public UserOfferingsController(IAuthorizationService authorizationService, CTDbContext context, UserManager <ApplicationUser> userManager, UserUtils userUtils, ILogger <UserOfferingsController> logger) : base(context, logger) { _authorizationService = authorizationService; _userManager = userManager; _userUtils = userUtils; }
protected async override Task OnConsume(string example, TaskParameters taskParameters, ClientActiveTasks cleanup) { registerTask(cleanup, "ExampleTask"); // may throw AlreadyInProgress exception _logger.LogInformation("Example Task Starting"); int captionCount = 0; int transcriptionCount = 0; using (var _context = CTDbContext.CreateDbContext()) { CaptionQueries captionQueries = new CaptionQueries(_context); var transcriptions = await _context.Transcriptions.Take(30).ToListAsync(); foreach (var transcription in transcriptions) { var transcriptionId = transcription.Id; var videoID = transcription.VideoId; var captions = await captionQueries.GetCaptionsAsync(transcriptionId); _logger.LogInformation($"{transcription.Id}: Caption count= {captions.Count}"); transcriptionCount++; } } _logger.LogInformation($"Example Task Done. transcriptionCount={transcriptionCount} captionCount={captionCount}"); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var configuration = CTDbContext.GetConfigurations(); //setup our DI var serviceProvider = new ServiceCollection() .AddLogging(builder => { builder.AddConsole(); builder.AddFilter <Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ApplicationInsights.ApplicationInsightsLoggerProvider> ("", LogLevel.Warning); builder.AddApplicationInsights(configuration.GetValue <string>("APPLICATION_INSIGHTS_KEY")); }) .AddOptions() .Configure <AppSettings>(configuration) .AddDbContext <CTDbContext>(options => options.UseLazyLoadingProxies().UseNpgsql(CTDbContext.ConnectionStringBuilder())) .AddScoped <SlackLogger>() .AddSingleton <MSTranscriptionService>() .AddSingleton <TempCode>() .AddSingleton <RpcClient>() .BuildServiceProvider(); Globals.appSettings = serviceProvider.GetService <IOptions <AppSettings> >().Value; TempCode tempCode = serviceProvider.GetService <TempCode>(); tempCode.Temp(); }
public async Task DeleteVideoAsync(CTDbContext context) { if (Video1 != null) { await Video1.DeleteFileRecordAsync(context); } if (Video2 != null) { await Video2.DeleteFileRecordAsync(context); } if (ProcessedVideo1 != null) { await ProcessedVideo1.DeleteFileRecordAsync(context); } if (ProcessedVideo2 != null) { await ProcessedVideo2.DeleteFileRecordAsync(context); } if (Audio != null) { await Audio.DeleteFileRecordAsync(context); } var dbVideoRow = await context.Videos.FindAsync(Id); if (dbVideoRow != null) { context.Videos.Remove(dbVideoRow); await context.SaveChangesAsync(); } }
public RolesController(RoleManager<IdentityRole> roleManager, UserManager<ApplicationUser> userManager, CTDbContext context, ILogger<RolesController> logger, UserUtils userUtils) : base(context, logger) { _roleManager = roleManager; _userManager = userManager; _userutils = userUtils; }
/// <summary>Extracts scene information for a video. /// Beware: It is possible to start another scene task while the first one is still running</summary> protected async override Task OnConsume(string videoId, TaskParameters taskParameters, ClientActiveTasks cleanup) { registerTask(cleanup, videoId); // may throw AlreadyInProgress exception using (var _context = CTDbContext.CreateDbContext()) { Video video = await _context.Videos.FindAsync(videoId); if (video.SceneData == null || taskParameters.Force) { var jsonString = await _rpcClient.PythonServerClient.GetScenesRPCAsync(new CTGrpc.File { FilePath = video.Video1.VMPath }); JArray scenes = JArray.Parse(jsonString.Json); video.SceneData = new JObject { { "Scenes", scenes } }; await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } } }
