public void CSStoreSortSuccess(int tabIndex, int[] ids, CSStorage storage) { if (storage == m_storage) { if (tabIndex == (int)m_Type) { int pageCount = m_GridsRow * m_GridsCol; for (int i = 0; i < ids.Length; i++) { if (ids[i] == -1) { //m_CurPack[i] = null; if ((i / pageCount) == m_PageIndex) { m_Grids[i % pageCount].SetItem(null); } } else { ItemObject itemObj = ItemMgr.Instance.Get(ids[i]); //m_CurPack[i] = itemObj; if ((i / pageCount) == m_PageIndex) { m_Grids[i % pageCount].SetItem(itemObj); } } } } } }
public void CSStorageResultSyncItemList(CSStorage storage) { if (storage == m_storage) { RestItems(); } }
public void SetPackage(ItemPackage package, int type = 0, CSStorage storage = null) { m_Package = package; m_PageIndex = 0; m_OpType = 0; SetType(type); if (GameConfig.IsMultiMode) { m_storage = storage; } }
// Add Storage to m_Storages public void AddStorage(CSStorage storage) { if (!m_Storages.Exists(item0 => item0 == storage)) { m_Storages.Add(storage); UpdateStorageMenu(); } else { Debug.LogWarning("The storage that you want to add into UI is areadly exsts!"); } }
// Remove Storage to m_Storages public void RemoveStorage(CSStorage storage) { if (m_Storages.Remove(storage)) { UpdateStorageMenu(); GameObject go = m_StorageMenuObjs.Find(item0 => item0.activeSelf == true); if (go != null) { go.GetComponent <UICheckbox>().isChecked = true; OnStorageMenuSelect(go); } } }
static ItemAsset.ItemObject GetCanEatItemFromCSStorage(PeEntity entity, CSStorage storage, int[] eatIds) { ItemAsset.ItemObject item = null; for (int i = 0; i < eatIds.Length; i++) { item = storage.m_Package.FindItemByProtoId(eatIds[i]); if (item != null) { break; } } return(item); }
private void SetActiveStorage() { if (m_SetActiveStorage != null) { int index = m_Storages.FindIndex(item0 => item0 == m_SetActiveStorage); if (index != -1) { m_StorageMenuObjs[index].GetComponent <UICheckbox>().isChecked = true; OnStorageMenuSelect(m_StorageMenuObjs[index]); } m_SetActiveStorage = null; } }
void OnStorageMenuSelect(GameObject go) { if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(1)) { return; } int index = m_StorageMenuObjs.FindIndex(item0 => item0 == go); ActiveStorage = m_Storages[index]; CSUI_MainWndCtrl.Instance.mSelectedEnntity = ActiveStorage; m_StorageMain.m_ItemCB.isChecked = true; OnStorageTypeSelect(m_StorageMain.m_ItemCB.gameObject); }
public void CSStoreResultSplit(bool suc, int objId, int destIndex, CSStorage storage) { ItemObject itemObj = ItemMgr.Instance.Get(objId); int type = itemObj.protoData.tabIndex; if (suc) { if (storage == m_storage) { if (type == (int)m_Type) { SetItemWithIndex(itemObj, destIndex); } } } }
public void CSStoreResultFetch(bool success, int objId, CSStorage storage) { if (success) { if (storage == m_storage) { ItemObject itemObj = ItemMgr.Instance.Get(objId); if (OpStatusEvent != null) { OpStatusEvent(EEventType.TakeAwayItem, itemObj.protoData.GetName(), CSUtils.GetEntityName(CSConst.etStorage)); } if ((int)m_Type == itemObj.protoData.tabIndex) { RestItems(); } } } }
public static bool CanEatSthFromStorages(PeEntity entity, List <CSCommon> storages, out ItemAsset.ItemObject item) { item = null; if (storages == null) { return(false); } for (int i = 0; i < storages.Count; i++) { CSStorage storage = storages[i] as CSStorage; if (storage != null && IsContinueEatFromStorage(entity, storage, out item)) { return(true); } } return(false); }
