public void TestReader() { CStreamWriter writer = new CStreamWriter(); // put 6 bytes writer.Write(ShortData); CStreamReader reader = writer.CreateReader(); // length==6, position==0 Assert.AreEqual(0, reader.Position); Assert.AreEqual(ShortData.Length, reader.Length); // try to read more bytes than available byte[] buf = new byte[ShortData.Length * 1000]; Assert.AreNotEqual(buf.Length, ShortData.Length); Assert.IsFalse(buf.SequenceEqual(ShortData)); int read = reader.Read(buf); Assert.AreEqual(ShortData.Length, read); // assert the first few bytes are still correct byte[] buf2 = new byte[ShortData.Length]; Array.Copy(buf, buf2, buf2.Length); Assert.IsTrue(buf2.SequenceEqual(ShortData)); // not swapped Assert.IsFalse(reader.IsSwapped); }
public void Dispose() { stop = false; inputKey = null; outputStreamWriter = null; inputStream = null; }
private static void SetEncodings(Encoding inputEncoding, Encoding outputEncoding) { stderr = new UnexceptionalStreamWriter(OpenStandardError(0), outputEncoding); ((StreamWriter)stderr).AutoFlush = true; stderr = TextWriter.Synchronized(stderr, true); #if NET2_API && !NET_2_1 if (!Environment.IsRunningOnWindows && ConsoleDriver.IsConsole) { StreamWriter w = new CStreamWriter(OpenStandardOutput(0), outputEncoding); w.AutoFlush = true; stdout = TextWriter.Synchronized(w, true); stdin = new CStreamReader(OpenStandardInput(0), inputEncoding); } else { #endif stdout = new UnexceptionalStreamWriter(OpenStandardOutput(0), outputEncoding); ((StreamWriter)stdout).AutoFlush = true; stdout = TextWriter.Synchronized(stdout, true); stdin = new UnexceptionalStreamReader(OpenStandardInput(0), inputEncoding); stdin = TextReader.Synchronized(stdin); #if NET2_API && !NET_2_1 } #endif GC.SuppressFinalize(stdout); GC.SuppressFinalize(stderr); GC.SuppressFinalize(stdin); }
public void Dispose() { try { stop = false; inputKey = null; inputIV = null; if (outputStreamWriter != null) { outputStreamWriter.Dispose(); outputStreamWriter = null; } if (p_crypto_stream != null) { p_crypto_stream.Flush(); p_crypto_stream.Close(); p_crypto_stream = null; } } catch (Exception ex) { GuiLogMessage(ex.Message, NotificationLevel.Error); } this.stop = false; }
public void Dispose() { try { stop = false; inputKey = null; inputIV = null; inputStream = null; outputStream = null; if (p_crypto_stream_dec != null) { p_crypto_stream_dec.Flush(); p_crypto_stream_dec.Close(); p_crypto_stream_dec = null; } if (p_crypto_stream_enc != null) { p_crypto_stream_enc.Flush(); p_crypto_stream_enc.Close(); p_crypto_stream_enc = null; } } catch (Exception exception) { GuiLogMessage(exception.Message, NotificationLevel.Error); } this.stop = false; }
/// <summary>Create output stream to display.</summary> /// <param name="bitmap">The bitmap to display.</param> private void CreateOutputStream(Bitmap bitmap) { // Avoid smoothing of WPF if (settings.PresentationStep > 2) { bitmap = ResizeBitmap(bitmap); } ImageFormat format = ImageFormat.Bmp; if (settings.OutputFileFormat == 1) { format = ImageFormat.Png; } else if (settings.OutputFileFormat == 2) { format = ImageFormat.Tiff; } // Avoid "generic error in GDI+" Bitmap saveableBitmap = CopyBitmap(bitmap, format); // Save bitmap MemoryStream outputStream = new MemoryStream(); saveableBitmap.Save(outputStream, format); saveableBitmap.Dispose(); bitmap.Dispose(); OutputImage = new CStreamWriter(outputStream.GetBuffer()); }