public async Task <Video> DownloadLocalPlaylist(Media media) { try { Video video = new Video(); if (media.JsonMetadata.ContainsKey("video1Path")) { var video1Path = media.JsonMetadata["video1Path"].ToString(); video.Video1 = await FileRecord.GetNewFileRecordAsync(video1Path, Path.GetExtension(video1Path)); } if (media.JsonMetadata.ContainsKey("video2Path")) { var video2Path = media.JsonMetadata["video2Path"].ToString(); video.Video2 = await FileRecord.GetNewFileRecordAsync(video2Path, Path.GetExtension(video2Path)); } return(video); } catch (Exception e) { GetLogger().LogError(e, "DownloadLocalPlaylist failed. mediaId {0}", media.Id); using (var context = CTDbContext.CreateDbContext()) { context.Medias.Remove(media); context.SaveChanges(); } return(null); } }
public async Task <Video> DownloadYoutubeVideo(Media media) { var mediaResponse = await _rpcClient.PythonServerClient.DownloadYoutubeVideoRPCAsync(new CTGrpc.MediaRequest { VideoUrl = media.JsonMetadata["videoUrl"].ToString() }); if (FileRecord.IsValidFile(mediaResponse.FilePath)) { Video video = new Video { Video1 = await FileRecord.GetNewFileRecordAsync(mediaResponse.FilePath, mediaResponse.Ext) }; return(video); } else { // Deleting media is fine if download failed as we can get it back from the youtube playlist. GetLogger().LogError("DownloadYoutubeVideo failed. mediaId {0}, removing Media record", media.Id); using (var context = CTDbContext.CreateDbContext()) { context.Medias.Remove(media); context.SaveChanges(); } return(null); } }
/// <summary> /// Updates the accessToken and refreshToken. These keys must already exist in the Dictionary table. /// </summary> public async Task RefreshAccessTokenAsync() { try { using (var _context = CTDbContext.CreateDbContext()) { var accessToken = await _context.Dictionaries.Where(d => d.Key == CommonUtils.BOX_ACCESS_TOKEN).FirstAsync(); var refreshToken = await _context.Dictionaries.Where(d => d.Key == CommonUtils.BOX_REFRESH_TOKEN).FirstAsync(); var config = new BoxConfig(Globals.appSettings.BOX_CLIENT_ID, Globals.appSettings.BOX_CLIENT_SECRET, new Uri("http://locahost")); var auth = new OAuthSession(accessToken.Value, refreshToken.Value, 3600, "bearer"); var client = new BoxClient(config, auth); /// Try to refresh the access token auth = await client.Auth.RefreshAccessTokenAsync(auth.AccessToken); /// Create the client again client = new BoxClient(config, auth); _logger.LogInformation("Refreshed Tokens"); accessToken.Value = auth.AccessToken; refreshToken.Value = auth.RefreshToken; await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } } catch (Box.V2.Exceptions.BoxSessionInvalidatedException e) { _logger.LogError(e, "Box Token Failure."); await _slack.PostErrorAsync(e, "Box Token Failure."); throw; } }
// To generate authCode on a browser open, //[CLIENT_ID]&response_type=code /// <summary>Updates Box accessToken and refreshToken values in the Dictionary table. /// Optionally creates these keys if they do not exist. /// </summary> public async Task CreateAccessTokenAsync(string authCode) { // This implementation is overly chatty with the database, but we rarely create access tokens so it is not a problem using (var _context = CTDbContext.CreateDbContext()) { if (!await _context.Dictionaries.Where(d => d.Key == CommonUtils.BOX_ACCESS_TOKEN).AnyAsync()) { _context.Dictionaries.Add(new Dictionary { Key = CommonUtils.BOX_ACCESS_TOKEN }); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } if (!await _context.Dictionaries.Where(d => d.Key == CommonUtils.BOX_REFRESH_TOKEN).AnyAsync()) { _context.Dictionaries.Add(new Dictionary { Key = CommonUtils.BOX_REFRESH_TOKEN }); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } var accessToken = _context.Dictionaries.Where(d => d.Key == CommonUtils.BOX_ACCESS_TOKEN).First(); var refreshToken = _context.Dictionaries.Where(d => d.Key == CommonUtils.BOX_REFRESH_TOKEN).First(); var config = new BoxConfig(Globals.appSettings.BOX_CLIENT_ID, Globals.appSettings.BOX_CLIENT_SECRET, new Uri("http://locahost")); var client = new Box.V2.BoxClient(config); var auth = await client.Auth.AuthenticateAsync(authCode); _logger.LogInformation("Created Box Tokens"); accessToken.Value = auth.AccessToken; refreshToken.Value = auth.RefreshToken; await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } }
protected async override Task OnConsume(string example, TaskParameters taskParameters, ClientActiveTasks cleanup) { registerTask(cleanup, "BuildElasticIndexTask"); // may throw AlreadyInProgress exception GetLogger().LogInformation("BuildElasticIndexTask Starting"); using (var _context = CTDbContext.CreateDbContext()) { CaptionQueries captionQueries = new CaptionQueries(_context); var all_transcriptions = await _context.Transcriptions.Where(t => t.Language == Languages.ENGLISH_AMERICAN).ToListAsync(); foreach (var transcription in all_transcriptions) { var all_captions = transcription.Captions; // each index has the unique name "index_string_unique", the current in use one has the alias "index_string_alias" var index_string_base = transcription.Id + "_" + Languages.ENGLISH_AMERICAN.ToLower(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); var index_string_unique = index_string_base + "_" + $"{DateTime.Now:yyyyMMddHHmmss}"; var index_string_alias = index_string_base + "_" + "primary"; var asyncBulkIndexResponse = await _client.BulkAsync(b => b .Index(index_string_unique) .IndexMany(all_captions) ); var alias_exist = await _client.Indices.ExistsAsync(index_string_alias); if (alias_exist.Exists) { var oldIndices = await _client.GetIndicesPointingToAliasAsync(index_string_alias); var oldIndexName = oldIndices.First().ToString(); var indexResponse = await _client.Indices.BulkAliasAsync(new BulkAliasRequest { Actions = new List <IAliasAction> { new AliasRemoveAction { Remove = new AliasRemoveOperation { Index = oldIndexName, Alias = index_string_alias } }, new AliasAddAction { Add = new AliasAddOperation { Index = index_string_unique, Alias = index_string_alias } } } }); } else { var putAliasResponse = await _client.Indices.PutAliasAsync(new PutAliasRequest(index_string_unique, index_string_alias)); } } } GetLogger().LogInformation("BuildElasticIndexTask Done"); }
public UserUtils( UserManager <ApplicationUser> userManager, CTDbContext context ) { _userManager = userManager; _context = context; }
public CaptionsController(WakeDownloader wakeDownloader, CTDbContext context, CaptionQueries captionQueries, ILogger <CaptionsController> logger) : base(context, logger) { _captionQueries = captionQueries; _wakeDownloader = wakeDownloader; }
public async Task <Video> DownloadEchoVideo(Media media) { Video video = new Video(); bool video1Success = false, video2Success = false; var mediaResponse = await _rpcClient.PythonServerClient.DownloadEchoVideoRPCAsync(new CTGrpc.MediaRequest { VideoUrl = media.JsonMetadata["videoUrl"].ToString(), AdditionalInfo = media.Playlist.JsonMetadata["downloadHeader"].ToString() }); video1Success = FileRecord.IsValidFile(mediaResponse.FilePath); if (video1Success) { video.Video1 = await FileRecord.GetNewFileRecordAsync(mediaResponse.FilePath, mediaResponse.Ext); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(media.JsonMetadata["altVideoUrl"].ToString())) { var mediaResponse2 = await _rpcClient.PythonServerClient.DownloadEchoVideoRPCAsync(new CTGrpc.MediaRequest { VideoUrl = media.JsonMetadata["altVideoUrl"].ToString(), AdditionalInfo = media.Playlist.JsonMetadata["downloadHeader"].ToString() }); video2Success = FileRecord.IsValidFile(mediaResponse2.FilePath); if (video2Success) { video.Video2 = await FileRecord.GetNewFileRecordAsync(mediaResponse2.FilePath, mediaResponse.Ext); } } else { // As there is no file to download, it's "successfull" video2Success = true; } if (video1Success && video2Success) { return(video); } else { // Deleting media is fine if download failed as we can get it back from the echo playlist. GetLogger().LogError("DownloadEchoVideo failed. mediaId {0}, removing Media record", media.Id); using (var context = CTDbContext.CreateDbContext()) { context.Medias.Remove(media); context.SaveChanges(); } return(null); } }
