public static string Start(long uid) { //检查是否创建 if (ps.Start == false) { return(CQApi.CQCode_At(uid) + "飞花令还未创建!回复【飞花令创建】创建一场比赛"); } //检查是否开始 if (ps.Flag != "") { return(CQApi.CQCode_At(uid) + "飞花令已经开始了!"); } //检查是否发起者 if (ps.CreateUid != uid) { return(CQApi.CQCode_At(uid) + "不是创建者无法开始飞花令!\n" + CQApi.CQCode_At(uid) + "如果觉得可以开始比赛了,请回复【飞花令开始】开始比赛!"); } if (ps.Players.Count < 2) { return(CQApi.CQCode_At(uid) + "人数不足!无法开始比赛!\n请选手们回复【飞花令加入】参与!"); } ps.Flag = PoemData.GetFlag(); return($"飞花令开始!\n系统出题,关键字为【{ps.Flag}】\n请回复带有【{ps.Flag}】的诗句!\n(直接回复诗句即可)\n" + $"现在请{CQApi.CQCode_At(ps.Players[0].Uid)}首先开始回复!\n(PS:如果暂时想不出来,请回复【飞花令跳过】)"); }
public static string Join(long uid) { //检查是否创建 if (ps.Start == false) { return(CQApi.CQCode_At(uid) + "飞花令还未创建!回复【飞花令创建】创建一场比赛"); } //检查是否开始 if (ps.Flag != "") { return(CQApi.CQCode_At(uid) + "飞花令已经开始了!不能中途参加!"); } //检查是否参加 foreach (var tmp in ps.Players) { if (tmp.Uid == uid) { return(CQApi.CQCode_At(uid) + "你已经加入比赛!"); } } ps.Players.Add(new Player(uid)); return(CQApi.CQCode_At(uid) + "加入比赛成功!" + CQApi.CQCode_At(ps.CreateUid) + "如果觉得可以开始比赛了,请回复【飞花令开始】开始比赛!"); }
/// <summary> /// 存在非法参数时的响应 /// </summary> /// <param name="e">CQGroupMessageEventArgs</param> /// <param name="commandType">指令类型</param> /// <param name="errDescription">错误描述</param> public static void GetIllegalArgs(CQGroupMessageEventArgs e, PCRGuildCmdType commandType, string errDescription) { ConsoleLog.Warning("PCR公会管理", "非法参数"); e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage( CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id), "\n非法参数请重新输入指令" + $"\n错误:{errDescription}" + $"\n指令帮助:{GetCommandHelp(commandType)}"); }
/// <summary> /// 初始化特殊关键词 /// </summary> public static void SpecialKeywordsInit(CQApi cqApi) { Keywords.Add("查询排名", KeywordCmdType.PCRTools_GetGuildRank); Keywords.Add("来点切噜", KeywordCmdType.Cheru_Encode); Keywords.Add("切噜~", KeywordCmdType.Cheru_Decode); Keywords.Add("切噜~", KeywordCmdType.Cheru_Decode); Keywords.Add("echo", KeywordCmdType.Debug_Echo); Keywords.Add(CQApi.CQCode_At(cqApi.GetLoginQQ().Id).ToString(), KeywordCmdType.At_Bot); }
public static string Create(long uid) { if (ps.Start) { return(CQApi.CQCode_At(uid) + "飞花令已经创建啦!"); } ps.Start = true; ps.CreateUid = uid; return(CQApi.CQCode_At(uid) + "飞花令创建完成!\n请选手们回复【飞花令加入】参与!\n" + CQApi.CQCode_At(uid) + "参与人数达2人及以上,回复【飞花令开始】开始比赛!"); }
public void GroupMemberIncrease(object sender, CQGroupMemberIncreaseEventArgs e) { IniObject iniObject = IniObject.Load(e.CQApi.AppDirectory + "config.ini", Encoding.UTF8); if ("711498146,222600436".IndexOf(e.FromGroup.Id.ToString()) >= 0) { string str = iniObject["InOne"]["YinZhiChen"].ToString().Replace(" ", "\n"); e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.BeingOperateQQ) + str); } }
/// <summary> /// 收到群消息 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">事件来源</param> /// <param name="e">事件参数</param> public void GroupMessage(object sender, CQGroupMessageEventArgs e) { #region ---AV号与BV号的转换--- if (e.Message.Text.Contains("")) { { try { string bv_replace = "/BV(.){9,10}"; string bv = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(e.Message.Text, bv_replace).ToString(); bv = bv.Replace("/", ""); WebClient wb = new WebClient(); byte[] DownloadData = wb.DownloadData("" + bv); string EncodeStr = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(DownloadData); JavaScriptSerializer js = new JavaScriptSerializer(); bilibiliClass.Rootobject root = js.Deserialize <bilibiliClass.Rootobject>(EncodeStr); e.CQApi.SendGroupMessage(e.FromGroup, CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ), "AV号:av" + + "\nBV号:" + + "\n播放量:" + + "\n收藏量:" +; } catch { e.CQApi.SendGroupMessage(e.FromGroup, CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ) + "哦豁,出错了。"); e.Handler = false; return; } } } if (e.Message.Text.Contains("")) { { try { string av_replace = "/av(.){1,10}"; string av = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(e.Message.Text, av_replace).ToString(); av = av.Replace("/av", ""); WebClient wb = new WebClient(); byte[] DownloadData = wb.DownloadData("" + av); string EncodeStr = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(DownloadData); JavaScriptSerializer js = new JavaScriptSerializer(); bilibiliClass.Rootobject root1 = js.Deserialize <bilibiliClass.Rootobject>(EncodeStr); e.CQApi.SendGroupMessage(e.FromGroup, CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ), "AV号:av" + + "\nBV号:" + + "\n播放量:" + + "\n收藏量:" +; } catch { e.CQApi.SendGroupMessage(e.FromGroup, CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ) + "哦豁,出错了。"); e.Handler = false; return; } } } #endregion }
public static string Exit(long uid) { //检查是否创建 if (ps.Start == false) { return(CQApi.CQCode_At(uid) + "飞花令还未创建!回复【飞花令创建】创建一场比赛"); } //检查是否开始 if (ps.Flag == "") { return(CQApi.CQCode_At(uid) + "飞花令还未开始!" + CQApi.CQCode_At(uid) + "如果觉得可以开始比赛了,请回复【飞花令开始】开始比赛!"); } //检查是否参加 bool isJoin = false; foreach (var tmp in ps.Players) { if (tmp.Uid == uid) { isJoin = true; break; } } if (isJoin == false) { return(CQApi.CQCode_At(uid) + "你未参加本次飞花令比赛!"); } if (ps.LastPlayerIndex != -1) { int index = ps.Players.IndexOf(ps.Players.Where(p => p.Uid == uid).FirstOrDefault()); if (index <= ps.LastPlayerIndex) { ps.LastPlayerIndex--; } } ps.Players.Remove(ps.Players.Where(p => p.Uid == uid).First()); if (ps.Players.Count <= 1) { return("由于飞花令当前参赛人数过少,强制结束\n" + End(ps.CreateUid)); } int nextIndex = ps.LastPlayerIndex + 1; if (nextIndex >= ps.Players.Count) { nextIndex = 0; } return($"退出飞花令成功!\n现在请{CQApi.CQCode_At(ps.Players[nextIndex].Uid)}回复\n回复格式为【飞花令回复 诗句】\n(PS:如果暂时想不出来,请回复【飞花令跳过】)"); }
public static string Leap(long uid) { //检查是否创建 if (ps.Start == false) { return(CQApi.CQCode_At(uid) + "飞花令还未创建!回复【飞花令创建】创建一场比赛"); } //检查是否开始 if (ps.Flag == "") { return(CQApi.CQCode_At(uid) + "飞花令还未开始!" + CQApi.CQCode_At(uid) + "如果觉得可以开始比赛了,请回复【飞花令开始】开始比赛!"); } //检查是否参加 bool isJoin = false; foreach (var tmp in ps.Players) { if (tmp.Uid == uid) { isJoin = true; break; } } if (isJoin == false) { return(CQApi.CQCode_At(uid) + "你未参加本次飞花令比赛!"); } //检查当前轮玩家 int index = ps.LastPlayerIndex + 1; if (index >= ps.Players.Count) { index = 0; } if (ps.Players[index].Uid != uid) { return(CQApi.CQCode_At(uid) + "还未轮到你回复!\n现在请" + CQApi.CQCode_At(ps.Players[index].Uid) + "回复"); } ps.LastPlayerIndex = index; int nextIndex = ps.LastPlayerIndex + 1; if (nextIndex >= ps.Players.Count) { nextIndex = 0; } return($"{CQApi.CQCode_At(uid)}你跳过了本轮飞花令。本轮不加积分。\n现在请{CQApi.CQCode_At(ps.Players[nextIndex].Uid)}回复\n回复格式为【飞花令回复 诗句】\n(PS:如果暂时想不出来,请回复【飞花令跳过】)"); }
