Esempio n. 1
        public Operations HandleScanedRobot(AdvancedRobot robot, ScannedRobotEvent e, ScannedRobotEvent previousScaned, Operations operations)
            var calculatedParams = new CalculatedParams(robot, e);
            var newOperations    = operations.Clone();

            if (previousScaned != null && previousScaned.Energy > e.Energy)
                OnEnemyFired(e, newOperations);

            double turn = calculatedParams.AbsoluteBearing + Math.PI / 2;

            turn -= Math.Max(0.5, (1 / e.Distance) * 100) * newOperations.Direction;
            newOperations.TurnRightRadians = Utils.NormalRelativeAngle(turn - robot.HeadingRadians);

            //This line makes us slow down when we need to turn sharply.
            newOperations.MaxVelocity = 400 / robot.TurnRemaining;

            newOperations.Ahead = 100 * newOperations.Direction;
            if (newOperations.BulletPower.HasValue)
                newOperations.TurnGunRightRadians =
                        GetCircularTargeting(robot, e, previousScaned != null ? previousScaned.HeadingRadians : 0,
                                             newOperations.BulletPower.Value, calculatedParams) - robot.GunHeadingRadians);
            newOperations.TurnRadarRightRadians = Utils.NormalRelativeAngle(calculatedParams.AbsoluteBearing - robot.RadarHeadingRadians) * 2;

Esempio n. 2
        public Operations HandleScanedRobot(AdvancedRobot robot, ScannedRobotEvent e, ScannedRobotEvent previousScaned,
                                            Operations operations, BattleEvents battleEvents)
            var calculatedParams = new CalculatedParams(robot, e);
            var newOperations    = operations.Clone();

            doMoebius(0, patternMatcher.Length, e, SEARCH_DEPTH, calculatedParams.AbsoluteBearing, newOperations, robot);
            newOperations.TurnRadarRightRadians = Utils.NormalRelativeAngle(calculatedParams.AbsoluteBearing - robot.RadarHeadingRadians) * 2;
Esempio n. 3
        private double GetCircularTargeting(AdvancedRobot robot, ScannedRobotEvent e, double lastHeadingRadians, double power, CalculatedParams calculated)
            //Finding the heading and heading change.
            double enemyHeading       = e.HeadingRadians;
            double enemyHeadingChange = enemyHeading - lastHeadingRadians;

            /*This method of targeting is know as circular targeting; you assume your enemy will
             * keep moving with the same speed and turn rate that he is using at fire time.The
             * base code comes from the wiki.
            double deltaTime  = 0;
            double predictedX = robot.X + e.Distance * Math.Sin(calculated.AbsoluteBearing);
            double predictedY = robot.Y + e.Distance * Math.Cos(calculated.AbsoluteBearing);
            double speed      = Utility.GetBulletSpeed(power);

            while ((++deltaTime) * speed < Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(robot.X - predictedX, 2) + Math.Pow(robot.Y - predictedY, 2)))
                //Add the movement we think our enemy will make to our enemy's current X and Y
                predictedX += Math.Sin(enemyHeading) * e.Velocity;
                predictedY += Math.Cos(enemyHeading) * e.Velocity;

                //Find our enemy's heading changes.
                enemyHeading += enemyHeadingChange;

                //If our predicted coordinates are outside the walls, put them 18 distance units away from the walls as we know
                //that that is the closest they can get to the wall (Bots are non-rotating 36*36 squares).
                predictedX = Math.Max(Math.Min(predictedX, robot.BattleFieldWidth - 18), 18);
                predictedY = Math.Max(Math.Min(predictedY, robot.BattleFieldHeight - 18), 18);
            //Find the bearing of our predicted coordinates from us.
            return(Utils.NormalAbsoluteAngle(Math.Atan2(predictedX - robot.X, predictedY - robot.Y)));