public StaticFileController(IAuthorizationService authorizationService, CTDbContext context, UserUtils userUtils, ILogger <StaticFileController> logger) : base(context, logger) { _authorizationService = authorizationService; _userUtils = userUtils; _provider = new PhysicalFileProvider(Globals.appSettings.DATA_DIRECTORY); }
/// For recently directly/manually uploaded video files, /// only the media entry for each uploaded video is created /// But we process them here AND in the DownloadMedia /// (which ultimately sets the name) /// i.e. to better understand this code first also read the DownloadMedia code /// When run as part of the periodic update all playlists, this /// code should be a NOOP public async Task <List <Media> > GetLocalPlaylist(Playlist playlist, CTDbContext _context) { var medias = await _context.Medias.Where(m => m.Video == null && m.PlaylistId == playlist.Id).ToListAsync(); medias.ForEach(m => m.Name = GetMediaName(m)); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(medias); }
protected async override Task OnConsume(string transcriptionId, TaskParameters taskParameters, ClientActiveTasks cleanup) { registerTask(cleanup, transcriptionId); // may throw AlreadyInProgress exception GetLogger().LogInformation($"Creating VTT & SRT files for ({transcriptionId})"); using (var _context = CTDbContext.CreateDbContext()) { var transcription = await _context.Transcriptions.FindAsync(transcriptionId); CaptionQueries captionQueries = new CaptionQueries(_context); var captions = await captionQueries.GetCaptionsAsync(transcription.Id); var vttfile = await FileRecord.GetNewFileRecordAsync(Caption.GenerateWebVTTFile(captions, transcription.Language), ".vtt"); FileRecord?existingVtt = await _context.FileRecords.FindAsync(transcription.FileId); if (existingVtt is null) { GetLogger().LogInformation($"{transcriptionId}: Creating new vtt file {vttfile.FileName}"); await _context.FileRecords.AddAsync(vttfile); transcription.File = vttfile; _context.Entry(transcription).State = EntityState.Modified; } else { GetLogger().LogInformation($"{transcriptionId}: replacing existing vtt file contents {existingVtt.FileName}"); existingVtt.ReplaceWith(vttfile); _context.Entry(existingVtt).State = EntityState.Modified; } var srtfile = await FileRecord.GetNewFileRecordAsync(Caption.GenerateSrtFile(captions), ".srt"); FileRecord?existingSrt = await _context.FileRecords.FindAsync(transcription.SrtFileId); if (existingSrt is null) { GetLogger().LogInformation($"{transcriptionId}: Creating new srt file {srtfile.FileName}"); await _context.FileRecords.AddAsync(srtfile); transcription.SrtFile = srtfile; _context.Entry(transcription).State = EntityState.Modified; } else { GetLogger().LogInformation($"{transcriptionId}: replacing existing srt file contents {existingSrt.FileName}"); existingSrt.ReplaceWith(srtfile); _context.Entry(existingSrt).State = EntityState.Modified; } await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); GetLogger().LogInformation($"{transcriptionId}: Database updated"); } }
public MediaController(IAuthorizationService authorizationService, WakeDownloader wakeDownloader, CTDbContext context, UserUtils userUtils, ILogger <MediaController> logger) : base(context, logger) { _authorizationService = authorizationService; _wakeDownloader = wakeDownloader; _userUtils = userUtils; }
public AccountController( UserManager <ApplicationUser> userManager, SignInManager <ApplicationUser> signInManager, CTDbContext context, UserUtils userUtils, ILogger <AccountController> logger) : base(context, logger) { _userManager = userManager; _signInManager = signInManager; _userUtils = userUtils; }