public void GroupMessage(object sender, CQGroupMessageEventArgs e) { Chat chat = Chat.Of(e.FromGroup.Id); string msg = e.Message.Text; if (msg.StartsWith(Global.Prefix)) { chat.AddMessage(e.Message.Text, e.FromQQ.Id, Chat.Message.Command); QQGroupMemberType memberType = e.FromGroup.GetGroupMemberInfo(e.FromQQ).MemberType; DMEnv env = new DMEnv( e.FromQQ.Id, e.FromGroup.Id, memberType == QQGroupMemberType.Manage || memberType == QQGroupMemberType.Creator ); if (Global.DoAt) { env.Append(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ)); } if (Global.Reply(msg, env)) { string reply = env.ToString().Trim(); chat.SendMessage(reply, Chat.Message.Reply); e.CQLog.Info("ArkhamDiceMaid", "响应成功"); } else { e.CQLog.Info("ArkhamDiceMaid", "响应失败"); } } else { List <CQCode> codes = e.Message.CQCodes; if (codes?.Count > 0) { long qq = e.FromQQ.Id; foreach (CQCode code in codes) { switch (code.Function) { case CQFunction.Image: chat.AddMessage(e.CQApi.ReceiveImage(code), qq, Chat.Message.Image); break; } } } else { chat.AddMessage(e.Message.Text, e.FromQQ.Id); } } }
public static void GameHandle(CQGroupMessageEventArgs e) { if (cookies.ThatWords.Running) { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage("上一个游戏还在进行,设置地雷的人为", CQApi.CQCode_At(cookies.ThatWords.qq)); } else { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(@"游戏:蜘蛛地雷 1. 发起者私聊面粉团,设置一个词语,作为地雷 2. 后续说出这个词语的玩家,将踩雷"); //设置当前玩家 cookies.ThatWords.qq = e.FromQQ.Id; e.FromQQ.SendPrivateMessage("嘿~小家伙,请说出你要设置的词语(2-4个字)"); } }
/// <summary> /// 按照抽卡结果生成图片 /// </summary> /// <param name="count">抽卡次数</param> /// <returns></returns> public static string GetPicPath(int count, PoolInfo poolInfo, CQGroupMessageEventArgs e) { List <PoolContent> ls = new List <PoolContent>(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { var item = poolInfo.PoolContents[RandomGacha(poolInfo)]; ls = FoldItem(item, ls); } Event_GroupMessage.SubDiamond(e, poolInfo.PerGachaConsumption * count); PicHelper combine = new PicHelper(); ls = ls.OrderByDescending(x => x.Value).ToList(); string CQAt = poolInfo.ResultAt ? CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ).ToSendString() : string.Empty; return(CQAt + combine.GeneratePic(poolInfo, ls, Event_GroupMessage.GetDiamond(e))); }
public static string End(long uid) { //检查是否创建 if (ps.Start == false) { return(CQApi.CQCode_At(uid) + "飞花令还未创建!回复【飞花令创建】创建一场比赛"); } //检查是否开始 if (ps.Flag == "") { return(CQApi.CQCode_At(uid) + "飞花令还未开始!" + CQApi.CQCode_At(uid) + "如果觉得可以开始比赛了,请回复【飞花令开始】开始比赛!"); } //检查是否发起者 if (ps.CreateUid != uid) { return(CQApi.CQCode_At(uid) + "不是创建者无法结束飞花令!\n本次飞花令发起者:" + CQApi.CQCode_At(ps.CreateUid)); } //结束,统计分数 for (int i = 0; i < ps.Players.Count - 1; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < ps.Players.Count - i - 1; j++) { if (ps.Players[j].Score < ps.Players[j + 1].Score) { Player tmp = ps.Players[j]; ps.Players[j] = ps.Players[j + 1]; ps.Players[j + 1] = tmp; } } } //输出消息 string result = "本次飞花令积分排行"; for (int i = 0; i < ps.Players.Count; i++) { result += $"\n{i + 1}:{CQApi.CQCode_At(ps.Players[i].Uid)}[{ps.Players[i].Score}]"; } ps = new PlayStatu(); return(result); }
/// <summary> /// 检查参数数组长度 /// </summary> /// <param name="args">指令数组</param> /// <param name="len">至少需要的参数个数</param> /// <param name="QQgroup">(可选,不给的话就不发送错误信息)\n报错信息要发送到的QQ群对象</param> /// <param name="fromQQid">(可选,但QQgroup给了的话本参数必填)\n要通知的人的QQ Id</param> /// <returns>Illegal不符合 Legitimate符合 Extra超出</returns> public static LenType CheckForLength(string[] args, int len, Group QQgroup = null, long fromQQid = 0) { if (args.Length >= len + 1) { if (args.Length == len + 1) { return(LenType.Legitimate); } else { return(LenType.Extra); } } else { QQgroup?.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(fromQQid), " 命令参数不全,请补充。"); return(LenType.Illegal); } }
public void GroupMemberIncrease(object sender, CQGroupMemberIncreaseEventArgs e) { List <Group> grouList = ReadXml.GetGroupsData(); foreach (Group group in grouList) { if (e.FromGroup.Id == long.Parse(group.GroupNo)) { var picture = CQApi.CQCode_Image(group.ImageName).ToSendString(); var at = CQApi.CQCode_At(e.BeingOperateQQ).ToSendString(); //发送群消息 e.CQApi.SendGroupMessage(e.FromGroup, at + group.Text + (group.IsSendImage ? picture : string.Empty)); e.Handler = true; return; } } }
public void PrivateMessage(object sender, CQPrivateMessageEventArgs e) { string msg = e.Message.Text; if (msg.StartsWith(Global.Prefix)) { DMEnv env = new DMEnv( e.FromQQ.Id, Global.Users.TryGetValue(e.FromQQ.Id, out long groupId) ? groupId : 0, false ); if (Global.DoAt) { env.Append(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ)); } if (Global.Reply(msg, env)) { e.CQApi.SendPrivateMessage(e.FromQQ, env.ToString().Trim()); } } }
/// <summary> /// 获取水晶相关排行榜 /// </summary> /// <param name="cn"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static StringBuilder GetDiamondRank(SQLiteConnection cn, CQGroupMessageEventArgs e) { long groupid = e.FromGroup.Id; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine($"----水晶排行榜----"); SQLiteCommand cmd = new SQLiteCommand($"SELECT diamond,qq,sign_count FROM UserData WHERE Fromgroup={groupid} order by diamond desc", cn); using (SQLiteDataReader sr = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { int count = 1; if (!sr.HasRows) { return(sb); } while (sr.Read()) { int diamond = sr.GetInt32(0); try { var temp = e.FromGroup.GetGroupMemberInfo(sr.GetInt64(1)); string name = temp.Card == ""? temp.Nick:temp.Card; int sign_count = sr.GetInt32(2); sb.AppendLine($"{count}. {name}->{diamond}水 共计签到{sign_count}次"); } catch { int sign_count = sr.GetInt32(2); sb.AppendLine($"{count}. {CQApi.CQCode_At(sr.GetInt64(1)).ToSendString()}->{diamond}水 共计签到{sign_count}次"); } if (count == 10) { break; } count++; } } return(sb); }
/// <summary> /// 判断是否满足拉取图片的权限, 并发送相关文本 (处理逻辑合理性待评) /// </summary> /// <param name="GroupID">需要判断的群号</param> /// <param name="QQID">需要判断的QQ号</param> public static bool QuotaCheck(long GroupID, long QQID) { //判断能否拉取图片,须符合:在群、个人调用未达上限、群调用未达上限 List <string> response = JudgeLegality(GroupID, QQID); if (response.Count != 2) { return(false); } //将自定义at替换为CQ码 response[1] = response[1].Replace("<@>", CQApi.CQCode_At(QQID).ToString()); //发送处理后回答,内容可以是:调用成功、个人上限、群上限 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(response[1])) { MainSave.CQApi.SendGroupMessage(GroupID, response[1]); } //若第一个数是非0说明不满足发送图片的要求 if (response[0] != "0") { return(false); } return(true); }
