Esempio n. 1
    private void CalculateVelocity()
        previousPosition = currentPosition;
        currentPosition  = transform.position;

        currentVelocity = ((currentPosition - previousPosition).magnitude) / Time.deltaTime;

        //  If using the PointOnPath method, velocity can change depending on the distance between nodes
        if (path.Length >= 2)
            //  Adjust the speed to compensate, unless too close to merit a change
            if (!CalculationFunctions.FastApproximately(currentVelocity, targetVelocity, 0.01f))

                if (currentVelocity > targetVelocity)       // Too fast, slow down
                    velocity -= (acceleration * Time.deltaTime);
                else if (currentVelocity < targetVelocity)  // Too slow, speed up
                    velocity += (acceleration * Time.deltaTime);