Esempio n. 1
        public CRegion AStar(CRegion LSCrg, CRegion SSCrg, CStrObjLtDt StrObjLtDt, string strAreaAggregation,
                             double[,] padblTD, int intQuitCount = 200000, Process proc = null)
            long lngStartMemory = GC.GetTotalMemory(true);

            var pStopwatchOverHead = new Stopwatch();


            var ExistingCorrCphsSD0 = LSCrg.SetInitialAdjacency();  //also count the number of edges

            AddLineToStrObjLtDt(StrObjLtDt, LSCrg);

            Console.WriteLine("Crg:  ID  " + LSCrg.ID + ";    n  " + LSCrg.GetCphCount() + ";    m  " +
                              LSCrg.AdjCorrCphsSD.Count + "   " + intQuitCount + "   " +
                              CConstants.strShapeConstraint + "   " + strAreaAggregation);

            long lngTimeOverHead = pStopwatchOverHead.ElapsedMilliseconds;


            Stopwatch pStopwatchLast  = new Stopwatch();
            bool      blnRecordTime_F = false;
            long      lngTime_F       = 0; //running time of the first trying
            long      lngTime_L       = 0; //running time of last trying
            long      lngTimeAll      = lngTimeOverHead;
            var       resultcrg       = new CRegion(-2);
            int       intEstSteps     = 0;
            int       intRound        = _intRound;

                intEstSteps = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Pow(2, intRound)) - 1;
                    //CRegion._intStartStaticGIDLast = CRegion._intStaticGID;
                    var ExistingCorrCphsSD = new SortedDictionary <CCorrCphs, CCorrCphs>
                                                 (ExistingCorrCphsSD0, ExistingCorrCphsSD0.Comparer);
                    LSCrg.cenumColor = CEnumColor.white;

                    resultcrg = ComputeAccordEstSteps(LSCrg, SSCrg, strAreaAggregation, ExistingCorrCphsSD,
                                                      intEstSteps, StrObjLtDt, padblTD, intQuitCount);
                catch (System.OutOfMemoryException ex)

                if (blnRecordTime_F == false)
                    lngTime_F       = pStopwatchLast.ElapsedMilliseconds + lngTimeOverHead;
                    blnRecordTime_F = true;
                lngTime_L   = pStopwatchLast.ElapsedMilliseconds + lngTimeOverHead;
                lngTimeAll += pStopwatchLast.ElapsedMilliseconds;

                if (resultcrg.ID != -2)
                if (intEstSteps > 50)
                    intEstSteps = 64;
                    throw new ArgumentException("We cannot solve the problem! Impossible!");

            } while (true);
            StrObjLtDt.SetLastObj("EstSteps", intEstSteps);
            Console.WriteLine("d: " + resultcrg.d
                              + "            Type: " + resultcrg.dblCostExactType
                              + "            Compactness: " + resultcrg.dblCostExactComp);

            //we don't need to +1 because +1 is already included in _intStaticGID
            //int intExploredRegionAll = CRegion._intStaticGID - CRegion._intStartStaticGIDLast;
            //double dblConsumedMemoryInMB = CHelpFunc.GetConsumedMemoryInMB(false);

            StrObjLtDt.SetLastObj("#Edges", CRegion._intEdgeCount);
            StrObjLtDt.SetLastObj("Time_F(ms)", lngTime_F);
            StrObjLtDt.SetLastObj("Time_L(ms)", lngTime_L);
            StrObjLtDt.SetLastObj("Time(ms)", lngTimeAll);
            StrObjLtDt.SetLastObj("Memory(MB)", CHelpFunc.GetConsumedMemoryInMB(false, lngStartMemory));

            Console.WriteLine("EstSteps:" + intEstSteps + "      We have visited " +
                              CRegion._intNodeCount + " Nodes and " + CRegion._intEdgeCount + " Edges.");

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="LSCrg"></param>
        /// <param name="SSCrg"></param>
        /// <param name="StrObjLtDt"></param>
        /// <param name="adblTD"></param>
        /// <param name="EstStepsCostVPDt">Results from A*</param>
        /// <param name="strAreaAggregation"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public CRegion Greedy(CRegion LSCrg, CRegion SSCrg, CStrObjLtDt StrObjLtDt, double[,] adblTD,
                              Dictionary <int, CValPair <int, double> > EstStepsCostVPDt, string strAreaAggregation)
            long lngStartMemory     = GC.GetTotalMemory(true);
            var  pStopwatchOverHead = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            var ExistingCorrCphsSD0 = LSCrg.SetInitialAdjacency();  //also count the number of edges

