private async Task OnReactionAdded(Cacheable <IUserMessage, ulong> message, [NotNull] ISocketMessageChannel channel, [NotNull] SocketReaction reaction) { if (SentimentResponse.Happy.Contains(reaction.Emote.Name)) { await TryLearn(await message.DownloadAsync(), reaction, Sentiment.Positive); } else if (SentimentResponse.Sad.Contains(reaction.Emote.Name)) { await TryLearn(await message.DownloadAsync(), reaction, Sentiment.Negative); } else if (SentimentResponse.Neutral.Contains(reaction.Emote.Name)) { await TryLearn(await message.DownloadAsync(), reaction, Sentiment.Neutral); } }
private async Task Client_ReactionRemoved(Cacheable <IUserMessage, ulong> cache, ISocketMessageChannel chan, SocketReaction reaction) { //for role removal after user unclicks a reaction. ulong reactionRole = DBTransaction.reactionRoleExists(reaction.MessageId, reaction.Emote.ToString()); if (reactionRole != 0) { var message = await cache.DownloadAsync(); //get guild to find role! var chnl = message.Channel as SocketGuildChannel; var reactionUser = reaction.User.Value as IGuildUser; Console.WriteLine("Removing role from " + reaction.User.Value.Username + "!"); try { await reactionUser.RemoveRoleAsync(chnl.Guild.GetRole(reactionRole)); } catch { await reactionUser.SendMessageAsync("Sorry, something went wrong, I am either unable to modify roles or the chosen role is above me in settings. Contact an admin or Hoovier#4192 for assistance!"); return; } await reactionUser.SendMessageAsync("Hi " + reactionUser.Username + "! I removed the " + chnl.Guild.GetRole(reactionRole).Name + " role!"); } }
private async Task HandleMessageDeleted(Cacheable <IMessage, ulong> cachedMessage, ISocketMessageChannel channel) { var old = cachedMessage.HasValue ? cachedMessage.Value : (await cachedMessage.DownloadAsync()); if (old.Author.IsBot) { return; } var context = new SocketCommandContext(client, old as SocketUserMessage); var logChannelId = await configRepo.GetLogChannel(context.Guild.Id); if (logChannelId == null) { return; } var logChannel = context.Guild.GetChannel(logChannelId.Value) as IMessageChannel; var embed = new EmbedBuilder(); embed.Color = Color.Red; embed.WithDescription($"**Deleted**: {old.ToString()}"); var user = old.Author; var text = $"{Formatter.NowBlock()} {Emotes.Cross} **{user.Username}**#{user.Discriminator} (ID: {user.Id})'s message has been deleted from <#{channel.Id}>:"; await logChannel.SendMessageAsync(text : text, embed : embed.Build()); }
async Task OnPhotoVoteReceivedAsync(Cacheable <IUserMessage, ulong> cacheable, ISocketMessageChannel channel, SocketReaction reaction) { var message = await cacheable.DownloadAsync(); if (!message.Author.IsPhotoUser()) { return; } var socketChannel = SocketGuild.GetTextChannel(channel.Id); if (socketChannel.Category.Id != Config.PhotoCategoryId) { return; } var photoMessage = Config.Photos.Find(element => element.MessageId == message.Id); if (photoMessage == null) { return; } if (reaction.Emote.IsUpvote()) { photoMessage.Upvotes += 1; } if (reaction.Emote.IsDownvote()) { photoMessage.Downvotes += 1; } await PhotoConfig.SaveAsync(); }
