Esempio n. 1
        public void CacheManagerExtensions_SetIfNotExists()
            var cm = new Mock <ICacheManager>();

            var key       = "key";
            var value     = new CacheTestObject();
            var cacheTime = 123U;

            //object is cached
            cm.Setup(c => c.Get <CacheTestObject>(It.IsAny <string>())).Returns(null as CacheTestObject);

            CacheManagerExtensions.SetIfNotExists(cm.Object, key, value, cacheTime);
            cm.Verify(c => c.Set(
                          It.Is <string>(k => k == key),
                          It.Is <CacheTestObject>(cto => cto == value),
                          It.IsAny <uint>()),

            //object is not cached
            cm.Setup(c => c.Get <CacheTestObject>(It.IsAny <string>())).Returns(new CacheTestObject());
            CacheManagerExtensions.SetIfNotExists(cm.Object, key, value, cacheTime);
            cm.Verify(c => c.Set(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <CacheTestObject>(), It.IsAny <uint>()),
        public async Task ToCachedCollection_Async_EmptyKeyResolvesQuery(string ck)
            var a   = new[] { "a", "b", "c" };
            var q   = Task.FromResult(a.AsQueryable());
            var cm  = new Mock <ICacheManager>();
            var res = await CacheManagerExtensions.ToCachedCollection(cm.Object, q, ck, TimeSpan.FromDays(1));

        public async Task ToCachedEnumerable_Synced_EmptyKeyResolvesQuery(string ck)
            var a   = new[] { "a", "b", "c" };
            var q   = a.AsQueryable();
            var cm  = new Mock <ICacheManager>();
            var res = await CacheManagerExtensions.ToCachedEnumerable(cm.Object, q, ck, TimeSpan.FromDays(1));

Esempio n. 4
        public void CacheManagerExtensions_Set()
            var cm    = new Mock <ICacheManager>();
            var key   = "key";
            var value = new CacheTestObject();

            CacheManagerExtensions.Set(cm.Object, key, value);
            cm.Verify(c => c.Set(
                          It.Is <string>(k => k == key),
                          It.Is <CacheTestObject>(cto => cto == value),
                          It.Is <uint>(i => i == CacheManagerExtensions.DefaultCacheTime)), Times.Once);
        public async Task ToCachedEnumerable_Synced_GetsFromCache()
            var ck = "cKey";
            var a  = new[] { "a", "b", "c" };
            var cm = new Mock <ICacheManager>();

            cm.Setup(c => c.Get(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <Func <Task <IEnumerable <string> > > >(), It.IsAny <TimeSpan>()))

            var q   = a.AsQueryable();
            var res = await CacheManagerExtensions.ToCachedEnumerable(cm.Object, q, ck, TimeSpan.FromDays(1));

        public async Task ToCachedCollection_Async_GetsFromCache()
            var ck = "cKey";
            var a  = new List <string> {
                "a", "b", "c"
            var cm = new Mock <ICacheManager>();

            cm.Setup(c => c.Get(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <Func <Task <ICollection <string> > > >(), It.IsAny <TimeSpan>()))

            var q   = Task.FromResult(a.AsQueryable());
            var res = await CacheManagerExtensions.ToCachedCollection(cm.Object, q, ck, TimeSpan.FromDays(1));

Esempio n. 7
        public void CacheManagerExtensions_GetOrAquire()
            var cm         = new Mock <ICacheManager>();
            var key        = "key";
            var cacheTime  = 123U;
            var wasAquired = false;
            Func <CacheTestObject> aquireFunc = () =>
                wasAquired = true;
                return(new CacheTestObject());

            //does not call aquire func
            cm.Setup(c => c.Get <CacheTestObject>(It.IsAny <string>())).Returns(new CacheTestObject());

            CacheManagerExtensions.Get(cm.Object, key, aquireFunc, cacheTime);

            //should call call aquire func
            cm.Setup(c => c.Get <CacheTestObject>(It.IsAny <string>())).Returns(null as CacheTestObject);
            CacheManagerExtensions.Get(cm.Object, key, aquireFunc, cacheTime);
Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Seed database (applies migrations, runs bootstrappers/seeders)
        /// </summary>
        private void SeedDatabase()
            var ioc = StaticContext.IocManager;

            var lockFactory  = ioc.Resolve <ILockFactory>();
            var cacheManager = ioc.Resolve <ICacheManager>();

            // Note: the application may work in the multiple instance environment (e.g. on Azure)
            // We are trying to acquire a lock and initialize the application, possible cases:
            // 1. lock successfully acquired - initialize the application
            // 2. initialization is locked by another process - wait for completion and check the result of initialization. If the initialization failed - we can't continue the process and just throw exception

            Logger.Warn("Try to initialize database...");

            var expiry = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30);
            var wait   = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10);
            var retry  = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1);

            const string seedDbKey           = "AppStart:SeedDb";
            const string seedDbFinishedOnKey = "SeedDbFinishedOn";
            var          cache = CacheManagerExtensions.GetCache <string, DateTime>(cacheManager, seedDbKey);

            var initializationStart          = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime();
            var initializedByCurrentInstance = false;

            lockFactory.DoExclusive(seedDbKey, expiry, wait, retry, () =>
                // get last initialization time
                var seedDbTime = cache.Get(seedDbFinishedOnKey, key => DateTime.MinValue);

                if (seedDbTime != DateTime.MinValue && (
                        seedDbTime.Ticks > initializationStart.Ticks ||       /* DB was initialized while we were waiting for the lock */
                        (initializationStart - seedDbTime).TotalSeconds <= 30 /* DB was initialized less than 30 seconds ago */
                    Logger.Warn("Database initialized by another application instance");

                initializedByCurrentInstance = true;
                Logger.Warn("Database initialization started");

                Logger.Warn("Apply migrations...");
                var dbMigrator = ioc.Resolve <IAbpZeroDbMigrator>();
                Logger.Warn("Apply migrations - finished");

                // find all seeders/bootstrappers and run them
                var bootstrapperTypes = _typeFinder.Find(t => typeof(IBootstrapper).IsAssignableFrom(t) && t.IsClass).ToList();
                bootstrapperTypes     = SortByDependencies(bootstrapperTypes);

                foreach (var bootstrapperType in bootstrapperTypes)
                    AsyncHelper.RunSync(async() =>
                        if (ioc.Resolve(bootstrapperType) is IBootstrapper bootstrapper)
                            Logger.Warn($"Run bootstrapper: {bootstrapperType.Name}...");

                            var uowManager = ioc.Resolve <IUnitOfWorkManager>();
                            using (var unitOfWork = uowManager.Begin())
                                await bootstrapper.Process();
                                await unitOfWork.CompleteAsync();

                            Logger.Warn($"Run bootstrapper: {bootstrapperType.Name} - finished");

                // update the DB seeding time
                cache.Set(seedDbFinishedOnKey, initializationStart, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10));

                ? "Database initialization finished" :
                        "Database initialization skipped (locked by another instance)");
