/// <summary>
        /// Called when the surface becomes available.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="delayedRequest">A request that was delayed until surface becomes available.</param>
        protected override void OnSurfaceAvailable(PathfindingRequest delayedRequest)
            if (currentFace == null ||
                !AlchemyNavigationSystem.Current.ContainsFace(Layer, currentFace.source))
                var ray = new Ray(position, Vector3.down);
                if (AlchemyNavigationSystem.Current.Raycast(ray, Layer, AreaMask, out var result))
                    currentFace = new CachedFace(result.face);
                    position    = result.position;
                    Debug.LogWarning("Agent couldn't be placed on navigation surface.");

            if (delayedRequest != null)
                RequestPath(position, delayedRequest.endPosition, PathType, currentFace.source);
            else if (IsPathWalking)
                Vector3 destination = progress.pointPath[progress.pointsCount - 1];
                RequestPath(position, destination, PathType, currentFace.source);
        private void Move(Vector3 move)
            Vector3 displacement = Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(move, currentFace.plane.normal);

            Vector3 potentialPosition = position + displacement;

            if (currentFace.source.IsPointInsideFace(potentialPosition, EpsilonOffset))
                position = potentialPosition;
                Vector3 clampedPosition     = currentFace.SnapToFace(position, displacement);
                Vector3 clampedDisplacement = clampedPosition - position;
                position = clampedPosition;
                Vector3 cutDisplacement = displacement.normalized * (displacement.magnitude - clampedDisplacement.magnitude); // + 2 * EpsilonOffset
                if (progress != null && progress.HasNextFace && progress.NextFace.IsPointInsideFace(position, EpsilonOffset))
                    currentFace = new CachedFace(progress.CurrentFace);
                    var ray = new Ray(position, Vector3.down);
                    currentFace.plane.Raycast(ray, out float enter);
                    position = ray.GetPoint(enter);
                    while (progress.HasNextPoint && !progress.IsCurrentPointOnCurrentOrNextFaces())
                    position += currentFace.CastDisplacementOnClosestEdge(position, cutDisplacement);
 /// <summary>
 /// Called when the agent becomes enabled and active.
 /// </summary>
 protected override void OnAgentEnable()
     currentFace = null;
     velocity    = Vector3.zero;
     position    = transform.position;
Esempio n. 4
 /// <summary>
 /// Store the mesh and texture.
 /// </summary>
 public CachedPlanet CachePlanet()
     CachedFace[] cachedFaces = new CachedFace[6];
     for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
         cachedFaces[i] = new CachedFace(terrainFaces[i].mesh, terrainFaces[i].texture);
     return(new CachedPlanet(cachedFaces));
Esempio n. 5
        public void AppendText(char *text, int count, TextFormat format)
            // look up the cache entry for the given font and size
            var font = format.Font;
            var size = FontFace.ComputePixelSize(format.Size, Dpi);
            var key  = new CacheKey(font.Id, size);

            if (!cache.TryGetValue(key, out var cachedFace))
                cache.Add(key, cachedFace = new CachedFace(font, size));

            // process each character in the string
            var nextBreak = BreakCategory.None;
            var previous  = new CodePoint();
            var end       = text + count;

            while (text != end)
                // handle surrogate pairs properly
                CodePoint codePoint;
                var       c = *text++;
                if (char.IsSurrogate(c) && text != end)
                    codePoint = new CodePoint(c, *text++);
                    codePoint = c;

                // ignore linefeeds directly after a carriage return
                if (c == '\n' && (char)previous == '\r')

                // get the glyph data
                if (!cachedFace.Glyphs.TryGetValue(codePoint, out var glyph) && !char.IsControl(c))
                    var data   = font.GetGlyph(codePoint, size);
                    var width  = data.RenderWidth;
                    var height = data.RenderHeight;
                    if (width > atlas.Width || height > atlas.Height)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Glyph is larger than the size of the provided atlas.");

                    var rect = new Rect();
                    if (width > 0 && height > 0)
                        // render the glyph
                        var memSize = width * height;
                        var mem     = memoryBuffer;
                        if (mem == null)
                            memoryBuffer = mem = new MemoryBuffer(memSize);

                        data.RenderTo(new Surface
                            Bits   = mem.Pointer,
                            Width  = width,
                            Height = height,
                            Pitch  = width

                        // save the rasterized glyph in the user's atlas
                        rect = packer.Insert(width, height);
                        if (rect.Height == 0)
                            // didn't fit in the atlas... start a new sheet
                            packer.Clear(atlas.Width, atlas.Height);
                            rect = packer.Insert(width, height);
                            if (rect.Height == 0)
                                throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to insert glyph into fresh page.");
                        atlas.Insert(currentPage, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height, mem.Pointer);

                    glyph = new CachedGlyph(rect, data.HorizontalMetrics.Bearing, data.HorizontalMetrics.Advance);
                    cachedFace.Glyphs.Add(codePoint, glyph);

                // check for a kerning offset
                var kerning = font.GetKerning(previous, codePoint, size);
                previous = codePoint;

                // figure out whether this character can serve as a line break point
                // TODO: more robust character class handling
                var breakCategory = BreakCategory.None;
                if (char.IsWhiteSpace(c))
                    if (c == '\r' || c == '\n')
                        breakCategory = BreakCategory.Mandatory;
                        breakCategory = BreakCategory.Opportunity;

                // the previous character might make us think that this one should be a break opportunity
                if (nextBreak > breakCategory)
                    breakCategory = nextBreak;
                if (c == '-')
                    nextBreak = BreakCategory.Opportunity;

                // alright, we have all the right glyph data cached and loaded
                // append relevant info to our buffer; we'll do the actual layout later
                buffer.Add(new BufferEntry
                    GlyphData = glyph,
                    Kerning   = kerning,
                    Break     = breakCategory