public void RemoveObectsFromCacheTest(string input, string output) { List <string> inputs = new List <string> { "test1", "test2", "test3" }; // clear cache Caching.ClearCache(); // set data in the cache foreach (string s in inputs) { s.SetObjectInCache <string>(5, s); } input.SetObjectInCache <string>(5, input); List <CacheObject> allCache = Caching.GetAllCache(); Assert.AreEqual(inputs.Count() + 1, allCache.Count()); // change the cached item to something new inputs.RemoveObjectsFromCache(); // check cached item List <CacheObject> newCache = Caching.GetAllCache(); string cachedItem = newCache.Where(w => w.Key.ToLower() == inputs.FirstOrDefault().ToLower()).Select(s => s.Value.ToString()).FirstOrDefault(); Assert.IsNull(cachedItem); Assert.AreEqual(newCache.Count(), 1); }
public void RemoveAllWildcardTest(string itemName1, string itemName2, string itemName3, string wildcard, string input1, string input2, string input3, int output1, int output2, int output3) { // clear cache Caching.ClearCache(); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { $"{i}{itemName1}".SetObjectInCache <string>(5, $"{i} - {input1}"); $"{i}{itemName2}".SetObjectInCache <string>(5, $"{i} - {input2}"); $"{i}{itemName3}".SetObjectInCache <string>(5, $"{i} - {input3}"); } List <CacheObject> allCache = Caching.GetAllCache(); int count = allCache.Where(w => w.Key.ToLower().Contains(itemName1.ToLower())).Count(); Assert.AreEqual(output1, count); itemName1.RemoveAllWildcard(); allCache = Caching.GetAllCache(); count = allCache.Where(w => w.Key.ToLower().Contains(itemName2.ToLower())).Count(); Assert.AreEqual(output2, count); wildcard.RemoveAllWildcard(); allCache = Caching.GetAllCache(); count = allCache.Count(); Assert.AreEqual(output3, count); }
public void GetAllCacheTest() { // clear cache Caching.ClearCache(); var allCache = Caching.GetAllCache(); Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(List <CacheObject>), allCache); }
public void ClearCacheTest(int output) { // clear cache Caching.ClearCache(); List <CacheObject> allCache = Caching.GetAllCache(); Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(List <CacheObject>), allCache); Assert.AreEqual(output, allCache.Count()); }
public void GetObjectFromCacheTestThrow(string itemName, string output) { // clear cache Caching.ClearCache(); itemName.RemoveObjectFromCache(); List <CacheObject> allCache = Caching.GetAllCache(); string cachedItem = allCache.Where(w => w.Key.ToLower() == itemName.ToLower()).Select(s => s.Value.ToString()).FirstOrDefault(); Assert.IsNull(cachedItem); cachedItem = itemName.GetObjectFromCache <string>(5, () => throw new Exception()); Assert.IsNull(cachedItem); }
public void RemoveObjectFromCacheTest(string itemName, string output) { // clear cache Caching.ClearCache(); itemName.SetObjectInCache <string>(5, output); string cachedItem = itemName.GetObjectFromCache <string>(5, () => output); Assert.AreEqual(output, cachedItem); itemName.RemoveObjectFromCache(); List <CacheObject> allCache = Caching.GetAllCache(); cachedItem = allCache.Where(w => w.Key.ToLower() == itemName.ToLower()).Select(s => s.Value.ToString()).FirstOrDefault(); Assert.AreEqual(null, cachedItem); }
public void SetObjectInCacheTestEmpty(string itemName, string output1, string output2) { // clear cache Caching.ClearCache(); itemName.SetObjectInCache <string>(5, output1, false); List <CacheObject> allCache = Caching.GetAllCache(); string cachedItem = allCache.Where(w => w.Key.ToLower() == itemName.ToLower()).Select(s => s.Value.ToString()).FirstOrDefault(); Assert.IsNotNull(cachedItem); itemName.SetObjectInCache <string>(5, output2, false); allCache = Caching.GetAllCache(); cachedItem = allCache.Where(w => w.Key.ToLower() == itemName.ToLower()).Select(s => s.Value.ToString()).FirstOrDefault(); Assert.AreEqual(output2, cachedItem); }
public void RefreshObjectFromCacheTest(string itemName, string input, string output) { // clear cache Caching.ClearCache(); // set data in the cache string cachedItem = itemName.GetObjectFromCache <string>(5, () => input); Assert.AreEqual(input, cachedItem); // change the cached item to something new itemName.RefreshObjectFromCache <string>(5, () => output); // check cached item List <CacheObject> newCache = Caching.GetAllCache(); cachedItem = newCache.Where(w => w.Key.ToLower() == itemName.ToLower()).Select(s => s.Value.ToString()).FirstOrDefault(); Assert.AreEqual(output, cachedItem); }
public void RemoveFilteredCacheTestArea(string itemName1, string itemName2, string itemName3, bool isOwner, string area, int output) { // clear cache Caching.ClearCache(); $"{itemName1}".SetObjectInCache <string>(5, $"{itemName1}"); $"{itemName2}".SetObjectInCache <string>(5, $"{itemName2}"); $"{itemName3}".SetObjectInCache <string>(5, $"{itemName1}"); int total = 3; List <CacheObject> allCache = Caching.GetAllCache(); int count = allCache.Count(); Assert.AreEqual(total, count); area.RemoveFilteredCache(isOwner); allCache = Caching.GetAllCache(); count = allCache.Count(); Assert.AreEqual(output, count); }