public clsObject() { // 일단은 기본값 초기화.. for (int i = 0; i < COLUMN_NAME.Length; i++) { COLUMNS.Add(COLUMN_NAME[i], ""); } for (int i = 0; i < FIXED_COLUMN_NAME.Length; i++) { FIXED_COLUMNS.Add(FIXED_COLUMN_NAME[i]); } }
private Label buildRow(Object data, COLUMNS column, int row, Color color, FontWeight weight) { Label label = new Label(); label.Content = data; label.FontSize = 8; label.FontWeight = weight; label.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black); label.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top; Grid.SetRow(label, (int)row); Grid.SetColumn(label, (int)column); return(label); }
private Label BuildPlayerInfoRow(String data, COLUMNS column, int row, Color color) { Label label = new Label(); label.Content = data; label.FontSize = 8; label.FontWeight = FontWeights.Normal; label.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(color); label.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top; Grid.SetRow(label, (int)row); Grid.SetColumn(label, (int)column); return(label); }
private static Column ParseColumn(Table table, COLUMNS dbColumns) { var column = new Column(); column.Table = table; column.DbName = dbColumns.COLUMN_NAME; column.DbType = dbColumns.DATA_TYPE; column.Nullable = dbColumns.IS_NULLABLE == "YES"; column.Length = dbColumns.CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH; column.PrimaryKey = dbColumns.COLUMN_KEY == "PRI"; var property = new Property(); property.CsTypeName = ParseCsType(column.DbType); property.CsNullable = column.Nullable && IsCsTypeNullable(property.CsTypeName); column.ValueProperty = property; return(column); }
private static Column ParseColumn(TableMetadata table, COLUMNS dbColumns) { var column = new Column(); column.Table = table; column.DbName = dbColumns.COLUMN_NAME; column.DbType = dbColumns.DATA_TYPE; column.Nullable = dbColumns.IS_NULLABLE == "YES"; column.Length = dbColumns.CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH; column.PrimaryKey = dbColumns.COLUMN_KEY == "PRI"; column.AutoIncrement = dbColumns.EXTRA.Contains("auto_increment"); column.Signed = dbColumns.COLUMN_TYPE.Contains("unsigned") ? false : null; var property = new Property(); property.CsTypeName = ParseCsType(column.DbType); property.CsNullable = column.Nullable && IsCsTypeNullable(property.CsTypeName); column.ValueProperty = property; return(column); }
public string GetTable() { Content_Type = "text/html"; string CurrentPage = Request["CurrentPage"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(CurrentPage)) { CurrentPage = "0"; } //当前页码 int SAO_CURRENT_PAGE = Convert.ToInt32(CurrentPage); //每页条数 int SAO_PAGE_SIZE = 20; //1通过code 查询配置表 //构造sql语句 //查询记录条数 //按照分页查询语句查出打datatable //配置SogTable 生成html返回 //配置Sogpages 生成html返回 StringBuilder strsql = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder str_count = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder str_column = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder str_where = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder str_order = new StringBuilder(); List <SqlParameter> list_para = new List <SqlParameter>(); StringBuilder SogTextSQL = new StringBuilder(); foreach (SYS_COLUMNS c in COLUMNS_SEARCH) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.SC_CONTROL_DATA)) { string value = Request[c.SC_COLUMN_NAME]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) { str_where.Append(" and " + c.SC_COLUMN_NAME + "=@" + c.SC_COLUMN_NAME + " "); list_para.Add(new SqlParameter("@" + c.SC_COLUMN_NAME, Request[c.SC_COLUMN_NAME])); } } else { string value = Request["SogText"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) { if (SogTextSQL.Length == 0) { SogTextSQL.Append(" " + c.SC_COLUMN_NAME + " like @" + c.SC_COLUMN_NAME + " "); } else { SogTextSQL.Append("or " + c.SC_COLUMN_NAME + " like @" + c.SC_COLUMN_NAME + " "); } list_para.Add(new SqlParameter("@" + c.SC_COLUMN_NAME, "%" + Request["SogText"] + "%")); } } } //and (a like @a or b like @b) if (SogTextSQL.Length != 0) { str_where.Append(" and (" + SogTextSQL + ")"); } string session_other_sql = Session["OtherSQL" + SO_ID.ToString()].ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(session_other_sql)) { List <SqlParameter> session_other_para = (List <SqlParameter>)Session["list_para" + SO_ID.ToString()]; str_where.Append(session_other_sql); list_para.AddRange(session_other_para); } Dictionary <string, string> ht_order_search = (Dictionary <string, string>)Session["OtherSearch" + SO_ID.ToString()]; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> item in ht_order_search) { string value = Request[item.Key]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) { str_where.Append(" " + item.Value + " "); list_para.Add(new SqlParameter("@" + item.Key, value)); } } string session_other_order = Session["OtherOrder" + SO_ID.ToString()].ToString(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(session_other_order)) { str_order.Append("order by " + OBJECT.SO_TABLE_KEY + " desc"); } else { str_order.Append(session_other_order); } str_count.Append("select " + "count(1)" + " from " + OBJECT.SO_TABLE_NAME_SEARCH + " where 1=1 " + str_where); SqlConnection cn_count = comm_fun.get_cn(); string count = "0"; try { count = comm_fun.ExecuteScalar(str_count.ToString(), cn_count, list_para); } catch (Exception ex) { comm_fun.WriteLog(ex.ToString()); count = "0"; } finally { comm_fun.CloseConnection(cn_count); } str_column.Append(OBJECT.SO_TABLE_KEY); foreach (SYS_COLUMNS c in COLUMNS_TABLE) { //str_column.Append("," + item.SC_COLUMN_NAME); if (c.SC_CONTROL_TYPE == "SogDate") { str_column.Append("," + "dbo.fn_convert_date(" + c.SC_COLUMN_NAME + ") as " + c.SC_COLUMN_NAME); } else if (c.SC_CONTROL_TYPE == "SogDateTime") { str_column.Append("," + "dbo.fn_convert_datetime(" + c.SC_COLUMN_NAME + ") as " + c.SC_COLUMN_NAME); } else { str_column.Append("," + c.SC_COLUMN_NAME); } } strsql.Append("select top " + SAO_PAGE_SIZE + " " + str_column.ToString() + " from " + OBJECT.SO_TABLE_NAME_SEARCH + " where 1=1"); strsql.Append(" and " + OBJECT.SO_TABLE_KEY + " not in (select top " + (SAO_CURRENT_PAGE * SAO_PAGE_SIZE).ToString() + " " + OBJECT.SO_TABLE_KEY + " " + " from " + OBJECT.SO_TABLE_NAME_SEARCH + " where 1=1 " + str_where.ToString() + " " + str_order.ToString() + ")" + str_where.ToString() + " " + str_order.ToString()); SqlConnection cn = comm_fun.get_cn(); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); try { dt = comm_fun.GetDatatable(strsql.ToString(), cn, list_para); } catch (Exception ex) { comm_fun.WriteLog(ex.ToString()); } finally { comm_fun.CloseConnection(cn); } for (Int32 i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { List <SYS_COLUMNS> list = COLUMNS.Where(o => string.IsNullOrEmpty(o.SC_CONTROL_DATA) == false).ToList(); foreach (SYS_COLUMNS item in list) { DataRow dr = dt.Rows[i]; dr[item.SC_COLUMN_NAME.ToColumnName()] = GetDataDescription(GetControlData(item.SC_CONTROL_DATA), dr[item.SC_COLUMN_NAME.ToColumnName()].ToString()); } } //文件解析 List <SYS_COLUMNS> list_column_file = COLUMNS_TABLE.Where(o => o.SC_CONTROL_TYPE == "SogFileUpload").ToList(); foreach (SYS_COLUMNS c in list_column_file) { for (Int32 i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { DataRow dr = dt.Rows[i]; dr[c.SC_COLUMN_NAME.ToColumnName()] = GetFileDescription(dr[c.SC_COLUMN_NAME.ToColumnName()].ToString()); } } //文件夹解析 List <SYS_COLUMNS> list_column_folder = COLUMNS_TABLE.Where(o => o.SC_CONTROL_TYPE == "SogFolderUpload").ToList(); foreach (SYS_COLUMNS c in list_column_folder) { for (Int32 i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { DataRow dr = dt.Rows[i]; dr[c.SC_COLUMN_NAME.ToColumnName()] = GetFolderDescription(dr[c.SC_COLUMN_NAME.ToColumnName()].ToString()); } } //日期控件解析 //List<SYS_COLUMNS> list_column_date = COLUMNS_TABLE.Where(o => o.SC_CONTROL_TYPE == "SogDate").ToList(); //foreach (SYS_COLUMNS c in list_column_date) //{ // dt.Columns.Add(c.SC_COLUMN_NAME.ToColumnName() + "_desc"); // for (Int32 i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) // { // DataRow dr = dt.Rows[i]; // dr[c.SC_COLUMN_NAME.ToColumnName() + "_desc"] = GetDate(dr[c.SC_COLUMN_NAME.ToColumnName()].ToString()); // } //} SogTable tb = new SogTable(); tb.Buttons = GSYS.GetButton(SO_ID); tb.DataSource = dt; tb.KeyField = OBJECT.SO_TABLE_KEY; tb.HasCheck = true; foreach (SYS_COLUMNS item in COLUMNS_TABLE) { //if (item.SC_CONTROL_TYPE == "SogDate") //{ // tb.Add(item.SC_COLUMN_NAME.ToColumnName() + "_desc", item.SC_COLUMN_DESC, "", item.SC_TABLE_CLASS); //} //else //{ // tb.Add(item.SC_COLUMN_NAME.ToColumnName(), item.SC_COLUMN_DESC, "", item.SC_TABLE_CLASS); //} tb.Add(item.SC_COLUMN_NAME.ToColumnName(), item.SC_COLUMN_DESC, "", item.SC_TABLE_CLASS); } SogPages p = new SogPages(); p.TotalPage = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling(Convert.ToDouble(count) / Convert.ToDouble(SAO_PAGE_SIZE))); p.CurrentPage = SAO_CURRENT_PAGE; return(tb.ToHtml() + p.ToHtml()); }