public void GetItemMaterialFromFactory(CSFactory factory, List <ItemIdCount> itemsNeedToGet, ref bool transferedItem) { foreach (ItemIdCount iic in itemsNeedToGet) { Replicator.KnownFormula[] msList = UIGraphControl.GetReplicator().GetKnowFormulasByProductItemId(iic.protoId); if (msList == null || msList.Length == 0) { continue; } Replicator.Formula ms = Replicator.Formula.Mgr.Instance.Find(msList[0].id); foreach (Replicator.Formula.Material mt in ms.materials) { int itemCount = factory.GetCompoundEndItemCount(mt.itemId); if (itemCount > 0) { if (CSUtils.AddToStorage(mt.itemId, itemCount, core)) { factory.CountDownItem(mt.itemId, itemCount); transferedItem = true; } } } } }
void Update() { if (!PeGameMgr.IsSingle) { return; } if (core == null) { Init(); } if (core == null) { return; } counter++; if (counter % 450 == 0) { counter = 0; //--to do //1.collect requirements if (core.Storages == null) { return; } CSFactory factory = core.Factory; List <CSCommon> storages = core.Storages; ClearRequirements(); List <CSCommon> allCommon = core.GetBelongCommons(); foreach (CSCommon cse in allCommon) { if ((cse as CSPPCoal != null) || (cse as CSFarm != null) /*|| (cse as CSMedicalTreat !=null)*/) { List <ItemIdCount> requirementsList = cse.GetRequirements(); if (requirementsList != null && requirementsList.Count > 0) { if (cse as CSPPCoal != null) { ppcoalRequirements.Add(cse, requirementsList); } // if(cse as CSMedicalTreat!=null) // treatRequirements.Add(cse,requirementsList); if (cse as CSFarm != null) { farmRequirements.Add(cse, requirementsList); } } } } bool transferedFactoryItem = false; //--to do if (storages != null) { //0.transfer factoryEndItem if (factory != null) { List <ItemIdCount> replicateEndItem = factory.GetCompoudingEndItem(); if (replicateEndItem.Count > 0) { List <int> protoList = CSStorage.GetAutoProtoIdList(); foreach (ItemIdCount rIic in replicateEndItem) { if (protoList.Contains(rIic.protoId)) { if (CSUtils.AddToStorage(rIic.protoId, rIic.count, core)) { factory.CountDownItem(rIic.protoId, rIic.count); transferedFactoryItem = true; } } } } } List <ItemIdCount> requirementsList = storages[0].GetRequirements(); if (requirementsList != null && requirementsList.Count > 0) { storageRequirements.Add(storages[0], requirementsList); } } //2.check doing requirements** one by one? && do requirements //1)check storage&factory Get supply List <ItemIdCount> itemsNeedToGet = new List <ItemIdCount> (); GetItemFromStorageAndFactory(ppcoalRequirements, storages, factory, ref itemsNeedToGet); GetItemFromStorageAndFactory(farmRequirements, storages, factory, ref itemsNeedToGet); GetItemFromStorageAndFactory(storageRequirements, storages, factory, ref itemsNeedToGet); if (itemsNeedToGet.Count > 0) { //3.analysis to processing or replicate //1).check is replicating if (factory != null) { List <ItemIdCount> itemsInReplicating = new List <ItemIdCount>(); List <ItemIdCount> compoundingList = factory.GetCompoudingItem(); foreach (ItemIdCount needItem in itemsNeedToGet) { ItemIdCount cItem = compoundingList.Find(it => it.protoId == needItem.protoId); if (cItem != null) { if (cItem.count >= needItem.count) { itemsInReplicating.Add(new ItemIdCount(cItem.protoId, needItem.count)); } else { itemsInReplicating.Add(new ItemIdCount(cItem.protoId, cItem.count)); } } } if (itemsInReplicating.Count > 0) { foreach (ItemIdCount ic in itemsInReplicating) { ItemIdCount decreaseItem = itemsNeedToGet.Find(it => it.protoId == ic.protoId); if (decreaseItem.count > ic.count) { decreaseItem.count -= ic.count; } else { itemsNeedToGet.Remove(decreaseItem); } } } //2).put material into storage GetItemMaterialFromFactory(factory, itemsNeedToGet, ref transferedFactoryItem); if (transferedFactoryItem) { ShowTips(ETipType.factory_to_storage); } //3).count what need Processing/ replicate some //1-check can be replicated,if ok, replicate factory.CreateNewTaskWithItems(itemsNeedToGet); } //2-check the left things to resolve to resource //3-in 2,check resource already have, remove it List <ItemIdCount> resourceItems = ResolveItemsToProcess(itemsNeedToGet, core, factory); // foreach(ItemIdCount iic in resourceItems){ // int gotCount =0; // foreach(CSCommon sc in storages){ // CSStorage cst = sc as CSStorage; // int itemCount = cst.GetItemCount(iic.protoId); // if(itemCount>0) // { // if(itemCount>=iic.count-gotCount) // { // gotCount = iic.count; // break; // }else{ // gotCount += itemCount; // } // } // } // iic.count-=gotCount; // } resourceItems.RemoveAll(it => it.count <= 0); if (resourceItems.Count > 0) { //3).check is Processing CSProcessing process = core.ProcessingFacility; if (process != null) { List <ItemIdCount> processingList = process.GetItemsInProcessing(); foreach (ItemIdCount iic in processingList) { CSUtils.RemoveItemIdCount(resourceItems, iic.protoId, iic.count); } } if (resourceItems.Count > 