            AddLineToStrObjLtDt(StrObjLtDt, LSCrg);

            Console.WriteLine("Crg:  ID  " + LSCrg.ID + ";    n  " + LSCrg.GetCphCount() + ";    m  " +
                              LSCrg.AdjCorrCphsSD.Count + "   " + CConstants.strShapeConstraint + "   " + strAreaAggregation);

            long lngTimeOverHead = pStopwatchOverHead.ElapsedMilliseconds;


            var  pStopwatchLast = new Stopwatch();
            long lngTime        = 0;

            CRegion resultcrg = new CRegion(-2);

                var ExistingCorrCphsSD = new SortedDictionary <CCorrCphs, CCorrCphs>
                                             (ExistingCorrCphsSD0, ExistingCorrCphsSD0.Comparer);
                LSCrg.cenumColor = CEnumColor.white;

                resultcrg = Compute(LSCrg, SSCrg, SSCrg.GetSoloCphTypeIndex(),
                                    strAreaAggregation, ExistingCorrCphsSD, StrObjLtDt, adblTD);
            catch (System.OutOfMemoryException ex)
            lngTime = pStopwatchLast.ElapsedMilliseconds + lngTimeOverHead;

            Console.WriteLine("d: " + resultcrg.d
                              + "            Type: " + resultcrg.dblCostExactType
                              + "            Compactness: " + resultcrg.dblCostExactComp);

            EstStepsCostVPDt.TryGetValue(LSCrg.ID, out CValPair <int, double> outEstStepsCostVP);
            if (outEstStepsCostVP.val1 == 0 &&
                CCmpMethods.CmpDbl_CoordVerySmall(outEstStepsCostVP.val2, resultcrg.d) == 0)
                StrObjLtDt.SetLastObj("EstSteps/Gap%", 0); //optimal solutions
                StrObjLtDt.SetLastObj("EstSteps/Gap%", 100); //not sure, at least feasible solutions
            //we don't need to +1 because +1 is already included in _intStaticGID
            //int intExploredRegionAll = CRegion._intStaticGID - CRegion._intStartStaticGIDLast;
            StrObjLtDt.SetLastObj("#Edges", CRegion._intEdgeCount);
            StrObjLtDt.SetLastObj("Time_F(ms)", lngTime);
            StrObjLtDt.SetLastObj("Time_L(ms)", lngTime);
            StrObjLtDt.SetLastObj("Time(ms)", lngTime);
            StrObjLtDt.SetLastObj("Memory(MB)", CHelpFunc.GetConsumedMemoryInMB(false, lngStartMemory));

            Console.WriteLine("We have visited " +
                              CRegion._intNodeCount + " Nodes and " + CRegion._intEdgeCount + " Edges.");

        public CRegion ILP(CRegion LSCrg, CRegion SSCrg, CStrObjLtDt StrObjLtDt,
                           double[,] adblTD, string strAreaAggregation,
                           ref SortedSet <CRegion> CrgOOMSetSS, ref SortedSet <CRegion> CrgOOMSolveSS, ref SortedSet <CRegion> CrgOOTSetSS, ref SortedSet <CRegion> CrgOOTSolveSS,
                           ref SortedSet <CRegion> CrgCplexError3019SS, ref SortedSet <CRegion> CrgOtherErrorsSS, ref string strOtherErrors)
            long lngStartMemory = GC.GetTotalMemory(true);

            var pStopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            LSCrg.SetInitialAdjacency();  //also count the number of edges
            AddLineToStrObjLtDt(StrObjLtDt, LSCrg);

            //must be below LSCrg.SetInitialAdjacency();
            System.Console.WriteLine("Crg:  ID  " + LSCrg.ID + ";    n  " + LSCrg.GetCphCount() + ";    m  " +
                                     LSCrg.AdjCorrCphsSD.Count + "  " + _ParameterInitialize.strAreaAggregation + "================================="
                                     + LSCrg.ID + "  " + _ParameterInitialize.strAreaAggregation + " " + this.dblTimeLimit + " s " + "==============================");