public void CSStoreResultStore(bool success, int index, int objId, CSStorage storage) { if (success) { if (storage == m_storage) { ItemObject itemObj = ItemMgr.Instance.Get(objId); if (OpStatusEvent != null) { OpStatusEvent(EEventType.PutItemInto, itemObj.protoData.GetName(), CSUtils.GetEntityName(CSConst.etStorage)); } if ((int)m_Type == itemObj.protoData.tabIndex) { SetItemWithIndex(itemObj, index); } } } }
public static bool CanEatFromStorage(PeEntity entity, CSStorage storage, out ItemAsset.ItemObject item) { item = null; List <AttrPer> attrpers; if (IsWantEat(entity, out attrpers)) { for (int i = 0; i < attrpers.Count; i++) { int[] eatids = GetEatIDs(attrpers[i].mTypeId, attrpers[i].mCurPercent); item = GetCanEatItemFromCSStorage(entity, storage, eatids); if (item != null) { return(true); } } } return(false); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (ActiveStorage == null && m_Storages.Count > 0) { ActiveStorage = m_Storages[0]; } if (ActiveStorage != null) { m_StorageMain.m_Main.SetWork(ActiveStorage.IsRunning); } else { m_StorageMain.m_Main.SetWork(false); } Transform trans = m_HistoryRootUI.transform; trans.localPosition = new Vector3(trans.localPosition.x, -m_HistoryRootUI.mVariableHeight, trans.localPosition.z); SetActiveStorage(); }
public void CSStoreResultDelete(bool suc, int index, int objId, CSStorage storage) { ItemObject itemObj = ItemMgr.Instance.Get(objId); int type = itemObj.protoData.tabIndex; if (suc) { if (storage == m_storage) { if (OpStatusEvent != null) { OpStatusEvent(EEventType.DeleteItem, itemObj.protoData.GetName(), CSUtils.GetEntityName(CSConst.etStorage)); } if (type == (int)m_Type) { if (index != -1) { SetItemWithIndex(null, index); } } } } }
void Update() { if (!PeGameMgr.IsSingle) { return; } if (core == null) { Init(); } if (core == null) { return; } counter++; if (counter % 450 == 0) { counter = 0; //--to do //1.collect requirements if (core.Storages == null) { return; } CSFactory factory = core.Factory; List <CSCommon> storages = core.Storages; ClearRequirements(); List <CSCommon> allCommon = core.GetBelongCommons(); foreach (CSCommon cse in allCommon) { if ((cse as CSPPCoal != null) || (cse as CSFarm != null) /*|| (cse as CSMedicalTreat !=null)*/) { List <ItemIdCount> requirementsList = cse.GetRequirements(); if (requirementsList != null && requirementsList.Count > 0) { if (cse as CSPPCoal != null) { ppcoalRequirements.Add(cse, requirementsList); } // if(cse as CSMedicalTreat!=null) // treatRequirements.Add(cse,requirementsList); if (cse as CSFarm != null) { farmRequirements.Add(cse, requirementsList); } } } } bool transferedFactoryItem = false; //--to do if (storages != null) { //0.transfer factoryEndItem if (factory != null) { List <ItemIdCount> replicateEndItem = factory.GetCompoudingEndItem(); if (replicateEndItem.Count > 0) { List <int> protoList = CSStorage.GetAutoProtoIdList(); foreach (ItemIdCount rIic in replicateEndItem) { if (protoList.Contains(rIic.protoId)) { if (CSUtils.AddToStorage(rIic.protoId, rIic.count, core)) { factory.CountDownItem(rIic.protoId, rIic.count); transferedFactoryItem = true; } } } } } List <ItemIdCount> requirementsList = storages[0].GetRequirements(); if (requirementsList != null && requirementsList.Count > 0) { storageRequirements.Add(storages[0], requirementsList); } } //2.check doing requirements** one by one? && do requirements //1)check storage&factory Get supply