0) { //4).assign processing task if (process != null) { process.CreateNewTaskWithItems(resourceItems); } } } } //meet desire ClearDesires(); if (storages != null) { List <ItemIdCount> desireList = storages[0].GetDesires(); if (desireList != null && desireList.Count > 0) { storageDesires.Add(storages[0], desireList); List <ItemIdCount> itemsDesireToGet = new List <ItemIdCount> (); GetItemFromStorageAndFactory(storageDesires, storages, factory, ref itemsDesireToGet); if (itemsDesireToGet.Count > 0 && factory != null) { if (factory != null) { List <ItemIdCount> itemsInReplicating = new List <ItemIdCount>(); List <ItemIdCount> compoundingList = factory.GetCompoudingItem(); foreach (ItemIdCount needItem in itemsDesireToGet) { ItemIdCount cItem = compoundingList.Find(it => it.protoId == needItem.protoId); if (cItem != null) { if (cItem.count >= needItem.count) { itemsInReplicating.Add(new ItemIdCount(cItem.protoId, needItem.count)); } else { itemsInReplicating.Add(new ItemIdCount(cItem.protoId, cItem.count)); } } } if (itemsInReplicating.Count > 0) { foreach (ItemIdCount ic in itemsInReplicating) { ItemIdCount decreaseItem = itemsDesireToGet.Find(it => it.protoId == ic.protoId); if (decreaseItem.count > ic.count) { decreaseItem.count -= ic.count; } else { itemsDesireToGet.Remove(decreaseItem); } } } } factory.CreateNewTaskWithItems(itemsDesireToGet); } } } //medical system if (core.MedicalCheck != null && core.MedicalTreat != null && core.MedicalTent != null && core.MedicalCheck.IsRunning && core.MedicalTreat.IsRunning && core.MedicalTent.IsRunning && (core.MedicalCheck.WorkerCount + core.MedicalTreat.WorkerCount + core.MedicalTent.WorkerCount > 0)) { if (lastTime < 0) { lastTime = GameTime.PlayTime.Second; } else { core.MedicineResearchState += GameTime.PlayTime.Second - lastTime; lastTime = GameTime.PlayTime.Second; if (storages != null && core.MedicineResearchState >= medicineSupplyTime) { Debug.Log("supplyMedicineTime"); core.MedicineResearchTimes++; List <ItemIdCount> supportMedicine = new List <ItemIdCount> (); //try supply foreach (MedicineSupply ms in CSMedicineSupport.AllMedicine) { if (core.MedicineResearchTimes - ms.rounds * Mathf.FloorToInt(core.MedicineResearchTimes / ms.rounds) < 1) { if (CSUtils.GetItemCountFromAllStorage(ms.protoId, core) < ItemAsset.ItemProto.GetItemData(ms.protoId).maxStackNum) { supportMedicine.Add(new ItemIdCount(ms.protoId, ms.count)); } } } if (supportMedicine.Count > 0) { if (CSUtils.AddItemListToStorage(supportMedicine, core)) { ShowTips(ETipType.medicine_supply); } else { ShowTips(ETipType.storage_full); } } core.MedicineResearchState = 0; if (core.MedicineResearchTimes == Int32.MaxValue) { core.MedicineResearchTimes = 0; } } } } else { lastTime = GameTime.PlayTime.Second; } } }
public void GetItemFromStorageAndFactory(Dictionary <CSCommon, List <ItemIdCount> > requirementsMachine, List <CSCommon> storages, CSFactory factory, ref List <ItemIdCount> itemsNeedToGet) { foreach (KeyValuePair <CSCommon, List <ItemIdCount> > kvp in requirementsMachine) { foreach (ItemIdCount iic in kvp.Value) { //,storageRequire int gotCount = 0; int getCountFromStorage = 0; if (kvp.Key as CSStorage == null) { foreach (CSCommon sc in storages) { CSStorage cst = sc as CSStorage; int itemCount = cst.GetItemCount(iic.protoId); if (itemCount > 0) { if (itemCount >= iic.count - gotCount) { gotCount = iic.count; getCountFromStorage = iic.count; break; } else { gotCount += itemCount; getCountFromStorage += itemCount; } } } if (gotCount == iic.count) { if (kvp.Key.MeetDemand(iic.protoId, gotCount)) { CSUtils.CountDownItemFromAllStorage(iic.protoId, gotCount, core); } continue; } } //2.factory int leftCount = iic.count - gotCount; int getCountFromFac = 0; if (factory != null) { int factoryItemCount = factory.GetCompoundEndItemCount(iic.protoId); if (factoryItemCount > 0) { int countDownCount = 0; if (factoryItemCount >= leftCount) { countDownCount = leftCount; } else { countDownCount = factoryItemCount; } gotCount += countDownCount; getCountFromFac += countDownCount; } } if (gotCount == iic.count) { if (kvp.Key.MeetDemand(iic.protoId, gotCount)) { if (getCountFromStorage > 0) { CSUtils.CountDownItemFromAllStorage(iic.protoId, getCountFromStorage, core); } if (getCountFromFac > 0) { factory.CountDownItem(iic.protoId, getCountFromFac); } } continue; } else { if (gotCount > 0) { if (kvp.Key.MeetDemand(iic.protoId, gotCount)) { if (getCountFromStorage > 0) { CSUtils.CountDownItemFromAllStorage(iic.protoId, getCountFromStorage, core); } if (getCountFromFac > 0) { factory.CountDownItem(iic.protoId, getCountFromFac); } } } } leftCount = iic.count - gotCount; //3.add to needToGet ItemIdCount addNeed = itemsNeedToGet.Find(it => it.protoId == iic.protoId); if (addNeed != null) { addNeed.count += leftCount; } else { itemsNeedToGet.Add(new ItemIdCount(iic.protoId, leftCount)); } } } }