Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// This method saves the record
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task <Entity> Save()
            Entity modifiedRecord;

            // If it is regarding, then pass all the record information which contains mapped data to modifiedrecord.
            if (isRegarding)
                modifiedRecord = Record;
            // Otherwise, create blank record
                modifiedRecord = new Entity();
            modifiedRecord.LogicalName = EntityMetadataEx.EntityMetadata.LogicalName;

            // If update, then assign Id
            if (isUpdate)
                modifiedRecord.Id = Record.Id;

            // Only update modified fields
            foreach (var field in Fields)
                // If no data changed, then no need to pass the value.
                if (isUpdate && field.FieldData == Record[field.FieldMetadata.LogicalName])
                // If required fields have no value, then show error message.
                if ((bool)field.FieldMetadata.IsValidForCreate && (field.FieldMetadata.RequiredLevel.Value == AttributeRequiredLevel.ApplicationRequired ||
                                                                   field.FieldMetadata.RequiredLevel.Value == AttributeRequiredLevel.SystemRequired) &&
                    field.FieldData == null)
                    MessageDialog dialog = new MessageDialog(string.Format(loader.GetString("RequiredField"), field.FieldMetadata.DisplayName.UserLocalizedLabel.Label));
                    await dialog.ShowAsync();

                    lvFields.SelectedItem = ((lvFields.FindName("lbl" + field.FieldMetadata.LogicalName) as TextBlock).Parent as StackPanel).Parent;
                // If value has been changed, then pass the data to modified record.
                modifiedRecord[field.FieldMetadata.LogicalName] = field.FieldData;

            progressRing.IsActive = true;

            // Create/Update record.
            Entity result = await CRMHelper.UpsertRecord(modifiedRecord);

            // If this is update then retrieve latest data again from server after update and return.
            if (isUpdate)
                ColumnSet columnSet = new ColumnSet();
                columnSet.AddColumns(Fields.Select(x => x.FieldMetadata.LogicalName).ToArray());

                return(await CRMHelper.RetrieveRecord(EntityMetadataEx.EntityMetadata, result.Id, columnSet));
            // If this is new record, then simply return result.
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Loading data
        /// </summary>
        public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task LoadData()
            // Get windows width
            var w = Window.Current.Bounds.Width;

            // Show ProgressRing
            progressRing.IsActive = true;

            // If there is not cache, then retrieve the fields
            if (Fields == null)
                Fields = await CRMHelper.RetrieveFormFields(EntityMetadataEx, RequestFields);

            // Store field logical name to ColumnSet
            ColumnSet cols = new ColumnSet(Fields.Select(x => x.FieldMetadata.LogicalName).ToArray());

            // If there is not cache, then retrieve the record
            if (Record == null)
                Record = await CRMHelper.RetrieveRecord(EntityMetadataEx.EntityMetadata, Id, cols);

            // Create fields on the form
            foreach (var field in Fields)
                // Instantiate StackPanel which represents a field
                StackPanel sp = new StackPanel();

                // Skip if there is no value returned or if the field is not for read
                if (!Record.Attributes.Contains(field.FieldMetadata.LogicalName) || !(bool)field.FieldMetadata.IsValidForRead)

                // If it is primray field, then just store it (which will be used in Page Title in this sample)
                if (field.FieldMetadata.LogicalName == EntityMetadataEx.EntityMetadata.PrimaryNameAttribute)
                    field.FieldData = Record.Attributes[field.FieldMetadata.LogicalName].ToString();

                // If it is image field, then place it on the top
                if (field.FieldMetadata.LogicalName == EntityMetadataEx.EntityMetadata.PrimaryImageAttribute)
                    // Store data
                    field.FieldData = Record.Attributes[field.FieldMetadata.LogicalName];

                    // Instantiate Image and give same height/width.
                    EntityImageControl imageControl = new EntityImageControl();
                    imageControl.ImageBytes = field.FieldData as byte[];
                    // Mark it as ReadOnly
                    imageControl.ReadOnly = true;

                    // Finally add it.
                    sp.DataContext = field;

                    // Add imgae to top of the form.
                    this.lvFields.Items.Insert(0, sp);

                    // Image Field doesn't need further processing.

                // Skip if it is address field (not email address though) and not composite field,
                // as Composite contorl data will be displayed on the form instead individual field.
                if (field.FieldMetadata.GetType().Equals(typeof(StringAttributeMetadata)) &&
                    (field.FieldMetadata as StringAttributeMetadata).Format != StringFormat.Email &&
                    (field.FieldMetadata.LogicalName.Contains("address") &&

                // For other fields

                // Set field name on the left of the field. If you want to set field name
                // above the data, change folloing to sp.Orientation = Orientation.Vertical;
                sp.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal;
                // Assign data to FieldData
                field.FieldData = Record.Attributes[field.FieldMetadata.LogicalName];
                // Set Field Displayname
                TextBlock label = new TextBlock();
                label.Text = field.FieldMetadata.DisplayName.UserLocalizedLabel.Label + ": ";
                // Changing stile
                label.Style = (Style)Application.Current.Resources["BodyTextBlockStyle"];
                // Fix the field name width but mark it as Wrap so that long field name can be shown.
                label.Width        = 100;
                label.TextWrapping = TextWrapping.Wrap;
                // Finally add it.

                // Set field data. User Formatted Value if available.
                object value = CRMHelper.GetValue((Record.FormattedValues.Contains(field.FieldMetadata.LogicalName) ?
                                                   Record.FormattedValues[field.FieldMetadata.LogicalName] : Record.Attributes[field.FieldMetadata.LogicalName]));

                // If value is string type
                if (value.GetType() == typeof(string))
                    TextBlock fieldValue = new TextBlock();
                    fieldValue.Text         = value.ToString();
                    fieldValue.Style        = (Style)Application.Current.Resources["BodyTextBlockStyle"];
                    fieldValue.TextWrapping = TextWrapping.Wrap;
                    // Set width. The value is calculated by using field name width and mergin of List.
                    fieldValue.Width = w - 136;
                // If value is Array type (which infer this is ActivityParty)
                else if (value.GetType().IsArray)
                    // To represent each ActivityParty, create another StackPanel
                    //StackPanel childsp = new StackPanel();
                    // Loop items in Array
                    foreach (var item in value as Array)
                        TextBlock fieldValue = new TextBlock();
                        // Add tap event. When an ActivityParty tapped, it navigates to the record.
                        fieldValue.IsTapEnabled = true;
                        fieldValue.Tapped      += ActivityPartyField_Tapped;
                        // Set an ActivityParty to DataContext
                        fieldValue.DataContext = item;
                        fieldValue.Text        = ((ActivityParty)item).PartyId.Name;
                        fieldValue.Style       = (Style)Application.Current.Resources["BodyTextBlockStyle"];

                // Set field data to DataContext
                sp.DataContext = field;
                // Add to form

            // Suppress ProgressRing
            progressRing.IsActive = false;