public async void RemoveReactionPoints(IUser reactedUser, Cacheable <IUserMessage, ulong> messageWithReaction) { await Task.Run(async() => { var receivingReactionUser = (await messageWithReaction.DownloadAsync()).Author; if (receivingReactionUser.IsBot) { return; } if (receivingReactionUser.Id != reactedUser.Id) { if (!DataControlManager.UserProfiles.Value.ContainsKey(receivingReactionUser.Id)) { DataControlManager.UserProfiles.Value.Add(receivingReactionUser.Id, new UserProfile(receivingReactionUser.Id)); } } await DataControlManager.UserProfiles.Value[receivingReactionUser.Id].RemovePoints((long)ActionsCost.ReceivedReaction); await DataControlManager.UserProfiles.SaveAsync(); if (reactedUser.IsBot) { return; } if (!DataControlManager.UserProfiles.Value.ContainsKey(reactedUser.Id)) { DataControlManager.UserProfiles.Value.Add(reactedUser.Id, new UserProfile(reactedUser.Id)); } await DataControlManager.UserProfiles.Value[reactedUser.Id].RemovePoints((long)ActionsCost.LeftReaction); }); }
private async Task OnReactionAdded(Cacheable <IUserMessage, ulong> arg1, ISocketMessageChannel arg2, SocketReaction arg3) { var msg = await arg1.DownloadAsync(); var user = arg3.User.Value; var emote = arg3.Emote; if (BotReactions.ViewMessage.Equals(emote) && !user.IsBot) { if (msg.Author.Id == Client.CurrentUser.Id && msg.Embeds.Any()) { IEmbed encipheredEmbed = msg.Embeds.First(); if (encipheredEmbed.Fields.Any()) { EmbedField field = encipheredEmbed.Fields[0]; if (field.Name == EncipheredTitle) { DateTime dateTime = encipheredEmbed.Timestamp.Value.DateTime; string enciphered = Desanitize(field.Value); string deciphered = Decipher(enciphered, dateTime, false); var author = encipheredEmbed.Author.Value; EmbedBuilder embed = new EmbedBuilder(); embed.WithColor(EmbedColor); embed.WithAuthor(author.Name, author.IconUrl, author.Url); embed.WithTimestamp(encipheredEmbed.Timestamp.Value); embed.AddField(DecipheredTitle, deciphered); var dm = await arg3.User.Value.GetOrCreateDMChannelAsync(); await dm.SendMessageAsync(null, false, embed.Build()); } } } } }
private async Task OnReactionAdded(Cacheable <IUserMessage, ulong> cache, ISocketMessageChannel ch, SocketReaction reaction) { var dlTasks = new List <Task>(); IUserMessage msg = null; Task <IUserMessage> msgTask = null; if (cache.HasValue) { msg = cache.Value; } else { msgTask = cache.DownloadAsync(); dlTasks.Add(msgTask); } IGuildUser user = null; Task <IUser> userTask = null; if (reaction.User.IsSpecified) { user = reaction.User.Value as IGuildUser; } else { userTask = ch.GetUserAsync(reaction.UserId); dlTasks.Add(userTask); } await Task.WhenAll(dlTasks); if (msg == null) { msg = await msgTask; } if (user == null) { user = await userTask as IGuildUser; } // Don't process bot reaction if (user.IsBot || user.IsWebhook) { return; } try{ _logger.LogDebug($"{user.Username}#{user.Discriminator}> reaction {reaction.Emote.Name}"); var code = _automuteService.GetVCLinkedGameCode(user.VoiceChannel); if (code is null) { return; } await _automuteService.OnReactionAdded(msg, user, reaction, code); }catch (Exception e) { _logger.LogDebug($"{e.GetType()} -- {e.Message}"); using (_logger.BeginScope("")){ _logger.LogDebug(e.StackTrace); } } }
private async Task OnReactionAdded(Cacheable <IUserMessage, ulong> cacheableMessage, ISocketMessageChannel channel, SocketReaction reaction) { var message = await cacheableMessage.DownloadAsync(); // Check if reaction is for one of the bot's messages if (_client.CurrentUser.Id != message.Author.Id) { return; } // Check if reaction is from bot if (_client.CurrentUser.Id == reaction.UserId) { return; } if (!(message.Channel is SocketTextChannel guildChannel)) { return; } var parts = reaction.Emote.ToString()?.Split(':') ?? new string[0]; var isSubscribing = reaction.Emote.Name == _configuration["UserUpdates:Reactions:Subscribe"]; var isUnsubscribing = reaction.Emote.Name == _configuration["UserUpdates:Reactions:Unsubscribe"]; // Check if emote means anything if (!isSubscribing && !isUnsubscribing) { return; } var roleName = _configuration["UserUpdates:RoleName"]; IRole role = guildChannel.Guild.Roles.