// 接收事件 public void GroupMessage(object sender, CQGroupMessageEventArgs e) { int sid; double qq = 0; List <Native.Csharp.Sdk.Cqp.Model.GroupMemberInfo> mem; Random r = new Random(); string ques = ""; int hIndex = -1; MainThread.MessagePoster.HotMsg hhmsg = new MainThread.MessagePoster.HotMsg(); Log("(" + e.FromGroup.Id + ")Message:" + e.FromQQ.Id + "," + e.Message.Text, ConsoleColor.Cyan); //Artifical Repeater long hothander = 0; MainThread.MessagePoster.HotMsg hmsg = new MainThread.MessagePoster.HotMsg(); for (int i = 0; i <; i++) { hmsg = (MainThread.MessagePoster.HotMsg)[i]; if ( == e.FromGroup.Id) { hhmsg = hmsg; hIndex = i; break; } } string fstr = ""; string estr = ""; string[] qtemp; for (int i = 0; i <; i++) { nexthmsg: if (i >= { break; } hmsg = (MainThread.MessagePoster.HotMsg)[i]; //是否在目标群 if ( == e.FromGroup.Id) { if (hmsg.delaymsg) //延迟复读 { if (hmsg.hasre == false) { Log("(" + e.FromGroup.Id + ")(" + i + ")Delay repeat:" + hmsg.msg, ConsoleColor.Yellow); e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(hmsg.msg); hmsg.delaymsg = false; hmsg.hasre = true; Log("(" + e.FromGroup.Id + ")(" + i + ")Conntinue-repeat:" + hmsg.delaymsg, ConsoleColor.Yellow); } } if (e.Message.Text != hmsg.msg) {; } //如果当前的发言和上句发言不同,上句发言热度-1 //如果当前的发言和上句发言一直,上句发言热度+1 if (e.Message.Text == hmsg.msg) { hothander =; // 不是同一个QQ在刷屏 if (hmsg.qq.IndexOf(e.FromQQ.Id.ToString() + ";") < 0) { Log("(" + e.FromGroup.Id + ")(" + i + ")Heat:" + hmsg.msg + " , hot :" +; hmsg.hasup = true; hmsg.qq = hmsg.qq + e.FromQQ.Id.ToString() + ";"; Log("(" + e.FromGroup.Id + ")(" + i + ")Members:" + hmsg.qq);; if (hIndex > -1) { if ( >= { hhmsg = hmsg; hhmsg.hasup = false;[hIndex] = hhmsg; Log("(" + e.FromGroup.Id + ")(" + i + ")Broke records! :" + hmsg.qq + "," + hmsg.msg, ConsoleColor.Green); } } else { hhmsg = hmsg; hhmsg.hasup = false;; } } else { hmsg.banqq = hmsg.banqq + e.FromQQ.Id.ToString() + ";"; int bancount = GotCount(hmsg.banqq, e.FromQQ.Id.ToString()); Log("(" + e.FromGroup.Id + ")(" + i + ")Boring-repeat:" + e.FromQQ.Id + " x " + bancount, ConsoleColor.Red); if (bancount > 2) { if (e.FromGroup.Id != 490623220) { TimeSpan bantime = new TimeSpan(0, 2, 33); e.FromGroup.SetGroupMemberBanSpeak(Convert.ToInt64(e.FromQQ.Id), bantime); } e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id), "不许刷屏"); Log("(" + e.FromGroup.Id + ")(" + i + ")This human is too too boring:" + e.FromQQ.Id, ConsoleColor.Red); } } } //如果发言冷却,移除 if ( <= -2) { if (hmsg.hasup) { Log("(" + e.FromGroup.Id + ")(" + i + ")Disapper repeat:" + hmsg.msg, ConsoleColor.Red); }; goto nexthmsg; } //发言热度越高,越容易引发复读 if (r.Next(0, 100) > 100 - * 20 * ( / 2)) { hmsg.delaymsg = (r.Next(0, 10) > 6); //设置延迟一回合 hothander =; if (!hmsg.delaymsg) { if (hmsg.hasre == false) { Log("(" + e.FromGroup.Id + ")(" + i + ")Repeat:" + hmsg.msg + ",impossible:" + (100 - * 20 * ( / 2)), ConsoleColor.Yellow); e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(hmsg.msg); hmsg.hasre = true; } } else { Log("(" + e.FromGroup.Id + ")(" + i + ")Delay set:" + hmsg.msg, ConsoleColor.Yellow); } } if (i >= { break; }[i] = hmsg; } } //如果当前发言没有被处理,则加入新热点 if (hothander == 0) { = e.FromGroup.Id; hmsg.msg = e.Message.Text; = 1; hmsg.delaymsg = false; hmsg.qq = e.FromQQ.Id.ToString() + ";"; hmsg.banqq = ""; = DateTime.Now.Ticks; hmsg.hasup = false; hmsg.hasre = false;; } else { if (hIndex > -1) { if ( == { hhmsg = hmsg; hhmsg.hasup = false;[hIndex] = hhmsg; Log("(" + e.FromGroup.Id + ")Stay breaking record ...", ConsoleColor.Green); } } } //Random Topic string tsay = ""; if (e.Message.Text.IndexOf("[CQ:") < 0) { if ((r.Next(0, 100) == 50) || (FailAI == true)) { try { tsay = ArtificalAI.Talk(e.Message.Text, "tieba"); if (tsay == "") { FailAI = true; } else { string[] tsa = tsay.Split('。'); FailAI = false; e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(tsa[r.Next(0, tsa.Length)]); } } catch { FailAI = true; } } } //Lock Processing sid = Manager.LCards.SearchFor(e.FromQQ.Id); if (sid != -1) { Log("Lock target:" + sid, ConsoleColor.Yellow); string tname =[sid + 1].ToString(); if (e.FromQQ.CQApi.GetGroupMemberInfo(e.FromGroup.Id, e.FromQQ.Id, false).Card != tname) { if (e.FromGroup.SetGroupMemberVisitingCard(e.FromQQ.Id, tname)) { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id), "检测到您的群名片与主人设定的群名片不相符,已强制修正为:", tname); } else { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(1361778219), "强制修正目标群员的群名片失败,可能本机没有权限操作。"); } } return; } //Console Processing PermissionName pe = PermissionName.AirPermission; string pename = ""; if (e.Message.Text.StartsWith("intallk")) { sid = Manager.CPms.SearchFor(e.FromQQ.Id); if (e.FromGroup == 490623220) { if (sid == -1) {;; Manager.CPms.SaveData(); e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id), "您已通过此群的特殊地位拿到访问权限:User"); sid = Manager.CPms.SearchFor(e.FromQQ.Id); } } if (sid == -1) { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id), "您没有任何权限,禁止访问Intallk QQ机器人控制台。"); return; } try { pe = (PermissionName)Convert.ToInt64([sid + 1].ToString()); pename = GetPermissionName(pe); string[] p = e.Message.Text.Split(' '); if (p.Length < 2) { string cmdstr = ""; if (CanMatch(e.Message.Text, "msdn", "搜索", "资料", "文档", "国外", "微软", "巨硬", "microsoft")) { cmdstr += "*msdn [content]] 检索msdn并返回页面内容(容易失败)\n"; } if (CanMatch(e.Message.Text, "csdn", "搜索", "资料", "文档", "国内")) { cmdstr += "csdn [content] 检索csdn并返回页面内容(阅读效果不佳)\n"; } if (CanMatch(e.Message.Text, "壁纸", "桌面", "背景", "图片", "风景")) { cmdstr += "wallpaper 获取一张随机桌面壁纸\n"; } if (CanMatch(e.Message.Text, "404", "睡觉", "晚安", "关机", "强制")) { cmdstr += "#forcesleep 强制设定404的电脑在2分钟后关机\n"; } if (CanMatch(e.Message.Text, "管理", "禁言", "违规", "刷屏", "shit")) { cmdstr += "*ban [qq] [time] 设定群成员禁言(分钟)\n"; } if (CanMatch(e.Message.Text, "管理", "禁言", "违规", "刷屏", "shit", "全员", "所有人")) { cmdstr += "*allban [bool] 开关全体禁言\n"; } if (CanMatch(e.Message.Text, "管理", "危险", "祝福", "超级", "问候", "全员", "所有人")) { cmdstr += "#supergoodnight [content] 将所有成员艾特一遍发送指定消息\n"; } if (CanMatch(e.Message.Text, "管理", "危险", "祝福", "超级", "问候", "全员", "所有人")) { cmdstr += "#supergoodnightfancy♂ [content] 将所有成员私聊一遍发送指定消息\n"; } if (CanMatch(e.Message.Text, "管理", "新", "任命", "我要", "提权", "权限", "地位")) { cmdstr += "#manager [qq] 设置新的管理员\n"; } if (CanMatch(e.Message.Text, "管理", "撤", "罢免", "我要", "降权", "权限", "地位")) { cmdstr += "#unmanager [qq] 解除管理员\n"; } if (CanMatch(e.Message.Text, "permission", "令牌", "修改", "系统", "更改", "权限", "地位")) { cmdstr += "!permission [qq] [pid] 设置权限\n"; } if (CanMatch(e.Message.Text, "聊天", "无逻辑", "无聊", "百度", "搜索", "骚")) { cmdstr += "talk [content] 无逻辑谈话(百度贴吧)\n"; } if (CanMatch(e.Message.Text, "聊天", "无逻辑", "无聊", "百度", "搜索", "骚")) { cmdstr += "talk_old [content] 无逻辑谈话(百度知道)\n"; } e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id), "关于黑嘴Intallk稽气人(1.4.6),垃圾臭狗机器人的同义词。\n制作:Error 404(QQ1361778219)\nGithub地址:\nPowered by CoolQ\n\n支持的指令:\n" + "(无标注的指令至少需要User权限,*至少需要Superman权限,#至少需要Master权限,!