Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the current user.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userIsOnline">if set to <c>true</c> [user is online].</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static User GetCurrentUser(bool userIsOnline)
            string userName = User.GetCurrentUserName();

            if (userName != string.Empty)
                if (userName.StartsWith("rckipid="))
                    Rock.CRM.PersonService personService      = new CRM.PersonService();
                    Rock.CRM.Person        impersonatedPerson = personService.GetByEncryptedKey(userName.Substring(8));
                    if (impersonatedPerson != null)
                    UserService userService = new UserService();
                    User        user        = userService.GetByUserName(userName);

                    if (user != null && userIsOnline)
                        user.LastActivityDate = DateTime.Now;
                        userService.Save(user, null);


Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads all of the configured blocks for the current page into the control tree
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        protected override void OnInit( EventArgs e )
            // Add the ScriptManager to each page
            ScriptManager sm = ScriptManager.GetCurrent( this.Page );
            if ( sm == null )
                sm = new ScriptManager();
                sm.ID = "sManager";
                Page.Form.Controls.AddAt( 0, sm );

            // Recurse the page controls to find the rock page title and zone controls
            PageTitles = new List<PageTitle>();
            Zones = new Dictionary<string, KeyValuePair<string, Zone>>();
            FindRockControls( this.Controls );

            // Add a Rock version meta tag
            string version = typeof(Rock.Web.UI.Page).Assembly.GetName().Version.ToString();
            HtmlMeta rockVersion = new HtmlMeta();
            rockVersion.Attributes.Add( "name", "generator" );
            rockVersion.Attributes.Add( "content", string.Format( "Rock v{0}", version ) );
            AddMetaTag( this.Page, rockVersion );

            // If the logout parameter was entered, delete the user's forms authentication cookie and redirect them
            // back to the same page.
            if ( PageParameter( "logout" ) != string.Empty )
                CurrentPerson = null;
                CurrentUser = null;
                Response.Redirect( BuildUrl( new PageReference( PageInstance.Id, PageInstance.RouteId ), null ), true );

            // If the impersonated query key was included then set the current person
            string impersonatedPersonKey = PageParameter( "rckipid" );
            if ( !String.IsNullOrEmpty( impersonatedPersonKey ) )
                Rock.CRM.PersonService personService = new CRM.PersonService();
                Rock.CRM.Person impersonatedPerson = personService.GetByEncryptedKey( impersonatedPersonKey );
                if ( impersonatedPerson != null )
                    FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie("rckipid=" + impersonatedPerson.EncryptedKey, false );
                    Session["UserIsAuthenticated"] = false;

                    CurrentUser =  impersonatedPerson.ImpersonatedUser;

            // Get current user/person info
            Rock.CMS.User user = CurrentUser;

            // If there is a logged in user, see if it has an associated Person Record.  If so, set the UserName to
            // the person's full name (which is then cached in the Session state for future page requests)
            if ( user != null )
                UserName = user.UserName;
                int? personId = user.PersonId;

                if ( personId.HasValue)
                    string personNameKey = "PersonName_" + personId.Value.ToString();
                    if ( Session[personNameKey] != null )
                        UserName = Session[personNameKey].ToString();
                        Rock.CRM.PersonService personService = new CRM.PersonService();
                        Rock.CRM.Person person = personService.Get( personId.Value );
                        if ( person != null )
                            UserName = person.FullName;
                            CurrentPerson = person;

                        Session[personNameKey] = UserName;

            // If a PageInstance exists
            if ( PageInstance != null )
                // check if page should have been loaded via ssl
                if ( !Request.IsSecureConnection && PageInstance.RequiresEncryption )
                    string redirectUrl = Request.Url.ToString().Replace( "http:", "https:" );
                    Response.Redirect( redirectUrl );

                // Verify that the current user is allowed to view the page.  If not, and
                // the user hasn't logged in yet, redirect to the login page
                if ( !PageInstance.Authorized( "View", user ) )
                    if ( user == null )
                    // Set current models (context)
                    PageInstance.Context = new Dictionary<string, Data.KeyModel>();
                        char[] delim = new char[1] { ',' };
                        foreach (string param in PageParameter( "context" ).Split( delim, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries ))
                            string contextItem = Rock.Security.Encryption.DecryptString( param );
                            string[] parts = contextItem.Split('|');
                            if (parts.Length == 2)
                                PageInstance.Context.Add(parts[0], new Data.KeyModel(parts[1]));
                    catch {}