public void TestSwapWithReader() { CStreamWriter writer = new CStreamWriter(); CStreamReader reader = writer.CreateReader(); // write, not swapped writer.Write(LongData); Assert.IsFalse(writer.IsSwapped); // read a few bytes, but there are still a few bytes left byte[] buf = new byte[ShortData.Length]; reader.Read(buf); Assert.IsTrue(reader.Position > 0); Assert.IsTrue(reader.Length > reader.Position); // fill buffer, assert swap writer.Write(LongData); writer.Write(LongData); Assert.IsTrue(writer.IsSwapped); Assert.IsTrue(reader.IsSwapped); // try to read more than available, receive less buf = new byte[writer.Length * 2]; int read = reader.Read(buf); Assert.IsTrue(read < buf.Length); // close writer, assert EOF writer.Close(); int result = reader.ReadByte(); Assert.AreEqual(-1, result); }
private void sendOracleRequest() { if (!idle) { byte[] outputData = new byte[2 * blockSize]; for (int byteCounter = 0; byteCounter < blockSize; byteCounter++) { //corrupted preliminary/iv block outputData[byteCounter] = corruptedBlock[byteCounter]; //cipher block outputData[byteCounter + blockSize] = cipherBlock[byteCounter]; } padStreamWriter = new CStreamWriter(outputData); requestsSent++; changePres(pres.outCounter, requestsSent.ToString()); //GuiLogMessage("SendRequest", NotificationLevel.Info); idle = true; OnPropertyChanged("PaddingOracleOutput"); } }
public void TestSeek() { CStreamWriter writer = new CStreamWriter(); writer.Write(LongData); writer.Close(); CStreamReader reader = writer.CreateReader(); byte[] buf = new byte[1024]; { // seek 5 bytes before EOF, attempt to read much, get 5 bytes reader.Seek(LongData.Length - 5, SeekOrigin.Begin); int read = reader.Read(buf, 0, int.MaxValue); Assert.AreEqual(5, read); } { // read EOF int read = reader.Read(buf, 0, int.MaxValue); Assert.AreEqual(0, read); } { // seek beyond stream length, read EOF reader.Seek(LongData.Length * 3, SeekOrigin.Begin); int read = reader.Read(buf, 0, int.MaxValue); Assert.AreEqual(0, read); } { // seek back, read again reader.Seek(LongData.Length - 5, SeekOrigin.Begin); int read = reader.Read(buf, 0, int.MaxValue); Assert.AreEqual(5, read); } }
/// <summary>Save an image to a file</summary> /// <param name="bitmap">The iamge to save</param> private void CreateOutputStream(Bitmap bitmap) { ImageFormat format = ImageFormat.Bmp; if (settings.OutputFileFormat == 1) { format = ImageFormat.Png; } else if (settings.OutputFileFormat == 2) { format = ImageFormat.Tiff; } //avoid "generic error in GDI+" Bitmap saveableBitmap = CopyBitmap(bitmap, format); //save bitmap MemoryStream outputStream = new MemoryStream(); saveableBitmap.Save(outputStream, format); saveableBitmap.Dispose(); bitmap.Dispose(); OutputCarrier = new CStreamWriter(outputStream.GetBuffer()); }
public void TestSeekSwap() { CStreamWriter writer = new CStreamWriter(); writer.Write(LongData); CStreamReader reader = writer.CreateReader(); byte[] buf = new byte[1024]; // seek 5 bytes before EOF reader.Seek(LongData.Length - 5, SeekOrigin.Begin); // write more, ensure swap writer.Write(LongData); writer.Write(LongData); Assert.IsTrue(writer.IsSwapped); { // seek somewhere to the middle, read reader.Seek(LongData.Length * 2, SeekOrigin.Begin); int read = reader.Read(buf); Assert.AreEqual(buf.Length, read); } { // seek beyond length, assert still open, get EOF reader.Seek(LongData.Length * 3, SeekOrigin.Current); Assert.IsFalse(writer.IsClosed); int read = reader.Read(buf); Assert.AreEqual(0, read); } }
public void TestExistingFileReader() { string tempFile = DirectoryHelper.GetNewTempFilePath(); FileStream tempWriter = new FileStream(tempFile, FileMode.CreateNew); tempWriter.Write(ShortData, 0, ShortData.Length); tempWriter.Write(LongData, 0, LongData.Length); tempWriter.Close(); CStreamWriter cstream = new CStreamWriter(tempFile); CStreamReader reader = cstream.CreateReader(); byte[] buf = new byte[ShortData.Length]; reader.ReadFully(buf); Assert.IsTrue(buf.SequenceEqual(ShortData)); buf = new byte[LongData.Length]; reader.ReadFully(buf); Assert.IsTrue(buf.SequenceEqual(LongData)); // force gc reader = null; cstream = null; GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); File.Delete(tempFile); }