至少需要Heaven权限)\n" + "***您当前所持权限:" + pename + "(级别:" + Convert.ToInt64(pe) + ")***\n" + "*honor [content] 给予自己永久头衔\n" + "*praise 为自己发送10个赞\n" + "*lockcard [qq] [name] 检测到指定全员名片与设定不符时自动修改\n" + "pop 输出今日本群最热发言\n" + "其他功能:智能复读,刷屏检测,自主发言等。"); return; } switch (p[1]) { case ("pop"): if (hIndex > -1) { qtemp = hhmsg.banqq.Split(';'); for (int i = 0; i < qtemp.Length - 1; i++) { estr = estr + CQApi.CQCode_At(Convert.ToInt64(qtemp[i])); } qtemp = hhmsg.qq.Split(';'); for (int i = 0; i < qtemp.Length - 1; i++) { fstr = fstr + CQApi.CQCode_At(Convert.ToInt64(qtemp[i])); } e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage("截止刚才,本群今日最热发言:\n" + hhmsg.msg + "\n复读发起人:" + CQApi.CQCode_At(Convert.ToInt64(qtemp[0])) + "\n复读热度:" + + "\n该热度发言被这些成员复读过:" + fstr + "\n在该热度发言发起时,这些成员太过激动试图刷屏:" + estr); } else { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage("截止刚才我群今日暂无最热发言。"); } break; case ("msdn"): //msdn searching if (pe < PermissionName.SupermanPermission) { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id), "您当前持有的权限'" + pename + "'(级别" + Convert.ToInt64(pe) + ")不足以访问该指令。"); return; } if (p.Length < 2) { throw new Exception("'" + p[1] + "'所给的参数个数不正确"); } e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id), "该功能正在回炉改造中..."); return; for (int i = 2; i < p.Length; i++) { ques = ques + p[i] + " "; } e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id) + "\n" + ArtificalAI.Talk(ques, "msdn")); break; case ("csdn"): //csdn searching if (pe < PermissionName.UserPermission) { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id), "您当前持有的权限'" + pename + "'(级别" + Convert.ToInt64(pe) + ")不足以访问该指令。"); return; } e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id), "该功能正在回炉改造中..."); return; if (p.Length < 2) { throw new Exception("'" + p[1] + "'所给的参数个数不正确"); } for (int i = 2; i < p.Length; i++) { ques = ques + p[i] + " "; } e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id) + "\n" + ArtificalAI.Talk(ques, "csdn")); break; case ("wallpaper"): if (pe < PermissionName.UserPermission) { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id), "您当前持有的权限'" + pename + "'(级别" + Convert.ToInt64(pe) + ")不足以访问该指令。"); return; } e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id) + "您喜欢这个壁纸吗?\n" + Wallpaper.GetWallpaper()); break; case ("forcesleep"): if (pe < PermissionName.MasterPermission) { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id), "您当前持有的权限'" + pename + "'(级别" + Convert.ToInt64(pe) + ")不足以访问该指令。"); return; } e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(1361778219), " 滚去睡觉吧!"); ShellExecute(IntPtr.Zero, "open", @"shutdown", "-s -t 120", "", ShowCommands.SW_SHOWNORMAL); break; case ("ban"): if (pe < PermissionName.SupermanPermission) { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id), "您当前持有的权限'" + pename + "'(级别" + Convert.ToInt64(pe) + ")不足以访问该指令。"); return; } if (p.Length < 3) { throw new Exception("'" + p[1] + "'所给的参数个数不正确"); } qq = Convert.ToDouble(p[2]); TimeSpan ctime = new TimeSpan(0, Convert.ToInt16(p[3]), 0); if (e.FromGroup.SetGroupMemberBanSpeak(Convert.ToInt64(qq), ctime)) { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id), "禁言目标成员成功。"); } else { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id), "禁言目标成员失败,可能本机没有权限。"); } break; case ("allban"): if (pe < PermissionName.SupermanPermission) { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id), "您当前持有的权限'" + pename + "'(级别" + Convert.ToInt64(pe) + ")不足以访问该指令。"); return; } bool bswitch = Convert.ToBoolean(p[2]); if (bswitch) { if (e.FromGroup.SetGroupBanSpeak()) { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id), "禁言全体成员成功。"); } else { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id), "禁言全体成员失败,可能本机没有权限。"); } } else { e.FromGroup.RemoveGroupBanSpeak(); e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id), "解禁全体成员成功。"); } break; case ("manager"): if (pe < PermissionName.MasterPermission) { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id), "您当前持有的权限'" + pename + "'(级别" + Convert.ToInt64(pe) + ")不足以访问该指令。"); return; } qq = Convert.ToDouble(p[2]); e.FromGroup.SetGroupManage(Convert.ToInt64(qq)); e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(Convert.ToInt64(qq)), "您已被授予管理员。"); break; case ("unmanager"): if (pe < PermissionName.MasterPermission) { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id), "您当前持有的权限'" + pename + "'(级别" + Convert.ToInt64(pe) + ")不足以访问该指令。"); return; } qq = Convert.ToDouble(p[2]); e.FromGroup.RemoveGroupManage(Convert.ToInt64(qq)); e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(Convert.ToInt64(qq)), "您的管理员宝座被移除。"); break; case ("supergoodnightfancy♂"): if (pe < PermissionName.MasterPermission) { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id), "您当前持有的权限'" + pename + "'(级别" + Convert.ToInt64(pe) + ")不足以访问该指令。"); return; } if (p.Length < 2) { throw new Exception("'" + p[1] + "'所给的参数个数不正确"); } mem = e.FromGroup.GetGroupMemberList(); for (int i = 0; i < mem.Count; i++) { mem[i].QQ.SendPrivateMessage(p[2]); Log("Wish:" + i, ConsoleColor.Yellow); //e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(atstr, p[2]); Thread.Sleep(500); } break; case ("supergoodnight"): if (pe < PermissionName.MasterPermission) { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id), "您当前持有的权限'" + pename + "'(级别" + Convert.ToInt64(pe) + ")不足以访问该指令。"); return; } string atstr = ""; if (p.Length < 2) { throw new Exception("'" + p[1] + "'所给的参数个数不正确"); } mem = e.FromGroup.GetGroupMemberList(); for (int i = 0; i < mem.Count; i += 10) { atstr = ""; for (int s = i; s < i + 10; s++) { Log("Wish:" + s, ConsoleColor.Yellow); if (s > mem.Count) { break; } atstr = atstr + CQApi.CQCode_At(mem[s].QQ.Id); } e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(atstr, p[2]); Thread.Sleep(3000); } break; case ("permission"): if (pe < PermissionName.HeavenPermission) { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id), "您当前持有的权限'" + pename + "'(级别" + Convert.ToInt64(pe) + ")不足以访问该指令。"); return; } qq = Convert.ToDouble(p[2]); sid = Manager.CPms.SearchFor(qq); if (sid != -1) {[sid + 1] = p[3]; Manager.CPms.SaveData(); pe = (PermissionName)Convert.ToInt64(p[3]); e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id), "\n" + CQApi.CQCode_At(Convert.ToInt64(qq)) + "的权限已经更新。\n" + "权限:" + GetPermissionName(pe) + "(级别:" + Convert.ToInt64(pe) + ")\n" + "权限编号:" + sid + "\n"); } else {;; Manager.CPms.SaveData(); sid = Manager.CPms.SearchFor(qq); e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id), "成功给予" + CQApi.CQCode_At(Convert.ToInt64(qq)) + "权限!\n" + "权限编号:" + sid); } break; case ("honor"): if (pe < PermissionName.SupermanPermission) { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id), "您当前持有的权限'" + pename + "'(级别" + Convert.ToInt64(pe) + ")不足以访问该指令。"); return; } if (p.Length < 2) { throw new Exception("'" + p[1] + "'所给的参数个数不正确"); } if (e.FromQQ.SetGroupMemberForeverExclusiveTitle(e.FromGroup.Id, p[2]) == false) { throw new Exception("设置您的专属头衔失败,可能没有权限"); } e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id), "设置成功!"); break; case ("praise"): if (pe < PermissionName.SupermanPermission) { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id), "您当前持有的权限'" + pename + "'(级别" + Convert.ToInt64(pe) + ")不足以访问该指令。"); return; } if (e.FromQQ.SendPraise(10) == false) { throw new Exception("点赞失败"); } e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id), "成功为您刷入十个赞"); break; case ("talk"): if (pe < PermissionName.UserPermission) { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id), "您当前持有的权限'" + pename + "'(级别" + Convert.ToInt64(pe) + ")不足以访问该指令。"); return; } if (p.Length < 2) { throw new Exception("'" + p[1] + "'所给的参数个数不正确"); } for (int i = 2; i < p.Length; i++) { ques = ques + p[i] + " "; } tsay = ArtificalAI.Talk(ques, "tieba"); if (tsay != "") { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id) + tsay); } else { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id) + "怀疑超出人类认知范围。"); } break; case ("talk_old"): if (pe < PermissionName.UserPermission) { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id), "您当前持有的权限'" + pename + "'(级别" + Convert.ToInt64(pe) + ")不足以访问该指令。"); return; } if (p.Length < 2) { throw new Exception("'" + p[1] + "'所给的参数个数不正确"); } for (int i = 2; i < p.Length; i++) { ques = ques + p[i] + " "; } tsay = ArtificalAI.Talk(ques, "baidu"); if (tsay != "") { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id) + tsay); } else { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id) + "怀疑超出人类认知范围。"); } break; case ("lockcard"): if (pe < PermissionName.SupermanPermission) { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id), "您当前持有的权限'" + pename + "'(级别" + Convert.ToInt64(pe) + ")不足以访问该指令。"); return; } if (p.Length < 3) { throw new Exception("'" + p[1] + "'所给的参数个数不正确"); } qq = Convert.ToDouble(p[2]); string lname = p[3]; sid = Manager.LCards.SearchFor(qq); if (sid != -1) { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id), CQApi.CQCode_At(Convert.ToInt64(qq)), "目标成员的群名片已经被锁定过了。