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == roleName); role ??= await guildChannel.Guild.CreateRoleAsync(roleName, GuildPermissions.None, isMentionable : false); if (role != null) { var user = guildChannel.Guild.GetUser(reaction.UserId); if (user != null) { if (isSubscribing) { await user.AddRoleAsync(role); } else { await user.RemoveRoleAsync(role); } } } await message.RemoveReactionAsync(reaction.Emote, reaction.UserId); }
public async Task OnMessageEdit(Cacheable <IMessage, ulong> cmessage, SocketMessage smessage, ISocketMessageChannel ichannel) { var newMessage = await cmessage.DownloadAsync(); if (!(ichannel is SocketGuildChannel channel)) { return; } var guild = channel.Guild; var guildConfig = _db.Guilds.FirstOrDefault(g => g.Id == guild.Id); if (guildConfig == null) { return; } var run = _db.Events.FirstOrDefault(sr => sr.MessageId3 == newMessage.Id); if (run == null || run.RunTime < DateTime.Now.ToBinary()) { return; } Log.Information("Updating information for run from user {UserId}.", run.LeaderId); var splitIndex = newMessage.Content.IndexOf("|", StringComparison.Ordinal); if (splitIndex == -1) // If for some silly reason they remove the pipe, it'll just take everything after the command name. { splitIndex = "~schedule ".Length; } run.Description = newMessage.Content.Substring(splitIndex + 1).Trim(); await _db.UpdateScheduledEvent(run); var embedChannel = guild.GetTextChannel(run.RunKindCastrum == RunDisplayTypeCastrum.None ? guildConfig.ScheduleOutputChannel : guildConfig.CastrumScheduleOutputChannel); if (!(await embedChannel.GetMessageAsync(run.EmbedMessageId) is IUserMessage message)) { return; } var embed = message.Embeds.FirstOrDefault()?.ToEmbedBuilder() .WithDescription("React to the :vibration_mode: on their message to be notified 30 minutes before it begins!\n\n" + $"**{guild.GetUser(run.LeaderId).Mention}'s full message: {newMessage.GetJumpUrl()}**\n\n" + $"{new string(run.Description.Take(1650).ToArray())}{(run.Description.Length > 1650 ? "..." : "")}\n\n" + $"**Schedule Overview: <{(run.RunKindCastrum == RunDisplayTypeCastrum.None ? guildConfig.BASpreadsheetLink : guildConfig.CastrumSpreadsheetLink)}>**") .Build(); Log.Information("Updated description for run {MessageId} to:\n{RunDescription}", run.MessageId3, new string(run.Description.Take(1800).ToArray())); if (embed == null) { return; } await message.ModifyAsync(properties => properties.Embed = embed); }
public static async Task ClientOnReactionAdded(Cacheable <IUserMessage, ulong> arg1, ISocketMessageChannel arg2, SocketReaction arg3) { // Get the message that was reacted to var msg = await arg1.DownloadAsync(); // Ignore the reaction if the message wasn't posted by a bot if (msg.Source != MessageSource.Bot) { return; } // Verify permissions - must be in this role for reactions to be parsed if (!((SocketGuildUser)msg.Author).IsInRole("RoleBasedReactions")) { return; } // Do we recognise the emote/emoji? var translated = ""; if (TranslateEmoji.ContainsKey(arg3.Emote.Name)) { translated = TranslateEmoji[arg3.Emote.Name]; } else { Console.WriteLine($"Unrecognised reaction: {arg3.Emote.Name}"); return; } // Sanity check - make sure there is an embed in the message, that it has fields and found a match if (msg.Embeds.Count == 0 || msg.Embeds.First().Fields.Length == 0 || msg.Embeds.First().Fields.All(f => f.Name.Contains(translated) == false)) { return; } var matchingField = msg.Embeds.First().Fields.