protected void ShowInitInfo(string ID) { try { string sql = " SELECT * FROM vBudget_Todo_List WHERE id='" + common.SafeString(ID) + "' order by id"; DataTable DT = new DataTable(); DT = pageControl.doSql(sql).Tables[0]; if (DT.Rows.Count > 0) { //预算名称 LB_Name.Text = DT.Rows[0]["BudgetName"].ToString(); //项目负责人 //LB_Managers.Text = DT.Rows[0]["ManagerIds"].ToString(); //审批人 LB_Approver.Text = DT.Rows[0]["Approver"].ToString(); //预算经费编号 LB_BudgetCode.Text = DT.Rows[0]["Code"].ToString(); //预算经费 LB_LimitNumbers.Text = DT.Rows[0]["Balance"].ToString(); //总余额 LB_YEBalance.Text = DT.Rows[0]["KYBalance"].ToString(); //预算开始时间 LB_StartTime.Text = DT.Rows[0]["StartTime"].ToString(); //预算结束时间 LB_EndTime.Text = DT.Rows[0]["EndTime"].ToString(); //项目负责人 LB_Managers.Text = userExt.GetUserRealNamesByIds(DT.Rows[0]["ManagerIds"].ToString(), ','); //所属部门 LB_Department.Text = userGroupExt.GetGroupNamesByIds(DT.Rows[0]["DepartmentIds"].ToString()); //所属专项资金 //LB_SpecialFundsName.Text = DT.Rows[0]["SpecialFundsName"].ToString(); //所属帐户 //LB_AccountName.Text = DT.Rows[0]["AccountName"].ToString(); //所属预算报告 //LB_SFOrderName.Text = "<a href='" + DT.Rows[0]["BudgetList"].ToString() + "' target='_blank'>" + DT.Rows[0]["SFOrderName"].ToString() + "</a>"; //LB_Info.Text = " 可用金额调整情况:<br>" + DT.Rows[0]["TEMP0"].ToString(); //DList_YSJE.DataSource = DT; //DList_YSJE.DataBind(); //DList_YSJE.RepeatColumns = DT.Rows.Count; //DList_KYJE.DataSource = DT; //DList_KYJE.DataBind(); //DList_KYJE.RepeatColumns = DT.Rows.Count; //DList_DQYE.DataSource = DT; //DList_DQYE.DataBind(); //DList_DQYE.RepeatColumns = DT.Rows.Count; } else { LB_MSG.Text = "暂无该待办预算的相关信息!"; } } catch (Exception e) { } }
protected void btnApply_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string id = ((LinkButton)sender).CommandArgument.ToString(); string strSQL = "SELECT LeaderID From Project_Projects Where ID=" + common.SafeString(id); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt = pageControl.doSql(strSQL).Tables[0]; if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { string LeaderID = dt.Rows[0]["LeaderID"].ToString(); if (LeaderID == ((Model.USER_Users)Session["USER_Users"]).ID) { Response.Redirect("/Admin/personalProjectManage/OAapply/add.aspx?apply=true"); } } strSQL = "Select UserID From Project_UserList Where Status=1 and ProjectID=" + common.SafeString(id); dt = new DataTable(); dt = pageControl.doSql(strSQL).Tables[0]; if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { if ((dt.Select("UserID='" + ((Model.USER_Users)Session["USER_Users"]).ID + "'")).Length > 0) { Response.Redirect("/Admin/personalProjectManage/OAapply/add.aspx?apply=true"); } } string coutws = "<script language=\"javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\">alert(\"您没有相应的权限!现在进入部门首页面\"); location.href = \"department_Index.aspx" + "\";</script>"; Response.Write(coutws); }
//清空当前项目ID protected void DelUser(string ProjectId) { try { string strsql = "Delete from Personal_Plan_Limits where userid ='" + common.SafeString(ProjectId) + "'"; pagedosql.doSql(strsql); } catch (Exception) { } }
//清空当前项目ID protected void DelUser(string ProjectId) { try { string strsql = "Delete from Project_userList where projectID ='" + common.SafeString(ProjectId) + "'"; pagedosql.doSql(strsql); } catch (Exception) { } }