\n" + "锁定地址:" + sid + "\n上次锁定的名片:" +[sid + 1] + "\n已修改锁定的名片为当前新设定的名片。");[sid + 1] = lname; Manager.LCards.SaveData(); } else {;; Manager.LCards.SaveData(); sid = Manager.LCards.SearchFor(qq); e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id), CQApi.CQCode_At(Convert.ToInt64(qq)), "锁定目标成员的群名片成功!\n" + "锁定地址:" + sid + "\n锁定的名片:" +[sid + 1]); } break; default: e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id), "'" + p[1] + "'不是有效的指令"); break; } } catch (Exception err) { if (e.FromGroup == 490623220) { string[] statemp = err.StackTrace.Split('在'); e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(1361778219), "异常描述:" + err.Message + "\n顶异常堆栈:" + statemp[statemp.Length - 1] + "\n导致异常的指令:" + e.Message.Text); } else { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id), "给予的指令可能错误。\n异常描述:" + err.Message + "\n请联系QQ1361778219取得解决方案"); } } return; } //throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public void Command(CQGroupMessageEventArgs e) { if (!e.Message.Text.StartsWith(".")) { return; } #region Command Text Convert string[] r = e.Message.Text.Split(new string[] { "[CQ:at,qq=" }, StringSplitOptions.None); string re = ""; if (r.Length > 1) { for (int i = 0; i < r[1].Length; i++) { if (r[1][i] == ']') { r[1] = r[1].Remove(i, 1); break; } } re = r[0] + r[1]; } else { re = e.Message.Text; } string[] p = re.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); #endregion #region Command Recording DT.log("intallk-command", e.FromGroup.Id + "\\" + e.FromQQ.Id + ":" + re); #endregion #region Information Command if (p[0] == ".bark" &&, 0)) { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage("汪"); } if (p[0] == ".help") { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(""); } if (p[0] == ".lic") { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(""); } if (p[0] == ".pms") { if (p.Length == 1) { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(DT.pmi(e.FromQQ.Id)); } if (p.Length == 2) { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(DT.pmi(long.Parse(p[1]))); } if (p.Length == 3) { if (DT.pmc(e.FromQQ.Id, long.Parse(p[1]))) { if (int.Parse(p[2]) >= DT.pmi(e.FromQQ.Id)) { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(e.FromQQ.CQCode_At(), "不能给予目标比自身高的权限"); } else { DT.pms["q" + p[1], "permission"] = int.Parse(p[2]); e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(e.FromQQ.CQCode_At(), "成功更新目标权限"); } } else { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(e.FromQQ.CQCode_At(), "您的权限必须高于目标对象"); } } } #endregion #region Repeat Record Command if (p[0] == ".ws" &&, 0)) { if (p.Length == 1) { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage("共" +["count"] + "条语录"); } if (p.Length == 2) { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage("对象共有" +["q" + p[1], "count"] + "条语录"); } } if (p[0] == ".w" &&, 0)) { if (p.Length == 1) { List <DataCenter.DataItem> dl = => != "count"); DataCenter.DataItem d = dl[ran.Next(0, dl.Count)]; e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage( CQApi.CQCode_At(long.Parse(, 1))), ":", d.var.ToString() ); } if (p.Length == 2) { int ind = 0, exc = int.Parse(p[1]); for (int i = 0; i <; i++) { if ([i].name != "count") { ind++; } if (ind == exc) { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage( CQApi.CQCode_At(long.Parse([i].group.Remove(0, 1))), ":",[i].var.ToString() ); } } } } if (p[0] == ".wp" &&, 0)) { if (p.Length == 2) { int index = ran.Next(1, (int)["q" + p[1], "count"] + 1); e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage( CQApi.CQCode_At(long.Parse(p[1])), ":",["q" + p[1], index.ToString()].ToString() ); } if (p.Length == 3) { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage( CQApi.CQCode_At(long.Parse(p[1])), ":",["q" + p[1], p[2]].ToString() ); } } if (p[0] == ".wse" &&, 0)) { if (p.Length == 2) { List <DataCenter.DataItem> dl = => != "count" && m.var.ToString().ToLower().Contains(p[1].ToLower())); DataCenter.DataItem d = dl[ran.Next(0, dl.Count)]; e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage( CQApi.CQCode_At(long.Parse(, 1))), ":", d.var.ToString() ); } if (p.Length == 3) { List <DataCenter.DataItem> dl = => != "count" && == "q" + p[2] && m.var.ToString().ToLower().Contains(p[1].ToLower())); DataCenter.DataItem d = dl[ran.Next(0, dl.Count)]; e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage( CQApi.CQCode_At(long.Parse(, 1))), ":", d.var.ToString() ); } } if (p[0] == ".t" &&, 0)) { string o = ""; foreach (Msg m in mq.FindAll(m => == e.FromGroup.Id)) { if (m.repeaters != "") { string n = ""; foreach (string qqs in m.repeaters.Split(';')) { if (qqs != "") { n += GetGroupCard(long.Parse(qqs), e.FromGroup) + ","; } } o += "(复读者:" + n + ")\n" + m.content + "\n"; } else { o += "(" + GetGroupCard(m.qq, e.FromGroup) + ")\n" + m.content + "\n"; } } o = o.Replace("[CQ:at,", "[艾特,").Replace("[CQ:image,", "[图片,"); o = o.Replace("[CQ:,", "[操作:"); e.FromQQ.SendPrivateMessage(o); e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(e.FromQQ.CQCode_At(), "私聊查收"); } #endregion #region Debug Command if (p[0] == ".or") { string o = ""; for (int i = 0; i < e.Message.Text.Length; i++) { o += e.Message.Text[i] + " "; } e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(o); } if (p[0] == ".fea") { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(re); } if (p[0] == ".cmd") { string o = "param.length = " + p.Length + "\n"; for (int i = 0; i < p.Length; i++) { o += "p[" + i + "] = " + p[i] + "\n"; } e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(o); } if (p[0] == ".elog" &&, 0)) { Exception err = errlog[int.Parse(p[1])]; e.FromQQ.SendPrivateMessage(err.Message); e.FromQQ.SendPrivateMessage(err.StackTrace); e.FromQQ.SendPrivateMessage(err.Source); string o = ""; if (err.Data.Count > 0) { foreach (DictionaryEntry de in err.Data) { o += de.Key.ToString() + ":" + de.Value + "\n"; } } e.FromQQ.SendPrivateMessage(o); e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(e.FromQQ.CQCode_At(), "私聊查收"); } if (p[0] == ".save" &&, 32767)) { DT.pms.Write(); DT.sw.Write();;; e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(e.FromQQ.CQCode_At(), "成功"); } #endregion }