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Name.Contains(translated)); // Sanity check - make sure there's an @ in the field name, so that we can split on it. // This is added by the embed builder so it should be there, but check just in case someone borks something. if (!matchingField.Name.Contains("@")) { return; } var roleToAdd = matchingField.Name.Split("@")[1]; var addResult = await RoleHelper.AddRole(roleToAdd, ((SocketTextChannel)msg.Channel).Guild, (SocketGuildUser)arg3.User.Value); if (addResult.Success == false) { Console.WriteLine($"Failed to add role.. {addResult.Message}"); } }
public async Task VerifyIdAsync(Cacheable <IUserMessage, ulong> message, ISocketMessageChannel channel, SocketReaction reaction) { if (!reaction.User.Value.IsAUser()) { return; } if (reaction.Channel.Id == ulong.Parse(_config["ids:verificatielog"])) { Console.WriteLine("VerifyIdAsync"); var guild = _client.GetGuild(ulong.Parse(_config["ids:server"])); var studentRole = guild.GetRole(ulong.Parse(_config["ids:studentrol"])); var notVerifiedRole = guild.GetRole(ulong.Parse(_config["ids:nietgeverifieerdrol"])); var embeds = message.DownloadAsync().Result.Embeds.GetEnumerator(); embeds.MoveNext(); var isStudent = guild.GetUser(ulong.Parse(embeds.Current.Fields[0].Value)).Roles .Contains(studentRole); if (!isStudent) { if (reaction.Emote.ToString().Equals(Emojis.ACCEPTEER_EMOJI.ToString()) && !reaction.User.Value.IsBot) { var user = guild.GetUser(ulong.Parse(embeds.Current.Fields[0].Value)); await user.AddRoleAsync(studentRole); await user.RemoveRoleAsync(notVerifiedRole); var text = new StringBuilder(); text.Append("Jouw inzending werd zojuist goedgekeurd."); text.AppendLine( " Indien gewenst heb je nu de mogelijkheid om jouw verificatie-afbeelding te verwijderen."); text.AppendLine( "Naast deel te nemen van de server, heb je ook de mogelijkheid om deel te nemen aan de studentenvereniging van de richting! Neem eens een kijkje in onze #bovis-grafica kanaal voor meer informatie."); text.Append( " De volgende stap is het kiezen van jouw jaar door te klikken op één (of meerdere) emoji onder dit bericht."); text.Append(" Als je vakken moet meenemen, dan kan je ook het vorige jaar kiezen."); text.Append( " Als je geen kanalen meer wilt zien van een jaar, dan kan je gewoon opnieuw op de emoji ervan klikken."); text.Append( " Als je jaar niet verandert, dan is de sessie van deze chat verlopen en moet je de sessie terug activeren door `!jaar` te typen."); var sent = await user.SendMessageAsync(text.ToString()); await sent.AddReactionsAsync(Emojis.emojiJaren); } else if (reaction.Emote.ToString().Equals(Emojis.WEIGER_EMOJI.ToString()) && !reaction.User.Value.IsBot) { await guild.GetUser(ulong.Parse(embeds.Current.Fields[0].Value)) .SendMessageAsync("Jouw inzending werd afgekeurd. Dien een nieuwe foto in."); } } } }
public static async Task UpdateSettingMessage(Cacheable <IUserMessage, ulong> Data) { if (!_SettingMessageIds.Contains(Data.Id)) { return; // Not bothered about random reactions } var RelevantSetting = _AllSettings.Where(s => s.Message.Id == Data.Id).FirstOrDefault(); RelevantSetting.Message = await Data.DownloadAsync(); // Update message }