                    // set page title
                    if ( PageInstance.Title != null && PageInstance.Title != "" )
                        SetTitle( PageInstance.Title );
                        SetTitle( PageInstance.Name );

                    // set viewstate on/off
                    this.EnableViewState = PageInstance.EnableViewstate;

                    // Cache object used for block output caching
                    ObjectCache cache = MemoryCache.Default;

                    bool canConfigPage = PageInstance.Authorized( "Configure", user );

                    // Create a javascript object to store information about the current page for client side scripts to use
                    string script = string.Format( @"
            var rock = {{
                        PageInstance.Id, PageInstance.Layout, AppPath );
                    this.Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript( this.GetType(), "rock-js-object", script, true );

                    // Add config elements
                    if ( PageInstance.IncludeAdminFooter )
                        if ( canConfigPage )

                    // Load the blocks and insert them into page zones
                    foreach ( Rock.Web.Cache.BlockInstance blockInstance in PageInstance.BlockInstances )
                        // Get current user's permissions for the block instance
                        bool canConfig = blockInstance.Authorized( "Configure", user );
                        bool canEdit = blockInstance.Authorized( "Edit", user );
                        bool canView = blockInstance.Authorized( "View", user );

                        // Make sure user has access to view block instance
                        if ( canConfig || canEdit || canView )
                            // Create block wrapper control (implements INamingContainer so child control IDs are unique for
                            // each block instance
                            HtmlGenericContainer blockWrapper = new HtmlGenericContainer( "div" );
                            blockWrapper.ID = string.Format("bid_{0}", blockInstance.Id);
                            blockWrapper.Attributes.Add( "zoneloc", blockInstance.BlockInstanceLocation.ToString() );
                            blockWrapper.ClientIDMode = ClientIDMode.Static;
                            FindZone( blockInstance.Zone ).Controls.Add( blockWrapper );
                            blockWrapper.Attributes.Add( "class", "block-instance " +
                                ( canConfig || canEdit ? "can-configure " : "" ) +
                                HtmlHelper.CssClassFormat( blockInstance.Block.Name ) );

                            // Check to see if block is configured to use a "Cache Duration'
                            string blockCacheKey = string.Format( "Rock:BlockInstanceOutput:{0}", blockInstance.Id );
                            if ( blockInstance.OutputCacheDuration > 0 && cache.Contains( blockCacheKey ) )
                                // If the current block exists in our custom output cache, add the cached output instead of adding the control
                                blockWrapper.Controls.Add( new LiteralControl( cache[blockCacheKey] as string ) );
                                // Load the control and add to the control tree
                                Control control;

                                    control = TemplateControl.LoadControl( blockInstance.Block.Path );
                                    control.ClientIDMode = ClientIDMode.AutoID;
                                catch ( Exception ex )
                                    HtmlGenericControl div = new HtmlGenericControl( "div" );
                                    div.Attributes.Add( "class", "alert-message block-message error" );
                                    div.InnerHtml = string.Format( "Error Loading Block:<br/><br/><strong>{0}</strong>", ex.Message );
                                    control = div;

                                Block block = null;

                                // Check to see if the control was a PartialCachingControl or not
                                if ( control is Block )
                                    block = control as Block;
                                    if ( control is PartialCachingControl && ( ( PartialCachingControl )control ).CachedControl != null )
                                        block = ( Block )( ( PartialCachingControl )control ).CachedControl;

                                // If the current control is a block, set it's properties
                                if ( block != null )
                                    block.PageInstance = PageInstance;
                                    block.BlockInstance = blockInstance;


                                    // If the block's AttributeProperty values have not yet been verified verify them.
                                    // (This provides a mechanism for block developers to define the needed blockinstance
                                    //  attributes in code and have them automatically added to the database)
                                    if ( !blockInstance.Block.InstancePropertiesVerified )
                                        blockInstance.Block.InstancePropertiesVerified = true;

                                    // Add the block configuration scripts and icons if user is authorized
                                    if (PageInstance.IncludeAdminFooter)
                                        AddBlockConfig(blockWrapper, block, blockInstance, canConfig, canEdit);

                                HtmlGenericContainer blockContent = new HtmlGenericContainer( "div" );
                                blockContent.Attributes.Add( "class", "block-content" );
                                blockWrapper.Controls.Add( blockContent );

                                // Add the block
                                blockContent.Controls.Add( control );