public void GroupMessage(object sender, CQGroupMessageEventArgs e) { int gunInArmoy; int rand; userManager userManager = new userManager("F:\\CoolQAir\\dev\\com.girlsfrontline.demo\\UserInfo.xml"); Filter filter = new Filter("F:\\CoolQAir\\dev\\com.girlsfrontline.demo\\filterRule.xml"); CharacterLoder characterLoder = new CharacterLoder("F:\\CoolQAir\\dev\\com.girlsfrontline.demo\\Guns.xml"); gunInArmoy = characterLoder.NumOfCharacter(); if (e.Message.Text.StartsWith("添加卡牌")) { //添加卡片 姓名 星级 留言 if (Regex.IsMatch(CQApi.CQDeCode(e.Message.Text), @"^\w+\s[a-zA-z0-9()\-[!.\u4E00-\u9FA5]+\s\d\s[a-zA-z0-9()\-[!.\u4E00-\u9FA5]") == false || filter.Wordfilter(e.Message.Text) == false) { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage("加入失败"); return; } string[] info = CQApi.CQDeCode(e.Message.Text).Split(new char[] { ' ' }, options: StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); foreach (string ele in info) { if (ele == null) { return; } } string name = info[1]; string rank = info[2]; string message = info[3]; int ans = characterLoder.AddCard(name, rank, message); if (ans != 0 && filter.Rankfilter(rank)) { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage("加入成功,效能赋值:", ans); } else { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage("加入失败"); } } if (e.Message.Text.Equals("抽卡")) { CharacterRandom characterrandom = new CharacterRandom(); rand = int.Parse(characterrandom.CardSelect(1, gunInArmoy, "F:\\CoolQAir\\dev\\com.girlsfrontline.demo\\Guns.xml")); e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage( "池子存有人形数:", gunInArmoy.ToString(), "\n本次抽取到的人形是:\n", characterLoder.CharacterName(rand), "\n星级:", characterLoder.CharacterRank(rand), "\n", characterLoder.CharacterMsg(rand), "\n战斗效能:", characterLoder.CharacterAttack(rand) );; userManager.AddCardToUser(rand, e.FromQQ.Id.ToString()); } if (e.Message.Text.Equals("读取数据")) { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage("获取:", e.FromGroup.GetGroupMemberInfo(1256893006).Nick ); } if (e.Message.Text == "我的梯队") { DarwinGame darwinGame = new DarwinGame("F:\\CoolQAir\\dev\\com.girlsfrontline.demo\\UserInfo.xml", "F:\\CoolQAir\\dev\\com.girlsfrontline.demo\\Guns.xml"); if (darwinGame.IsPlayer(e.FromQQ.Id.ToString()) == false) { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage("玩家不存在"); return; } StringBuilder ans = new StringBuilder(); IEnumerable <XElement> members = userManager.TeamOfUser(e.FromQQ.Id.ToString()); ans.Append("您的梯队:\n"); foreach (var ele in members) { if (int.Parse(ele.Value) == 0) { ans.Append("N/A"); } else { ans.Append(characterLoder.CharacterName(int.Parse(ele.Value))); ans.Append(' '); ans.Append("等级"); ans.Append(characterLoder.CharacterRank(int.Parse(ele.Value))); ans.Append(' '); ans.Append("战斗效能"); ans.Append(characterLoder.CharacterAttack(int.Parse(ele.Value))); } ans.Append('\n'); } ans.Append("战斗效能总和"); ans.Append(userManager.TeamAttack(e.FromQQ.Id.ToString())); e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(ans); } if (e.Message.Text == "我的卡牌") { StringBuilder ans = new StringBuilder(); IEnumerable <XElement> userinfo = userManager.CardOfUser(e.FromQQ.Id.ToString()); if (userinfo == null || userinfo.Elements().Count() == 0) { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage("您暂无卡牌"); return; } ans.Append("您拥有:\n"); foreach (XElement ele in userinfo) { ans.Append("ID: "); ans.Append(ele.Attribute("id").Value); ans.Append(' '); ans.Append(characterLoder.CharacterName(int.Parse(ele.Attribute("id").Value))); ans.Append(' '); ans.Append("等级"); ans.Append(characterLoder.CharacterRank(int.Parse(ele.Attribute("id").Value))); ans.Append(' '); ans.Append("战斗效能"); ans.Append(characterLoder.CharacterAttack(int.Parse(ele.Attribute("id").Value))); ans.Append(' '); ans.Append("数量"); ans.Append(ele.Element("num").Value); ans.Append("\n"); } e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(ans); } if (e.Message.Text.StartsWith("删除卡牌")) { int start = CQApi.CQDeCode(e.Message.Text).IndexOf(' '); string id = CQApi.CQDeCode(e.Message.Text).Substring(start + 1); int flag = userManager.DeleteCardById(id, e.FromQQ.Id.ToString()); switch (flag) { case 0: e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage("你现在空无一卡"); return; case 1: e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage("你没有这张卡"); return; case 2: e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage("删除成功"); return; } } if (e.Message.Text.StartsWith("发起对战")) { GroupMemberInfo playerinfo = e.FromGroup.GetGroupMemberInfo(e.FromQQ.Id); string playername = playerinfo.Nick; DarwinGame darwinGame = new DarwinGame("F:\\CoolQAir\\dev\\com.girlsfrontline.demo\\UserInfo.xml", "F:\\CoolQAir\\dev\\com.girlsfrontline.demo\\Guns.xml"); string rivalqq = "N/A"; foreach (var cqcode in e.Message.CQCodes.FindAll(c => c.Function == CQFunction.At)) { foreach (var item in cqcode.Items) { rivalqq = item.Value; } } if (rivalqq == "N/A") { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage("请重新@你的对手"); return; } //GroupMemberInfo rivalinfo = e.FromGroup.GetGroupMemberInfo(long.Parse(rivalqq)); GroupMemberInfo rivalinfo = e.FromGroup.GetGroupMemberInfo(long.Parse(rivalqq)); string rivalname = rivalinfo.Nick; if (darwinGame.IsPlayer(e.FromQQ.Id.ToString()) == false || darwinGame.IsPlayer(rivalqq) == false || e.FromQQ.Id.ToString() == rivalqq || CQApi.CQCode_At(e.CQApi.GetLoginQQ()).ToString() == rivalqq) { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage("对战不成立"); return; } e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(playername, "与" + rivalname, "开始对战!"); int result = darwinGame.fight(e.FromQQ.Id.ToString(), rivalqq); if (result == 3) { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage("平局"); } else if (result == 1) { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(playername, "获胜"); } else if (result == 2) { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(rivalname, "获胜"); } } if (e.Message.Text.StartsWith("设置梯队")) { int[] id = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; char[] space = { ' ' }; string[] res = e.Message.Text.Split(space, options: StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (res.Length > 6) { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage("最多只能容许5个成员"); return; } for (int i = 1; i < res.Length; i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < res.Length; j++) { if (res[i] == res[j]) { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage("一个队伍中不能有重复角色"); return; } } } for (int i = 1; i < res.Length; i++) { id[i - 1] = int.Parse(res[i]); } foreach (var item in id) { if (item < 0 || item > characterLoder.NumOfCharacter()) { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage("存在非法id"); return; } } DarwinGame darwinGame = new DarwinGame("F:\\CoolQAir\\dev\\com.girlsfrontline.demo\\UserInfo.xml", "F:\\CoolQAir\\dev\\com.girlsfrontline.demo\\Guns.xml"); switch (darwinGame.SetMemder(e.FromQQ.Id.ToString(), id)) { case 0: e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage("玩家不存在"); return; case 1: e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage("设置的卡牌中有不存在的卡牌"); return; case 2: StringBuilder ans = new StringBuilder(); ans.Append("设置完毕,当前战斗效能"); ans.Append(userManager.TeamAttack(e.FromQQ.Id.ToString())); e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(ans); return; } } if (e.Message.Text.Contains(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.CQApi.GetLoginQQ()).ToString())) { e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage("使用格式:\n" + "[抽卡] 抽取一张卡片\n" + "[添加卡片 名称 星级 留言]将卡片放入池子\n" + "例如:\n" + "添加卡片 绍沙 4 绍沙M1915,向您报到。\n" + "星级范围2-5\n" + "[我的卡牌] 查看拥有的卡牌\n" + "[删除卡牌 id]删除卡片\n" + "例如:删除卡牌 抽卡机\n" + "[发起对战 @某人]向某人发起对战\n" + "[设置梯队 id id id id id]设置一个梯队\n" + "[我的梯队]查看自己的梯队"); } }