public static async Task ReactionAddedFor2048(Cacheable <IUserMessage, ulong> cash, ISocketMessageChannel channel, SocketReaction reaction) { for (var i = 0; i < Global.OctopusGameMessIdList2048.Count; i++) { if (reaction.MessageId == Global.OctopusGameMessIdList2048[i].OctoGameMessIdToTrack2048 && reaction.UserId == Global.OctopusGameMessIdList2048[i].OctoGameUserIdToTrack2048 && reaction.UserId != 423593006436712458) //Id for bot { switch (reaction.Emote.Name) { case "⬆": NewGame.MakeMove(reaction.UserId, GameWork.MoveDirection.Up, Global.OctopusGameMessIdList2048[i].SocketMsg); await Global.OctopusGameMessIdList2048[i].SocketMsg.RemoveReactionAsync(reaction.Emote, Global.OctopusGameMessIdList2048[i].Iuser, RequestOptions.Default); break; case "⬇": NewGame.MakeMove(reaction.UserId, GameWork.MoveDirection.Down, Global.OctopusGameMessIdList2048[i].SocketMsg); await Global.OctopusGameMessIdList2048[i].SocketMsg.RemoveReactionAsync(reaction.Emote, Global.OctopusGameMessIdList2048[i].Iuser, RequestOptions.Default); break; case "⬅": NewGame.MakeMove(reaction.UserId, GameWork.MoveDirection.Left, Global.OctopusGameMessIdList2048[i].SocketMsg); await Global.OctopusGameMessIdList2048[i].SocketMsg.RemoveReactionAsync(reaction.Emote, Global.OctopusGameMessIdList2048[i].Iuser, RequestOptions.Default); break; case "➡": NewGame.MakeMove(reaction.UserId, GameWork.MoveDirection.Right, Global.OctopusGameMessIdList2048[i].SocketMsg); await Global.OctopusGameMessIdList2048[i].SocketMsg.RemoveReactionAsync(reaction.Emote, Global.OctopusGameMessIdList2048[i].Iuser, RequestOptions.Default); break; case "❌": NewGame.EndGame(reaction.UserId); break; case "🔃": await cash.DownloadAsync().Result.RemoveAllReactionsAsync(); await cash.DownloadAsync().Result.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji("⬅")); await cash.DownloadAsync().Result.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji("➡")); await cash.DownloadAsync().Result.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji("⬆")); await cash.DownloadAsync().Result.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji("⬇")); await cash.DownloadAsync().Result.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji("🔃")); await cash.DownloadAsync().Result.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji("❌")); break; default: return; } } } await Task.CompletedTask; }
private async Task OnReactionAdded(Cacheable<IUserMessage, ulong> arg1, ISocketMessageChannel arg2, SocketReaction arg3) { if (arg3.UserId == _client.CurrentUser.Id) return; var message = await arg1.DownloadAsync(); IUser user = await message.Channel.GetUserAsync(arg3.UserId).ConfigureAwait(false); await HandleExtraReactionMethodsAsync(arg1.Id, arg3, user, message).ConfigureAwait(false); }
private async Task ClientOnReactionAdded(Cacheable <IUserMessage, ulong> x, ISocketMessageChannel chanel, SocketReaction reaction) { if (reaction.UserId == _client.CurrentUser.Id) { return; } var um = await x.DownloadAsync(); if (reaction.Emote.Name == new Emoji("🌀").Name) { if (um.Author.Id == _client.CurrentUser.Id && um.Attachments.Count != 0) { await um.RemoveAllReactionsAsync(); await um.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji("⬅️")); await um.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji("⬆️")); await um.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji("➡️")); await um.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji("⬇️")); await um.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji("↖️")); await um.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji("↗️")); await um.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji("↘️")); await um.