private void txt_Cust_TextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e)
            connect = new CTUConnection();// refreshens the 'CTUConnection' class //
                if (Department == 1)
                    connect.SelectInvoiceNewVehicle();            //*Selects the specified columns in the Patient table*//
                    connect.SearchInvoiceCustomer(txt_Cust.Text); //Searches the customer's 'name' within the populated table//
                    DGV_Invoice.ItemsSource = connect.dataset;    //*All the selected fields are filtered inside the table and stored inside the grid-view*//

                else if (Department == 2)
                    connect.SelectInvoiceOldVehicle();            //*Selects the specified columns in the Patient table*//
                    connect.SearchInvoiceCustomer(txt_Cust.Text); //Searches the customer's 'name' within the populated table//
                    DGV_Invoice.ItemsSource = connect.dataset;    //*All the selected fields are filtered inside the table and stored inside the grid-view*//

                else if (Department == 3)
                    connect.SelectInvoiceService();               //*Selects the specified columns in the Patient table*//
                    connect.SearchInvoiceCustomer(txt_Cust.Text); //Searches the customer's 'name' within the populated table//
                    DGV_Invoice.ItemsSource = connect.dataset;    //*All the selected fields are filtered inside the table and stored inside the grid-view*//

                else if (Department == 4)
                    connect.Selectparts();                        //*Selects the specified columns in the Patient table*//
                    connect.SearchInvoiceCustomer(txt_Cust.Text); //Searches the customer's 'name' within the populated table//
                    DGV_Invoice.ItemsSource = connect.dataset;    //*All the selected fields are filtered inside the table and stored inside the grid-view*//

            catch (Exception)