            //double dblMemoryInMB2 = CHelpFunc.GetConsumedMemoryInMB(true);
            var cplex = new Cplex();
            //double dblMemoryInMB3 = CHelpFunc.GetConsumedMemoryInMB(true);

            var  crg        = new CRegion(-1);
            bool blnSolved  = false;
            bool blnSetting = false;

                //Step 3
                //Cplex cplex = new Cplex();
                IIntVar[][][]     var2;
                IIntVar[][][][]   var3;
                IIntVar[][][][][] var4;
                IRange[][]        rng;

                PopulateByRow(cplex, out var2, out var3, out var4, out rng, LSCrg, SSCrg, adblTD, strAreaAggregation);
                //double dblMemoryInMB4 = CHelpFunc.GetConsumedMemoryInMB(true);
                // Step 11

                // Step 9
                double dblRemainTimeLim = this.dblTimeLimit - Convert.ToDouble(pStopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds) / 1000;
                if (dblRemainTimeLim > 0)
                    blnSetting = true;

                    cplex.SetParam(Cplex.DoubleParam.TiLim, dblRemainTimeLim);

                    //avoid that optimal solutions from CPELX are not optimal
                    cplex.SetParam(Cplex.IntParam.AuxRootThreads, -1);
                    cplex.SetParam(Cplex.IntParam.Reduce, 0);  //really work for me
                    cplex.SetParam(Cplex.DoubleParam.CutLo, 0);

                    if (cplex.Solve())
                        //***********Gap for ILP************

                        #region Display x, y, z, and s
                        //for (int i = 0; i < var3[0].GetLength(0); i++)

                        //    Console.WriteLine("Variable x; Time: " + (i + 1).ToString());

                        //    foreach (var x1 in var3[0][i])
                        //    {
                        //        //CPatch

                        //        double[] x = cplex.GetValues(x1);

                        //        foreach (var x0 in x)
                        //        {
                        //            int intWrite = 0;  //avoid some values like 0.999999997 or 2E-09
                        //            if (x0>0.5)
                        //            {
                        //                intWrite = 1;
                        //            }
                        //            Console.Write(intWrite + "     ");
                        //        }
                        //        Console.WriteLine();

                        //    }
                        //    Console.WriteLine();

                        #region Display y and z
                        //if (var4[0] != null)
                        //    Console.WriteLine("");
                        //    //Console.WriteLine("Variable y:");
                        //    for (int i = 0; i < var4[0].GetLength(0); i++)
                        //    {
                        //        Console.WriteLine("Variable y; Time: " + (i + 1).ToString());
                        //        foreach (var y2 in var4[0][i])
                        //        {
                        //            foreach (var y1 in y2)
                        //            {

                        //                double[] y = cplex.GetValues(y1);

                        //                foreach (var y0 in y)
                        //                {
                        //                    Console.Write(y0 + "     ");
                        //                }
                        //                Console.WriteLine();
                        //            }

                        //            Console.WriteLine();
                        //        }
                        //        //Console.WriteLine();
                        //    }

                        //if (var4[1] != null)
                        //    Console.WriteLine("");
                        //    //Console.WriteLine("Variable z:");
                        //    for (int i = 0; i < var4[1].GetLength(0); i++)
                        //    {
                        //        Console.WriteLine("Variable z; Time: " + (i + 1).ToString());
                        //        foreach (var z2 in var4[1][i])
                        //        {
                        //            foreach (var z1 in z2)
                        //            {

                        //                double[] z = cplex.GetValues(z1);

                        //                foreach (var z0 in z)
                        //                {
                        //                    Console.Write(z0 + "     ");
                        //                }
                        //                Console.WriteLine();

                        //            }
                        //            Console.WriteLine();
                        //        }
                        //        //Console.WriteLine();
                        //    }

                        //if (_ParameterInitialize.strAreaAggregation == _strSmallest)
                        //    Console.WriteLine("");
                        //    Console.WriteLine("Variable s:");
                        //    if (var2[0] != null)
                        //    {
                        //        for (int i = 0; i < var2[0].GetLength(0); i++)
                        //        {

                        //            double[] s = cplex.GetValues(var2[0][i]);

                        //            foreach (var s0 in s)
                        //            {
                        //                Console.Write(s0 + "     ");
                        //            }
                        //            Console.WriteLine();