protected void ShowInitInfo(string ID) { try { string sql = " SELECT * FROM vCash_CardsDetail WHERE CardID='" + common.SafeString(ID) + "' order by id"; DataTable DT = new DataTable(); DT = pageControl.doSql(sql).Tables[0]; if (DT.Rows.Count > 0) { //资金卡名称 LB_Name.Text = DT.Rows[0]["CardName"].ToString(); //所属项目 LB_Project.Text = DT.Rows[0]["ProjectName"].ToString(); //持卡人 LB_Holder.Text = DT.Rows[0]["HolderRealName"].ToString(); //审批人 LB_Checker.Text = DT.Rows[0]["CheckRealName"].ToString(); //资金卡编号 LB_CardNum.Text = DT.Rows[0]["CardNum"].ToString(); //所属专项资金 LB_SpecialFundsName.Text = DT.Rows[0]["SpecialFundsName"].ToString(); //所属帐户 LB_AccountName.Text = DT.Rows[0]["AccountName"].ToString(); //所属预算报告 LB_SFOrderName.Text = "<a href='" + DT.Rows[0]["BudgetList"].ToString() + "' target='_blank'>" + DT.Rows[0]["SFOrderName"].ToString() + "</a>"; LB_Info.Text = " 可用金额调整情况:<br>" + DT.Rows[0]["TEMP0"].ToString(); DList_YSJE.DataSource = DT; DList_YSJE.DataBind(); DList_YSJE.RepeatColumns = DT.Rows.Count; DList_KYJE.DataSource = DT; DList_KYJE.DataBind(); DList_KYJE.RepeatColumns = DT.Rows.Count; DList_DQYE.DataSource = DT; DList_DQYE.DataBind(); DList_DQYE.RepeatColumns = DT.Rows.Count; } else { LB_MSG.Text = "暂无该资金卡的相关信息!"; } } catch { } }
protected void ShowInitInfo(string ID) { try { string sql = " SELECT * FROM vBudget_Department_List WHERE id='" + common.SafeString(ID) + "' order by id"; DataTable DT = new DataTable(); DT = pageControl.doSql(sql).Tables[0]; if (DT.Rows.Count > 0) { //预算名称 LB_Name.Text = DT.Rows[0]["BudgetName"].ToString(); //所属项目 LB_ParentBudget.Text = DT.Rows[0]["ParentBudgetName"].ToString(); //项目负责人 LB_Managers.Text = DT.Rows[0]["ManagerIds"].ToString(); //审批人 LB_Approver.Text = DT.Rows[0]["Approver"].ToString(); //预算经费编号 LB_BudgetCode.Text = DT.Rows[0]["Code"].ToString(); //预算经费 LB_LimitNumbers.Text = DT.Rows[0]["Balance"].ToString(); //总余额 LB_YEBalance.Text = DT.Rows[0]["KYBalance"].ToString(); //预算开始时间 LB_StartTime.Text = DT.Rows[0]["StartTime"].ToString(); //预算结束时间 LB_EndTime.Text = DT.Rows[0]["EndTime"].ToString(); //项目负责人 LB_Managers.Text = userExt.GetUserRealNamesByIds(DT.Rows[0]["ManagerIds"].ToString(), ','); //所属部门 //LB_Department.Text = userGroupExt.GetGroupNamesByIds(DT.Rows[0]["DepartmentIds"].ToString()); } else { LB_MSG.Text = "暂无该预算的相关信息!"; } } catch (Exception e) { } }
/// <summary> /// 资金卡 /// </summary> public void Show_DDList_Cards() { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); string strSQL = "select cast(ID as varchar(10))+'|'+cast(AccountID as varchar(10)) ID, CardName from vCash_Cards where Statas='使用中' and CardholderID='" + common.SafeString(UserID) + "' and AccountSTATUS=1"; dt = pagecontrol.doSql(strSQL).Tables[0]; if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { DDList_Cards.DataSource = dt; DDList_Cards.DataTextField = "CardName"; DDList_Cards.DataValueField = "ID"; DDList_Cards.DataBind(); } }