public async Task <List <Media> > GetYoutubePlaylist(Playlist playlist, CTDbContext _context) { List <Media> newMedia = new List <Media>(); CTGrpc.JsonString jsonString = null; CTGrpc.JsonString metadata = new CTGrpc.JsonString { Json = playlist.JsonMetadata != null?playlist.JsonMetadata.ToString() : "" }; try { jsonString = await _rpcClient.PythonServerClient.GetYoutubePlaylistRPCAsync(new CTGrpc.PlaylistRequest { Url = playlist.PlaylistIdentifier, Metadata = metadata }); } catch (RpcException e) { if (e.Status.StatusCode == StatusCode.InvalidArgument) { if (e.Status.Detail == "INVALID_PLAYLIST_IDENTIFIER") { // Notification to Instructor. } GetLogger().LogError(e.Message); } return(newMedia); } JArray jArray = JArray.Parse(jsonString.Json); foreach (JObject jObject in jArray) { // Check if there is a valid videoId, and for the same playlist the same media does not exist. if (jObject["videoId"].ToString().Length > 0 && !await _context.Medias.Where(m => m.UniqueMediaIdentifier == jObject["videoId"].ToString() && m.SourceType == playlist.SourceType && m.PlaylistId == playlist.Id).AnyAsync()) { newMedia.Add(new Media { JsonMetadata = jObject, SourceType = playlist.SourceType, PlaylistId = playlist.Id, UniqueMediaIdentifier = jObject["videoId"].ToString() }); } } newMedia.ForEach(m => m.Name = GetMediaName(m)); await _context.Medias.AddRangeAsync(newMedia); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(newMedia); }
public static IWebHostBuilder CreateWebHostBuilder(string[] args) { var v = WebHost.CreateDefaultBuilder(args) .ConfigureServices(c => c.AddOptions().Configure <AppSettings>(CTDbContext.GetConfigurations())); // TODO: This filter could be a environment variable setting // However we are still building the configuration at this point (is AppSettings configured here?) v.ConfigureLogging((context, logging) => { logging.AddFilter("Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Database.Command", LogLevel.Warning); }); return(v.UseStartup <Startup>()); }
// This constructor is run before every test, ensuring a new context and in-memory DB for each test case // public BaseControllerTest(GlobalFixture fixture) { var optionsBuilder = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <CTDbContext>() .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: Guid.NewGuid().ToString()) .UseInternalServiceProvider(fixture._serviceProvider); _context = new CTDbContext(optionsBuilder.Options, null); _userUtils = new UserUtils( (MockUserManager)fixture._serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(MockUserManager)), _context ); }
public async Task <List <Media> > GetKalturaPlaylist(Playlist playlist, CTDbContext _context) { List <Media> newMedia = new List <Media>(); CTGrpc.JsonString jsonString = null; try { jsonString = await _rpcClient.PythonServerClient.GetKalturaChannelEntriesRPCAsync(new CTGrpc.PlaylistRequest { Url = playlist.PlaylistIdentifier }); } catch (RpcException e) { if (e.Status.StatusCode == StatusCode.InvalidArgument) { if (e.Status.Detail == "INVALID_PLAYLIST_IDENTIFIER") { // Notification to Instructor. } _logger.LogError(e.Message); } return(newMedia); } JArray jArray = JArray.Parse(jsonString.Json); foreach (JObject jObject in jArray) { // Check if there is a valid Id, and for the same playlist the same media does not exist. if (jObject["id"].ToString().Length > 0 && !await _context.Medias.Where(m => m.UniqueMediaIdentifier == jObject["id"].ToString() && m.SourceType == playlist.SourceType && m.PlaylistId == playlist.Id).AnyAsync()) { newMedia.Add(new Media { JsonMetadata = jObject, SourceType = playlist.SourceType, PlaylistId = playlist.Id, UniqueMediaIdentifier = jObject["id"].ToString(), CreatedAt = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc) .AddSeconds(jObject["createdAt"].ToObject <int>()) }); } } newMedia.ForEach(m => m.Name = GetMediaName(m)); await _context.Medias.AddRangeAsync(newMedia); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(newMedia); }