public void Dispose() { try { stop = false; counter = 0; lengthOfInputByte = 0; lengthOfOutputByte = 0; inputByteKey = null; iV = null; outputByte = null; crc32 = null; key = null; if (internalInputByteList != null) { internalInputByteList.Clear(); } internalInputByteList = null; inputStream = null; //if (outputByteList != null) { outputByteList.Clear(); } //outputByteList = null; outputStreamWriter = null; if (internalInputByteList != null) { internalInputByteList.Clear(); } //internalInputByteList = null; } catch (Exception exc) { GuiLogMessage(exc.Message.ToString(), NotificationLevel.Error); } this.stop = false; }
public void Execute() { if (InputStreamOne == null || InputStreamTwo == null) { return; } using (CStreamReader reader1 = InputStreamOne.CreateReader(), reader2 = InputStreamTwo.CreateReader()) { outputStreamWriter = new CStreamWriter(); EventsHelper.PropertyChanged(PropertyChanged, this, "OutputStream"); int bytesRead; byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; // Input One while ((bytesRead = reader1.Read(buffer)) > 0) { outputStreamWriter.Write(buffer, 0, bytesRead); } // Input Two while ((bytesRead = reader2.Read(buffer)) > 0) { outputStreamWriter.Write(buffer, 0, bytesRead); } outputStreamWriter.Close(); } }
/// <summary> /// Called every time this plugin is run in the workflow execution. /// </summary> public virtual void Execute() { ProgressChanged(0, 1); GuiLogMessage(Properties.Resources.LogExecutionStarted, NotificationLevel.Info); GuiLogMessage(string.Format(Properties.Resources.LogSettings, settings), NotificationLevel.Info); GuiLogMessage(string.Format(Properties.Resources.LogInput, InputKey.Length * 8, InputIV.Length * 8, InitialCounter), NotificationLevel.Info); Validate(); if (IsValid) { OnPropertyChanged(ChaChaPresentationViewModel.RESET_VISUALIZATION); ClearIntermediateResults(); outputWriter = new CStreamWriter(); keystreamOutputWriter = new CStreamWriter(); // If InitialCounter is not set by user, it defaults to zero. // Since maximum initial counter by any version is 64-bit, we cast it to UInt64. ulong initialCounter = (ulong)InitialCounter; Xcrypt(InputKey, InputIV, initialCounter, settings, InputStream, outputWriter, keystreamOutputWriter); OnPropertyChanged("OutputStream"); OnPropertyChanged("KeystreamOutputStream"); } ExecutionFinished = true; ProgressChanged(1, 1); }
static void SetupStreams(Encoding inputEncoding, Encoding outputEncoding) { #if !NET_2_1 if (!Environment.IsRunningOnWindows && ConsoleDriver.IsConsole) { StreamWriter w = new CStreamWriter(OpenStandardOutput(0), outputEncoding); w.AutoFlush = true; stdout = TextWriter.Synchronized(w, true); w = new CStreamWriter(OpenStandardOutput(0), outputEncoding); w.AutoFlush = true; stderr = TextWriter.Synchronized(w, true); stdin = new CStreamReader(OpenStandardInput(0), inputEncoding); } else { #endif #if FULL_AOT_RUNTIME Type nslogwriter = Type.GetType("MonoTouch.Foundation.NSLogWriter, monotouch, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null"); stdout = (TextWriter)Activator.CreateInstance(nslogwriter); #else stdout = new UnexceptionalStreamWriter(OpenStandardOutput(0), outputEncoding); ((StreamWriter)stdout).AutoFlush = true; #endif stdout = TextWriter.Synchronized(stdout, true); #if FULL_AOT_RUNTIME stderr = (TextWriter)Activator.CreateInstance(nslogwriter); #else stderr = new UnexceptionalStreamWriter(OpenStandardError(0), outputEncoding); ((StreamWriter)stderr).AutoFlush = true; #endif stderr = TextWriter.Synchronized(stderr, true); stdin = new UnexceptionalStreamReader(OpenStandardInput(0), inputEncoding); stdin = TextReader.Synchronized(stdin); #if !NET_2_1 } #endif #if NET_4_5 console_stderr = stderr; console_stdout = stdout; console_stdin = stdin; #endif #if MONODROID if (LogcatTextWriter.IsRunningOnAndroid()) { stdout = TextWriter.Synchronized(new LogcatTextWriter("mono-stdout", stdout)); stderr = TextWriter.Synchronized(new LogcatTextWriter("mono-stderr", stderr)); } #endif // MONODROID GC.SuppressFinalize(stdout); GC.SuppressFinalize(stderr); GC.SuppressFinalize(stdin); }