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji("↙️")); } } else { await um.RemoveReactionAsync(reaction.Emote, um.Author); var dict = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { new Emoji("⬅️️").Name, "#move w" }, { new Emoji("⬆").Name, "#move n" }, { new Emoji("➡️").Name, "#move e" }, { new Emoji("⬇️").Name, "#move s" }, { new Emoji("↖️").Name, "#move nw" }, { new Emoji("↗️").Name, "#move ne" }, { new Emoji("↘️").Name, "#move se" }, { new Emoji("↙️").Name, "#move sw" }, }; RunCmd(dict[reaction.Emote.Name], reaction.User.Value, um); } }
public async Task OnMessageUpdated(Cacheable <IMessage, ulong> _OldMsg, SocketMessage NewMsg, ISocketMessageChannel Channel) { var OldMsg = await _OldMsg.DownloadAsync(); if (OldMsg == null || NewMsg == null) { return; } if (OldMsg.Source != MessageSource.User || NewMsg.Source != MessageSource.User) { return; } await MessageReceived(NewMsg); }
private async Task ReactionChangedAsync(Cacheable <IUserMessage, ulong> cached, ISocketMessageChannel channel, SocketReaction reaction, bool added) { // If this reaction wasn't performed on a paginated message, quit. if (!paginatedMessages.ContainsKey(reaction.MessageId)) { return; } // If the reaction was added by the bot, quit. if (reaction.UserId == client.CurrentUser.Id) { return; } // Get the paginated message. PaginatedMessageInfo messageInfo = paginatedMessages[reaction.MessageId]; if (!messageInfo.Message.Enabled) { return; } // Ignore the reaction if it's not from the sender and we only accept reactions from the sender. if (messageInfo.Message.Restricted && reaction.UserId != messageInfo.Context.User.Id) { return; } string emoji = reaction.Emote.Name; Messaging.IMessage currentPage = messageInfo.Message.CurrentPage; await messageInfo.Message.HandleReactionAsync(new PaginatedMessageReactionArgs(messageInfo.Message, emoji, added)); if (currentPage != messageInfo.Message.CurrentPage) { await cached.DownloadAsync().Result.ModifyAsync(msg => { msg.Content = messageInfo.Message.CurrentPage.Text; msg.Embed = messageInfo.Message.CurrentPage.Embed.ToDiscordEmbed(); }); } // If the message was blocking, unblock it. messageInfo.Waiter?.Set(); }
private async Task ReactionAddedAsync(Cacheable <IUserMessage, ulong> cachedMsg, ISocketMessageChannel channel, SocketReaction addedReaction) { var msg = await cachedMsg.DownloadAsync(); if (msg == null) { return; } IChannelHandler handler = ChannelHandlers.ContainsKey(msg.Channel.Name) ? ChannelHandlers[msg.Channel.Name] : DefaultHandler; var context = new ReactionContext(Context, msg); await handler.ReactionAdded(context, addedReaction); }
private async Task OnReactionRemoved(Cacheable<IUserMessage, ulong> arg1, ISocketMessageChannel arg2, SocketReaction arg3) { if (arg3.UserId == _client.CurrentUser.Id) return; DBConfigSettings config = _db.ConfigSettings.Find("Channels", "Log"); if (config != null) { ulong channelId = MakeNumeric(config.Value); var message = await arg1.DownloadAsync(); CommandContext context = new CommandContext(_client, message); var channel = await context.Guild.GetTextChannelAsync(channelId); await channel.SendMessageAsync($"Reaction: {arg3.Emote} removed from message {message.Id} by <@!{arg3.UserId}>!\r\nLink:{context.Guild.Id}/{message.Channel.Id}/{message.Id}"); } }
private async Task ReactionRemoved(Cacheable <IUserMessage, ulong> arg1, ISocketMessageChannel arg2, SocketReaction arg3) { var msg = await arg1.DownloadAsync(); if (Message == null || msg.Id != Message.Id) { return; } if (arg3.User.Value.Id != msg.Author.Id) { if (ButtonPressed != null) { await ButtonPressed(this, new ButtonPressEventArgs(arg3.User.Value, arg3.Emote.Name)); } } }