protected void BindData() { try { string sqlAll = " select a.CardID,a.CardName as CardName , a.HolderRealName , "; sqlAll += " (max(case a.DetailName when '劳务费' then a.Balance else 0 end)+ "; sqlAll += " max(case a.DetailName when '餐费' then a.Balance else 0 end)+ "; sqlAll += " max(case a.DetailName when '资料费' then a.Balance else 0 end)+ "; sqlAll += " max(case a.DetailName when '会务费' then a.Balance else 0 end)+ "; sqlAll += " max(case a.DetailName when '交通费' then a.Balance else 0 end)+ "; sqlAll += " max(case a.DetailName when '其他' then a.Balance else 0 end)) as BalanceAll , "; sqlAll += " (max(case a.DetailName when '劳务费' then a.Oldbalance else 0 end)+ "; sqlAll += " max(case a.DetailName when '餐费' then a.Oldbalance else 0 end)+ "; sqlAll += " max(case a.DetailName when '资料费' then a.Oldbalance else 0 end)+ "; sqlAll += " max(case a.DetailName when '会务费' then a.Oldbalance else 0 end)+ "; sqlAll += " max(case a.DetailName when '交通费' then a.Oldbalance else 0 end)+ "; sqlAll += " max(case a.DetailName when '其他' then a.Oldbalance else 0 end)) as OldbalanceAll "; sqlAll += " from vCash_CardsDetail as a "; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(snm)) { sqlAll += " where a.CardName like '%" + snm + "%' "; } sqlAll += " group by CardID,CardName,HolderRealName "; sqlAll += " order by CardID desc "; string sTable = " ( "; sTable += " select a.CardID,a.CardName as CardName , a.HolderRealName , "; sTable += " (max(case a.DetailName when '劳务费' then a.Balance else 0 end)+ "; sTable += " max(case a.DetailName when '餐费' then a.Balance else 0 end)+ "; sTable += " max(case a.DetailName when '资料费' then a.Balance else 0 end)+ "; sTable += " max(case a.DetailName when '会务费' then a.Balance else 0 end)+ "; sTable += " max(case a.DetailName when '交通费' then a.Balance else 0 end)+ "; sTable += " max(case a.DetailName when '其他' then a.Balance else 0 end)) as BalanceAll , "; sTable += " (max(case a.DetailName when '劳务费' then a.Oldbalance else 0 end)+ "; sTable += " max(case a.DetailName when '餐费' then a.Oldbalance else 0 end)+ "; sTable += " max(case a.DetailName when '资料费' then a.Oldbalance else 0 end)+ "; sTable += " max(case a.DetailName when '会务费' then a.Oldbalance else 0 end)+ "; sTable += " max(case a.DetailName when '交通费' then a.Oldbalance else 0 end)+ "; sTable += " max(case a.DetailName when '其他' then a.Oldbalance else 0 end)) as OldbalanceAll "; sTable += " from vCash_CardsDetail as a"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(snm)) { sTable += " where a.CardName like '%" + common.SafeString(snm) + "%' "; } sTable += " group by CardID,CardName,HolderRealName "; sTable += " ) "; string swhere = " 1=1 "; DataTable DT = new DataTable(); DT = GetDatePaging(pageSize, int.Parse(nowPaging), sTable, "*", "CardID", swhere, "", "", "CardID desc"); this.GridView2.DataSource = DT; this.GridView2.DataBind(); ShowPaging(sqlAll); } catch { } }
/// <summary> /// 加载所属项目列表(对于上传预算报告来说,所属项目只能是“我负责的项目”和“我创建的项目”) /// </summary> protected void ShowProjectList(string userid) { try { DataTable DT = new DataTable(); //我负责的项目与我创建的项目(SendUserID=userid表示我创建的,LeaderID=userid表示我负责的) string sql1 = " SELECT * FROM vProject_Projects WHERE (SendUserID='" + common.SafeString(userid) + "' OR LeaderID='" + common.SafeString(userid) + "') and DELFLAG=0 and (Status=1 or Status=3)"; DT = pageControl.doSql(sql1).Tables[0]; if (DT.Rows.Count > 0) { DDL_Project.DataSource = DT; DDL_Project.DataValueField = "ID"; DDL_Project.DataTextField = "NAMES"; DDL_Project.DataBind(); } else { ListItem li = new