public void Dispose() { if (outputStreamWriter != null) { outputStreamWriter.Dispose(); outputStreamWriter = null; } }
/// <summary> /// Close open file. Will be called when deleting an element instance from workspace. /// </summary> public void Dispose() { if (cstreamWriter != null) { cstreamWriter.Dispose(); cstreamWriter = null; } fileInputPresentation.CloseFileToGetFileStreamForExecution(); fileInputPresentation.dispose(); }
static void SetupStreams(Encoding inputEncoding, Encoding outputEncoding) { #if !NET_2_1 if (!Environment.IsRunningOnWindows && ConsoleDriver.IsConsole) { StreamWriter w = new CStreamWriter(OpenStandardOutput(0), outputEncoding); w.AutoFlush = true; stdout = TextWriter.Synchronized(w, true); w = new CStreamWriter(OpenStandardOutput(0), outputEncoding); w.AutoFlush = true; stderr = TextWriter.Synchronized(w, true); stdin = new CStreamReader(OpenStandardInput(0), inputEncoding); } else { #endif // FULL_AOT_RUNTIME is used (instead of MONOTOUCH) since we only want this code when running on // iOS (simulator or devices) and *not* when running tools (e.g. btouch #12179) that needs to use // the mscorlib.dll shipped with Xamarin.iOS #if MONOTOUCH && FULL_AOT_RUNTIME stdout = new NSLogWriter(); #else stdout = new UnexceptionalStreamWriter(OpenStandardOutput(0), outputEncoding); ((StreamWriter)stdout).AutoFlush = true; #endif stdout = TextWriter.Synchronized(stdout, true); #if MONOTOUCH && FULL_AOT_RUNTIME stderr = new NSLogWriter(); #else stderr = new UnexceptionalStreamWriter(OpenStandardError(0), outputEncoding); ((StreamWriter)stderr).AutoFlush = true; #endif stderr = TextWriter.Synchronized(stderr, true); stdin = new UnexceptionalStreamReader(OpenStandardInput(0), inputEncoding); stdin = TextReader.Synchronized(stdin); #if !NET_2_1 } #endif #if MONODROID if (LogcatTextWriter.IsRunningOnAndroid()) { stdout = TextWriter.Synchronized(new LogcatTextWriter("mono-stdout", stdout)); stderr = TextWriter.Synchronized(new LogcatTextWriter("mono-stderr", stderr)); } #endif // MONODROID GC.SuppressFinalize(stdout); GC.SuppressFinalize(stderr); GC.SuppressFinalize(stdin); }
/// <summary> /// HOWTO: Enter the algorithm you'd like to implement in this method. /// </summary> public void Execute() { // no progress, yet ProgressChanged(0, 1); if (InputCarrier == null) { GuiLogMessage("Please specify an input file.", NotificationLevel.Error); return; } using (CStreamReader midiReader = InputCarrier.CreateReader()) { MemoryStream secretStream; MemoryStream outputStream = new MemoryStream(); MidiFileHandler midiHandler = new MidiFileHandler(); switch (settings.Action) { case 0: // Encryption using (CStreamReader messageReader = InputData.CreateReader()) { secretStream = new MemoryStream(messageReader.ReadFully()); midiHandler.HideOrExtract(midiReader, secretStream, new MemoryStream(), outputStream, (byte)(settings.MaxMessageBytesPerCarrierUnit * 2), false); } OutputCarrier = new CStreamWriter(outputStream.ToArray()); OnPropertyChanged("OutputCarrier"); break; case 1: // Decryption secretStream = new MemoryStream(); midiHandler.HideOrExtract(midiReader, secretStream, new MemoryStream(), outputStream, 1, true); //OutputData = new CStreamWriter(secretStream.GetBuffer()); secretStream.Position = 0; using (StreamReader secretReader = new StreamReader(secretStream)) { OutputText = secretReader.ReadToEnd(); OnPropertyChanged("OutputText"); } break; } } // HOWTO: After you have changed an output property, make sure you announce the name of the changed property to the CT2 core. //OnPropertyChanged("Difference"); // HOWTO: You can pass error, warning, info or debug messages to the CT2 main window. //if (settings.Subtrahend < 0) // GuiLogMessage("Subtrahend is negative", NotificationLevel.Debug); // HOWTO: Make sure the progress bar is at maximum when your Execute() finished successfully. ProgressChanged(1, 1); }