private static async Task OnReactionAdded(Cacheable <IUserMessage, ulong> cache, ISocketMessageChannel channel, SocketReaction reaction) { if (reaction.User.Value.IsBot) { return; } IUserMessage msg = await cache.DownloadAsync(); foreach (IReactionAction action in AddReactionActions) { if (action.ActionApplies(msg, channel, reaction)) { await action.Execute(msg, channel, reaction); break; } } }
private async Task ReactionRemoved( Cacheable <IUserMessage, ulong> message, ISocketMessageChannel channel, SocketReaction reaction) { if (this.ActionFromBot(reaction.UserId)) { return; } if (this.messageTracker.TryGetGroup(message.Id, out var groupState)) { await groupState.ReactionRemoved(message, channel, reaction); } var fullMessage = await message.DownloadAsync(); await fullMessage.ModifyAsync(x => x.Content = this.BuildInProgressMessage(groupState)); }
public async Task OnMessageUpdated(Cacheable <IMessage, ulong> _OldMsg, SocketMessage NewMsg, ISocketMessageChannel Channel) { var OldMsg = await _OldMsg.DownloadAsync(); if (OldMsg.Source != MessageSource.User) { return; } if (_cache.TryGetValue(NewMsg.Id, out var CacheMsg)) { var reply = await Channel.GetMessageAsync(CacheMsg.First()); await reply.DeleteAsync(); } await MessageReceived(NewMsg); }
private async Task _client_ReactionAdded( Cacheable <IUserMessage, ulong> arg1, ISocketMessageChannel arg2, SocketReaction arg3 ) { var curratedReactions = new string[] { check.Name, cross.Name }; if (!_messages.Select(m => m.MessageID).Contains(arg1.Id)) { return; } if (arg3.User.Value.IsBot || !curratedReactions.Contains(arg3.Emote.Name)) { return; } HandleMessage(arg1.DownloadAsync().Result, arg3.Emote); }
private async Task ClientOnReactionAdded(Cacheable <IUserMessage, ulong> arg1, ISocketMessageChannel arg2, SocketReaction arg3) { try { if (arg3.UserId != _client.CurrentUser.Id && arg3.Channel.Id == _triggersChannelId && arg3.Emote.Name == subscribeEmoji.Name) { var msg = await arg1.DownloadAsync(); IRole role = _guild.Roles.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Name == msg.Content); await _guild.GetUser(arg3.UserId).AddRoleAsync(role); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } }
private async Task ReactionAdded(Cacheable <IUserMessage, ulong> message, ISocketMessageChannel channel, SocketReaction reaction) { try { // Try get reaction role ReactionRole reactionRole = await this.GetReactionRoleIfValid(message, channel, reaction); // Reaction Role not found or no Reactions - skip if (reactionRole == null || !reactionRole.Reactions.Any()) { return; } // If Item matching added Reaction doesn't exist for reaction role - skip ReactionRoleItem item = reactionRole.Reactions.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ReactionEmote.Name == reaction.Emote.Name && x.Role != null); if (item == null) { return; } // Need to fetch message and guild to get user and role IUserMessage userMessage = await message.DownloadAsync(); IGuild guild = userMessage.GetGuild(); IGuildUser user = await guild.GetUserAsync(reaction.UserId); IRole role = guild.GetRole(item.Role.GetValueOrDefault()); if (role != null) { if (!user.RoleIds.Contains(role.Id)) { await user.AddRoleAsync(role); } } } catch (Exception ex) { await Utils.Logger.LogExceptionToDiscordChannel( ex, $"Role Reaction Added - MessageId: {message.Id}", (channel as IGuildChannel)?.GuildId.ToString(), (reaction.User.GetValueOrDefault() as IGuildUser)?.GetName()); } }
