public async Task CommitAbortsAlways_RespectsOverallDeadline()
                var spannerClientMock = SpannerClientHelpers
                                        .CreateMockClient(Logger.DefaultLogger, MockBehavior.Strict)
                                        .SetupCommitAsync_FailsAlways(statusCode: StatusCode.Aborted)

                SpannerConnection connection = BuildSpannerConnection(spannerClientMock);

                var scheduler = (FakeScheduler)connection.Builder.SessionPoolManager.SpannerSettings.Scheduler;

                // This test needs a little bit more of real time, else it's flaky.
                scheduler.RealTimeTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60);
                var time0  = scheduler.Clock.GetCurrentDateTimeUtc();
                var callee = new Callee(scheduler);

                await scheduler.RunAsync(async() =>
                    var exception = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <SpannerException>(() => connection.RunWithRetriableTransactionAsync(transaction => callee.DatabaseWorkAsync(connection, transaction)));
                    Assert.True(exception.IsRetryable && !exception.SessionExpired);
                    Assert.Contains("Bang!", exception.InnerException.Message);

                // The minimum calls that can be made (assuming maximum jitter always) in that time is 60 * 60 / 32 * 2 which is 56.25,
                // plus 1 because the first one has no delay.
                // The maximum number of calls that can be made in 1 hour:
                // - Given that 2^7 * 250 = 32000, the first 8 calls take, at a minimum 31_750ms, approx 32s.
                // - The rest will happen at most (60 * 60 - 32) / 32 which is 111.5
                callee.AssertCalledInRange(57, 120);
                // The overall deadline is of 1 hour. The maximum backoff delay is of 32s.
                // Because of jitter retries can stop at any time after 60mins - 64s, let's give it 2 minutes of range.
                Assert.InRange(scheduler.Clock.GetCurrentDateTimeUtc(), time0.AddMinutes(58), time0.AddMinutes(60));