                    // Add favicon and apple touch icons to page
                    if ( PageInstance.Site.FaviconUrl != null )
                        System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlLink faviconLink = new System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlLink();

                        faviconLink.Attributes.Add( "rel", "shortcut icon" );
                        faviconLink.Attributes.Add( "href", ResolveUrl("~/" + PageInstance.Site.FaviconUrl) );

                        PageInstance.AddHtmlLink( this.Page, faviconLink );

                    if ( PageInstance.Site.AppleTouchUrl != null )
                        System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlLink touchLink = new System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlLink();

                        touchLink.Attributes.Add( "rel", "apple-touch-icon" );
                        touchLink.Attributes.Add( "href", ResolveUrl("~/" + PageInstance.Site.AppleTouchUrl) );

                        PageInstance.AddHtmlLink( this.Page, touchLink );

                    // Add the page admin footer if the user is authorized to edit the page
                    if ( PageInstance.IncludeAdminFooter && canConfigPage)
                        HtmlGenericControl adminFooter = new HtmlGenericControl( "div" );
                        adminFooter.ID = "cms-admin-footer";
                        adminFooter.ClientIDMode = System.Web.UI.ClientIDMode.Static;
                        this.Form.Controls.Add( adminFooter );

                        phLoadTime = new PlaceHolder();
                        adminFooter.Controls.Add( phLoadTime );

                        HtmlGenericControl buttonBar = new HtmlGenericControl( "div" );
                        adminFooter.Controls.Add( buttonBar );
                        buttonBar.Attributes.Add( "class", "button-bar" );

                        // Block Config
                        HtmlGenericControl aBlockConfig = new HtmlGenericControl( "a" );
                        buttonBar.Controls.Add( aBlockConfig );
                        aBlockConfig.Attributes.Add( "class", "block-config icon-button" );
                        aBlockConfig.Attributes.Add( "href", "#" );
                        aBlockConfig.Attributes.Add( "Title", "Block Configuration" );

                        // Page Properties
                        HtmlGenericControl aAttributes = new HtmlGenericControl( "a" );
                        buttonBar.Controls.Add( aAttributes );
                        aAttributes.Attributes.Add( "class", "properties icon-button show-modal-iframe" );
                        aAttributes.Attributes.Add( "height", "500px" );
                        aAttributes.Attributes.Add( "href", ResolveUrl( string.Format( "~/PageProperties/{0}?t=Page Properties", PageInstance.Id ) ) );

                        // Child Pages
                        HtmlGenericControl aChildPages = new HtmlGenericControl( "a" );
                        buttonBar.Controls.Add( aChildPages );
                        aChildPages.Attributes.Add( "class", "page-child-pages icon-button show-modal-iframe" );
                        aChildPages.Attributes.Add( "height", "500px" );
                        aChildPages.Attributes.Add( "href", ResolveUrl( string.Format( "~/pages/{0}?t=Child Pages&pb=&sb=Done", PageInstance.Id ) ) );

                        // Page Zones
                        HtmlGenericControl aPageZones = new HtmlGenericControl( "a" );
                        buttonBar.Controls.Add( aPageZones );
                        aPageZones.Attributes.Add( "class", "page-zones icon-button" );
                        aPageZones.Attributes.Add( "href", "#" );
                        aPageZones.Attributes.Add( "Title", "Page Zones" );

                        // Page Security
                        HtmlGenericControl aPageSecurity = new HtmlGenericControl( "a" );
                        buttonBar.Controls.Add( aPageSecurity );
                        aPageSecurity.Attributes.Add( "class", "page-security icon-button show-modal-iframe" );
                        aPageSecurity.Attributes.Add( "height", "500px" );
                        aPageSecurity.Attributes.Add( "href", ResolveUrl( string.Format( "~/Secure/{0}/{1}?t=Page Security&pb=&sb=Done",
                            Security.Authorization.EncodeEntityTypeName( PageInstance.GetType() ), PageInstance.Id ) ) );

                    // Check to see if page output should be cached.  The RockRouteHandler
                    // saves the PageCacheData information for the current page to memorycache
                    // so it should always exist
                    if ( PageInstance.OutputCacheDuration > 0 )
                        Response.Cache.SetCacheability( System.Web.HttpCacheability.Public );
                        Response.Cache.SetExpires( DateTime.Now.AddSeconds( PageInstance.OutputCacheDuration ) );
                        Response.Cache.SetValidUntilExpires( true );