async Task OnProposalVoteReceivedAsync(Cacheable <IUserMessage, ulong> cacheable, ISocketMessageChannel channel, SocketReaction reaction) { var message = await cacheable.DownloadAsync(); if (!message.Author.IsPhotoUser()) { return; } var socketChannel = SocketGuild.GetTextChannel(channel.Id); if (socketChannel.Category.Id != Config.PhotoCategoryId) { return; } var proposal = Config.Proposals.Find(element => element.UserId == message.Author.Id); if (proposal == null) { return; } if (reaction.Emote.IsUpvote()) { proposal.Upvotes += 1; } if (reaction.Emote.IsDownvote()) { proposal.Downvotes += 1; } if (reaction.Emote.IsCancel()) { if (reaction.User.Value.Id == message.Author.Id) { var socketUser = SocketGuild.GetUser(reaction.User.Value.Id); await DeleteProposalAsync(socketUser); } } await PhotoConfig.SaveAsync(); }
private async Task OnReactionAddedAsync(Cacheable <IUserMessage, ulong> arg1, ISocketMessageChannel arg2, SocketReaction arg3) { var msg = await arg1.DownloadAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); var user = arg3.User.Value; var emote = arg3.Emote; if (EnigmaReactions.ViewMessage.Equals(emote) && !user.IsBot) { if (msg.Author.Id == Client.CurrentUser.Id && msg.Embeds.Any()) { IEmbed encipheredEmbed = msg.Embeds.First(); if (encipheredEmbed.Title == EncipheredTitle) { EmbedField field = encipheredEmbed.Fields.FirstOrDefault(); RotorKeys rotorKeys = this.rotorKeys; if (encipheredEmbed.Fields.Any() && field.Name == RotorKeysTitle) { rotorKeys = ParseRotorKeys(field.Value); } Machine machine = new Machine(new SetupArgs { LetterSet = letterSet, Steckering = steckering, RotorKeys = rotorKeys, }); string enciphered = Desanitize(encipheredEmbed.Description); string deciphered = machine.Decipher(enciphered); var author = encipheredEmbed.Author.Value; EmbedBuilder embed = new EmbedBuilder { Title = DecipheredTitle, Color = configParser.EmbedColor, Timestamp = encipheredEmbed.Timestamp.Value, Description = deciphered, }; embed.WithAuthor(author.Name, author.IconUrl, author.Url); var dm = await arg3.User.Value.GetOrCreateDMChannelAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); await dm.SendMessageAsync(embed : embed.Build()).ConfigureAwait(false); } } } }
internal static async Task Sc_ReactionRemoved(Cacheable <IUserMessage, ulong> arg1, ISocketMessageChannel arg2, SocketReaction arg3) { try { IUserMessage msg = arg1.Value ?? await arg1.DownloadAsync(); if (arg3.Emote.Name.Equals("⭐", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { if (msg.Author.Id != arg3.User.Value.Id) { await Starboard.UpdateStarGivenAsync(new StarboardContext(StarboardContextType.REACTION_REMOVED, msg), arg3.User.Value, false); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Program.Log($"Exception in Sc_ReactionRemoved {ex.GetType().FullName}: {ex.Message}\n{ex.StackTrace}", LogSeverity.Error); } }
private async Task OnMessageUpdate(Cacheable <IMessage, ulong> original, SocketMessage edit, ISocketMessageChannel channel) { if (edit == null) { return; } var msg = await original.DownloadAsync() as SocketUserMessage; var msg2 = edit as SocketUserMessage; int argPos = 0; if (msg2.HasStringPrefix(_config["prefix"], ref argPos)) { var messages = await channel.GetMessagesAsync(msg, Direction.After, 2, CacheMode.AllowDownload).FlattenAsync(); var lastreply = messages.Where(x => x.Author.Id == _discord.CurrentUser.Id).FirstOrDefault(); await lastreply.DeleteAsync(); await MessageReceived(edit); } }