     *  Insert User CallNotes Data Service
    public void InsertUserCallNotesData()
        // Initalize and reset
        bool isGQorNoCaller = false;


            // If this call notes are for a general question, no caller selected
            // or call back is selected, then flip isGQorNoCaller to true
            if (IsGeneralQuestOrNoCallerOrCallBack())
                isGQorNoCaller = true;

            // Create the CallLogUI object
            CallLogUI calllog = createCallLogUI();

            // Set Success or Error message for UI
            if (CommonConstants.Callid < 0)
                // Error Message
                lblsuccesMessage.Text      = failedMessage;
                lblsuccesMessage.ForeColor = Color.Red;
                // Success Message
                // lblsuccesMessage.Text = updateMessage;  //TODO Please ask about this
                lblsuccesMessage.Text      = saveMessage;
                lblsuccesMessage.ForeColor = Color.Green;
                lblsuccesMessage.Visible   = true;

            // Insert User Call Notes into Database
            dblayer.InsertUserCallNotesData(calllog, isGQorNoCaller);
        catch (Exception ex)
            // ERROR: Log Error
            Logging.LogErrorMsg(this.Name, MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod().Name, ex.Message, ex.StackTrace);
     *  Create CallLogUI Object
    public CallLogUI createCallLogUI()
            CallLogUI calllog = new CallLogUI();

            // Set start time for a General Question, No Caller Selected, or Call Back was selected
            if (IsGeneralQuestOrNoCallerOrCallBack())
                calllog.StartTime = DateTime.Now;

            // Populate the call log values
            calllog.FRCRCNumber   = getCallerDetailsControlListValue("cbFRA", true, ComboBox.clazz);
            calllog.FRCRCNumber   = getCallerDetailsControlListValue("txtFRA", true, TextBox.clazz); // TODO look into two FRCRCNumber.  Verify rules
            calllog.CallBackPhone = getCallerDetailsControlListValue("txtFRA", true, TextBox.clazz);
            calllog.SearchType    = txtbxCallType.Text;
            calllog.SearchValue   = txtbxCallDetails.Text;
            calllog.Role          = CommonConstants.SelectedRole.ToString();
            calllog.Qualifier     = buildValueForList(calllog.Qualifier, lstQualifier);
            calllog.ClosingQues   = buildValueForList(calllog.ClosingQues, lstclosingQues);

            // If GANumber is null/blank then search for value otherwise use what's there
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(CommonConstants.GANumber.ToString()))
                calllog.GANumber = getCallerControlListValue("txtno", true, TextBox.clazz);
                calllog.GANumber = CommonConstants.GANumber;

            // If selected role matches the required list of roles then get and set the call log values
            if (isRequiredForSelectedRole(CommonConstants.SelectedRole, lstInteractionRequiredRoles))
                calllog.InteractionID = getValueWithNullCheck(CommonConstants.interactionIDKey);

            if (isRequiredForSelectedRole(CommonConstants.SelectedRole, lstCallerRequiredRoles))
                calllog.CallerID = getValueWithNullCheck(CommonConstants.callerID);

            if (isRequiredForSelectedRole(CommonConstants.SelectedRole, lstCallerIntentRequiredRoles))
                calllog.CallerIntent = getValueWithNullCheck(CommonConstants.CallerIntent);

            // For each Caller Detail record create the list of CallerNames or single value CallerName
            for (int i = 0; i < grpCallerDetails.Controls.Count; i++)
                if (isRequiredForSelectedRole(CommonConstants.SelectedRole, lstCallerNameRequiredRoles))
                    // Add items to lstcallerName array
                    CheckBox chkBox = (CheckBox)grpCallerDetails.Controls[i];
                    if (chkBox.Checked == true)
                        string ctrlname = "txt" + chkBox.Name.Substring(2);
                        if (hasRecords(findCallerDetails(ctrlname, true)))
                            lstcallerName.Add(getCallerDetailsControlListValue(ctrlname, true, TextBox.clazz));
                        else if (containsIgnoreCase(chkBox.Text, "assignee"))
                            lstcallerName.Add(getCallerDetailsControlListValue("cbAssignee", true, ComboBox.clazz));
                        else if (containsIgnoreCase(chkBox.Text, "fra"))
                            lstcallerName.Add(getCallerDetailsControlListValue("cbFRA", true, ComboBox.clazz));
                        else if (containsIgnoreCase(chkBox.Text, "fr"))
                            lstcallerName.Add(getCallerDetailsControlListValue("cbFR", true, ComboBox.clazz));
                    // Else set the CallerName field if Caller Details are not required for role
                    RadioButton rb = (RadioButton)grpCallerDetails.Controls[i];
                    if (rb.Checked == true)
                        calllog.CallerType = rb.Text;
                        string ctrlname = "txt" + rb.Name.Substring(2);
                        if (hasRecords(findCallerDetails(ctrlname, true)))
                            calllog.CallerName = getCallerDetailsControlListValue(ctrlname, true, TextBox.clazz);
                        else if (containsIgnoreCase(rb.Text, "assignee"))
                            calllog.CallerName = getCallerDetailsControlListValue("cbAssignee", true, ComboBox.clazz);
                        else if (containsIgnoreCase(chkBox.Text, "fra"))
                            calllog.CallerName = getCallerDetailsControlListValue("cbFRA", true, ComboBox.clazz);
                        else if (containsIgnoreCase(chkBox.Text, "fr"))
                            calllog.CallerName = getCallerDetailsControlListValue("cbFR", true, ComboBox.clazz);