List <ItemIdCount> itemsNeedToGet = new List <ItemIdCount> (); GetItemFromStorageAndFactory(ppcoalRequirements, storages, factory, ref itemsNeedToGet); GetItemFromStorageAndFactory(farmRequirements, storages, factory, ref itemsNeedToGet); GetItemFromStorageAndFactory(storageRequirements, storages, factory, ref itemsNeedToGet); if (itemsNeedToGet.Count > 0) { //3.analysis to processing or replicate //1).check is replicating if (factory != null) { List <ItemIdCount> itemsInReplicating = new List <ItemIdCount>(); List <ItemIdCount> compoundingList = factory.GetCompoudingItem(); foreach (ItemIdCount needItem in itemsNeedToGet) { ItemIdCount cItem = compoundingList.Find(it => it.protoId == needItem.protoId); if (cItem != null) { if (cItem.count >= needItem.count) { itemsInReplicating.Add(new ItemIdCount(cItem.protoId, needItem.count)); } else { itemsInReplicating.Add(new ItemIdCount(cItem.protoId, cItem.count)); } } } if (itemsInReplicating.Count > 0) { foreach (ItemIdCount ic in itemsInReplicating) { ItemIdCount decreaseItem = itemsNeedToGet.Find(it => it.protoId == ic.protoId); if (decreaseItem.count > ic.count) { decreaseItem.count -= ic.count; } else { itemsNeedToGet.Remove(decreaseItem); } } } //2).put material into storage GetItemMaterialFromFactory(factory, itemsNeedToGet, ref transferedFactoryItem); if (transferedFactoryItem) { ShowTips(ETipType.factory_to_storage); } //3).count what need Processing/ replicate some //1-check can be replicated,if ok, replicate factory.CreateNewTaskWithItems(itemsNeedToGet); } //2-check the left things to resolve to resource //3-in 2,check resource already have, remove it List <ItemIdCount> resourceItems = ResolveItemsToProcess(itemsNeedToGet, core, factory); // foreach(ItemIdCount iic in resourceItems){ // int gotCount =0; // foreach(CSCommon sc in storages){ // CSStorage cst = sc as CSStorage; // int itemCount = cst.GetItemCount(iic.protoId); // if(itemCount>0) // { // if(itemCount>=iic.count-gotCount) // { // gotCount = iic.count; // break; // }else{ // gotCount += itemCount; // } // } // } // iic.count-=gotCount; // } resourceItems.RemoveAll(it => it.count <= 0); if (resourceItems.Count > 0) { //3).check is Processing CSProcessing process = core.ProcessingFacility; if (process != null) { List <ItemIdCount> processingList = process.GetItemsInProcessing(); foreach (ItemIdCount iic in processingList) { CSUtils.RemoveItemIdCount(resourceItems, iic.protoId, iic.count); } } if (resourceItems.Count > 0) { //4).assign processing task if (process != null) { process.CreateNewTaskWithItems(resourceItems); } } } } //meet desire ClearDesires(); if (storages != null) { List <ItemIdCount> desireList = storages[0].GetDesires(); if (desireList != null && desireList.Count > 0) { storageDesires.Add(storages[0], desireList); List <ItemIdCount> itemsDesireToGet = new List <ItemIdCount> (); GetItemFromStorageAndFactory(storageDesires, storages, factory, ref itemsDesireToGet); if (itemsDesireToGet.Count > 0 && factory != null) { if (factory != null) { List <ItemIdCount> itemsInReplicating = new List <ItemIdCount>(); List <ItemIdCount> compoundingList = factory.GetCompoudingItem(); foreach (ItemIdCount needItem in itemsDesireToGet) { ItemIdCount cItem = compoundingList.Find(it => it.protoId == needItem.protoId); if (cItem != null) { if (cItem.count >= needItem.count) { itemsInReplicating.Add(new ItemIdCount(cItem.protoId, needItem.count)); } else { itemsInReplicating.Add(new ItemIdCount(cItem.protoId, cItem.count)); } } } if (itemsInReplicating.Count > 0) { foreach (ItemIdCount ic in itemsInReplicating) { ItemIdCount decreaseItem = itemsDesireToGet.Find(it => it.protoId == ic.protoId); if (decreaseItem.count > ic.count) { decreaseItem.count -= ic.count; } else { itemsDesireToGet.Remove(decreaseItem); } } } } factory.CreateNewTaskWithItems(itemsDesireToGet); } } } //medical system if (core.MedicalCheck != null && core.MedicalTreat != null && core.MedicalTent != null && core.MedicalCheck.IsRunning && core.MedicalTreat.IsRunning && core.MedicalTent.IsRunning && (core.MedicalCheck.WorkerCount + core.MedicalTreat.WorkerCount + core.MedicalTent.WorkerCount > 0)) { if (lastTime < 0) { lastTime = GameTime.PlayTime.Second; } else { core.MedicineResearchState += GameTime.PlayTime.Second - lastTime; lastTime = GameTime.PlayTime.Second; if (storages != null && core.MedicineResearchState >= medicineSupplyTime) { Debug.Log("supplyMedicineTime"); core.MedicineResearchTimes++; List <ItemIdCount> supportMedicine = new List <ItemIdCount> (); //try supply foreach (MedicineSupply ms in CSMedicineSupport.AllMedicine) { if (core.MedicineResearchTimes - ms.rounds * Mathf.FloorToInt(core.MedicineResearchTimes / ms.rounds) < 1) { if (CSUtils.GetItemCountFromAllStorage(ms.protoId, core) < ItemAsset.ItemProto.GetItemData(ms.protoId).maxStackNum) { supportMedicine.Add(new ItemIdCount(ms.protoId, ms.count)); } } } if (supportMedicine.Count > 0) { if (CSUtils.AddItemListToStorage(supportMedicine, core)) { ShowTips(ETipType.medicine_supply); } else { ShowTips(ETipType.storage_full); } } core.MedicineResearchState = 0; if (core.MedicineResearchTimes == Int32.MaxValue) { core.MedicineResearchTimes = 0; } } } } else { lastTime = GameTime.PlayTime.Second; } } }
public void GetItemFromStorageAndFactory(Dictionary <CSCommon, List <ItemIdCount> > requirementsMachine, List <CSCommon> storages, CSFactory factory, ref List <ItemIdCount> itemsNeedToGet) { foreach (KeyValuePair <CSCommon, List <ItemIdCount> > kvp in requirementsMachine) { foreach (ItemIdCount iic in kvp.Value) { //,storageRequire int gotCount = 0; int getCountFromStorage = 0; if (kvp.Key as CSStorage == null) { foreach (CSCommon sc in storages) { CSStorage cst = sc as CSStorage; int itemCount = cst.GetItemCount(iic.protoId); if (itemCount > 0) { if (itemCount >= iic.count - gotCount) { gotCount = iic.count; getCountFromStorage = iic.count; break; } else { gotCount += itemCount; getCountFromStorage += itemCount; } } } if (gotCount == iic.count) { if (kvp.Key.MeetDemand(iic.protoId, gotCount)) { CSUtils.CountDownItemFromAllStorage(iic.protoId, gotCount, core); } continue; } } //2.factory int leftCount = iic.count - gotCount; int getCountFromFac = 0; if (factory != null) { int factoryItemCount = factory.GetCompoundEndItemCount(iic.protoId); if (factoryItemCount > 0) { int countDownCount = 0; if (factoryItemCount >= leftCount) { countDownCount = leftCount; } else { countDownCount = factoryItemCount; } gotCount += countDownCount; getCountFromFac += countDownCount; } } if (gotCount == iic.count) { if (kvp.Key.MeetDemand(iic.protoId, gotCount)) { if (getCountFromStorage > 0) { CSUtils.CountDownItemFromAllStorage(iic.protoId, getCountFromStorage, core); } if (getCountFromFac > 0) { factory.CountDownItem(iic.protoId, getCountFromFac); } } continue; } else { if (gotCount > 0) { if (kvp.Key.MeetDemand(iic.protoId, gotCount)) { if (getCountFromStorage > 0) { CSUtils.CountDownItemFromAllStorage(iic.protoId, getCountFromStorage, core); } if (getCountFromFac > 0) { factory.CountDownItem(iic.protoId, getCountFromFac); } } } } leftCount = iic.count - gotCount; //3.add to needToGet ItemIdCount addNeed = itemsNeedToGet.Find(it => it.protoId == iic.protoId); if (addNeed != null) { addNeed.count += leftCount; } else { itemsNeedToGet.Add(new ItemIdCount(iic.protoId, leftCount)); } } } }
// <CETC> Create Non-Managed Entity public override int CreateEntity(CSEntityAttr attr, out CSEntity outEnti) { outEnti = null; if (attr.m_Type == CSConst.etAssembly) { Debug.LogWarning("Non-Managed Creator cant create the Assembly Entity."); return(CSConst.rrtUnkown); } if (m_CommonEntities.ContainsKey(attr.m_InstanceId)) { outEnti = m_CommonEntities[attr.m_InstanceId]; outEnti.gameObject = attr.m_Obj; outEnti.Position = attr.m_Pos; outEnti.ItemID = attr.m_protoId; outEnti.BaseData.m_Alive = true; return(CSConst.rrtSucceed); } CSCommon csc = null; switch (attr.m_Type) { case CSConst.etStorage: csc = new CSStorage(); CSStorage css = csc as CSStorage; css.m_Info = CSInfoMgr.m_StorageInfo; css.m_Creator = this; css.m_Power = attr.m_Power; css.m_Package.ExtendPackage(CSInfoMgr.m_StorageInfo.m_MaxItem, CSInfoMgr.m_StorageInfo.m_MaxEquip, CSInfoMgr.m_StorageInfo.m_MaxRecource, CSInfoMgr.m_StorageInfo.m_MaxArmor); break; case CSConst.etEnhance: csc = new CSEnhance(); CSEnhance csen = csc as CSEnhance; csen.m_Creator = this; csen.m_Power = attr.m_Power; csen.m_Info = CSInfoMgr.m_EnhanceInfo; break; case CSConst.etRepair: csc = new CSRepair(); CSRepair csr = csc as CSRepair; csr.m_Creator = this; csr.m_Power = attr.m_Power; csr.m_Info = CSInfoMgr.m_RepairInfo; break; case CSConst.etRecyle: csc = new CSRecycle(); CSRecycle csrc = csc as CSRecycle; csrc.m_Creator = this; csrc.m_Power = attr.m_Power; csrc.m_Info = CSInfoMgr.m_RecycleInfo; break; case CSConst.etDwelling: csc = new CSDwellings(); CSDwellings csd = csc as CSDwellings; csd.m_Creator = this; csd.m_Power = attr.m_Power;; csd.m_Info = CSInfoMgr.m_DwellingsInfo; break; case CSConst.etppCoal: csc = new CSPPCoal(); CSPPCoal cscppc = csc as CSPPCoal; cscppc.m_Creator = this; cscppc.m_Power = 10000; cscppc.m_RestPower = 10000; cscppc.m_Info = CSInfoMgr.m_ppCoal; break; case CSConst.etppSolar: csc = new CSPPSolar(); CSPPSolar cspps = csc as CSPPSolar; cspps.m_Creator = this; cspps.m_Power = 10000; cspps.m_RestPower = 10000; cspps.m_Info = CSInfoMgr.m_ppCoal; break; case CSConst.etFactory: csc = new CSFactory(); csc.m_Creator = this; csc.m_Info = CSInfoMgr.m_FactoryInfo; break; default: break; } csc.ID = attr.m_InstanceId; csc.CreateData(); csc.gameObject = attr.m_Obj; csc.Position = attr.m_Pos; csc.ItemID = attr.m_protoId; outEnti = csc; m_CommonEntities.Add(attr.m_InstanceId, csc); return(CSConst.rrtSucceed); }