                        //        }
                        //    }

                        #region Display other results
                        //double[] dj = cplex.GetReducedCosts(var3[0][0][0]);
                        //double[] dj2 = cplex.GetReducedCosts((var3);
                        //double[] pi = cplex.GetDuals(rng[0]);
                        //double[] slack = cplex.GetSlacks(rng[0]);
                        //cplex.Output().WriteLine("Solution status = "
                        //+ cplex.GetStatus());
                        //cplex.Output().WriteLine("Solution value = "
                        //+ cplex.ObjValue);
                        //objDataLt[13] = cplex.ObjValue;
                        //int nvars = x.Length;
                        //for (int j = 0; j < nvars; ++j)
                        //    cplex.Output().WriteLine("Variable :"
                        //    + j
                        //    + " Value = "
                        //    + x[j]
                        //    + " Reduced cost = "
                        //    + dj[j]);
                        //int ncons = slack.Length;
                        //for (int i = 0; i < ncons; ++i)
                        //    cplex.Output().WriteLine("Constraint:"
                        //    + i
                        //    + " Slack = "
                        //    + slack[i]
                        //    //+ " Pi = "
                        //    //+ pi[i]
                        //    );

                    var strStatus = cplex.GetStatus().ToString();
                    Console.WriteLine("Solution status = " + strStatus);

                    if (strStatus == "Optimal")
                        blnSolved = true;
                        StrObjLtDt.SetLastObj("EstSteps/Gap%", 0.ToString("F4"));  //keep 4 decimal digits
                        StrObjLtDt.SetLastObj("Cost", cplex.ObjValue);
                        Console.WriteLine("Solution value = " + cplex.ObjValue);
                    else if (strStatus == "Feasible")
                        //|best integer-best bound(node)|  / 1e-10 + |best integer|
                        //|cplex.ObjValue-cplex.BestObjValue|  /  1e-10 + |cplex.ObjValue|
                        blnSolved = true;
                        StrObjLtDt.SetLastObj("EstSteps/Gap%", (cplex.MIPRelativeGap * 100).ToString("F4"));  //keep 4 decimal digits
                        StrObjLtDt.SetLastObj("Cost", cplex.ObjValue);
                        Console.WriteLine("Solution value = " + cplex.ObjValue);
                    else //if (strStatus == "Unknown") //we do not find any solution in a time limit
                        Console.WriteLine("didn't find any solution in the time limit.");
            catch (ILOG.Concert.Exception e)
                if (e.Message == "CPLEX Error  1001: Out of memory.\n")
                    if (blnSetting == false) //this can happen when we are setting up variables and constraints
                        Console.Write("During Setting: " + e.Message);
                        Console.Write("During Solving: " + e.Message);
                else if (e.Message == "CPLEX Error  3019: Failure to solve MIP subproblem.\n") //this can really happen
                    Console.Write("During Solving: " + e.Message);
                else  //other eroors, e.g., "CPLEX Error  1004: Null pointer for required data.\n"
                    var strError = "ID: " + LSCrg.ID + "  " + "blnSetting == " + blnSetting.ToString() + ";    " + e.Message;
                    strOtherErrors += strError;
            catch (System.OutOfMemoryException e2) //this can really happen, though ILOG.Concert.Exception should occur instead
                if (blnSetting == false)
                    Console.WriteLine("During Setting: System exception " + e2.Message);
                    Console.WriteLine("During Solving: System exception " + e2.Message);
                double dblMemoryInMB = CHelpFunc.GetConsumedMemoryInMB(false, lngStartMemory);
                if (blnSolved == false)
                    crg.ID = -2;
                    StrObjLtDt.SetLastObj("EstSteps/Gap%", _intNoSolutionEstSteps.ToString("F4"));
                    //StrObjLtDt.SetLastObj("Cost", -1); //the cost value is -1 by default
                    Console.WriteLine("Crg:  ID  " + LSCrg.ID + ";    n  " + LSCrg.GetCphCount() + ";    m  " +
                                      LSCrg.AdjCorrCphsSD.Count + "  could not be solved by ILP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!");
                StrObjLtDt.SetLastObj("Time_L(ms)", pStopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);
                StrObjLtDt.SetLastObj("Time(ms)", pStopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);
                StrObjLtDt.SetLastObj("Memory(MB)", dblMemoryInMB);