ListItem("-暂无可选项目-", ""); DDL_Project.Items.Add(li); } } catch { } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string urls = Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.ToString(); if (urls.Contains("isshownews=1")) { if (!IsPostBack) { string id = Request["id"].ToString(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(id)) { this.Label_NAME.Text = "信息已经被删除!"; return; } DataTable dt = new DataTable(); string strSQL = "Select ID From News_News WHERE DELFLAG=0 and ID=" + common.SafeString(id); dt = pageControl.doSql(strSQL).Tables[0]; if (dt.Rows.Count < 1) { this.Label_NAME.Text = "信息已经被删除!"; return; } BindData(id); UpdateData(id); } } else { urls = urls + "&isshownews=1"; Response.Redirect(urls); } }
protected void ShowInitInfo(string ID) { try { string sql = " SELECT BudgetName,Code FROM vBudget_Department_List WHERE parentId='" + common.SafeString(ID) + "' order by id"; DataTable DT = new DataTable(); DT = pageControl.doSql(sql).Tables[0]; if (DT.Rows.Count > 0) { //预算名称 LB_Name.Text = DT.Rows[0]["BudgetName"].ToString(); //预算经费编号 LB_BudgetCode.Text = DT.Rows[0]["Code"].ToString(); } else { //LB_MSG.Text = "暂无该父项目经费明细的相关信息!"; } } catch (Exception e) { } }
private void GetddlProjectID() { try { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); //string strSQL = "Select distinct(ProjectID),ProjectName From vProject_UserList Where ProjectID=" + _projectid; string strSQL = "Select distinct(ID) as ProjectID,NAMES as ProjectName From Project_Projects Where ID=" + common.SafeString(_projectid); dt = pageControl.doSql(strSQL).Tables[0]; if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { this.ddlProjectID.DataSource = dt; this.ddlProjectID.DataTextField = "ProjectName"; this.ddlProjectID.DataValueField = "ProjectID"; this.ddlProjectID.DataBind(); Button_sumbit.Enabled = true; } else { Button_sumbit.Enabled = false; } } catch { Button_sumbit.Enabled = false; } }
/// <summary> /// 点击确定触发事件 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void Button_sumbit_onclick(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { //项目ID string projectid = common.cleanXSS(Request["ID"]); project_model = project_bll.GetModel(int.Parse(projectid.ToString())); Model.USER_Users user_model = (Model.USER_Users)Session["USER_Users"]; string checkvalue = RadioButtonList_Check.SelectedValue.ToString(); string flag = ""; string urls = ""; //接受审核通过和不通过的地址:审核通过,到项目文档中,审核不通过到只做提示 if (checkvalue.Equals("1")) //表示审核通过 { flag = "审核通过"; //预算表单的审核状态 project_model.TEMP1 = "1"; //如果审核通过将上传的预算表单保存到项目的目录中 string sql = "SELECT ID FROM Document_Folder WHERE (ProjectID = '" + common.SafeString(projectid) + "') AND (UpID = 38) and delflag='0'"; DataTable dt = pageControl.doSql(sql).Tables[0]; if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { string id = dt.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString(); //如果审核通过将上传的预算表单保存到项目的目录中 if (null != project_model.BudgetList && !(project_model.BudgetList.ToString().Equals(""))) { setAttachmentsToDocument(user_model.ID, id, project_model.BudgetList.ToString()); } } //选择资金卡 DataSet ds1 = cashmessage_bll.GetList(" ProjectID = " + project_model.ID); DataSet ds2 = card_bll.GetList(" ProjectID = " + project_model.ID); if (RB_CashCardID.Checked == true)//如果选择的是资金卡则设为资金卡的ID; { //如果在资金卡中以前本身就有该项目的。。