static void SetupStreams(Encoding inputEncoding, Encoding outputEncoding) { #if !NET_2_1 if (!Environment.IsRunningOnWindows && ConsoleDriver.IsConsole) { StreamWriter w = new CStreamWriter(OpenStandardOutput(0), outputEncoding, true); w.AutoFlush = true; stdout = TextWriter.Synchronized(w); w = new CStreamWriter(OpenStandardOutput(0), outputEncoding, true); w.AutoFlush = true; stderr = TextWriter.Synchronized(w); stdin = new CStreamReader(OpenStandardInput(0), inputEncoding); } else { #endif #if MONOTOUCH stdout = new NSLogWriter(); #else stdout = new UnexceptionalStreamWriter(OpenStandardOutput(0), outputEncoding); ((StreamWriter)stdout).AutoFlush = true; #endif stdout = TextWriter.Synchronized(stdout); #if MONOTOUCH stderr = new NSLogWriter(); #else stderr = new UnexceptionalStreamWriter(OpenStandardError(0), outputEncoding); ((StreamWriter)stderr).AutoFlush = true; #endif stderr = TextWriter.Synchronized(stderr); stdin = new UnexceptionalStreamReader(OpenStandardInput(0), inputEncoding); stdin = TextReader.Synchronized(stdin); #if !NET_2_1 } #endif #if MONODROID if (LogcatTextWriter.IsRunningOnAndroid()) { stdout = TextWriter.Synchronized(new LogcatTextWriter("mono-stdout", stdout)); stderr = TextWriter.Synchronized(new LogcatTextWriter("mono-stderr", stderr)); } #endif // MONODROID GC.SuppressFinalize(stdout); GC.SuppressFinalize(stderr); GC.SuppressFinalize(stdin); }
public void TestDestructorWithReader() { CStreamWriter writer = new CStreamWriter(); // write, not swapped writer.Write(LongData); // read something and assert there's more CStreamReader reader = writer.CreateReader(); byte[] buf = new byte[ShortData.Length]; reader.Read(buf); Assert.IsTrue(reader.Position > 0); Assert.IsTrue(reader.Length > reader.Position); Assert.IsFalse(reader.IsSwapped); // write more, assert swap writer.Write(LongData); writer.Write(LongData); Assert.IsTrue(reader.IsSwapped); string filePath = writer.FilePath; // destroy ref to writer writer.Close(); writer = null; GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); Assert.IsNull(writer); // assert reading still works Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(filePath)); Assert.IsNotNull(reader); int sum = 0; while (sum < LongData.Length * 2) { int read = reader.Read(buf); Assert.IsTrue(read > 0); sum += read; } // destroy reader reader = null; GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); // deleted tempfile Assert.IsFalse(File.Exists(filePath)); }
public void TestWriter() { CStreamWriter writer = new CStreamWriter(); // put 6 bytes writer.Write(ShortData); // length == position == 6 Assert.AreEqual(ShortData.Length, writer.Length); Assert.AreEqual(ShortData.Length, writer.Position); // not swapped Assert.IsFalse(writer.IsSwapped); }
//Some functions for creating the image output / doing manipulations private void CreateOutputStream(Bitmap bitmap) { ImageFormat format = ImageFormat.Bmp; Bitmap saveableBitmap = CopyBitmap(bitmap, format); MemoryStream outputStream = new MemoryStream(); saveableBitmap.Save(outputStream, format); saveableBitmap.Dispose(); bitmap.Dispose(); OutputPicture = new CStreamWriter(outputStream.GetBuffer()); }
