                                //, true );
                        List <Vector3> newPoints = new List <Vector3>(64);
                        for (int n = 0; n < points.Count; n++)
                            if (!skipLines[n])
                                if (newPoints.Count != 0)
                                    AddPolygonalChain(newPoints.ToArray(), lineThickness, drawShadowsFactor);
                        if (newPoints.Count != 0)
                            AddPolygonalChain(newPoints.ToArray(), lineThickness, drawShadowsFactor);
                    //if( !drawShadows )
                    //   DebugGeometry.Color = ( axis == Axis.Y ) ? yellow : green;
                    //for( double angle = 0; angle <= MathEx.PI * 2 + step * .5f; angle += step )
                    //   Vec3 pos = position + startRotation * ( new Vec3( Math.Sin( angle ), 0,
                    //      Math.Cos( angle ) ) * innerRadius );
                    //   if( angle != 0 && GetCameraDistance( pos ) <= cameraDistance )
                    //      AddLine( oldPos, pos, lineThickness, drawShadows );
                    //   oldPos = pos;

                        List <Vector3> points    = new List <Vector3>(64);
                        List <bool>    skipLines = new List <bool>(64);
                        for (double angle = 0; angle <= MathEx.PI * 2 + step * .5f; angle += step)
                            Vector3 pos = position + startRotation * (new Vector3(Math.Sin(angle),
                                                                                  Math.Cos(angle), 0) * innerRadius);
                            bool skip = GetCameraDistance(pos) > cameraDistance;
                            if (Owner.SceneMode2D)
                                skip = false;
                            //if( angle != 0 && GetCameraDistance( pos ) <= cameraDistance )
                            //   points.Add( pos );
                        if (!drawShadows)
                            DebugGeometry.SetColor((axis == Axis.Z) ? yellow : blue, false);                                //, true );
                        List <Vector3> newPoints = new List <Vector3>(64);
                        for (int n = 0; n < points.Count; n++)
                            if (!skipLines[n])
                                if (newPoints.Count != 0)
                                    AddPolygonalChain(newPoints.ToArray(), lineThickness, drawShadowsFactor);
                        if (newPoints.Count != 0)
                            AddPolygonalChain(newPoints.ToArray(), lineThickness, drawShadowsFactor);
                    //if( !drawShadows )
                    //   DebugGeometry.Color = ( axis == Axis.Z ) ? yellow : blue;
                    //for( double angle = 0; angle <= MathEx.PI * 2 + step * .5f; angle += step )
                    //   Vec3 pos = position + startRotation * ( new Vec3( Math.Sin( angle ),
                    //      Math.Cos( angle ), 0 ) * innerRadius );
                    //   if( angle != 0 && GetCameraDistance( pos ) <= cameraDistance )
                    //      AddLine( oldPos, pos, lineThickness, drawShadows );
                    //   oldPos = pos;

                    if (axis != Axis.None && axis != Axis.InnerCircle)
                        Plane plane = new Plane();
                        switch (axis)
                        case Axis.X: plane = Plane.FromPointAndNormal(position, GetStartObjectsRotation() * Vector3.XAxis); break;

                        case Axis.Y: plane = Plane.FromPointAndNormal(position, GetStartObjectsRotation() * Vector3.YAxis); break;

                        case Axis.Z: plane = Plane.FromPointAndNormal(position, GetStartObjectsRotation() * Vector3.ZAxis); break;

                        case Axis.Radius: plane = Plane.FromPointAndNormal(position, CameraSettings.Direction); break;

                        Vector2 mouse;
                        if (modify_Activated || initialObjectsTransform != null)
                            mouse = mouseStartPosition;
                            mouse = Viewport.MousePosition;
                        Ray ray = CameraSettings.GetRayByScreenCoordinates(mouse);

                        Vector3 planeIntersection;
                        if (plane.Intersects(ray, out planeIntersection))
                            Vector3 direction = (planeIntersection - position).GetNormalize();
                            Vector3 arrowCenter;
                            if (axis == Axis.Radius)
                                arrowCenter = position + direction * radius;
                                arrowCenter = position + direction * innerRadius;

                            double arrowLength = radius * .3f;

                            Vector3 tangent        = Vector3.Cross(direction, plane.Normal);
                            Vector3 arrowPosition1 = arrowCenter + tangent * arrowLength;
                            Vector3 arrowPosition2 = arrowCenter - tangent * arrowLength;

                            if (!drawShadows)
                                DebugGeometry.SetColor(yellow, false);                                  //, true );
                                Vector3 direction1 = (arrowPosition1 - arrowCenter).GetNormalize();
                                    arrowCenter + direction1 * arrowLength / 2,
                                    arrowLength / 8, lineThickness, drawShadowsFactor);
                                Vector3 direction2 = (arrowPosition2 - arrowCenter).GetNormalize();
                                    arrowCenter + direction2 * arrowLength / 2,
                                    arrowLength / 8, lineThickness, drawShadowsFactor);