public static void GuildBattleResponse(object Sender, CQGroupMessageEventArgs GBattleEventArgs, PCRGuildCmdType commandType) //功能响应 { if (GBattleEventArgs == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(GBattleEventArgs)); } Group qqGroup = GBattleEventArgs.FromGroup; QQ senderQQ = GBattleEventArgs.FromQQ; GroupMemberInfo memberInfo = GBattleEventArgs.CQApi.GetGroupMemberInfo(qqGroup.Id, senderQQ.Id); //index=0为命令本身,其余为参数 string[] commandArgs = GBattleEventArgs.Message.Text.Split(' '); //数据库实例 GuildBattleMgrDBHelper guildBattleDB = new GuildBattleMgrDBHelper(Sender, GBattleEventArgs); //查找是否存在这个公会 if (!guildBattleDB.GuildExists()) { ConsoleLog.Debug("GuildExists", "guild not found"); qqGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(senderQQ.Id), "\r\n此群未被登记为公会", "\r\n请使用以下指令创建公会", $"\r\n{PCRGuildHandle.GetCommandHelp(commandType)}"); return; } //TODO 自动更新boss数据 switch (commandType) { case PCRGuildCmdType.BattleStart: //检查执行者权限 if (memberInfo.MemberType == QQGroupMemberType.Member) { //执行者为普通群员时拒绝执行指令 qqGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(senderQQ.Id), "此指令只允许管理者执行"); ConsoleLog.Warning($"会战[群:{qqGroup.Id}]", $"群成员{memberInfo.Nick}正在尝试执行指令{commandType}"); return; } ConsoleLog.Info($"会战[群:{qqGroup.Id}]", $"开始处理指令{commandType}"); int result = guildBattleDB.StartBattle(); //判断返回值 switch (result) { case -1: //已经执行过开始命令 qqGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(senderQQ.Id), "\r\n出刀统计已经开始了嗷", "\r\n请检查是否未结束上期会战的出刀统计"); break; case 0: qqGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_AtAll(), "\r\n新的一期会战开始啦!"); break; default: qqGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(senderQQ.Id), "\r\nERROR", "\r\n遇到未知错误,请联系当前机器人维护者"); break; } break; default: throw new NotImplementedException(); } }
/// <summary> /// 数据库发生错误时的消息提示 /// </summary> public static void DatabaseFailedTips(CQGroupMessageEventArgs groupEventArgs) { groupEventArgs.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(groupEventArgs.FromQQ.Id), "\r\nERROR", "\r\n数据库错误"); }
/// <summary> /// 得到未知指令时的响应 /// </summary> /// <param name="e">CQGroupMessageEventArgs</param> public static void GetUnknowCommand(CQGroupMessageEventArgs e) { ConsoleLog.Warning("PCR公会管理", "未知指令"); e.FromGroup.SendGroupMessage(CQApi.CQCode_At(e.FromQQ.Id), "\n未知指令"); }
/// <summary> /// 获取酷Q "At某人" 代码 /// </summary> /// <returns>返回 <see cref="CQCode"/> 对象</returns> public CQCode CQCode_At() { return(CQApi.CQCode_At(this)); }
/// <summary> /// 初始化特殊关键词 /// </summary> public static void SpecialKeywordsInit(CQApi cqApi) { Keywords.Add("查询排名", KeywordCmdType.PCRTools_GetGuildRank); Keywords.Add(CQApi.CQCode_At(cqApi.GetLoginQQ().Id).ToString(), KeywordCmdType.At_Bot); }
/// <summary> /// 将消息中的东西替换为CQ码 /// </summary> /// <param name="message">原始消息</param> /// <returns></returns> public static string Start(ReceiveMessage message) { string result = string.Empty; string msg = message.CurrentPacket.Data.Content; switch (message.CurrentPacket.Data.MsgType) { case "TempSessionMsg": if (msg.Contains("图片")) { var c = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <PicMessage>(msg).FriendPic; foreach (var item in c) { result += MakeCQImage(item); } } else { result = JObject.Parse(msg)["Content"].ToString(); } break; case "AtMsg": { //at消息主要将消息中的at消息转变为CQ码 //而@人名 中的人名格式可能会不同,不能直接用群名片替换,所以要从群成员列表寻找这个人 //按备注->群名片->昵称的顺序,替换可能出现的名称 TextMessage textMessage = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <TextMessage>(msg); result = textMessage.Content; //从缓存寻找这个群 GroupMemberList ls = MemberSave.Find(x => x.GroupUin == message.CurrentPacket.Data.FromGroupId); if (ls == null) //未在缓存找到,将这个群加入缓存 { ls = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <GroupMemberList>( WebAPI.GetGroupMemberList(message.CurrentPacket.Data.FromGroupId)); MemberSave.Add(ls); } foreach (var item in textMessage.UserID) { GroupMemberList.Memberlist mem = ls.MemberList.Where(x => x.MemberUin == item).First(); foreach (var pro in mem.GetType().GetProperties()) { //将空文本变成null,方便后续??运算符 try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pro.GetValue(mem).ToString())) { pro.SetValue(mem, null); } } catch (NullReferenceException e) { pro.SetValue(mem, null); //如果是null则会跳至catch块 } } string originStr = "@" + (mem.AutoRemark ?? mem.GroupCard ?? mem.NickName); result = result.Replace(originStr, CQApi.CQCode_At(item).ToSendString()); } break; } case "TextMsg": result = msg; break; case "PicMsg": { //图片消息是将图片消息的信息配置进image文件夹下的以MD5为名称的cqimg文件内 PicMessage picMessage = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <PicMessage>(message.CurrentPacket.Data.Content); if (!Directory.Exists("data\\image")) { Directory.CreateDirectory("data\\image"); } result = picMessage.Content; if (picMessage.GroupPic != null) //是群图片消息 { foreach (var item in picMessage.GroupPic) { result += MakeCQImage(item); } } else //是好友图片消息 { foreach (var item in picMessage.FriendPic) { result += MakeCQImage(item); } } break; } case "VoiceMsg": { if (!Directory.Exists("data\\record\\")) { Directory.CreateDirectory("data\\record\\"); } JObject json = JObject.Parse(msg); string url = json["Url"].ToString(); string MD5 = GenerateMD5(url); string path = "data\\record\\" + MD5 + ".silk"; if (!File.Exists(path)) { IniConfig ini = new IniConfig(path); ini.Object.Add(new ISection("record")); ini.Object["record"]["url"] = url; ini.Save(); } result = CQApi.CQCode_Record(MD5 + ".silk").ToString(); break; } case "RedBagMsg": { string title = JObject.Parse(msg)["Content"]?.ToString(); result = $"[CQ:hb,title={title}]"; break; } case "XmlMsg": { result = JObject.Parse(msg)["Content"].ToString(); var xml = new XmlDocument(); int index = result.IndexOf("</msg>"); result = result.Substring(0, index + "</msg>".Length); xml.LoadXml(result); var root = xml.FirstChild.NextSibling; foreach (XmlAttribute item in root.Attributes) { if (item.Name == "actionData" && item.Value.Contains("group:")) { result = $"[CQ:contact,id={item.Value.Replace("group:", "")},type=group]"; break; } else if (item.Name == "actionData" && item.Value.Contains("AppCmd://OpenContactInfo/?uin")) { result = $"[CQ:contact,id={item.Value.Replace("AppCmd://OpenContactInfo/?uin=", "")},type=qq]"; break; } else