private Outlook.Application GetOutlook() { try { if (fOutlook == null) { CR.WaitOne(); try { if (fOutlook == null) { fOutlook = new Outlook.Application(); reset(OutlookMain); fPreviuos = OutlookMain.ComponentExist(); InitThread(); if (!fPreviuos && VisibleMode) { Inbox.Display(); } } } finally { CR.ReleaseMutex(); } } } catch (Exception e) { forensic("OutlookAPI.GetOutlook", e); throw; } return(fOutlook); }
protected virtual void ProcessBackGroundButtons() /* This is the method of a thread responsible for clicking the * buttons that allow access to Proxy. */ { const int delay = 30; DateTime timereset = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(delay); while (fThStack != null) { try { if (timereset < DateTime.Now) { reset(chmProxy); timereset = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(delay); } else { CR.WaitOne(); try { CheckProxy(); } finally { CR.ReleaseMutex(); } } } catch (Exception e) { forensic("Chrome.ProcessBackGroundButtons", e); } Thread.Sleep(500); } }
private Outlook.NameSpace GetSpace() { try { if (fSpace == null) { CR.WaitOne(); try { if (fSpace == null) { fSpace = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI"); } } finally { CR.ReleaseMutex(); } } } catch (Exception e) { forensic("OutlookAPI.GetSpace", e); throw; } return(fSpace); }
protected virtual CredentialStack GetProxyPassword() { CR.WaitOne(); try { return(fPrxyPsw); } finally { CR.ReleaseMutex(); } }
private void InitThread() { CR.WaitOne(); try { if ((fThStack == null) || !fThStack.IsAlive) { fThStack = new Thread(ProcessBackGroundButtons); fThStack.IsBackground = true; fThStack.Start(); } } finally { CR.ReleaseMutex(); } }
public override void Close() { CR.WaitOne(); try { Application.Quit(); fThStack = null; fDeleted = null; fInbox = null; fSpace = null; fOutlook = null; fPreviuos = false; } finally { CR.ReleaseMutex(); } }
protected IExplorer GetIExplorer() { if (fIExplorer == null) { CR.WaitOne(); try { if (fIExplorer == null) { fIExplorer = new IExplorer(this); } } finally { CR.ReleaseMutex(); } } return(fIExplorer); }
protected Chrome GetChrome() { if (fChrome == null) { CR.WaitOne(); try { if (fChrome == null) { fChrome = new Chrome(this); } } finally { CR.ReleaseMutex(); } } return(fChrome); }
protected virtual void SetProxyPassword(CredentialStack value) { CR.WaitOne(); try { fPrxyPsw = value; if (fPrxyPsw == null) { fThStack = null; } else { InitThread(); } } finally { CR.ReleaseMutex(); } }
protected virtual void ProcessBackGroundButtons() /* This is the method of a thread responsible for clicking the * buttons that allow access to Outlook from DCOM. */ { DateTime timereset = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(30); while (fThStack != null) { try { CR.WaitOne(); try { if (OutlookAllowBtnES.ComponentExist() && (OutlookAllowBtnES.enabled() != 0) && StringIn(, "permitir", "allow")) { if (OutlookAllowAccessES.ComponentExist()) { OutlookAllowAccessES.Checked = 1; }; } else if (timereset < DateTime.Now) { reset(OutlookAllowBtnES); timereset = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(30); } } finally { CR.ReleaseMutex(); } } catch (Exception e) { forensic("OutlookAPI.ProcessBackGroundButtons", e); } Thread.Sleep(500); } }
public void OpenURL(string URL, params IRPAComponent[] Components) /* It opens the indicated web page. Components must be a list of components of the page * that indicates when the page has been loaded: for example, "$googlelogo". */ { bool spread, exit, lbAdjust; DateTime timeout; string TxtIncognito() { return(Incognito ? " --incognito" : ""); } spread = false; lbAdjust = false; timeout = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(120); exit = false; do { Balloon("Opening Chrome"); Thread.Sleep(500); reset(chm); CheckAbort(); if (timeout < DateTime.Now) { throw new Exception("I can not open Chrome"); } else { try { if (chm.ComponentExist()) { CR.WaitOne(); try { if (GetProxyExists()) { CheckProxy(); } else if (chmClose.ComponentExist() && chmCloseCRC.ComponentExist() && ((ToString( > 0) || (ToString( > 0)) && (!StringIn(ToString(, "cerrar") || !StringIn(ToString(, "cerrar")) ) { fSpanish = false; spread = true; throw new Exception("ERROR! Your Chrome or your Windows are not in Spanish. This library learned in Spanish buttons."); } else if (lbAdjust || ((Components != null) && ComponentsExist(0, Components))) { RPAWin32Component chrome = chmURLEdit.Root(); fSpanish = true; if (!StringIn(ToString(chrome.WindowState), "normal")) { chrome.Show("restore"); } else { chrome.Move(0, 0); chrome.ReSize(985, 732); ControlTab(timeout); exit = lbAdjust || ComponentsExist(0, Components); } } else if (chmURLEdit.ComponentExist()) { RPAWin32Component chrome = chmURLEdit.Root(); if (!StringIn(ToString(chrome.WindowState), "normal")) { chrome.Show("restore"); } else { chmURLEdit.focus(); reset(chm); if ((Components == null) || !ComponentsExist(0, Components)) { ControlTab(timeout); chmURLEdit.TypeFromClipboardCheck(CheckURL(URL), 1, 0); chmURLEdit.TypeKey("Enter"); Thread.Sleep(500); if (Components == null) { lbAdjust = true; } else { ComponentsExist(30, Components); } } } } else { /* I do not have $ChromeURLEdit, but I have $Chrome */ fSpanish = true; if (!StringIn(ToString(chm.WindowState), "normal")) { chm.Show("restore"); } else { Close(); // It is clear that I have a Chrome at least with a rare configuration } } } finally { CR.ReleaseMutex(); } } else if (ToString(URL).Trim().Length > 0) {"chrome.exe" + TxtIncognito() + " \"" + ToString(URL).Trim() + "\""); reset(chm); Thread.Sleep(500); Balloon("Waiting for Chrome"); List <IRPAComponent> list = new List <IRPAComponent>(); if (Components == null) { list.Add(chm); } else { list.AddRange(Components.ToList()); } list.Add(chmProxy); exit = ComponentsExist(30, list.ToArray()); } else {"chrome.exe" + TxtIncognito()); reset(chm); Thread.Sleep(500); exit = ComponentsExist(30, chmProxy, chmURLEdit); } } catch (Exception e) { Balloon(e.Message); if (spread) { throw; } else { forensic("Chrome.OpenURL", e); Thread.Sleep(2000); } } } } while (!exit); }