            // Loop through the Call Type array and set values
            for (int i = 0; i < gbCalltype.Controls.Count; i++)
                CheckBox chkbox = (CheckBox)gbCalltype.Controls[i];
                if (chkbox.Checked == true && chkbox.Name.Contains("Specify"))
                    if (chkbox.Text.Contains("Transfer"))
                        if (isSkillAvailable)
                            calllog.SkillSet = getCallerTypeControlListValue("cmbSkill", true, ComboBox);

                        if (isReasonCodeAvailable)
                            calllog.ReasonCode = getCallerTypeControlListValue("cmbReason", true, ComboBox);

                        if (isInternalTransferAvailable)
                            calllog.InternalTransfer = getCallerTypeControlListValue("cmbInternalTransfer", true, ComboBox);
                            calllog.InternalTransfer = getCallerTypeControlListValue("txtTransfer", true, TextBox);
                    else if (chkbox.Text.Contains("Other"))
                        calllog.Others = getCallerTypeControlListValue("txtOther", true, TextBox);

            string chklstBox1Item = string.Empty;
            if (isRequiredForSelectedRole(CommonConstants.SelectedRole, lstBox1ItemRequiredRoles))
                // Set chklstBox1Item
                if (hasRecords(chklstBox1NBCSR.CheckedItems))
                    string chkboxList1_Item = chklstBox1NBCSR.SelectedItem.ToString();
                    // TODO Verify with requirements as this code seems strange
                    // The chklstBox1Item is always going to be empty at this point because
                    // we just set it to Empty above.
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(chklstBox1Item))
                        chklstBox1Item = chklstBox1Item + "," + chkboxList1_Item;
                        chklstBox1Item = chkboxList1_Item;

                // Set lstcallType or lstcallType2
                if (chklstBox2NBCSR.Visible == true && hasRecords(chklstBox2NBCSR.CheckedItems))
                    string chkboxList2_Item = chklstBox2NBCSR.SelectedItem.ToString();
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(chkboxList2_Item))
                        if (isRequiredForSelectedRole(CommonConstants.SelectedRole, lstCallType2RequiredRoles))

                // Set lstcallType3
                if (chklstBox3NBCSR.Visible == true && hasRecords(chklstBox3NBCSR.CheckedItems))
                    string chkboxList3_Item = chklstBox3NBCSR.SelectedItem.ToString();
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(chkboxList3_Item))
                        if (isRequiredForSelectedRole(CommonConstants.SelectedRole, lstCallType3or4RequiredRoles))

                // Set lstcallType4
                if (chklstBox4NBCSR.Visible == true && hasRecords(chklstBox4NBCSR.CheckedItems))
                    string chkboxList4_Item = chklstBox4NBCSR.SelectedItem.ToString();
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(chkboxList4_Item))
                        if (isRequiredForSelectedRole(CommonConstants.SelectedRole, lstCallType3or4RequiredRoles))

            // Initialize values for setting of the next section
            string result          = string.Empty;
            int    index           = 0;
            string result1         = string.Empty;
            string num             = string.Empty;
            bool   isNumberChanged = false;

            foreach (Control cn in gbCalltype.Controls)
                if (cn is ComboBox)
                    // Initialize values for ComboBox
                    isNumberChanged = false;
                    string cmbBoxName             = cn.Name;
                    string comboBoxNameWithNumber = string.Empty;
                    string commonCmbBoxName       = string.Empty;
                    string cmbBoxNumber           = string.Empty;
                    string number   = string.Empty;
                    string callType = string.Empty;
                    string h        = cmbBoxName.ElementAt(cmbBoxName.Length - 3).ToString();

                    // Set Default Substring Search Indexes
                    // Common Combo Box Name Default Indexes
                    int commonCmbBoxNameStartIndex = 0;
                    int commonCmbBoxNameEndIndex   = cmbBoxName.Length - 2;

                    // Combo Box Name with Number Default Indexes
                    int comboBoxNameWithNumberStartIndex = 0;
                    int comboBoxNameWithNumberEndIndex   = cmbBoxName.Length - 1;

                    // Number Default Indexes
                    int numberStartIndex = cmbBoxName.Length - 1;

                    // Call Type Default Indexes
                    int callTypeStartIndex = 3;
                    int callTypeEndIndex   = cmbBoxName.Length - 5;

                    if (h.Any(char.IsDigit))
                        // Override the defaults if any character is a digit
                        int commonCmbBoxNameStartIndex       = 0;
                        int commonCmbBoxNameEndIndex         = cmbBoxName.Length - 3;
                        int comboBoxNameWithNumberStartIndex = 0;
                        int comboBoxNameWithNumberEndIndex   = cmbBoxName.Length - 2;
                        int numberStartIndex = cmbBoxName.Length - 2;
                        int callTypeEndIndex = cmbBoxName.Length - 6;