Esempio n. 40
 void UpdateCamera(CameraSettings settings)
     UpdateCamera(mainCamera, settings);
 internal GameObjects(CameraSettings parentSetting)
     this.parentSetting = parentSetting;
Esempio n. 42
 void UpdateCamera(Camera camera, CameraSettings settings)
     camera.transform.parent = settings.parentTransform;
     camera.transform.localPosition = settings.position;
     camera.transform.localEulerAngles = settings.rotation;
     camera.orthographic = settings.othographic;
     camera.orthographicSize = settings.orthographicSize;
     camera.nearClipPlane = settings.nearClipPlane;
Esempio n. 43
    public Level1() : base()
        width          = 27;
        height         = 30;
        cameraSettings = new CameraSettings(new Vector3(0f, 15f, -10f), new Vector3(60f, 0f, 0f), 2.5f, 2.5f);
        // (0, 15, -10)

        player = new Player(1, 1);
        walls  = new Wall[] {
            // new Wall(x1, z1, x2, z2)
            // 1:start from x > 2:start from z ^
            // 3: >  4:^
            new Wall(0, 0, 28, 0),   // Bottom Wall
            new Wall(0, 0, 0, 31),   // Left Wall
            new Wall(27, 0, 28, 31), // Right Wall
            // new Wall(0, 30, 28, 31),// Top Wall

            new Wall(5, 0, 6, 10), // Internal Wall: start
            new Wall(0, 15, 12, 16),
            new Wall(12, 8, 13, 16),

            new Wall(18, 5, 19, 20),
            new Wall(10, 20, 19, 21),
            new Wall(0, 25, 23, 26),

        wallsBouncy = new WallBouncy[] {
            new WallBouncy(0, 30, 27, 31),//top wall
            new WallBouncy(5, 5, 18, 6),
            new WallBouncy(22, 5, 23, 26),

        goals = new Goal[] {
            new Goal(1, 27),

        obstacles = new Obstacle[] {
            new Hole(8, 6),
            new Hole(23, 6),
            new Hole(23, 15),
            new Hole(23, 22),
            new Hole(21, 26),
        introDialogue = new Dialogue[] {
            new Dialogue(70, Dialogue.Speaker.Rubik, "Welcome To your doom!"),
            new Dialogue(50, Dialogue.Speaker.Rubik, "We're going to have some fun you and I!"),
            new Dialogue(50, Dialogue.Speaker.Rubik, "Because now the walls turn against you! You thought you could find solace against these edges, but now they will push you to your sanity’s edge! HAHAHA!"),
        outroDialogue = new Dialogue[] {
            new Dialogue(50, Dialogue.Speaker.Rubik, "I have more planned for you, you just wait and see. You'll crack like Humpty Dumpty did in our maze!"),

        failDialogue = new Dialogue[] {
            new Dialogue(50, Dialogue.Speaker.King, "Hey Rubik, I have a great new idea! You ever try to fit a round peg in a square hole?"),
            new Dialogue(50, Dialogue.Speaker.Rubik, "I think I know where you're pointing to! I gotta say, it sounds FITTING!"),
            new Dialogue(50, Dialogue.Speaker.King, "Well, thank cube very much! Now get to it!"),

Esempio n. 44
    public void Render(
        ScriptableRenderContext context, Camera camera,
        CameraBufferSettings bufferSettings,
        bool useDynamicBatching, bool useGPUInstancing, bool useLightsPerObject,
        ShadowSettings shadowSettings, PostFXSettings postFXSettings,
        int colorLUTResolution
        this.context = context;  = camera;

        var            crpCamera      = camera.GetComponent <CustomRenderPipelineCamera>();
        CameraSettings cameraSettings =
            crpCamera ? crpCamera.Settings : defaultCameraSettings;

        if (camera.cameraType == CameraType.Reflection)
            useColorTexture = bufferSettings.copyColorReflection;
            useDepthTexture = bufferSettings.copyDepthReflection;
            useColorTexture = bufferSettings.copyColor && cameraSettings.copyColor;
            useDepthTexture = bufferSettings.copyDepth && cameraSettings.copyDepth;

        if (cameraSettings.overridePostFX)
            postFXSettings = cameraSettings.postFXSettings;

        if (!Cull(shadowSettings.maxDistance))
        useHDR = bufferSettings.allowHDR && camera.allowHDR;

            context, cullingResults, shadowSettings, useLightsPerObject,
            cameraSettings.maskLights ? cameraSettings.renderingLayerMask : -1
            context, camera, postFXSettings, useHDR, colorLUTResolution,
            useDynamicBatching, useGPUInstancing, useLightsPerObject,
        if (postFXStack.IsActive)
        else if (useIntermediateBuffer)