if (item.Name == "url" && item.Value.Contains("")) { int musicid = Convert.ToInt32(Regex.Replace(item.Value, "https:\\/\\/\\/m/song\\/([0-9]*)\\/\\?userid=([0-9]*)", "$1")); int userid = Convert.ToInt32(Regex.Replace(item.Value, "https:\\/\\/\\/m/song\\/([0-9]*)\\/\\?userid=([0-9]*)", "$2")); result = $"[CQ:music,type=163,id={musicid},userid={userid}]"; break; } } if (!result.StartsWith("[CQ:")) { result = $"[CQ:rich,content={result.Replace("\n","").Replace("\r","")}]"; } break; } case "JsonMsg": { result = JObject.Parse(msg)["Content"].ToString(); result = result.Substring(result.IndexOf("{\"app\":\"")); var json = JObject.Parse(result); if (json["meta"]["music"] != null) { var musicroot = json["meta"]["music"]; int musicid = Convert.ToInt32(Regex.Replace(musicroot["jumpUrl"].ToString(), "https:\\/\\/\\/m/song\\/([0-9]*)\\/\\?userid=([0-9]*)", "$1")); int userid = Convert.ToInt32(Regex.Replace(musicroot["jumpUrl"].ToString(), "https:\\/\\/\\/m/song\\/([0-9]*)\\/\\?userid=([0-9]*)", "$2")); result = $"[CQ:music,type=163,id={musicid},userid={userid},title={musicroot["title"]},desc={musicroot["desc"]}]"; } else { result = $"[CQ:rich,title={json["prompt"]}]"; } break; } } result = Regex.Replace(result, "\\[表情(\\d*)\\]", "[CQ:face,id=$1]"); //处理QQ表情信息 //处理emoji消息 foreach (var a in result) { //UTF-8下,大部分的emoji都是以\ud83d开头 if (a == '\ud83d' && result.IndexOf(a) != result.Length - 1) { //取这个emoji string str = a.ToString() + result[result.IndexOf(a) + 1].ToString(); UTF32Encoding enc = new UTF32Encoding(true, false); byte[] bytes = enc.GetBytes(str); //转换字节数组 //使用BitConvert将字节数组转换为16进制,之后转换为10进制即可 result = result.Replace(str, CQApi.CQCode_Emoji(Convert.ToInt32(BitConverter.ToString(bytes).Replace("-", ""), 16)) .ToString()); break; } } return(result); }
/// <summary> /// 获取酷Q "At某人" 代码 /// </summary> /// <returns>返回 <see cref="CQCode"/> 对象</returns> public CQCode CQCode_At() { return(CQApi.CQCode_At((long)this)); }
/// <summary> /// 获取周榜文本 /// </summary> /// <param name="cn"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static StringBuilder GetWeekRankText(SQLiteConnection cn, CQGroupMessageEventArgs e) { long groupid = e.FromGroup.Id; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine($"----抽卡周榜({GetLastSunday().AddDays(-6):yyyy-M-d} - {GetLastSunday():yyyy-M-d})----"); SQLiteCommand cmd = new SQLiteCommand(GetQueryStr("count(*)", $"fromgroup={groupid}"), cn); SQLiteDataReader sr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); sr.Read(); int count = sr.GetInt32(0); sb.AppendLine($"上周本群共抽卡:{count}次 共消耗水晶:{count * 280} 大约为大伟哥捐了{count * 280 / 7640 + 1}个648"); cmd = new SQLiteCommand(GetQueryStr("count(*)", $"fromgroup={groupid} and type='Weapon' and quality=2"), cn); sr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); sr.Read(); sb.AppendLine($"抽到了四星武器:{sr.GetInt32(0)}个"); cmd = new SQLiteCommand(GetQueryStr("count(*)", $"fromgroup={groupid} and type='Stigmata' and quality=2"), cn); sr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); sr.Read(); sb.AppendLine($"抽到了四星圣痕:{sr.GetInt32(0)}个"); cmd = new SQLiteCommand(GetQueryStr("count(*)", $"fromgroup={groupid} and type='Character' and class_='S'"), cn); sr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); sr.Read(); sb.AppendLine($"抽到了S角色:{sr.GetInt32(0)}个"); cmd = new SQLiteCommand(GetQueryStr("count(*)", $"fromgroup={groupid} and type='Character' and class_='A'"), cn); sr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); sr.Read(); sb.AppendLine($"抽到了A角色:{sr.GetInt32(0)}个"); cmd = new SQLiteCommand(GetQueryStr("count(qq),qq", $"fromgroup={groupid}", "group by qq order by count(qq) desc"), cn); sr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); sr.Read(); var temp = e.FromGroup.GetGroupMemberInfo(sr.GetInt64(1)); string name = temp.Card == "" ? temp.Nick : temp.Card; sb.AppendLine($"抽卡次数最多的是:{name} 一共抽了{sr.GetInt32(0)}次 共花费了{sr.GetInt32(0) * 280}水晶"); List <Member> ls = new List <Member>(); cmd = new SQLiteCommand(GetQueryStr("count(qq),qq", $"fromgroup={groupid} and (quality=2 or class_='S')", "group by qq"), cn); sr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (sr.Read()) { Member member = new Member() { qqid = sr.GetInt64(1), purple_count = sr.GetInt32(0) }; ls.Add(member); } cmd = new SQLiteCommand(GetQueryStr("count(*),qq", $"fromgroup={groupid}", "group by qq"), cn); sr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (sr.Read()) { foreach (var item in ls) { if (item.qqid == sr.GetInt64(1)) { item.gacha_count = sr.GetInt32(0); } } } ls.OrderByDescending(x => x.purple_count / (double)x.gacha_count); sb.AppendLine($"最欧的是:{CQApi.CQCode_At(ls[0].qqid).ToSendString()} 综合出货率为{(ls[0].purple_count / (double)ls[0].gacha_count * 100):0.000}%"); return(sb); }
public static void Poster() { posthead: //Hot Poster string fstr = ""; string estr = ""; string[] qtemp; Native.Csharp.Sdk.Cqp.Model.Group g; HotMsg hhmsg = new HotMsg(); for (int s = 0; s <; s++) { hhmsg = (HotMsg)[s]; if (DateTime.Now.Hour >= 22 && hhmsg.hasup == false) { Log("Annouce:" +, ConsoleColor.Green); qtemp = hhmsg.banqq.Split(';'); for (int i = 0; i < qtemp.Length - 1; i++) { estr = estr + CQApi.CQCode_At(Convert.ToInt64(qtemp[i])); } qtemp = hhmsg.qq.Split(';'); for (int i = 0; i < qtemp.Length - 1; i++) { fstr = fstr + CQApi.CQCode_At(Convert.ToInt64(qtemp[i])); } hhmsg.hasup = true; g = new Native.Csharp.Sdk.Cqp.Model.Group(pCQ, Convert.ToInt64(; g.SendGroupMessage("截止刚才,本群今日最热发言:\n" + hhmsg.msg + "\n复读发起人:" + CQApi.CQCode_At(Convert.ToInt64(qtemp[0])) + "\n复读热度:" + + "\n该热度发言被这些成员复读过:" + fstr + "\n在该热度发言发起时,这些成员太过激动试图刷屏:" + estr);[s] = hhmsg; } } //Homework network string f = "0"; if (File.Exists("D:\\DataArrange\\homeworklock.bin")) { f = File.ReadAllText("D:\\DataArrange\\homeworklock.bin", Encoding.UTF8); } if (Convert.ToInt64(f) == 1) { Log("New homework recevied !", ConsoleColor.Green); f = File.ReadAllText("D:\\DataArrange\\homework.bin", Encoding.UTF8); g = new Native.Csharp.Sdk.Cqp.Model.Group(pCQ, 817755769); g.SendGroupMessage("[今日作业推送消息]\n" + f + "\n————来自黑嘴稽气人的自动推送"); File.WriteAllText("D:\\DataArrange\\homeworklock.bin", "0"); } f = ""; if (File.Exists("D:\\DataArrange\\announcer.bin")) { f = File.ReadAllText("D:\\DataArrange\\announcer.bin", Encoding.UTF8); } if (f != "") { Log("Announce:" + f, ConsoleColor.Green); string[] p = f.Split('\\'); long gr = 0; if (p[0] == "class") { gr = 817755769; } if (p[0] == "inter") { gr = 554272507; } g = new Native.Csharp.Sdk.Cqp.Model.Group(pCQ, gr); switch (p[1]) { case ("hlesson"): f = "今天上午的网课出炉啦~\n地址:{url}\n往期网课精彩回顾: ".Replace("{url}", p[2]); break; case ("lesson"): f = "今天全天的网课出炉啦~\n地址:{url}\n往期网课精彩回顾: ".Replace("{url}", p[2]); break; case ("default"): f = p[2]; break; default: Log("Unkown announce .", ConsoleColor.Red); return; } g.SendGroupMessage("[通知]\n" + f + "\n————来自黑嘴稽气人的自动推送"); File.WriteAllText("D:\\DataArrange\\announcer.bin", ""); } Thread.Sleep(1000); goto posthead; }