                    // Set values using substring and the indexes
                    commonCmbBoxName       = getSubstringValue(cmbBoxName, commonCmbBoxNameStartIndex, commonCmbBoxNameEndIndex);
                    comboBoxNameWithNumber = getSubstringValue(cmbBoxName, comboBoxNameWithNumberStartIndex, comboBoxNameWithNumberEndIndex);
                    number   = getSubstringValue(cmbBoxName, numberStartIndex);
                    callType = getSubstringValue(cmbBoxName, callTypeStartIndex, callTypeEndIndex);

                    int index1 = cmbBoxName.IndexOf(commonCmbBoxName);
                    cmbBoxNumber = getSubstringValue(comboBoxNameWithNumber, index1 + commonCmbBoxName.Length);

                    // Set result1, lstcallType 1 to 4
                    if (!(containsIgnoreCase(cmbBoxName, "skill") ||
                          containsIgnoreCase(cmbBoxName, "transfer") ||
                          containsIgnoreCase(cmbBoxName, "reason") ||
                          containsIgnoreCase(cmbBoxName, "documentrequest")))
                        Control[] ctlList = findCallType("cb" + number, true);
                        CheckBox  chkBox  = ((CheckBox)ctlList[0]);
                        ComboBox  cmb     = (ComboBox)cn;
                        if (chkBox != null && chkBox.Checked == true)
                            if (comboBoxNameWithNumber.Contains("1") && cmbBoxNumber.Equals("1"))
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(callType) && cmb.SelectedItem != null)
                                else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callType) && cmb.SelectedItem != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(result1))
                                    result1 = result1 + "," + cmb.SelectedItem.ToString();
                                else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callType) && cmb.SelectedItem != null && string.IsNullOrEmpty(result1))
                                    result1 = cmb.SelectedItem.ToString();
                                if (cmb.SelectedItem != null)
                                    if (comboBoxNameWithNumber.Contains("2") && cmbBoxNumber.Equals("2"))
                                    else if (comboBoxNameWithNumber.Contains("3") && cmbBoxNumber.Equals("3"))
                                    else if (comboBoxNameWithNumber.Contains("4") && cmbBoxNumber.Equals("4"))

            // Added for CSR or NBCSR call type removal
            // TODO: Verify if this has to be located here or can be rolled up in logic earlier
            if ((CommonConstants.SelectedRole == POSRoles.CSR || CommonConstants.SelectedRole == POSRoles.NBCSR) &&
                lstcallType.Count == 0)
                calllog.CallType = string.Empty;

            // Set Call Log values
            calllog.CallType            = buildValueForList(calllog.CallType, lstcallType);
            calllog.CallerType          = buildValueForList(calllog.CallerType, lstClrType);
            calllog.CallerName          = buildValueForList(calllog.CallerName, lstcallerName);
            calllog.CallType            = buildValueForString(calllog.CallType, result1);
            calllog.CallType            = buildValueForString(calllog.CallType, chklstBox1Item);
            calllog.CallType2           = buildValueForList(calllog.CallType2, lstcallType2);
            calllog.CallType3           = buildValueForList(calllog.CallType3, lstcallType3);
            calllog.CallType4           = buildValueForList(calllog.CallType4, lstcallType4);
            calllog.AdditionalSearchNos = getAdditionalSearchNosValue(lbxAdditionalSearch);
            calllog.CallNotes           = txtbxNotes.Text;
            calllog.TransferFrom        = string.Empty;

            // Set Related Reference if role is of CSR
            if (CommonConstants.SelectedRole == POSRoles.CSR)
                calllog.RelatedRef = varRelatedRef; //TODO Find out where this comes from
            // If CallType is null
            if (calllog.CallType == null)
                // And we meet these conditions
                if ((isNoCallerSelected &&
                     (CommonConstants.SelectedRole == POSRoles.CSR ||
                      CommonConstants.SelectedRole == POSRoles.LTC ||
                      CommonConstants.SelectedRole == POSRoles.SHRC ||
                      CommonConstants.SelectedRole == POSRoles.PolicyMaintenance ||
                      CommonConstants.SelectedRole == POSRoles.Distribution ||
                      CommonConstants.SelectedRole == POSRoles.ADM ||
                      CommonConstants.SelectedRole == POSRoles.IncomeBenefit ||
                      CommonConstants.SelectedRole == POSRoles.CRR)) ||
                    ((CommonConstants.SelectedRole == POSRoles.LoansAndSurrender) && (isNoCallerSelected || isCallBackSelected)))
                    // Then set the CallType value to an empty string
                    calllog.CallType = string.Empty;

        catch (Exception ex)
            Logging.LogErrorMsg(this.Name, MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod().Name, ex.Message, ex.StackTrace);
            throw new System.Exception("Exception in creating the CallLogUI object. ", ex);