则要将原来的该项目的资金卡的项目ID设空 if (ds2.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < ds2.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { Model.Cash_Cards card_model1 = new Dianda.Model.Cash_Cards(); BLL.Cash_Cards card_bll1 = new Dianda.BLL.Cash_Cards(); string id = ds2.Tables[0].Rows[i]["ID"].ToString(); card_model1 = card_bll1.GetModel(int.Parse(id)); card_model1.ProjectID = null; card_bll1.Update(card_model1); } } //资金卡ID string cashcardid = DDL_CashCardID.SelectedValue.ToString(); card_model = card_bll.GetModel(int.Parse(cashcardid)); //将资金卡表中的项目ID改成当前项目 card_model.ProjectID = int.Parse(projectid); card_bll.Update(card_model); } else//如果选择的是新建资金卡则设为0,并且需要向cash_message表中加一条记录 { project_model.CashCardID = 0; //如果原来就有记录,则修改 if (ds1.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { //ID string cashid = ds1.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ID"].ToString(); cashmessage_model = cashmessage_bll.GetModel(int.Parse(cashid)); //资金卡初始金额 cashmessage_model.LimitNums = Convert.ToDecimal(TB_LimitNums.Text); //新建备注说明 cashmessage_model.Notes = TB_Notes.Text.ToString(); cashmessage_bll.Update(cashmessage_model); } else { //资金卡名称(暂时写的留空) cashmessage_model.CardName = ""; //持卡人 cashmessage_model.CardholderID = project_model.SendUserID.ToString(); //项目的ID cashmessage_model.ProjectID = project_model.ID; //初始金额 cashmessage_model.LimitNums = Convert.ToDecimal(TB_LimitNums.Text.ToString()); //填写的时间 cashmessage_model.DATETIME = Convert.ToDateTime(DateTime.Now.ToString()); //发出这个消息的用户的ID cashmessage_model.SendUserID = user_model.ID; //备注说明 cashmessage_model.Notes = TB_Notes.Text.ToString(); //是否已经阅读 cashmessage_model.IsRead = 0; //消息的状态 cashmessage_model.Status = 1; Session["Cash_Message_temps"] = cashmessage_model; //向信息表中添加一条新建资金卡的记录 cashmessage_bll.Add(cashmessage_model); } } BLL.Document_Folder bllFolder = new Dianda.BLL.Document_Folder(); List <Model.Document_Folder> folderlist = bllFolder.GetModelList("UpID='38' and Types='public' and ProjectID='" + projectid + "' and delflag='0'"); if (folderlist.Count > 0) { urls = "<a href='/Admin/DocumentManage/manage.aspx?CID=" + folderlist[0].COLUMNSPATH.ToString() + "&tp=1' target='_self' title='预算表单审核:审核时间" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "'>" + project_model.NAMES.ToString() + " 预算表单 " + flag + "</a>"; } else { urls = project_model.NAMES.ToString() + " 预算表单 " + flag; } } else { flag = "审核不通过"; //预算表单的审核状态 project_model.TEMP1 = "2"; urls = project_model.NAMES.ToString() + " 预算表单 " + flag; } project_bll.Update(project_model); //给业务申请者发信息 Model.FaceShowMessage mFaceShowMessage = new Dianda.Model.FaceShowMessage(); BLL.FaceShowMessage bFaceShowMessage = new Dianda.BLL.FaceShowMessage(); mFaceShowMessage.DATETIME = DateTime.Now; mFaceShowMessage.FromTable = "申请情况"; mFaceShowMessage.IsRead = 0; mFaceShowMessage.NewsID = null; mFaceShowMessage.NewsType = "申请情况"; mFaceShowMessage.ReadTime = null; mFaceShowMessage.DELFLAG = 0; mFaceShowMessage.ProjectID = project_model.ID; mFaceShowMessage.Receive = project_model.SendUserID.ToString();//当前项目的创建人的ID mFaceShowMessage.URLS = urls; //mFaceShowMessage.URLS = "<a href='/Admin/budgetManage/manage.aspx?role=manager&Status=" + project_model.TEMP1 + "' target='_self' title='预算表单审核:审核时间" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "'>" + project_model.NAMES.ToString() + " 预算表单 " + flag + "</a>"; bFaceShowMessage.Add(mFaceShowMessage); //给业务申请者发信息 ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "ok", "<script>alert('操作成功!现在进入列表页面');javascript:location='manage.aspx?pageindex=" + Request["pageindex"] + "&Status=" + Request["Status"] + "&role=manager';</script>", false); //添加操作日志 Dianda.BLL.SYS_LogsExt bsyslog = new Dianda.BLL.SYS_LogsExt(); bsyslog.addlogs(user_model.REALNAME + "(" + user_model.USERNAME + ")", "预算管理", project_model.NAMES + " 预约表单" + flag); //添加操作日志 } catch { } }
/// <summary> /// 按部门将所有的用户呈现,并且将已经选择的用户selectUser在列表上显示出来 /// </summary> /// <param name="selectUser"></param> public void showDepartment(string projectId) { try { //获取到部门ID mProjects = bProjects.GetModel(int.Parse(projectId)); //通过方法 用逗号把部门ID分开 string strdepartmentId = commonId.makeSqlIn(mProjects.DepartmentID, ','); //查询出部门中status =1 并且delflag=0 的用户 string sql = "SELECT * FROM vProject_UserList WHERE (DELFLAG = '0') and status='1'and ProjectID='" + projectId + "' ORDER BY DepartMentID"; DataTable dt1 = pagedosql.doSql(sql).Tables[0]; if (dt1.Rows.Count > 0) { Label_tongji.Text = "此项目中共有参与人员 " + dt1.Rows.Count.ToString() + " 人"; } else { Label_tongji.Text = "此项目中没有参与人员"; } //通过部门ID 查看部门里有多少人员 string[] strdepartmentId_arr = mProjects.DepartmentID.Split(','); string strsql = ""; for (int i = 0; i < strdepartmentId_arr.Length; i++) { if (strsql == "") { strsql = "select id,realName,userName,'" + strdepartmentId_arr[i] + "' departmentid from USER_Users where departmentid like '%" + strdepartmentId_arr[i] + "%'"; } else { strsql += " union select id,realName,userName,'" + strdepartmentId_arr[i] + "'departmentid from USER_Users where departmentid like '%" + strdepartmentId_arr[i] + "%'"; } } //string strsql = "select id,realName,userName,departmentid from USER_Users where departmentid in " + strdepartmentId; DataTable dt = pagedosql.doSql(strsql).Tables[0]; Session["temp_UserAllUser_session"] = dt; Session["temp_SelectUser_session"] = dt1; //查询出传进来的部门ID DataTable dt2 = new DataTable(); dt2 = bug.GetList(" TAGS='部门' and DELFLAG='0' and id in " + common.SafeString(strdepartmentId) + " order by ISMOREN").Tables[0]; if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { GridView_grouplist.DataSource = dt2; GridView_grouplist.DataBind(); GridView_grouplist.Visible = true; } else { GridView_grouplist.Visible = false; } } catch { } }
/// <summary> ///点击确定按钮触发的事件 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void Button_sumbit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string NAME = this.txtNAME.Text;//获取到用户名 mNews_News = new Dianda.Model.News_News(); mNews_News = bNews_News.GetModel(Int32.Parse(Request["id"])); mNews_News.NAME = txtNAME.Text; //mNews_News.PARENTID = Int32.Parse(ddlPARENTID.SelectedValue); mNews_News.DATETIME = DateTime.Now; mNews_News.CONTENTS = this.hid.Value; // mNews_News.TYPE = 0; mNews_News.KEYWORD = txtNAME.Text; mNews_News.WRITER = ((Model.USER_Users)Session["USER_Users"]).USERNAME; //mNews_News.FILEUP = "";//上传附件/AllFileUp/admin/news/目录下 mNews_News.UPTOP = 0; mNews_News.DELFLAG = 0; mNews_News.ISPASS = 