CSCommon _CreateCommon(int type) { CSCommon csc = null; switch (type) { case CSConst.etStorage: csc = new CSStorage(); CSStorage css = csc as CSStorage; css.m_Info = CSInfoMgr.m_StorageInfo; css.m_Creator = this; css.m_Package.ExtendPackage(CSInfoMgr.m_StorageInfo.m_MaxItem, CSInfoMgr.m_StorageInfo.m_MaxEquip, CSInfoMgr.m_StorageInfo.m_MaxRecource, CSInfoMgr.m_StorageInfo.m_MaxArmor); break; case CSConst.etEnhance: csc = new CSEnhance(); CSEnhance csen = csc as CSEnhance; csen.m_Creator = this; csen.m_Info = CSInfoMgr.m_EnhanceInfo; break; case CSConst.etRepair: csc = new CSRepair(); CSRepair csr = csc as CSRepair; csr.m_Creator = this; csr.m_Info = CSInfoMgr.m_RepairInfo; break; case CSConst.etRecyle: csc = new CSRecycle(); CSRecycle csrc = csc as CSRecycle; csrc.m_Creator = this; csrc.m_Info = CSInfoMgr.m_RecycleInfo; break; case CSConst.etDwelling: csc = new CSDwellings(); CSDwellings csd = csc as CSDwellings; csd.m_Creator = this; csd.m_Info = CSInfoMgr.m_DwellingsInfo; // Find the npc to live if (!PeGameMgr.IsMulti) { int index = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair <int, CSCommon> kvp in m_CommonEntities) { if (index >= csd.m_NPCS.Length) { break; } if (kvp.Value.m_Type == CSConst.etDwelling) { CSDwellings dwellings = kvp.Value as CSDwellings; if (dwellings.IsRunning) { continue; } for (int i = 0; i < dwellings.m_NPCS.Length; i++) { if (dwellings.m_NPCS[i] != null) { csd.AddNpcs(dwellings.m_NPCS[i]); dwellings.RemoveNpc(dwellings.m_NPCS[i]); index++; } } } } } break; case CSConst.etppCoal: csc = new CSPPCoal(); CSPPCoal cscppc = csc as CSPPCoal; cscppc.m_Creator = this; cscppc.m_Power = 10000; cscppc.m_RestPower = 10000; cscppc.m_Info = CSInfoMgr.m_ppCoal; break; case CSConst.etppSolar: csc = new CSPPSolar(); CSPPSolar cspps = csc as CSPPSolar; cspps.m_Creator = this; cspps.m_Power = 10000; cspps.m_RestPower = 10000; cspps.m_Info = CSInfoMgr.m_ppCoal; break; case CSConst.etFarm: csc = new CSFarm(); csc.m_Creator = this; csc.m_Info = CSInfoMgr.m_FarmInfo; break; case CSConst.etFactory: csc = new CSFactory(); csc.m_Creator = this; csc.m_Info = CSInfoMgr.m_FactoryInfo; break; case CSConst.etProcessing: csc = new CSProcessing(this); CSProcessing csp = csc as CSProcessing; csp.m_Info = CSInfoMgr.m_ProcessingInfo; break; case CSConst.etTrade: csc = new CSTrade(this); CSTrade cst = csc as CSTrade; cst.m_Info = CSInfoMgr.m_Trade; break; case CSConst.etTrain: csc = new CSTraining(this); CSTraining cstrain = csc as CSTraining; cstrain.m_Info = CSInfoMgr.m_Train; break; case CSConst.dtCheck: csc = new CSMedicalCheck(this); CSMedicalCheck csCheck = csc as CSMedicalCheck; csCheck.m_Info = CSInfoMgr.m_Check; break; case CSConst.dtTreat: csc = new CSMedicalTreat(this); CSMedicalTreat csTreat = csc as CSMedicalTreat; csTreat.m_Info = CSInfoMgr.m_Treat; break; case CSConst.dtTent: csc = new CSMedicalTent(this); CSMedicalTent csTent = csc as CSMedicalTent; csTent.m_Info = CSInfoMgr.m_Tent; break; case CSConst.dtppFusion: csc = new CSPPFusion(); CSPPFusion csFusion = csc as CSPPFusion; csFusion.m_Creator = this; csFusion.m_Power = 10000; csFusion.m_RestPower = 100000; csFusion.m_Info = CSInfoMgr.m_ppFusion; break; default: break; } return(csc); }
public void CSStoreResultExchange(bool success, int objId, int destIndex, int destId, int originIndex, CSStorage storage) { if (success) { if (storage == m_storage) { ItemObject originObj = ItemMgr.Instance.Get(objId); int type = originObj.protoData.tabIndex; ItemObject destObj; if (destId == -1) { destObj = null; } else { destObj = ItemMgr.Instance.Get(destId); } if ((int)m_Type == type) { SetItemWithIndex(originObj, destIndex); SetItemWithIndex(destObj, originIndex); } } } }