public void StegoLSBTestMethod() { var pluginInstance = TestHelpers.GetPluginInstance("StegoLeastSignificantBit"); var scenario = new PluginTestScenario(pluginInstance, new[] { "InputData", "InputCarrier", "InputPassword", ".Action", ".CustomizeRegions", ".OutputFileFormat" }, new[] { "OutputData", "OutputCarrier" }); CStreamWriter carrierImage = new CStreamWriter("..\\..\\Templates\\Steganography\\cryptool2.jpg", true); foreach (TestVector vector in testvectors) { object[] output1 = scenario.GetOutputs(new object[] { vector.message.ToStream(), carrierImage, vector.password.ToStream(), 0, false, 1 }); object[] output2 = scenario.GetOutputs(new object[] { null, (ICryptoolStream)output1[1], vector.password.ToStream(), 1, false, 1 }); // check if hiding and extracting the secret message leaves it unchanged Assert.AreEqual(vector.message, ((ICryptoolStream)output2[0]).ToByteArray().ToString2(), "Unexpected value in test #" + vector.n + "."); } }
public void TestExhaustiveRead() { CStreamWriter writer = new CStreamWriter(); writer.Write(LongData); writer.Write(LongData); writer.Write(LongData); writer.Close(); CStreamReader reader = writer.CreateReader(); byte[] bigbuf = reader.ReadFully(); Assert.AreEqual(LongData.Length * 3, bigbuf.Length); }
public void Dispose() { try { inputInt = 0; packetCounter = 0; stop = false; outputStream = null; rnd = null; } catch (Exception exc) { GuiLogMessage(exc.Message, NotificationLevel.Error); } this.stop = false; }
public void Execute() { if (amountOfNumbers <= 0) { GuiLogMessage("Negative amount of numbers cant be generated", NotificationLevel.Warning); ProgressChanged(1, 1); return; } if (hasSeed) { setSeed(seed); } ProgressChanged(0, 1); CStreamWriter writer = new CStreamWriter(); data = writer; uint current; byte[] nextData; outputNumbers = new BigInteger[amountOfNumbers]; for (int i = 0; i < amountOfNumbers; i++) { // nothing to say here, it is simple writing the necessary amount of uints onto the stream current = getNextUInt(); outputNumbers[i] = current; nextData = BitConverter.GetBytes(current); if (littleEndian) { Array.Reverse(nextData); } writer.Write(nextData); ProgressChanged(i, amountOfNumbers); } writer.Close(); OnPropertyChanged("OutputData"); OnPropertyChanged("OutputNumbers"); GuiLogMessage("Generation finished", NotificationLevel.Debug); ProgressChanged(1, 1); }
private void processInput(string value) { ShowProgress(50, 100); //ShowStatusBarMessage("Converting input ...", NotificationLevel.Debug); switch (settings.PresentationFormatSetting) { case StringDecoderSettings.PresentationFormat.Base64: outputBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(value); break; case StringDecoderSettings.PresentationFormat.Octal: outputBytes = ToByteArray(value, ".{1,3}", "[^0-7]", 8); break; case StringDecoderSettings.PresentationFormat.Decimal: outputBytes = ToByteArray(value, ".{1,3}", "[^0-9]", 10); break; case StringDecoderSettings.PresentationFormat.Binary: outputBytes = ToByteArray(value, ".{1,8}", "[^01]", 2); break; case StringDecoderSettings.PresentationFormat.Hex: outputBytes = ToByteArray(value, ".{1,2}", "[^a-fA-F0-9]", 16); break; case StringDecoderSettings.PresentationFormat.Text: default: outputBytes = GetBytesForEncoding(value, settings.Encoding); break; } outputStream = new CStreamWriter(outputBytes); //ShowStatusBarMessage("Input converted.", NotificationLevel.Debug); ShowProgress(100, 100); OnPropertyChanged("OutputBytes"); OnPropertyChanged("OutputStream"); }
public void Execute() { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(settings.OpenFilename)) { GuiLogMessage("No input file selected, can't proceed", NotificationLevel.Error); return; } try { cstreamWriter = new CStreamWriter(settings.OpenFilename, true); NotifyPropertyChange(); fileInputPresentation.makeUnaccesAble(false); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { GuiLogMessage(string.Format("File not found: '{0}'", settings.OpenFilename), NotificationLevel.Error); } }