0;//是否通过审核(默认0,1表示通过审核,2表示审核不通过)添加新闻时,需要根据选择栏目的审核设定进行赋值 mNews_News.LimitsChoose = Int32.Parse(this.rblLimitsChoose.SelectedValue); bNews_News.Update(mNews_News); string strSQL = "DELETE FROM News_LimitUser WHERE NewsID=" + common.cleanXSS(Request["id"]); pageControl.doSql(strSQL); string NEWS = ""; if (Request["PARENTID"] == "3") { NEWS = "部门消息"; } else if (Request["PARENTID"] == "4") { NEWS = "个人消息"; } else if (Request["PARENTID"] == "5") { NEWS = "通知公告"; } // 添加News_LimitUser ArrayList arrUserID = UserManage1.getSelectUser(); // 清除旧信息 string strSQL2 = "Update FaceShowMessage set Delflag=1 Where NewsType='" + common.SafeString(NEWS) + "' and URLS like '%id=" + common.cleanXSS(Request["id"]) + "''%'"; pageControl.doSql(strSQL2); if (arrUserID.Count > 0) { for (int k = 0; k < arrUserID.Count; k++) { mNews_LimitUser = new Dianda.Model.News_LimitUser(); mNews_LimitUser.ID = bNews_LimitUser.GetMaxId(); mNews_LimitUser.UserID = arrUserID[k].ToString(); mNews_LimitUser.NewsID = Int32.Parse(Request["id"]); mNews_LimitUser.IsRead = 0; bNews_LimitUser.Add(mNews_LimitUser); /*给业务申请者发信息*/ Model.FaceShowMessage mFaceShowMessage = new Dianda.Model.FaceShowMessage(); BLL.FaceShowMessage bFaceShowMessage = new Dianda.BLL.FaceShowMessage(); mFaceShowMessage.DATETIME = DateTime.Now; mFaceShowMessage.FromTable = NEWS; mFaceShowMessage.IsRead = 0; mFaceShowMessage.NewsID = null; mFaceShowMessage.NewsType = NEWS; mFaceShowMessage.ReadTime = null; mFaceShowMessage.Receive = arrUserID[k].ToString(); mFaceShowMessage.DELFLAG = 0; //mFaceShowMessage.URLS = ((Model.USER_Users)Session["USER_Users"]).REALNAME + "(" + ((Model.USER_Users)Session["USER_Users"]).USERNAME.ToString() + ")给您发送了[" + NEWS + "]!<a href='/Admin/newsManage/OAnews/show.aspx?id=" + intMaxID + "' target='_self' rel='gb_page_center[726,400]' title='查看详细'>点击查看</a>"; mFaceShowMessage.URLS = "<a href=\"javascript:window.showModalDialog('/Admin/newsManage/OAnews/show.aspx?id=" + Request["id"] + "','','dialogWidth=726px;dialogHeight=400px');\" target='_self' title='发布时间:" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "'>" + NEWS + ":" + NAME + "</a> (" + ((Model.USER_Users)Session["USER_Users"]).REALNAME.ToString() + ")"; bFaceShowMessage.Add(mFaceShowMessage); /*给业务申请者发信息*/ } } //tag.Text = "操作成功!"; string coutws = "<script language=\"javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\">alert(\"操作成功!现在进入列表页面\"); location.href = \"manage.aspx?PARENTID=" + Request["PARENTID"] + "&pageindex=" + Request["pageindex"] + "&status=" + Request["status"] + "\";</script>"; Response.Write(coutws); //添加操作日志 Dianda.BLL.SYS_LogsExt bsyslog = new Dianda.BLL.SYS_LogsExt(); Model.USER_Users user_model = (Model.USER_Users)Session["USER_Users"]; bsyslog.addlogs(((Model.USER_Users)Session["USER_Users"]).REALNAME + "(" + ((Model.USER_Users)Session["USER_Users"]).USERNAME + ")", "添加新闻", "添加成功"); //添加操作日志 } catch { tag.Text = "操作失败,请重试!"; } }
private void BindData(string id) { DataTable DT = new DataTable(); string strSQL = "Select * From vCash_Apply_History Where CashCertificateID=" + common.SafeString(id); DT = pageControl.doSql(strSQL).Tables[0]; if (DT.Rows.Count > 0) { RowChangeCell(DT); LB_MSG.Text = ""; } else { GridView1.Visible = false; notice.Text = "该资金卡暂无记帐的操作记录!"; } }