private void _farmWorkStyle() { CSFarm farm = WorkRoom as CSFarm; if (farm == null) { return; } FarmPlantLogic plant = null; CSMgCreator mgCreator = m_Creator as CSMgCreator; // Only watering and weeding if (m_WorkMode == CSConst.pwtFarmForMag) { if (m_FarmWorkMap.Count != 0) { return; } ItemObject waterItem = farm.GetPlantTool(0); ItemObject weedingItem = farm.GetPlantTool(1); // Watering plant = waterItem == null ? null : farm.AssignOutWateringPlant(); if (plant != null) { FarmWorkInfo fwi = new FarmWorkInfo(plant); m_FarmWorkMap.Add(EFarmWorkType.Watering, fwi); //_sendToWorkOnFarm(fwi.m_Pos); } else { // Weeding plant = weedingItem == null ? null : farm.AssignOutCleaningPlant(); if (plant != null) { FarmWorkInfo fwi = new FarmWorkInfo(plant); m_FarmWorkMap.Add(EFarmWorkType.Cleaning, fwi); //_sendToWorkOnFarm(fwi.m_Pos); } //else // Idle(0.0f, false); } } else if (m_WorkMode == CSConst.pwtFarmForHarvest) { if (m_FarmWorkMap.Count != 0) { return; } CSStorage storage = null; foreach (CSStorage css in farm.Assembly.m_BelongObjectsMap[CSConst.ObjectType.Storage]) { SlotList slotList = css.m_Package.GetSlotList(); if (slotList.GetVacancyCount() >= 2) //if (css.m_Package.GetEmptyGridCount() >= 2) { storage = css; break; } } if (storage != null) { plant = farm.AssignOutRipePlant(); if (plant != null) { FarmWorkInfo fwi = new FarmWorkInfo(plant); m_FarmWorkMap.Add(EFarmWorkType.Harvesting, fwi); //_sendToWorkOnFarm(fwi.m_Pos); } //else // Idle(0.0f, false); } //else // Idle(0.0f, false); } else if (m_WorkMode == CSConst.pwtFarmForPlant) { // Planting if (m_FarmWorkMap.Count == 0) { #if NEW_CLOD_MGR ClodChunk cc = mgCreator.m_Clod.FindCleanChunk(farm.Assembly.Position, farm.Assembly.Radius); #else ClodChunk cc = CSClodMgr.FindCleanChunk(farm.Assembly.Position, farm.Assembly.Radius); #endif if (farm.HasPlantSeed() && cc != null) { Vector3 pos; bool flag = cc.FindCleanClod(out pos); if (flag) { #if NEW_CLOD_MGR mgCreator.m_Clod.DirtyTheChunk(cc.m_ChunkIndex, true); #else CSClodMgr.DirtyTheChunk(cc.m_ChunkIndex, true); #endif FarmWorkInfo fwi = new FarmWorkInfo(cc, pos); m_FarmWorkMap.Add(EFarmWorkType.Planting, fwi); _sendToWorkOnFarm(fwi.m_Pos); } } //else // Idle(0.0f, false); } else if (m_FarmWorkMap.ContainsKey(EFarmWorkType.Planting) && m_FarmWorkMap[EFarmWorkType.Planting].m_Pos == { if (farm.HasPlantSeed()) { FarmWorkInfo fwi = m_FarmWorkMap[EFarmWorkType.Planting]; bool flag = fwi.m_ClodChunk.FindCleanClod(out fwi.m_Pos); if (flag) { //_sendToWorkOnFarm(fwi.m_Pos); } else { m_FarmWorkMap.Remove(EFarmWorkType.Planting); } } else { FarmWorkInfo fwi = m_FarmWorkMap[EFarmWorkType.Planting]; #if NEW_CLOD_MGR mgCreator.m_Clod.DirtyTheChunk(fwi.m_ClodChunk.m_ChunkIndex, false); #else CSClodMgr.DirtyTheChunk(fwi.m_ClodChunk.m_ChunkIndex, false); #endif m_FarmWorkMap.Remove(EFarmWorkType.Planting); } } if (!m_FarmWorkMap.ContainsKey(EFarmWorkType.Planting)) { //Idle(0.0f, false); } } }
public RandomItemObj GetTaskResult(float percent, List <ItemIdCount> itemList) { System.Random rand = new System.Random(); //--to do: wait //count item 10%random //create item //add to npcpackage List <ItemIdCount> resourceGot = new List <ItemIdCount> (); foreach (ItemIdCount item in itemList) { int getCount = Mathf.FloorToInt(item.count * percent); resourceGot.Add(new ItemIdCount(item.protoId, getCount)); } List <ItemIdCount> itemIdNum = resourceGot.FindAll(it => it.count > 0); if (itemIdNum.Count <= 0) { return(null); } //put into storage bool addInStorage = false; if (Assembly != null && Assembly.Storages != null) { List <MaterialItem> materialList = CSUtils.ItemIdCountToMaterialItem(itemIdNum); foreach (CSCommon css in Assembly.Storages) { CSStorage storage = css as CSStorage; if (storage.m_Package.CanAdd(materialList)) { storage.m_Package.Add(materialList); addInStorage = true; //--to do: inform player CSUtils.ShowTips(ProcessingConst.INFORM_FINISH_TO_STORAGE); break; } else { if (CSAutocycleMgr.Instance != null) { CSAutocycleMgr.Instance.ShowTips(ETipType.storage_full); } } } } if (addInStorage) { return(null); } int[] items = CSUtils.ItemIdCountListToIntArray(itemIdNum); Vector3 resultPos = Position + new Vector3(0f, 0.72f, 0f); if (BuildingLogic != null) { if (BuildingLogic.m_ResultTrans.Length > 0) { Transform trans = BuildingLogic.m_ResultTrans[rand.Next(BuildingLogic.m_ResultTrans.Count())]; if (trans != null) { resultPos = trans.position; } } } while (RandomItemMgr.Instance.ContainsPos(resultPos)) { resultPos += new Vector3(0, 0.01f, 0); } //return new RandomItemObj(resultPos + new Vector3((float)rand.NextDouble()*0.15f, 0, (float)rand.NextDouble()*0.15f), items); CSUtils.ShowTips(ProcessingConst.INFORM_FINISH_TO_RANDOMITEM); return(RandomItemMgr.Instance.GenProcessingItem(resultPos + new Vector3((float)rand.NextDouble() * 0.15f, 0, (float)rand.NextDouble() * 0.15f), items)); }
private void OnRecycled() { Dictionary <int, int> recycleItems = GetRecycleItems(); if (null == recycleItems) { return; } List <ItemIdCount> resourceGot = new List <ItemIdCount>(); foreach (KeyValuePair <int, int> kvp in recycleItems) { resourceGot.Add(new ItemIdCount(kvp.Key, kvp.Value)); } if (resourceGot.Count <= 0) { return; } List <MaterialItem> materialList = CSUtils.ItemIdCountToMaterialItem(resourceGot); ItemPackage accessor = PeCreature.Instance.mainPlayer.GetCmpt <PlayerPackageCmpt>().package._playerPak; if (null == accessor) { return; } bool addToPackage = false; //lz-2016.12.27 尝试添加到玩家背包 if (accessor.CanAdd(materialList)) { accessor.Add(materialList); GameUI.Instance.mItemPackageCtrl.ResetItem(); addToPackage = true; CSUtils.ShowTips(RecycleConst.INFORM_FINISH_TO_PACKAGE); } //lz-2016.12.27 尝试添加到基地存储箱 if (!addToPackage && Assembly != null && Assembly.Storages != null) { foreach (CSCommon css in Assembly.Storages) { CSStorage storage = css as CSStorage; if (storage.m_Package.CanAdd(materialList)) { storage.m_Package.Add(materialList); addToPackage = true; CSUtils.ShowTips(RecycleConst.INFORM_FINISH_TO_STORAGE); break; } } } //lz-2016.12.27 尝试生成一个小球放物品 if (!addToPackage) { System.Random rand = new System.Random(); List <ItemIdCount> itemIdNum = resourceGot.FindAll(it => it.count > 0); if (itemIdNum.Count <= 0) { return; } int[] items = CSUtils.ItemIdCountListToIntArray(itemIdNum); Vector3 resultPos = Position + new Vector3(0f, 0.72f, 0f); if (BuildingLogic != null) { if (BuildingLogic.m_ResultTrans.Length > 0) { Transform trans = BuildingLogic.m_ResultTrans[rand.Next(BuildingLogic.m_ResultTrans.Length)]; if (trans != null) { resultPos = trans.position; } } } while (RandomItemMgr.Instance.ContainsPos(resultPos)) { resultPos += new Vector3(0, 0.01f, 0); } RandomItemMgr.Instance.GenProcessingItem(resultPos + new Vector3((float)rand.NextDouble() * 0.15f, 0, (float)rand.NextDouble() * 0.15f), items); addToPackage = true; CSUtils.ShowTips(RecycleConst.INFORM_FINISH_TO_RANDOMITEM); } if (addToPackage) { // Delete Item; ItemMgr.Instance.DestroyItem(m_Item.itemObj.instanceId); m_Item = null; // Call back if (onRecylced != null) { onRecylced(); } } }