private async Task <List <Media> > GetBoxPlaylist(Playlist playlist, CTDbContext _context) { try { var client = await _box.GetBoxClientAsync(); /// Try to refresh the access token var folderInfo = await client.FoldersManager.GetInformationAsync(playlist.PlaylistIdentifier); playlist.JsonMetadata = JObject.FromObject(folderInfo); var items = (await client.FoldersManager.GetFolderItemsAsync(playlist.PlaylistIdentifier, 500)).Entries.OfType <BoxFile>(); // Process only files with an mp4 extension. items = items.Where(i => i.Name.Substring(i.Name.LastIndexOf(".") + 1) == "mp4").ToList(); List <Media> newMedia = new List <Media>(); foreach (var item in items) { var file = await client.FilesManager.GetInformationAsync(item.Id); // Check if there is a valid file.Id, and for the same playlist the same media does not exist. if (file.Id.Length > 0 && !await _context.Medias.Where(m => m.UniqueMediaIdentifier == file.Id && m.SourceType == playlist.SourceType && m.PlaylistId == playlist.Id).AnyAsync()) { newMedia.Add(new Media { SourceType = playlist.SourceType, PlaylistId = playlist.Id, UniqueMediaIdentifier = file.Id, JsonMetadata = JObject.FromObject(file), CreatedAt = file.CreatedAt ?? DateTime.Now }); } } newMedia.ForEach(m => m.Name = GetMediaName(m)); await _context.Medias.AddRangeAsync(newMedia); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(newMedia); } catch (Box.V2.Exceptions.BoxSessionInvalidatedException e) { GetLogger().LogError(e, "Box Token Failure."); await _slack.PostErrorAsync(e, "Box Token Failure."); throw; } }
// The following is impossible because rpcClient is in the CTCommons project // which depends on this project, not the other way around //bool useRPCForFileDigest = false; //if(useRPCForFileDigest) //{ // var request = new CTGrpc.FileHashRequest // { // File = filePath, // Algorithms = "sha256" // }; // CTGrpc.FileHashResponse rpcresponse = await _rpcClient.PythonServerClient(request); // return rpcresponse.Result; // } // ComputeHashAsync is not yet available (only in 5.0 RC1) // // The concern is that ComputeHash is hogging the thread for too long // So async tasks (e.g. SpeechToText might timeout) /// <summary> /// Delete a file record, and its corresponding file. /// </summary> public async Task DeleteFileRecordAsync(CTDbContext context) { if (File.Exists(Path)) { File.Delete(Path); } var dbFileRecord = await context.FileRecords.FindAsync(Id); if (dbFileRecord != null) { context.FileRecords.Remove(dbFileRecord); await context.SaveChangesAsync(); } }
public BuildElasticIndexTask(RabbitMQConnection rabbitMQ, ILogger <BuildElasticIndexTask> logger) : base(rabbitMQ, TaskType.BuildElasticIndex, logger) { var configuration = CTDbContext.GetConfigurations(); // initialize elastic client var node = new Uri(configuration.GetValue <string>("ES_CONNECTION_ADDR")); using (var settings = new ConnectionSettings(node)) { //settings.DefaultIndex("classTranscribe"); _client = new ElasticClient(settings); } }
protected async override Task OnConsume(string transcriptionId, TaskParameters taskParameters, ClientActiveTasks cleanup) { registerTask(cleanup, transcriptionId); // may throw AlreadyInProgress exception using (var _context = CTDbContext.CreateDbContext()) { var transcription = await _context.Transcriptions.FindAsync(transcriptionId); FileRecord existingVtt = await _context.FileRecords.FindAsync(transcription.FileId); FileRecord existingSrt = await _context.FileRecords.FindAsync(transcription.SrtFileId); CaptionQueries captionQueries = new CaptionQueries(_context); var captions = await captionQueries.GetCaptionsAsync(transcription.Id); var vttfile = await FileRecord.GetNewFileRecordAsync(Caption.GenerateWebVTTFile(captions, transcription.Language), ".vtt"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(transcription.FileId)) { await _context.FileRecords.AddAsync(vttfile); transcription.File = vttfile; _context.Entry(transcription).State = EntityState.Modified; } else { existingVtt.ReplaceWith(vttfile); _context.Entry(existingVtt).State = EntityState.Modified; } var srtfile = await FileRecord.GetNewFileRecordAsync(Caption.GenerateSrtFile(captions), ".srt"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(transcription.SrtFileId)) { await _context.FileRecords.AddAsync(srtfile); transcription.SrtFile = srtfile; _context.Entry(transcription).State = EntityState.Modified; } else { existingSrt.ReplaceWith(srtfile); _context.Entry(existingSrt).State = EntityState.Modified; } await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } }
// This constructor is run before every test, ensuring a new context and in-memory DB for each test case // public BaseControllerTest() { // Create a fresh service provider, and therefore a fresh InMemory database instance var serviceProvider = new ServiceCollection() .AddEntityFrameworkInMemoryDatabase() .BuildServiceProvider(); // Set up CTDbContext with an in-memory database var optionsBuilder = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <CTDbContext>() .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: Guid.NewGuid().ToString()) .UseInternalServiceProvider(serviceProvider); _context = new CTDbContext(optionsBuilder.Options, null); _context.Database.EnsureDeleted(); _context.Database.EnsureCreated(); }
/// <summary> /// Original implementation of OnConsume. This code may be deleted if it is no longer useful. It is left as available for now as a template /// </summary> /// <param name="videoId"></param> /// <param name="taskParameters"></param> /// <returns></returns> private async Task OldOnConsumeNotUsed(string videoId, TaskParameters taskParameters) { using (var _context = CTDbContext.CreateDbContext()) { // Get the video object var video = await _context.Videos.FindAsync(videoId); _logger.LogInformation("Consuming" + video); // Make RPC call to produce audio file. var file = await _rpcClient.PythonServerClient.ConvertVideoToWavRPCWithOffsetAsync(new CTGrpc.FileForConversion { File = new CTGrpc.File { FilePath = video.Video1.VMPath } }); // Check if a valid file was returned. if (FileRecord.IsValidFile(file.FilePath)) { var fileRecord = await FileRecord.GetNewFileRecordAsync(file.FilePath, file.Ext); // Get the latest video object, in case it has changed var videoLatest = await _context.Videos.FindAsync(video.Id); // If there is no Audio file present, then update. if (videoLatest.Audio == null) { await _context.FileRecords.AddAsync(fileRecord); videoLatest.Audio = fileRecord; await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); // If no transcriptions present, produce transcriptions. if (!videoLatest.Transcriptions.Any()) { _transcriptionTask.Publish(videoLatest.Id); } } } else { throw new Exception("ConvertVideoToWavTask Failed + " + video.Id); } } }
private async void buildMockCaptions(string videoId) { GetLogger().LogInformation($"Building Mock Captions for video {videoId}"); using (var _context = CTDbContext.CreateDbContext()) { Video video = await _context.Videos.Include(v => v.Transcriptions).SingleAsync(v => v.Id == videoId); string[] languages = new string[] { Languages.ENGLISH_AMERICAN, Languages.SPANISH }; foreach (var language in languages) { var transcription = video.Transcriptions.SingleOrDefault(t => t.Language == language); // Did we get the default or an existing Transcription entity? if (transcription == null) { transcription = new Transcription() { Language = language, VideoId = video.Id }; _context.Add(transcription); } ; TimeSpan time = new TimeSpan(); TimeSpan duration = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 3); // seconds for (int index = 1; index <= 3; index++) { TimeSpan end = time.Add(duration); Caption c = new Caption { Index = index, Text = $"The Caption in {language} is {index + 100} on {DateTime.Now}", Begin = time, End = end, TranscriptionId = transcription.Id }; _context.Add(c); time = end; } // for } // for language await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } }